• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 2, Episode 4: Ten Aliens and a Baby

It was a late night in Canterlot, where our story begins within the warehouse district of the city.

Inside one of the unused buildings, a group of individuals was sitting around a table. A single light was shining down on it from the table lamp, leaving the group's faces hidden in the darkness. The table had a bunch of maps and other documents scattered around it, as the group looked down at it.

"Alright," one of them said, "The bank receives its shipment tomorrow. That's when we move in." He pointed at the map, which showed the building he was talking about across the street from a local park. "We'll all head inside once our tech support confirms the alarm system has been shut down."

"How do we know this guy's gonna pull through?" Another guy replied.

"He needs the money as much as we want it. Plus, he's supposed to be some kind of computer genius. He can hack into the alarms and shut them off. After that, we make our move. As soon as he confirms he's shut it down, we head inside disguised as bank goers. Then we take the place hostage before they realise they don't have any security."

"And this guy said he can get into the vault, right?" Another member of the group asked.

"Yup." He took something out of his pocket and placed it on the table in front of him. "He said all we need to do is plug this into their computer and he'll open the vault." That something was a flashdrive of some kind, which had a light on it that they assumed would light up when it was activated.

"But what about the aliens?" Yet another member of the group asked. "If one of them shows up, we'll be done for."

"How are they gonna know about us?" The first asked. "I bet these aliens have hacked into the police radio or something. If the police don't know we're robbing the bank, neither will the aliens." The others weren't so sure about that. Those aliens had a nasty habit of showing up wherever they weren't wanted. They just hoped tomorrow would be a day they all decided to sleep in or something. But what were the chances of that happening?

Flash snored loudly as he enjoyed his Saturday morning lie in.

The alien superhero had turned his alarm off last night, deciding that today was gonna be a day for him to relax. And he felt he earned it, given everything that was happening. Twilight and the rest of the Rainbooms were out of town doing a Rainboom gig, Trixie had gone to visit some family with her father and his parents had to work that day.

Flash had nobody to really hang out with, plus he had also been hitting it pretty hard alien hero wise. So he decided that today, he was just going to rest and recharge. Lay in until ten o'clock, then spend the day watching TV or playing video games. Basically, he just planned to spend the day as a regular teenager.

That was, however, until his phone went off.

The teen groaned and tried to ignore it, but the phone just kept ringing and he eventually gave up and rolled over to answer it. "Hello?"

"Flash," it was Shining, "are you busy right now?"

"No." He heard Shining sigh at this.

"Great. I need a really big favour."

"How big?"

"I need you to babysit." Flash's eyes went wide and he shot up in his bed.


"Please. I really need your help. I've gotta be in court today to testify and Cadance has a big meeting with a bunch of other principals. Our regular babysitter just called in sick, my parents are spending the weekend away and Twilight's doing her gig. You're the only person left I could think of."

Flash moaned and laid back on his bed, the teen realising his relaxing day off had just gone down the toilet. Flash knew he had every right to refuse, but that didn't sit well with him. As a hero and Shining's friend, he had to do this. "When do you need to leave?"

"Think you can get here in an hour?"

"Yeah. But you owe me for this." Shining thanked him and he shut in phone. He laid there for another five minutes before finally getting up and getting dressed. As he did, he was suddenly overwhelmed with realisation. He was going to have to look after a baby.

Flash had had plenty experience being around kids, doing lots of childrens parties as a member of Flash Drive. But on those occasions, he had had adult supervision. If a kid scraped their knee, spilled something or gotten into trouble, he didn't have to worry since the parents would be able to deal with it.

But now he would be the responsible adult. Shining was trusting him with the safety and care of his daughter, who might just be the most important person in the man's life. If Flash let anything happen to her, Shining might never trust him with anything ever again.

"Relax," he sighed as he entered his kitchen to grab a quick bite. "You can do this. You've faced off against criminals, aliens and disasters a bunch of times over. Looking after one small baby isn't going to kill you. Just go there, play with her. Make sure she eats her vegetables and don't let her out of your sight. How hard can that be?"

He constantly said these words again and again to himself as he left his place and made his way over to Shining's place. But no matter how many times he said it, the uneasy feeling he had didn't go away.

How was it Flash found fighting bad guys and saving people's lives less worrying then looking after a baby?

He arrived at Shining's place and headed up to the front door. It opened before he could get there, Shining being there dressed for court and looking a little frazzled. "Great, you're here." He grabbed Flash's arm and pulled him inside, Flash crying out at the sudden pull into the house. "Okay," they arrived at the kitchen, "I've pre-prepared everything you'll need for the day and written instructions on what to do in almost any emergency." He turned to Flash and held up a small folded piece of paper.

"Huh," Flash took it, "can't be that much." But then he unfolded it, then unfolded it again. And again, and again and again until the paper reached all the way to the floor. "Oh."

