A New Life

by Tomo-Domo

First published

After the undead were defeated, how will Violet cope with these new enemies, her memories? She has a new family, but will it work? NOTE: This story is a sequel to my first fic : The Beginning of The End. If you havent read it yet, you should.

Violet has been plagued by nightmares, but they feel so familiar. Are they memories? Are they future events that are soon to come? She didn't know if they had anything to do with the undead that they had just defeated. After marrying Twilight, and adopting Scootaloo, She thought everything would be fine. She cares for her new family, and her friends as well, but how can she be there for them if she can't get these dreams off her mind?
Note: This story is a sequel to my first story: The Beginning of The End. So if you haven't read that, I recommend doing so, just to make sense of this storyline.

The First Night

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Screaming, it was the only noise that reached my ears.
"TWILIGHT, SCOOTALOO, WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed, desperately trying to find my family.
The screams continued. Where were they? I had to find them.
I searched the entire house, not knowing where they were, or what to expect if I found them.
I entered the last room, they had to be in here, it's the last place they could be. I opened the door, and nearly broke down on my knees from sadness.
Twilight was on the ground, motionless, Scootaloo standing next to her, crying. The thing that did this was standing above them, ready to kill my daughter as well, I may have adopted her, but I still loved her as my own.
"Get away from her," I said to the creature, it had the shape of a normal pony, but it was larger, possibly twice as large as a full grown stallion. It had a mane that glowed a bright green, and it had red glowing eyes.
It turned on me, leaving Scootaloo and Twilight alone. It approached me, growling and eyes narrowed. It seemed to say something I couldn't comprehend. It lunged at me, and I sat up, panting. It was just a dream.
"What's wrong, Violet?" Twilight asked me, waking up and sitting next to me.
I placed a hoof on my forehead and shook my head, "Sorry, Twilight, just a bad dream. Where's Scootaloo?"
"She's in her room, she's fine. Now tell me what happened." She started to stroke my violet mane, I didn't know where I'd be if something happened to her.
I quickly explained everything that happened in the dream. She looked on in total awe.
"Wow. You don't think that the undead are coming back do you?" She asked me.
"I don't think so, the thing that was in my dream, it was bigger, and it talked, although I didn't understand it. But this thing, is different."
The door slowly opened to reveal Scootaloo, holding her Rainbow Dash plushie. "Are you okay, mom? I heard you wake up and I was worried."
"Come here, sweetie." I said to her, holding out my hoof. She climbed into the bed, lying next to me. "Everything's fine, darling. Just a bad dream. Do you want to sleep here?"
"Yes, I was worried, mom. Are you sure you're okay?" She asked, snuggling next to me.
"Yes, I'm fine, sweetheart. Now let's go back to sleep, I bet you're tired still aren't you?"
She answered with a long yawn. "Yeah, a little." She leaned her head next to me, falling asleep quickly.
"Are you sure you're okay, Violet? I can help you I'm sure." Twilight said, still worried.
"Don't worry, you're all still safe, and that's all that matters to me."
"Okay, but if you ever want to talk more, I'm here."
"Thank you, Twilight."
"You're welcome, Violet." She said, laying back down.
The next morning, I walked downstairs to find Twilight and Scootaloo waiting at the kitchen table.
"Good morning, Violet, glad to see you're awake."
"Good morning, mom. Come have breakfast with us."
"Just a second, darling. I've got a present for you. I've been working on it for a while. Follow me." I said, walking back up the stairs.
Scootaloo followed me up the stairs, excited for whatever it was I was going to give her. We stopped under the entrance for the attic. "Hold on, let me get it." I pulled down the opening, and climbed up the ladder. I returned a few moments later holding a blue box with the Cutie Mark Crusaders symbol on it.
"It's a gift for you and your friends, you should invite them over, I'll give it to all three of you then, but until then," I said, shaking my head, "No peeking at the box."
She jumped on me, hugging me tightly, "Thanks, mom, I'll invite them over now. I'll be back in a couple of hours." She said, putting on her helmet and getting on her scooter.
"Okay, sweetie, be careful. If your not back in two hours, I'm coming after you."
"Okay, mom, I'll be back."
"I love you, Scootaloo."
"Love you, too mom." And with that she sped off.
Twilight came into the room after Scootaloo left. "So what is in that box anyway?"
I gave her a wink, "You'll see."
An hour and a half passed before Scootaloo came back with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. They all had a smile on their faces. "I'm back, mom." She said, taking off her helmet. "And early too."
"Hello, Violet." The other two greeted.
"Hello, girls. I suppose Scootaloo already told you two I have a gift for the three of you?" I asked them, already knowing the answer.
"Yes, she did." Sweetie Belle answered.
"Well," I said, pulling the box out from under the chair. "Here it is," I opened the box and pulled out the first three objects, bows. "These, are yours." I said, handing the yellow bow to Applebloom, the white one to Sweetie Belle, and the orange one to Scootaloo. I pulled the next three from the box, arrows and quivers, the same colors as their bows, and handed them to each filly. "But that's not all." I said, adding suspicion to the fillies. I put the box down and walked over to another box, it was bigger, but had the same design as the other. I brought it back and opened it. I pulled the objects out and held them up, getting a gasp from the three fillies. They were capes, each one showing something unique about them. Scootaloo's had a flaming wheel on it, representing her skills with her scooter. Sweetie Belle's had a musical note on it, representing her beautiful singing voice. And Applebloom's had a hammer and saw on it, representing her skills in building and hardware. Each accepting them gratefully.
They all got up and tackled me to the ground. Thanking me for the gifts.
"Okay, okay, you're all very welcome. But even I can't handle three fillies on me." I said, laughing at their enthusiasm.
They stood up, apologizing. Still thanking me too.
"Hey, mom, can Applebloom and Sweetie Belle sleep over tonight?" Scootaloo asked me.
"Sure they can, and besides," I said, pointing to the bows, "I can teach you how to use those."
"Yay, maybe we can get our cutie marks in archery." Applebloom pointed out.
"Yeah!" They all agreed, sprinting up to Scootaloo's room.
I simply giggled at their enthusiasm about getting their cutie marks.
Twilight walked up behind me and kissed my cheek. "That was very kind and generous of you."
"Yeah, but I just felt like doing something nice for them."
"I think she loves you just for you, just like I do."
I kissed her cheek in return, welcoming the feeling.
"I think I'll go check on the girls, they're waiting for me anyway."

The First Lesson

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As I approached Scootaloo's room, I could hear the fillies talking to each other. Not able to make out most of their conversation, I placed my ear against the door.
"Your mom's the best, Scootaloo, giving us all these nice gifts." I heard Sweetie Belle say.
"I know, she's awesome. She's even fast enough to compete with Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo answered.
"Scootaloo," Applebloom asked, "are Violet and Twilight your real parents?"
"What makes you ask that?" She asked her, dodging the question.
"It's just that you never mentioned your parents until now. I just wasn't sure about it."
Scootaloo let out a sigh, "It's alright, you both have the right to know. Do you remember the time when those crazy ponies were here?" She asked them.
"Yes." They both answered.
"Well, Violet and Twilight aren't my real parents."
"So they adopted you?" Sweetie Belle asked, surprised.
"Yes," she answered. "After the race between mom and Rainbow Dash, she and Twilight asked me if I would join their family, and, well, I did."
"Sorry, Scoot, we didnt know." The other two said.
"Don't worry, it's fine." She said back.
They sat in silence for a few minutes. Knowing the conversation was over, I knocked on the door.
"Come in," Scootaloo responded.
I opened the door and walked in. The fillies were gathered in a circle, sitting awkwardly due to the previous conversation.
"Hello, girls. Would you like to start your first lesson?" I asked them, hoping to make things less awkward for them.
"Uh, sure, yeah were ready." Scootaloo answered, still down from the conversation.
"Well let's go, I've already got stuff set up in the back." I said, leading them down the stairs. They hesitated for a moment, but followed me.
Once we reached the backyard, the fillies gasped in surprise. In a line, there were four targets, one for me, three for the fillies.
"Okay, let's get started. The first thing you need to think about is how to hold the bow. You have to hold the bow in one hoof just below the center of the bow. Now you try."
The three fillies held the bows as instructed without a problem.
"Good, now, you have to know how to draw the bow, or pull back on the string. It may be difficult at first, as it takes a lot of muscle to pull on it. You have to grab the string at the center of it, about where your other hoof is. Then you have to pull it back with a bit of force." I said while demonstrating with my own bow. "Now you try."
This time they had trouble. None of them were able to pull the string further than a few inches. They all were disappointed when they couldn't do it.
"Don't worry, you will get it someday, but next, you need to know how to put an arrow on the bow to get ready to shoot it. Take a look at an arrow. What do you notice about it?" I asked them.
Seeing the notch on the back end of the arrow, Scootaloo replied, "There's a notch on the end of it."
"Exactly," I replied, "you have to set the notch over the string like so." I instructed, placing the arrow in the proper spot. "Now, try to do as I showed."
The fillies placed the arrows in the proper places on their bows without a problem.
"Good, good. Next, shooting the arrow. Once you have the arrow in the right place, you have to aim the arrow at the target, basically pointing the arrow where you want it to go. Then, you have to steady your breathing to very slow breaths. This helps steady the bow for maximum accuracy, like so." I simply drew my bow and launched an arrow into the target I had set up. It hit the target dead center of the bullseye. "See, once you can draw your bows, you can hit targets easier, but you still need lots of practice if you're going to be as accurate as me."
"How long did it take you to be this good, mom?" Scootaloo asked me, clearly in awe at my skill.
"Once I was able to draw a bow, it didn't take very long." I replied, smiling at their eagerness to learn. "Keep practicing, and one day, you can do it, I promise."
"Thanks for the lesson, Violet," Sweetie Belle said to me, " I can't wait until the next one."
"You're welcome girls, but be careful with those bows, don't try to shoot an arrow in the house. You can hurt somepony."
"We'll be careful, Violet." They said, running back inside.
I couldn't help but laugh, they were so enthusiastic. I walked up to the target, pulling my arrow from it. I put it back into my bag just when I heard rustling coming from the bushes. I drew another arrow, just in case something attacked.
"Is anypony there?" I said, approaching the noise. Just as I was about to shoot the arrow into the bushes, something tackled me from behind, pinning me to the ground. I looked up to see my brother, Orange Sherbert.
"What are you doing here, Sherbert?" I asked him, clearly surprised to see him.
"Just thought I'd stop by and see my big sis, since I haven't seen her in a long time." He answered, still standing over me.
"It's only been a month, now let me up," I said in a flat tone as he got off of me. I brushed myself off, "so where's Pinkie? Is she with you?" I asked, looking around for said mare.
As if in answer, I felt something else tackle me from behind, and again I was on the ground.
"Hi, Violet!" She said, standing above me.
"Hi, Pinkie, now, can you let me up?" I asked, getting tired of the same thing.
She stood up, letting me up, "Sorry, it was your brothers idea to pull a prank on you."
"Well if he didn't tackle me when he did, his marefriend would have an arrow in her by now." I said glancing at him.
"Oh, shoot, well, sorry about that." He said, clearly glad that Pinkie was safe.
"Well," I said heading back to the house. "It was nice of you and Pinkie to stop by, but I need to get back to my family, it can get pretty busy."
"Family?" Sherbert asked, "I thought Twilight was just your marefriend."
Oh dear, I never told them, "I guess I need to explain?"
"Indeed." He responded, trying to sound serious.
I let out a sigh, "Well, come inside, Twilight and I will explain."

