• Published 8th Sep 2022
  • 6,299 Views, 1,074 Comments

The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 4, Episode 7: Break Up Reaction

It was another peaceful day in Canterlot and currently, a city bank was doing its business with the many citizens of the city that trusted them with their money.

However, as the bank workers did their normal thing, someone was planning on causing a few problems for it. And that person was currently driving down the street on a yellow motorcycle, dressed head to toe in leather clothing with a helmet on his head and a dufflebag connected to the back of his bike.

They drove towards the bank and when nobody was looking, swerved into an alleyway that lead to a section behind the bank.

He pulled himself to a stop behind the building and looked it over, taking out some blueprints and nodding when he saw the bank's layout. "Should be right around here." He got off his bike and opened up the bag, allowing him to pull out an odd looking device.

Said device was a kind of leather vest, with a round device on the front of it. It was made of metal, with several wires and nobs around it. In the middle of it was a large round button, surrounded by lights.

He put it on and once the device was secure, he hit the button and the lights came on. It then let out a soft hum and the figure stepped forward, reaching out his hand and touching the wall. After pushing on said wall, his hand suddenly disappeared into it.

He chuckled and continued to walk forwards, disappearing completely through the wall.

Meanwhile, Flash and his friends were at the arcade enjoying some free time.

Flash and Rainbow were playing air hockey, Rainbow totally kicking Flash's butt as he couldn't keep up with her reflexes. The others were playing racing games and shooting hoops, Rarity was even playing a zombie shooting game, as they let the stress of the last few days washing off of them.

Flash needed this more than anyone, especially after what had recently happened.

It had been a week since Flash and Adagio had broken up. Though it had been a pretty cordial affair, the sting of losing a relationship still hurt a bit. But right now, all those thoughts were completely clear from his mind as he was more focused on beating Rainbow.

At least he was, until someone walked into the arcade. "Adagio!" He heard Pinkie cried, causing Flash's eyes to go wide. It also caused him to hit the puck at a wrong angle, resulting in it going flying away from the table.

"Wow!" Rainbow ducked, the puck almost hitting her in the head. It flew through the air and was a miracle not to hit anything or anyone, eventually landing on the ground and sliding to a stop. "Watch it!"

"Sorry!" Flash blushed, moving over to grab the puck. As he did, he saw Adagio walking towards their group.

Adagio saw him and the pair stopped moving, standing opposite one another looking rather awkward. "Hey," she looked away, "long time no see."

"Yeah," Flash scratched his head, "how...how you been?"

"Okay. Although I've had to suffer Sonata's constant crying. She's rather upset that the pair of us...you know." Flash nodded. "But she'll get over it."

"Alright." The pair continued to stand there, their friends seeing this and frowning at how uncomfortable they were together. "Well, I have to get going. My parents wanted me home early to help with some things around the house." With that, he headed for the exit and left before anyone could stop him.

Adagio sighed at this, as she picked up the discarded puck and returned it to Rainbow Dash. As she did, Sunset stepped over to her. "Okay, what the heck is going on with you two?" Adagio raised an eyebrow at this. "I know you two broke up, but I thought you guys were okay with it."

"We are," Adagio nodded.

"Really?" Sunset asked. "Because Flash wasn't this awkward around me when we broke up."

"Is that so," the Dazzling replied. "I don't know what to tell you. I thought we could still be friends after we broke up, but being around one another now just feels weird."

"It's weird for us too," Pinkie frowned. "You could cut the tension between you two with a spoon." The others nodded. "You and Flash can't keep doing this. You gotta get over it."

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Adagio leaned against the air hockey table. "I've never had this problem before. When I break up with someone and see them again, I don't feel this weird. I actually smirk and get them to feel bad. But with Flash..."

"We gotta fix this," Applejack stated. "Or you and Flash won't be able to stay in the same room together."

Adagio sighed, "maybe it'd be best if I just stopped hanging out with you." Trixie and the Rainbooms frowned at this. Despite everything that had happened between them in the past, they had actually grown to like Adagio and hanging out with her. They didn't want that to end, just because Flash and Adagio had broken up.

"Don't be stupid," Trixie gently bopped her on the head. "You can't just run away from your problems. You need to deal with this or it's gonna hound you for the rest of your life." Adagio frowned at this. "You wanna still be a famous star, right?" Adagio nodded. "And Flash is a world famous superhero. Famous people have a tendency to be around each other. What if you both get invited to some kind of world premiere or something, only to have to miss it because you know the other will be there?"

"She has a point," Rarity nodded. "You can't let your life stop just so you might run into an ex. Look at Twilight." They all turned to the spectacled girl, who was holding her puppy looking confused. "She's not letting her breakup upset her."

"I wouldn't say that," Twilight frowned. She was still feeling a little sore from her breakup with Timber and hadn't seen him since. She wasn't sure how she would react if she ran into him again. "But they're right you know." She turned to Adagio, "do you wanna still be friends with Flash?"

"Of course."

