• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 2, Episode 6: Hot Rods and Hot Dates

In the Canterlot City, we find Flash walking down the road looking rather well dressed.

Instead of his usual jeans and hoodie look, he was dressed in black dress pants, a blue shirt and black blazer. His hair was styled into a more gentlemanly look and his shoes were the kind he usually wore for weddings, funerals and anything Rarity invited him to.

The teen sighed as he took out his phone and looked at the time, seeing it was getting close to the time he was meant to meet them. Nerves were flooding his entire body, as he thought about what he was about to do. How was it that fighting against Vilgax and all the other aliens insanities he had faced, was less stressing then what was about to happen?

"How did I let Trixie talk me into this?"

Flash and Trixie were at Flash's place, doing some homework as the news was on in the background.

"And in other news. The world famous Slipstream supercar will be on display in Canterlot starting next week. The limited edition car will be auctioned off the opening day, but will remain on display for three weeks following its buying. This car is said to be the fastest road legal car ever made."

"How's this look?" Trixie showed Flash her homework and Flash looked it over, having grown quite comfortable thanks to Twilight's tutoring.

"Looks good. You divided perfectly." Trixie pumped her arm, as her phone went off and she smiled.

"Perfect. Great homework and great match. Everything's coming up Trixie." Flash looked at her confused, wondering what the heck she was talking about.

"Great match?"

"Yup," Trixie held up her phone, "on this dating site I've joined. You leave out your name and it has no picture, then input all your likes and dislikes. The site then matches you up with anyone you have between sixty and eighty-five compatibility with."

"Why not those with higher than eighty-five?"

"I'm not sure. The site's entry page said something about differences breeding harmony. If you're too compatible with one another, it doesn't leave you any room to grow with your respective partner."

"Guess that makes sense," Flash nodded as he remembered Shining saying something similar once. "So you've been on this site for how long?"

"Couple of weeks. Whenever I'm matched up with someone, I message them through the site's PM system and we talk. But we leave out who we are so that if things don't work out, we don't have those awkward moments if we meet in real life." Flash could see the logic in that, but then Trixie smiled an evil smile. "You know, you should join the site."

"What?" Flash asked, "no way."

"Come on. You haven't had a date with anything since Princess Twilight."

"I don't wanna date anyone right now. I've got way too much going on in my life. Besides, if I did want a new girlfriend, I'm not gonna use a blind dating site. That's like giving up. It's the male equivalent of getting a cat."

"Come on," Trixie pouted. "Just try it. See who you get matched up with. You never know, the two of you might really hit it off."

Flash frowned. "Let's say I do this and do find someone I really like?" He held up his watch, "what am I supposed to tell her when I need to run off in the middle of a date to save someone from a burning building?"

Trixie shrugged, "maybe you'll like her so much you'll decide to tell her the truth." Flash raised an eyebrow at this. "Come on. You realise if you don't do this, I'll do it myself and see who you get matched up with."

"Yeah right." Flash smirked, but then saw Trixie hold up his phone and start typing away. "Hey!" He checked his pockets, "where'd you get that." Trixie smirked and kept typing.

"Let's see. Username...Alien boy." Flash's eyes went wide. "Favourite food...super spicy curry."

"I hate spicy food!" Flash finally nabbed his phone back. "Fine. I'll do it myself." Trixie smiled as he started inputting the info, though of course leaving off what he usually did in his spare time. After a while, he finished and activated his site to be matched up. "There, you happy?"

"I will be, when you get matched up." And sure enough, the site had already found his first match. "Oow, who'd you get?" Flash kept this secret and looked through their webpage, his interest growing with every paragraph.

And thus a week of messaging commenced.

Flash had to admit, that this girl sounded great. She was the oldest of three siblings, enjoyed past times that included listening to music, watching movies, singing and occasionally cooking. She liked guys that were fit, but not over brawny meatheads, smart but not dorky brainiacs and mentally strong but not so much that they tried to make her do whatever he wanted.

They had messaged over the last week and Flash was really looking forward to meeting her, so had asked if she wanted to. As it turned out, she did. So they set a date, time and location.

Said location was a nice restaurant that wasn't too expensive, but still better than a cheap burger joint. The only downside was the place was in such an enjoyed area, that Flash had to park over three blocks away. He arrived at the restaurant and waited outside, since they had agreed to meet there.

Flash sighed as he looked around, waiting to see who it was that showed up. And again, the nerves were beginning to rattle inside of him. He was terrified the girl was gonna be either some horrible monster, or a gorgeous supermodel he would be too tongue tied to talk to.

"Flash?" His heart leapt and he spun around, surprised to see Twilight Sparkle walking towards him. She was dressed up looking like she was preparing for a date, whilst looking him over and appearing to think the same thing. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh," Flash blushed, "I'm...meeting someone." Twilight looked surprised, then smiled.

"Oh, going on a date?"

"Maybe. What about you? No, let me guess. Timber's coming."

"Someone say my name?" They looked around to see Timber, dressed in cream khakis and a white shirt under a green sweater. Twilight smiled and hugged him, Timber then turning to Flash. "Hey. Flash right?" He nodded, "you here for a date to?"

"Yes," Flash nodded, "it's a blind date. I don't know who it is."

"Oh, never saw the appeal of a blind date. I'd hate to have to spend the whole day with someone if they didn't look good." Twilight slapped his shoulder as Flash rolled his eyes.

"Come on," she told him. "Let's go before she shows up. Might be awkward if she saw us here with him. Good luck Flash. Maybe if things go well, we can double date." Flash shrugged as the two headed inside, Flash once again forced to wait around for whoever was supposed to show up.

"Cool-Guy-531?" That was his username. It was her.

"Yup," he turned to her, "Super-Songstress-" He stopped and his eyes went wide at the sight of who was walking towards him. Someone he had hoped never to see again. Adagio Dazzle.

The evil Equestrian strode towards him, dressed in a dark blue knee-length coat covering her body along with a pink belt around her waist. She was also dressed in a pair of pink leggings, with hearts on them, and red high-heeled boots.

