• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 2, Episode 10: A Villain's Level Up

It was another beautiful day in Canterlot and in it, we find Flash walking down the street with none other than Adagio Dazzle.

Ever since she had discovered the truth about Flash, the pair had actually been going on several dates. Flash never thought he would be going on more than one date with the former evil sea-pony monster. But after their exciting first date, the pair had found they actually did enjoy hanging out with one another.

They had had dinner together several times, but had also gone to see some movies, hung out at an arcade and spent time at Flash's place whilst his parents were at work.

His dog Banana had warmed up quickly to Adagio, who didn't seem like much of an animal person. But she and the dog seemed to like one another quite well, with her constantly sneaking him doggy treats whenever she thought Flash wasn't looking.

Flash was amazed at how different Adagio was from how she used to be. Whilst it was true that most of his previous experience with her was a bit of a haze, he knew she was definitely better than she used to be. He had expected her to be one of those constantly condescending nightmare girlfriends, similar to how Sunset used to be before she changed her ways, but she was hardly ever like that.

She did occasionally make a joke at his expense, but it was no worse then the jokes Trixie made every now and again.

"Then I punched it and it went flying down into the hole," Flash finished telling Adagio the story of his and Trixie's adventure underground.

"There's no way that actually happened," Adagio gave him a suspicious look. But the confident smirk Flash gave her as he ate his hotdog made her think he was telling her the truth. "Alright, fine. You punched a dinosaur. Cool story." She took a bite of her hotdog, "doesn't make up for you forgetting your wallet and needing to buy me dinner with the change in your pocket."

"This is the first time it's ever happened," Flash assured her. "And just so you know, my grandparents met at a hotdog stand. Grandpa bought her a hotdog and later discovered the penny he got was a rare one. Bought their first house with the money he got from it."

"Right," Adagio rolled her eyes. "You're just lucky there are places that sell stuff for a dollar fifty." Flash rolled his eyes, then realised something.

"Actually, the hotdogs were only a dollar forty-nine." He reached into his pocket and took out a penny, looking it over before huffing. "Twenty-twelve."

Adagio laughed, "who knows. Maybe it fourty years, you might be able to buy me a house."

"How dare you," Flash mocked as they turned a corner. When they did, they found a bunch of people laying on the ground in a line.

"Huh," Adagio looked them over, "what's going on here?"

"Looks like they're waiting in line for something," Flash stated as he tried to see the front of the line.

"Yeah, but for what?"

"I don't know. Usually there's a Clungoff of Tempetest-Guard in line to give you some indication." Adagio laughed as they made their way further up the line, Flash catching sight of something. "But I think I might know someone who can tell us." Adagio followed his sight and was surprised to find Sunset Shimmer, who was currently sitting on the side of the road looking ready to spend an entire night there.

She looked up and spotted them, smiling at Flash but frowning when she saw Adagio. "Hey Flash. Dazzle."

"Shimmer," Adagio nodded. "So...what brings you to this fine street line?"

"Yeah?" Flash looked further ahead, "what are you waiting for?"

"I'm in line for a new game," Sunset explained. "We all are." She gestured to a store further up the street. "This store is the only one in the city that was able to stock this game. If I don't get it now, it could be months before I get to play it."

"Huh," Adagio looked impressed, "didn't think a game would be worth freezing your rear off. But it would seriously take months to get it if you missed it here? Is it really that special?"

"It's said to be the best game ever," Sunset explained. "Insectibles has you getting shrunk down by a mad scientist and forcing you to fight a bunch of cyborg bugs he created."

"Huh," Flash frowned, "doesn't sound like a groundbreaking game."

"The story probably won't be anything above average, but the graphics are said to be out of this world. It'll be so realistic, you wouldn't be able to tell it was computer generated if you didn't know. If this game is as good as it's believed to be, it'll force the gaming world into the next stage of evolution."

"I see," Adagio nodded whilst grabbing Flash's arm. "Well, have fun with that. Maybe when you get it, we can come around and play together sometime." Sunset frowned at this, clearly not liking the idea of this girl in her home.

Flash and Adagio walked off, Flash turning to the girl. "You know, you're gonna have to get over what happened between you and the Rainbooms. They're my friends and if the two of us are gonna keep hanging out, you're gonna end up spending time with them."

"I know. But it's not exactly easy to put what happened behind me. They took away my magic."

"After you brainwashed an entire school and forced everyone to angrily compete against one another." Flash wasn't trying to be spiteful, but he hoped Adagio would one day come to regret what she and her sisters had done.

"I guess. Still, would it have killed them to leave us a bit of magic? At least enough to keep us from aging." Flash wasn't sure how to answer that and just kept walking, hoping to change the subject and have their outing not be ruined.

Night fell a few hours laters and Sunset remained in line, the girl looking into her bag hoping she had something to keep her warm and less hungry.

To her amazement, she found a pink flask inside her bag that she was sure wasn't in there the last time she had looked inside. She picked it up and found a note taped to it. "Dear Sunset," it read with Pinkie's voice echoing in her head. "Sorry I couldn't hang in line with you, but I had to work and nobody likes cuts. Anyway, hope this soup keeps you warm and ready to beat the rest of those wannabe gamers to the prize. Love, Pinkie Pie."

Sunset smiled and opened the flanks, taking a swig of it and sighing in relief at the heat filling her body. With this, she should be good to go all night.

Inside, the store had already been set up for tomorrow's insanity.

