• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 1, Episode 5: Crystal Clarity

Most teens spent their days off from school hanging out with friends, playing video games, doing homework and simply recharging after a long week. But not Flash.

Instead, he was sitting in a junkyard on the hood of his car as he waited for Shining to finish work on his little project.

He felt good right now. Despite having been kicked out of his band, he had never been happier. In the last week, he had stopped three bank robberies, saved people from four different burning buildings and saved two cats from trees. Each of these situations had been no problem for him.

Shining, however, had decided Flash needed to do a little training to keep his skills sharp. That was why Flash was currently in a junkyard, Trixie sitting next to him reading a magazine.

"Okay," Shining smirked as he attached the last cable to his creation. Flash looked around and saw a bunch of rope littered around him, hanging off the piles of cars and all leading to a squared off section Shining would be controlling the course from. "Alright Flash, you ready?"

The teen smiled and jumped off his car before stepping forward, activating the watch as he did so. He cycled through his aliens until he reached the one he intended to use, Trixie looking up from her magazine to see which one it would be. Flash slapped his hand down and in a flash, he was replaced by the crystalline alien: Diamondhead.

"Oh yeah," he smirked as he stepped into the course. "This'll be a snap."

"Focus Flash," Shining told him. "Don't just try and power your way through this. I wanna see you think. Brute strength is useless if it doesn't have a plan behind its power."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Diamondhead assured him as his hands turned to jaggard spikes. "I got it. Let's get this started." Shining and Trixie shared a look, worrying Flash was starting to get a big head with his alien powers. Either way, Shining pulled on a leaver and doing so catapulted several soda cans into the air towards him.

Diamondhead spun around and fired some projectiles, hitting every can before they could even get close.

Shining pulled on a cable and dropped down several targets, only for Diamondhead to effortlessly spin and hit each of them bulleyes. The alien smirked and took a few steps backwards, ready to fire at anything that came his way. That included a dummy that suddenly shot up from behind a car with a paintball gun, which fired at him only for Diamondhead to roll out of the way before firing a shard that went right through its head.

Several targets appeared from the ground and Diamondhead shot at them with barely a look. He smirked as his arms reverted to normal, the alien blowing his finger like a gun. As he did, Trixie rolled her eyes.

"Show-off," she told him.

"Flash!" Shining cried, "focus!" Diamondhead rolled his eyes as he ducked under several more cans.

"Relax!" He told him, completely unaware that a tire was currently swinging towards him. "I've got this no-AUGH!" He was knocked forwards by the tire, causing him to accidently fire several shards into the air.

"Aaaaah!" Trixie screamed as she saw the shards flying at her, the teen jumping down behind Flash's car seconds before they flew over her and embedded themselves into the junk behind her. She pulled herself up and noticed her magazine hadn't been so lucky, as a large hole was now located right in the middle of every page. "FLASH!"

Diamondhead gave her a nervous smile and chuckle before turning to Shining, who did not look amused by this turn of events. The crystal alien could tell he was in trouble. And hopefully, that was all the trouble he would be having that day.

Up above the planet, completely invisible to all the planet's ways of detecting it, a half-destroyed spaceship continued to orbit it.

Within the ship, inside a dark room, three figures stood and waited patiently. The first was a robotic creature made out of bronze steel, with four spider legs in an X form and a large pincer for a left hand. The second was a lean humanoid figure wearing a purple bodysuit, with black and grey armour around its chest and legs. The final member was also humanoid but was more buff then the others, wearing a black armoured suit with a domed helmet that had a small triangular visor.

The three were stood atop a floating platform, waiting for something. That something, was the snarling voice of the alien that had once sent drones after Flash. "Begin the audition."

The purple suited alien started, a jetpack folding out of its back that allowed it to take to the air. As it did, several drones appeared before it. A compartment in its leg opened, where it pulled out a blaster and shot several down. It then leapt to the side to avoid some lasers before firing missiles from a compartment in its arm. As they exploded, it pulled out a metallic egg that it then threw at some more.

As the egg exploded, the robot jumped down from the platform and used its massive claw to swat and crush some drones. It pulled a katana out of its back, using it to slash at some and cut them to shreds.

From the ceiling, a battle droid dropped down. The third fighter pulled out a round disc that expanded and floated in mid-air, the figure jumping aboard and flying towards the drone. The robot fired its lasers at him, hitting him head on and causing an explosion. But when the smoke faded, the figure floated there looking none the worse for wear.

Despite still smoking, the figure leapt forward and punched straight through the robot's chest. As he landed, the robot's remains fell down besides him whilst the hoverboard returned to him.

"Impressive," they all turned to see a holoscreen of the alien's face appear, "you are all hired." The footage changed to that of the watch. "Your objective, to retrieve the Omnitrix. Whoever succeeds gets the reward. Do not disappoint me."

Several minutes later, three pods were jettisoned from the ship. They all shot towards the planet, heading for an empty area they wouldn't attract much attention. Each of them were feared throughout the galaxy as some of the best bounty hunters to have ever lived, so the three of them being assigned to the same target meant that whoever they were after would need to be on their guard.

Flash let out a huff as he drove back to town from the junkyard, a very annoyed Trixie sitting beside him whilst Shining drove ahead in his car. Shining was also on speaker with them and Flash let out another sigh, "I said I was sorry."