"Then don't let this destroy your friendship. You need to fight to protect it. If you don't, it'll fall to pieces and you'll regret it for the rest of your life." Adagio knew she was right, but she had no idea what she was supposed to do to overcome this awkwardness. And even if she overcame it, would Flash be able to?

Meanwhile, over at the Plumber Base, Shining Armor was sitting at the main computer working on a report of the recent activities going on in the city.

As he finished a paragraph, he sat back and flinched at this fingers needing a rest. He just sat there and let himself recover, all the while listening to the base as it was completely silent. Without Flash or any of the girls there, the place was pretty empty.

Shining frowned as he thought back to when he was a police officer. Back then, the precinct was constantly full of noise. Whenever Shining needed to take a break, he would look around and get to watch or listen to something interesting. But here he was, all on his own without even a bit of music to listen to.

He sighed, hoping he would soon get some more plumbers to work with. Considering how much work he and Flash had been doing, the normal cops had to be getting bored.

"Why can't there be something to do right now?" He asked, only to have his wish instantly be answered. For in that moment, the Plumber Computer started beeping as it had detected something. "Ask and you shall receive."

He brought up the alarm, the computer showing a warning stating it had detected a strange radiation in the city. "What?" He brought up the radiation's stat page and found it wasn't a radiation found on earth. "Tragnik Radiation. Found mostly on planets in the Tragnik system. Harmless to creatures that live in that sector, but dangerous to many other forms of life after prolonged exposure." Shining frowned, wondering why the computer was detecting this radiation on Earth.

He opened up a map of the city and found the source of the radiation was in the middle of it, near a bank.

"That can't be good." As he said that, his phone rang and he found it was a member of his old police force. "Armor."

"Hey, Shining. I think we might have found something you need to look into. A bank robbery." Shining frowned, wondering what he was talking about. "The bank was full on money this morning but when one of the workers headed into the vault, he found a ton of it was missing. The security footage doesn't show anyone walking into the vault between when it was first checked this morning and when the employee headed in.

"So something strange happens and you instantly think alien?" Shining asked, the police officer umming since he clearly didn't know what else to say. "You should really think of joining me in the Plumbers. Those sound like some good instincts. I'll be right there." He hung up after getting the address and when he did, he frowned. "That's the same place the radiation's coming from." He realised that couldn't be a coincidence.

Flash huffed as he sat in his living room, playing a video game with one hand whilst scratching Banana's head with another.

He was barely focusing on the racing game, causing him to constantly crash into things and slow down. This caught the attention of his parents, were stepped into the room and saw Flash was in a zombie state. "Honey?" Misty stepped forward, "are you okay?"

"You seem...distracted," Trail moved over to sit next to him with Banana moving to lay on his lap.

"I'm fine," Flash assured them. But they had been his parents long enough to know he was anything but fine. He was clearly upset and they had to get to the bottom of it. So, Misty grabbed the TV remote and switched his game off. "Hey!"

"Come on," Trail told him. "Out with it. What has you so bummed?" Flash frowned, but realised he wasn't going to be getting over this.


"Ah," Misty nodded, "should have known. You regret breaking up with her?"

"No," Flash sighed, "it's not that. Splitting up was the right call. We just...I can't seem to be in the same room with her anymore." His parents looked confused by this. "When I saw her earlier, every instinct in my body told me to get out of there. It's all I could do to not go XLR8 and run away without giving an excuse."

"I see," Trail nodded. "The ex proximity conflict. I've had that before."

"You have?"

"So have I," Misty nodded. Flash looked between the pair, "you realise your father and I dated other people before each other." Flash suddenly looked very uncomfortable. Clearly, he didn't want to talk about his parent's love life. "Flash, everyone goes through that with their exs."

"I don't remember having his problem with Sunset," Flash sighed. "When she came into the room, I refused to let it get to me."

"True," Trail nodded, "but you and Sunset didn't exactly break up on good terms. That's different. You said you and Adagio both agreed to go your separate ways, so there's no animosity between you."

"I thought an amicable break up was supposed to be easy on all parties involved."

"It can be," Misty told him. "But it's not an easy transition. The simple fact is, you and Adagio will always have the history you built up. All that time you spent together doesn't just disappear because you decided not to be an couple anymore. You've been affected by those time and that change will be with you for the rest of your life."

"So what do I do?" Flash asked. "Every time I see her, I remember that we used to date and it feels like I'm going to catch fire if I get to close." He sighed, "were you two ever able to be friends with someone you dated?"

"Yes," Trail nodded, "and no. If it was someone I really cared about, even outside of the relationship, I forced myself to get over the awkwardness I felt. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it since I got to keep them in my life. Heck, some of the women I used to date I still hang out with when I get the chance."

"Oh, do you?" Misty raised an eyebrow as Trail looked worried, only for Misty to laugh. "Relax, I know about those meetings. You're not just with them, so don't worry about it." She turned to Flash, "and he's right. What matters is the person. Are they someone you can't stand not being around?"

