• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 784 Views, 43 Comments

A New Life - Tomo-Domo

After the undead were defeated, how will Violet cope with these new enemies, her memories? She has a new family, but will it work? NOTE: This story is a sequel to my first fic : The Beginning of The End. If you havent read it yet, you should.

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The Unexpected Truth

I decided to take Night Star out to a restaurant to catch up on what we missed since the last time we saw each other. We walked into the restaurant and chose a booth in a corner with hardly any ponies around. We started up a small conversation.
"So, how have you been since the last time we saw each other?" I asked him after we got situated in the booth.
"Well, not much. I mean we haven't seen each other since you moved here. But all I can really say is that things have been quite difficult for me." He answered, lowering his head at the end of his sentence.
"What happened?" I asked, giving him a concerned look.
"Well, after you moved, I met a nice mare, and we soon started dating. But she told me she found a job and moved. We still keep in touch. But I haven't seen her in a long time. How I miss her."
"It's okay cousin, I'm sure you two will see each other again soon." I tried to comfort him.
"You really think we'll see each other soon?" He asked, cleaning his tears with a hoof.
"Sooner than you think, Night Star." A voice came from a young unicorn mare who was waiting patiently for us.
Night Star looked up at said mare and his eyes flew wide open in a mixture of surprise and happiness. He stood up and grabbed the young unicorn and hugged her tightly. She returned the hug, both of them beginning to shed tears, causing other ponies to cast glances at the commotion.
"Oh, Sunshine Daisy, I've missed you for so long." Night Star said, still crying from seeing his love for the first time in probably years.
"I've missed you too Night Star." She cast a glance at me. "Who's this, Night Star?" She asked.
"Oh, Daisy, this is my cousin, Violet. Violet, this is my marefriend, Sunshine Daisy."
"Pleased to meet you, Violet." She said, extending a hoof.
I shook it in return. "Pleasure meeting you as well, Sunshine Daisy."
She then turned to Night Star. "So how's Emerald?"
He sighed. "Not good, he's changed a lot."
She sat next to him in the booth. "How much?"
"He's shy and timid now. He doesn't talk to anypony anymore. He barely talks to me anymore."
"Do you think he is still upset about the break up?"
"It has to be the only reason. He hasn't even smiled since then."
Daisy let out a sigh. "Well, I don't suppose we will have to go talk to him?"
"Yeah, I don't know if it'll work, but we can at least try to make him feel better."
Daisy then stood up and kissed Night Star gently on his cheek, then turned to me. "Pleasure meeting you again, Violet, but I have to go."
"Okay, pleasure meeting you as well, goodbye."
And with that, she left. I then turned to face my cousin. "So Emerald wasn't always shy and timid?"
"No, he was once a very energetic and happy pony. Possibly even as energetic as Pinkie Pie. But soon after the second semester of seventh grade started, he changed. He was even more energetic than before. He would always go on and on about how awesome life was and about how happy he was. I decided that I was going to get to the bottom of it. I asked Daisy to help too. We both followed him around after school one day and found him with a mare. We didn't think much of it, I mean, we all have friends, right? Anyway, we watched them talk for a while before they noticed that nopony was around. Neither of them noticed us. When they were alone, they talked a bit more and leaned in and kissed. That's when we knew the reason behind his sudden change of behavior. He had a marefriend all along, and didn't tell us. But the funny thing is that, he and I were best friends, and Daisy and Emerald's marefriend were best friends. So it kind of had a sense of irony."
"I don't understand. You say he was happy, but how did he become shy and timid like he is now?"
"It was toward the end of the school year. Emerald was his usual, over energetic self. But after school one day, he came up to me bawling his eyes out. He looked like he was in the worst pain possible. When I asked him what was wrong, he simply told me she broke up with him for another stallion. He was devastated, I tried to comfort him as much as I could, but he had already changed. He came to school the next day wearing dark black sunglasses. When I asked him why he was wearing them, he simply said that they were to hide his pain from the outside world. He completely switched on us. He was such a great guy, but that mare broke my best friends heart! He was happy! Why would somepony do that to him?"
"Well, that explains the sunglasses, but do you know who the mare was?"
"Somepony named Crescent Moon." He answered.
"Have you ever talked to him about it?"
"I've tried. But whenever I try to look him in the eye, he turns away, or refuses to take of his sunglasses."
"What color are his eyes?" I asked not knowing why.
"Nopony truly knows. The only pony who knows is Crescent Moon, and she never told anypony."
"What about when he's not wearing his sunglasses?"
"He always wore colored contact lenses when he didn't wear his sunglasses."
"I hope one day he will move on."
"One day, maybe, but not today."

Author's Note:

This chapter is actually a true life story about me. Emerald being me, and Crescent Moon being my ex girlfriend. Night Star represents my best friend and Sunshine Daisy represents his girlfriend. All of this is a true story. I will write an entire fic with Emerald and Crescent Moon showing exactly what happened after I finish this fic first.