The many boxes holding the games were currently stacked together on display, just waiting for their respective owners to come by and get them. The store had a pretty good surveillance system, along with a guard watching the monitors watching carefully in case something happened.

But in that moment, the screens in the security room started glitching. The guard frowned as was about to head out into the store, but then the screens returned to normal. He sighed and sat back, completely unaware that the footage had just been put on a loop. So he had no idea about what was about to happen.

Suddenly, one of the grates for the store's vents came off and almost fell to the ground. But someone reached down and grabbed the grate before it could alert anyone.

Once the grate was pulled back up, something was lowered down into the store by a thick rope. It was large and bulky and when it was carefully placed on the ground, someone then began to climb down the rope. They were hidden by the shadows and when they got low enough, they jumped onto the ground before turning to untie what had been lowered down.

They then hoisted it onto their back, it being a large rectangular device with a satellite sticking out the top. A chord was also sticking out of it, which was connected to some kind of glove. A glove that the figure placed on their hand before turning towards the display holding the the games.

The figure finally stepped into the light and revealed themselves to be one of Canterlot's most dangerous criminals. Negatine.

The insane and evil clone stepped forward, being sure to make sure the large device on his back wouldn't fall off. "Finally," he grabbed the game, "just what I needed." He opened the box and laughed seeing the disk inside. "Don't they know to never leave the game in the box?" He removed the disk and reached around to place it into a slot on the side of the box. "Thanks for the great graphics. They're just what I need to create my army." However, in that moment he made a slight mistake.

He turned around and as he did, his device knocked into something. That something was a rack of older games on sale, which was knocked over and hit the ground with a great clatter. The noise caught the attention of the people outside, those nearest the doors looking into the store and seeing him.

"HEY!" One of them yelled, "someone's breaking in. They're taking the game!"

"Ah," Negatine turned to them and saw a lot had their phones out. Either they were calling the police, or taking photos of him. "Well, I needed to test this out." He held up the glove, which was covered in buttons. He pressed one with his thumb and a holographic screen appeared, Negatine beginning to type away at it. "Let's see how good these graphics really are."

His backpack activated and as it did, the satellite on the device began to spark before unleashing a blast of lightning. The lightning flew through the air and stopped, as an orb formed on the end of it. And inside that orb, a shape appeared that grew larger and larger by the second.

Then, that shape flew out the lightning and revealed itself to be a large humanoid bee of some kind. It was a combo of purple and yellow, with clear blue wings and a large drill on the end of its tail.

The insect buzzed around the store before he pointed at the people outside. "Attack!"

Outside, Sunset had heard the commotion and looked around to see people staring into the building and yelling things. Before she could ask what was going on, the front of the store suddenly exploded. "WOW!" She cried, as the human-sized cyborg-bee flew out. "What the heck!?"

People screamed and ran, as the monster flew around trying to stab people with its drill stinger. Sunset rushed into an alleyway and as she did, she saw Negatine step outside.

Flash was having the best dream ever.

He had just defeated Vilgax, eliminated all evil in the galaxy and discovered a way to make cabbage taste like ice cream. Everyone was cheering for him as he was given a bouquet and sash saying 'Hero of Heroes.' But his dream was cut short as he was about to kiss the pretty supermodel on his arm, by the sound of his phone going off.

He sat up and groaned before reaching over and answering it, glad his parent's room was far enough away not to hear it. "Hello?"

"Flash!" Sunset screamed, "you need to get over here right now!"

"What?" Flash looked at his alarm clock, "it's three o'clock at night."

"Negatine is back!" Flash's eyes went wide, "and he seems to be up to his old tricks. You've gotta do something. Hurry up and-" Flash didn't bother to listen to anymore, hanging up the phone and grabbing his clothes. Once he was dressed, he snuck out of his window.

Activating the Omnitrix, he jumped down and slapped the dial down. In a flash of light, XLR8 landed on the ground before shooting off.

He shot through the suburbs and into the city, still half-asleep but ready to deal with whatever Negatine was doing. He knew he would likely have to deal with the mirror again, but he should be able to get everyone to safety and follow Negatine. Once that was done, he would transform into Chamalien as soon as he could and repeat what he did before.

Negatine laughed as he watched his bee attack more and more people, the man casually making his way down the street.

Several people tripped from fear and fell to the ground, making him laugh as he raised his gauntlet and pressed a few more buttons. The satellite then sparked before unleashing the energy, which hit the ground and created something else.

It was a snail, but its shell opened up to reveal a pair of monster truck tyres that folded down to the ground and pushed the snail up. Now, it was being lifted by the tyres and looked like it could move rather quickly. "Roller-snail! Run them over!" The snail turned to the people as its truck tyres began to spin in place, its sticky body keeping it stuck to the ground.

But then it lifted itself up and shot forward, the speed it moved being equal to a motorway car. The people who had fallen tried to get up and run, but the snail was getting closer and closer. Any second now, it would run them over.

But in that moment, something moving even fast shot up to its and swung its tail into the side. This caused it to spin out of control and roll over, as the blur grabbed the people and flew them away.

Negatine frowned as he saw his snail slam into a nearby building, causing it to explode into a burst of pixels. "So, they've arrived." He typed away on his gauntlet before his machine exploded with lightning, which created several more snail and bee monsters.

In that moment, XLR8 arrived back on the scene and stopped when he saw the army of insects in front of him. "Negatine," he turned to the man and saw he no longer had his shield, "what the heck is all this?"