"Hmm," Trixie continued to pout and looked out the window.

"What more do you want from me?" He asked, only for Shining to speak up.

"We want you to take that thing on your wrist more seriously. It's not a toy."

"I know that," Flash told him.

"I decided not to turn you in because you showed me you could be responsible with that device. And you've shown several times you're able to be mature with it. But now I'm worried all that power is going to your head."

"You're starting to get as bad as Rainbow was," Trixie told him. They both remembered how, when Rainbow got her super speed, she started using it for every little thing.

"Okay," Flash nodded, "I get it. I'll start thinking more when I use the watch, okay." They didn't believe he was gonna do that for a second, but it wasn't like they had much more choice.

"Alright," Shining announced as they entered the city, "I gotta go on patrol. The two of you stay out of trouble."

"Come on," Flash smirked. "This is me we're talking about."

"My point exactly," Shining replied before hanging up and leaving an eerie silence between Flash and his passenger.

"Look, I'm sorry alright?" Flash tried to think of a way to make it up to her, "what if I take you to the mall and pay for anything you wanna do?" Trixie remained silent. "Come on, you like the mall right?" Still nothing, "we're about to pass the turn off." Zilch, "here it comes..."

"You may take me to the mall," Trixie announced and Flash turned.

Back at the junkyard, the three alien bounty hunters had arrived.

The domed alien walked up to Shining's contraption, holding a round device that was beeping louder and louder as he got closer. "This is where the Omnitrix was last activated," he stated whilst taking a closer look. As he did, the other two were standing atop piles of junk looking down at him.

The purple alien turned to the robot and said something in an alien language before flying off.

"You can say that again," the robot stated. "A rock pile like this is better off space dust." He jumped down as the domed alien continued to search the area. When he did he spotted something on the ground.

It was a soda can with a crystal shard in it, which he tried to pick up only for a small cable to shoot forward and grab it before him. He looked up as the cable retracted back to the purple alien, only for the domed one to reach out and grab the wire. With a yank, the wire snapped and the two instantly got into a fighting stance. The domed alien reached for a blaster on his hip whilst the purple alien's shoulder opened to reveal a strange cream-colours tentacle with fingers.

The purple alien said something and the robot chuckled as he stepped up behind the domed alien. "Big talk from a gear-head."

The domed alien lean forward. "Get in my way again and I'll teach you how to say dismantled." The purple alien glared back at him, "just try me SixSix." He glanced back at the robot, "you too Kraab."

"Relax," the robot told him, "I'm not stupid enough to take on the legendary Tetrax...in a fair fight." He leapt into the air and as he did, his lower half started spinning to create a drill-like from that he used to burrow into the ground. SixSix also flew off, leaving Tetrax alone to walk away from the training course.

As he did, he accidently pulled on a ground wire and caused several targets to flip up.

In the blink of an eye, he pulled out his blaster and fired a beam that vaporised the targets, the training course and half the junkyard. Luckily nobody was around to be hurt or see the light form the explosion, whilst Tetrax leapt on his hoverboard and flew away.

When the smoke cleared, all that was left was a single soda can with a crystal shard stuck through it.

Flash was beginning to regret his promise to pay for whatever Trixie wanted to do.

They had been to the arcade, checked out several clothing and game stores and were now enjoying some smoothies at the stand Applejack worked at.

Trixie's previous sour mood was all but gone, now that she got to enjoy a banana grape smoothie and had a new video game she had been looking forward to getting. Flash meanwhile, moaned as he looked down at his much thinner wallet. "Another?" Applejack asked as she cleaned out the blender she had just used.

"I'm good," Trixie told her much to Flash's relief. As she said that, Twilight, Rainbow, Sunset and Fluttershy walked over to them. Each was dressed in their weekend job outfits, having all gone on lunch break. Pinkie and Rarity had their own jobs outside of the mall, so they wouldn't be joining them.

"Hey you two," Sunset smiled seeing Flash and Trixie together. "What are you doing here?"

"Just...hanging out," Flash explained.

"Huh," Twilight looked at them curiously, "you two have been doing that a lot lately."

"Is that so wrong?" Trixie asked, Twilight shaking her head.

"No," she told her, "just something I noticed." She and the others moved over to Applejack's fruit stand, the five all glancing at one another before taking occasional glances at Flash and Trixie. When Trixie laughed at something Flash said, they were pretty much sure of what it meant.

"When do ya'h think that started?" Applejack asked.

"I'm not sure," Sunset replied. "When did they start hanging out with one another so much?" They all thought for a moment and Twilight remembered.

"That night those aliens first showed up," she explained. "The giant robot and diamond guy. Flash took Trixie home that day. After that, I think I started noticing them together more and more." This surprised the girls as they glanced back at them, realising there could only be one reason they would want to hang out so much.

"Huh," Rainbow smirked, "never saw her and Flash's type."

"I think they're cute together," Fluttershy smiled. "And I guess it makes sense. Trixie's super flashy and likes to brag, whilst Flash is more grounded and humble. I think they'd balance each other out really well." They couldn't help but agreed as Applejack made their smoothies.

"So why do you think they're keeping it a secret?" Sunset asked, taking her smoothie and slurping it up.

"Are they keeping it a secret?" Twilight asked, "maybe they just didn't see any reason to announce it to the world." She took her drink and did the same.