The Explanation

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"Twilight," I called to her after I brought my brother and Pinkie inside, "I have Pinkie and Sherbert here, we need to talk."
"Just a moment," she called back, "I'll be right there."
I turned back to them, "You two can sit down if you like."
They sat down in front of me, waiting for Twilight. We didn't have to wait for long before she came in.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting, I was telling the girls to calm down, you know how they can get."
"It's alright, Twilight. Come sit down." I tell her, motioning for her to sit down. When she did, I leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear, "They don't know what's happened recently, they don't know about us."
"Well, we need to explain it to them then, don't we?"
I nodded, "Yes."
"Okay," I turned to my brother and Pinkie, "there's something we haven't told you two yet."
"No kidding." Sherbert interrupted.
"Shut it, anyway, what we haven't told you is that, well..." the words got stuck in my throat.
"Violet and I are... we're married." She finished.
"What?!" They both gasped.
"Well, what a way to find this of all things out. Thanks for inviting me to your wedding, sis." Sherbert said, angry.
"I know you're upset, but I couldn't bring myself to tell you, because I was afraid you would've acted like this."
"Why would I have acted like this? I would have been happy for you."
"Sorry you had to find out like this, but before anything else, there's something else you need to know."
"And what is that?" He asked, clearly still upset with me.
"Scootaloo! Come here, sweetie." I called to my daughter.
"Sweetie?" They both questioned.
Scootaloo came down the stairs a moment later. "Did you call me, mom?"
"Mom?!" Their jaws dropped in awe.
"Yes, we adopted Scootaloo."
"Is there anything else you haven't told us, Violet?" He asked, annoyed by all the secrets.
"No, now is there something you're not telling us?" I asked them, hoping to get the answer I'm hoping for.
He sighed, "Yes, there is."
"Well? Are you going to tell us?"
"Yes, I just don't know how to put it." He was blushing, not an embarrassed blush, but a worried blush.
"Well, just say it." I turned to Pinkie. "Do you know what he wants to say?"
"Y...Yes." She responded.
"Will you be disappointed in us?" She asked.
"Only if you don't tell us."
"Well," my brother started again, "Pinkie is, well, she's..."
"I'm pregnant!" She shouted, interrupting my brother.
Twilight and I sat in awe, "You're pregnant?"

The Truth Comes Out

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"Yes, I'm pregnant." Pinkie said, disappointed for not telling us sooner.
"How long have you been pregnant?" I asked her, hoping it hasn't been long.
"It's been two months, I found out two months ago." Pinkie went on, saying exactly what I didn't want to hear.
"Wait, two months, that was still during the undead! Are you telling me that you kept this a secret for this long?" I was starting to get angry with her.
"Well, yes, but we were afraid you would've acted like this." She repeated our earlier words.
"I'm not angry about you being pregnant, I'm angry at you for not telling us." I told them.
"So, you're not angry for Pinkie being pregnant?" My brother interrupted.
"Of course not, how can I be mad at something so wonderful?" I stood up and hugged them both. "Just promise us something?"
"Of course! You're my sister." My brother said to me.
"Okay, promise me we won't keep secrets from each other unless absolutely necessary."
"We both promise." They said in unison.
"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie promised in her usual manner.
"Good, so what next?" I asked, not to anypony in particular.
"Well, me and Pinkie should head back now, need to get ready for whatever happens next." My brother said to me and Twilight.
"Okay then, it was nice seeing you again, bye." I shouted to them after they left.
After they were out of earshot, I turned to Twilight, "Well, saw that coming, what next?"
"It's getting late, I'm going to bed, make sure the girls go to sleep, too, you know them." She said, walking back to our room.
I looked out the window, indeed, the sun was already below the horizon and the moon was in the sky. I walked up to Scootaloo's room when I heard conversation again. Still not able to make it out, I placed my ear against the door.
"Hey, Scoot, do you think we will ever learn how to use these things?" Sweetie Belle asked her, clearly struggling with something.
"Like mom said, it takes time. We'll get it, just wait." She answered her.
Not waiting for the conversation to end, I knocked on the door.
"Come in." I heard Scootaloo say from the other side.
I entered to find the girls trying to use their bows, still not able to use them entirely.
"Sorry, girls, but Twilight said it's time for bed." I said to them, earning groans of protest.
"Can't we stay up for a few more minutes?" Scootaloo asked futility.
"Sorry, girls, but she wants everypony in bed, hey, I don't want do go to bed either, but I have to listen to her."
"Okay, Violet, we'll go to bed." Scootaloo said, laying down in her bed, the others doing the same.
"Goodnight, girls." I said to them.
"Goodnight, Violet." They said back.
I exited the room and headed back to Twilight's room when Scootaloo stopped me. "Mom,"
"What is it, sweetie?" I asked, worried.
"Can I ask you something?" She asked me, looking around to be sure nopony was around.
"Anything, sweetie."
"Well, mom, what would you say if I had a crush on somepony?" She asked, blushing a bit.
"I would be happy that my little filly has a crush, so, do you really?"
"Um, kinda. Just don't know how you'd react if I told you who." She said, awkwardly shuffling her hooves.
"Scootaloo, I wouldn't judge you, look at me and your mother, we're mares, and still happy. Just tell me who the lucky pony is."
"Okay, the pony I have a crush on is, well... It's..." She trailed off on the last part with barely a mumble.
"Come on, you don't have to hide it." I pressured her to go on.
"It's... Well, it's..." She motioned for me to move closer. "It's Sweetie Belle, I have a crush on Sweetie Belle."
"I... didn't know that," I said, surprised. "Are you planning to tell her?"
"I want to, but I don't know how. Mom, I don't know what to do."
"It's alright, just take her alone with you somewhere quiet, and romantic, but not too romantic. Then just let out all your feelings for her, if she feels the same way, she'll accept it, if not, then she won't. Simple as that. It's exactly what I told your uncle, and look at him now."
"So that's it?" She said, dumbfounded, "Just tell her how I feel?"
"Yes, just make sure you're alone. Otherwise somepony else could mess up your chances."
"Thanks mom, I'll let you know how it goes, but I'm going to bed, I'm tired." She said in a yawn.
"Okay," I said patting her shoulder. "Get to bed."
"Goodnight, mom." She said, turning back to her room.
"Goodnight, Scootaloo." I said back to her. I had a strange feeling in my chest, it felt nice to help my daughter through her problems, but her first crush, this was something different.
I walked back to our room and layed next to Twilight, ready for bed, she was reading a book when I came in.
"Did you put the girls to bed?" She asked me, setting down her book.
"Taken care of." I said laying next to her, enjoying the warmth that radiated from my love's body.
"Any problems?" She asked me, cuddling next to me.
"Nope, but I have good news." I said, kissing Twilight's cheek.
"Yeah? And what would that be?" She asked, curious, she started stroking my mane.
"Our little filly has a crush." I said, winking.
"She does? Who's the lucky pony?" She asked, eager to know the answer.
"It's," I leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "Sweetie Belle, she has a crush on Sweetie Belle."
"Wow, did you give her any advice?"
"Yes, she's going to confess to her."
"That's good, let's get to bed." She said, planting a small kiss on my lips, I kissed back, welcoming the feeling of her warmth.
"Okay," I said, breaking the kiss, "goodnight, Twilight."
"Goodnight, Violet."
"Love you, Twilight."
"Love you too, Violet."
We held each other, gazing into each other's eyes, we leaned in for one last kiss. I still remember our first kiss, it was under different circumstances, and they were being attacked, but it was one of the most powerful kisses they've shared, the strongest being the final battle against the undead. We broke the kiss and instead snuggled closer to each other, wanting to get as close as possible to each other.
I closed my eyes to sleep. When I opened them, I was in a large room, it was the main living area of our house, and it was surrounded by a green flame. The creature from my last nightmare was standing in front of me, holding Twilight and Scootaloo above the flames with a tentacle that came from its back.
"Put them down, or so help me, you will die."
It let out an evil chuckle and set my family down, approaching me, it's glowing green mane flowing like the flames in the room. It's red eyes narrowed.
"You cannot kill me, young pony. I am the strongest evil Equestria will ever see, even stronger than Discord himself. And don't think your precious little Elements of Harmony can stop me either. Everypony you have cared for will die, and your world will burn, along with you." It's voice had a deep tone to it, and it sounded like a growl.
"No, I will stand up to you, and defeat you, or die trying."
It let out an evil maniacal laugh. "Oh, well then prepare to die a horrible death, along with your family."
It turned back and grabbed my family and held them over the flames. "I can see the fear in your eyes, but tell me, are you more afraid for your family, or me."
"Put them down, please." I demanded, beginning to feel tears stream down my cheeks.
"Answer my question!" It shouted.
"My family, I'm more afraid for my family. Please put them down."
"You ARE afraid of what I can do, and you are powerless to stop me," it continued to hold them over the flame. "Good." And it dropped them right into the flames. I dashed for them, but was slapped out of the way by another tentacle, sending me into the wall.
"No, you will watch them burn, and all of Equestria will suffer the same fate. ALL OF EQUESTRIA WILL BURN, " it brought me closer and whispered in my ear, "starting with you and your precious family."
"Your love for them is strong, even stronger than I expected," it showed a large grin. "All the reason to kill them first. And make you watch as they suffer."
I sat up in my bed, tears in my eyes, panting.
"Violet, are you okay?" Twilight asked, seeing my current state.
I held her as tight as I possibly could, glad she was still safe.
"I'm, sorry, Twilight, another nightmare."
"Same thing as last time?" She asked.
"Same creature, but worse," I said, then described what just happened.
"It's okay, Violet. We're here, "She was hugging me as well, stroking my mane. "We're safe. Everything's fine."

The Confession (Scootaloo's Chapter)

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After mom told me what I have to do, I decided I am going to confess my feelings for Sweetie Belle. Mom gave me some useful advice, but I feel nervous. Applebloom already went back home, she had a stomach ache. So it was just me and Sweetie Belle, but something was different, there was something around me, I looked down to find Sweetie Belle asleep, hugging me. I wanted to wake her up, but I also wanted to stay like this, she was kind of cute when she was sleeping. I decided to embrace the feeling and closed my eyes, welcoming the new feeling.
She started to stir under me, she lifted her head up, and I looked into her green eyes and couldn't hold back a smile.
It took a moment for her to realize what she was doing, she jumped back, blushing, "Sorry, Scootaloo, I don't know what happened." She was embarrassed for what she did.
"It's alright, Sweetie Belle, were friends, it shouldn't matter if we hug each other." I said, trying to comfort her.
"Yes, but I don't think it's right!"
"It's okay," I walked up to her and hugged her again, "it's fine, I don't mind it."
"Are you sure? It seemed a little awkward." She just stood there, still blushing.
"Lets just hang out, try to get this off our minds, if it's okay with you." I asked, starting to blush myself.
She appeared to be thinking about it. "Okay, let's go."She agreed.
I took mom's advice and took her somewhere where we could just watch the clouds. The field was covered in flowers and we were just laying in the middle of them. There was no way anypony would be around this place. I turned to Sweetie Belle, she was laying down staring at the clouds, there were a few weather ponies flying around, but I didn't think they'd notice us. Sweetie Belle closed her eyes, a smile on her face.
I couldn't help but smile myself, I was with my best friend, who also happened to be my crush. Seeing her next to me was starting to start something in my chest, it felt warm, but nice.
I moved toward Sweetie Belle, sliding myself over slowly. I stopped when we almost touched, I wanted to be as close to her as possible without making things awkward. The sun was still in the sky, but it was close to sunset, the sun was shining it's different colors across the sky as it started to dip behind the horizon. I looked over to Sweetie Belle, and she opened her eyes again. We stood up, getting ready to head back, when I finally spoke, "Sweetie Belle," she turned to me, curious, "Yes, Scootaloo?"
There was no turning back now, "I need to tell you something, I just don't know how to put it."
"You can tell me anything, Scootaloo, we're best friends."
"Okay," my words were stuck in my throat, "I like you, Sweetie Belle." I braced myself for what was next.
"I like you too, Scootaloo." She responded, confused.
"No, that's not what I mean, I like-like you. I kinda have a crush on you. I want you to be my very special somepony." I closed my eyes, not knowing if she would accept it or not. But all I felt was pressure on my lips, I opened my eyes and saw Sweetie Belle kissing me, it was a nice feeling, my heart started racing. I closed my eyes again and kissed back. This was my first love, and I didn't want this moment to end, if it did, it would be too soon. She wrapped her hooves around my neck and pulled me closer, trying to bring us closer than physically possible. We held the kiss for several moments, when we broke it, we were gazing into each other's eyes. We leaned in for another hug, embracing it.
"I love you, Scootaloo, I feel the same way." Sweetie Belle said at last.
Was that what I was feeling, love? "I love you too, Sweetie Belle."
I took Sweetie Belle back home, the sun was already gone.
"Goodnight, Sweetie Belle." I told her before she went inside.
She turned around and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight, Scootaloo."
I went back home after that, mom would be waiting for me. As I walked up to the door, I couldn't help but remember the kiss. It was my first, but the best feeling ever. I walked inside, and my parents were waiting for me.
"Where have you been, Scootaloo, we've been worried." Twilight asked me.
"I was hanging out with Sweetie Belle." I answered, not going to lie to my own parents.
"It's alright, Twilight, I'll talk to her, get some sleep." Violet said.
"Very well, goodnight." She walked up the stairs, leaving me and mom alone.
Then she turned to me, and whispered, "So, how'd it go? Did you tell her?" She asked me.
I simply nodded, and described everything up until the kiss.
"So it worked out then?" She asked, smiling.
"Yes, thanks for the advice, mom."
"I'm happy to help," she said, patting my shoulder, "now get to bed, I've still got to talk to your mother, she's not happy with you."
"I know, but I won't stay out late again." I promised.
"Okay, Scootaloo, get to bed."
"Okay, goodnight, mom."
"Goodnight, Scootaloo."

