• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 4, Episode 11: Parental Misguidance

It had been two days since the defeat of Zs'Skayr and everything seemed to be going back to normal.

Flash no longer had to worry about losing his body to a spectral alien and everyone was getting on with their lives. However, some people weren't so happy about what had transpired. And those people were currently in the Plumber base, watching footage of everything that had happened with Zs'Skayr.

Trail Blazer and Misty Vail watched the footage of Flash being taken by the ghost and phased into the ground, the footage changing to the inside of the base where Flash was almost taken over. Misty gasped as she watched her son barely escape losing his life, Trail hitting pause before the situation made them throw up.

The pair sat there, staring at the scared expression on Flash's face whilst imagining what might have happened if Flash had lost his body. "I can't do this anymore," Misty told her husband. "He's just a boy. He shouldn't have to face these kinds of dangers."

"I know," Trail sighed. He had been terrified when he first learned of his son's secret life, then proud when he saw how Flash managed to help people. But so many times, he had almost had a heart attack when he heard the situations Flash was in.

The memory of when they thought he was dead flowed through their minds, making them remember the pain they had felt. They weren't sure they could survive another situation like that.

"Flash isn't going to be happy," Trail stated. "But...it's a parent's job to keep them safe, even if they hate them for doing it." Misty nodded and the pair used the computer to connect to the base's radio, the two surprised at how easy the interface was. Even a pair of civilians could use it to contact someone. And they did.

The screen changed to show Azmuth and Shining Armor, both of them in the lab working on something.

"Azmuth," Trail spoke up, "can we talk?" The galvin looked up and turned to them, as Shining Armor stopped his own work as well. "It's important."

Azmuth normally wouldn't wish to waste time with such a thing, but he could hear from the man's voice that this was about something serious. "I'll be there in a moment." Shining also headed up, wanting to hear what this was about.

At the same time, Trixie and the Rainbooms had also arrived at the base after school.

Flash, not having any extracurricular, had already gone ahead and was apparently showing his parents around. The pair had wanted to see the base for a while and Flash finally had the time to do so, the universe deciding to give Flash a break given what had happened to him recently.

But as they all stepped up to the base, they heard an engine and looked around to see Flash driving into the base.

When the teen got out, they noticed he was carrying a large grocery bag. "Hey," Trixie raised an eyebrow, "I thought you were showing your parents around the base?"

"I was," Flash nodded. "But then everyone got hungry and well...do any of you wanna try the vending machine food?" Everyone shuddered, since the choice of snacks in the base had gone down in quality recently. "Yeah, so I had to rush to the store and get some." They nodded at this and headed inside.

"So," Twilight asked, "your parents enjoying the base tour?"

"I think so," Flash nodded. "The last time they were here, they only ever went into the medical wing whilst I was asleep. They didn't really get a chance to look around. Especially with the remodel." They reached the teleporter and warped into the main room, where they found his parents along with Azmuth and Shining Armor.

None of them seemed to notice the group, too focused on what they were talking about.

"So," Azmuth asked, "what did you wish to speak about?" This made them all stop and share a few glances, making them wonder what Flash's parents wanted to talk about. So, they stayed quiet and listened.

Trail sighed as he spoke up. "How easy would it be to take the Omnitrix off of Flash?" This question shocked everyone, Flash most of all.

"Why would you wish for me to take it off of him?" Azmuth asked.

"Are you serious?" Misty hit play and everyone watched Flash almost getting taken over by Zs'Skayr. Flash flinched, not enjoying having to relive that memory. "Our son almost died and you wonder why we want you to remove that thing?"

"Okay," Azmuth nodded, "I understand that's a little worrisome. But Zs'Skayr is gone now. Flash doesn't have to worry about him ever being a problem again."

"And what about the next time?" Trail asked. "Flash almost died in an explosion because he had your Omnitrix. How many more dangerous situations do you want him to experience before you think letting him keep that device is a good idea?"

"Alright," Shining stepped forward, "let's all calm down before we say something we'll regret." He turned to the parents. "I understand that...recent events might make you worried for Flash's safety. But Flash is stronger than you give him credit for. It'll take a lot to put him in any serious danger."

"But he keeps falling into these situations," Misty exclaimed. "When we agreed to let him continue using the Omnitrix, we hoped the events like what happened with Vilgax would be few and far between. But he was almost blown up, trapped as a ghost for almost a week, had to fight six dangerous super-villains whilst asleep and almost had his body stolen because of a glitch in your device. That all happened one after another. We can't take our son being in that kind of constant danger."

Azmuth sighed, "I admit, Zs'Skayr was a bit of a surprise. But I'm sure you don't have to worry about something like that happening again."

Trail glared at him. "Can you guarantee that it won't happen again. One hundred percent promise, god strike you down if you're wrong guarantee." Azmuth didn't answer, clearly knowing he couldn't promise that. "And that's just one of the things that could happen. You said the Omnitrix is a prototype, so there's no telling what other glitches could happen."