Shining pointed at the kitchen table, which was covered in a bunch of two different things. "Mashed peas," he pointed at the several jars of the stuff. "Her favourite. And diapers."

"Diapers?" Flash looked at the small mountain of baby undies. "You haven't potty trained her yet?"

"She's barely over a year old," Shining told him. "Babies don't learn to go until they're at least eighteen months." Flash went white at the thought of needing to deal with the smelly disgusting mess Flurry had cooking inside her at the moment.

"Where is Flurry anyway?" Shining pointed at the living room and Flash looked in to see the baby bouncing up and down in her swing. She was laughing and clearly having a good time, but Flash felt that wouldn't last.

Shining pulled his attention back to him, showing another list. "These are all the numbers you can dial if anything goes wrong. First is the doctor's, then my cell phone, Cadance's, Twilight and so on. If something, anything, happens, call us and we'll be here as soon as possible."

Flash frowned as he took the list. "I know I'm a little worried about doing this on my own, but you could put a little trust in me."

"I do trust you," Shining told him. "But the world is unpredictable. You could do everything perfect and something completely out of left field can happen without your control. I just want you to be prepared in case something like that happens."

"Right," Flash nodded, "I won't let you down."

"I know you won't. Oh, one more thing." He ran into the room and returned with something Flash recognised. The toy snail he had gotten Flurry for her birthday. "You remember this? It's Flurry's favourite toy. She calls it her Whammy. If she gets fussy, just give it to her and she should calm right down."

Flash took the toy and couldn't help but feel a little bit touched that it was her favourite. He nodded, "got it." Shining nodded back as his watch beeped.

"I gotta go!" He headed into the room with Flash and caught Flurry's attention, the baby holding out her hands wanting to be lifted up. Shining did so and kissed her on the cheek. "Okay sweetie. Daddy has to go out for a little bit. But don't worry. His very good friend is here to play with you." The baby turned to Flash, who waved at her whilst she waved back.

Shining held his daughter out and Flash gulped, once again feeling a little nervous. he just hoped he didn't get so sweaty, he accidently dropped her.

He reached out and took the baby, Shining showing him how to probably hold her. "There, see. You're a natural."

"Huh huh," Flash nodded as Shining gave Flurry one last look before heading out the door. "Don't worry," Flash assured him. "Everything's gonna be perfectly fine." Shining closed the door and Flash was on his own, the teen having no idea what to do next.

He turned to the baby and she looked at him. "So...how's life as a baby working out for you?" Flurry tilted her head, not helping Flash's nerves. The nerves increased when Flurry started looking upset. "No, no, no, no, no!" He tried to rock her, but Flurry burst into tears. Clearly, she didn't like her daddy leaving her with a virtual stranger. "It's okay. it's okay. I'm a friend."

His brain started to fry as he tried to think of what to do, but all he could think of was to call Shining and tell him he couldn't do this.

But then, he noticed the toy snail he had put on the table and rushed over to pick it up. "See," he waved the toy in front of her, "Whammy." The baby heard this and opened her eyes, seeing her favourite toy. This seemed to calm her down as she reached out and grabbed it. "There we go," he smiled as she hugged the snail. "See, you can like me. I promise I'll do anything I need to make you happy."

The baby smiled, but then gave him an uncomfortable face. Flash worried she was about to cry again, but then the face went away and she looked happy. But Flash quickly smelled what the uncomfortable face was about.

"Oh no," he lifted her up and smelled her underside before gagging. "Oh god. Why?" He looked Flurry in the face, "I know I said anything but...really?" The baby actually crossed her arms at this and pouted. Flash knew he wasn't getting out of this one. "Great. Now what do I do?" But then, he noticed the Omnitrix on his arm and an idea popped into his head.

Not too far away, next to a small but fun park, several groups of individuals were walking down the street.

Some were dressed in suits, carrying briefcases and looking important, whilst others were dressed as everyday people carrying backpacks over their shoulders. They made their way towards the same building. A Canterlot bank.

As they arrived at the building's entrance, one of them got a text. Opening it up, he smiled seeing two words. Security's down. "Let's begin." They all stepped inside, looking like normal everyday individuals wanting to do their business. They looked behind the counter, where the large vault was currently located. A digital vault that could only be opened by a keycard and a combination.

Once they were all deep enough inside, the men opened their cases and bags to pull out a bunch of guns. "This is a robbery!" The lead criminal yelled, pointing his gun in the air and firing it. It had a silencer, so it didn't make a loud noise, but the damage done to the building had those inside worried.

One of the workers hit the panic button, thinking the police would soon arrive, but one of the criminals moved around the desk and grabbed her. "Don't bother trying to alert the cops. We've already taken care of it." He pulled her away and she looked back to see another criminal plug something into a computer.