She looked him over and smiled, clearly not recognising him and liking what she saw. "Hey handsome." She looked at the restaurant. "So, we gonna go in or what?" Flash frowned at her and slowly stepped backwards, getting ready to use the Omnitrix whilst she looked confused. "What is with you?" But then she seemed to put the pieces together, "have we met before?"

"You could say that," he told her. "You brainwashed me into competing in a battle of the bands and made me so angry, I yelled at someone who meant a lot to me."

"Oh," Adagio pouted, "you got to that school." He nodded. "Well you don't have to worry about that happening again. I don't have any magic, so I couldn't control you even if I wanted to."

"Right," he replied slowly.

"So," she pointed at the building again, "we going in?"

"Are you nuts? Why would I wanna be anywhere near you?"

"Come on. Don't be like that. We've been texting over the last week and got on like a house on fire."

"That was before I knew you were an evil sea monster from another world," Flash growled. "What the heck were you even doing on a dating site anyway? Can't you just hoodwink a guy into dating you like a bunch of other golddiggers?" Adagio rolled her eyes.

"I like to have fun every now and then. Sometimes that involves meeting a guy and seeing how things turn out. As for the dating site, most humans turn into gibbering messes when they see me. So this site works perfectly for me." Flash frowned at her, Adagio sighing. "Well, you're clearly not one to let bygones be bygones." She flicked her hair out of her face and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"You might not want to have this date with me, but I spent ages getting ready for this and I've been wanting to check this restaurant out for a while. So you can either be a grown up and join me for this date, or go home and let me enjoy the good food this place offers."

Flash wanted to argue that he was the one who made the arrangement, so he should be the one to eat there. But he really wasn't in the mood for any more arguing. "Fine, but I'm warning you. There's a Rainboom in there and if she thinks you're doing anything, she won't hesitate to call the others and you'll be in serious trouble."

"Fine," Adagio sighed before they both headed inside. As they did, the smell of great food wafted into their nostrils and they both found themselves growing hungry.

Twilight and Timber were sat at their table, having just finished ordering. They were talking, but Twilight's tongue froze the second she saw who Flash stepped inside with. "What is she doing here?" Timber looked around and saw who Flash was with.

"Wow, she's hot."

"She's evil." He looked surprised by this. "She's one of the Dazzlings. Creatures from Equestria, just like Sunset. They were sent to this world a thousand years ago, hoping they would become less dangerous. They tried to use Equestrian magic to brainwash everyone, but my friends were able to stop them."

"Oh," Timber looked at her again, "then why is she here with him?"

"I don't know." She and Flash locked eyes and the pair had a silent conversation, Twilight asking him why she was with him. He shrugged back as they reached their table, Adagio taking off her coat and revealing a white top with a skirted bottom that flowed around her waist.

They sat down and Flash instantly grabbed the menu and started looking through it, not wanting to share eye contact with Adagio.

Twilight kept staring at them, making Timber frown. "Hey," he snapped his fingers, "they don't look like there's anything going on between them. Let's not ruin our date worrying about those two. If anything happens, we'll deal with it then. For now, let's enjoy ourselves."

Twilight didn't look happy about that idea, but knew she didn't want to upset Timber by focusing on someone else.

However, she sneakily took out her phone and started texting under the table. She sent a message to Sunset, telling her about what was happening and how she would keep an eye on everything and call them if anything should happen. Hopefully, nothing would.

The pair quickly ordered and once the waiter was gone, they sat in a rather uncomfortable silence. "You know," Adagio told him. "This won't be a very good date if we don't talk to one another."

"I guess," Flash ate up his chip. "Well...what do you wanna talk about?"

Adagio thought for a moment, "alright human. I know you're an alright guitar player, but what else do you enjoy doing? When you're not playing music, in school or ignoring gorgeous girls, how do you spend your time?"

Flash wasn't sure how to answer that. He didn't want to tell an evil monster turned girl from another universe, that he could transform into a variety of different alien creatures and used them to be a superhero. What was he supposed to tell her instead?

"Same as any other kid my age. Video games, hanging with my friends, doing school activities like Chemistry and baking."

"You bake?"

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "I'm not as good as Pinkie but I can make something halfway decent most of the time." Adagio smiled at this, "what?"

"Nothing. Just remembering the first time Sonata ate chocolate. It didn't exist in Equestria when we were there, so the first time she ate it was a sight to see. Be thankful she didn't have any magic back then, or she might have found a way to make it rain chocolate rain."

"That so," Flash nodded. "You care about your sister, huh?"

"Of course. The pair of them drive me crazy sometimes, but we're still sisters." Adagio sat back. "It's tough being the oldest. Having to make sure the other two don't get themselves killed and finding enough to eat so we didn't fade away."

"Fade away?" Flash raised an eyebrow, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"Why do you think we were so desperate to get our magic back? If we don't get enough negative emotions, we fade away. It's like how you humans need water to survive. Same basic thing for us. Or...at least it was."


Adagio shrugged. "I don't know what your friends did, but when they blasted us with their magic laser and broke our medallions, they transformed us. Before, we were our true forms locked inside what you see. But now we really are three teenage girls. I think we might even be aging now."

"Isn't that good?" Flash asked. "You don't have to try and suck negative emotions out of people anymore. You can just live your lives without hurting people."

"I guess," Adagio told him. "Still, it wasn't an easy transition." Flash could understand that. He knew what it meant to completely change your species in a second. Maybe he and Adagio had more in common then he thought.

Meanwhile, across the street, there was a car dealership that sold only the finest in high-power sports cars.

The dealership's owner smiled as he handed a man off to an employee, so that they could sign the paperwork on a newly bought car. He felt like everything in his life was going great. But then something happened that made his smile disappear.

Someone stepped inside. He was a tall and lanky man, wearing a black bodysuit. He had a white belt around his waist, which had metal suspender-like straps running from the central buckle up over his shoulders. He gloves were white and around the ends of them and the tops of his black boots, tire-like cuffs could be seen. On his chest was an emblem that looked like a spinning tire surrounded by flames, whilst his head had a large black helmet. On said helmet, chrome piping was around his eyes and mouth, which here the only two things that weren't being covered by his helmet.