Flash thought about his parent's words. Did he want to still be friends with Adagio? Yes. "I want to still be friends with her."

"Then you need to buck up and force yourself to get over the issues between you two," Trail announced. "Next time you see her, stay there and don't let either of you leave. Even if it feels like you're going to burst into flames. Turn into Arctiguana if you have to and cool yourself off."

Flash nodded, knowing his parents were right. "Where are you going?" Misty asked, as Flash stood up.

"I'm going to go find Adagio," Flash explained. "And I'm going to fix things between us before it's too late." With that, he headed out and his parents shared a smiled. They knew their son would get over this and when he did, he would be better and stronger because of it.

Back with Shining, he had arrived at the bank on his hard-light cycle.

The Plumber quickly leapt off when he saw a police officer rushing towards him, Shining realising it was his old friend Spearhead. The police officer was a brown skinned man, with blue hair wearing a blue shirt and black tie. "Shining," he smirked, "glad you could make it."

"No problem," Shining stepped over to him and the pair shook hands. "Would have come anyway. Right before you called, the base picked up some intense radiation coming from this location."

Spearhead looked shocked, "radiation? What kind?"

"The kind that shouldn't be on this planet," Shining explained. "It has a very serious effect on the human body after a prolonged time." He used his suit to scan Spearhead, checking to make sure there wasn't any radiation being absorbed by him. "You're okay, but you should probably get everyone out of the bank to be safe."

Spearhead nodded and started giving orders to evacuate the area. As he did, Shining continued to scan the area and found a trace amount of the radiation. Turns out it wasn't coming from inside the bank, leading him to walk behind it with Spearhead looking confused.

"Don't you wanna check inside?"

"Your robbery and my radiation scan are linked," Shining explained. "You wanna know how the crook got into the vault, so I need to follow my scans." He headed around the back of the bank and as he did, his visor continued to scan the area. Eventually, it spotted an area that was a practical hotspot. "Found it."

Spearhead stared at the wall, seeing it looked perfectly normal. "Just looks like a normal wall to me."

"You don't have my visor's eyes," Shining told him. "This section of wall is charged with Tragnik Radiation. It's like the bricks have been bathed in it."

"You said this radiation is dangerous," Spearhead frowned. "Does that mean this whole area is gonna be radioactive?"

"No. The radiation's already dying down. It's not like nuclear radiation. It might be toxic, but it doesn't last long once the source is gone. Give it a day and this place will be safe." Spearhead nodded, as he looked Shining over.

"Were you serious about becoming a plumber?" Shining turned to him. "It looks like you get some pretty cool gear as one. If I joined, would I get something like that?"

"Well, this isn't your standard plumber suit. But you'd definitely get some cool gear once you've proven you can be trusted with it. Why, you serious about joining?"

"Well I joined the force to protect people. Seems being a police officer isn't getting the job done anymore. Might be time for an upgrade." Shining chuckled at this as he brought up the building's schematics.

"The vault's on the other side of this wall. Somehow, your thief was able to move the cash through this wall. And doing so left the Tragnik Radiation trace." He continued to scan it, getting a more further understanding of its energy makeup. "With this, my base should be able to pick up the source of the radiation. But if the person using it's smart, they'd have already gotten far far away from it."

"How long will it take for you to find it?" Spearhead asked, Shining unsure. He told Spearhead to keep the bank cordoned off until he found it. If this energy did cause people to get sick, Shining needed to limit the exposure until he could get the device and figure out a cure.

He headed back to the main street, Spearhead rushing to get everyone away from the bank. As he did, Shining's helmet brought up a display showing a low but noticeable energy signal. It was a good ways away and on the move.

"There you are." He activated his bike and rode off to follow the radiation. Hopefully, he could reach it before it caused any more problems.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Spike were walking through the town.

Spike had just enjoyed some fun at a local dog park and now, the pair were heading through the city on their way home. But as Spike sniffed a nearby lamppost, stating something about a dog he knew having puppies, Twilight just stood there and continued to think about her breakup with Timber.

"You okay?" Shining finally noticed her distress. "You've been out of it all day?"

Twilight sighed as she picked the puppy up. "I'm just thinking about Timber." Spike rolled his eyes at this. "I just wish I knew if I made the right decision breaking up with him."

"Twilight, you can't go second guessing every decision you made. You can't see the future, so you gotta take everything as it comes. You didn't know if moving to CHS would be good, but you did it anyway."

"Maybe," Twilight hugged him, "still..."

"Twilight." The pair gasped as they spun around, shocked to see Timber walking towards them. "I guess fate brought us back together, huh?"

"Yeah," Twilight looked away. "What are you doing here?"

"Just...doing whatever I can to take my mind off of...us." Twilight nodded. "But honestly, I can't stop thinking about us." He grabbed her by the shoulder and spun her around to stare at him. "Come on Twilight. Let's get back together." Twilight looked shocked by this, whilst Spike frowned. "Please, you've gotta see that us breaking up was a mistake."