"Alright," the leader smirked as they grabbed some keys from a worker and locked the door. Once the closed sign was placed on it, they pulled all their hostages into another room out of sight. "Now we just gotta play it cool until our man on the outside gets this vault open." His face went serious, "he'd better not fail us."

Outside the bank and across the street, someone was sitting under a tree with a laptop in hand. With the connection formed, the man started typing.

Back at Shining's house, Flurry laughed as she watched her toys dance around above her head.

This was being done thanks to Molestache, who was standing at the other side of the room. He was lifting her toys with strands of mustache, whilst other strands were doing the horrible work of cleaning up after Flurry's accident. "That's right," he spoke in a sophisticated manner. "Just pay attention to the toys. Keep happy whilst I finish you up." He finished cleaning her rear ended and tied the baby wipe up in a bag alongside the used diaper.

He then took out another diaper and managed to fit it on her, though was having trouble figuring out how to make it stick. After a few moments of trying and failing, he gave up and grabbed some duct-tape from the kitchen. "Done," he smirked once the diaper was properly sealed.

He would have used his beard to throw the dirty bag away, but in that moment the Omnitrix beeped before he transformed back to normal. "Well, at least the worst of it's over." He picked Flurry up along with the bag, throwing said bag into a nearby trash can. "Alright little girl. What should we do to pass the time?" He set her down and waited to see if she did anything.

Sure enough, she moved over to where the rest of her toys had fallen when Molestache went away. Flash smirked and moved over to sit besides her, the pair beginning to play with the toys. But Flurry quickly proved to wanna do more than play make believe, as she started throwing the toys all over the place.

"Hey!" Flash cried when he almost got hit in the head by one. "Now that's not nice." But Flurry kept throwing more and more toys, making Flash frown as he found himself in a pickle. He knew he couldn't yell at her to stop, so what was he supposed to do?

Getting an idea, he rushed over to where Shining had placed the instructions and started going through them until he found something useful.

"Hahaa!" He found it, "when she starts to play rough it means she's restless. When this happens, take her somewhere she can burn off the energy without causing too much damage. Maybe a park." He turned to Flurry, "then let's go to the park." Flurry tilted her head as Flash started gathering everything he thought he would need to have fun outside.

However, he quickly realised he wouldn't be able to carry it all. He didn't have a baby seat, which meant he couldn't drive her to the park. His only choice was the walk, which meant he would need to pack light. "Great."

On the streets of Canterlot, a business man was driving along in his brand new smart car.

He was loving the new, cleaner, vehicle that had a bunch of tech inside that meant he would never have to worry about accidently hitting someone again. Plus, it came with a subscription to one of his favorite classical music stations. This was what he was currently listening to, basking in the harmonic tunes of Mozart.

However, his radio station suddenly changed and he found himself listening to a heavy metal song.

He raised an eyebrow at this and changed the station back, but it switched back to the heavy metal almost instantly. "What?" He tried again with the same result, groaning at the apparent bug in his new car. But that wasn't the only bug.

As the approaching light changed, he hit the brake pedal. But it didn't work and instead, he started speeding up. This caused...a bit of a panic.

"WOW!" He swerved, barely missing another car as he drove through the lights. "Sorry!" He tried to stop, but it wouldn't. He tried the parking brake, but it refused to move. He even tried cutting the ignition, but the engine remained on no matter how many time he hit the button. "HELP!"

Flash and Flurry were getting close to the park.

Flash had to admit, babysitting wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. As long as Flurry didn't need another change for the rest of the day, he shouldn't have any issue. He was currently carrying Flurry on his back, using a backpack like device Shining had left him, whilst a bag with some extra changing equipment, food and the Whammy was in his hand.

Flurry laughed as Flash reached a crosswalk across from the park, her hand on his shoulder whilst her legs softly kicked him in the sides.

However, as he waited for the light to turn green, he heard a loud horn and looked around to see a fancy looking car racing down the street and barely missing the ones in front or on the other side of the road. It shot passed the crosswalk, despite the light being red, and Flash looked inside to see the driver not holding the wheel and screaming for help.

Instincts kicking in, Flash reached for the Omnitrix. But then he stopped and remembered he currently had a baby to look after.

He felt himself torn, as he tried to think of what to do.

He couldn't just put Flurry down somewhere and go off to help the driver, but he also couldn't leave the driver to get himself killed. Seeing no other option, he rushed into an nearby alleyway. A flash of green soon followed and from the alleyway, a blue blur shot out.

XLR8 chased after the car, with Flurry still strapped to his back.

The baby didn't seem at all bothered by the speed she was moving at, instead appearing to absolutely love it due to the laughter she let out. They soon reached the car and XLR8 looked inside, seeing the driver still having no control. He looked ahead and saw that up ahead, there were two turns. The left turn lead to runaway truck lane whilst the right turn would lead to a street he knew had construction on it.