Misty nodded. "How do we know one of Flash's aliens won't take control of him again and make him...lay a bunch of eggs or something. Could something like that happen?"

"Well..." Again, Azmuth wasn't sure how to answer that.

"Exactly," Trail told him. "That Omnitrix is too dangerous to let our son keep. We want you to take it off of him." Azmuth thought about this and turned to them, placing his hands behind his back.

"I understand your concern. But I won't remove the Omnitrix unless Flash wants to Omnitrix removed. He has earned it and taking it away from him against his will, when he's done nothing to warrant it, is not something I can do." The pair frowned at him. "So then, what do you say, Flash?" He turned to the teens and the adults looked over at them, shocked to see they were there.

Flash stepped forward, giving his parents a look that told them his answer. "I don't want to Omnitrix removed. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Azmuth nodded and turned back to his parents, who frowned at him. "There we go. I will not be removing the Omnitrix."

"Fine!" Trail yelled, "but that doesn't mean Flash is gonna use it." Flash and the others were all shocked by this. "Don't forget, the only reason you were allowed to do any of this was because we gave you permission! Well we're rescinding that permission."

"You can't do that!" Flash cried, "people need me!"

"People got along perfectly well before you had the Omnitrix," Misty told him. "They can get along again. From now on, you're not to use the Omnitrix."

"But what if there's another attack by a monster? Or what if aliens show up to start causing problems? What if there's an emergency and I'm the only one that can help? Are you really okay with people dying?"

"Of course not," Trail stated. "But it's our duty as your parents to make sure you stay safe. And I'm sorry son, but I don't think you can stay safe doing this." He stepped forward. "When we thought you died, our entire world came crashing down. We thought our lives were over. If something like that happened again...I don't think we could take it."

Flash looked down, feeling sorry for his parents having to go through all that. But it didn't make what they were doing any better.

The teen turned away from them and walked towards the teleporter, the others asking him not to leave. But he teleported away and everyone sighed, knowing this was hard for him.

Across town, Negatine was still sitting in his cell waiting to be transported to prison. But he didn't intend to let them transport him.

Inside the evidence locker, his gear was still hard at work acting as a beacon for someone to use in order to hack in to the police database. The firewalls had finally been broken down, allowing whoever was using it to access all the systems they wanted to find.

One of these systems was the location of certain prisoners. There were six of them, but only five were located together. The sixth was somewhere else and in order to free the others, this sixth figure would be needed.

Negatine's damaged equipment was suddenly coming back to life. The pieces that had been ripped apart were merging back together, the ends turning to a liquid that combined before solidifying. And once that was done, the antenna unleashed a bright light that started printing something.

That something was one of Negatine's creations. The Ptera-Jet squawked as it was completed, the beast quickly grabbing the device in its claws before turning towards the wall.

It was quite a shock for the police, when the wall of their precinct suddenly exploded and several of them were sent flying. The Ptera-Jet then flew out and headed towards the cells, using another missile to blow it open and free Negatine.

"Perfect," he smiled as the beast dropped his device at his feet. "Keep them busy whilst I get ready!" The Ptera-Jet flew out of the cell and started flying through the halls, knocking down any cop that tried to shoot it. As it did, Negatine activated the device and placed it on his back. A compartment then opened and an earpiece came out of it, Negatine putting it in his ear. "Alright, what's the plan?"

The cops kept fighting against the digital monster and eventually, they managed to shoot it in several spots where its armor was weak. The beast cried out as it fell towards the ground, its body giving off spots of light as it began to fade away. The cops then turned towards the cell and prepared to capture the man that had caused this, only for a bunch of flaming cats to leap out and roar before the wall of Negatine's sell exploded.

Outside, people went screaming as the wall of the building was sent flying and Negatine flew out being carried by a Ptera-Jet.

Shining Armor found Flash on the roof of the base, looking out at the city he had worked so hard to protect.

He sat down next to Flash and placed a soda beside him, noticing the upset expression on the kid's face. "You doing okay?" Flash didn't answer and Shining didn't need a reply. "Yeah, I get it. You're not the first guy whose parents went into overprotective mode when something dangerous happened. I've been there."


"Oh yeah. First week I was on the force, I got into a shootout with some crooks. My folks went nuts and begged me to try and get a desk job, but I refused. I knew what I was doing was dangerous and that I might not come back one day. But I also knew I did a lot of good with my work."

"Well that's the difference between you and me," Flash sighed. "You were allowed to say no to your parents. I don't have that option until I'm eighteen."

"Yeah. And honestly, I understand where they're coming from." Flash looked at him in shock. "Don't forget, I'm a father too. Remember when you told me about when you went to the future?" Flash nodded, "hearing what Flurry did in the future was absolutely terrifying. I know that future won't happen now, but there's a chance she could choose to become a Plumber and end up in even more dangerous situations."

