• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 3, Episode 3: Old Friends, New Friends

In a laboratory of such, someone was watching a large computer screen as it showed a recent battle that had taken place.

The footage showed Flash Sentry, alien superhero, as he fought against a strange bird creature that had rampaged through the town. The footage also showed him talking to the beast, calming it down and putting it to sleep when it appeared to be in pain.

"So, one managed to wake up. And now it's in the hands of the plumbers. This is not good. I can't allow my masterpieces to fall into the wrong hands. But how can I get them back?" They thought for a few moments, then smiled. "Oh, that's brilliant." He started typing on a computer, sending commands to some place else.

In a dark area, lights came on and revealed a giant metal room full of different pieces of machinery.

In the middle of the room, was a tall metal figure. It appeared to be some kind of large mechanical skeleton, being mostly white with bits of blue here and there. Its head was white with a black visor section covering the area of the eyes, the mechanical giant standing completely still as no power was running through it at the moment.

Then, a bunch of mechanical arms started coming out of the ceiling and walls.

These arms began picking up pieces of machinery and moving it towards the skeleton, ready to build it up into something that would give Flash a hard time.

In the city of Canterlot, many people were taking time out of their day to head to a specific spot of the city. That spot was the location of the new plumber headquarters.

The building had finally been completed. At least, it appeared to be completed. Said building was a large round building surrounded by a fenced off area that was covered in grass and stone walkways along with a road leading up to the entrance. The Omnitrix Symbol was plastered on the front of the building above the entrance, the building looking no larger then a normal office building or police precinct.

But whilst it looked boring from the outside, the inside looked completely different.

Stepping into the building, it again looked completely normal. There was a currently empty reception desk, surrounded by many hallways leading to different rooms where meetings took place. There was a gym where the plumbers could work out and keep in shape, showers and locker room where they could change after a hard day's work and so much more.

All in all, it looked rather unimpressive considering it was meant to be an alien police force and prison.

But at one part of the building, an elevator could be found. And that elevator allowed whoever had access to descend down into the true base of operations.

Said base was still under construction, with galvin machines digging a large tunnel down which would soon be filled with alien tech and gear. But it was gonna be a slow process and they didn't have unlimited funds to do whatever they wanted.

As such, they were still reliant on Azmuth's mobile lab for anything they needed with plumber relations.

Currently, Sunset, Shining, Trixie and Fluttershy were there. Two others were also in the room, one of them being Azmuth. But the second one was the one everyone was focusing on. It was the strange hybrid creature that had been named Drift, the bird, lion, human combo currently eating a bunch of food pellets Fluttershy had gotten from the pet store.

Ever since removing the device that had been hurting him, Drift had become much more pleasant. As long as he was kept well fed, he didn't seem to have any desire to attack.

"Does that taste good," Fluttershy smiled at him. The bird squawked and nodded, still learning how to actually talk. "What do you say?"

"Tha...thank you." Fluttershy smiled at him, glad he was doing so well.

"So have you guys had any luck figuring out who made Drift?" Trixie asked, as Sunset was busy staring at her journal. Azmuth and Shining shook their heads.

"I've tried to trace the tracker's signal, but it's too badly damaged." Azmuth placed the device down. "I'm afraid we might never figure out who did this."

"I'm asking around," Shining told them. "But none of my old contacts know anything about weird science experiments going on. Especially not anything on this level."

Trixie nodded, understanding he was right. "So, any idea what we're gonna do with him?" The others looked at her in confusion, "I mean...it's not like we can just let him go. What, is he gonna get a job...house...mortgage? He can't just be locked up for the rest of his life. He needs somewhere he can be free and not have to worry about being hunted."

"She's right," Azmuth nodded. "But I can't think of any planets we could take him to that he could live on, especially not on his own."

"Yeah," Shining frowned as they stared at the young creature, "what to do with you?" They got their answer when Sunset's journal suddenly started glowing. She opened it up and read what was on the page, her eyes going wide.

"I might know someone who could help." The others looked at her, as Sunset smiled at them. "Princess Twilight's on her way over."

Meanwhile, in another part of town, Adagio was sitting at one of her favourite coffee shops.

She was currently working on writing a new song, which happened to be one of her favourite past times. She was humming to herself, trying to come up with the right melody to fit the words. However, the melody part wasn't really her area of expertise.