"Gotta turn him left. Hold on, Flurry!" He raced up to the car and prepared to push him in that direction, but in that moment a large truck came around the turn. "WOW!" XLR8 was forced to pull away and the driver turned right, heading down the construction street. "Oh, great." He pushed his super speed brain to the limit and had a crazy idea, but he couldn't think of anything else.

Two streets over, a mechanic was working on a car's engine.

He pulled a spanner out of the toolbox and slotted it into place, using a hammer to untighten the bolt. As he did, a burst of wind blew passed him. He barely noticed it and focused on his work, untightening the bolt and returning the spanner to his toolbox. A toolbox that was no longer there.

He looked around, unable to find where it had gone. "What the?"

Back with the driver, he was screaming as he saw a bunch of stone dividers in front of him.

He looked at his speedometer and realised at the speed he was going, the impact with the dividers was going to crush where he was into a tiny cube with him inside. But before he could think to jump out the still moving vehicle, XLR8 returned and started running around the car.

In a flurry of motion, the car started coming apart. The body work vanished first, followed by the unimportant pieces of machinery and so on. The driver screamed as this was happening, clutching the wheel as he prepared for the end. But when XLR8 stopped circling the vehicle, all that was left of it was the driver, his wheel and the seat he was sitting on.

Said seat slowly ground along the pavement before coming to a stop right in front of the stone dividers, though the driver was still screaming despite now being safe.

XLR8 flew up next to him and looked him over, sighing when he saw the man wasn't hurt. Flurry let out a laugh, having clearly enjoyed the whole event and catching the driver's attention. But XLR8 ran off before he could see Flurry, leaving him sitting there surrounded by the parts that used to be part of his expensive new car.

He really hoped his insurance would cover this.

After XLR8 returned the tools, he shot back into the alleyway he had originally transformed in.

Once there, he hid behind a dumpster and grabbed the bag he had been forced to abandon. He quickly looked inside it and was happy to see nothing inside was missing, especially Whammy. "Here you go," he leaned back and gave Flurry the toy. "You're gonna have to play with that until we can get out of here. And we can't do that until I change back."

Flurry took the toy and held it close, but quickly seemed to get bored of hanging around in the alleyway.

Luckily, she noticed XLR8's tail moving behind her and laughed at it. The alien noticed this and smirked before bringing it up and tickling her with it. The baby loved this and XLR8 was happy she hadn't been freaked out by his transformation.

Eventually, the baby's fun with his tail ended as the Omnitrix beeped and her babysitter was reverted back to his human form. Flurry looked instantly upset, but Flash quickly started rocking her in a way that made her happy again. "Alright," he told her, "time to head to the park." He stepped out of the alleyway and back over to the crosswalk, which he was able to step over without any smart cars going berserk.

As he did, he thought back to that situation and wondered how the heck the car had malfunctioned like that.

He had heard all about smart cars, Twilight having talked his ear off about it multiple times. They were top of the range and tested within an inch of their lives. So the fact that one would be allowed off the lot with such a dangerous defect made him curious.

They arrived at the park and looked around, seeing multiple kids already there and playing a lot of rides she could go on. There was also a sandbox and no animals that could cause her accidental harm. It was perfect.

He walked over to some empty swings and as he did, he noticed several parents staring at him as he removed Flurry from the backpack and put her in the bucket swing. He started carefully pushing her, being sure not to do it to high so she wouldn't get scared.

As he did, a woman moved over with her own child and placed him in the swing. "Such a cute baby," she told him as she looked Flurry over. "I'm guessing from her looks, she takes after her mother."

Flash frowned, wondering why she would think that. Then he realised what she and the other parents must be thinking, seeing him walk into the park with a baby. "Actually, she's a good mix of both mom and dad." The woman looked confused as Flash pushed Flurry more. "Really good parents, they are. Asked me to babysit when they both had a lot on their plate." The woman seemed to realise her forpar, making her blush. "Next time, don't just assume the worst of a teenager because he has a baby with him."

The woman blushed some more and quickly removed her child from the swing before walking off. As she did, Flash turned to Flurry and smiled.

"That felt good." He knew Flurry didn't understand, but she smiled back at him as he kept pushing the swing back and forth. As he did, he looked around to see what else in the park Flurry could go on. Roundabout was a definite no. The slide was a bit high and the seesaw might be a bit too dangerous.

He would need to get creative if he wanted Flurry to have any fun whilst he was there. Hopefully, nothing else bad would happen and he could focus all his attention of giving her a good time.

A little ways away, a large vehicle was driving through the town.

That vehicle was a top of the line transport truck for the town zoo. It was currently hauling a bunch of wolves to their new home, having been a group that was being bullied by others at their old home. Hopefully, they would be able to make a fresh start for themselves in Canterlot.

But as the vehicle drove by the park, something happened.