Twilight was about to tell him it wasn't, but stopped herself. Did she really think that, or did she just not want to admit she was wrong and beg for Timber's forgiveness. "Dude!" Spike told him, "take the hint. She's just not that into you." Timber frowned at this.

"This is between me and Twilight," Timber told him.

"Maybe. But I'm Twilight's friend and it's my job to make sure she doesn't do something she'll regret." He looked up at Twilight, "when was the last time you were with Timber and had fun? I can't remember the last time you came home gushing about being with him."

Twilight thought about it and remembered the last few times she had been with Timber. They tried to spend some quality time together, but every time something would come up that kind of killed the mood.

Timber growled, "that's not my fault. It's this crazy town!" Twilight looked at him. "The Technovore, Dragstar, that bull monster and that weird dust. If none of those things happened, the two of us could have had a great time. This town is a magnet for insane stuff to happen."

"He has a point," Twilight nodded.

"So what?" Spike asked, "those things are just gonna keep happening if you get back together. What, do you want Twilight to move away or something?" Twilight was shocked to hear this, unable to ever imagine leaving Canterlot.

"She's not gonna live here forever," Timber pointed out. "Twilight, think of all those colleges you were always gushing about. You'll be graduating next year and heading off to college in another city...in another state. I can come with you. Get a job and find an apartment in whichever college town you pick. We can see each other all the time and finally have a normal relationship."

"Normal relationship?" Twilight asked.

"Exactly. One without crazy magic and aliens threatening to blow us up. You said our relationship wasn't going anywhere, but that's because this town keeps getting in the way. So let's leave when you graduate and never look back. Then our relationship can grow like it's supposed to." He held out a hand, "what do you say?"

Twilight stared at him, clearly thinking about what he had said. Was he right? Was the problem with their relationship the town and not them? If they left, would they be able to work things out?

But before she could answer, she heard a loud engine rev fill the air and made her look around. There she saw a motorcycle racing down the street, going above sixty miles an hour despite the speed limit being only half that. She watched it shoot past her, Timber frowning as he tried to get her attention back on him.

But as it raced away, a bus came out from around the corner and was about to crash into the bike. "LOOK OUT!" She screamed, expecting there to be a large explosion. She tried to activate her magic and lift the bike up, but the bike was too fast and hit the bus.

However, instead of crashing into the bus, the motorcycle and its ride moved through it like they were a ghost. The front of the bike vanished inside the bus, followed by the driver and the rest of the vehicle. Eventually, the whole thing was absorbed into the long vehicle.

"What?" Was all Twilight could say, as the bus headed towards her. And when it moved enough, the bike flew out the back of it and continued down the street like nothing had happened. The bus, however, suddenly started swerving side to side. "It's out of control." The bus was completely wild and eventually, it sped up and smashed right into the side of a building.

It rammed into the glass wall of a shop and managed to get a good several feet inside before finally stopping. The impact caused large cracks to appear all along the outside of the building, dust and a few pieces of debris falling down from above.

Twilight gasped and rushed over to help, but Timber grabbed her arm. "What are you doing? You can't go in there."

"People are in danger," Twilight told him. "I can't just sit back and do nothing." She pulled her arm from his grasp and took out her phone, knowing there was only one person that could help in this situation.

Flash had been searching all over for Adagio, going to all her favourite places.

He first tried her apartment, but she hadn't been there. Sonata had been there and looked like she had been crying, Flash getting out of there before the girl could start balling all over him. And after checking out her favourite coffee houses and sushi bars, it amazed him how much she and her sisters loved seafood, he arrived at the final place.

And as he looked in the window, he saw Adagio sitting there drinking a large cup of coffee.

She seemed to sense him as he headed inside, Adagio looking shocked that he was there. "Hey," he stepped over to her. "You mind if I sit down?"

"Free country," she replied. Flash took a seat and the pair sat there for a moment in silence, Adagio frowning as he remained silent. "You didn't just come here for no reason."

"No," he nodded, "I came because I wanna set things right between us."

"What's there to set straight. We broke up. Simple as that."

"Except it isn't that simple. We're both tiptoeing around one another and I don't want that. We said we'd still be friends, but that's clearly not gonna happen if we can't got over this."

"What do you want from me?" Adagio asked. "We broke up. How are we supposed to go back to being just friends after that?"

Flash sighed, wondering the same thing. But then he realised something. "But, we weren't friends before." Adagio looked insulted by this. "We were enemies before we started dating. Well...not enemies. But we weren't exactly friendly with one another until we started dating. You didn't even recognise me."

Adagio sighed. "You've got a point. So what, if we're not dating we're not friends?"

"No, don't you see. We can't go back to being friends because we weren't friends before. We've only known each other as a couple. But now, we can start over as friends and learn about each other more than before." He took a deep breath and cleared his throat, as he held out his hand. "Hi, I'm Flash Sentry. I'm a superhero that can transform into a bunch of different aliens. I like music, fast cars and and hate spicy food."