"If she tries to join, would you stop her?"

"I doubt I could stop her if I wanted to. But no, I wouldn't. If she wants to spend her life helping people, that's her right. Doesn't mean I won't still be worried for her." Flash nodded, as Shining's badge suddenly started beeping.

He took it out and read the holographic report, his eyes going wide. "What's up?" Flash asked.

"Negatine escaped." Flash mimicked Shining's shock, "gotta get out there and find him." They both picked themselves up, but Flash stopped when he realised he couldn't go with Shining. "Don't worry. I'll take him down. You just sit tight. Something else might happen whilst I'm gone and you need to be ready."

"Why? My parents won't let me go, especially if it's on my own."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. Trust me, they'll get over this. Because they know being a hero is what you're meant to be." With that, he rushed towards the door and headed back downstairs, whilst Flash sat back down and looked at the Omnitrix.

He couldn't help but wonder what would happen, if he really wasn't allowed to use it until he was eighteen. Who knows how many aliens he would lose out on unlocking? And what if not using it for so long, meant it recalibrated and reset all his aliens? He would be starting from scratch.

He sighed, wishing his parents didn't love him so much at that moment.

Canterlot's University of Science, was a place where many unusual pieces of technology were being studied.

Many of the labs had something interesting inside of them. And that was no more true than in lab 13-1A. Several scientists were standing inside this lab, looking through a window at the object of their fascination. Viral.

The computer program turned real person was strapped to a table in an empty room, with many wires and whatnot placed throughout her body. There were no lights on in the room, nor any piece of tech that she could use to power herself up. The scientists staring at her were surrounded by multiple types of devices, all being used to study her unique physiology.

"She is incredible," one of the scientists stated. He was currently looking through a microscope. "Every piece of skin we've extracted is made out of some kind of stem cell. If we can figure out how she was created, there's no telling how many diseases we could cure. People with lost limbs could have new ones grown overnight."

"That is amazing," a female scientist nodded before turning to Viral. "But...I wish we didn't have to restrain her like this."

"We can't risk her escaping," the scientist told her. "If she even gets a little energy within her, she could bust out of here and we'd all be in trouble." The woman frowned, seeing the scientists step into the room in order to take a blood sample.

She watched as the needle pricked her, making her flinch. "But this all feels...inhuman."

"She might look human, but she's nothing but a machine with organic parts. She was made to be a weapon and a threat to everyone around her. Here, she's safe and she can actually be of use to mankind."

She sighed, knowing he was right. However, she still felt bad for Viral.

But those bad feelings would soon disappear, as a loud crashing sound filled the air whilst the room shook. This put all the scientists on edge, especially when there was another crash that was louder than the first. And then, before the building could stop shaking, the wall exploded and the scientists were sent flying.

Negatine stepped through the busted down wall, riding atop one of his elephant creatures with a pair of Ptera-Jets flying beside him.

He spotted Viral through the window and turned to the elephant, sending it a command and making it turn its trunk to suck before putting it on the glass and pulling. The force shattered the glass away from Viral, whilst Negatine threw something into the room.

That something was a metal sphere with a counter, which hit zero and unleashed a blast of electrical energy.

This energy filled the room and hit Viral, causing her veins to glow blue as her eyes went wide. She gasped and looked around, seeing where she was and spotting Negatine. "Who are you?"

"Someone you share a mutual friend with," he explained. "And a mutual enemy. Can you get out of there?" Viral looked at the straps holding her and channelled her electrical energy, using it to burn away the leather and allow her to step down off the table. "Good, now I have something for you." She walked over and he held something out.

When she took it, she saw it was come kind of patch with circuits on it. "What is this?"

"An upgrade," Negatine replied. "After the way Sentry beat you, this was made to make it easier for you to escape situations like that. Plus, it has an added bonus." Viral raised an eyebrow, but placed the device on her neck and suddenly felt a rush of energy flow through her.

She fell to her knees, as her entire body vibrated like crazy. As she did, lightning started surging out of her and consumed her form. Within seconds, she was completely covered and looked like a humanoid made of lightning.

"How'd you feel?" Negatine asked.

"Incredible!" She cried before turning to one of the machines, as a sudden urge was sent through her. Before she could stop herself, she leapt at the machine and transformed into a stream of lightning. She flew into the machine and it sparked as the energy disappeared inside.

"Nice. You're adapting quickly." The lightning flew out and formed Viral again, the synthetic woman returning to her normal form. "Alright, we don't have long. I need you to jump into the university's system and plant an order to move several pieces of equipment to a specific spot. Once that's done, we need to get out of here before Sentry or his friends show up."

"Alright." Viral leapt into the lighting system and flew through the building until she arrived at the main computer terminal. Once she had added the shipment order, she found Negatine and the pair escaped. They now had to focus on getting the rest of their team out. And that wouldn't be easy.