"Maybe," Applejack nodded. "But ya'd think they'd do somethin that we'd ah noticed. Other then them hangin out, have any ya'll seen them do anything together? Holdin hands...sharin food...kissin?" They all shook their heads, none of them having seen the pair do anything like that. "Then are ya'h sure they're even together?"

"We could ask," Rainbow stated.

"No way," Sunset told her. "If they aren't dating, that'd be really embarrassing." The others agreed, deciding to simply keep an eye on them and see if they noticed anything else that would prove their apparent relationship.

"STOP!" They suddenly heard someone yell, making them look around to see a guy pointing at someone who was running through the mall with something under his arm. "Thief!" They all realised they had a shoplifter on their hands, Flash smirking as he got up.

"Time to XLR8." He ran off and around a corner, activating the watch and dialled up the alien before slapping it down when he was sure nobody was watching.

Whilst flying above the city, SixSix suddenly heard a beeping sound and looked down at his wrist. A screen on the back of his head was showing a map of the city, with a green dot blinking several times out of nowhere. The alien, of course, knew that this was the Omnitrix's activation signal. It had found its target.

Back in the mall, the man ran as fast as he could trying to escape with his stolen goods.

But before he could get away, a blue blur shot passed and tripped him up. "WOW!" He cried, hitting the ground and sliding along it for several moments before coming to a stop. He moaned as he sat himself up, looking over and seeing the game console he had stolen was right beside him.

He tried to grab it, but the blue blur shot passed again and it vanished. "Looking for something?" He heard someone asked, looking around to see the one who had tripped him up: Rainbow Dash. "You realise you're supposed to pay for the things you want, right?" The guy glared at her and tried to get up to attack, only to find his body couldn't move.

"What the hell?" He cried, Rainbow noticing the purple aura around him and looking behind him to see Twilight keeping him still with her magic.

The security guards soon arrived and Rainbow handed the box over to them, the guards thanking her whilst grabbing the guy as Twilight let him go. He cried out as they dragged him off to the mall's jail, Rainbow and Twilight high-fiving as celebrated a job well done.

"Great work girls," Sunset smiled.

"Yup," Rainbow sat down, "gotta show everyone those aliens aren't the only superheroes in town." She looked around and noticed someone was missing, "where's Flash?"

"Good question," Trixie hummed before sneaking off. Once she was sure they weren't looking, she rushed around the corner Flash had run around and looked for any sign of him. "Flash?"

"Up here?" She looked up and didn't see anything, until Chamalien appeared for the briefest moments before vanishing again. "Stupid watch gave me the wrong alien."

"Maybe it's trying to tell you you don't need to hero up at every opportunity," Trixie pointed out with a smirk. "So are you just gonna stay up there until you turn back?"

"That's the plan," Chamalien replied. However, in that moment the ground beneath their feet began to shake.

"What's that?" Trixie asked, the two rushing towards the sound and looking over towards the mall's central fountain. The ground beneath the fountain began to crack and break apart, as water started flooding out of them. Then, suddenly, something exploded out of the ground and sent bits of the fountain flying everywhere.

Kraab was now standing where the fountain had once been, the water gushing up behind him raining down as he searched the area. Many people who had seen this instantly began to run for the exits, but the Rainbooms, Chamalien and Trixie stayed where they were. Big mistake.

Kraab's eyes turned red as his head spun around, seeing everything in inferred. It was then he spotted Chamalien and found the signal of his target, the robot beginning to walk forwards. "I know you're there!" He yelled, "show yourself!" Chamalien had a feeling he was talking to him, made even more so when the robot raised its giant claw and opened it up to fire a laser at him.

Trixie screamed until Chamalien tackled her out of the way, the laser hitting the wall behind them as they rolled to a safe distance. "Run!" The alien cried before getting up and running around, finally turning visible so the robot would focus on him.

Kraab's eyes returned to normal as the lizard glared him down. "Hand over the Omnitrix and I promise you won't suffer...much."

"The what a kicks?" Chamalien asked, as Trixie rushed over whilst hearing this too. "Sorry buddy, no clue what you're talking about."

"Don't try and play dumb," Kraab cried before firing at him. Chamalien leapt into the air and turned invisible, planning to sneak up behind him and pull some wires out of it. But as he rushed around him, Kraab's eyes turned red again and he spun his head until it landed on his image. "You can't hide from me!" He pointed his claw and unleashed a strange blue liquid, which struck Chamalien and covered him head to toe.

"Ahhh!" He cried as the liquid instantly started to dry, making him visible even whilst camouflaged. "What is this stuff?"

"You're not the first merlinisapian I've had to deal with," Kraab announced. "And now that your only form of defence is gone, you're all out of options."

"Hardly," Chamalien hissed before he charged forward. "It's time you learned that messing with me is the biggest mistake of your life!" He leapt at the robot and prepared to claw at him, but Kraab simply raised his claw and grabbed him before he could get close. "Ahhh!" He cried as he felt the vice-like clamp squeeze him around the middle.

"You are as arrogant as you are dimwitted!" Kraab told him before throwing him up into the air, then socking him right in the face with his humanoid hand when Chamalien fell back to earth.

"AUGH!" He cried at the impact, being sent flying backwards before crashing through a store window. "That hurt."