Adagio looked at him like he was nuts, but smirked and shook his hand. "I'm Adagio Dazzle. A monstrous sea creature from another world, that's now a human. I like music, making people I don't like squirm and seafood."

"Seafood, yuck."

Adagio frowned, "I don't think I wanna be friends with you." The pair laughed at this, the awkwardness they had been feeling before completely vanishing. They kept talking like this for a few minutes, enjoying one another's company and not needing to worry about making the other one see them as desirable. There seemed to be a new openness between them, which they didn't seem to have back when they were dating.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and Flash's phone went off.

Seeing it was Twilight, he answered and heard her voice become frantic. "Flash, you need to get over here right now!" Flash stood up and Adagio knew that meant someone was in trouble. "Hurry, I don't think I can hold this much longer." She gave him the street and Flash rushed out, Adagio following after him.

Instead of heading for his car, Flash activated the Omnitrix and transformed. "XLR8!" He cried, grabbing Adagio and racing through the city. Eventually, they arrived at the street and found Twilight using her magic to keep the building from moving.

She looked over at them and sighed in relief. "Flash, Adagio. Quickly. There are people trapped inside. I'm not gonna be able to keep this from falling for long."

"Got it," XLR8 nodded and he rushed over to the building. But seeing how unstable it was, he realised he was gonna need another alien and transformed again. "Kagenobi!" The alien ninja melted into the ground and slipped inside, whilst Adagio looked around.

She then spotted Timber off to the side, far away from the building. "Aren't you gonna help?" She asked, as Timber frowned at her.

"What do you want me to do? I don't have any superpowers. I'm just a normal guy."

Adagio rolled her eyes, "there are millions of normal guys on this planet who don't have superpowers to rely on. Many of them still help in situations like this." She stepped up to the building and turned to Twilight, "is there anything I can do to help?"

"I'm not sure," Twilight panted. "Flash is checking the inside of the building. But there should be people inside the bus that are trapped." Adagio nodded and headed up, being careful not to disturb anything so nothing slipped from Twilight's magic.

When she reached the back of the bus, she looked up and saw several people inside. Some of them appeared injured, but others were moving around and trying to open the bus' door. But it couldn't budge, making Adagio think. She grabbed a brick off the ground and used it to hit the window, catching the attention of those inside.

After a few good strikes, it finally shattered and Adagio could talk. "Anyone who's not seriously injured, try and climb out. If moving hurts, stay there." The driver and several more people headed for the back, quickly climbing out and being careful not to cut themselves on the broken glass.

When the last person came out, the shadow ninja flew back outside and reformed. Doing so caused two people appear out of him, both gasping for breath as they staggered away. "Sorry," he told them. "But you're safe now."

"Flash!" Adagio cried, Kagenobi rushing over to her. "There are some people in there too hurt to move. Can you get them out without injuring them further?"

"No problem," Kagenobi nodded as he melted back into the ground and flew inside the bus. "Hold your breath," he told the woman on the ground. She took a deep breath and Kagenobi swallowed her up, flying out of the bus as fast as he could.

Once he was outside on the street, the woman appeared out of him looking completely unharmed. He then rushed back into the bus, getting the other people out whilst wondering what might have caused this. And hoping whoever it was would be stopped before they caused any more problems like this.

Shining was racing through the city on his hard-light cycle.

Using the plumber base's scanner system, he had tracked down the source of the unusual radiation and was now heading to its location. But the source was on the move, making him worry since it could mean more people were being exposed to it as it was moved through the city.

He turned a corner and when he did, his suit picked up an alert that the radiation was right in front of him. And as he looked ahead, he saw someone on a motorbike zooming down the street way above the speed limit. "A bike? How is a bike causing radiation?" But as his suit scanned the bike, Shining found it was actually the rider that was producing the radiation.

In fact, the radiation was coming from something the rider was wearing. It was some kind of vest, located over his leather jacket, with pieces of metal and wires connected to it. Shining tried to scan it, but the radiation was causing an issue with that. All Shining knew was that he needed to get it away from whoever was wearing it.

As such, Shining activated his bike's siren and increased the volume on his helmet's speaker. "Pull over!" The rider looked back at him and instead of slowing down, he sped up with no disregard for his or anyone's else's safety. Shining groaned at this and raced after him, being careful not to crash into anyone.

The pair raced through the street, Shining getting tempted to change into jet mode. But the streets were too narrow for that, forcing him to chase his perp on the road.

After a few minutes of following him, the bike turned a corner and found the road was closed for repairs. Large dividers blocked off the street, with a cement on the other side covering the road in fresh sticky asphalt.

The biker quickly swerved into an alleyway, Shining following him inside. And as soon as he did, he saw that it lead to a dead end. "Gotcha now!" He cried, expecting Speed Racer to stop. But he didn't. He once again sped up. "What are you doing?" The rider showed no signs of stopping. "DON'T!" He expected him to crash into the wall and kill himself, but instead the bike and its rider flew through it like a ghost.