Back at the base, Misty and Trail had just learned of Shining going off to deal with Negatine.

They knew Flash wanted to go with Shining, but they also knew just how dangerous that would be. Negatine could create an army of monsters and even mimic his opponents if he managed to get a scan of them. They knew Flash had defeated him many times, but they still couldn't help but worry.

Trixie and the Rainbooms had all left the base and they had considered leaving as well, but they didn't want to go whilst Flash was still angry at them.

As such, they sat there whilst Azmuth was busy working on the computer. The galvin glanced back at the pair, seeing how worried they were about their son hating them. They noticed him looking and he turned back to the computer. The others two frowned, thinking the alien didn't care about them. But then, he spoke up. "You should really trust your son more." They looked up in shocked. "You think you're protecting him, but you're really not."

"You wouldn't understand," Misty told him. "You're clearly not a parent, are you?" Azmuth stopped what he was doing, their words having hit some kind of nerve.

"No," he nodded, "I am not."

"Then you don't know what a parent would do to keep their children safe," Trail stated. "Even if it makes Flash hate us, he'll be alive to hate us." Azmuth said nothing for a moment, clearly thinking about something.

"I might not have any children, but I've taken many promising young Galvin under my wing and taught them to be the best they can be. There was one Galvin in particular, that showed more potential than anyone else. A young orphan who I believed had the ability to one day surpass me. His name was Albedo."

"Was?" Misty asked, Azmuth turning to them. When they saw the look in his eye, they realised what he was saying. "Oh."

Azmuth nodded. "He was brilliant, but rash. Much like your son. I feared if I allowed him to take part in dangerous situations, he wouldn't be able to handle it and get himself killed. But by the time I realised I was wrong, it was too late."

"What happened?" Trail asked, as Azmuth turned back to the computer.

"An experimental power generator went out of control. I rushed to the scene in order to stop it, but told Albedo to wait in a heavily protective bunker. He wanted to help, but I didn't think he was ready for such a situation. So I made him go to the bunker and placed a lock on the door to keep him from sneaking out. But that was a mistake."

"How could protecting him be a mistake?" Misty asked.

"I managed to get to the generator and knew what the problem was, but even a genius can't complete a task if he doesn't have the time necessary to do everything in. Had Albedo been there, he would have been able to help me. He understood the generator enough to follow my instructions and shut it down with me. But because I hadn't trusted him, the generator overloaded and caused a dangerous power surge that flew through many of the buildings the generator was connected to. Including the bunker."

Misty gasped, whilst Trail looked white as a sheet. "So...you mean..."

"Yes," Azmuth nodded, "it exploded. I thought Albedo would be safe there, but it was the worst place he could have been. He and several others who had taken shelter there were lost, all because I didn't trust him."

"You had no idea something like that would happen," Misty told him.

"Exactly. And you have no idea what might happen to Flash. You think keeping him from using the Omnitrix is helping him, but how will it do anything except make him weaker?" They looked confused by this. "Flash is going to use the Omnitrix again once he's eighteen. All you're doing is preventing him from getting stronger. Think of how far he's come in the short time he's had the Omnitrix. Imagine how much better he'll be by the time he's eighteen."

Misty and Trail frowned, thinking about how much better Flash was now than when the aliens first showed up. But that also made them remember all the dangerous situations Flash had been in. "And what if he doesn't make it to eighteen?" Misty asked.

"He almost died in an explosion," Trail stated. "And then, he almost lost his body to an alien ghost. How many times has Flash come close to being killed since getting the Omnitrix? How much longer is his luck going to hold out?"

"Flash puts himself in danger every time he steps outside his own door," Azmuth stated. "All it would take is one car running a red light, or one person dropping something off a tall building and he could die. The world is unpredictable."

"But with those situations he's not actively putting himself in danger," Misty stated. "Are you willing to accept the consequences of what'll happen to Flash if he loses his life using your device?"

"I am," Azmuth nodded. "I know Flash having the Omnitrix means he'll face danger. That's why I considered taking it when I first met Flash. But Flash has proven again and again, that he is capable of handling himself. He might end up in dangerous situations, but he has the brains, skill and willpower to overcome anything that the universe throws at him. And if something does happen to him, I'll accept the fault."

"You might be able to accept that," Trail stated. "But as parents, it's our job to protect him."

"I'm sure there are many other people who think the same way," Azmuth nodded. "People who fear something happening to their children. But if everyone stopped their children from doing something because it's dangerous, imagine how little your species would have developed. Progress needs risks. And as a parent, it's your duty to instil your child with the needed values to make this world a better place." Azmuth got back to his work and the two thought about what he had said.

Was he right? Were they doing more harm than good for Flash?

Shining drove as fast as he could throughout the city.