The man looked around and instantly zeroed in on a car that was being spun around on a giant lazy susan. He stepped up to the convertible and looked it over, and the dealership owner approached. "Nice car," he told the owner. "Is it fast?"

"Very fast," the owner nodded. "Nort to sixty in zero point six seconds." The man whistled, "but I doubt this car is really your cup of tea mister..."

"Dragstar," the man replied. "And I think this car is perfect." He suddenly leapt into the car and got comfortable, "i think I'll take it out for a spin."

"Um...this is a floor model. Doesn't have any fuel in it."

"That's fine." The man reached into his belt and took something out. It was a strange black tube that he stabbed into the dashboard, "it just needs an upgrade." With that, the device let out a bunch of green light-lines. These lines suddenly started spreading throughout the entire car and this caused it to start transforming.

The dealership owner gasped and staggered back, as his car grew in size with the wheels growing larger and the man inside becoming surrounded by metal. Within seconds, it was a giant tank-like vehicles with wheels twice the size of him and a large gun on the top of it. It was mostly black in colour with green lines surrounding it.

The man and everyone else in the dealership screamed, as the tank came to life and started rolling around the dealership. As it did, the bottom of it opened up and launched cables out. These cables struck the cars and attached using magnets, allowing the tank to pull the cars inside of it.

Dragstar was in the main cockpit, laughing as he put his foot down.

Back with Flash and Adagio, they continued to talk as their food arrived. Flash was having steak and chips whilst Adagio had order a lasagna.

Flash had to admit, lowering his guard had allowed him to learn more about Adagio that he didn't think he'd ever know. She wasn't just a onenote villain that only cared about getting magic and attention. She enjoyed watching old movies with her sister, baking sweet treats for her other sister and had a pretty interesting sense of humour.

If Flash had never met her before and been brainwashed by her, he might actually consider her to be the perfect girl for him.

The pair laughed at something Adagio had said and as he was getting his breath back, Flash noticed something happening outside. A bunch of people were running out of the building across the road, all of them looking absolutely terrified.

"Excuse me a moment." Adagio looked confused, as he got up and ran for the door. Adagio watched him in shock, whilst Timber just smirked from his table.

"Not very gentlemanly, huh?" Twilight frowned, knowing Flash would never just up and abandon his date. Even if they were super evil. What was going on?

Flash rushed out the restaurant and as he did, the building across the road suddenly exploded.

"WOW!" He staggered back, as metal and glass flew everywhere. He quickly ran into an alleyway as a giant tank rolled out of the car dealership. "What the heck?" He tank opened itself up and launched out more cables, grabbing several cars that hadn't been destroyed when the store opened up and pulling them towards it.

"Oh no you don't," Flash activated the Omnitrix and started searching for his alien of choice. "Diamondhead should cut that tin can open." But as he said that, the tank rolled over a destroyed car and part of it got stuck in the wheel. Some of the tank opened up and sucked this wreckage inside, whilst a port on the top opened up.

Suddenly, a cube of metal exploded out and flew towards Flash's alleyway.

The teen saw this and gasped, leaping out of the way and barely managing to avoid getting flattened. As he did, he accidently pushed the dial down on the wrong alien.

In a flash of light, he was transformed into Firefly. "Oh, great." He shook his head. "That's fine," he spread his wings. "I'll just melt that thing's wheels and pulled whoever's driving out. He shot into the air and flew towards the tank.

Inside the tank, Dragstar laughed as he was having a blast.

However, in that moment the tank gave him a warning. "Huh?" He looked at the screen and saw that an intense heat source had been detected. It was hitting his back wheel. He pressed a button and outside, a cable flew out the top with a telescope lense on it.

It looked around and saw Firefly, who was currently launching a stream of fire at the wheel.

"Oh, trying to melt my ride?" He started pressing buttons, "I don't think so." The gun on the top of the tank spun around and pointed towards Firefly, who was so focused on melting the wheels he didn't notice.

He did notice when the humming started, making him look up and see the barrel had opened up to form a railgun. A railgun currently filling with energy. "WOW!" He shot away, right as the gun fired and caused the spot he had been standing to explode. Dust filled the air with such force, it struck Firefly and knocked him out of control. "GYAH!"

At the restaurant, several people rushed out to see the alien insect roll through the air out of control. When he disappeared behind the roof of another building, they turned towards the tank and gasped. The railgun slowly turned in their direction and many people turned to run away, Timber included.

"Come on!" He grabbed Twilight and tried to pull her with him, but Twilight pulled her arm free.

"I have to help!" She cried, running forward.

"TWILIGHT!" Timber screamed, whilst Adagio watched in both shock and intrigued. She then looked around, wondering where the heck Flash had gone. He had been outside when this all started, so it was likely he ran away. Or worse.

Twilight stared at the giant machine, as it started rolling away. The wheel hadn't even been warped by the flames that struck it, allowing the tank to move without issue. At least until Twilight grabbed it in her magic. She moaned as she tried to pull the tank apart, but whatever it was made out of was some pretty strong stuff.

Dragstar turned his camera on her and raised an eyebrow, "that's new." He pressed a button and the railgun turned towards her, Twilight gasping when she saw this.

Timber cried out as it charged up, only for something to suddenly fly past from above. "Huh?" He looked up and saw Firefly, soaring into action. He spat out a stream of thread, which struck Twilight in the back and allowed him to pull her up. The railgun then fired and struck the spot she had been in, Twilight using her magic to push the dust away so it didn't hit them.

Firefly pulled her up and held her in his arms, "you okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks for the save. But whatever this tank is made out of, it's tough stuff." Firefly nodded, as the railgun moved up and pointed at them. "Look out!" It fired and Firefly barely managed to avoid the energy ball, which exploded behind them as they flew down. Twilight then noticed the camera cable, "aim for the end of that?"

"You got it!" Firefly shot a blast of silk, which struck the cable's telescope lense.