Shining barely managed to pull his bike to a stop before crashing into the wall, his helmet scanning it to show it really was a stone brick wall. There were some trace radiation, but the wall was a perfectly normal wall.

"What the heck?" His helmet picked up the radiation on the other side of the wall, Shining kicking his bike into gear and racing back out the alleyway. It would take a while, but he would track down the rider and figure out what the heck he was using to do that.

Back at the damaged building, Kagenobi and gotten everybody out of the bus and was once again checking the building for people inside.

The shadow flew out of the building and once again spat some people out of him, the trio gasping for air. He reformed, as Twilight saw more cracks appear alongside the building. The whole thing was minutes away from collapsing.

"Is that everyone?" Kagenobi asked, the people that lived in the building looking around. And they weren't the only ones, as police officers had arrived to corner off the scene whilst some people connected to those living in the building were also there.

"Where's my grandmother?" He looked around and saw a man in a suit, looking around. "She lives in this building and should be there at this time. Does anyone see her?" The tenants all looked around and realised one of their neighbours was missing. The man then tried to call her, but her phone kept going to voicemail.

"What floor does she live on?" Kagenobi asked.

"Forth," the man replied before the alien rushed towards the building. But just as he was about to melt into the ground, the Omnitrix started beeping.

"No, no, no, no!" With that, he transformed back to normal and staggered forwards before he stopped. "Come on! Not now!" Everyone looked worried, Timber amongst them.

As much as he wanted Flash to look bad right now, he didn't want that to cost a woman her life. "What's he gonna do?" He heard a kid ask his mother, who didn't seem to know how to answer.

"There's nothing he can do," Timber sighed. Flash might have amazing abilities with the Omnitrix. But now that it was timed out, he was as normal as Timber was.

But Flash didn't seem to see it like this and ran forward, squeezing through a gap between the bus and the building. "Flash!" Adagio cried, seeing him disappear into the collapsing building.

Twilight was doing her best to keep the building from moving, Spike looking at her worried since she could be overusing her magic. But the place was growing more and more unstable, with every passing second. It wouldn't stay up much longer.

Everyone waited with baited breath, fearing Flash and the woman would still be inside when the place collapsed. Twilight could feel the strain and knew she only had another minute before the place broke apart. More cracks appeared and the bottom started to buckle.

"FLASH!" Adagio screamed, "hurry!" It was almost like Flash had actually heard her, for in that moment someone rushed out of the building.

That someone was the alien hero, carrying an elderly woman on his back as he pulled himself out of the building. The building finally gave out as he ran away from it, Twilight losing her hold as the entire place collapsed. Many people ran for it, fearing they might get hit by falling debris.

They cleared out just in time to avoid getting hurt and Flash managed to carry the old lady to safety, he and Twilight rushing her over to an ambulance.

The man rushed over to his grandmother, hugging her as Flash put her down. He then turned to Flash and looked like the teen had just saved the world. "Thank you."

Flash smiled, "just doing my job." He walked away and as he did, Twilight leapt at him. "Wow!" He cried, feeling her hug him. "What's this about?"

"I thought you were gonna die!" She cried, pulling away from him and showing her relieved expression. "You ran in there without being able to go alien. You could have been killed."

"Maybe," Flash nodded. "But if I'm only a hero with the Omnitrix, I don't deserve it. I get there are things that I can only do in alien form, but firemen and police officers go into collapsing buildings to save people. If I'm not willing to do the same, what kind of hero am I?" Twilight smiled at this, nodding in agreement as Spike leapt into Flash's arms to let the gave scratch his ear.

Adagio watched this and noticed the way the pair were looking at one another, as something inside her clicked into place. Suddenly, she knew why her and Flash's relationship hit such a dead-end. But she also, strangely, didn't feel upset about it.

Timber also saw this and realised the same thing, but his reaction wasn't the same as Adagio's. He let out a low growl and turned to leave. As he did, he thought about everything that had happened since Flash had gotten that watch. The insane things Twilight had been through since then, had changed her into someone who didn't want to be with him.

All those crazy events, happening in this one city. If Twilight didn't live here, she would still be the girl that had liked him. But now she was gone. "I hate this city," he growled whilst walking off completely unnoticed.

Back with Shining, he continued to chase after the source of the radiation.

The biker had managed to get a good distance away from him and by the time Shining had circumvented all the obstacles between them, he had escaped from the range of Shining's suit. Luckily, the base still had a lock on the radiation and Shining knew the city streets well enough to navigate his way to the location it was coming from.

As such, he managed to pull into a street right as the biker flew down it towards him. Shining took out his Multi-Striker and pointed it at the man, as it transformed into some kind of satellite blaster.

The driver saw this and swerved to a stop, attempting to spin around. But Shining fired his weapon at the man and unleashed a pulse of energy. That energy reached the biker before he could speed of and when it did, he suddenly found his bike go completely dead.