On his way to the precinct Negatine had escaped from, he had gotten another alert explaining that the man had attacked the Canterlot University. He was shocked when he learned that the building he had attacked was the one that Viral was being kept in, which made Shining very worried.

If Negatine had gone through the effort of breaking Viral out, could it mean that he was planning on helping the other five criminals Flash had defeated? Or was Negatine only interested in Viral because of her digital origins, just like his creations?

He arrived at the university and found the placed was a total mess.

As he rushed inside, Shining set his suit to scan the place and found trace amounts of the energy that was produced when Negatine created his monsters. He then spotted a scientist beginning to wake up and crawl along the ground, Shining rushing over to help him up.

"What happened?"

"Strange man," he replied. "That...Negatine fellow. He attacked and stole the specimen."

"Viral?" The scientist nodded, as Shining frowned. "Did they say anything about what they planned to do next?" The scientist shook his head, having blacked out before they said anything to each other.

Once he was sure the man wasn't seriously injured, Shining rushed out. Activating his holo-bike, he quickly revved it up and shot down the street. As he did, he brought up his phone numbers and searched for the prison Animac and the other criminals were located.

"I gotta warn them."

However, at that exact moment, Negatine and Viral had arrived at the prison.

They were driving in a van that had been disguised as a police van, Negatine behind the wheel as Viral adapted to the new upgrade. "You ready?" He asked, as they pulled up to the prison. She nodded and felt her body charge with electricity, the lightning surging around her before she was completely covered in it.

She then touched the van's radio and was sucked inside, whilst Negatine took something out. A strange looking mask, which completely covered his face when he put it on.

Moments later, his entire body was consumed by light and when it faded he looked like an entirely different individual. That individual was dressed in a police uniform and when he pulled up to the gates, a guard stepped forward and was surprised to see him.

"Hey man," he clearly knew the individual Negatine was pretending to be. "I thought you were on vacation."

"I wish," he even sounded different. "Could really use one with everything that's been going on lately. Listen, I need to talk to a prisoner about a crime they might have committed. I know this is last minute, but you think I can talk to him?"

The guard hummed and took something off his belt. A strange looking gun that he held up to his eye. "Don't blink." He held it up to Negatine's eye and it fired a light that ran over the eye, scanning his retina to see if it was on the database. After a few seconds, he pulled it away and waited for the results. And as it beeped, the light turned green and he nodded. "Alright, you're clear to go in."

Negatine nodded as the guard returned to the box and a few moments later, the gate opened with him driving in. "Too easy." As soon as they were close enough to the building, the radio sparked and the energy transferred into the battery before flying out the van and into a nearby power chord.

Once inside, she began searching the electrical system until she found the cells containing Animac, Dynamo, The Hypnotist, Dragster and Doddery. Each of them were in a different cell, with Doddery being in another section of the prison, but Viral knew what she had to do.

From out of their overhead lights, she flew into each of their cells and surprised them when she did. They managed not to scream and realised who it was, then saw the lightning form shapes in the air to create letters. Each of them received the exact same message, a bunch of instructions they would need to follow if they wished to escape.

They all understood and Viral returned to the electrical system, eventually arriving at the part of the grid connected to the control system. She quickly entered the computer and started going through the many systems, breaking through multiple firewalls and other securities until she had complete access to the building's controls.

"Now," she smiled, "to make a little chaos." In that moment, every single guard found the cells of the prison opening up.

Many hadn't been expecting this and were taken by surprise, as the criminals quickly saw their chance. As such, the crooks leapt out of their cells and attacked the guards. All the officers were tackled towards the ground and their weapons were quickly pulled out of their grasp.

As this was happening, Animac, Dynamo, The Hypnotist, Doddery and Dragster found themselves sneaking out of their cells.

Following Viral's instructions, they all headed for another part of the building. Hopefully, Viral's instructions would allow them to escape without even being noticed. And by the time they realised they were four prisoners down, it would be too late.

Back at the base, Trail and Misty contemplated what Azmuth had told them.

They knew they couldn't keep Flash from being a hero forever. Were they really hurting him by keeping their son from using the Omnitrix? Even if it was true, could they really survive sending their son into such a dangerous situation?

Suddenly, an alarm caught their attention and they rushed over to the computer. Flash and Azmuth were also there, Azmuth typing away at it as the alert was revealed. "Some kind of virus has entered the prison security system." He brought up the security footage and showed all the inmates rioting against the guards. Many of the guards had been overpowered and had their weapons taken, allowing the prisoners to fight back when the armed guards arrived.

"This is awful!" Misty cried, "can't anyone stop this?"

"Shining appears to be on his way to the prison," Azmuth stated. "But it'll take him way too long to get there. By then, I fear someone might be killed."

"The guards can't handle that many on their own!" Flash cried, "the only one that might be able to stop this is..." He turned to his parents, who frowned as they realised what he was asking.