"HEY!" Dragstar cried from within. He then activated the speaker system. "You freaks think that's enough to stop me? You just made things a whole lot worse for yourselves." He uncovered a big red button and slammed his fist down upon it.

Outside the tank, multiple clicking noises filled the air as parts of the tank started opening. Doing so revealed a bunch of cannon-like weapons that started firing randomly. "WOW!" Firefly cried, pulling Twilight around as best he could and avoiding the blasts. These cannons were firing not just at them, but everything around it. Clearly, without sight Dragstar had simply decided to destroy everything

Timber screamed for Twilight, as a blast flew towards him. Adagio grabbed his hand and pulled him away, the pair barely managing to avoid getting pulverised.

The same couldn't be said for Twilight and Firefly, who dodged a blast only for it to hit a building and explode. The resulting shockwave struck the pair and sent them spinning, Firefly quickly curling his body and wings around Twilight as they hit the ground.

He cried out as they bounced over the street, eventually coming to a stop with Twilight rolling out of Firefly's grasp. She looked him over and saw he was out cold, making her panic as the tank's camera looked like it was trying to remove the web covering.

She tried to lift him up, but he was pretty heavy. "Twilight!" She looked around and saw Timber running towards her, Adagio right behind him. "We gotta get out of here."

"I'm not leaving him," Twilight explained. "Help me!" Timber looked surprised she demanded this, but decided not to argue. The pair grabbed him by the shoulders and lifted Firefly up, dragging his feet along the ground as they tried to escape. Adagio then surprised them by picking up Firefly's feet. "Why are you helping?"

"Why not? First time I've got to meet an actual alien. No fun if he gets blown up before I get a chance to poke him a little." They managed to get Firefly through the alleyway and onto the next street before the camera finally freed itself, allowing Dragstar to look around.

"HA!" He laughed, "perfect. That'll teach those alien creeps not to mess with me. Now," he shifted gears and hit the gas, "let's get somewhere I can examine the goods!" The tank rolled down the street, crushing anything and everything that was in its way. All the while laughing at what was turning out to be a rather fun day.

Once they managed to get away from Dragstar, Twilight motioned them into yet another alleyway. There, they put Firefly down behind a dumpster where nobody could see him.

"Come on," Twilight looked the bug over. "Wake up." She then noticed Timber taking out his phone, "what are you doing?"

"Calling the police," Timber stated. "We got him out of danger, now let's get him put away somewhere he can't lay eggs in our brains." Twilight grabbed his phone and pulled it away.

"You're not turning him into the police!" Adagio raised an eyebrow at this, the former singing pony monster putting two and two together.

"You act like you know this alien," Twilight's eyes went wide. "The way you're worrying about him isn't in a way someone would worry about someone they just happened to know. You and this thing are friends, aren't you?" Timber looked shocked by this, whilst Twilight remind quiet.

"Is that true?" Timber asked, "are you and this creepy crawly...friends?"

Twilight frowned as she turned to the insect, only for the Omnitrix on his chest to beep and make her gasp. "No! No! No! No!" But it was too late. The light filled the alleyway and when it faded, Firefly was replaced by Adagio's date.

"What the?" Adagio tilted her head, "Sentry? How did...why did...when did..." She then noticed the watch on his arm, seeing the same symbol that was on the alien. "What's going on here?" Flash let out a moan and started coming around, the transformation back appearing to have woken him up.

He sat up and held his head, "ow. What happened?" He opened his eyes and saw Twilight next to him, then noticed Timber and Adagio as the memories of what happened returned. He looked at the watch and saw it was red, then turned to Twilight. "Um...how long have they been here?"

"They saw," Twilight replied. "They saw you turn back from Firefly." Flash sighed at this, whilst Timber and Adagio both looked at him warily.

"What the heck are you?" Timber asked, as Flash turned to Adagio.

"Remember you asked me what I did in my spare time?" She nodded. "Well..." He held up the watch, "I'm a superhero."

In a more empty part of the city, something was moving down the street completely invisible.

This was the super tank Dragstar had stolen, having turned it invisible in order to keep the cops from finding him. He knew he could just blow them all away, but he would never get anything done if he had to spend the whole time blowing up cops.

Instead, he activated the stealth functions and had used it to get away. Now he had arrived at his hangout, taking a remote out of his belt and using it to open the doors of one of the buildings. He then pressed several buttons on the tank console, causing the tank to become visible whilst also reshaping its exterior.

He had to do this in order to get through the doors and once he was through, he shut them again before pressing another button. This caused the bottom of the tank to open and one by one, it started spitting out the other cars. Once all the stolen cars were out of its storage, the tank started transforming again until it was back as the car Dragstar had originally stolen.

He pulled the tube device out of the dashboard and smirked as he got up, pressing a button on the side of his helmet as he did. This caused the helmet to split in half, allowing him to take it off and reveal he was a pink-skinned man with white hair.

He moved over to a table and put the helmet down next to a laptop and camera, the man taking the camera and using it to take pictures of the cars he had stolen. He laughed as he thought about how much money he was gonna make selling these things, Dragstar taking out the tube that had given him everything he needed.

He couldn't help but think back to several months ago, around the time that giant robotic beast that people called the technovore attacked. He had been a simple mechanic that never got any respect. His boss didn't even let him drive any of the cars he fixed, all because he liked to go fast.

But that all changed when he found the tube on the ground. He had found it on the ground one morning, the device looking like it had smashed into the ground hard given the cracks and broken cement surrounding it. It had taken him weeks of tinkering, but he finally managed to figure out how to get whatever it was to work.

Now he could take any vehicle he wanted and turn it into the greatest roadster that ever existed. And as he plugged his camera into his laptop, he knew he was gonna make a ton of money selling these bad boys. So much that he could probably by an even better car and race it around without needing to worry about it being a stolen vehicle. Life was good.

When the last image was uploaded, he placed them into his private auction sight and wrote a small bio-pick for each one. He started the auction and leaned back, seeing the timer her had set up slowly countdown. The money quickly started coming in and he smirked as each one brought more and more money in every second.