"This could have all been avoided if you had just given me the Omnitrix," Kraab told him. He pointed his claw at him as the laser charged up, Chamalien still having not recovered from the impact to avoid it. But just as he was about to fire, something grabbed his claw and jerked it up. "HEY!" He cried as he fired the laser towards the ceiling, looking down to see Applejack was the one that had grabbed him. "Why you little-" A blue blur shot passed and Applejack was gone, right as the damaged piece of ceiling began to fall. "Oh great." With that, he was buried by the debris.

Rainbow and Applejack high-fived from where they stood, whilst Twilight, Sunset, Trixie and Fluttershy ran over to where Chamalien was. "You okay?" Twilight asked as the alien picked himself up.

"I've been better," he hissed whilst rubbing his head. "But who was that guy?"

"Doesn't matter," Rainbow smirked. "He's scrap metal now." As if the universe itself was against her, there was a large explosion from the debris and Kraab raised out of it completely undamaged. "Or not."

Chamalien wanted to fight, but the pain was still stuck to him and his sides really hurt. "You need to get out of here," Twilight told him. Trixie grabbed him.

"I'll help him get away. You girls keep that giant robot busy." She pulled him out of the store before the girls could argue, Kraab trying to chase after them only to get hit by another piece of rubble.

"Hey!" He cried, turning to the girls as Twilight, Rainbow and Applejack were ready to fight, whilst Sunset and Fluttershy wished they had gone with Trixie.

"Let's go you giant bucket of bolts!" Rainbow cried as she shot forward and started body checking the robot, hitting him several times in quick succession. He grunt with each attack and quickly grew annoyed at this.

"You think you're the first speeder I've fought?" He swung his claw around but Rainbow slid under it, "compared to a kineceleran, you're moving in slow motion!" His upper half spun around as he fired a strange liquid from his claw, which hit the ground all around him. When Rainbow tried to tackle him again, she slipped on it.

"WOW!" She cried as she fell to her butt and slid away, whilst Applejack picked up a piece of debris and threw it at him.

Kraab easily destroyed it before glaring at the others, ready to deal with them and go back to chasing his true target.

Trixie and Chamalien rushed through the now empty mall, right as the watch began to beep.

Trixie quickly pulled him into an abandoned clothing store, happy to see nobody was there to see as the green flash signalled Flash's transformation back to human form. Flash looked himself over and sighed seeing the paint was gone. "Finally," he then heard a crashing sound and frowned, "I should be out there."

"Right now you can't do squat!" Trixie pointed to the red dialled watch as her phone rang, the girl seeing it was Shining.

"Guys!" He cried out as soon as Trixie answered, "I just got a report that some kind of attack is happening at the mall. Please tell me you two aren't there."

"We're there," the pair replied with Shining groaning. "Shining," Flash spoke up, "another robot showed up. I think it's after the watch, but it kept calling it the...Om..ni...trix. Yeah, yeah I think that's what he said."

"At least we finally know what that thing is called. Alright, you think you can take it down."

"Of course," Flash smirked whilst Trixie frowned.

"He might be in trouble," she told the cop. "This robot isn't like the one he fought before. It's...smart. It took him down without even breaking a sweat."

"Hey," Flash frowned, "it got me by surprise. Plus I was stuck in one of my weaker aliens. Once I go Riot-Horn, I'll turn it into a giant tin can."

"Don't do anything stupid. Just wait for me to get there and stay out of sight. Has it seen you in human form?"


"Then try and hide the watch and keep a low profile."

"I can't just sit around," Flash told him. "Twilight and the others are fighting that thing!" This seemed to give Shining pause, the man clearly not happy with his sister fighting against a dangerous robot.

"Just stay where you are until I get there. Then we'll find a way to take that thing down." Shining hung up before Flash could argue, making the teen groan. As he did, Trixie grabbed a scarf from a nearby manikin and began tying it around his wrist.

"What are you doing?"

"This should stop that thing from seeing the watch if it shows up," Trixie told him. "Let's just hope it can't detect it when it's not in use." She didn't know if it could detect the watch at all, but something had to have drawn it there. "Hopefully Sunset and the others will be able to take that thing down before it causes too much damage."

Flash frowned, hating this. He thought his days of sitting on the sidelines and letting the Rainbooms save him were over. Now it stung even more, since he had all this power and was still forced to do just that. It might have been wrong, but he hoped the girls didn't win.

"Take this!" Twilight cried as she threw another piece of rubble at the robot, Kraab smashing it with a single swing of his claw.

"Is that all you got!?" But as he said that, Applejack suddenly jumped onto him from behind.

"Now a'h gotcha!" She cried as she started pulling at his head, hoping to pry it off. But before she could, Kraab started spinning around and she found herself being flunk around. "Wow, wow, wow, wow, WOW!" She finally lost her grip and was sent flying towards a wall, likely heading for several broken bones. Luckily, Twilight managed to grab her in her magic inches away from it.

"I gotcha," she assured the girl. Applejack smiled, but then gasp.

"Twi, look out!" She turned back to Kraab as he fired a something at her. She gasped before feeling someone pushing her out of the way, the girl falling to the ground as she heard someone cry out.

Twilight dropped Applejack and looked around, seeing Sunset had been hit with a strange white goop seconds after pushing Twilight away. It struck with such force that she was knocked backwards until she hit a wall, the goop instantly drying into a concrete-like substance.