The Dazzlings were so good as a group because each of them had a part of play. Adagio wrote the songs whilst Sonata, who was surprisingly a musical genius, came up with the music. Aria would then come up with the dance moves when the song was completed and they had a hit.

Adagio smiled as she thought about her sisters. Ever since learning about Flash's true identity, they had wanted to really meet him and not the guy he was pretending to be. She had to admit, it was funny how annoyed they were at not getting to see Flash transform.

As she wrote her song, someone walked into the store. It was a teen she didn't know, but she seemed to know Adagio.

When she saw her, the girl looked shocked. "Excuse me?" Adagio looked up at her, "don't I know you from somewhere?" Adagio smirked, sitting back expecting her to remember her from her concerts or something. "Yeah, you're that girl that's always hanging around Flash Sentry."

The moment she said that name, every head in the store looked up. "Flash Sentry?" A guy asked, "where?"

"Her," the girl pointed at Adagio. She then took out her phone and started looking on it, "here it is." She showed Adagio the screen, "that's you, right?" Adagio looked and sure enough, it was a photo of her and Flash driving in his car. The girl swiped to the next picture and another one showed Adagio and Flash together, then another and another.

"Where are you finding all those?" Adagio asked, as the girl leaned forward.

"So what's he really like? Are you his girlfriend?" Everyone else in the store started crowding around Adagio, who smiled at all the attention she was getting. She had never actually called herself this, but she nodded.

"Yes, I'm his girlfriend."

Sunset and Shining were standing in front of CHS, both waiting for their guest to arrive.

Fluttershy and Trixie were back at the lab, whilst the others were all busy with other commitments at that moment. The only one who could come was Flash, the teen pulling up to the curb and getting out of his car. "Hey guys," he waved. "You said to meet you here. What's up?"

"Just waiting for someone," Sunset smiled as Flash raised an eyebrow. But before he could ask what she was talking about, the portal to Equestria glowed.

Flash's eyes went wide as someone suddenly flew out of portal. A familiar cry filled the air, as the one in question fell to the ground. Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"Twilight," Sunset rushed over to her. The pony turned human looked up and smiled at her, as Sunset held out a hand. "Long time no see."

Twilight nodded as she took the hand. "Yeah," she was helped back to her feet, "sorry I haven't been able to come. Really busy. And from what I heard, you've had a bunch of stuff keeping you busy to."

"You have no idea," Sunset smiled before stepping aside. "Anyway, I don't think I need to introduce who's with me." Twilight turned to the pair. First she saw Flash, smiling at him as he looked a little sheepish, then turned her attention on Shining.

"Wow," the plumber looked at her, "you really do look just like Twilight."

"That's because I am Twilight," she told him. "At least, the Twilight from another world." She looked around, "so where is the other me?"

"Mom needed her help at home," Shining replied. "Probably a good things, since it might get confusing if we had to talk to one of you and you both answered to that name." They realised he was right and knew they would need to come up with a way to distinguish between the two when they were together.

Sunset smiled, "I know. Why don't we call your Twilight Twilight and this one Princess. That should stop any confusion." The others nodded, Princess Twilight agreeing to that measure. "Alright then. We should get going. Flash, you mind giving Princess a lift?"

Flash, who had remained quiet up until now, nodded at them as he and Princess shared an awkward look. "It's really good to see you again," the ruler of Equestria told him.

"Thanks," Flash nodded. "You look great." Princess smiled and noticed the device on his arm.

"Is that the Omnitrix that Sunset told me about?"

"Yup," Flash showed it to her, "the one and only. Pretty cool, huh?" Princess nodded as Flash stepped towards his car, the pony turned human following behind.

Sunset could still see how awkward they were together, remembering their past and sighing. "I'm...gonna go with them. Don't want them sitting in silence with one another." Shining looked confused, as Sunset followed after the pair. The plumber just stared at the three, wondering if Flash and his sister's doppelganger had a history of some kind.

Once the three were in the car, Flash took off towards Azmuth's lab.

They sat in silence as they drove, Sunset feeling like the tension between these two could be cut with a knife. "So," she finally spoke, "Princess. Spike didn't come with you?"

"No," she shook her head, "Dragon Lord Ember asked him to help with something in the Dragon Lands. It's strange. She's been asking for him to go and help with stuff a lot lately." Sunset smiled, glad Spike was showing how great he could be to his fellow Dragons.