Quickly getting bored, he changed to a different website and started looking through other pieces of news. Then, he saw something that caught his attention. Something that made him smile, "oh you are beautiful. And soon, you'll be mine."

"And that's everything," Flash finished explaining. He, Twilight, Timber and Adagio were sitting at a street bench, Flash having told the pair everything about the Omnitrix.

Adagio looked impressed by this story, whilst Timber looked absolutely shocked. "So all this time, you've been those alien creatures everyone's raving about?" Flash shrugged, nodding his head as Timber turned to Twilight. "And you knew about all this?"

"Not at first. I only found out about it recently." Twilight stared at Timber, a pleading look appearing in her eyes. "Please, don't tell anybody. Flash just wants to live his life and help when he can. If you tell anyone about this, he'll end up as some government labrat."

Timber glanced between her and Flash, then sighed. "Fine. I won't tell anyone." Twilight smiled and gave him a hug, whilst Flash turned to Adagio.

"Don't worry hero," she smiled. "I won't tell anyone." Flash was surprised by this, having expected her to try and blackmail him or something. "It's always more fun to have a secret then blurting it out. That way, I can mentally go 'I know something you don't know', to anyone I want."

"Wow," Flash told her, "that's kind of...immature." Adagio frowned at this, "but I'll take it. Thank you."

"Don't think you're getting off scott free. I expect an actual date to replace the one that just got ruined by you playing hero." Flash frowned, but knew that was fair. "Especially since I'm guessing you plan on going after whatever nut job was behind the wheel of that super tank."

"That's the plan," Flash nodded. "Just need to think of a way to find them."

"Why not just leave it to the police?" Timber asked, "you'd be putting yourself in danger for no reason. Nobody's making you fight against these things. Why not just leave it to those actually paid to take down these kinds of threats?"

Flash turned to him and frowned. "You're right, nobody's making me do any of this. But I'm still gonna do it, because I have the moral obligation to do it." He showed him the Omnitrix. "This doesn't come off. I'm the only one who can use it. If I had all this power and didn't use it to help those in need and stop criminals from causing problems, I'd be wasting the chance to do the right thing."

"Even though it might get you killed?" Timber asked. "If it hadn't been for us, you would have been blown to bits. Do yourself a favour and quit while you're ahead." Flash rolled his eyes and ignored Timber, instead trying to think of where he might find this Dragstar guy.

"Think! Where would a guy like that strike?"

"That dealership he robbed was full of some pretty good cars," Twilight pointed out. "So clearly, he likes targeting quality cars." Timber looked at her in shock, obviously not expecting her to going along with Flash and his nonsense.

"Right," Flash nodded, "so his next target must be another high quality car." Saying that made something click in Adagio's mind, as she took out her phone and started searching for something.

"I think I remember seeing something online earlier about a high quality car that's being displayed here." Flash and Twilight moved over to look over her shoulder, as she found the news article. "Here it is. The Slipstream. One of the fastest road legal cars ever made. Only a hundred of them have been made and one is being displayed here in Canterlot. The opening of the display is tonight."

"Perfect," Flash clapped, "this guy's gotta be planning on swiping it. I just gotta get there first and stop him."

"How?" Timber asked, "you couldn't even scratch his tank before. Why do you think you'll have better luck taking him down this time?" Flash frowned, but Adagio was the one that spoke up.

"Well he'll just have to use a different alien." Timber turned to her. "So that thing's fireproof. He'll just use an alien that doesn't use fire."

"Exactly," Flash noded. "I've got twelve aliens to pick from. One of them has to be able to stop whatever that guy throws at me." He began to walk off, "I'm going. You guys can stay here if you want, but I'd rather have the extra help." Twilight followed him, Timber looking shocked she was, whilst Adagio smiled.

"Oh, this night's just getting better and better." She ran after them and they all made it to Flash's car, Flash glad he had had to park so far from the restaurant. They got it and Adagio programmed the satnav with the location the Slipstream was being shown at.

Timber and Twilight sat in the back, Timber looking upset he was there, whilst Adagio started looking through the internet and finding all the different aliens that Flash had appeared as. "So this is really you?" She showed him an image of Bushwhacker, Flash nodding. "Weird. And I thought turning into a human was a major shift. You turn into a walking plant."

"Wait," Timber looked at Adagio, "what do you mean turning into a human?"

Adagio kept her mouth shut, as Flash spoke up. "Actually, in that form I'm just the head. The rest of the body are just pieces of plants I control using my mind. It was pretty weird when I first became that alien, and all the other aliens, but I got over it. Honestly, sometimes I feel more comfortable as an alien then I do when I'm human."

The others gave him a curious look, but decided not to say anything about that. Instead, Adagio just kept looking through his alien forms and came across one that was apparently a recent addition. She tilted her head as she saw all its tentacles and wondered if Flash would mind becoming that one for...certain activities, should a relationship ever become a thing between them.

Dragstar was back on the open road, having grabbed a normal car off the street in order to transform into a super fast speedster.

The black and green car zipped down the street faster then any car had ever driven through the street. It was also able to move from side to side with amazing speed, allowing him to over take the many annoying slowcoaches that boringly went the speed limit. "WHOOOOO!" He cheered, as his location was coming up.

A large building that currently had the amazing Slipstream car within it. According to the web, a bunch of rich people were going to be there in order to bid for the car. Of course, they would just be wasting their time. "There's only one person that deserves to be behind the wheel of such a car. ME!" He kicked his car into high gear and gained another ten miles an hour. Any faster and he would be breaking the speed limit.

Inside the building, many people were dressed in fancy clothing as they walked around the showroom.

Said showroom was full of many different top of the line vehicles, but there was only one car they were all interested in. It was silver in colour and its front wheels appeared to be a single cylindrical device, that filled the entire front of the car and had dome-like ends that glowed blue. Meanwhile, its back wheels were spherical and appeared to not even be connected to the car. Instead, the car seemed to float over them. It had gullwing doors and multiple lights. It was truly out of this world.

