• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 784 Views, 43 Comments

A New Life - Tomo-Domo

After the undead were defeated, how will Violet cope with these new enemies, her memories? She has a new family, but will it work? NOTE: This story is a sequel to my first fic : The Beginning of The End. If you havent read it yet, you should.

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Once I woke up, my leg felt a lot better, it didn't hurt as much as before, but it still stung a bit. My wing also felt much better, although it was still painful to move it much. I looked over to the side of the bed, only to find Fluttershy and Twilight sitting beside the bed, watching me as I woke up.
"Hey guys, what's up?" I greeted, tired.
"Good morning, Violet. I redid your bandages for you if housing mind." Fluttershy said, pointing to the new bandages.
"Thank you, Fluttershy, it feels much better." I responded, flexing my wing.
"You're very much welcome, Violet. I just thought that I'd fix up your bandages while you were asleep. I hope you don't mind."
"Not at all, Fluttershy, it was very nice of you," I turned to Twilight, "where are the rest?"
"They're downstairs fixing the hole in the wall. They're almost done with it if you want to see it."
"Sure, just give me a moment." I slowly got off of the bed, putting a bit of weight on my leg. It didn't hurt too much, but it wasn't completely gone. I took a few steps, the pain was less noticeable, I'd be able to walk around.
We all went downstairs, me first, and Twilight and Fluttershy behind me. When e entered the main living area, I saw everypony helping out to rebuild the wall. They had already patched the wall up, and were already painting over it.
"I can't thank you enough, everypony, you all helped regardless of the circumstances. You all are the best friends anypony could ever have, and all I'll ever need." I said to them after they finished.
"No problem, Violet, so how are we going to prepare for this? Do we need anything important to get for this situation?" Rainbow Dash asked, approaching me slowly.
"Well, we need weapons, he did seem weak when you cut certain limbs off of him." I said, remembering the first fight.
"Okay, so swords? Do you even know if everypony even knows how to use one?"
"I don't know, but I'll teach the ones that don't, I have quite a bit of experience with sword fighting, so it shouldn't be too hard."
"Sounds like a plan, anything else we need?" She asked, hovering above me.
"Hm, now that I think about it... we could use more ponies, do you know anypony who would be willing to help us?"
"Please, I know a lot of ponies who would be more than happy to help out."
"Great, do you think you can recruit them? We need all the help we can get."
"No problem." She said, saluting and flying out the door.
"How's everypony, Applejack?" I asked, approaching said mare.
She looked up from her map of the Everfree Forest, "Oh, howdy, Violet, everypony's doing great. Just a bit tired from all the hard work."
"Well, they all deserve some rest. Can you see to it, Applejack?"
"No problem, Violet. After all, what are friends for?" She said, tipping her hat.
"Thanks so much, Applejack, I'd do it myself, but I've been busy with my wing. My leg is fine, but my wing is still bad."
"No problem, just don't hurt yourself again, we need you."
"Don't worry, I won't. if you don't mind, Applejack, I need to check on the others."
"No problem, Violet, I was just checking out the map for anywhere useful."
"Cool, let me know if you find anyplace useful."
I walked over in the direction of the voices of the rest of the group. When I found them, they were just chatting about what was coming up.
"So guys, do you believe, Violet? Or is she just going crazy." I heard Techno ask from where he was sitting. Vinyl, Octavia, Storm, and Sherbert were all sitting with him.
"Hey, come on. My sister wouldn't lie about anything." Sherbert defended me.
"Well, really, she's talking about a monster that doesn't even exist." Storm Chaser challenged.
Octavia interrupted them, "What about Nightmare Moon? She was just a story, but she turned out to be real."
"I agree with Tavi. Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it's fake." Vinyl challenged.
"Well, if you ask me, I think she is just getting us worked up over nothing." Storm said.
"Leave her alone, she is honest, kind, and she would not lie about this. Besides, I've known Violet for a long time, and she's not the kind of pony to lie." Octavia said.
"Yeah, she even saved us from an attack by the undead. Don't you remember?" Vinyl defended Octavia, and I admired her loyalty to her marefriend.
"Yes, and I'll never forget the day I saved my closest friends from that attack." I stepped in, defending my friends.
"How long have you heard?" Techno asked me when he noticed me.
"Long enough. Have any of you seen Pinkie?" I asked them, not wanting to be a part of the argument.
"I think she's in the kitchen. Something about making treats for us." Sherbert answered.
"Thank you, and no more arguing. I don't want to have to deal with more than one hurt pony." I left them with that and left, walking in the direction of the kitchen.
Pinkie was there baking a cake, it was already half covered in pink icing. When she came back to it from grabbing some sprinkles for it, she noticed me standing in the doorway.
"Oh hi, Violet. Just thought I'd bake a cake for everypony. They've worked so hard fixing that wall." She greeted me.
"Hello, Pinkie Pie. The cake looks delicious. You are a great baker, Pinkie."