The First Sighting

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I walked back up to our room after talking to Scootaloo. Twilight was reading a book, as expected, when I came in.
"So, what did she say?" Twilight asked as I walked in and layed next to her.
"It went great with Sweetie Belle, they shared their first kiss." I said, kissing her cheek.
"Tell me everything, every last detail." She said, smiling.
She sat in awe, smiling the whole time as I described everything that happened, down to the kiss itself.
"Aww, that's so cute, I'm happy for Scootaloo, although I'm still disappointed at her for staying out late." Twilight said after I finished.
"Yeah, they are pretty cute together."
"We'll talk more about this later, right now, we need to get some sleep."
"Okay," I said, snuggling next to her, "I'll try, for you." I closed my eyes, happy that Twilight and Scootaloo were safe.
I opened my eyes to find I was standing in a field of flowers, it was still night out, and the place seemed familiar.
I layed in the flowers, enjoying their sweet aroma. I looked up to find the creature from my nightmares approaching me, leaving a trail of flames behind it. I jumped up and backed away from it, afraid it was going to hurt me.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to harm you, yet. I only brought you here because I need to speak to you."
"How am I supposed to trust you when you've been giving me all of these nightmares?"
"Granted, I've been giving you fear, I've been feeding of your fear because it it's my duty as a member of disharmony. I give ponies fear, and feed off of it. My name, is Fear. I give you these nightmares because your love for your family is the strongest I've seen in all of Equestria. If I take your family away from you, your fear will be so great, I will be so powerful, I will destroy all of Equestria."
"No, you won't touch my family, if you touch them, You will be destroyed yourself."
"You cannot kill me, I am Fear, I am invincible. Nothing has ever been able to kill me, and nothing ever will."
"No, I will kill you, or die defending my family."
He seemed to ponder what I just said. "Very well, Violet, prepare to die, along with your family."
"What?" I backed away from him, "No, I will stand up to you. I will not fail."
"Well then, I will see you soon, Violet Arrow, and we will meet again. But for now, I will send you back, and we will see each other again in the near future." With that, he disappeared in a bright flash of green flame, and I woke up, still in my bed.
"Are you okay, Violet?" Twilight asked, waking up.
"I'm fine, Twilight, another dream." I walked to the window and looked outside. There were flames, green flames, burning in the forest. He was out there, he's really coming after my family, but he won't hurt them without getting through me.

The First Fight

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"Twilight, get Scootaloo, go downstairs, find a place to hide." I said to Twilight, grabbing my bow, arrows and sword.
"What's going on, Violet? What are you doing with those weapons?" She asked, panicking.
I walked up to her and kissed her deeply, wanting to make our possible last kiss perfect. We held it for a moment before I broke it. "Protecting my family, they are what's most important to me. And I can't lose them. Now go get Scootaloo and hide, I'll take care of this." I was ready to fly off when Twilight stopped me.
"Be careful, Violet. I don't want to lose you."
I kissed her cheek, "You won't."
I leapt into the air and started flying towards the flames. Where they were, he was. I found the source of the flames walking through the forest, heading in the direction of my home. As soon as he left the forest, I shot an arrow at him, only to be deflected by one of his tentacles.
"What? How can that be?" I asked myself.
He looked up at me, red eyes knowing my intentions.
"Ah, Violet Arrow, come to try and protect your family now have you?"
"Yes, and I will succeed." I shouted back at him.
"Good luck, then, because you won't be able to."
I flew down and landed in front of him, not about to let him hurt my family. "I sure as hay can try!" I challenged, bracing myself and grabbing my sword.
He simply smiled and lashed out with one of his tentacles, I sliced at it, cutting half of it off. He growled in pain, staggering back a step before lashing out a second time. I went to cut off this one too, but another caught one of my legs and threw me to the ground. He lifted me up with his magic, holding me still. He brought me closer and whispered in my ear, "I will not kill you, although I have the capability. I am going after your family first." He lifted me up and threw me away from him, I landed a long distance away with a loud thud. I tried to get up but couldn't. I looked down to see a large gash on my right foreleg. I tried to fly but also wasn't able to, my right wing had a large chunk ripped out of it. I was in major pain, I wasn't going to be able to get back to the house to save my family in time.
I ran as fast as possible, wincing at the pain in my leg, but still running regardless. I had to try, for Twilight and Scootaloo. I finally got back to the house, but he was already inside. "Oh no." I said to myself.
I heard Twilight scream, I ran inside and found Twilight and Scootaloo in the corner, holding each other. Fear, one of the members of disharmony, was standing in front of them, and grabbed them in his tentacles.
"Put them down!" I shouted at him, eliciting a growl from him.
He turned around and looked right into my eyes, "I'm impressed, Violet, you survived a large distance throw from me. But I can see you're still injured, you won't be able to stop me in your condition."
"Maybe not, but I can and will protect my family."
He held up Twilight said Scootaloo, "This is your family? How pathetic, they will be easy to take from you." He seemed to notice something about me, there was a kind of energy coming out of me.
"What's this? This isn't fear. This is anger, rage. No matter, it won't make a difference when I kill these two."
"If you don't put them down right now, I will kill you." I said between clenched teeth.
"You want me to put them down? Very well." He threw Twilight against a wall and knocked her unconscious. He set Scootaloo down, who ran to Twilight's side.
"TWILIGHT!" I screamed. I was so angry with this monster, he is a monster. He feeds off fear, I won't give him fear. If he wants something, he'll have anger.
"There's no fear inside of you, only rage, and what do you expect to do with rage?"
"This!" I charged him cutting off his tentacles one by one until there was one left. He threw me away from him, clearly in pain. He lifted Scootaloo away from Twilight, holding her in front of him, smiling, holding her by the neck.
"Ah, there we are, there's some fear, but for your daughter? Or of me?"
"Put her down!" I demanded. Hoping he would.
"Why would I do that when I am getting so much fear from you?" He squeezed Scootaloo tighter, her face turning blue from being strangled.
"Put her down, NOW!" I demanded again, beginning to get mad again.
"Hm, since there seems to be no more fear coming out of you, very well." He threw Scootaloo against the wall as well, knocking her unconscious as well.
I was even more angry than just a second ago. I began to feel something different about me, I gave him an evil grin. I let out a maniacal laugh, striking shock into him. I felt myself losing control of myself, as much as my mind told me to stop, my body wouldn't. I charged him again, when he lashed out with his last remaining tentacle, time seemed to slow down, and I ducked under it, grabbing hold of its base on his back. I placed my back legs against his back and held onto his tentacle pulling on it with all my might. I heard a satisfying rip as I pulled his tentacle from his back, throwing it across the room. I jumped off and landed in front of him, bucking him as hard as possible. He flew back and flew through the wall, sending him back into the forest. That was strength I didn't even know I possessed. Something else was different, I wasn't in pain. I looked down at my leg and saw that the wound was healed, And my entire leg was... black! I looked over the rest of my body and found it was the same. My entire coat had turned black. There was a bit of my mane in my eyes, and upon further inspection, I found my mane was white! Something definitely happened. I ran over to help Twilight and Scootaloo. Scootaloo was still breathing, thank Celestia. But Twilight was still unconscious.
"Mom?" I heard Scootaloo ask in a hurt voice.
"I'm here, Sweetie." I said approaching her. When she saw me she screamed.
"Who are you? Your not my mother!" She layed next to Twilight, who had begun to stir.
"Violet? Is that you?" She asked, weakly lifting her head.
"Yes, the monsters gone." I assured her.
"Violet! You're different!" She shouted. She must have noticed my sudden change in color.
"I know, my mane and coat changed color."
"It's not your mane and coat I'm worried about. Your eyes."
"What?" I walked up to the closest mirror, and my eyes were... white! Completely white! I had no color or pupil in my eyes. Save for the blue flames coming from them."How am I still able to see!?" I asked.
"I don't know," she stood up and walked next to me, "Violet, I can feel the rage coming from your body, please, I need you to calm down."
I felt the rage too, it was strong, and I couldn't concentrate. It took all my will power to bring myself to calm myself. I noticed my body was cooling down and my coat and mane were changing back to their normal colors. And my eyes were changing back to normal. Once I was back to normal, I was weak, I could barely stand, and my wounds came back, sending a wave of pain down my spine. Twilight helped me back upstairs and helped me lay down in our bed. She then wrapped my wounds in bandages.
"Be careful not to move so much, you could hurt yourself even more." She warned, laying me back down.
"Okay, how's Scootaloo?" I asked, wondering where she was.
"She's still a bit frightened of what happened earlier."
"Mom?" I heard her say from beside Twilight.
"It's okay, sweetie, come lay down next to me." I urged her.
She got onto the bed and layed next to me, "Mom, what happened to you?" She asked.
"That monster that hurt us? It made me mad, and that happened, it's gone."
"So was that your dark form, like, what happens when you get mad?"
"I guess so, where'd you get that idea?"
"An old comic book I used to read."
"Cool, you should let me borrow them sometime."
"Okay, mom." She said, yawning.
"Goodnight, Scootaloo." I told her.
"Goodnight, mom." She answered back.
Twilight layed next to her, "So, Dark Violet, huh?"
"Seems like a cool name." I answered.
"Just don't lose control if you change again." She warned.
"I'll do my best not to." I attempted to lean forward for a kiss, but was stopped by a surge of pain.
Twilight noticed this and leaned forward to connect the kiss. We held it for a moment before we broke the kiss.
"I love you, Violet." She said, gazing into my eyes.
"I love you too, Twilight." I answered, returning the gaze.
I saved my family once, but when Fear returns, will I be able to do it again?


