• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 784 Views, 43 Comments

A New Life - Tomo-Domo

After the undead were defeated, how will Violet cope with these new enemies, her memories? She has a new family, but will it work? NOTE: This story is a sequel to my first fic : The Beginning of The End. If you havent read it yet, you should.

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The Truth Comes Out

"Yes, I'm pregnant." Pinkie said, disappointed for not telling us sooner.
"How long have you been pregnant?" I asked her, hoping it hasn't been long.
"It's been two months, I found out two months ago." Pinkie went on, saying exactly what I didn't want to hear.
"Wait, two months, that was still during the undead! Are you telling me that you kept this a secret for this long?" I was starting to get angry with her.
"Well, yes, but we were afraid you would've acted like this." She repeated our earlier words.
"I'm not angry about you being pregnant, I'm angry at you for not telling us." I told them.
"So, you're not angry for Pinkie being pregnant?" My brother interrupted.
"Of course not, how can I be mad at something so wonderful?" I stood up and hugged them both. "Just promise us something?"
"Of course! You're my sister." My brother said to me.
"Okay, promise me we won't keep secrets from each other unless absolutely necessary."
"We both promise." They said in unison.
"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie promised in her usual manner.
"Good, so what next?" I asked, not to anypony in particular.
"Well, me and Pinkie should head back now, need to get ready for whatever happens next." My brother said to me and Twilight.
"Okay then, it was nice seeing you again, bye." I shouted to them after they left.
After they were out of earshot, I turned to Twilight, "Well, saw that coming, what next?"
"It's getting late, I'm going to bed, make sure the girls go to sleep, too, you know them." She said, walking back to our room.
I looked out the window, indeed, the sun was already below the horizon and the moon was in the sky. I walked up to Scootaloo's room when I heard conversation again. Still not able to make it out, I placed my ear against the door.
"Hey, Scoot, do you think we will ever learn how to use these things?" Sweetie Belle asked her, clearly struggling with something.
"Like mom said, it takes time. We'll get it, just wait." She answered her.
Not waiting for the conversation to end, I knocked on the door.
"Come in." I heard Scootaloo say from the other side.
I entered to find the girls trying to use their bows, still not able to use them entirely.
"Sorry, girls, but Twilight said it's time for bed." I said to them, earning groans of protest.
"Can't we stay up for a few more minutes?" Scootaloo asked futility.
"Sorry, girls, but she wants everypony in bed, hey, I don't want do go to bed either, but I have to listen to her."
"Okay, Violet, we'll go to bed." Scootaloo said, laying down in her bed, the others doing the same.
"Goodnight, girls." I said to them.
"Goodnight, Violet." They said back.
I exited the room and headed back to Twilight's room when Scootaloo stopped me. "Mom,"
"What is it, sweetie?" I asked, worried.
"Can I ask you something?" She asked me, looking around to be sure nopony was around.
"Anything, sweetie."
"Well, mom, what would you say if I had a crush on somepony?" She asked, blushing a bit.
"I would be happy that my little filly has a crush, so, do you really?"
"Um, kinda. Just don't know how you'd react if I told you who." She said, awkwardly shuffling her hooves.
"Scootaloo, I wouldn't judge you, look at me and your mother, we're mares, and still happy. Just tell me who the lucky pony is."
"Okay, the pony I have a crush on is, well... It's..." She trailed off on the last part with barely a mumble.
"Come on, you don't have to hide it." I pressured her to go on.
"It's... Well, it's..." She motioned for me to move closer. "It's Sweetie Belle, I have a crush on Sweetie Belle."
"I... didn't know that," I said, surprised. "Are you planning to tell her?"
"I want to, but I don't know how. Mom, I don't know what to do."
"It's alright, just take her alone with you somewhere quiet, and romantic, but not too romantic. Then just let out all your feelings for her, if she feels the same way, she'll accept it, if not, then she won't. Simple as that. It's exactly what I told your uncle, and look at him now."
"So that's it?" She said, dumbfounded, "Just tell her how I feel?"
"Yes, just make sure you're alone. Otherwise somepony else could mess up your chances."