An alert sounded on the driver's tablet, telling him that an error had occurred in the back. He frowned, worried something might have happened to the animals. So he parked on the first open space he could find before getting out and heading into the back.

Using his digital passkey, he opened the back of the truck and began to look inside. The wolves were all in large cages, big enough for them to walk around in but not so big that the zoo needed more than one truck to move them all.

He checked the cages and didn't find any issues. The ventilation system was working perfect and there didn't appear to be anything wrong with the food or water they had. He wondered why the tablet had told him something was wrong.

However, he soon got his answer when a beeping sound caught his attention.

Looking towards the source of the sound, he gasped when he saw the green light that signalled the door was locked was actually red. The door slowly fell open and he rushed towards it, hoping to close it before the wolf noticed. But it did and pushed its way through the door before the driver could stop it.

"Oh no," he gulped as he slowly stepped backwards. As he did, more of the locks came undone and all seven wolves found themselves free. Pushing the doors open, they stepped out into the truck and looked towards freedom. "No! No! No! NO!" The driver ran out of the truck and the wolves followed before he could try and shut the door, leaping out onto the street.

Many people screamed seeing the wolves and ran for their lives, whilst the driver rushed into the cab and took out his phone.

Flurry laughed as she and Flash flew down the slide and came to a stop at the bottom. Flash might have been a wee too big for the slide, but they went down well enough.

When they hit the bottom, Flash instantly jumped up and threw his arms up high as he held Flurry. "Blast off!" Flurry laughed as they moved so another kid could ride the slide. Flash moved over to where the bag of stuff was located, glad to see it was still there. "We having fun?" Flurry laughed and clapped her hands, making Flash smile. "Hopefully, you'll burn yourself out and I won't get another peep out of you when we get back.

However, Flurry seemed to have a lot of energy left in her and Flash wondered what to do next.

It was then that he heard a bunch of loud screams, causing his instincts to kick in. Putting Flurry back on his back, he ran towards the screams with the baby laughing all the way. And when he saw what was going on, he was in for quite the shock. "What the!?" He saw the wolves running about all over the place and one seemed to notice him, its attention being on the little girl on Flash's back. Clearly, it thought Flurry would make a lovely snack.

It charged and Flash gasped before activating the Omnitrix, slamming it down before he even knew which alien he had chosen. In a burst of green light, the teen was replaced by a giant smoke covered lion that towered over the wolf. This stopped the hound in its tracks, as Vapaw let out a mighty roar.

Flurry was sitting atop his back, Vapaw focusing on not igniting his mane, and looking like she was enjoying this sudden ponyback ride. She also didn't seem scared by the roar Vapaw was creating, instead laughing as she grabbed onto the fur on his back.

Vapaw flinch at the fur pulling, but focused on the wolf. He continued to growl at the beast, who suddenly lost all its previous hostility. It lowered itself to the ground, bowing in a way that made Vapaw think it was submitting. "Very good." He turned to walk away and the wolf followed, as he spotted the other wolves running amuck. "Let's get these things under control." He ran forwards and leapt into the air, grab onto a lamppost above a lady and looking down at the wolf running towards her. "BACK OFF!" He roared again and the wolf stopped where it was.

He then dropped down and glared at the creature, making it start to panic whilst the other wolf ran over. The lady screamed, but Vapaw turned to her. "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." The woman didn't seem to believe that one bit, but she didn't seem to have much choice.

He roared at the wolf again and it submitted as well, Vapaw running over to deal with another that was chasing a man.

He used his tail to grab the wolf and lift it into the air, whilst Flurry laughed from all the excitement she was experiencing. He quickly slammed the wolf into the ground and caused it to submit, whilst the remaining four wolves seemed to notice what was going on.

They all charged forward, appearing to think they could get the drop on him by attacking as one. But Vapaw wasn't gonna let that happen. Letting the other wolf go, he wrapped his tail around Flurry enough so she wouldn't breath in any smoke before unleashing a large cloud.

The wolves were all surrounded and had no idea what was going on. The smoke cloud only lasted a moment though, but when it faded they saw no trace of the alien lion.

"Peekaboo!" Vapaw cried out as he suddenly flew down from above and landed on a wolf, pinning it to the ground with his back feet before leaping back up. He spun around and slammed his tail into another two, knocking them away whilst the last wolf charged. But Vapaw simply thrusted his hand out and grabbed the wolf, lifting it into the air before throwing it.

The wolf hit the side of a building and fell to the ground, moaning in pain as it did so. Vapaw smirked as Flurry laughed, still having a great time. He then let out a mighty roar that frightened the wolves and caused them all to submit like the others. Vapaw smirked at this, looking the beasts over and seeing none of them seemed to have any idea of attacking him again.

"Good doggies," he told them. As he did, he noticed a nearby truck with the zoo's logo on it. He then leapt over the wolves and roared, making them run in the direction of the truck. He then leapt up and swung onto a lamppost before jumping down so that the wolves ran between him and the truck. He roared again, forcing them to run in the direction of the truck.