"Aww, thank you, Violet. I just thought about doing something nice for everypony." She gave me a big smile, and hugged me, which I returned happily.
"You're welcome, Pinkie. So how are you doing?" I asked her.
"I'm doing great! And so is the foal. It's been kicking. Violet, what do you think it will be like when the monster comes back?" She asked with a sudden change in tone.
I put a hoof on her shoulder, "I don't know, but we'll be ready. He won't hurt you on my watch."
"Thank you, Violet." She placed a hoof on her stomach. "Uh, Violet?"
"What's wrong, Pinkie?" I asked concerned.
"I think that the foal's coming." She collapsed on the ground.
Twilight burst in, along with Fluttershy and Sherbert.
"Pinkie? What happened, Violet?" He asked, panicking.
"She said she thought the foal was coming." I explained briefly.
"Fluttershy, prepare the room upstairs, Sherbert and I will get Pinkie Pie." Twilight demanded.
Fluttershy nodded and sprinted out. Twilight and Sherbert lifted Pinkie up with their magic and took her upstairs. I followed behind them quietly.
When we got up to the room, Twilight turned to Sherbert and I, "I think you two should wait out here. Fluttershy and I will take care of this."
"Okay, just take care of her." Sherbert said, disappointed.
"Don't worry, we will." She answered, walking into the room and shutting the door behind her.
"Don't worry brother, she'll be fine." I said, placing my hoof on his shoulder.
"I know, let's wait downstairs." He said, already walking away.
I followed him. He walked over to where the others were. They were curious about what happened. When he explained, they all gasped.
"Well, congratulations, sugarcube. I didn't know about this." Applejack said, happy.
"Yeah, I'm glad to know that." Vinyl congratulated.
"Thanks guys." Sherbert said, and walked over to a corner and sat alone.
Applejack walked up behind me and whispered, "I think you should talk to him. This is rough for him."
I nodded and slowly approached my brother. "Hey, don't worry about it. Twilight and Fluttershy will take care of Pinkie."
"That's not what I'm worried about. I know she'll be fine. It's the foal I'm worried for. What if the thing that attack you comes after us too?"
"Then he'll be dead before he even gets to you." I answered him, comforting him.
"Thanks a lot sis. I know you're right."
We sat in silence for a moment until Rainbow Dash came back. She walked in, looking around at everypony.
"Hey guys, what's up?" She asked, noticing everypony's expressions.
I walked up to her slowly and whispered to her. "Pinkie Pie is having the foal now. Twilight and Fluttershy are taking care of her."
"Okay," she said, trying to be calm about it, "But I brought back some new ponies who are going to help us out."
"Great, where are they?" I asked.
"They're outside, let's go talk to them." She answered, leading me outside.
Outside, there were two pegasi. One was a stallion, he had a grass green coat. His mane was a bright blue color. He had a cutie mark that was a paintbrush. He must be good at art, I assume.
Now the mare, there was something that caught my attention at first glance. Her eyes were off, she had a wall eyed glance. Her eyes would face different directions. Her mane was a pale yellow, and her coat was a bright grey, and her cutie mark was a group of bubbles.
I turned to Rainbow, "Mind introducing us?"
She looked at me, confused. "Oh yeah! Violet, this is Derpy Hooves, and this is Emerald Paintstroke. Guys, this is Violet Arrow, she helped save Equestria."
"Nice to meet you, Violet. Rainbow has told me much about you."
"Nice to meet you both. So, come on in, I need to introduce you to the rest of the team."
When we got back inside, Twilight had came downstairs. When she saw me, she smiled. Things must have gone good, but I had to be sure.
"So, how'd it go?" I asked her.
"Great, she's fine. But there's something else."
"What is it?"
"Instead of a foal, she had twins."
"She did? That's great!"
"She's still upstairs if you want to see her."
"Thank you, Twilight. Rainbow Dash has somepony to introduce." With that, I turned and walked back up the stairs.
Once I walked into the room, I saw Pinkie Pie laying on the bed, holding two little foals. Sherbert was sitting next to the bed, smiling. One foal was orange with a big fluffy pink mane, I could tell it was a colt. He was asleep, so I couldn't see his eyes. The other was awake and full of energy. This one was a filly. She was pink and had a white mane, and she had small wings which were flapping a bit, but the thing that made me tear up was that she had my eyes, and she was even a pegasus.
Sherbert and Pinkie must have noticed me, because they looked up and smiled.
"Do you want to see your niece and nephew, Violet?" Pinkie asked me.
All I could do was smile and nod, walking up to them. I also sat next to the bed, next to my brother.
I looked down at the small foals. The one that I couldn't help but see was the small pegasus. Her eyes were exactly like mine.
"I wonder how she was born a pegasus. All of my relatives were earth ponies. But this little fella is an earth pony, he has his father's coat, and his mother's mane. But she has my coat, but your eyes and is a pegasus."
"Well, our father was a unicorn, and our mother was an earth pony," I explained, "but I was born a pegasus. So I guess it just got passed on to her by my brother."
"Well, this is very wierd, but nice nevertheless."
"Yup, I'm just happy that everything is normal, for now."

Author's Note:

Overdue by a few days. So I tried to make it a better chapter than the others. Any ideas for future chapters?