"No," Trail told them. "Besides, what can you do from here?"

"The base's teleporter system could transport him there in an instant," Azmuth stated. "And he's right, he's the only one who can possible stop this riot. With his aliens, it'll be a snap." Flash looked at them, showing him an expression that was begging them to let him do this.

Both clearly had misgivings about sending their son into a building full of violent offenders. But then they looked up at the monitor and saw a guard getting beaten pretty badly, the man begging them not to kill him since he had a family. They then looked to Azmuth, who gave them a look reminding them of their earlier talk.

After glancing at each other, they couldn't deny the fact any longer. "Flash needs to do this," Trail sighed. Misty nodded and turned to him.

"Alright, go. But please, be careful." Flash smiled and nodded, rushing over to hug them as he did. They hugged him back, as Azmuth got the teleporter online.

"Ready Flash?"

"Just a second," Flash jumped back and activated the Omnitrix. Cycling through his aliens, he found the one he wanted and slammed the dial down. With a burst of green light, he transformed. "Diamondhead!" The crystal alien got into a fighting stance, "I'm ready!" Azmuth nodded and hit the button. Diamondhead disappeared in a flash, his parents focusing on the screen.

Moments later, Diamondhead appeared in the middle of the riot. The light caught everyone's attention and they saw him appear, many of which being in prison because of Flash.

"It's Sentry!"

"Let's get him!" The inmates pointed their guns at him and fired, but the bullets did nothing against the alien hero.

He quickly ran forward and swung his arm blades around, cutting through the guns and knocking out any criminal that got too close. He grabbed several of the guards and carried them over to where the armed ones were located, knocking out a few more crooks until he got there.

"Thanks for the save!" One of the guards told him, Diamondhead handing the injured ones over to them. "Think you can quell this many?"

"Leave it to me." Diamondhead looked over the criminals and saw they were all now unharmed, in the sense that all their guns and blades had been taken. But they still had a few bats and metal pipes they had on them, Diamondhead hitting the Omnitrix and transforming. "Goop!"

The guards watched as the alien slime flew forwards and started tackling many of the criminals, drenching the ones carrying bats and pipes in slime along with making a long trail on the ground and walls. Once he was on the other side of the group, he hit the Omnitrix and transformed again.

"Volt-Edge!" The electric lizard sparked his claws before punching the slimy ground, the goo conducting the lightning and allowing it to travel along it. It flew towards the criminals and electrocuted the ones that were either covered in the stuff or standing on it, causing many of them to fall unconscious as they hit the ground.

Volt-Edge smirked at all the remaining criminals still ready to fight back, the alien raising a claw and giving them a 'bring it' gesture. They all roared and ran forward, determined to take their opponent down.

At the same time, Dynamo, Animac, Dragstar and The Hypnotist were making their way through the prison.

They turned a corner and when they did, they found someone else running towards them. Doddery. "So you got the message as well?" Animac asked, Doddery nodding as they wondered what they were supposed to do now.

"Viral said to come here," Dynamo stated. "What are we supposed to do here?" None of them had an answer to that. However, at that moment, Doddery's hearing aid staticed.

"Ah!" She reached up to take it out, but suddenly heard a voice speaking through it.

"Can you hear me?" It was Viral's voice, "raise your left hand if you can hear me." Doddery wasn't sure what was going on, but she did so much to the other's confusion. "Good. Looks like it worked."

"Where are you?" She asked, looking around and spotting a camera pointing at them.

"I think you just said something. But this camera feed only has visuals. Tell the others I've hacked into your hearing aid and will be directing you through it." Doddery did so and explained, the others hoping Viral had a plan for getting them out. "Alright. Turn left and head in that direction. But be careful. Flash Sentry has suddenly appeared and is starting to quell the riot we made. You guys won't have much longer before he realises you're not there."

They began to make their way through the prison, following Viral's directions as they ran as fast as they could.

At the same time, Negatine had made his own escape from the prison.

He pulled out of the building and with the riot going on, there was nobody at the main gate to stop him. He drove right out and around the building, following a set of blueprints he had gotten from his boss. He reached the spot and parked the vehicle behind a bunch of bushes before heading into the back, where several pieces of equipment were located.

Pulling the sheet off of them, he found the devices were six sets of identical devices. They were vests with the round machine on the chest, Negatine quickly putting one of them on before picking up the other five. They were heavy, but he could handle them. He also picked up something else, a small cube-like device with a light on each side.

"I hope this works." He got out of the van and ran towards the prison, hitting the button on the device he was wearing as he did.

Back in the prison, Flash had switched aliens again.

Now, he was Pesky Dust and the little fairy alien was flying through the female section of the prison. As he did, he was spraying his sleeping dust on the criminals. He smiled as he watched the inmates fall to the ground asleep, Pesky Dust having already done this to the male criminals before moving over to the female section.