Finally, he leapt onto the truck's roof and unleashed a jet of smoke from his tail. It covered everything around the truck, making the wolves think the only safe spot was inside it. So they all leapt in and when the last one was inside, he swung the doors closed.

"That should hold'em, right Flurry?" The baby laughed as he heard police sirens, making him realise now was his time to make like a tree.

The driver from before remained terrified of leaving the truck, having called the police and prayed they would arrive before the wolves caused any real harm. But then, he heard a beeping sound and pulled out his tablet. It showed movement in the back and changed to the security camera, which surprised as he saw all seven wolves were back in the truck.

Some had returned to their cages, but others were simply laying or wondering around the storage bay. "What is going on?"

The police arrived and they surrounded the truck, as the driver got out and moved over to who he thought was in charge. "You the one who let the wolves out?"

"I didn't let the wolves out," the driver cried. "Something went wrong with the digital locks. They opened on their own. But look," he showed them the footage of the wolves. "I don't know how, but the wolves were all locked back inside the truck."

"That's good, isn't it?" The police officer asked, with the truck driver nodding.

"But I can't drive away unless I get them all back in their cages. Did you bring the tranquilizers?" They nodded as several officers walked towards them holding the dark guns.

As this was happening, Vapaw had been listening from within a tree. Flurry was still having fun playing with his fur and Flash flinched a little as he listened, wondering how the digital locks on the cages were unlocked. But before he could think of what to do next, the Omnitrix beeped. In a flash, he reverted back to human and was still clinging onto the tree.

Flurry frowned, already missing her furry friend. But when she started pulling on Flash's hair, making the teen flinch as he began climbing down the tree. "Stop it," he told the baby. "That's not nice." He reached the bottom and jumped down, the police not noticing anything as they focused on tranquilizing the wolves.

He decided to get out of there, not wanting to go up against them again with the watch out of power.

He ran over to where he had left Flurry's things and was happy to see nothing had been taken. He handed Flurry the Whammy to make up for Vapaw's disappearance. But then, she gave him a look he recognised from earlier. "Oh no." Flurry eventually looked happy and Flash gave her a sniff and, sure enough, she needed yet another diaper change.

Flash looked at the watch, but it was still in the red. Besides, it wasn't like he could transform into Molestache and change her right then and there. He looked around, trying to find a good place the change her where he wouldn't need to carry a smelly diaper around all day.

Then he noticed a shady spot near a trash can. "That'll do." Her carried Flurry and the bag over to it, all the while noticing someone sitting there.

It was a man around Shining's age, with creamy white skin, brown hair and spots all over his face. He was wearing a collared gray shirt with suspenders coming off his green pants along with a green bowtie. He was leaning against a tree with a laptop on his lap, focusing on whatever was on the screen.

"Hey," Flash moved under the tree. The man looked up at him. "Sorry if you smell anything bad. Gotta change her."

"Oh," he pushed his glasses up, "that's fine. With my seasonal allergies, I don't really smell anything." Flash nodded and started working on cleaning Flurry up, really wishing he had seasonal allergies.

Meanwhile, the cops had finished tranquing the tigers and the truck was finally back on its way.

One of the officers was doing patrols on the area and checking to make sure everything was alright after the terrifying situation. But everyone he talked too seemed to be perfectly fine and unharmed thanks to the efforts of the alien hero.

However, when he reached a bank, he noticed it appeared closed with the sign in the window confirming it. This confused him, since he knew this bank didn't close at this time of day. He moved up to investigate it, looking inside and noticing several individuals in suits sitting at desks typing something.

He knocked on the door window, catching their attention and making them come to the door to unlock it. "Yes?"

"Just wondering why you're closed. This bank is usually open at this time." He stared at the man, who seemed to be considering his options. "Mind if I come take a look around? Just to make sure everything's on the up and up." The man frowned, but stepped aside to let him in.

The officer looked around, nodding as he examined the place. "Everything's fine. We're just a little short staffed, so we had to close up and do some paperwork."

"I see," the officer nodded before noticing something about one of the desks. Something was leaning against the inside of it, the bottom of it visible through the gap between the desk and the floor. A machine gun. "Well, I won't waste anymore of your time." He turned to leave and as he did, the man he was talking too frowned.

So when the cop turned his back to him, the man reached behind his back to pull out a hidden gun.

But before he could shoot, the cop spun around and kicked the gun from his hand. He then spun around and kicked the criminal in the chest, knocking him to the ground. The other criminals saw this and all got up, each of them reaching for their guns. The cop had been expecting this and used the brief opening to head for the door, running out as a gunshot was fired.

The window of the door shattered by he managed to escape, taking out his radio as he did. "We have a bank robbery in progress. Armed assailants and possible hostages. I need backup here, now!"