She then noticed Twilight's eyes shifting to Flash every now and then, focusing mainly on his wrist. "Do you have any questions for Flash?" She then asked, surprising the pair. "I know our Twilight had a bunch, so you must to."

"I guess I have a few," Princess turned to Flash. "What's it like, transforming into so many different types of creatures? I had a hard enough time just gaining a pair of wings. I've also been a breezie and a sea-pony for a short time, but it's probably nothing compared to what you've done."

"Yeah," Flash replied nervously, "it gets a little weird sometimes. Aliens like Goop and Squidstrictor took some getting used to, but after a while you don't really feel any different."

"Huh," Princess nodded, "I see. So...how many aliens do you have now? I know you originally had ten, but you've gotten more since then right?"

"Yeah," Flash hadn't actually counted how many aliens he had at the moment.

Sunset held up her hand and started counting off the newer aliens in his playlist. "Then Grey Matter, Arctiguana and finally Way Big." She looked at the number of fingers held up and realised all ten were. "Am I missing anyone?"

"Don't forget Drift," Flash told her. "I had to scan him before I could transform when we met him."

"So you can become the creature I've come to see?" Princess looked amazed by that, "part griffon, part human and part...what's the other part."

"Some kind of space werewolf," Flash replied. "And I can't become Drift. Just the same species as him. I'll look completely different from him."


"Azmuth told me the Omnitrix can only hold one strain of a specific species. When it scanned Drift, it scanned the three DNA strands that make him up. It then deleted the human and laboan DNA and replaced it with samples that were already in the Omnitrix. And the human sample in its database is...well, mine."

"Yours?" Sunset asked, not knowing this.

"Well it wasn't always mine. But when the Omnitrix latched onto me, it took a sample of my DNA to replace the human DNA already inside of it. So when it scanned Drift, it combined his griffon DNA with mine and the loboan sample. So now, the new form will basically be me in griffon form. At least, that's what Azmuth told me."

"Amazing," Princess was quite impressed by this. She had several more questions, Flash attempting to answer them all as they finally arrived at the plumber base and rolled over to where Azmuth's lab had been placed.

Shining arrived a minute or so later, the four of them heading into the lab.

When they got there, they found Azmuth staring at his computer whilst Trixie and Fluttershy continued to play with Drift. The girls looked up when they saw them step into the room, smiling at the sight of Princess. Fluttershy got up and moved over to hug her, Princess hugging back.

"It's great to see you," she told the pink haired girl.

"You too," Fluttershy smiled before they pulled back and Princess turned to Drift. The bird creature looked at her curiously, Princess stepping forward and looking at him kindly.

"Hello," she told him, "my name's Twilight Sparkle. I hear you don't have a home."

"No...home," Drift spoke shyly.

"Don't worry. I know it's hard, not knowing what you are and where you belong. But I wanna help you."

"Do you think you can take him back to Equestria with you?" Sunset asked, as Twilight looked him over. "I mean, Equestria's friends with the griffons. You can help set him up and teach him everything he'll need to survive there."

"I'm not sure," Princess sighed. "I mean, I'm sure I can help him get settled in Equestria. But what I'm worried about is what the portal will do to him."

"What do you mean?" Trixie asked, Princess turning to her.

"I'm a pony. That's what I was born as. When I travel through the portal, I turn human. But when I go back, I'm a pony again." She turned back to Drift, "you said he's part human. So what'll happen to him if he steps through the portal?"

"I see," Azmuth turned to her. "You're worried the process might affect him in a negative way. His DNA strands might become destabilized if they suddenly change from human to pony."

"Exactly," Princess nodded.

Azmuth hummed as he turned towards his computer. "I think I might be able to do something about that." They turned their attention to him. "DNA resequencing is easy for one such as myself. If I can understand the process that occurs during your transfer to this other world, I should be able to find a way to make it so that he can be sent there without any issues."

"You can do that?" Flash asked, "but this is magic. Are you telling me you've studied magic?"

"What you call magic, in any universe, is simply the ability to manipulate energy in a certain way. Everything, even magic, can be explained through science. There are species in this universe that can use magic, only the energy they manipulate is called mana."

