• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 784 Views, 43 Comments

A New Life - Tomo-Domo

After the undead were defeated, how will Violet cope with these new enemies, her memories? She has a new family, but will it work? NOTE: This story is a sequel to my first fic : The Beginning of The End. If you havent read it yet, you should.

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The Attempted Resurrection

"VIOLET, NO!" I screamed when I saw Violet as she was impaled with Fear's tentacle. I began to feel my eyes fill with tears.
I had to get everypony out of here before Fear had a chance to kill anypony else.
I began to charge all my energy into my horn. I felt my spell begin to take effect, and, with a flash, we were all gone. We appeared back at the bakery a moment later.
"Twilight? What happened?" Asked Applejack, "Where's Violet?"
I couldn't hold in my tears anymore. I just grabbed Applejack and hugged her, crying into her shoulder. I turned around and walked up to Violet's body. She died trying to protect all of us, and I couldn't save her.
"She's dead, Applejack. That... thing, killed my wife." I continued to cry as I leaned over Violet.
Everypony else must have heard my crying, because they all walked into the room, and, seeing Violet on the ground, began to cry. The pony who led us through the attack of the undead, stopped Fear the first time, the pony who put the safety of others above her own, was dead.
I leaned closer to Violet and, knowing she couldn't hear me anyway, whispered, "I'm sorry, Violet. I tried to help everypony, but you died. Everypony else is safe now. But, we didn't stop Fear."
"Twilight." I heard a small whisper in my ear, but when I turned, nopony was there. "I know you tried. I tried too. Just stop Fear, keep Scootaloo safe, and protect our friends. I love you, Twilight."
I gasped at the realization of who just spoke to me. Violet was here, with me.
"Are you alright, sugarcube?" Applejack asked me.
"I think we can save Violet. The Elements, they should be able to bring her back to life." I explained.
"Are you sure that'll work, Twi? I mean, the Elements have done many things, but I'm not sure about this."
"I know it will. How's Rainbow Dash?"
"Well enough to do this."
"Good, bring them all here."
"On it."
The rest of the Element bearers came into the room wearing their Elements. When Rainbow Dash saw Violet, she began to tear up.
"No, not Violet. She was my best friend, why did this happen?"
"Violet? Twilight, she's not... is she?" Fluttershy asked, already crying.
"I'm afraid so, Fluttershy." I answered, still, leaning over Violet. "Girls, we need to use the Elements to bring Violet back to life."
"If you think it'll work, then we will." Rainbow Dash said, gathering the others into a circle around Violet.
I joined the circle with the others. Everypony else was still crying. The only two ponies in our attack group who were awake was Emerald and Sherbert, and I could see tears rolling down both of their cheeks. When Emerald saw me looking at him, though, he looked away.
"Okay girls." I told the rest. The Elements began to glow as we all focused our power into Violet.
I began to smile when I saw her chest begin to heal. She was going to come back.
When her chest was completely healed, she fell to the ground. I ran up to her. Her eyes were still closed, so I leaned over her chest. There was no heartbeat or breathing. I looked at her face and saw no sign of life.
"Violet?" I asked, hoping desperately for an answer. "Please, come back to me, to us."
I continued to lean on her chest, hoping that she was going to come back, when I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I looked up to see Applejack.
"Sugarcube, I don't think it worked. I'm sorry, Twi."
I began to cry into Violet's chest, wishing she could come back.
Suddenly, I felt a small thump in Violet's chest. I looked up and saw her hoof twitch. I saw her eyes slowly open, revealing her beautiful eyes. She was back.
"Twilight? What happened." She asked.
"We saved you, Violet." I grabbed her and hugged her tightly, crying into her shoulder.
She returned my hug by wrapping her hooves around my neck and squeezing.
"Thank you, Twilight. Did we stop Fear?" She asked.
As if in answer, we heard a loud crash outside, followed by flames outside the windows.
"Twilight, get the Elements and everypony well enough to fight. We will end this once and for all." Violet vowed, standing up.

Author's Note:

It may be a while until the next chapter is out. I want to make is as good as possible.