"Like it?" Negatine held up his glove, "I've improved the concept behind my original design. Now, instead of using a reflection, all I need is a data scan of something. And with this game, I have an army of insectoid minions I can summon at a moment's notice."

XLR8 chuckled, "you think that's enough to scare me? Without your shield, I don't have to worry about you copying me. Which means, I can take you out without a problem." But as he said that, Negatine pressed something on his glove.

Doing so caused the satellite to unleash a blast of lightning, which hit the ground. In the blink of an eye, something appeared in front of XLR8. It was a giant caterpillar, with a large helicopter fan on its back that spun around and lifted the creature into the air. Its stomach had a pouch on the front of it, kind of like a kangaroo's.

It along with the drill-bee hovered above XLR8, confusing the alien. Then, the caterpillar's human-like arms reached into the pulled out a bunch of apples. It then threw them at XLR8, who stepped back expecting it to just go splat against the ground. But when it made contact, it explode with enough force to blast the alien backwards.

"WOW!" He slammed into the ground and slid along it for a moment, moaning as he laid there. "Okay, wasn't expecting that." He picked himself up, as Negatine raised his gauntlet.

Before XLR8 could stop him, the palm of the glove unleashed a burst of light that flew over XLR8.

"What are you doing?" He jumped out of the way, but it was too late. He removed a small disk from within the glove as the caterpillar started throwing more apples at XLR8, who didn't let it slam into him this time. Instead, he was able to avoid each of the explosions whilst the bee dived down towards him.

It tried to impale him with its drill, but XLR8 slid onto his knees and leaned back to avoid the attack. Once he was behind the bee, he grabbed it by the wings. "Gotcha!" He threw the bee towards the caterpillar, the pair colliding with one another and exploding at the impact.

Negatine shrugged as he slotted the disk into the slot on the machine. "Still working on the durability."

"Well you're not gonna get the chance to finish your little device," XLR8 stated. "Cause I'm taking you down, right here and right now." Negatine just smirked before the satellite fired again, the lightning hitting the ground in front of the alien. XLR8 was ready for whatever bug Negatine was throwing at him. But it wasn't a bug sent his way. "What?"

A perfect copy of XLR8 was standing in front of him, Negatine smirking as the alien got a sense of deja vu.

"Not again."

"Impressed?" Negatine asked. "All I need is a scan of someone and I can make a perfect copy. Even your chameleon friend won't be able to hide from this. I'll be able to scan any of you aliens, even if you're invisible. And the best part is, I only have to get you once and you're mine forever." XLR8 frowned, as his clone lowered its visor.

The pair began to do battle against one another, throwing super speed punches and kicks. Neither was able to get the upper hand on the other, leaving Negatine to smirk as he turned away from them. He pressed a button and his device fired the lightning, which printed another XLR8.

The real alien saw this and his eyes went wide, the distraction causing his first clone to slam a foot into his chest. He cried out and was thrown backwards, as Negatine climbed onto the second fake's back. "Later." With that, the alien shot off with incredible speed.

XLR8 moaned as he laid on the ground, whilst his clone shot forward and threw a punch towards him. XLR8's tail shot up and caught the arm, the alien raptor quickly rolling on the ground to swing him around. As the clone slammed into the ground, XLR8 quickly got up and punched him multiple times.

As this was happening, Sunset came out of hiding after seeing everything that had happened. She watched as XLR8 unleashed a barrage on his fake, hoping that he was the real one. She sighed when the fake exploded into tiny lights, the real XLR8 panting as he raised his visor.

"You okay?" XLR8 looked over at her, the alien nodding until they heard sirens. "Go find Negatine. I'll tell them what happened." He nodded and shot off, flying down the street in the direction Negatine had gone. But by the time he had dispatched his first clone, the second could have gotten anywhere in the city with him.

And he didn't have time to search the entire city, especially as the Omnitrix started beeping.

He flew into an alleyway and once he was behind a dumpster, he transformed back to human. "Great." He stood up and pulled out his phone, planning to call Shining Armor. But he knew Shining didn't work the night shift. Even though Cadance was in on the secret right now, he didn't want to upset her by waking her, Shining and probably Flurry up at this time of night. "Looks like I'm gonna have to wait until morning before I can call him."

He put his phone away and decided to go home. But then he realised that he didn't have his car with him, nore did he have any money for a taxi or bus. He groaned and leaned against the wall, knowing he was gonna have to wait until the Omnitrix powered up before he could get home.

The next morning, Flash had called Shining and found he was already one the case.

Since he was the one to arrest Negatine last time, he had been put on the case and was already trying to track his movements. Sunset had played her part and told the police officers everything. Not too long ago, a man who can bring video game characters to life would have gotten Sunset a drug test. But with Negatine's track record, they knew not to take him likely.

Currently, Sunset, and the rest of her friends were wall at Sugarcube Corner. Even Adagio had joined them, wanting to know how Flash intended to capture this criminal.

"I was able to get in contact with Positine," Twilight announced to her brother on speaker. "He was shocked to hear about Negatine and even more shocked to hear that he was able to remake his device."

Flash shook his head. "Whatever that device was, it's leagues better than what he had before. He didn't need a mirror to make a copy of me like before."

"He scanned you," Sunset pointed out. "It's almost like he has a photocopier. Only this one can copy living things along with video game characters."

Shining sighed as he listened over the phone. "And apparently, he only needs one scan to make multiple copies. This is really bad. If his machine is anything like the last one, we could be facing an army of XLR8. One's almost unstoppable, so facing a bunch of them doesn't sound great."