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We were awoken the next morning by panicked screaming coming from downstairs. "Twilight, Violet? Anypony here?" We recognized the voice as Rainbow Dash.
"I'll go check on her, stay here." Twilight said to me, getting up.
"Okay, hurry back, and if she asks, I'm up here." I answered back, my wing and leg still in pain from last night.
"Be right back." With that she walked downstairs, leaving me and Scootaloo still laying in the bed. We layed in the bed for a while before she began to wake up, she lifted her head to see me still wrapped in the bandages.
"Are you okay, mom? How are you feeling?" She asked, curious about my condition.
"Yes, sweetie, it just hurts to move a bit." I answered, wincing at the pain in my wing. I didn't mind the pain in my leg, it was better, but still, I'd walk with a limp for a while.
She hugged me, causing me to wince at the sudden pain in my wing. "Ow, Scootaloo, watch the wing, it still hurts."
"Oh, sorry, mom." She apologized, backing up a bit.
"It's alright, Scootaloo. Just be careful." I assured her.
Twilight came back into the room, Rainbow Dash just behind her.
"Hey, Violet, you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked, walking next to the bed.
"I'm good, other than a big chunk of my wing missing, and I gash in my leg, I'm peachy." I answered her sarcastically.
"Well, I hope you'll be able to fly soon, we still have a score to settle." She said.
"Yeah, I'm going to win, too." I teased her, remembering our last race.
"No you wont, anyway, have you talked to any of the others recently?"
"No, just Pinkie and my brother. Other than them, nopony."
"Well, we'll have to get together again, anyhow, are you going to fix the huge hole in your wall anytime soon?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah, I'll have to work on that later, but for now, what brings you here?" I asked her.
"Well, I saw the fire from my place last night and I was worried about you." She answered.
I stood up off the bed and walked up to her, limping due to my leg. I hugged her, bringing her closer.
"Thanks, Rainbow Dash. But I need you to do me a favor, since I can't fly for now." I let go of her, waiting for her response.
"Sure, Violet, anything." She answered, waiting for my request.
"I need you to tell all of the others to join me and Twilight here tomorrow night. We need to get ready for another battle."
"What are we up against this time?" She asked.
I looked over to Twilight, then to Scootaloo. Then back to Rainbow Dash. "Fear, one of the members of Disharmony. He attacked us last night, he tried to kill Twilight and Scootaloo, but I stopped him, earning these," I motioned to my wounds, "in the process."
"If you beat him on your own, well then can't you do it again? He doesn't seem very powerful if he lost to one pony."
"It wasn't that simple, I was different at the time." I explained, not going into much detail.
"Different? How?" She asked, curious.
"Well, let's just say that something rather interesting happened." I said, trying to hide the truth.
"Come on, Violet, you can tell me." She said, nudging me to go on.
"Well, I actually should show you. But you might need to take a step back." I warned her.
She did, along with Twilight and Scootaloo. Once they were a good distance back. I began to channel all of my rage into my transformation. I felt my pain disappear as I changed, along with my wounds. My coat began to change its color into its black version, and my mane did the same, and I felt the blue flames start to come from my eyes as they turned completely white. My transformation was finally completed for the second time. Rainbow Dash just stared in awe.
"Wow, I didn't know you could do that? So how did this form of you stop this thing?" She asked.
"I didn't either, and let's just say that if I bucked you in this form, you'd end up in Canterlot."
"Well, better not make you mad in this form, huh?"
"This form is pure rage, you couldn't make me more mad than I already am." I answered, slowly releasing my rage, causing me to slowly change back to normal. Once I was back to normal, the pain returned, causing me to collapse, but Rainbow Dash caught me and layed me back down onto the bed.
"But I fear that I won't be able to stop him that easily next time, so I'm counting on you, Rainbow Dash, to go and get the others. Can you do this for me?" I asked her, hoping for the answer I wanted.
She nodded, "Yes, I can, I'll go get the others. We will help you. But stay in bed, the more you move, the longer you'll be in this bed, and we need you."
I giggled at her, "Rainbow Dash, you sound just like my wife."
She giggled too, "Okay, I should really stop now, don't want that now do we?"
We laughed, but stopped when I started, to feel more pain in my wing. We all stopped, Rainbow Dash walked back to the door.
"I'm going to get the others. Stay in bed."
"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." I said, still in the bed.
"Well, I'm out of here, see you tomorrow night, Violet."
"I'll be waiting."
With that, she walked out of the room, Twilight following her. She came back a moment later.
"So, you can change at will?" She asked me.
"It takes a lot of rage, but yes." I answered.
"Are there other forms other than this one?"
"Not that I know of, if they exist, I don't know about them."
"Well, let's just hope that if they exist, that they aren't also fueled by rage or evil."
"Lets hope not, I wouldn't want to lose control."
She walked next to me an planted a soft kiss on my cheek. I welcomed the feeling, it was wonderful.
"Just be careful." She said, then kissed my forehead.
"I will." I said, kissing her cheek in return.
Our friends will return tomorrow night, and we will fight alongside each other once again.

The Reunion

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I was woken up from sleeping by Twilight walking into our bedroom the next night. She stroked my mane.
"Violet, they're here, can you walk?"
I blinked the sleep from my eyes, standing up off the bed. "Yeah, but I'll be limping a bit."
"How's your wing?" She asked, glancing at the bandages around my wing.
I flexed it a bit, but it still felt sore. "Ow, I won't be able to fly fora while longer."
"Well, come downstairs, the others are here."
"How many came?" I asked, following her out of the room.
"All of them." She kissed my cheek and led me downstairs.
Once we got to the main living area of the library, I noticed everypony who fought alongside each other. Rainbow Dash and Storm Chaser were sitting next to each other, their heads leaned against each other's. Pinkie and Sherbert were sitting next to each other as well, Pinkie's stomach swollen from the foal in her womb. I was happy for them, I would have a niece or nephew in a few weeks. Applejack was sitting with her younger sister Applebloom, holding her in one foreleg. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were sitting next to each other, holding each other in their hooves. My little filly had a marefriend. Appleseed and Rarity were sitting next to each other as well, leaning next to each other, I didn't know about them, but it was rather cute. Fluttershy was in a corner, sitting with one of her bunnies. I assumed it was Angel. Techno, Vinyl and Octavia were sitting away from the group, not really caring about what was going on.
"Attention, everypony. I have rather important things to talk about." I spoke first, making sure that they all were paying attention. When they saw me, their faces went from smiles to worried glances.
"Woah, Violet, are you okay?"
"Oh my, you look very hurt."
"It's okay, everypony, I'm fine, just a little sore from the wounds." I assured them all.
"I'll have to make sure you're healing correctly, that is, if you don't mind." Fluttershy offered.
"Of course, thank you, Fluttershy." I replied.
"So, what exactly happened, sugarcube?" Applejack asked, curious about how I ended up this way.
I let out a sigh, "You all have the right to know what happened. Twilight, Scootaloo and I were, well, we were attacked."
"Attacked? By what?" I heard my brother ask from where he was with Pinkie.
"Fear, a member of Disharmony. He attacked us, hurting Twilight and Scootaloo, and doing this to me. I stopped him before he could kill any of us, luckily."
"Well, can't you just do it again?" Octavia asked from next to Vinyl.
"It's not that simple. I was different." I answered.
"How we're you different?" She asked, curious.
"I'll show you, Scootaloo, can you take Sweetie Belle and Applebloom to your room for a moment?"
"Okay, mom." She said, taking Sweetie Belle and Applebloom with her. When they were gone I turned to the rest of them.
"You all may want to step back, I wouldn't want to hurt anypony." I warned them.
They hesitated for a moment but obeyed. Once they were out of the way, I summoned all of my rage in my body, it wasn't as much as before, but still enough to change form. I felt my coat begin to change color, earning gasps from the others. I closed my eyes tightly to concentrate on my transformation. After my coat had finished its transformation, I did the same with my mane and tail, earning more surprise from the others. My mane had completed its change as well, then I started my eyes. I focused on taking all of the color and my pupil from my eyes, I slowly felt my wounds heal as well, although I knew they would come right back. Once I felt the blue flames start to come from my eyes, I knew my entire transformation was finally completed. I opened my eyes, and everypony jumped back in fear except for Rainbow Dash, Storm Chaser, Techno, and Vinyl.
"So...awesome!" Vinyl said, approaching me.
"I must admit, it is pretty cool, I've never known anypony could do that at will." Storm Chaser agreed.
"Be careful, though, I have a lot more strength in this form." I warned them.
"How much?" Techno asked, taking another step towards me.
"Lets just say that if I hit you, the princesses would have a pleasant surprise crash through their window."
"There's no way you have that kind of strength." Vinyl challenged.
"Wanna find out?" I narrowed my eyes.
Vinyl backed up a bit, clearly not wanting to feel what I could do.
"Prove it then, go buck that tree." Storm Chaser challenged, pointing at a tree in the distance.
"Very well, if you must have proof." I walked out to the tree and positioned myself properly before giving it a sharp kick with one leg, ripping the entire tree from the ground and sending it deep into the Everfree Forest. I walked back, seeing all of their jaws dropped. I walked up to Storm Chaser.
"Need any more proof?" I asked him sarcastically.
He shook his head and backed away as well.
I calmed myself, slowly turning back to normal. Once I did, I collapsed on the ground, and Twilight helped me up.
"That's how I stopped him. But I still need all of your help. I fear that when he returns, that my enraged form won't be enough to stop him. Which is why I need you all to fight alongside me again, and stop Fear once and for all. Will you help me?" I asked them all.
They all nodded, and I knew that they would help me until the end, regardless of their own safety.
"Thank you all, I couldn't have asked for better friends. You all have been there for me no matter what the circumstances. And, I thank you all for being there for me." I felt tears begin to slide down my cheeks. And the others must have noticed, because they all stood up and gathered around me, hugging and comforting me. "Thank you all, for never leaving my side."
"We never will, if you need us, we'll be there." Applejack said to me.
"Thank you all, I can't even imagine life without you all." I said to them.
"We'll never leave your side, Violet. We're your friends. Everypony looks up to you."
"I love you guys" I said, hugging them.
Fear was going to return, but he's in for a surprise when he does, my friends and I will defeat him, and we will win.