"He's right," Princess nodded. "Magic is a science. Even the Magic of Friendship has scientific principles attached to it." She knelt down and patted Drift on the head. "I'll get in contact with the griffons when I return to Equestria. I'm sure...somepony, will be willing to take him in once he's been properly educated."

"If you're sure," Shining turned to Azmuth. "So how do we analysis what happens to her when she steps back through the portal?"

"I can whip up a little something in a few hours that should be able to scan the portal she uses without destabilizing it." They all nodded and decided to leave Azmuth to do with work. Plus, Drift looked like he was getting antsy.

Despite being well behaved, the hybrid was still young. And his natural bird instincts to fly weren't easily deterred. As such, they took him outside where he could spread his wings. So long as he didn't fly passed the boards of the base compound, he could do whatever he wanted.

Shining, Sunset and Fluttershy watched whilst Trixie had transformed into her Sky Butterfly form, which she used to keep Drift company in the air. Flash and Princess were also watching, but Princess' stomach suddenly told reminded her of something.

"Sorry. I've been in such a rush getting everything ready, so I wouldn't have anything to worry about coming here. Guess I forgot to eat." The others smirked, knowing their Twilight had that same bad habit.

"Come on," Flash told her. "There's a place down the street that you can grab a bite at." Princess nodded and followed Flash, as the others continued to keep an eye on Drift. The pair stepped out of the compound and made their way down the street, unaware that the place was being watch. Watched by the most vile species in this and any other galaxy. Paparazzi.

The pair watched a good distance, the previous awkwardness between each other all but forgotten. They laughed at a joke Flash told Princess, only for him to suddenly notice a flash of light coming from across the road.

"What's wrong?" Princess asked, as Flash glared at an alleyway. But before he could answer, the world around him suddenly got very crowded.

In the blink of an eye, the pair were surrounded by a bunch of people taking pictures of the pair of them. Twilight screamed at the many flashes of light, whilst Flash just looked annoyed. "Flash Sentry!" One called out, "who is this young lady you're with? A potential girlfriend?"

"Are you not currently in a relationship with a girl name Adagio Dazzle?" Another asked.

"Who'd have thought. The world famous superhero is a two-timer." Flash frowned, hating that this was his life now.

"Is it against the rules for me to be friends with a girl that's not my girlfriend?" He asked, but the press didn't seem to care about that statement. "That's it!" He activated the Omnitrix and slapped it down.

Everyone gasped as they leapt away, fearing Flash might have snapped and was about to attack.

The light faded to reveal an alien none of them had seen before. He looked just like Drift, only his body was orange whilst his head and neck were blue. The Omnitrix was on his chest and his claws were mainly white along with his beak, whilst his orange tail had blue on the end of it. The top of his head had feathers styled just like his normal haircut. "Gryforce!"

"Wow," Twilight finally got to see Flash transform. And she had to admit, she was impressed by how quickly it happened without magic.

The alien known as Gryforce turned towards her, grabbing the girl and picking her up bridal style. The next thing Twilight knew, they shot into the air and away from the press as they continued to take pictures.

"Wow," Princess looked around, "so is that normal for you?"

"Kinda," he squawked. "Ever since my identity was revealed, I've had a bunch of reporters trying to snap me in compromising positions all the time. Last week, one climbed up a tree outside my house to try and get a picture of me in my underwear."

Princess frowned as they flew over the city, Gryforce gliding down towards the street. "I know what that's like. When I became a princess, suddenly all anypony could see was my crown. It took a long time before I was able to get them to see me for who I really was." They landed as Gryforce let her down. "Don't worry. I'm sure they'll get bored of trying to take pictures of you."

"I hope so," he nodded before hitting the Omnitrix and turning back to human. Flash sighed as he looked around, "well I guess that place I suggested is off the table. But there's another spot nearby we could get lunch at." Princess nodded with a smile, only for them to hear someone clear her throat.

They looked around and was surprised to see Adagio, standing a little further down the street with her hands on her hips. "Hey, am I interrupting something?"

Princess glared at her, as Adagio stepped forward and stood besides Flash. "Dazzle," she frowned.

"Sparkle," Adagio smirked. "So, when did you get here?"

"Not too long ago. I came to meet Drift."

"I see. And why were you being carried by my boyfriend." Both Princess and Flash looked shocked to hear Adagio say those words, the princess' eyes drifting between them.