The richest of the rich in Canterlot was there to try and bid for one, some wanting it due to how fast it went whilst others merely wanted it to increase their own status. Some didn't even plan to drive it, instead expecting to put it on display for party guests.

But before the auction could even begin, a loud smashing sound filled the air as a large black and green car flew through a window wall. The people near it screamed and ran away, whilst the car hit the ground and raced through the building.

Security rushed it to try and stop it, but the car started spinning as something flew out of a compartment that opened. Those something were metal balls, which rolled along the ground before unleashing chains on energy that connected them to the sphere nearest them. As such, this created a moving lightning trap that zapped the guards when they passed them.

The car came to a stop right in front of the Slipstream and returned to its normal car form, as Dragstar leapt out of it and stabbed the tube into the super car's roof. "That's right!" He smirked as the green lines began to spread across it, "now you're mine." He leapt into the driver's seat, as the car turned black and completely surrounded him to become the racing car he had arrived in. "Now, for a few more upgrades."

The tube sparked before unleashing bolts of green lightning, which struck the car Dragstar came in and several overs.

The people still in the room watched in shock as the many cars began to melt into a black liquid that was surrounded by the green energy. The liquid was then pulled towards the enhanced Slipstream and started merging with it, transforming the vehicle even further.

They watched in horror as the monstrocity greet taller and taller, gaining arms and legs.

Flash beeped at the person in front, who was too focused on their phone to see the green light. He groaned when it turned red, the others rolling their eyes.

Twilight had turned on the radio, which she had returned to pick up police broadcasts, the lot of them listening to see if anything was going on. But even if there was anything happening, they were still a good mile away from the place the Slipstream was supposed to be at.

"Come on!" Flash cried as the car in front finally moved, allowing him to drive and turn in the direction of the building. But they quickly found themselves at the back of another traffic jam. "Ahhh!"

Adagio turned to him, "at this point it might be easier just to run." Flash was starting to agree with her, especially when the radio got an all squads alert.

"Attention all officers. Major attack at twenty-four Flighter Road. Assailant is armed with highly dangerous equipment and causing major damage. Requires all available units to attempt to prevent escape."

"That's it!" Flash spotted a parking spot on the side of the road and pulled into it, then got out of the car. He started running, shocking the others as they also got out of the car and followed him. Alas, Adagio's shoes meant running wasn't an option and Twilight's lack of physical fitness meant she was quickly winded. Timber clearly didn't want to go to this battle zone and stayed beside Twilight, as they watched Flash run at full speed without any strain.

The teen knew XLR8 would be quicker, but wanted to keep his choice of aliens open in case he needed something else. So he ran as fast as he could, eventually arriving at the street near the building he was heading for.

He stopped and panted, catching his breath as he looked around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but then he felt a shaking coming from further down the street. He gulped and waited to see what would appear. And sure enough, from around a building came a large black and gray leg that stomped on the ground.

A gray hand with a black arm then appeared and grabbed the side of a building, pulling the body around to reveal itself.

It was a giant robot, standing at around fifteen meters in height. It was a mixture of black, gray and green, being mostly black in the main body parts with the shoulders, knees and other joints being gray. The black parts were also covered in green light, whilst the head was a large car-like object that sat atop the main body without a neck.

"Oh," Flash gulped, "you've got to be kidding me." The robot began to slowly walk towards him, causing the ground to shake with every step it took. Flash quickly ran around a corner and when he saw nobody else around, he activated the water and dialed up Diamondhead.

Slamming the watch down, he transformed into the crystalline alien and quickly rushed out towards the robot.

Inside the transformed car-head, Dragstar smirked as he enjoyed his newest creation. He might have overdone it a little, but didn't care since driving this thing was too awesome.

He then got an alert and one of the screen windows showed the image of Diamondhead running towards him. "Another of those things?" He shifted gears and turned up the music. "No matter. I'll take him out like I did the other one." The robot charged forward and swung its foot towards Diamondhead, who topped running and braced himself.

"GYAH!" He cried as the foot slammed into him, Diamondhead grabbing it and digging his fingers into the metal. This stopped him from going flying, making the robot begin to swing its foot around to try and dislodge him. Diamondhead groaned at the constantly movement, as the metal he held onto began to bend and eventually break.

He fell towards the ground and slammed into it, as the robot grabbed onto the buildings beside it to keep balanced. It then thrust its foot down, trying to crush Diamondhead. But the alien quickly slammed his hands into the ground and caused crystals to grow out of it, sealing Diamondhead inside a teepee-like construct that the foot slammed into. This completely destroyed it, making the machine hope backwards.

"Ha!" Diamondhead walked out of the crystal teepee, "nice try." He started firing at the machine, aiming for its other leg and managing to destroy its knee. This caused it to fall onto one knee and Diamondhead prepared to fire again, only for the robot to raise its large hand and thrust it downwards. "WOW!" The next thing he knew, he was flattened between the ground and the robot. When it pulled its fist back, he was laid flat inside a crater. "That would have hurt if I could feel pain."

In that moment, police cars and SWAT vehicles rolled into the street. The robot saw this and turned towards the vehicles, as the tiny tube-device on its head beeped. And as the vehicles got closer, the tube unleashed a burst of green energy that struck a cruiser and SWAT vehicle.

The drivers inside cried out as the energy took control of their vehicles, which started melting around them.

They quickly escaped, as the melting vehicles were pulled towards the robot and merged with it. This allowed it to repair the damage Diamondhead had done to it, the mech pushing itself back to its feet and standing tall.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Diamondhead pulled himself out of the crater. "It merges with tech to repair itself. That's just like the technovore. Only this one has a madman behind its wheel." As he said that, the vehicles spoke up using a new speaker system stolen from the police cruiser.

"Nice try pigs. But Dragstar isn't going down that easy. From now on, I rule the road. So unless you losers wanna challenge me to a race, you'd best make like a banana and split." He laughed as the machine reached down and picked up another car, crushing it after the cops leapt out and throwing the ball of steel into another SWAT vehicle.