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Once I woke up, my leg felt a lot better, it didn't hurt as much as before, but it still stung a bit. My wing also felt much better, although it was still painful to move it much. I looked over to the side of the bed, only to find Fluttershy and Twilight sitting beside the bed, watching me as I woke up.
"Hey guys, what's up?" I greeted, tired.
"Good morning, Violet. I redid your bandages for you if housing mind." Fluttershy said, pointing to the new bandages.
"Thank you, Fluttershy, it feels much better." I responded, flexing my wing.
"You're very much welcome, Violet. I just thought that I'd fix up your bandages while you were asleep. I hope you don't mind."
"Not at all, Fluttershy, it was very nice of you," I turned to Twilight, "where are the rest?"
"They're downstairs fixing the hole in the wall. They're almost done with it if you want to see it."
"Sure, just give me a moment." I slowly got off of the bed, putting a bit of weight on my leg. It didn't hurt too much, but it wasn't completely gone. I took a few steps, the pain was less noticeable, I'd be able to walk around.
We all went downstairs, me first, and Twilight and Fluttershy behind me. When e entered the main living area, I saw everypony helping out to rebuild the wall. They had already patched the wall up, and were already painting over it.
"I can't thank you enough, everypony, you all helped regardless of the circumstances. You all are the best friends anypony could ever have, and all I'll ever need." I said to them after they finished.
"No problem, Violet, so how are we going to prepare for this? Do we need anything important to get for this situation?" Rainbow Dash asked, approaching me slowly.
"Well, we need weapons, he did seem weak when you cut certain limbs off of him." I said, remembering the first fight.
"Okay, so swords? Do you even know if everypony even knows how to use one?"
"I don't know, but I'll teach the ones that don't, I have quite a bit of experience with sword fighting, so it shouldn't be too hard."
"Sounds like a plan, anything else we need?" She asked, hovering above me.
"Hm, now that I think about it... we could use more ponies, do you know anypony who would be willing to help us?"
"Please, I know a lot of ponies who would be more than happy to help out."
"Great, do you think you can recruit them? We need all the help we can get."
"No problem." She said, saluting and flying out the door.
"How's everypony, Applejack?" I asked, approaching said mare.
She looked up from her map of the Everfree Forest, "Oh, howdy, Violet, everypony's doing great. Just a bit tired from all the hard work."
"Well, they all deserve some rest. Can you see to it, Applejack?"
"No problem, Violet. After all, what are friends for?" She said, tipping her hat.
"Thanks so much, Applejack, I'd do it myself, but I've been busy with my wing. My leg is fine, but my wing is still bad."
"No problem, just don't hurt yourself again, we need you."
"Don't worry, I won't. if you don't mind, Applejack, I need to check on the others."
"No problem, Violet, I was just checking out the map for anywhere useful."
"Cool, let me know if you find anyplace useful."
I walked over in the direction of the voices of the rest of the group. When I found them, they were just chatting about what was coming up.
"So guys, do you believe, Violet? Or is she just going crazy." I heard Techno ask from where he was sitting. Vinyl, Octavia, Storm, and Sherbert were all sitting with him.
"Hey, come on. My sister wouldn't lie about anything." Sherbert defended me.
"Well, really, she's talking about a monster that doesn't even exist." Storm Chaser challenged.
Octavia interrupted them, "What about Nightmare Moon? She was just a story, but she turned out to be real."
"I agree with Tavi. Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it's fake." Vinyl challenged.
"Well, if you ask me, I think she is just getting us worked up over nothing." Storm said.
"Leave her alone, she is honest, kind, and she would not lie about this. Besides, I've known Violet for a long time, and she's not the kind of pony to lie." Octavia said.
"Yeah, she even saved us from an attack by the undead. Don't you remember?" Vinyl defended Octavia, and I admired her loyalty to her marefriend.
"Yes, and I'll never forget the day I saved my closest friends from that attack." I stepped in, defending my friends.
"How long have you heard?" Techno asked me when he noticed me.
"Long enough. Have any of you seen Pinkie?" I asked them, not wanting to be a part of the argument.
"I think she's in the kitchen. Something about making treats for us." Sherbert answered.
"Thank you, and no more arguing. I don't want to have to deal with more than one hurt pony." I left them with that and left, walking in the direction of the kitchen.
Pinkie was there baking a cake, it was already half covered in pink icing. When she came back to it from grabbing some sprinkles for it, she noticed me standing in the doorway.
"Oh hi, Violet. Just thought I'd bake a cake for everypony. They've worked so hard fixing that wall." She greeted me.
"Hello, Pinkie Pie. The cake looks delicious. You are a great baker, Pinkie."
"Aww, thank you, Violet. I just thought about doing something nice for everypony." She gave me a big smile, and hugged me, which I returned happily.
"You're welcome, Pinkie. So how are you doing?" I asked her.
"I'm doing great! And so is the foal. It's been kicking. Violet, what do you think it will be like when the monster comes back?" She asked with a sudden change in tone.
I put a hoof on her shoulder, "I don't know, but we'll be ready. He won't hurt you on my watch."
"Thank you, Violet." She placed a hoof on her stomach. "Uh, Violet?"
"What's wrong, Pinkie?" I asked concerned.
"I think that the foal's coming." She collapsed on the ground.
Twilight burst in, along with Fluttershy and Sherbert.
"Pinkie? What happened, Violet?" He asked, panicking.
"She said she thought the foal was coming." I explained briefly.
"Fluttershy, prepare the room upstairs, Sherbert and I will get Pinkie Pie." Twilight demanded.
Fluttershy nodded and sprinted out. Twilight and Sherbert lifted Pinkie up with their magic and took her upstairs. I followed behind them quietly.
When we got up to the room, Twilight turned to Sherbert and I, "I think you two should wait out here. Fluttershy and I will take care of this."
"Okay, just take care of her." Sherbert said, disappointed.
"Don't worry, we will." She answered, walking into the room and shutting the door behind her.
"Don't worry brother, she'll be fine." I said, placing my hoof on his shoulder.
"I know, let's wait downstairs." He said, already walking away.
I followed him. He walked over to where the others were. They were curious about what happened. When he explained, they all gasped.
"Well, congratulations, sugarcube. I didn't know about this." Applejack said, happy.
"Yeah, I'm glad to know that." Vinyl congratulated.
"Thanks guys." Sherbert said, and walked over to a corner and sat alone.
Applejack walked up behind me and whispered, "I think you should talk to him. This is rough for him."
I nodded and slowly approached my brother. "Hey, don't worry about it. Twilight and Fluttershy will take care of Pinkie."
"That's not what I'm worried about. I know she'll be fine. It's the foal I'm worried for. What if the thing that attack you comes after us too?"
"Then he'll be dead before he even gets to you." I answered him, comforting him.
"Thanks a lot sis. I know you're right."
We sat in silence for a moment until Rainbow Dash came back. She walked in, looking around at everypony.
"Hey guys, what's up?" She asked, noticing everypony's expressions.
I walked up to her slowly and whispered to her. "Pinkie Pie is having the foal now. Twilight and Fluttershy are taking care of her."
"Okay," she said, trying to be calm about it, "But I brought back some new ponies who are going to help us out."
"Great, where are they?" I asked.
"They're outside, let's go talk to them." She answered, leading me outside.
Outside, there were two pegasi. One was a stallion, he had a grass green coat. His mane was a bright blue color. He had a cutie mark that was a paintbrush. He must be good at art, I assume.
Now the mare, there was something that caught my attention at first glance. Her eyes were off, she had a wall eyed glance. Her eyes would face different directions. Her mane was a pale yellow, and her coat was a bright grey, and her cutie mark was a group of bubbles.
I turned to Rainbow, "Mind introducing us?"
She looked at me, confused. "Oh yeah! Violet, this is Derpy Hooves, and this is Emerald Paintstroke. Guys, this is Violet Arrow, she helped save Equestria."
"Nice to meet you, Violet. Rainbow has told me much about you."
"Nice to meet you both. So, come on in, I need to introduce you to the rest of the team."
When we got back inside, Twilight had came downstairs. When she saw me, she smiled. Things must have gone good, but I had to be sure.
"So, how'd it go?" I asked her.
"Great, she's fine. But there's something else."
"What is it?"
"Instead of a foal, she had twins."
"She did? That's great!"
"She's still upstairs if you want to see her."
"Thank you, Twilight. Rainbow Dash has somepony to introduce." With that, I turned and walked back up the stairs.
Once I walked into the room, I saw Pinkie Pie laying on the bed, holding two little foals. Sherbert was sitting next to the bed, smiling. One foal was orange with a big fluffy pink mane, I could tell it was a colt. He was asleep, so I couldn't see his eyes. The other was awake and full of energy. This one was a filly. She was pink and had a white mane, and she had small wings which were flapping a bit, but the thing that made me tear up was that she had my eyes, and she was even a pegasus.
Sherbert and Pinkie must have noticed me, because they looked up and smiled.
"Do you want to see your niece and nephew, Violet?" Pinkie asked me.
All I could do was smile and nod, walking up to them. I also sat next to the bed, next to my brother.
I looked down at the small foals. The one that I couldn't help but see was the small pegasus. Her eyes were exactly like mine.
"I wonder how she was born a pegasus. All of my relatives were earth ponies. But this little fella is an earth pony, he has his father's coat, and his mother's mane. But she has my coat, but your eyes and is a pegasus."
"Well, our father was a unicorn, and our mother was an earth pony," I explained, "but I was born a pegasus. So I guess it just got passed on to her by my brother."
"Well, this is very wierd, but nice nevertheless."
"Yup, I'm just happy that everything is normal, for now."

The New Discovery

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"Violet Arrow, how expected to see you here." Came a voice from behind me. It was familiar.
I turned to the source of the voice to find the source of all my problems: Fear.
"I thought that I had dealt with you already." I said, backing away a bit.
"Did you really think it would be that easy?" He asked me, tilting his head to the side.
"Of course not, I didn't think you'd have the guts to come back." I challenged him.
He simply responded with a chuckle. "Why would I not when I could still feed off of your fear?"
"You won't hurt my family, Fear. You'd have to kill me first."
"That would be simple and not even require any effort." He said, reaching towards me and wrapping a tentacle around my neck, squeezing me tightly. He then lifted me up and brought me closer to face him. "You see? No effort whatsoever. If I kill you, your friends and family will be easier to kill."
"You really... believe... you can... win?" I asked, gasping for air.
"Of course, I'm killing you right now. And after I'm finished with you, I'm going after everypony else you have ever cared for." He said, squeezing me tighter than before.
"Not today." I felt myself changing again, but not like before into my enraged form. But something different.
I placed my hoof on his tentacle that was wrapped around my neck. He screamed in pain as it burst into flame and he dropped me to the ground. I walked up to him slowly and simply looked into his eyes. He looked back at me with a new expression in his eyes.
"It seems that even you can feel fear sometimes. I can see it in your eyes." I said to him.
"You will not defeat me, I am invincible."
"Really? I just burned your limb off, and you're going to call yourself invincible?" I shouted at him.
He simply stared back at me, I could still see the fear in his eyes.
"Be gone with you, I have no time for you." I said, walking away from him.
"I'm coming for you, Violet Arrow. And when I find you, I will kill you."
I sat up in bed, another dream as expected.
"Are you oka- Violet!" Twilight screamed when she saw me.
"What? What's wrong?" I asked her, panicking a bit.
"You've changed again. Violet, what's going on?" She asked worried.
"I don't know." I stood up and walked over to the nearest mirror. What I saw was very surprising.
I was in a different form, obviously. But my coat was completely white, but that was the least of my concerns. My mane, was completely made of fire, giving off a faint glow. And my eyes, were red. Of all colors they could be, they were red.
"I'm sorry, Twilight. I must have transformed in my sleep." I looked at my hooves, wondering how I managed to pull off a transformation in my sleep. I jumped back in surprise when my left hoof suddenly burst into flames. I held my hoof in place after I realized it didn't hurt, more like emit a warm feeling. I placed my hoof on the ground, extinguishing the fire.
"I guess you have yet another form now." Twilight said, walking up next to me.
"Yeah, I guess so." I slowly changed back into my normal form after a few moments.
"We need to learn more about this. We will research this more later." She said, laying back down.
"Okay, Twilight?"
"Yes, Violet?" She responded, confused.
"We need to find a place where the entire group can stay. The library is going to be crowded if we find more ponies to help us."
"I agree, and I think I know just the place." She answered.
"Really? Where?" I asked, curious about the possible places we could all go.
"Your bakery, it's large enough to have the entire group and possibly more all at once."
"That's actually a good idea. I'm sure Sherbert won't mind. After all, I am the one who owns the place. He just makes everything."
"That's true, I guess it's settled then, we will stay there until everything is over?"
"Yeah, or if we have to come back for anything or have to go someplace else."
"Okay, we will tell everypony of our plans tomorrow. Let them know where to go now."
"Seems like a plan."
"You never told me you owned the bakery." She said, nudging my shoulder, giggling.
"It was never really important, so I never told anypony."
"Can you bake anything?" She asked me.
"Of course I can! You don't expect me to just own a bakery and not know how to bake, do you?"
"Well, why have I never seen you bake?"
I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't really care to."
"Does Pinkie know that you can bake?"
"No, just you and Sherbert."
"Well, you need to explain more to me than that."
"Later." I said, laying my head on her shoulder.
"Fine, let's just get some sleep."
I woke up the next morning to a familiar voice coming from the window. Twilight was already out of bed and most likely downstairs."Hey Violet, is that you?"
I walked over to the window to find a dark blue pegasus hovering outside. He had a long golden mane with red highlights, and his eyes were a golden yellow.
"Night Star? I haven't seen you in years!" I screamed, hugging the stallion.
"Woah, woah. I know it's been a long time, but you're still acting like a little filly."
"Oh shoot, sorry, cousin." I've know Night Star for a long time, as long as I can remember. Even though he was my cousin, I loved him like a brother. "What brings you here?"
"RD told me about you. And I just had to come see my cousin. I wasn't going to pass this up."
"Come inside, just use the front door though." I told him.
"Sure thing, Violet."
With that he flew back out and out of sight. I walked over to the mirror and combed my mane a bit, trying to make myself look more decent. I walked downstairs and found all of the group gathered in the main area of the library. Twilight was already explaining most of the plans for the day when my cousin walked in. I walked over to him and told him to wait for a few moments.
"I need to introduce you to the entire group. Just wait a minute."
After Twilight finished, she noticed me and I motioned her to come over.
"Twilight, this is my cousin, Night Star. Night Star, this is my wife, Twilight Sparkle."
"Nice to meet you, Twilight." Night Star greeted, extending a hoof.
"Pleasure meeting you as well, Night Star." Twilight replied, shaking his hoof.
"Well, why don't you go introduce yourself to the group, cousin?" I asked him.
"Sure thing." He responded, walking off.
Twilight turned to me, "He's nice for a cousin of yours."
"Best cousin anypony could ask for."