"Sunset!" Twilight cried, as Rainbow ran forward. Alas, the robot was still surrounded by the slippy substance so she couldn't get close. Instead, she began running around the machine to form a tornado. But Kraab seemed ready for this as well, as he fired a line of the white goop out in one direction. Rainbow ended up running straight into it.

"Gyah!" She cried when she did, feeling it solidify within seconds. It covered the top of her legs so she was instantly brought to a stop and fell to the ground, being stuck from just below the neck to her knees. "Gross!"

Kraab acted fast and fired another blast of the stuff at Applejack, sticking her to the wall she had barely avoiding crashing into. He then turned to Fluttershy as she tried to break through Rainbow's cocoon with a piece of ceiling, only to get hit and cocooned herself. That just left Twilight, who glared at the robot.

He fired the goop, but Twilight used her magic to grab it before it touched her and throwing the hardened substance back at him. Kraab broke through it and leapt away, over the slippery stuff and landing close to where Sunset had been stuck to. He launched a laser at her and Twilight gasped, using her magic to grab the last of the destroyed ceiling and using it to shield Sunset. Kraab tried to use this opening to goop her, but Twilight managed to switch her focus to it just in time.

"Would you stop that!" He cried, as Twilight threw the white rock at him.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked as Kraab shattered the rock, "what are you after?"

"Like you'd know what it is," Kraab told her. "Let's just say that I'm after the ultimate weapon and it's right here on this pathetic excuse for a planet." Twilight raised her eye at this, only for something new to catch her attention.

A noise coming from above them made the pair look up in time to see SixSix fly down through the hole in the roof. It looked at Twilight in curiosity before turning to Kraab, saying something she didn't understand.

"No she doesn't have the Omnitrix," Kraab told him. "It's in here somewhere, but these annoying humans got in my way before I could get it." SixSix said something else, "I don't know where it is. It's deactivated so the signal's gone. And even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you."

The humans watched the argument and became even more confused, as well as worried since there was now a second alien after whatever the first robot was after. It was then that SixSix said something that angered Kraab.

"That's it!" He fired a laser and the alien dodged it, firing several missiles all over the place. As they exploded, they sent debris flying everywhere and Twilight had a hard time catching it all before it hit her friends. But as she did, Kraab fired another goop blob at her and this one she couldn't stop.

"Ahhh!" She cried as she was knocked back and slammed into a wall near Sunset, Kraab chuckling.

"I ain't done with you yet!" He cried before focusing back on SixSix and drawing his sword, "now get down here and fight like a mechanoid!"

Outside the mall, Shining Armor pulled up and saw many people staying outside and looking terrified.

Leaping out of his car, he ran for the entrance and got in before anyone could stop him. Drawing his gun, he looked around and worried Twilight had gotten hurt or something. And then he heard footsteps and readied himself for a fight, the cop rushing towards a corner and leaping around it. "Freeze!" The reply he got was two screams from Flash and Trixie, the man putting his weapon down. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah," Flash nodded before they heard an explosion, "but clearly the girls need my help."

Shining frowned, still not sure what to do. He got his answer when something flew towards them. SixSix. The armoured alien flew down the hallway and threw an egg bomb behind him, causing an explosion that made the entire building shake. Flash and Trixie were shocked when they saw this.

"Where did that thing come from?" Trixie asked as SixSix turned to them, then held up a pair of blasters.

"Move!" Shining cried as he pushed the teens away, the three running as the alien fired at them. "So that's not the thing that attacked you?"

"The first one was more...crabby," Flash explained as SixSix flew after them. It threw another egg in front of them and the three barely stopped in time before it exploded, throwing them all backwards. Flash's arm scarf caught fire and the teen quickly pulled it off and threw it to the ground, revealing the watch to SixSix.

The alien said something Flash's couldn't understand and pointed its blaster at him, Flash glaring at it.

"You want this?" Flash activated it when he saw it was back to green, the others gasping.

"Flash wait!" But Flash slapped the dial down and in the blink of an eye, he had once again morphed into Diamondhead. The crystal alien looked up at SixSix and instantly threw several projectiles at it, SixSix firing its blasters and deflecting them all before diving down.

The two charged at one another and Diamondhead threw a punch, only for SixSix to barrel-roll away from it. "Huh?" He glanced towards SixSix just in time to see the robot swing around and slam a foot into his face, "augh!" He was thrown backwards and crashed into the wall, as SixSix pulled out his blasters. But before he could fire, a bullet bounced off his armour and he turned to Shining.

The cop frown, really wishing he had a weapon more suited to dealing with aliens. SixSix's shoulder opened to reveal the tentacle that pulled out an egg and threw it at the pair, Shining grabbing Trixie and pulling her away before it exploded.

"Guys!" Diamondhead cried, then turned to glare at SixSix before charging forward. "Leave them alone!" He turned his hands into blades and slashed at SixSix, but the alien easy avoided his attack and fired his blasters. The lasers bounced off Diamondhead, but the impact still pushed him backwards. He fired his own projectiles, but SixSix used his shoulder hands to pull out a pair of energy knifes that he used to slash the gems in half.

Diamondhead couldn't believe how powerful this guy was. And if things couldn't get any worse, the ground shook before exploding to reveal Kraab leaping out of a hole. "Miss me?"