Back inside, the crooks all began angry. "What the hell!?" One of them cried, "this wasn't supposed to go like this. We should have been in the vault by now. What is that nerd doing?"

"That's it," Flash told Flurry as he placed the new diaper on her. "Good girl." He once again tried closing it up, but still couldn't figure out how it worked and eventually switched the the duct tape.

As he did, the man on his computer frowned as whatever he was working on clearly wasn't working. "Ahhh!" He stopped typing and leaned back against the tree, rubbing his eyes to stop the strain on them.

"You okay?" Flash asked, as the man looked over at him. "You look a little...frustrated."

"Just...having trouble getting something I'm working on to do what it's supposed to. I thought this would be easy, but the technology I'm working with isn't as reliable as I thought. "

Flash nodded, "wish I could help but computers really aren't my thing." With Flurry cleaned up, he picked her up and closed up the rest of the bag. "Well, hope you can figure it out." He nodded as Flash began to walk away, whilst the man typed away at his computer again.

Flash looked around the area, spotting the sandbox was empty. Perfect place for Flurry to play without causing any problems with other kids.

However, in that moment he heard a bunch of alarms going off. He ran towards them and saw that the sound was coming from a nearby bank.

Multiple police officers had already surrounded the entrance and were firing at the men inside, who Flash saw were armed with a bunch of machine guns. The two sides appeared to be at a standoff, the robbers likely having hostages they could use to escape and prevent to police from doing anything drastic.

Flash sighed, wishing he could help. But with such a dangerous situation, there was no way he could put Flurry into it. Even though the Omnitrix was green, he wasn't gonna be able to go hero.

However, Flurry seemed to have other ideas.

The baby looked between him and the bank, seeing something was happening. Didn't Flash help when something was happening? That appeared to be how things worked.

Whether she knew what was going on, or just wanted to play with it, Flurry reached down and started tapping the watch. Flash didn't notice this until he heard the Omnitrix click up, making him look down and see Flurry spinning the dial. "Wait!" But it was too late. Flurry pushed the dial down and in a burst of green light, Flash was transformed into his physically strongest alien.

"Flurry," Riot-Horn groaned, "what did you do!?" The baby laughed at the sight of her new friend and Riot-Horn sighed, then heard a scream coming from within the bank. Looking between it and the baby he was protecting, he sighed before returning to where they had put their things.

Reaching down, he plopped Flurry in the baby backpack and strapped her onto his chest. The straps barely lengthened enough for him to fit it around his hulking frame, but he and Flurry were soon ready for battle. "Alright pipsqueak," he told the baby. "You better not make me regret this." He covered her with one colossal hand and rushed forward. Once he was close enough, he leapt into the air and flew over the street and cop barricade.

As he fell, he punched the ground as hard as he could with his free hand. This caused the ground to start shaking and knocked everyone around him, including those in the bank, off their feet. He used this opening to charge forward, smashing through the front door and sending debris flying everywhere.

Luckily, nobody was hurt by this and the criminals quickly grabbed their guns before firing at him. But the bullets merely bounced off his metal hard skin. Several bullets struck his chest covering hand and made him frown as he heard Flurry begin to get upset, clearly not enjoying the sound of guns.

"RAAAAAAH!" He raised a foot and stomped it onto the ground as hard as he could, creating yet another earthquake that knocked the criminals staggering. He then rushed up to the closest one and kicked him across the room, doing the same with several more. He took the liberty of stepping on any gun he found on the ground, crushing it underfoot.

When the last member of the criminals were taken down, Riot-Horn sighed. "Alright!" He called out, is there any other crook in here that I should know about?" No one answered, "don't make me have to repeat myself." Sure enough, another criminal stepped out from around a corner and pulled a woman Riot-Horn guessed worked there out with him.

"Don't do anything stupid!" The crook held the woman in front of him with his gun pointed at her head. "Now, put your hands in the air." Riot-Horn frowned, but lifted his right hand. "Both of them!" His frown increased, as he tried to figure out the best way to get out of this situation without revealing Flurry. "NOW!"

Riot-Horn sighed, but was about to lift his arm. However, a shot filled the air before the crook suddenly screamed. He dropped his gun and the woman was able to struggle free, as the criminal staggered back and clutched his arm.

Riot-Horn spun around and saw a police officer at the destroyed entrance, his gun pointed at the criminal. Riot-Horn smirked at him and continued to covered Flurry, as more cops showed up and began to arrest the criminals. At the same time, the other hostages were released from a back room.

"Thank you," the bank manager told them.

"Just happy to help," Riot-Horn smirked. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got places I need to be." But as he turned to walk away, the vault began to open.

"What's happening?" An officer asked, as one of the workers moved over to a computer.