The Unexpected Truth

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I decided to take Night Star out to a restaurant to catch up on what we missed since the last time we saw each other. We walked into the restaurant and chose a booth in a corner with hardly any ponies around. We started up a small conversation.
"So, how have you been since the last time we saw each other?" I asked him after we got situated in the booth.
"Well, not much. I mean we haven't seen each other since you moved here. But all I can really say is that things have been quite difficult for me." He answered, lowering his head at the end of his sentence.
"What happened?" I asked, giving him a concerned look.
"Well, after you moved, I met a nice mare, and we soon started dating. But she told me she found a job and moved. We still keep in touch. But I haven't seen her in a long time. How I miss her."
"It's okay cousin, I'm sure you two will see each other again soon." I tried to comfort him.
"You really think we'll see each other soon?" He asked, cleaning his tears with a hoof.
"Sooner than you think, Night Star." A voice came from a young unicorn mare who was waiting patiently for us.
Night Star looked up at said mare and his eyes flew wide open in a mixture of surprise and happiness. He stood up and grabbed the young unicorn and hugged her tightly. She returned the hug, both of them beginning to shed tears, causing other ponies to cast glances at the commotion.
"Oh, Sunshine Daisy, I've missed you for so long." Night Star said, still crying from seeing his love for the first time in probably years.
"I've missed you too Night Star." She cast a glance at me. "Who's this, Night Star?" She asked.
"Oh, Daisy, this is my cousin, Violet. Violet, this is my marefriend, Sunshine Daisy."
"Pleased to meet you, Violet." She said, extending a hoof.
I shook it in return. "Pleasure meeting you as well, Sunshine Daisy."
She then turned to Night Star. "So how's Emerald?"
He sighed. "Not good, he's changed a lot."
She sat next to him in the booth. "How much?"
"He's shy and timid now. He doesn't talk to anypony anymore. He barely talks to me anymore."
"Do you think he is still upset about the break up?"
"It has to be the only reason. He hasn't even smiled since then."
Daisy let out a sigh. "Well, I don't suppose we will have to go talk to him?"
"Yeah, I don't know if it'll work, but we can at least try to make him feel better."
Daisy then stood up and kissed Night Star gently on his cheek, then turned to me. "Pleasure meeting you again, Violet, but I have to go."
"Okay, pleasure meeting you as well, goodbye."
And with that, she left. I then turned to face my cousin. "So Emerald wasn't always shy and timid?"
"No, he was once a very energetic and happy pony. Possibly even as energetic as Pinkie Pie. But soon after the second semester of seventh grade started, he changed. He was even more energetic than before. He would always go on and on about how awesome life was and about how happy he was. I decided that I was going to get to the bottom of it. I asked Daisy to help too. We both followed him around after school one day and found him with a mare. We didn't think much of it, I mean, we all have friends, right? Anyway, we watched them talk for a while before they noticed that nopony was around. Neither of them noticed us. When they were alone, they talked a bit more and leaned in and kissed. That's when we knew the reason behind his sudden change of behavior. He had a marefriend all along, and didn't tell us. But the funny thing is that, he and I were best friends, and Daisy and Emerald's marefriend were best friends. So it kind of had a sense of irony."
"I don't understand. You say he was happy, but how did he become shy and timid like he is now?"
"It was toward the end of the school year. Emerald was his usual, over energetic self. But after school one day, he came up to me bawling his eyes out. He looked like he was in the worst pain possible. When I asked him what was wrong, he simply told me she broke up with him for another stallion. He was devastated, I tried to comfort him as much as I could, but he had already changed. He came to school the next day wearing dark black sunglasses. When I asked him why he was wearing them, he simply said that they were to hide his pain from the outside world. He completely switched on us. He was such a great guy, but that mare broke my best friends heart! He was happy! Why would somepony do that to him?"
"Well, that explains the sunglasses, but do you know who the mare was?"
"Somepony named Crescent Moon." He answered.
"Have you ever talked to him about it?"
"I've tried. But whenever I try to look him in the eye, he turns away, or refuses to take of his sunglasses."
"What color are his eyes?" I asked not knowing why.
"Nopony truly knows. The only pony who knows is Crescent Moon, and she never told anypony."
"What about when he's not wearing his sunglasses?"
"He always wore colored contact lenses when he didn't wear his sunglasses."
"I hope one day he will move on."
"One day, maybe, but not today."

The Confrontation

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"Are you sure this is a good idea, Night Star?" I asked my cousin as we walked back to the bakery from the restaurant.
"We might as well try, right? There's no way of knowing exactly what's wrong with him unless we can convince him to talk to us." He answered, lowering his head.
"I guess, but how can we be sure he will even talk?"
"We can't."
We soon arrived at the bakery. When we walked inside, we saw the rest of the ponies were gone except for Emerald. He was laying curled up in a corner, his eyes were closed and his sunglasses were sitting next to him. He had tears slowly streaming down his cheeks, and we could hear his soft crying.
He must have heard us come in because he quickly grabbed his sunglasses and put them on his eyes before either of us could see them.
"Emerald? Are you okay? We couldn't help but hear you." Night Star asked, approaching him.
Emerald turned his head away from him and didn't answer. He set his head down on his hooves.
"Hey, you know that I'm here for you if you need us. Just tell me what's up." Night Star nudged a bit more.
Emerald shook his head and turned back to face him. "Not now, Night Star, I'm not in the mood."
"Very well, Emerald. Just know that I'm always here for you my friend."
Night Star and I began to walk away from him when Emerald stopped me. "Violet?"
I turned to him. "Yes, Emerald?" I asked, kneeling down in front of him.
"Is it okay if I speak to you for a moment?" He asked me, still turned away from us both.
"Of course, I'm always here for somepony who needs me."
"Umm... alone if you don't mind."
I glanced over to Night Star, who immediately got the hint and walked out of the room.
"I'm here, Emerald."
"I think I should tell you why I wear these." He said, pointing to his sunglasses.
"Only if you don't mind. You don't have to tell me." I assured him.
"I trust you to know. Only one other pony knows. And she..." He trailed off at the end with more tears streaming down his cheeks.
I put a hoof on his shoulder."It's okay."
"Well, you see, I told Night Star that I wear these to hide my pain from the outside world. And that's mostly true. But the truth is because of my eyes. My eyes are... different."
"Different? How? My eyes can be different."
"Yes, but you can do that at will. I was born with mine."
"I'm sure they're not that bad." I said, trying to comfort him.
"I can show you, but you have to promise not to tell anypony. You are the only other pony I trust with this secret."
"I promise your secret's safe with me."
"Thank you, Violet." He said, hugging me before backing up for a moment.
He reached up and pulled off his glasses slowly. What I saw was clearly different like he said. His eyes were red, blood red. His pupils were slits, like a cat's eyes. He waited for a moment before putting his glasses back on.
"So now you know my secret. These... things I call eyes."
"They aren't as bad as you think. I actually think that they are kind of nice." I pointed out.
"You think they're... nice?" He asked me, taking his glasses off again.
"Yes, they're beautiful."
"Thank you, my ex-marefriend thought so too."
"Was she the only other pony who knows?"
"Yes, but she broke up with me a long time ago. It's been a long time, but I haven't moved on, I can't. She was the world to me." He said, tears welling up in his eyes again.
"It's okay, you'll find somepony else. There are plenty of other mares out there. Maybe you'll feel better if you find somepony else."
"But it won't feel right if I'm with somepony else. I can't get Crescent Moon off my mind."
I grabbed him and pulled him closer and hugged him. "It'll be okay, she did this to you, she doesn't deserve to have such a nice stallion who puts the well-being of others before himself. She doesn't know what she lost."
"Thank you, Violet. It means a lot to me."
"No problem, I help everypony who needs help."
"I'll do my best to move on. It'll be difficult , but not impossible." He said, putting his glasses back on.
"That's the spirit."
"Get some sleep, everything will be fine. And I'll be here if you need me."
He pulled me into one last hug. "Thank you, Violet. It feels nice to talk to somepony since then. I feel a bit better now."
"That's good to know. I hope things will work out for you."
"I hope so, thanks again, Violet." He said, laying back down in his corner.
"No problem, Emerald. Just promise me you'll try."
He sat still for a moment before nodding his head, "I promise."

The Dreaded Return

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"How is she, Fluttershy?" I heard Twilight ask from the side of the bed, where Fluttershy was just disposing of the old bandages.
"She's much better, her wing is completely healed, so she'll be able to fly soon." She answered Twilight.
"How are you feeling, Violet?" Twilight asked me, smiling.
"Much better, can't feel any pain in my wing, so that must be good. How's everypony?"
"They're fine. Rainbow Dash, Storm Chaser, and Techno went out to check the outskirts of town to keep watch, and everypony else is downstairs eating breakfast."
"Good, thank you, Fluttershy, for taking care of me while I was hurt, I really appreciate it." I said, smiling.
"You're very much welcome, Violet. I just had to make sure you're okay. After all, you are our leader."
Before anything else could be said, we were interrupted by a scream from downstairs. Twilight immediately dashed out the door, and Fluttershy followed. I got out of the bed and ran downstairs as well.
Rainbow Dash and Storm Chaser were standing in the doorway, bruised and bloody. Twilight and Applejack helped them inside, and they helped them lay down, while Fluttershy immediately got to work on their wounds.
I leaned forward to face Rainbow Dash. "What happened, Rainbow Dash?" I asked calmly.
She looked up at me with fear in her eyes, then coughed and whispered, "He's back. He got Techno. Storm and I barely got away."
My eyes widened in shock, no, not now. "Where did this happen?"
"About three miles west of the library." She began to cough worse than before.
"Rest, Rainbow Dash. You're going to need it."
"What do you suppose we do now, Violet? Rainbow Dash and Storm are hurt."
I began to feel anger rise up inside me. My friends were hurt, and Fear is going to regret it.
"Violet, calm down, save your rage for when we see him again." Twilight said, placing a hoof on my shoulder.
"Fine, but I'm going after him." I then turned to Fluttershy, "How long can I make it while flying?"
"Enough to get to where Rainbow Dash said. Any further and you could hurt yourself." She responded.
"Okay, where's Emerald? I also need my brother and Night Star. Everypony else will stay here and keep the others safe." I walked off to find the ponies I needed when Twilight stopped me.
"I'm coming with you, Violet." She said insistently.
"No, Twilight, I can't have you get hurt all for my sake. I love you, Twilight, but I can't have you get hurt, when I was there to do something."
"Violet, no matter what you say, I'm staying by your side, no matter what happens." She grabbed me around my neck and pulled me closer to her and kissed me. When we broke the kiss, I finally spoke.
"Okay, Twilight, you're coming, too. Let's just get the others first."
After gathering the others, we flew in the direction of where Rainbow Dash said. I was carrying Twilight in my hooves, since she couldn't fly.
"Violet," Twilight said, nudging my leg. "He's over there." She pointed towards a fire burning in the distance.
"Well, let's do this then. Are you guys ready?" I asked the others.
They nodded. "Of course we are."
"FEAR!" I shouted.
Fear looked up at us and smiled an evil grin. "Ah, Violet Arrow. It seems that Rainbow Dash made it back?"
"Where's our friend?" I demanded, landing a good distance away from him, the others with me.
"He's taken care of, let's just say I've put him somewhere you'll only find if you kill me."
"Oh, we will kill you." I vowed.
"Hm, if I recall correctly, that's exactly what you said last time." He said, smiling wider.
"It doesn't matter anymore, we won't let you hurt any of my friends and family."
"But yet you bring them with you. If you wanted to protect them, You would have come alone."
"I've had enough of this!" I heard Night Star shout and dash at Fear.
"Night Star, wait!" I shouted after him.
But it was too late. Fear saw him and whipped at him with a tentacle, launching Night Star into a nearby tree. Night Star hit the tree with a loud thud.
Sherbert began to throw rocks and boulders at him, but when Fear saw this he stopped one of the boulders dead in its tracks with his magic and threw it back at Sherbert. He tried to dodge out of the way, but it landed directly on his right hind leg. He screamed in pain before he was buried in the rest of the rocks as Fear threw the rest on top of him.
"Sherbert!" I screamed.
Emerald looked like he had enough, he jumped into the air and started hitting Fear every time he passed him, Emerald being nothing but a blur of green. Fear would lash out at him, but miss every time.
"Twilight, now would be a good time to use any magic that might be useful." I said to Twilight.
She nodded and stepped forward, concentrating her energy into her horn. It started to spark a bit before exploding into a magenta beam that shot at Fear, launching him through a few trees. He got right back up and charged at us. Emerald dashed down at him, trying to stop him. Fear lashed out at him and this time caught him. Emerald struggled to escape, but Fear threw him into a large boulder, knocking him unconscious.
"This has been much easier than I thought. You put up a better fight than these three combined. I'm surprised with you, Violet."
"You think you can hurt my friends and not expect me to do something about it?"
"What more can you do? You've lost three of your friends, and she's next." He said, pointing at Twilight.
I stepped in front of Twilight. "No, you won't hurt my wife."
He let out a deep laugh. "Well then I'll just have to kill you both."
He lashed out at me, attempting to crush us both. I shoved Twilight out of the way just in time to save her. I caught his tentacle in my hooves.
"Hm, you're stronger than I remember. Ah, it looks like your wife gave you some sort of strength." He said, slowly pushing down harder, trying to crush me.
He was right, Twilight had cast a spell on me to give me more strength. "Yes, it's not going to be easy this time."
He lifted up his tentacle and tried to throw me off, slamming me into the ground every few times. When he finally succeeded in throwing me loose, I felt dazed from all the impacts. I struggled to stand up.
"Violet! Sherbert's alive!" Twilight shouted at me.
Fear wrapped a tentacle around my neck. I struggled to escape, but I couldn't summon my enraged form. So I began to summon my fire-type form.
"Oh, not this time." He said. He brought me closer to him and smiled. He lifted a tentacle up and thrust it into my chest.
My eyes went wide at the realization of what he just did. I heard Twilight shout, but that was the last thing I heard as everything began to go black. I had failed everypony.