Diamondhead ran towards him and it was at this moment that Twilight, Timber and Adagio arrived on the scene. "What the hell?" Timber asked, as Diamondhead leapt onto the machine's leg. He started slashing at it, trying the cut the foot off, but the robot managed to kick him away.

It then launched another blast of green energy, which hit another car and melted it. Twilight watched as the black metal flew into the mech and repaired the damage. "It's using piece of tech to repair itself."

"Great," Timber sighed, "another one. Don't suppose you have another EMP up your sleeve." Twilight did not and she had no idea how to stop it this time, especially as Diamondhead pushed himself back to his feet and started firing at it. "Think. Think."

Adagio looked up and saw the car it had for a head. "Do you think that's where the driver is?" She pointed at it, Twilight seeing the car and realising she must be right. "Maybe if we take that down, the rest of this thing will fall as well."

"It's possible." But as she said that, the mechs arms began to change. Instead of being mechanical claws, they morphed into a pair of cannons that started firing energy blasts. The police screamed as they ran for safety, whilst Diamondhead ran over to them and punched the ground. This created a wall of crystals, which blocked the energy blast. "But against that much firepower, how are we supposed to get to something so high."

In that moment, someone else arrived on the scene. Shining Armor.

He was dressed in his Plumber Suit, flying a large jet made of hard light. The jet flew in, doing several barrel rolls as it did. Shining had his weapon plugged into the slot, allowing the jet to fire weapons from the tips of its wings. The mech shielded its car head with its arm and when the jet flew passed, he spun around to fire at it.

"WOW!" Shining pulled to the left and the energy ball flew passed him, "that was too close." He pulled around and as he did, his inbuilt phone began to ring and he saw it was Twilight. "Not a good time sis."

"Shining, I'm here."

"You are?" The computer locked in on her phone and brought an image of her, Timber and Adagio into his visor. "Er...Twilight, you know you're not alone, right?"

"I know. They...they saw Flash transform. They know everything." Shining sighed as he fired at the mech, but the damage was quickly repaired by absorbing another car.

"Great. We'll deal with that later. Right now, I've gotta take this thing down." He noticed Flash charging at the mech and using a crystal pillar to shoot him into the air. This got him to the mech's waist, which he tried to slash at but missed.

"We think the car on top is where the driver is. If you can disable it, maybe the whole thing will stop."

"Worth a try." He spun around and started firing at the car-head, but was shocked when something appeared out of the machine. A glass dome, which completely sealed the car within. He fired, but the glass was somehow laser-proof. "Oh come on!"

The mech then turned towards him and thrust its right arm out, the cannon returning to its hand form and grabbing the jet. Shining gasped as his vehicle was caught, the Plumber attempting to activate the weapons. But the hands tried crushing his jet. However, the hard-light proved stronger then what the machine was made out of.

"Pretty tough ride you got!" Dragstar told him. "I think I'll add it to my own." The dome retracted and Shining watched as something on the car sparked, his visor zooming in and seeing the tube. Before he could properly scan it, the device shot out a blast of energy. He gasped and deactivated the control rod, causing his jet to vanish.

He fell out of the hand's clutches before the lightning could hit him, Shining falling several feet before activating the rod again. Doing so rebuilt the jet and he quickly shot off before the mech could grab him again, but the machine fired its cannon and struck one of his wings.

"AH!" Shining lost control and started going down. "Mayday! Mayday! Losing altitude here!" He managed to stop from crashing into buildings aimed for a street three over, where his jet crashed into the ground and skidded along it until he finally came to a stop. He moaned, glad he had been strapped in. But the rod had lost a lot of power from that crash and the jet glitched out, making him fall to the ground with a grunt. "That hurt."

He picked himself up and as he did, his phone went off again. "Shining!" Twilight cried when he answered, "are you okay?"

"Yeah," he assured her, "I'm uninjured. But it's gonna take me a while to get back there." He started running and as he did, he remembered what happened. "Listen, there's something on that car that I think might be allowing this guy to do all this stuff. It's a tube-like thing. Maybe if you pull it off, the machine will shut it off."

"Alright," Twilight nodded, "we'll try and figure out how to help Flash get to it." As she said that, Diamondhead was surfing on a crystal track up towards the machine.

"Raaah!" He leapt at its chest, spinning around as his hands became blades. He ground against the metal like a buzzsaw, managing to actually cut through it and get into the body. "Yes!" He smirked, preparing to cut through it and do some serious damage. But before he could, blobs of black liquid flew out and grabbed him. "Hey!" He started cutting through it, but multiple blobs tried to grab him again and again. "Let...me...GO!"

Outside, everyone watched as the machine's body flopped around. It continued to fire its arm cannon, but these blasts were all wild. "WOW!" Timber cried as he leapt behind the corner of a building, "this is insane. This shouldn't be happening. Aliens, giant robots and magical girls. When did the world get so crazy!?"

Twilight would have calmed him down, but in that moment Diamondhead was thrown out of the hole. As he slammed into the ground, the mech quickly launched another beam that struck a car and melted it into its body.

Diamondhead picked himself up and saw the mech repair the hole he had made. "Can people please stop bringing vehicles for it to snack on!" But before he could try and attack again, the mech spun around and fired it cannon at him. He quickly form a wall of crystals in front of him, which was struck by the energy ball and exploded.

As Diamondhead was thrown backwards, Adagio watched the mech and focused on its legs. Then, she had an idea and gasped before running over to Diamondhead. "What are you doing!?" Twilight cried, as Adagio reached him. As he picked himself up, Adagio whispered something in his ear. Something that made his eyes go wide.

"Oh, of course. Can't believe I didn't think of that myself." He ran forward as the mech prepared to fire its cannon. But before it did, he punched the ground and caused crystals to grow out of the ground. Crystals that had ground around the machine's feet, locking it in place.

"Hey!" Dragstar tried to move the robot's feet, but they wouldn't. "What's going on?" But before he could figure it out, Diamondhead ran forward and used another pillar to catapult himself into the air.