"You two are dating?" Adagio smirked as she put an arm around Flash and pulled him in close, Flash looking at her confused as Princess seemed a little suspicious of her.

"Relax," he told her, "Adagio's changed since you last met her. She's actually helped me a lot since finding out about the Omnitrix.

"I see," Princess hummed. "I just...never expected the two of you to be in a relationship, that's all."

"Really?" Adagio smirked, "and who would you rather him date. You?" Flash feared a cat fight was about to start and was thankful these two didn't have any magic to blast themselves with. Although, whoever started pulling hair first was gonna look like a real child.

Princess frowned at her. "No. If you must know, I'm in a relationship with somepony else." Now Flash was even more shocked, having not expect that. But then, he frowned as he realised who it must be.

"Is his name Timber, by any chance?"

"Who?" Princess asked, surprising him. But before Flash could explain, a growling sound filled the air and they all realised Flash and Princess were still both hungry. "Please tell me that food place is nearby. I really need something before I pass out."

Adagio laughed and turned to walk away, "follow me." Princess frowned, but Flash nodded at her to follow. She did so, the three heading down the street until they arrived at a cafe.

Since it was such a nice day, they decided to take a seat outside the place and grabbed one of the menus to see what they had available. Princess, being a horse by nature, was actually a vegetarian. Apparently, she had thrown up when she discovered what a hamburger actually was. As such, she had to select something from the meat free section and decided to have an egg sandwich.

Flash chose a sausage sandwich whilst Adagio went with the pasta. The waitress that worked there quickly took their orders and the three of them sat around the table, Flash telling Adagio about what had happened before they met one another.

"Yeah, I can see that happening. Whenever a male and female who aren't related are seen together, the press always jump to thinking there's something more going on there. It's so ridiculous." The pair nodded, agreeing whole heartedly. "I once saw an article in a magazine about two celebrities who hated each other and constantly stated this. But one picture of them working on the same movie and everyone thinks they're secretly knocking boots."

Flash groaned, "I'm never gonna be able to hang around another girl without the press thinking I'm a two-timer." The girls felt sorry for Flash, as their meals arrived and they started digging in. "So," Flash turned to Adagio, "how's your life been today?"

"Pretty good," Adagio smirked. "Turns out, being the girlfriend of the most famous man in the world can get you quite a bit of attention."

"What?" Princess asked.

"I was just sitting in my favourite coffee shop when, suddenly, a bunch of people recognise me from pictures of Flash and started asking what it's like to date a superhero."

"So you two really are dating?" Princess asked.

"I guess," Flash nodded. "I mean...we've been on a few dates together. I took her to the Fall Formal and we had a nice time. Well...until the alien invasion kind of ruined it." Flash turned to Adagio, "but you've never called me your boyfriend before."

"Better late then never," Adagio smirked. Princess frowned at this. She had a feeling Adagio was just calling Flash her boyfriend because it was getting her attention. Clearly, she was still the same attention hog she had been when Princess and the Rainbooms defeated her before.

She was about to speak up, but something happened at that moment to pull their attention away from the conversation. A limo suddenly appeared from up the street and made its way towards them.

The long vehicle rolled to a stop right in front of the cafe. This caught the three's attention, Flash looking over as a man in a shofer suit stepped out of the limo and opened the back door. As he did, someone stepped outside.

That someone was a red skinned individual that looked to be in his late fifties, early sixties. He was a rather skinny individual, who looked like he hadn't eaten a decent meal in many years. His hair was a mix of black and white, being white at the top and black around the sides and back. He also had a white beard, which ran down the side of his face, underside of his mouth and up his chin.

Flash, Princess and Adagio all stared at him in confusion, as he slowly walked towards them. "Hello there," he smiled when he reached their table. "Would you three mind if I joined you?" The three all stared at him suspiciously. Flash had a feeling this guy was someone he needed to be careful with, whilst Adagio just didn't like his attitude walking up to them like that.

However, it was Princess who was the most suspicious. Staring at this man, she couldn't help but feel like she knew him somehow. His voice was very familiar.

The man pulled out a chair and sat down before the three could say anything, sighing as he did so. "That's good. These old bones don't do so well holding me up long."

"Who are you?" Flash asked, trying not to sound rude.