"Like a rash," Diamondhead ran forward and tried slashing at him. Kraab easily managed to block the attack as SixSix got in close, Diamondhead needing to split his focus and try and get a hit in on them. But the two were obviously the better combatants.

As he slashed at Kraab, the machine caught him in his claw and began to spin around at high speed before releasing him. He smashed into a wall and quickly rolled back to his feet, though he was off balance as the two charged. SixSix's right hand suddenly morphed into a spinning energy saw that he used to cut into Diamondhead's arm and making him flinch, whilst Kraab fired a laser that knocked him back.

He tried to regain his footing and fired several more shards, but SixSix flew over them whilst Kraab fired his white glue that stopped them in midair. SixSix landed behind him and slashed at his back, knocking him staggering forward into Kraab as the robot opened its claw and grabbed him around the waist. He was suddenly lifted into the air before being slammed into the ground and then thrown backwards, the crystalline alien getting a good ten meters before crashing into another wall.

He fell to the ground and didn't look like he would be getting up soon, the bounty hunters moving forward to collect their prize. And they might have gotten it, had their greed not gotten the best of them.

"Back off!" Kraab told SixSix, "that reward's mine." SixSix replied by saying something in his own language. "Well, you don't have to get personal." It was in that moment that something flew in from out of sight. That something was a metal orb, which bounced along the ground before stopping at the bounty hunter's feet.

They looked down at it, just as the orb started spitting streams of grey smoke that surrounded the pair. Both of them tried to cover their mouths, but couldn't stop from breathing it in. They both fell to the ground, half conscious but aware enough to see Tetrax floating towards them on his hoverboard.

After putting the gun he fired the smoke bomb with from away, he shot passed the pair and grabbed Diamondhead by the back spike. Shining and Trixie could only watch as they disappeared down the hall, fearing what might happen if they couldn't help. But neither were in much state to do anything, especially as the bounty hunters were starting to recover.

Diamondhead moaned as he started coming around, but could feel himself fly through the air.

As he opened his eyes, he saw that he was actually flying and looked around to see yet another alien that was holding him. Before he could think to fight back, they arrived at an empty area of the mall and the alien threw him to the ground. "Augh!" He hit the ground and slide around until he slammed into a wall, whilst the bounty hunter stared him down.

"Billions of beings on this planet, and the Omnitrix winds up on the wrist of a foolhardy youth."

Diamond glared at him as he picked himself up, standing as tall as he could though the alien was still taller. "Well like I told your buddies, this thing doesn't come off. I've tried."

"Of course it doesn't," Tetrax stepped forward so that his visor was inches from Diamondhead's face. "Its power utilises alien DNA," he turned away from him. "Which binds to the host's own genetic structure, to allow for the manipulation of their DNA into the chosen form. It cannot simply be removed like taking off a hat." As he had been saying this, Diamondhead formed an arm blade and charged. He tried to slash at Tetrax, but even without seeing the bounty hunter ducked under it before spinning around to clock him in the face.

"AUGH!" He cried as he was thrown a good ten feet before slamming into the ground, his back spikes sticking into the ground and trapping him in one spot.

"Your choice of warriors is based purely on brute strength, without regard for any strategy." Diamondhead swung his legs around and finally managed to roll himself back to his feet, pulling the spikes out of the ground. "Do you ever stop to consider your actions at all?"

"Hey!" Diamondhead pointed at him, "I kick more than my share of alien butt!"

"Such as your recent success before with the bounty hunters."

"It was two against one," Diamondhead cried before charging forward. He tried to impale the alien with twin hand spikes, but Tetrax easily avoided, deflected or simply caught each of his attacks.

"You were moments away from losing your life, and the Omnitrix." He blocked Diamondhead's punch with his elbow and punched him back, "victory should have been swift and effortless." He dodged another slash and spun around, sweeping Diamondhead's legs and knocking him to the ground with a cry of pain. "The Omnitrix is not some toy for your amusement. It's the most powerful device in the galaxy. The key to an epic battle between good and evil."

"And whose side are you one?" Diamondhead picked himself up.

"You're still alive, aren't you?"

Diamondhead's eyes went wide, as he realised what he was saying. "You're a good guy?" He could hardly believe it, considering every alien creature that had shown up in his life since getting the watch hadn't been too friendly.

"My mission is to retrieve the Omnitrix at all costs. Since it is attached to you," he poked the symbol on his belt. "I will take you back for its removal."

"Oh no," Diamondhead pushed his hand away. "Sorry man, but I'm strictly an earthbound hero. No space adventures for this guy."

"It's not your choice."

"It is now!" Diamondhead tackled the bounty hunter, pinning him to the ground and causing him to drop his hoverboard. But Tetrax quickly recovered and grabbed him by the neck, throwing him a good ten feet and smashing him through a sporting goods store's window.

"It's disturbing how little you know of this alien's strengths of weaknesses," he told the teen. "You've barely scratched the surface of its potential."

"Ahh," Diamondhead picked himself up and brushed the glass off of him, "and what makes you such an expert?" His answer came when the front section of Tetrax's helmet pulled away from the rest of it, sliding downwards whilst the rest folded back. This revealed his face and Diamondhead was shocked to see his own staring back at him. "You're...me?"