"The bigger they are..." He reached its chest and threw a punch, "THE HARDER THEY FALL!" Punching the mech with all of his strength, he knocked it backwards. Had its legs been free, it could have staggered back. But with them locked in crystal, all the machine could do was fall backwards.

Luckily, nobody was behind it when it hit the ground and caused a small earthquake.

Dragstar was thrown around in the car and this allowed Diamondhead to land on the mech and start encasing it in diamond. But before it could reach the car-head, Dragstar recovered and realised he had no choice. "I'm getting out of here!"

The car suddenly detached from the body, which caused it to start melting as the car shot down the street passed Diamondhead with incredible speed. But before he could escape, Twilight jumped in front of him. "Oh no you don't!" She activated her magic and lifted the car up, the weight making it so she could only lift it a few inches off the ground.

But this was enough to stop the car in its tracks. "HEY!" Dragstar cried, attempting to escape but finding nothing working. He would have activated the weapons, but in that moment Adagio ran up and lept onto the roof.

"I'll take this!" She grabbed the tube on the roof and pulled it off, causing the car to revert back to its original form.

"NO!" Dragstar screamed, his the car died due to having no fuel in it. Twilight dropped it and panted as she fell to her knees, whilst Adagio ran away from the car. Dragstar then leapt out of the car and glared Adagio down, "give it back. Give me that thing back!"

"I don't think so," Adagio told him. The man roared and ran at her, "heads up!" She threw the device over his head and Twilight managed to grab it, whilst Dragstar threw a punch at her. But Adagio quickly avoided the attack and thrust her knee into his groin, making Dragstar scream.

She then pushed him away and the suited man staggered around, only to feel his back run into something that made him look up and see Diamondhead. "Hey there." Before Dragstar could protect, Diamondhead raised a fist and slammed it down on the top of his head. Dragstar cried out again, as his helmet began to crack apart. It crumbled off of him as a large bump appeared on his head, followed by him falling to the ground unconscious.

Adagio laughed, "nighty night." Diamondhead smiled before turning to see the police approaching, so quickly made his escape before he timed out. The others remained where they were, needing to answer some questions. Shining arrived at this time and saw Dragstar being pulled away.

"I'm guessing I missed something," he stated. The others nodded as Dragstar was driven away, whilst the rest of the damage was starting to be cleaned up.

Somehow, the cars that had all been used to make the mech had returned to normal the second he abandoned them. They along with the Slipstream didn't even have a scratch on them, which the returning people that originally owned them were happy to see.

Once they had answered all their questions, Twilight, Timber, Adagio and even Shining were all allowed to leave. They returned to Flash's car, where they found the teen waiting for them. Adagio smirked. "Well, this was certainly an interesting night to be sure. If I ever have another first date, they're gonna have a lot to live up to."

Flash smirked, "thanks for before. Your idea to trip him up worked perfectly."

Twilight nodded, "where did you get that idea anyway?"

"I saw it in one of Aria's old sci-fi movies. Star...something. Doesn't matter. What matters is that psycho driver is taken care of and won't be hurting anyone else."

"Exactly," Shining nodded, "now about you two knowing Flash's little secret."

Adagio smiled, "I already promised not to tell anyone. So long as he doesn't do anything to really annoy me." Flash chuckled, but wasn't sure if that was a joke or not. Shining then turned to Timber.

"I won't say anything, I swear." Timbr looked deathly afraid for some reason. "But seriously, isn't it a little hypocritical of you to let him have that thing? You had a go at me and Twilight when we were messing with alien tech. But you let him use it."

"Flash has been given authorization to use it," Shining stated. "Speaking of alien tech. Twilight, do you still have it?" Twilight nodded and held up the tube Adagio had pulled from the car. Shining waved his badge over the device, which beeped as it scanned whatever it was.

"What are you doing?" Timber asked.

"Trying to see if I can figure out where this thing came from. It's definitely not human tech, since there's no way anything like this could be made here with our technology."

Flash chuckled. "You say that, but we've faced people who've been able to fuse animals together and a guy that can make evil doppelgangers of whoever he catches in his mirror. Is this really such a stretch?"

Shining shrugged as his badge stopped scanning and showed the results. "Weird. It can't figure out what this is. I'll have to send a message to the plumbers and ask them to come give it a better once over. I really need to get my own plumber base." Twilight held it out for Shining to take, but her brother smiled. "You hold onto it."

"Really?" Twilight looked shocked, "but after last time..."

"You know the dangers of what it can do now, so I trust you not to mess with it. Besides, I get the feeling we'll be facing more and more alien stuff as time goes on. And as much as I wanna keep you away from it, you have a nasty habit of running into these situations. The more you know about alien tech, the better."

Twilight smiled and hugged her brother, happy he was trusting her more with these kinds of things.

Timber, meanwhile, sighed. "Things are never just gonna be normal around here, are they?" The others nodded with a smile, making Adagio laughed.

"Good. Being normal is so boring. I'd rather fight aliens then spend my day doing small talk." She stepped up next to Flash. "Now, if you all don't mind. We still have the rest of our date to continue." Flash smirked and held out an arm, which Adagio took so they could walk off together.

The others smiled, Shining happy Flash was seeing someone whilst Twilight had to admit that Adagio didn't seem as bad as the others had talked about. Timber, meanwhile, just wished he could find a way to make all this insane alien stuff not happen. He didn't care if it was boring, he wanted to have a normal life.

"Come on," Twilight told him. "We still have a bit of time to enjoy ourselves. And look at it this way. Now that all the craziness has ended, we can have fun without needing to worry that something insane will happen to ruin it." Timber sighed, but nodded and allowed Twilight to lead him away.

Shining watched and wondered if Timber was gonna be able to handle all the crazy things that came with being associated with Flash and Twilight. Magic, aliens and whatever else was a lot to take in. Only time would tell if Timber could go through it all without going crazy. Only time would tell.

Author's Note:

I bet you weren't expecting Adagio to show up, huh? Well don't think you've seen the last of her. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and what was with that strange device Dragstar had. Only time will tell.

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