Once the last inmate was asleep, Pesky Dust stopped and landed on the ground. "Okay," he said with a cute purr in his voice, "you girls can come out now." He looked over at a door, which opened up to allow the female guards to step inside as they wore gas masks. "You don't need to wear those. The dust's effects only last a minute of two before it stops working."

"Better safe than sorry," the lead guard stated. "Is that all of the criminals?"

"I think so," Pesky Dust nodded. But as he said that, the guard's radio went off and she answered it.

"What?" She asked, then started looking around. "Where's Doddery?" Pesky Dust's eyes went wide as he looked around, seeing no sign of the elderly villain.

"You mean Doddery is here?"

"She's supposed to be. But we just got word that Animac, Dynamo, Dragster and Periwinkle aren't apart of the prisoners you took down." The guards searched the area, but found no sign of any of the criminals.

"Was this whole thing a set up to let them escape?" Pesky Dust asked. He hit the Omnitrix and transformed into XLR8, the alien speedster beginning to shoot offer and search the entire prison. As he did, the lights began to flicker above him.

"Flash." Azmuth was speaking through the Omnitrix, "the virus that suddenly infected the system suddenly vanished. We have control of the prison's security systems."

"Great. Can you figure out where Animac and the others are? They weren't apart of the criminals I rounded up."

"Searching now. Found them." He started direction XLR8 through the prison until he reached the area where all the plumbing was located. He shot through the maze of pipes and other items until he arrived at a turn leading to a dead-end. And when he ran around it he found the five standing there looking anxious.

"There you are!" He cried, making the five spin around and glare at him. Seeing he had very little room to run around it, he changed aliens once again. "Molestache!" The alien rodent got into a boxer's pose and started thrusting his stache-fists at the lot of them. "Kindly return to your cells, else I will be forced to unleash a tremendous amount of pain upon the lot of you!"

"You don't scare us!" Dynamo cried as he ran forward and tried to kick Molestache. But Molestache jumped up to avoid the kick before throwing a punch right into his face. He cried out, staggering back as Dragstar and The Hypnotist ran forward as well.

Molestache's hair fists extended upwards and grabbed some pipes on the ceiling, allowing him to pull himself up and swing towards the pair. He let go and slammed both his feet into Dragstar's chest, knocking him down before he turned to Periwinkle and punched him in the face as well.

"You heinous villains might be almost unstoppable with your equipment, but when you lack such you're nothing more than simple criminals." He turned to Animac and Doddery, the older criminals looking ready to have a heart attack. "Please give yourself up. I find no pleasure is giving undo harm to the old and frail."

"Old?" Doddery growled.

"Frail?" Animac cried, "I'll show you who's frail." He picked up a stray pipe and used it to bag on another pipe, hitting it was a lot of force that surprised Molestache. He hit the pipe so hard, it bent and eventually broke away from the wall.

Doing so unleashed a burst of steam that flew right into Molestache's face, making him scream as he was sent staggering backwards. Animac then ran forward and attempted to cave the hero's head in, but Molestache's facial hair flew up and formed a shield to block the pipe.

"What?" Animac felt the pipe be pulled from his grasp, as Molestache leapt backwards and threw the pipe away.

His eyes were still closed and slightly stinging, but that didn't stop him. "As someone who claims to understand a lot about animals, you clearly aren't went versed in we talpa europaea. If you were, you would be aware of our innate ability to sense vibrations."

Animac growled, as the other criminals picked themselves up and started attacking again. But their loud movements allowed Molestache to see where they were and easily counter them, grabbing Dragstar's kick and throwing him against the wall before ducking under Dynamo's punch. He grabbed Dynamo and The Hypnotist by the front before pushing them upwards, slamming them into the ceiling whilst Animac simply ran forwards.

But Molestache raised a hair fist and held it at just the right angle, allowing Animac to run into it and have a very special area take the impact. When all four of them were down for the count, Molestache used his facial hair to wrap them up before moving over to Doddery.

"Now, I'll repeat my suggestion involving you returning to your cells peacefully. Agree to do that and I won't be force to cause any harm to you." However, as he said that, Doddery did something rather surprising.

Her body began to flicker and glitch, like a computer with a bad screen.

Molestache was surprised to see this, whilst the villains he held captive also flickered. Eventually, they all disappeared and something fell to the ground. A small cube with a light on each of the sides. "What's this?" He picked it up and looked it over, only to realize what had happened. "I was tricked!" But if the villains he had fought were fakes, then where were the real ones?

Negatine drove the police van down the road and smiled as he heard the others laugh.

Animac was sitting next to him, whilst Doddery, Dynamo, Dragster and The Hypnotist sat in the back with the equipment. "I wish I could have seen the look on Sentry's face, when he realised he was fighting a bunch of holograms." The others nodded at Dynamo's statement, whilst one of the devices that had saved them began to spark.