The others gulped, as Adagio stirred her drink. "So what are we waiting for? Let's track this guy down and beat him up before he decides to do that." The Rainbooms, minus Twilight, frowned at her. Unlike Twilight, each of them had a personal history with this girl. Having her here now, was a little weird for them.

"It's not that simple," Flash told her. "We have no idea where Negatine could be. So unless someone happens to find him and tell the cops, all we can do is wait until he shows up again. And who knows how long that could take."

"Okay," Adagio nodded. "But I do have a question. Why did he go to so many lengths just to steal a video game?"

"That's a good question," Shining told her. "I can hazard a guess. You said this game was supposed to have the best graphics ever seen, right?"

"Yup," Sunset noded. "That's what all the trailers said. It uses a special engine to run on and is meant to be so realistic, you'll think everything you see was caught on camera."

"Well maybe the device Negatine used needs that. The more realistic something is, the easier time the machine will have to print whatever it's creating."

"I guess that makes sense," Rarity nodded. "After all, why would Negatine go through the trouble of scanning you if he could have gotten it from something like a photo. There are a bunch of them for each of your aliens. If I was him, I'd have used photos to get images of each of your aliens."

"She's right," Twilight realised. "The video game characters were all given three-D models to be put in the game. They're so detailed it makes sense he would use the games. And when he scanned you, he must have been scanning more than just your image. He was taking your height, weight and who knows what else." She took out her phone. "I'll let Positine know this. It might help him figure out a way to beat or track that device."

"And in the meantime," Shining stated. "I'll work on tracking him down the old fashioned way. We got a bunch of CCTV footage, but most of it not much help."

"Why?" Adagio asked, "can't you just follow where he went?"

"Nope. XLR8 moves so fast, the cameras can barely register him. Why do you think nobody's been able to track Flash when he transforms back from him?" Adagio nodded as Shining continued to work. "Flash, be ready for when I call you. No doubt, we're gonna need one alien to beat the one Negetine has."

Flash nodded, as Shining hung up. He just hoped he would be able to hold his own against himself.

He then felt a flick on his ear, making him flinch. "Ow!" He turned to Adagio, who smiled as she drank her milkshake. "What was that for?" The others frowned as Adagio smirked.

"You had that look in your eye. The one that said you were doubting yourself. Couldn't let you get into your own head, could I? If you think you can't win a fight, you've already lost."

"She has a point," Trixie nodded. "You have a tendency to doubt yourself when you come up to an obstacle. Could have gotten him out of that mindset a better way, but she was right to do it."

Adagio nodded as the Rainbooms all frowned at her. "Look, I know we have a bit of a history. But I'm not trying to do anything. And if you think I'm only dating Flash so I can get close to you for revenge, you need to realise the world doesn't revolve around you."

"Well we're still gonna keep an eye on you," Applejack told her. "Especially if you find a way to get your magic back. We can't take any chances." Adagio rolled her eyes, whilst the others frowned. They knew Flash could take care of himself, but the idea of him dating this girl was still an unpleasant one.

But when they turned to Flash, the look he gave them was enough for them to know what he was thinking. 'Come on guys, give her a break. Sure, she's done some bad things in the past. But Sunset and Twilight were no different and you forgave them.' They all continued to frown, but decided they would trust Flash on this one.

She did know his secret, so it might be a bad idea to get her upset.

Shining was sitting at his desk, going over all the CCTV footage he could get his hands on.

He continued to stare at the screen, watching as Negatine created another XLR8 clone. The two aliens thought one another and were so fast, the camera couldn't process the movement and turned them into a bunch of pixels. He then watched as Negatine created a second clone and used it to escape.

"Come on," he sighed as he hit the button on the computer to pause the image. It was nothing but a bunch of pixels that blurred the image, but Shining wasn't going to give up so easy. "Okay. Let's see if I can't track you a little." He did a bit of computer work, though he knew Twilight would likely be better at this. However, he was able to slow down the footage just enough so he could actually track XLR8 on the screen.

The blurry image flew passed the camera and reached a corner, Shining slowing it down even more. But no matter how slow he made it, XLR8 was too quick. The footage just looked like XLR8 was standing there one moment, then disappeared in the next without revealing which way he went.

He sighed and leaned back, trying to think of a way to track him. He switched to a camera that was across the street from the T junktion, also slowing it down so it was just a bunch of still images. But once again, XLR8 reached the junktion in one second and was gone the next.

Shining was about to give up, but at that moment he noticed something. One of the stores had a pole sticking out from their store that had a sign hanging from it. And between shots, that sign went from hanging downwards to being at a one eighty angle.

Speeding the footage up, he ignored XLR8 and focused on the sign. It was still one moment before suddenly flying up into the angle he saw before, Shining realising it was due to the incredible speed XLR8 must have flown passed it with. "Gotcha." He smirked before switching to another camera down the street in that direction, slowing it right down.

He didn't see XLR8, but something did blow a newspaper out of a trash can.

And so it was that Shining was able to track XLR8 all the way through the town, occasionally managing to capture blurred images of XLR8. But most of the time, he was tracking him through the disturbances the alien was making. He really hoped he didn't have to explain how he was able to track Negatine to anyone. If he did, someone else might decide to try and track XLR8 that way and discover Flash's secret.

It took time, but he managed to follow Negatine until he reached an area of the city full of warehouses. Unfortunately, that was where the trail ran cold. He didn't have any footage from within the warehouses, but he was sure that was where Negatine was hiding out.