"Thanks mom, I'll let you know how it goes, but I'm going to bed, I'm tired." She said in a yawn.
"Okay," I said patting her shoulder. "Get to bed."
"Goodnight, mom." She said, turning back to her room.
"Goodnight, Scootaloo." I said back to her. I had a strange feeling in my chest, it felt nice to help my daughter through her problems, but her first crush, this was something different.
I walked back to our room and layed next to Twilight, ready for bed, she was reading a book when I came in.
"Did you put the girls to bed?" She asked me, setting down her book.
"Taken care of." I said laying next to her, enjoying the warmth that radiated from my love's body.
"Any problems?" She asked me, cuddling next to me.
"Nope, but I have good news." I said, kissing Twilight's cheek.
"Yeah? And what would that be?" She asked, curious, she started stroking my mane.
"Our little filly has a crush." I said, winking.
"She does? Who's the lucky pony?" She asked, eager to know the answer.
"It's," I leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "Sweetie Belle, she has a crush on Sweetie Belle."
"Wow, did you give her any advice?"
"Yes, she's going to confess to her."
"That's good, let's get to bed." She said, planting a small kiss on my lips, I kissed back, welcoming the feeling of her warmth.
"Okay," I said, breaking the kiss, "goodnight, Twilight."
"Goodnight, Violet."
"Love you, Twilight."
"Love you too, Violet."
We held each other, gazing into each other's eyes, we leaned in for one last kiss. I still remember our first kiss, it was under different circumstances, and they were being attacked, but it was one of the most powerful kisses they've shared, the strongest being the final battle against the undead. We broke the kiss and instead snuggled closer to each other, wanting to get as close as possible to each other.
I closed my eyes to sleep. When I opened them, I was in a large room, it was the main living area of our house, and it was surrounded by a green flame. The creature from my last nightmare was standing in front of me, holding Twilight and Scootaloo above the flames with a tentacle that came from its back.
"Put them down, or so help me, you will die."
It let out an evil chuckle and set my family down, approaching me, it's glowing green mane flowing like the flames in the room. It's red eyes narrowed.
"You cannot kill me, young pony. I am the strongest evil Equestria will ever see, even stronger than Discord himself. And don't think your precious little Elements of Harmony can stop me either. Everypony you have cared for will die, and your world will burn, along with you." It's voice had a deep tone to it, and it sounded like a growl.
"No, I will stand up to you, and defeat you, or die trying."
It let out an evil maniacal laugh. "Oh, well then prepare to die a horrible death, along with your family."
It turned back and grabbed my family and held them over the flames. "I can see the fear in your eyes, but tell me, are you more afraid for your family, or me."
"Put them down, please." I demanded, beginning to feel tears stream down my cheeks.
"Answer my question!" It shouted.
"My family, I'm more afraid for my family. Please put them down."
"You ARE afraid of what I can do, and you are powerless to stop me," it continued to hold them over the flame. "Good." And it dropped them right into the flames. I dashed for them, but was slapped out of the way by another tentacle, sending me into the wall.
"No, you will watch them burn, and all of Equestria will suffer the same fate. ALL OF EQUESTRIA WILL BURN, " it brought me closer and whispered in my ear, "starting with you and your precious family."
"Your love for them is strong, even stronger than I expected," it showed a large grin. "All the reason to kill them first. And make you watch as they suffer."
I sat up in my bed, tears in my eyes, panting.
"Violet, are you okay?" Twilight asked, seeing my current state.
I held her as tight as I possibly could, glad she was still safe.
"I'm, sorry, Twilight, another nightmare."
"Same thing as last time?" She asked.
"Same creature, but worse," I said, then described what just happened.
"It's okay, Violet. We're here, "She was hugging me as well, stroking my mane. "We're safe. Everything's fine."

Author's Note:

Violet's second nightmare. Any ideas for a name of the monster, I can't think of one. Let me know what you think. And if anypony is wondering, the others from my first story will come back in later chapters. But if you think of a name for the new monster, let me know.