The Attempted Resurrection

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"VIOLET, NO!" I screamed when I saw Violet as she was impaled with Fear's tentacle. I began to feel my eyes fill with tears.
I had to get everypony out of here before Fear had a chance to kill anypony else.
I began to charge all my energy into my horn. I felt my spell begin to take effect, and, with a flash, we were all gone. We appeared back at the bakery a moment later.
"Twilight? What happened?" Asked Applejack, "Where's Violet?"
I couldn't hold in my tears anymore. I just grabbed Applejack and hugged her, crying into her shoulder. I turned around and walked up to Violet's body. She died trying to protect all of us, and I couldn't save her.
"She's dead, Applejack. That... thing, killed my wife." I continued to cry as I leaned over Violet.
Everypony else must have heard my crying, because they all walked into the room, and, seeing Violet on the ground, began to cry. The pony who led us through the attack of the undead, stopped Fear the first time, the pony who put the safety of others above her own, was dead.
I leaned closer to Violet and, knowing she couldn't hear me anyway, whispered, "I'm sorry, Violet. I tried to help everypony, but you died. Everypony else is safe now. But, we didn't stop Fear."
"Twilight." I heard a small whisper in my ear, but when I turned, nopony was there. "I know you tried. I tried too. Just stop Fear, keep Scootaloo safe, and protect our friends. I love you, Twilight."
I gasped at the realization of who just spoke to me. Violet was here, with me.
"Are you alright, sugarcube?" Applejack asked me.
"I think we can save Violet. The Elements, they should be able to bring her back to life." I explained.
"Are you sure that'll work, Twi? I mean, the Elements have done many things, but I'm not sure about this."
"I know it will. How's Rainbow Dash?"
"Well enough to do this."
"Good, bring them all here."
"On it."
The rest of the Element bearers came into the room wearing their Elements. When Rainbow Dash saw Violet, she began to tear up.
"No, not Violet. She was my best friend, why did this happen?"
"Violet? Twilight, she's not... is she?" Fluttershy asked, already crying.
"I'm afraid so, Fluttershy." I answered, still, leaning over Violet. "Girls, we need to use the Elements to bring Violet back to life."
"If you think it'll work, then we will." Rainbow Dash said, gathering the others into a circle around Violet.
I joined the circle with the others. Everypony else was still crying. The only two ponies in our attack group who were awake was Emerald and Sherbert, and I could see tears rolling down both of their cheeks. When Emerald saw me looking at him, though, he looked away.
"Okay girls." I told the rest. The Elements began to glow as we all focused our power into Violet.
I began to smile when I saw her chest begin to heal. She was going to come back.
When her chest was completely healed, she fell to the ground. I ran up to her. Her eyes were still closed, so I leaned over her chest. There was no heartbeat or breathing. I looked at her face and saw no sign of life.
"Violet?" I asked, hoping desperately for an answer. "Please, come back to me, to us."
I continued to lean on her chest, hoping that she was going to come back, when I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I looked up to see Applejack.
"Sugarcube, I don't think it worked. I'm sorry, Twi."
I began to cry into Violet's chest, wishing she could come back.
Suddenly, I felt a small thump in Violet's chest. I looked up and saw her hoof twitch. I saw her eyes slowly open, revealing her beautiful eyes. She was back.
"Twilight? What happened." She asked.
"We saved you, Violet." I grabbed her and hugged her tightly, crying into her shoulder.
She returned my hug by wrapping her hooves around my neck and squeezing.
"Thank you, Twilight. Did we stop Fear?" She asked.
As if in answer, we heard a loud crash outside, followed by flames outside the windows.
"Twilight, get the Elements and everypony well enough to fight. We will end this once and for all." Violet vowed, standing up.

The Ultimate Battle

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"Applejack, get the children and take them somewhere safe. Twilight, can you cast a spell of strength on everypony here?" I asked Twilight after Applejack left.
"I could try, but I may be drained of all my energy afterwards." She answered, looking a bit worried.
"I don't want you to be too exhausted to fight, so cast it on me, my brother, Emerald, Applejack when she comes back, and yourself." I instructed her.
"Got it. What about the others?" She asked, about to leave.
"They'll be taking care of the kids. They'll be safe."
She nodded in understanding, knowing my intentions, running out the room to get everything situated.
I looked out the window and saw Fear destroying parts of the town, throwing things around, searching for us.
I turned around and grabbed my bow and the only arrow I had with me. I aimed the bow as carefully as I could. I steadied my breath to a near stop. I released the arrow and it flew in his direction. I prayed to Celestia that the shot didn't miss. The arrow penetrated his right eye, and he screamed in pain. He attempted to pull the arrow out, but he started bleeding uncontrollably through his eye. He threw the arrow back in my direction, desperate to hit wherever it came from. I ducked behind the wall just in time to see it hit the door frame just as Twilight came back.
"Violet! What are you doing?!" She screamed at me, not knowing what happened.
"I took out one of his eyes, he's blind from the right side. But he threw the arrow back." I explained, hoping she would believe me.
"Well, at least we have an advantage on his right side. But be careful, that could have hit me." She answered, walking up to me.
"Did you take care of everypony else?" I asked.
"Yes, everypony has the strength spell. I managed to give everypony the spell without getting exhausted. Are you ready for yours?"
"Yes, just hurry. He'll be here any minute." I answered.
She leaned over me and touched her horn to my forehead. I felt the energy and the strength wash through me as she performed her spell. When she released her magic, I stood up and kissed her, wrapping my hooves around her neck and pulling her closer. She pushed me away from her when we heard explosions behind us.
"Violet, we can do this." She said.
"We can, and we will." I answered.
I grabbed my bow and went to get some spare arrows I made in the past. I gathered everything just before Emerald ran into the room.
"Violet, he's here, everypony's holding him off as best we can. I don't think they'll last much longer. We need you now!" He shouted. His left lens of his sunglasses was shattered. He was wearing blue colored contact lenses which didn't show his pupils. His right lens was cracked, but otherwise was still intact. He was beaten up and bruised, with cuts and scrapes on his body.
"Come on, Twilight, the others need our help."
We both exited the bakery and stared in horror at the scene in front of us.
Sherbert was holding my sword that I made for him, stabbing and cutting at Fear's legs, teleporting when he tried to attack him. Emerald had joined back into the fight, using the same strategy as before, except he would attack when Fear would attack somepony else. He had thrown away his sunglasses, which revealed his blue contacts.
Vinyl was running fairly fast for a unicorn. She was more athletic than I thought. She was bucking him in the jaw when he would attack her.
Octavia was fighting alongside her marefriend, never going to leave Vinyl's side. She wasn't as fast as Vinyl, but she was definitely more agile, making it nearly impossible to hit her easily. I would be surprised if she could beat me.
Without any further delay, Twilight jumped into the battle, shooting magic beams at Fear. She was teleporting every few shots to avoid his attacks. I joined the fight a few moments later, jumping directly into the action. I was flying dangerously close to him, desperately trying to cause damage to him, shooting arrows and cutting at his sides.
After some time, it didn't seem we did much more than wear him down. Everypony looked exhausted, but still fighting their hardest. It seemed Twilight's spell was wearing off, as well as their own energy. I looked at Twilight, who returned my gaze. I nodded, signaling her to do what she had to.
Her horn started to glow, I started my transformation. Twilight cast her spell on my sword, my mane had finished its part of the transformation. Twilight's spell set my sword ablaze, giving it a magenta flame. My transformation was complete, my flaming mane flowing and my red eyes glowing. When Fear saw me holding the flaming sword, he looked frightened. I merely smirked at the sudden fright I gave him. I jumped into the air and dove toward him. He tried knocking me out of control, but Emerald would stop his tentacles each time. I slammed into his head with such great force, it created a large dust cloud of dirt. I hovered down to the ground and landed just in front of the crater. When the dust cleared, I saw a severely injured, but still live Fear.
"You... cannot kill me... I will return, and you will never see your friend Techno again." He said, coughing up blood.
"I've had enough of these games." I said, leaping onto his back.
I grabbed hold of his ears as tight as I could. He struggled desperately to throw me off of his back. But it was pointless. I raised my sword and brought it down with great force into his skull, the flaming blade penetrating his skull with ease. I twisted the blade in my hoof, and Fear fell to the ground, dead.
I jumped off of his back, tired from the seemingly endless fight. I just walked up to each of my friends and hugged them one by one, thanking each of them for their help.
Then, we all heard a buzzing noise from Fear's body. We turned around and saw his body vaporizing into thin air. What was left when it was gone, was Techno. He was alive, tired, but alive.
"Techno! What happened?" I asked, running up to him.
"He... absorbed my body into his own." He answered, looking exhausted.
"Great to know you're still with us, my friend."
"Great to be back."

Epilogue; Love is for Everyone

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"Hey, Fluttershy, how are you doing tonight?" I asked her, starting up a conversation with the mare I've started to have feelings for.
Fluttershy finished wrapping bandages around Rainbow Dash's head, along with Storm's, before she turned back to me.
"I'm doing well, thank you, Emerald. Is there anything I can help you with?" She asked, flipping her pink mane away from her face. I had to admit, she was cute when she did that.
"Well, I was wondering if I could talk to you after you finish up here." I asked nervously. I haven't been this nervous since I first asked out Crescent.
"Of course, I'll be out in just a moment, that is, if you don't mind." She responded, hiding behind her mane.
"Of course not. I'll be waiting outside." I answered before walking out.
I wasn't sure why this was happening to me. But I think that I'm falling in love again, but with Fluttershy. She's kind, beautiful, and always puts the safety of others, above her own. But when I ask her out, will she say yes? Or will she say no, and ruin our friendship? And that's what I'm afraid of.
I walked outside the bakery and flew up to a single cloud floating in the sky. I sat there, pondering what the possible outcomes of this situation could be. There's so many bad things that could happen, but yet, there are some good things as well.
I wasn't thinking for long, because I was interrupted by the sweetest voice.
"Um, Emerald? Are you okay?" The voice came from Fluttershy.
"I'm sorry, Fluttershy, just daydreaming." I moved over a bit, letting her sit down on the cloud next to me.
"You wanted to talk to me, Emerald?" She asked in the nicest tone possible.
"Yes, Fluttershy... I um... wanted to ask you something, actually." I said, blushing.
"You can ask me anything, Emerald. I'm always listening." She said with a confused tone. She seemed to not know what my plans were, which was what I planned.
"Well, I was wondering if... you know... want to go on a picnic with me." I finally let the words come out of my mouth. I began to blush uncontrollably. I was glad I was wearing my glasses, because I wasn't wearing my contacts.
"You mean... like... a... date?" She looked like she was blushing as well.
"Well, yes. A date. That is, if it's okay with you." I just closed my eyes, because I knew would most likely say no.
But I just felt a light pressure on my cheek. It was warm, but it didn't last long, because she spoke.
"Yes, I'd love to go on a picnic with you, Emerald." She smiled warmly and stared into my eyes, although I knew she couldn't see them.
She leaned forward, I just hoped she wouldn't do what I thought she was doing. But she wasn't. She grabbed my glasses in her teeth and took them off of me. I didn't try to stop her, I trusted her to know my secret. She folded my glasses in her hooves and stared into my eyes again.
"Oh my. Red, and snake-like eyes." She continued to stare into my eyes.
I looked away, tears rolling down my cheeks. "Now you know why I wear the glasses. To hide my eyes."
"I love them. I don't see why you need the glasses." She responded, confused. "I think you have beautiful eyes."
"Thank you, Fluttershy. So... I'll pick you up tomorrow afternoon?"
"Sounds great, see you then, Emerald." She stood up and flew away, I suppose back to her cottage. She left my glasses next to me.
I picked them back up and put them back on, then flew away as well, back in the direction of where I stay. I got back to edge of the Everfree Forest. I chose a random tree and layed on one of the branches. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I had a date the next day I'm not going to miss.