"Hey!" Doddery told it, "calm down. We told you, there's not enough room in here to let you out." The device sparked some more and she sighed. "She's not gonna be happy."

"Pass her to Animac," Negatine told her. Doddery did so and once Animac had it, Negatine told Viral to jump into the radio.

She did and sigh as soon as she was inside. "Finally, at least I can talk." Animac took this moment to inspect the device that Viral had leapt into seconds before they had escaped, with XLR8 only arriving a few more seconds after they had left.

"Such an amazing piece of tech."

"Well be careful with it," Negatine stated. "You don't want to accidently phase out of the truck." Animac nodded and handed it back to the others, as Negatine focused on the road. "You should all be thankful he still needed you. If he didn't, he probably would have left you all to rot where you were."

"We know," Dynamo stated. "Don't worry, we're not gonna make the same mistake twice. Next time we see Sentry, he's going down." They all nodded, whilst Negatine kept driving.

"Good, but let's focus on what matters at the moment. Getting the remaining tech needed to complete his master plan. That's the only way we're ever gonna get the one up on Sentry." With that, they drove into the city and each took out a mask like the one Negatine had used.

Each one place placed on their face and in a flash, they all transformed. Now they were completely different people and could walk around without needing to hide their face. They had a lot of work left to do. The first thing they needed to focus on, was replacing the tech Sentry had destroyed when he defeated them. Then, they could move on to the next phase of the plan. Sentry wouldn't know what hit him when everything was complete.

Back at the base, Azmuth was staring at a monitor showing footage from Shining's visor.

The Plumber was finally at the prison, annoyed that he had missed the riot and was unable to stop the prisoners from escaping. He was currently scanning the area Flash had fought the fake criminals and as he scanned the wall, he picked up a familiar looking energy footprint.

"You seeing this?" He asked Azmuth, who nodded.

"Yes. Not doubt about it. Tragnik Radiation. The same kind that was used to invent that phasing device you managed to stop a while back. The wall's been saturated with it." He then looked down at the device Flash had brought back from the prison. "The same radiation is on this device. It was what allowed it to pass through the wall and into the prison."

"So Negatine and the others were the ones that created that tech."

"I doubt it," Azmuth told him. "This technology is years ahead of its time. There's no way any of them could create something like this. There's someone else, working behind the scenes."


"Well...that is the question of the hour." Azmuth turned away from the computer, looking over at Flash as he and his parents sat together listening to what was being said.

Flash sighed, feeling depressed. "I can't believe I let those guys get away. If I had stopped them, we could have gotten answer about who's been giving out all this super dangerous tech."

Trail placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry son. You did go getting the rest of the prison under control. You'll catch those guys next time." Flash smiled at this, glancing over at Misty who smiled back and nodded.

"You're right!" Flash stood up. "Those guys might have gotten away, but at least now we know Negatine's working with them. So what if I have to beat them seven on one. I'm gonna do it, not problem."

"Who said anything about seven on one?" Flash looked around and saw Trixie, Adagio and the Rainbooms walking towards him. Rainbow smirked, "we want a piece of those creeps as well."

"You got that right," Trixie nodded. "They might have forced you to fight them all alone before, but next time we'll take them out." She pointed at him, "they only have seven members. But we have eleven. So we outnumber them, no problem at all." The others nodded and Flash smiled, as Twilight stepped over to his parents.

"I know you're still worried about Flash." The pair nodded, clearly still anxious at the idea of their son going into a dangerous situation. "But you don't have to be scared. Because Flash won't be doing this alone. He has us to watch his back and keep him from getting himself killed."

"That's right," Sunset nodded. "Flash might not always think, but he's got us to think for him when he gets in over his head." The parents couldn't help but smile at this statement, whilst Flash high fived the lot of them. They might be young, but they all had more potential than almost any adult. If anyone could keep their son safe, it was them.

Azmuth watched and couldn't help but smirk at the sight before him, the old galvin reminded of the many potential filled younglings he had mentored. If only Albedo was there. Azmuth had no doubt, he would be friends with Flash and helping just as much.

However, he had to put those thoughts aside for now. They had bigger fish to fry. The technology the seven used was powerful, but Azmuth had a feeling it was all a bunch of stepping stones. Something or someone was building something bigger. And if they were allowed to complete it, there was no telling what they could do.

In a dark lab of some kind, a figure was working on a device hidden in the shadows.

Using one of the computer chips his underlings had stolen for him, he was able to complete another section of the device. But there was still more he required in order to complete the device. "Soon," he stated. "When you're ready, I'll finally have the power that was stolen from me. And then I'll make all those who tried to wrong me suffer." He moved over to another section, taking out a welding torch that he used to put the device together.

It wouldn't be long. And when it was complete, not even the great Flash Sentry would be able to stop him.

Author's Note:

A lighter chapter after what happened last week, but I think it was needed. Hope you enjoyed it and will return next week.

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