"Of course. Introductions. My name is Tirek." Princess' eyes went wide, as he smiled at her. "I've been hoping to meet you for a while now, Flash Sentry. I was quite amazed when I learned I had a new colleague." Flash looked confused, "you and I are in the same business, my boy."

"What are you-" Flash didn't finish, as in that moment Tirek reached into his suit jacket and pulled something out. A plumber badge. "No way."

"You're a plumber?" Adagio asked in shock, Princess looking just as surprised.

"I was. A long time ago. I was very young when I first joined the plumbers, getting partnered up with the greatest plumber who ever lived."

"Wait," Flash remembered hearing this before, "you weren't with...Max Tennyson, were you?" Tirek smiled and nodded, Flash amazed by that.

"Yes. However, I was only a member of the plumbers for about five years. By the time I joined the force, aliens started avoiding this planet after hearing how much trouble it was to come here. Eventually, the earth branch was shut down and my life of adventure came to an end."

"Hold on," Adagio stared at him for a few moment before her eyes went wide. "I know you. You're the CEO of that multi-billion dollar tech company. You've released a ton of world changing tech." Flash and Twilight turned to Tirek in shock, Twilight slowly putting the pieces together.

"You didn't...steal alien technology, did you?" Tirek turned to her, "did you keep your plumber tech and started selling it?"

"Of course not," he crossed his arms. "I admit, I didn't come up with a lot of the technology I invented. But when the plumbers were shut down, all my equipment was taken away. But years of studying that technology and figuring out how it worked, allowed me to recreate some of it using earth level parts and science."

"But I thought the plumbers were against alien technology influencing lower level planets?" Flash asked.

"How do you know we weren't already influenced?" Tirek asked. "How do we know the cavemen didn't meet an alien and see it use one of its weapons to protect itself, inspiring those cavemen to create their spears and bows?" The three weren't sure how to answer that. "Anyway, that's not why I'm here."

"Why are you here?" Flash asked.

"To help. I loved being a plumber and what they did for this planet. I want to help re-establish them here on earth anyway I can. From what I've heard, the base that's being built is supposed to have been completed. But I'm willing to bet that only what the public is meant to see. How are things really going?"

"Slow," Flash told him. "The plumbers are eager to get this base built, but they're currently working on many other projects so the base has had to be pushed base in its completion. Azmuth's helped a lot, but he doesn't want us to be to dependant on him."

"And that's where I come in," Tirek smiled. "I can help you build that base completely within a few weeks. Funding, materials, whatever you need. I will gladly help wherever I can. We plumbers need to stick together. And given what almost happened in this city, it's important we get the earth branch up and running as soon as possible."

"You'd really be willing to help?" Flash asked, Tirek nodding. Flash still wasn't sure about any of this. Princess was even more suspicious, especially since she was now sure who this man really was. "Well, I'll have to discuss it with Shining and Azmuth. They're the ones who are actually focusing on building the base."

"Well then why don't we discuss this again later?" Tirek asked, "I could have you and your friends over for dinner at my mansion. I'm sure a big hero like you won't mind needing to ride in a helicopter there. What do you say?" Flash was really lost for words right now. He had no idea what he was supposed to say in response to that.

Luckily, something happened that caught his complete attention. An explosion.

The entire street shook as a large blast came from further up it, Flash's instincts kicking in as soon as he heard it. Whilst the others were covered their ears, Flash was on his feet and leaping over the table. "Flash!" Princess cried, trying to stop him. But as she got up, Adagio help up her arm to stop her.

"Don't bother. He's in hero mode. You won't be able to stop him."

"But what was that?" Princess asked, Adagio unsure and turning to see Flash run as fast as he could.

He looked around and saw many people had been knocked to the ground by the explosion, then looked ahead to see a large cloud of smoke in front of him. That smoke was slowly being blown away, revealing something that was stepping out of a crater made in the ground.

It was a giant robot, about seven meters in height.

It was a combo of yellow and white, having a white chest with yellow on the sides and shoulders. Its forearms were white and lower arms were yellow, whilst its upper legs were white and lower legs yellow. Its waist was surrounded by a metal skirt, which was white at the front and yellow on the sides and back. Its left arm ended in a pair of rotating gatling guns, whilst it right arm ended in a glowing blue buzzsaw. Its head looked like one of those helmets seen on anime helmet, which was styled after a hercules beetle being mostly yellow with white where the mouth would be. Its horn was yellow and stuck up before splitting into a Y-shape, only the ends were a pair of black metal tubes that pointed forwards.