"What the?" He tried to start it up, but it wouldn't turn over. "What did you do?"

Shining smirked as he dispelled his own bike and walked towards him. "EMP cannon. New update to my arsenal. Sends out an electromagnetic pulse that disables anything electronic. That includes the tech in your bike."

The driver growled and quickly jumped off, grabbing a dufflebag off the back of the bike and running towards a building. "You still can't get me." Shining sighed, realising the biker hadn't figured out the real reason he had fired that EMP.

"I wouldn't do that!" But the driver didn't listen and hit a button on his chest. But when he did, he didn't feel the same tingling sensation he normally felt.

It wasn't until he smashed right into the wall, helmet first, that he realised his device wasn't working. He bounced off the stone and fell backwards, crashing into the ground as Shining reached him and took out some cuffs. And before the guy to resist, he grabbed his arm and slapped the metal bracelet around it before doing the same to the other behind his back.

"Get off me!" He cried, Shining pulling him to his feet and beginning to remove the vest from him.

Now deactivated, the device wasn't giving off the radiation and he could give it a proper scan. And what he found was quite a shock. "Alien technology?" He saw several alien components inside the machine, though those components had been built with human part, which would be impossible for some low level street thug to get his hands on. "Where did you get this?"

"I'm not telling you anything," the guy replied.

"Fine. I was gonna hand you over to the police, but I think the plumbers will want to do a little probing."

"Probing?" He sounded worried by that, "what do you mean by probing?"

"Well if you have alien technology, you can't be human. I'm sure we'll figure out which planet you're from after a few tests. Hope you like standing, cause you're probably not gonna be able to sit for a few weeks when they're done."

"Hang on!" He cried, "I'm human! I'M HUMAN!"

"Then how did you make this?"

"I didn't! It just showed up at my doorstep the other day."


"Really," he nodded. "It was in a box with instructions and a note telling me to go all out and have fun." Shining frowned at him, unsure whether or not to believe him. He would investigate his house later on to see if he was telling the truth, but for now he would take him to the police and get him processed.

"If you're lying, I'm gonna make sure you get every medical test done to you to make sure you're human. You'll be poked and prodded so much, you'll feel like a pin cushion." The man gulped, as Shining connected to his police radio. "I need a police officer to come pick up a suspect." He then noticed the dufflebag on the ground and checked inside, finding a bunch of cash inside. "Charged with using illegal technology and bank robbery."

Within twenty minutes, a police cruiser arrived to take the suspect into custody. They finally removed his helmet and revealed him to be a young man who was a little older than Flash, making Shining wonder why he would choose to throw his life away and rob a bank.

Once Shining had his address, he headed over to his apartment and found it was a rundown dump. The bank robbing suddenly made sense.

Inside, he found the place was a total mess, with pizza boxes and dirty underpants littered all over the place. He then found a box with the aforementioned note inside along with instructions, the note saying exactly what the crook had told him. And as he stared at the note, he couldn't help but notice the writing on it looked...familiar.

Back with Flash and Twilight, the pair were in Sugarcube Corner after the stressful day they had had.

Flash and Adagio were now back to normal, probably better than ever given their new status as friends. Meanwhile, Twilight had been unable to contact Timber after finally noticing he had left. After a while, she had given up. If Timber wanted to talk to her, he would call.

Now they just sat together, thinking about their relationship status. "So you and Adagio are okay now?" Twilight asked, taking a sip of her milkshake as she stroked the sleeping dog on her lap.

"Yeah," Flash nodded. "Our romantic relationship is as dead as a door-nail, but I think it's for the best. Now we can get to know each other as friends." He drank from his shake. "What about you and Timber? Decide to get back together?"

"No," Twilight shook her head. "And I don't think we will. Timber's great, he's smart and funny and the way he cares about his sister and others is amazing. But...he and I want different things." Flash looked confused by this. "He wants a normal life, doing normal things like a normal person." She clutched her geode, "I'm not normal. And I don't wanna be normal. I wanna explore the secrets of the world and magic. I wanna know everything and study as much as I can."

"And that kind of life isn't something Timber will enjoy."

Twilight nodded. "But it's more than that. Despite everything great about Timber, he's lacking something. Something I want in the man I'll be with."


"That's just the thing," Twilight sighed. "I have no idea what it is. I just know there's something about Timber that lacks what I want. How crazy is that?"

"It's not crazy," Flash told her. "If he doesn't have it, he doesn't have it. You were right to break if off if nothing was gonna come from the relationship. It would have been cruel to keep stringing him along."

"Yeah," Twilight nodded before holding up her glass. "To lost loves."

Flash smiled and held his glass up. "No, to the start of our search for true love. It could take years and we might not even find it, but it's worth searching for." Twilight smiled as they tapped their glasses together before taking a deep drink, both sighing in relief. "And hey, until we do find it, we've always got each other to have fun with."