"The digital lock on the vault's been undone," she explained. "That's not possible. Only the manager has the access key and that should be the only way to open it." The manager took out a card and showed it hadn't been used. "The only other way is if someone hacked into the system. But our system is on a secure server. They shouldn't have a way of hacking in unless they were inside the building."

"Maybe they are," Riot-Horn suggested. "Maybe he came in before the robbers and planned to act as a hostage whilst he got through your security."

"Wait," another bank employee called out, "I remember seeing one of them plug something into one of the computers when they grabbed me." She pointed at said computer and everyone moved over to it, where they saw some kind of flashdrive plugged into it with a green blinking light.

A cop pulled it out and when he did, the light turned red. "I know this. It's a wireless connector. If one's plugged into one laptop it would allow another laptop to access its systems. But they're not very reliable. The signal can get muddled with other electrical devices and they don't have that large a range." As he said that, Riot-Horn thought about everything that had happened to him that day.

The smart car going haywire. The digital locks on the transport malfunctioning and now this. Three digital problem, all of which happening around the park.

He then remembered who he had been talking to right before this all happened. "I think I might know where you can find this hacker." He ran out of the bank before the others could ask him any further question, the alien quickly leaping through the air and flying into the park.

Gizmo panicked as his connection was cut.

He quickly shut his laptop and put it away before attempting to escape. But as he did, something came crashing down from the sky. That something slammed into the ground and caused it to shake, knocking the highly uncoordinated man off balance.

As he was struggling to stay upright, a hand reached out and grabbed him by the back of the shirt. "AUGH!" He was lifted into the air and accidently dropped his laptop, then turned to see Riot-Horn smiling at him. This caused him to scream louder, catching the attention of the police officers that had chased after the alien.

"Is this him?" A cop asked, as Riot-Horn threw Gizmo at them. They caught him as the alien carefully lifted the laptop bag and handed it to them, the cops pulling the device out.

"Hey!" Gizmo cried, "you can't just go looking through my personal laptop like that. You at least need a warrant." The cops rolled their eyes as they opened it up and looked at the windows currently open. One such window made them look disgusted.

"Geez, you seriously need to get a girlfriend." He deleted that window and looked at the others, whilst another cop searched the bag and found the other wireless connector.

"Looks like we found our hacker," he smirked as they took out a pair of handcuffs. As they did this, Riot-Horn began to walk away. "Hey!" He looked back at them. "Thanks for the help, but I'm curious. Why are you covering your stomach like that? Did you get hit by one of the bullets?"

"Nope," Riot-Horn told him. "Just...holding something important." He turned away, "gotta go!" He took a running start and leapt into the air, flying through it and out of sight. The police all wondered what it was he was protecting. What was important to an alien?

Shining and Cadance both arrived home at around the same time, both of them wondering how Flash's day with their daughter had gone.

They half expected the place to be a complete and total mess. But were amazed to find their house was exactly the way they left it. And when they reached the living room, they found Flash on the couch with Flurry on his lap and one of her story books open.

The little girl looked rather tired, but she seemed to perk right up when she saw her mommy and daddy had gotten home. "Hey sweetheart," Cadance smiled as she reached over and picked her up. "How have you been today? Did Flash take care of you?" Flurry laughed as Cadance turned to Flash, Shining stepping up next to her. "How was she?"

"She was great," Flash assured her. "A little restless at the start, but she tired out pretty quickly when we went to the park."

"That's good," Shining smirked before Cadance stepped out of the room. "So...did anything unexpected happen?" Flash knew he was asking if Flash went alien and Flash couldn't lie.

"A few instances. But nothing I couldn't deal with whilst keeping Flurry safe."

Shining nodded, "good. So long as Flurry was safe, that's what matters." As he said that, Cadance returned with Flurry and a quizzical expression on her face.

"So," she asked before pulling up Flurry's dress and revealing her taped together diaper, "couldn't figure out how to work it?" Flash blushed as Shining and Cadance laughed. "It's fine. You should have seen Shining when he first tried to change her. He had it backwards, then inside out. Then backwards again." Flash burst out laughing, whilst Shining blushed.

"I figured it out in the end. And I'll show you the trick to it so that you'll be ready the next time you babysit her. If you're willing to, that is." Flash smirked as he looked down at Flurry, who was smiling back at him and hugging her Whammy.

"Sure," Flash nodded, "anytime you need me." Shining and Cadance smiled, "just give me a little more heads up the next time."

"Of course," Cadance nodded. "I hope you're willing to stay for dinner. Call it a thank you for helping us out." Flash nodded as Cadance smiled. "Good. I'll get it started once I've gotten Flurry to sleep. She looks like she's had a rather exciting day." They walked out of the room and Flash smirked.

"Oh, you have no idea." He and Shining chuckled before they sat down, Shining wanting to hear everything that happened that day.

Author's Note:

Well that was an interesting chapter. Everyone's favourite baby got a lot more screen time in this chapter. Hope you all enjoyed it.

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