"Hey, Derpy, how's everything going?" I asked the wall-eyed mare.
"Oh, hey, Techno, just having a muffin, want one?"
"Maybe later, care for some company?" I asked her. She seemed really cute when she was eating muffins.
"Sure, I'm not really doing much, Fluttershy is watching the foals with Pinkie, so I just figured I'd grab a muffin." She answered, taking another bite.
"That's good, I always enjoy a break every once in a while." I said in a cheerful tone.
"Okay, so what's up?" She asked seriously, setting down her muffin.
"Not much, why do you ask?" I answered nervously.
"Just because my eyes are like this, doesn't mean I don't know when somepony has something to ask somepony else."
"Very well, you're right. So I'll just let it out. Will you be willing to go on a picnic with me?" I asked.
She seemed shocked, but grinned and picked up her muffin again, taking another bite. "Sure, I'd like that. Just pick me up tomorrow afternoon." She answered.
"Of course, I'll be there."
And with that, we parted ways. We did have to get ready for tomorrow.

"Hey Rarity, are you busy at the moment?" I asked my beautiful marefriend.
"Not at all Appleseed. I've always got time." She answered.
"Well, we both know what day tomorrow is, so I was wondering if we could go on a picnic tomorrow. You know, everypony else will be there."
"Of course, darling, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Wait, oh my, I must get ready!" With that, she bolted, leaving me alone.
"That mare is something else. That's why I love her." I whispered to myself. I found her upstairs putting curlers in her mane, while putting on make-up. "Rarity, you don't need make-up to look good. You're the most beautiful mare in Equestria. You don't need all of this stuff." I said, gesturing to the curlers and make-up. And you don't need to wear anything fancy, either."
"Oh, Appleseed, you always know what to say." She jumped up and hugged me, kissing me as well.
She began to remove the curlers from her mane as I removed the make-up from her face. Then we layed down in the bed, cuddling next to each other.
We had a long day ahead of us. And we were going to have the best day ever.

"Hey, Sweetie Belle, what's up?" I asked my marefriend. The term was still new to me.
"Oh, hi, Scootaloo. Just thinking of more crusading options for us to do. Wanna help?" She asked sweetly. Why was she so darn cute?
"Actually, Sweetie Belle. I was wondering if you would go to the picnic with me for the celebration tomorrow." I wasn't sure what she'd say, but I was already pretty confident with what she'd say.
"You mean, like a date?" She asked, blushing and smiling. She was so adorable when she was blushing.
"Well, yeah. I mean, if you don't want to, that's okay. I just wan-" I was interrupted by her putting her hoof on my mouth.
"Don't kill the moment, Scootaloo. Of course I'll go with you." She then moved her hoof away and replaced it with her own lips, meeting me in another kiss. She pulled me in closer with her hooves. We stayed there kissing until she broke it, her beautiful green eyes staring into my own.
"Will Rarity even let you go with me? I mean, she's Rarity." I asked, Rarity always was protective of her sister.
"I don't think she really cares, she is busy with Appleseed anyway. She hasn't been paying much attention to anything I do." She answered confidently.
"Well, I guess that means we'll have more time with each other."
"Yeah, but hey, guess what!" She shouted spontaneously.
"What?" I asked, curious about what caused her sudden change in enthusiasm.
Without any hesitation, Sweetie Belle launched herself at me, catching me completely off-guard. She brought us both into a roll until she was pinned by me.
"What are you going to do now, Sweetie Belle?" I challenged.
"This." She then reached up and grabbed my neck and pulled me into another deep kiss. I welcomed the feeling and kissed back. We stayed like this until we were interrupted by another familiar voice.
"Come on y'all guys, not in the clubhouse." The voice came from Applebloom.
"Sorry, Applebloom. You know, we were just, crusading." I lied, most likely not convincing her.
"No you weren't. You were kissing. Y'all know that it bothers me."
"Okay, Applebloom, never again in the clubhouse."

"Pinkie, how are you feeling?" I asked my beautiful marefriend. She was holding the foals.
"I'm doing great. And so are these little guys. Do we even have any ideas for names?" She asked curiously. To be honest, I never gave it much thought.
"I don't think so. I don't think we even thought of it."
"Ooh, I got one! How about we name this little guy... ohh! Cream Pie!" She shouted with excitement.
"Cream Pie? I think it sounds great! What about her?" I said, pointing to the small pegasus filly.
"Hmm... I got it! How about we name her after Violet?" She said, smiling.
"Oh, I don't know, Pinkie, what if Violet doesn't like it?"
"Are you loco in the coco? She was crying when she saw her. She has her eyes. Trust me, Sherbert, she'll love her." She said, smiling a grin I didn't think was physically possible.
"Very well, Pinkie. Cream Pie and Violet. The names do seem to work. Anyway, I just wanted to ask if you want to go to the picnic tomorrow, all our friends will be there."
"Are you kidding? Of course I wanna go! Do you know how many times this time comes around? Like, once a year!" She shouted, throwing her hooves in the air for emphasis.
"Great! I'll go get the things ready." I said, about to walk out of the room.
"Oh! Don't forget balloons!" She shouted after me.
"Don't worry, I won't forget about the balloons." I answered her, holding in a laugh. Pinkie Pie was the most enthusiastic mare in Equestria. She never fails to make me smile. I love her more than anypony could know.

"So, Twilight. What are you reading?" I asked my beautiful wife. She was always stuck in a book.
"Just a book about the history of Equestria." She answered, turning a page of the book.
"Gag, don't you know all of this already?" I asked, hovering above her.
"There's never too much you can learn, Violet. I try to teach you all of this, but you zone out when I start." She said, turning another page.
"Blah blah blah. Boring, you know very well, Twilight, that I'm not into books, unless they're fiction. I can't get into history books."
"Come on, Violet. Have you ever given Daring Do a try? That's Rainbow Dash's favorite book series. You may like it too."
"Read them all, there great and all, but I'm not a huge fan like Rainbow Dash."
She then let out a sigh. "Any books you are into? Do you have a favorite book?"
I thought about it for a moment before answering. "No, but I like medieval genre books, have any of those?"
"Of course I do, we live in a library." She walked up to a shelf of books and pulled out a sapphire blue covered book. "Here, you can give this one a try." She said, giving it to me.
"Hmm, The Quest of Ghost Shadow. What's it about?" I asked curiously.
"Just some stallion who rebels against an evil tyrant and ventures to overthrow him. I'm sure you'll enjoy it." She said confidently.
"Maybe, I'll give it a shot though, but I'll start later." I said, setting the book down. "But what I really wanted to ask you, is this. Will you, Twilight Sparkle, the most beautiful pony in Equestria, do me the honor, of going to the Hearts and Hooves Day picnic with me?"
She simply stood there, smiling, then answered. "Of course I'll go with you. It is Hearts and Hooves Day, after all. And all of our friends will be there."
"Yup, and I just wanted to make it romantic." I answered, smiling.
She interrupted me by pulling me into a surprise kiss. She wrapped her hooves around my neck and pushed me to the ground, kissing me. I wrapped my hooves around her neck as well and kissed her back. We only stopped when we needed air from the kissing.
"Should we get ready for the picnic, now?" Twilight asked, kissing my cheek.
"Aww, fine, we can, I guess." I answered, standing up. We were interrupted by Scootaloo bursting through the door.
"Hey mom, just hanging out with Sweetie Belle, gotta run bye!" She said quickly, almost too fast to understand her.
She ran up to her room and back down almost too quickly. I stopped her just before she got out the door.
"Woah, woah. Where are you going? You just got here."
"I told you, I'm gonna go hang out with Sweetie Belle." She said, beginning to get impatient.
I leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "Okay, Scootaloo. What are you really doing?"
"Ugh, fine. I was going to go get ready for tomorrow because I asked Sweetie Belle to go to the Hearts and Hooves Day picnic with me." She answered, angry with me for being in her business.
"Well, in that case," I said, stepping out of the way. "Run along now, you don't wanna miss that."
"Thanks mom. I love you."
"Love you too, Scootaloo."
Twilight and I arrived at the picnic the next afternoon. Most of our friends were already there, save for Rainbow Dash, Storm, Vinyl, Octavia, Pinkie, my brother, Emerald, and Fluttershy. But I wasn't sure if Emerald or Fluttershy would even come.
"Hey, Violet!" I heard Pinkie shout out to me. They came just in time.
"Hello, Pinkie. How are you feeling?" I asked her.
"Great! Peachy as, well, a peach!" She grinned.
"Good to hear that Pinkie, did my brother come with you?" I asked, looking for said pony.
"Nope, but he'll be here in a little bit, he said he wanted to get something very special. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see."
As if on cue, Sherbert showed up, holding a bouquet of roses. When Pinkie noticed him, she practically jumped on him, kissing him.
"Aww, come on Pinkie, let my brother breathe." I told Pinkie, laughing.
"Sorry, it's just that I love him so much, I can't help myself!" She said, letting my brother up.
"I love you too, Pinkie, but I think you crushed the roses." He said, holding up the crushed roses.
"Oops, sorry, Sherbert. I wasn't concentrating, you're so nice to me." She said, hugging him.
"Of course I am, I have a surprise for you at the end of the day." He said, winking.
"Aww, can't you tell me?" She asked sadly.
"Nope, then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" He said, smiling.
"No, I guess not." She said, laying down on the blanket they layed out. My brother sat down next to her.
Soon afterwards, Fluttershy showed up, but who she was with, surprised us all. She was walking with Emerald. But why? Well, I guess that he must have developed feelings for Fluttershy.
"Hello everypony, sorry we're late. But we ran into a few detours, it is Hearts and Hooves Day, after all." She explained.
"Um, are you and Emerald, on a date?" Twilight asked her.
"As a matter of fact, yes, we are. He asked me out yesterday." She answered, hiding behind her mane.
I looked over to Emerald, who had begun to blush, and winked. He saw me and smiled. I've never seen him smile before. It was a thankful smile, as if he thanked me for everything.
"Okay everypony! Let's enjoy the sunset!" Pinkie shouted, pointing toward the setting sun.
"Wow. I've never seen such a beautiful sunset." I said to Twilight.
"I know, but I've seen more beauty." She said, nudging me.
"Aww, don't do that to me."
"Wow, the sunset is so pretty!" Pinkie shouted.
"Not as beautiful as the mare I'm with." Sherbert stated, kneeling in front of Pinkie Pie.
"Oh my, is he going to do what I think he's going to do?" I asked Twilight.
"Pinkamena Diane Pie. Will you, the most beautiful mare in Equestria, do me the honor, of making me the happiest stallion in Equestria? Will, you marry me, Pinkie Pie?" He asked her, grabbing her hoof.
Pinkie Pie looked stunned, until tears burst from her eyes and she tackled my brother. "Yes! A thousand times, yes! I love you, Sherbert!"
"I love you too, Pinkie, I love you so much!" He responded, tears bursting from his eyes as well.
"Well, this day turned out to be the best day ever." I pointed out.
"Yes, it has been wonderful." Twilight answered.
All of the couples in Ponyville were here at the picnic. And they all seemed to be in love. Even Emerald had moved on. Love was everywhere, and everypony deserves to be in love.
Love is for everyone, if you experience it, embrace it.