"Wrong," Tetrax growled, "I am a noble warrior." He poked him, "you are an impulsive annoyance." As he said that, the Omnitrix beeped and Diamondhead returned to human form in a flash of light. "We have wasted enough time." He reached down and grabbed Flash by the jacket, lifting him off the ground.

"Hey!" He cried, struggling against Tetrax's strength. "Let go! I'm not leaving earth!" Tetrax ignored him and looked around, spotting his hoverboard a short ways away. But as he moved to get it, a familiar wire shot down and grabbed the board.

The device was thrown into the air and caught by Kraab, as the wire retracted around the corner. "Looking for this?" He asked, holding the board up. "You're not getting off this planet with the Omnitrix. And just to be sure."

Sixsix stepped out from behind the corner, holding Trixie and Shining in his clutches. "Get off me!" Trixie cried, whilst Shining appeared unconscious after putting up a fight. "Flash, you have to run."

Flash frowned but knew he was useless with the Omnitrix timed out.

"See," Kraab explained, "we've decided to work together and split the reward, and you, in half." He snapped his claw and Flash knew they were in serious trouble, especially when Kraab fired a laser at them that Tetrax had to shield Flash from. As it exploded against him, Tetrax used the smoke as cover to rush into a nearby store.

He threw Flash to the ground, as Kraab moved in close and started firing laser after laser that Tetrax defended him against. "What are we waiting for?" Flash picked himself up, "we have to save them." He went to run out of the store, but Tetrax grabbed him by the hood and pulled him back.

"Don't be foolish. Keeping the Omnitrix secure is the only priority here."

"Not to me," Flash glared at him. "Those are my friends out there and I won't bail on them."

"You cannot save them," Tetrax stated. "You would soon be overpowered and captured. The obvious choice if for me to retrieve my hoverboard so that we may leave the planet."

"What about my friends?" Flash asked.

"With us gone, they may decide hurting them is too much work."

"May decide?"

"Stay here," Tetrax threw him to the ground and rushed back outside. He jumped through an explosion Kraab created and launched a bunch of crystals, hitting SixSix and knocking him back as he dropped the hostages. He then ran at Kraab, diving over his claw and reaching out to grab his hoverboard.

Pulling it from Kraab's grasp, Tetrax rolled along the ground and jumped onto the disk. He took to the air and began flying around, avoiding SixSix's blasts before diving down towards them. He leapt off the board and before anyone could stop him, tackled SixSix with enough force to create a crater beneath them. Trixie helped Shining to his feet and the pair ran for cover, whilst Kraab watched as the two began to duke it out in the crater.

Tetrax grabbed SixSix's neck and lifted him up, dealing a powerful punch to his face and then his chest that sent him flying. The alien hit the ground by as he slid back, he fired several missiles from his arm that Tetrax made a crystal wall to shield himself from. As the wall was blown apart, Kraab leapt behind Tetrax and tried to slam him on the head. But Tetrax easy caught his claw and threw him away, the robot landing not far from the store Flash was hiding in.

Said teen had watched the fight and had to admit, Tetrax had skill.

He then heard a dinging sound and looked down to see the watch was recharged, Flash smirking at this. "Alright, time to get back in the fight." But as he said this, Kraab picked himself up and saw him.

The teen rushed back into the store and Kraab chuckled, seeing SixSix and Tetrax were too distracted to notice him. He made his way into the store, looking around and seeing no sign of him.

Flash had hidden behind the counter and quickly activated the watch, Kraab sensing this but unable to get an exact lock. He cycled through his aliens until he found Riot-Horn, the teen getting ready to slap it down. But before he did, Shining and Tetrax's words began to ring in his head.

"Don't just try and power your way through this. I wanna see you think. Brute strength is useless if it doesn't have a plan behind its power."

"Your choice of warriors is based purely on brute strength, without regard for any strategy. Do you ever stop to consider your actions at all?"

Flash realised they were right. It hadn't been strength that had beaten Oakheart, but attacking the right spot on his machine. Flash hadn't beaten the Conductoids because he was stronger, but because he was able to find a way to force their surrender. And using brute strength hadn't gotten him anywhere.

Flash began cycling through his aliens, trying to figure out which one could stop these robots. Then he found one and an idea formed in his head.

Moments later, Kraab saw a bright green light and looked over to the counter. He drew his sword and slashed at the counter, only to find nothing behind it. He looked around, but still saw no sign of Flash or any of his aliens. As he searched, something shot behind him and he sensed the motion.

Spinning around, he searched for the teen but still saw nothing before sensing more movement behind him. He spun around again and nothing, with another waft of wind on his back. "Show yourself!" He roared as he continuously spun around to search for him, "where are you?"

"Right here!" He heard a gargled voice cry behind him, making him spin around one last time and see a burst of green flying towards him. The next thing he knew, his head was surrounded by a slimy substance that began to slip into the gaps of his body.

"Hey!" He tried to pry it off, but it refused the budge, "get off me you little pest!"

"No thanks," Goop told him as more of his body infected Kraab's. "It's time you were on the back foot for once." Once his body was deep enough, he turned the composition acidic. The next thing Kraab knew, wires and gears were starting to melt.

"AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" He screamed as he staggered backwards out of the store, "you're frying my circuits!"