"Sargent," he called out. His commanding officer headed up to him, "I think I've found the rough area Negatine is hiding out in. But we're gonna need a lot of officers to comb the place and find his exact location."

"Good work Armor," his sargent nodded before calling out to the rest of the precinct that they they had their man. The captain came out and upon hearing this, called in to another precinct to add to their numbers. Soon enough, the entire police force would be zeroing in on Negatine.

Shining sent a text to Flash, telling him to get over there and be ready. He hoped the police could handle this, but if not they were gonna need some alien assistance. He rushed down into the precinct parking lot and into his cruiser, several other officers doing the same.

As they all headed out, the captain sent out a team wide text. Turns out, those warehouses weren't being used at the moment. As such, none of them should be drawing any power. The captain was calling into the power company and inquiring if any of the warehouses were being powered. If they were, they would have their location.

Shining smirked. "Watch out Negatine. You're going down."

At a warehouse, Negatine was hard at work.

"Come on," he told the device he was tinkering with. "The old one could make countless clones. I need you to make more then three at a time." He continued to jigger with it. "Almost there. Alright, let's see what we've got." He activated the device and it launched a bolt of energy out, which struck the ground and formed a roller-snail. He smirked and typed away on his gauntlet, the satellite making another bolt that form a rotor-pillar.

He then made a drill-bee, the three minions standing at attention waiting for orders.

"Good. Now, let's try for four." He pressed the button and the energy shot out of it, hitting the ground and making another drill-bee. He smiled and created another roller-snail, then another rotor-pillar. But it was then that the constructs all started glitching. "Come on." He could tell the six were having trouble staying in one piece, so he turned a screwdriver inside the machine. Slowly, they all stabilized. "Good." It was a slow process, but Negatine would have this device perfected soon.

However, he didn't get to finish his work. For in that moment, the doors of the warehouse burst open. "FREEZE!" He heard a police officer yell, as they rushed into the room. Negatine turned to them and saw the cops pointing their guns at him, then looked over at the other exit he had. "I SAID FREEZE!"

"Attack!" He ordered, causing the six minions to charge at the cops. The rotor-pillar threw the explosive apples towards them, the cops jumping back unaware of what this fruits could do. As such, they were in for quite a surprise when they exploded and knocked them all back.

This allowed Negatine to shut the device and lift it onto his back, as he tried to make a break for the exit.

But the door flew open before he could get to it, as more police rushed inside.

The roller-snails saw this and raced forward, moving at high speed to run the cops over. One of the drill-bees then charged, its drill spinning as it attempted to impale another cop. This forced the officers back outside, allowing Negatine to escape through the door with his minions.

The police waiting outside began firing as soon as they were, with Negatine hiding behind his roller-snail's shell. The rotor-pillars threw their fruit at them, but Shining was amongst them and had gotten the down-low from Sunset. He shot an apple and it exploded, making the other police officers catch on. They also shot the fruit and blew them up, then focused back on the flying caterpillar and shot it several time.

The video game character cried out as it dissolved into data bits. "Ha!" Negative laughed, "thanks." He pressed a few buttons on his gauntlet and the satellite sparked, "now you've opened up space for my strongest minion." The energy flew off and struck the ground, Shining's eyes going wide as he watched XLR8 appear in front of him.

"Not good," he gulped. He tried to shoot the alien, but XLR8 shot forward before he could pull the trigger and kicked his gun out of his hand. He then spun around and slammed his tail into Shining, knocking him backwards.

The rest of the cops started firing, but XLR8 moved at incredible speed. Shooting passed the officers, the cops were knocked flying by an incredible force of wind.

The other minions also helped, the roller-snails driving around forcing the cops to avoid getting run over. Same with the drill-bees and remaining rotor-pillars, forcing the lot of them on the defensive. Negatine laughed as he watched this, whilst the police that had been inside the warehouse finally rushed outside. But XLR8 quickly dealt with them as well.

Shining groaned as he picked himself up, Negatine chuckling. "With an alien on my side, nothing can stop me!"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that!" A gruff voice made him look up, as Riot-Horn began to fly down from where he had been hiding on a nearby roof.

He slammed his fist into the ground, strong enough to unleash a shockwave that slammed into all the minions. The insects were smashed into a wall and destroyed, whilst XLR8 hit the ground but remained stable.

Shining smirked as Riot-Horn stood up and focused on Negatine, who had been knocked down by the shockwave. He smirked and cracked his knuckles, as the mad scientist tried to pick himself up. "Time to crush that machine." He charged at Negatine, ready to grab the device and rip it apart.

But before he could reach him, a blur shot passed and Negatine disappeared.

"Huh?" He looked around and found Negatine, being carried by the XLR8 clone. The man smirked and held up his gauntlet, which unleashed a burst of light that struck Riot-Horn. He tried to stay out of it, but the light flew over him as XLR8 put Negatine down.

"Gotcha!" He laughed as the disk slotted out of the device. Riot-Horn growled before charging forward, XLR8 putting Negatine down and flying forwards. Riot-Horn punched the ground, causing a shockwave that knocked XLR8 off balance. Riot-Horn then grabbed him by the tail and swung him around, eventually smashing him into the ground.

XLR8 cried out as he exploded, leaving Negatine with nothing to protect himself. Or so it seemed.

Negatine laughed as he placed the disk into the device, the data being uploaded to it. "Now I've got even more power." The satellite sparked before unleashing a blast of energy, which hit the ground. And in seconds, Riot-Horn was facing himself. "Now my slave. Destroy him!"