Twilight nodded, "and all our friends." With that, the pair began to talk about whatever came into their minds. All thought about their failed relationships and their ex's complete faded from their mind, the pair simply enjoying one another's company.

What neither of them realised was that everyone who saw them together all thought the same thing. What a nice looking couple.

Back with Shining, he had arrived back at the base.

As soon as he arrived there, he connected to the system and had the vest teleported into a lab and placed instructions into the computer to monitor it and be ready to neutralise the radiation if it begins to build again.

When he at the main computer room, he placed the note and instructions on a scanner to be imputed into the system. "Check any and all handwriting databases and compare it to this note. If you find a match, alert me immediately." Once the computer started this process, Shining headed down to the lab.

Since he was still the only plumber on the planet, something he hoped would changed very soon, he was stuck doing all the work himself. Even with the resources available to him, he would need to figure out who made this technology and was handing it out to random people on the street on his own.

If too many people got this kind of tech, there was no telling what kind of damage it could do.

As he began to deconstruct the device, wishing Twilight was there to help, he got a call from the police. "Armor."

"Hey, Shining." It was his old captain, "nice work bringing in that bank robber. Figure out how he did it yet?"

"Someone gave him a piece of alien technology," Shining replied. "Dangerous technology. It might have placed his body into a state of phase, but the radiation it emitted could have done serious damage to his cells. You should have him tested once he's been properly processed, to make sure there weren't any side effects."

"Sure, but I didn't really call you for that. Whilst you and Sentry were busy, someone broke into a facility that was holding some dangerous equipment. Equipment confiscated from Tirek's company." Shining's eyes went wide at this.

After Tirek's defeat, Azmuth had taken all the alien technology he had stolen that hadn't been on the destroyed ship. But there were still a lot of tech that Tirek had made from human components, using the alien tech as a base. Azmuth had chosen to leave that behind, but it had all been placed in storage until it could be decided what to do with it.

Now someone had stolen it and there was no telling what they might be up to with it.

In an unknown location, five individuals were standing around a strange looking device.

Said device was a glass tube, surrounded by metal and other pieces of machinery. One of them took something out of their pockets and placed it inside the device, causing it to power up as light inside the tube sparked. "Finally," a male voice announced, "it's working."

"About time," a female voice agreed. "But how long will it take?"

"Not sure," another male voice replied. "But he said to be patient and let it complete fully. Once it's done, the six of us will be able to destroy Sentry once and for all."

"Good," another male voice replied, "because I'm itching to get some payback

"We all are," the final male member agreed. "But in the meantime, at least it gives us more time to master our new toys." The device lit up even more, revealing the five figures standing around it.

One of them was the mad scientist known as Animac, who was dressed in a white lab coat and what appeared to be an upgraded version of his monster control helmet. On his left arm was a glove with a touchscreen on the back, whilst his waist had a large metal belt wrapped around it that had a large metal tube on the back.

The next was an old woman who went by the name of Doddery, only she was dressed in blue leather suit with yellow armor on her chest, legs and arms. Her fingers were tipped with green claws and running along the side of them, were a bunch of yellow metal plates that were locked together to look like a pair of wings.

The next was the monster hunter, Dynamo Danger. And like Doddery, he was also wearing a suit of armor. His suit was mostly black metal that covered almost his entire body, with red lines running down it and the logo from his old TV show on his chest. His head was covered in a grey helmet, with his face hidden behind a red glass visor. His arms were covered in red metal gauntlets, with robotic claw-like fingers, and a pointed tube on the backs of them that appeared to extend forward. His back had what appeared to be a jet-pack and on his waist were a pair of rifle barrels that were pointing behind him but looked like they could fold around when needed.

The next was Dragstar, who was also in a suit of armor. Only his was mostly red with silver around the arms and legs. He was carrying his normal helmet in his hands and on his back were a bunch of metal parts with a wheel in the middle of it, the metal parts appearing to be connected to something on his shoulders that looked like they could move the wheel and metal up and over his head to point forward. On each of his ankles was what looked like half a tire, connected to a metal cuff that appeared to spin.

The last was a man named Periwinkle Primrose, better known as The Hypnotist. He was dressed in similar clothing to what he had worn before getting arrested, but no longer had the headband on his head. Instead, he was wearing a full on metal helmet with a satellite on his head. He was also wearing strange devices on his arms, that looked like they launched something out of a hole above his hands.

The five figures stared down at the tube, as something was being made inside of it. What appeared to be a human skeleton, only it was made out of metal. They all knew it would be a long process before it was completed and once it was, they could have fun with their target.

Animac patted the tube. "I do hope you won't take too long, Miss Viral. Our employer went to great lengths to bring us all together. I'm sure he's eager to see the fruits of his labour." The others nodded, laughing as they thought about what they were going to do to their enemy. They couldn't wait.

Author's Note:

Well, this was a less action packed chapter. But I think it was important for Flash and Adagio's relationship, or lack thereof, whilst Shining gets to catch the bad guy this time. Hope you enjoyed it.

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