"That's the idea!" Goop told him as he pushed more of his corrosive body into Kraab, damaging more of him. Eventually, enough to Kraab's systems were melted that he went into full shut down. The robot cried out one last time before his eyes grew dim and he fell backwards onto the floor. "One down." Goop's anti-gravity device flew passed Kraab and sucked his body right out of him, Goop standing tall and looking over to see Tetrax and SixSix still brawling.

SixSix dodged Tetrax's punch and got behind him, throwing his arms around his neck before firing his jetpack. They flew upwards and crashed through the ceiling, allowing those outside to see them for a moment before SixSix tossed Tetrax towards the ground.

The crystal alien crashed into the floor and seemed to actually be hurt by this, as SixSix flew down ready to end it. But before he could, something slammed into his back.

"Guess who!?" Goop cried as he started spreading his slime across SixSix's body, instantly going acidic and melting parts of his armor.

Tetrax had recovered and picked himself up, just in time to see Goop melt through SixSix's gear. "I told you to stay out of my way." But Goop didn't listen and kept burying his slime into SixSix's armor, getting deeper and deeper into the machinery. Eventually, the mechanical sections started the short-circuit and the jetpack fired. The pair of them were sent flying all around the mall, Goop pulling SixSix in multiple directions so he kept slamming his then uncovered head into every wall they flew towards.

Then they flew into another clothing store and Goop finally pulled himself off of SixSix, the alien bounty hunter crashing into multiple racks of clothing before rolling in the air and flying back out of the store. When he did, Goop threw a whip of slime at him that coiled around his neck and allowed the slime alien to fling him towards the ground.

The alien finally lost consciousness and kept flying forwards along the ground, until his jetpack finally gave out and he slid to a stop not far from Kraab whilst dressed in a frilly nightgown, summer hat and blue scarf.

Goop and the others moved over to them, Goop looking down at SixSix and laughing at his new clothing choice. "That new outfit suits him, don't you think?" He turned to Tetrax, who smirked at him.

"Pretty smart, for a human." Goop decided to take the compliment and Tetrax stepped forward, taking out a strange looking gun with a green energy cube on the end. He fired it and the cube shot off towards the pair, landing between them before growing in size until it completely encased them before shrinking back to its original size with them likely inside. Tetrax picked up the cube and turned to Flash, as the Omnitrix beeped once again and he reverted back to human. "I will return as soon as I am able."

"What about this?" He held up the watch, Tetrax smiling.

"It's in good hands until then." Flash smiled at this, the other two smiling with him. Then, Tetrax handed him his hoverboard. "This may be of some use in the meantime."

"Seriously?" He asked, taking the device and looking at it like a kid on christmas. Then he remembered something, "wait." He gave him a quizzical look, "I thought you needed this to get off the planet?"

"Selective disinformation." Flash had no idea what that meant, turning to Shining for context.

"He lied." Flash frowned at this as Tetrax's turned away from him.

"Wait," Tetrax looked back, "who was it that sent those bounty hunters after me? Someone must have hired them?" Tetrax nodded.

"His name is Vilgax and he's one of the most dangerous warlords in the galaxy." They wanted to know more, helmet reappeared on his head before the alien took something from his belt and pressed a button. In a flash of red, he was gone and the three looked down at the hoverboard he had left.

"Why do you get all the cool alien gizmos?" Trixie asked.

Flash smirked as he spun the board on his finger, "more my style." But then the disk fell off and clattered to the ground, Trixie and Shining laughing before Shining got serious.

"You need to get out of here," he told Flash. "Use that thing and fly away before anyone comes to investigate. Trixie and I will go find Twilight and make sure they're okay." Flash nodded and after a few seconds of figuring out how the device worked, jumped onto the hoverboard and and flew up towards the hole that Tetrax and SixSix had made.

Shining and Trixie rushed back to where Trixie had last seen his sister, the pair finding the girls still stuck where they were. "Twily!" Shining cried rushing to her side and seeing she was trapped inside the concrete. "You okay?"

"I'll be fine once we get out of here," Twilight told him before turning to Trixie. "What happened to the aliens?"

"Chamalien got beamed up out of nowhere," Trixie lied. "Then Diamondhead and Goop appeared and took those two other aliens down."

"That's good," Sunset sighed. "These alien situations are getting seriously out of hand." Shining called the rest of the force and told them what had happened, his captain promising to send some workers with jackhammers to free the girls. They would have a lot of questions to answer about what happened, Shining and Trixie knowing they would need to fudge some of the details the keep Flash's secret.

Meanwhile, the teen was flying above the city on his new ride. He had always wanted something like this, but figured it would be impossible. It seemed some dreams do come true.

Up in space, the alien known as Vilgax watched the monitors. When he saw a burst of red light shoot up off of the planet, he thought the bounty hunters had completed their mission. But then the energy shoot off into space and disappeared from view. "Betrayed!"

His minion turned to him, "sensors indicate the Omnitrix is not with the mercenaries."

Vilgax growled at this, "it appears the creature that possess the Omnitrix..." He gasped for air, "is as clever as it is fierce." He took another breath, "but I shall not be denied." No matter what, he would have the Omnitrix and make whoever was foiling his plans pay. They would suffer.

Author's Note:

Those of you who have actually seen the show will recognize where I got this idea from. Hope you enjoyed my version of it as much as you enjoyed the actual episode. And at least Flash learned who Vilgax was in this.

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