The second Riot-Horn roared as he charged forward, the original bracing himself as his clone slammed into him.

The pair impacted with incredible force, Riot-Horn's feet dragging across the ground as he was pushed backwards. But he managed to quickly regain his footing and stop, the pair pushing against one another like a pair of sumo wrestlers attempting to overpower the other.

"Riot-Horn!" Shining cried, picking himself up and grabbing his gun. "Hold still!" He aimed his gun at the fake and fired, but the bullet just bounced right off its shoulder. "Ahh, he's just as thick skinned as the real one." As he said that, a flash of light made him look around and see Negatine create another roller-snail. "HAULT!"

"I don't think so!" Negatine jumped on the snail's back before it raced off, leaving them to deal with the alien duplicate.

Riot-Horn did everything he could think of to overpower his clone, but it was like the creature could read his mind. Whenever he did something, the fake countered it perfectly. "Come on!" He roared, trying to step on his fake's feet and he clutched his shoulders. "Fall already!"

Negative-Riot-Horn laughed. "I don't think so." He thrust his head forward, trying to stab Riot-Horn in the eye with his horn.

"Hey!" He pulled his head back, this knocking him off balance and allowing Negatine-Riot-Horn to push him backwards more. Riot-Horn growled as the cops recovered from the previous fight. As they did, they found a pair of aliens fighting against one another.

"Who do we help?" One officer asked, Shining about to tell them. But then, Negative-Riot-Horn spun the pair of them around several times. Shining tried to follow the real one, but lost track.

"I have no idea."

Riot-Horn grunted as he finally stopped the pair of them spinning. He had to think of a way to overpower his opponent, but they were equally matched. Or were they?

He quickly realised that there was something he had over his opponent. Currently, they were both in the shadow of the warehouse. But before, he had been in the sunlight whilst on the roof. "Yes!" He summoned the solar energy stored within his horn. This pumped up his muscles, increasing his strength. "RAAAAAH!" He suddenly began to overpower his opponent and push him backwards, the added strength allowing him to knock the fake off balance.

He then let go of his fake and Negatine-Riot-Horn fell backwards. He then quickly grabbed his opponent's arm and with the last of his enhanced strength, threw him up into the air.

Shining had a feeling the now airbound alien was the fake, so raised his gun and started firing. The other cops followed his lead, the lot of them hitting the alien. The bullets might not be able to pierce his skin, but they were still gonna hurt as much as a paintball shot.

The fake Riot-Horn flinched with every hit, distracting him as he fell to the ground.

The real Riot-Horn then charged and when the fake got in range, he thrust his fist forward and slammed it into the fake's stomach. The creature let out a roar of pain, as a miniature sonic boom rocked the backstreet as the fake Riot-Horn was sent flying. It crashed into the ground and as it did, it exploded into lights.

Riot-Horn sighed at no longer having to fight his own clone. But he then growled as he realised something, "Negatine got away." Before anyone could say anything, he ran forward and leapt high into the air. Everyone watched him, as he flew through the sky and disappeared behind another building.

Shining looked around, "we've gotta find this guy. He's getting more and more dangerous by the minute. Fan out and search the area. Maybe he's only hiding a short distance away." The police nodded and rushed off, whilst Shining tried to think of what Negatine would do now. "Could he be planning another bank heist. He's gonna need parts if he want to continue his evil experiments. And those parts are gonna cost money."

Negatine did want money. But at the moment, he was hiding atop a building as he tinkered more with his machine.

"I know I can make it create more than six," he told himself. "Come on. I can do this." He continued to fiddle with several wires and parts. He re-adjusted the power cells and the data analysis systems. He was hoping he wouldn't need some very expensive piece of tech to make it work. If he did, he was gonna have a hard time getting it.

Shining Armor was driving through the streets on his own, trying to find any sign of Negatine. But there wasn't.

He had sent out an alert to every bank in a ten mile radius, warning them that a wanted criminal might be attempting to rob them. Hopefully, that would allow the banks to be ready in case he attacked. There had been enough bank robberies in the city already.

He turned a corner and as he did, he spotted Flash walking down the street.

He beeped and Flash spun around, seeing him pull up and allow Flash into the car. "Find anything?" The teen asked, Shining shaking his head.

"I've warned the banks, but who knows where he went."

Flash sighed, "and now he's armed with two of my aliens. What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know," Shining told him. "But they're your aliens. You know them better then anyone. Like back there, when you were able to overpower the fake Riot-Horn."

"Yeah, but that took time and let Negatine escape. I can't keep wasting time dealing with my own reflections. And it's not like I can used Chamalien again. He should be able to scan me, even if I am invisible."

"You'll figure out a way. Just think about each of your aliens and their greatest weaknesses. That way, you can deal with them the second you go up against." Flash wasn't sure if that was possible. But in that moment, something happened that caught their attention.

A large blast of lightning exploded off of a building two streets away. it shot straight into the sky and from it, a drill-bee flew out. It was then followed by another and another and another. The pair of them were shocked to see an entire swarm appear out of the lightning, terrifying the people below as they began to dive down.

"HAHAA!" Negatine cheered, as he watched his creations come to life with an incredible amount. "That's right. Fly, my pretties. Fly! Fly!" He lifted the device onto his back and created a rotor-pillar, which carried him down to the ground.

As it did, he started creating more roller-snails and rotor-pillars. Soon, tons of the three types of robo-bugs were littering the streets. He jumped on top of the roller-snail as it shot down the road, watching as people ran for their lives to avoid getting drilled, bombarded or run over. He continued to laugh, all the while wondering what he should do now that he had his new army.

Shining and Flash watched in shock, as the army of insects filled the streets.

Flash looked down at his watch and found it was still out of charge, whilst Shining took out his Plumber Badge and attacked it to his waist. Once the belt formed, he pushed it in and transformed into his Plumber Suit. As he did, a drill-bee appeared and he took off his weapon.

Rolling down the window, he pointed it out and transformed it into a blaster.

Flash watched as he started firing at the monsters in front of them, the lasers damaging them enough that one blast was enough to make them disintegrate. Several rotor-pillars noticed this and started throwing their fruit bombs towards them, forcing Shining to stop blasting and focus on driving away from the explosions.

"Here!" He threw the blaster at Flash, the teen catching it as Shining zigzagged around. "Start blasting." Flash didn't need to be told twice and rolled down the window, pointing the weapon out of it and firing. But when he did, the recoil pushed his arm back and it hit the back of the window.

"Ahhh!" He cried, holding his arm and barely stopping himself from dropping the gun. "Yeah, I don't think this is meant to be fired outside of your suit." Shining frowned and continued to avoid the fruits, as several roller-snails appeared in front of the car.

As they worked to avoid them, Shining phone went off and he saw it was an unknown number. "Not a good time," Shining told whoever it was.

"Is this Shining Armor?" The pair recognised the voice.

"Professor Postine?" Flash asked, as an explosion almost knocked the car over. "What are you doing?"

"Twilight gave me Shining's number. I've found a way to track Negatine." This shocked them. "His device uses an energy range that very few devices use. And it's using so much energy creating them, he's become a huge beacon I can track for you."

"That's great!" Shining smiled, only to need to break to stop a roller-snail from T-boning him. As it shot passed in front of him, he hit the gas and flew off again as an apple bomb fell behind them. "Can you tell us where he is right now?"

"Of course. I'm actually tracking your phone through its signal. I'll direction to his very location." Shining nodded as Positine told him to take a left, Shining doing so. As they avoided the minions, Flash continued to think about which alien he should use when the time came. Hopefully, he could figure out which one was the least dangerous to give to Negatine if he should scan him.

Negatine laughed as he stepped towards the bank, which was full of hysterical people running for their lives as his insect minions drove them out.

Once the last person was gone, he stepped inside and saw his drill-bees burrowing away at the vault and safety deposit boxes. He laughed as the metal doors gave way, revealing a bunch of cash laying on large tables.

He then created a copy of XLR8, ordering it to find some bags. It raced off, as he looked through all the cash he would use to fund his scientific exploits for years. It eventually returned with a bunch of bags, the alien using its superspeed to fill the bags as Negatine stepped outside.

The drill-bees began carrying the bags out, whilst he began to think of how he was going to get out of there with all his hard earned cash. But then, he heard an engine and looked around to see the police car racing towards him. "Seriously?" He sighed and prepared his gauntlet, ready to get a scan of whoever was stupid enough to fight against him. "Attack!"

The video game villains charged, as the car slid to a stop. And from it, the Plumber dived out and rolled to a stop as his weapon changed to a blaster. He quickly started firing at the creatures, destroying them and reverting them back to pixels before they could do any damage. This included XLR8, who stepped out of the bank at normal speed only to be blasted and destroyed.

As he did, Flash jumped out of the car and ran towards Negatine.

The man watched and recognised this boy from before he was incarcerated before. He chuckled and raised his gauntlet, unleashing a beam to take a physical image of him. As he did, Flash raised his watch and the beam ran over it. As the data was being processed, Flash activated the Omnitrix.

He wondered which alien to use and as he did, he thought back to Shining's advice. He knew all his alien's weaknesses, which meant he had to know of one that could be exploited by the alien itself. It was then that he had an idea and dialed up the alien, right as a roller-snail charged towards him.

Negatine took the disk he had just processed out of his gauntlet and was about to slot it into his device. But in that moment, a green flash appeared that caught his attention.

When he looked back, he saw his roller-snail slam into something green a slimy.

Goop laughed as his body was run through, the alien turning his slime acidic as the video game villain raced through it. This caused its body to partly melt, resulting it the creature bursting like its friends. Goop then turned to Negatine, whose eyes were wide at the sight before him.

"What?" He looked around, "where'd you come from? Where'd that kid go?" Goop didn't answer and instead, shot forward and zigzagged between minions that Shining didn't destroy. He made sure to slam into each of them with acidic slime, damaging them into disintegrating.

The insect minions tried to fight back, the roller-snails attempting to run him over, the drill-bees slamming their drills into him and the rotor-pillars throwing their bombs at him. But none of them did any damage. The worst that was done was cause some of his slime to splatter away. But his anti-gravity UFO was able to grab it before it got too far away.

"STOP!" Negatine roared when his last minion was destroyed. He put his disk in his pocket and raised his gauntlet, unleashing the beam of light that ran over Goop's body. "You think you're so strong? Well I'm gonna take your power and make it mine." The data quickly processed and he removed the disk from his gauntlet, slotting it into his machine as Goop landed in front of him.

"Go ahead!" The alien slimeball told him, as the satellite unleashed a blast of lightning that hit the ground in front of him.

In a flash, another Goop appeared and it glared at him. Negatine laughed, "now you've done it. I'll have this thing melt the entire city into nothingness.

"I don't think so!" Goop told him before shooting towards his clone. The second Goop prepared for another fight, but the real one then did something it didn't expect. It shot upwards, as the fake swung its arms around to try and hit him. But he completely avoided the extended whips and as he did, his body slammed into the UFO floating above it.

"What?" Negatine asked, as Goop's entire body flew over the device. And when he flew off and landed behind the fake, the UFO sparked and shook as its outer hull was corroded. It then fell into the clone's body, which fell to the ground in a massive puddle. "What did you do?"

Goop chuckled, not giving away the secret. He shot forward and the criminal clone pressed something on his gauntlet, as the satellite fired the lightning again. Another Goop was quickly formed in front of him, but before it could do anything the real one shot up and melted the UFO again.

"STOP THAT!" He roared, as the second clone fell to the ground. He then noticed the Plumber destroy the last of his minions and held his gauntlet up to scan him. But Goop wouldn't allow that and threw a ball of slime at him. He gasped as the slime slammed into his gauntlet and caused it to smoke. "NOOOOO!" He quickly pulled it off before it could melt through to his skin, throwing the glove to the ground.

"All out of power now!" Goop laughed as he finally reached Negatine and swung his arms around. Before Negatine to stop him, the slime slammed into him on both side. It pinned his arms to his side and solidified enough for Goop to pick him up.

The Plumber smirked as he moved over to them, seeing Negatine kicking his legs back and forth. He then reached out for his machine and ripped the side open, allowing him to start pulling wires out of it. "Stop!" Negatine cried, as his miracle of science was slowly destroyed.

This also caused something else to happen. With the machine destroyed, the minions scattered all throughout the city started glitching. Many police officers had been pushed to their limits keeping the people safe, but when they started glitching they realised someone must have stopped Negatine.

Eventually, all the insect creatures disappeared and the city was once again safe.

As soon as Shining was sure the machine was destroyed beyond repair, he pulled out his blaster and nodded at Goop. The alien nodded back before throwing Negatine at a wall, as Shining's weapon transformed into a water pistol-like weapon.

As Negatine hit the wall, Shining pulled the trigger and some form of cement shot out of it. It struck Negatine and instantly hardened, trapping everything except Negatine's head inside a rock cocoon plastered to the wall. "Hey!" He cried, "let me go."

"Don't think so," Goop told him before he and started walking off. "You can stay there until the police find a nice warm cell for you." They returned to the police cruiser, Shining getting in and driving off whilst Goop flew away. The plan was for Shining to turn back once he was out of sight, then drive back to find Negatine.

The criminal pulled against the cement, hoping he could possibly break parts of it off and escape. But whatever this was made of, it was too strong for him to break. He was trapped and had no way to escape.

The police managed to take Negatine into custody and brought his device in for evidence.

The game he had stolen and used in his device was also returned to the store. Luckily, whatever Negatine had done hadn't damaged it in any way. As such, it and the rest of the games were soon given to the people that had waited extra patiently to get their hands on it.

"Yes!" Sunset cheered, as her character leapt over the roller-snail in front of it. She and the rest of her friends were all at her apartment, the lot wanting to see what the big fuss about this game was supposed to be.

"No!" Sunset's co-player groaned, she being Adagio. The pair were on her couch, playing two player and seeing who could get through each level faster. But Adagio's character had just gotten blasted back by a rotor-pillar's fruit.

Flash laughed, "I know that feeling. Try rolling forward. That might let you survive." Adagio shrugged and tried it, only to once again get blasted. "Oops." Adagio gave him a glare, Flash shrugging. "Guess it's easier to avoid those fruits when you've got alien super powers." The others laughed as Sunset and Adagio continued playing.

"I can see why you were so determined to get this game," Twilight stated. "These graphics are out of this world."

"Yeah," Flash nodded. "I guess that's why Negatine wanted it so much. The data his device needed had to be perfect, down to the detail."

Twilight agreed. "Positine studied what remained of the device you guys broke. He thinks Negatine intended to use those insects as stand ins until he was able to scan all your aliens. Luckily, the data he picked up was all deleted when you destroyed it. Now you don't need to worry about any more clones of you."

"That's good," Adagio smirked as she managed to catch up to Sunset. "As fun as you are to be around, the world doesn't need two Flash Sentrys walking around." The others agreed with a laughed, making Flash roll his eyes before using his hands to cover Adagio's eyes. "HEY!" They all laughed as Adagio tried to play blind, with little luck in doing so.

Flash might have taken it as an insult, but he had to agree. One of him was the limit he was willing to put up with.

Negatine was sitting in his prison cell, angry that he wasn't even allowed a radio for fear he might create a small death-ray and escape.

"Supper time!" He heard a guard yell as he placed his tray through the opening, allowing Negatine to take it. He sighed at the sight of the unfrozen veggies and slab of meat. As he ate, he thought about the fight that led him to that moment. The teen that had been there one moment, then disappeared the second he looked away and was replaced by the alien that captured him.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt there had to be a connection. But what?

As he finished his meal, he put it on the floor before lifting his mattress. Doing so revealed a small round disk, the same type Negatine had been recording all his scans on. He picked it up and thought about the person he had scanned to get it, along with the lengths he had to go through in order to keep it from being taken when he was arrested.

"You're hiding something," he stated. "And when I get out of here, I'm gonna figure it out and this little thing will help me."

Author's Note:

Negatine returns and with an upgrade. How will things go from here involving him? Only time will tell.

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