It continued to walk forward until it stepped completely out of the crater it had made, then slowly looked down as its visor eyes spotted Flash in front of it.

Flash sighed, "robots. Why did it have to be a robot?" He looked the machine over and didn't recognise it. It definitely wasn't one of Vilgax's, since the squid guy would never use that colour scheme. But wherever it came from, Flash had to take it down before it hurt anyone. "Alright," he activated the Omnitrix, "time to recycle this hunk of junk!" He slapped the dial down and in a flash, he was transformed. "Lindwhirl!"

The robot stared down at the serpentine hybrid, who glared up at it before curling himself up into a wheel and spinning on the spot. He then shot forward, moving at high speed towards the robot.

The machine raised its gun arm and started firing, the bullets raining down on the alien. But they did nothing against his super hard skin, Lindwhirl using his tail to propel himself into the air as soon as he was close enough. He shot towards its chest and slashed at the metal, his claws ripping through the metal like a hot knife through butter.

The robot staggered forward, looking down at its damaged chest as Lindwhirl landed. But before the alien could attack again, the mech pulled one of its legs back and swung it forward.

"GYAH!" Lindwhirl was sent flying, crashing a good fifty feet away as Princess, Adagio and Tirek arrived on the scene. Princess saw him smash into the ground and gasped, but Adagio didn't look worried. She knew when Flash was in trouble and this wasn't it.

And sure enough, the alien pushed himself up and growled at the robot. The machine looked a little off balance after that kicked and needed to steady itself, leaning forward to catch itself on its feet as it looked Flash over.

"You want some!?" He growled, preparing to roll at it again. But before he could, smoke escaped the tubes on its horn before blasts of fire exploded out of them both. Lindwhirl gasped and turned to the others, leaping at them and covering their with his body.

The three panicked as the alien bear hugged them all, the flames slamming into his back and making him roar. He wasn't burning, but the heat was still making him feel uncomfortable.

When the flames finally died down, Lindwhirl let the three go. "Run!" He told them, knowing protecting them was gonna make beating this thing impossible. They nodded and ran off, as Lindwhirl turned back towards the robot.

The machine raised its gun hand again, ready to launch a barrage of bullets. Lindwhirl knew he could take it, but that buzzsaw had him worried. It looked like it had some kind of energy coming off of it and he didn't want to risk it actually being able to cut him.

As such, he leapt up into the air to avoid the bullets before hitting the Omnitrix. And it a green flash, he transformed into a new alien. "Goop!" The slime alien shot down towards the robot, who fired some more bullets with little to no effect as they flew right through his body.

Goop smirked and as the robot swung its saw arm around, he simply split his body in half so it could flow between them. And as it did, he shot down its arm and slithered towards its chest. The robot didn't know until it was too late, but Goop had been aiming for the gashes in its chest.

"What's he doing?" Princess asked, the three having taken shelter in a nearby alleyway, but Adagio smirked.

"He's planning to take it down from the inside out. Probably gonna melt the circuits or something."

"I see," Tirek looked impressed. "Interesting." They watched as the slime alien got most of his body into the gashes, ready to start melting it. But before he could, the robot stopped moving.

Suddenly, a surge of energy flew through its body. The parts and circuits inside of it were completely safe, but Goop wasn't so lucky. "GYAH!" He was electrocuted and forced to pull himself free of the robot, his UFO pulling at his slimy body as hard as it could.

Once Goop had completely escaped from the robot, the machine activated again and swung its arm around.

It backhanded the anti-grave unit and sent Goop flying with it, the alien screaming as he went splat into the side of the wall. "Oow," Adagio flinched, "he's probably happy he didn't have bones for that."

"Is he gonna be okay?" Tirek asked, as the slime alien slid down the wall until he hit the ground.

"Oh yeah," Adagio nodded. "He does this kind of thing all the time." Goop finally picked himself up and growled, deciding to change things up. He hit the Omnitrix again, the street being full of light again as he transformed.

"Kagenobi!" He cried, rushing forward and morphing into the ground.

He shot towards the robot again and as he did, its legs opened up as a bunch of missiles. They fired and flew towards Kagenobi, who started zigzagging around to avoid them as the rockets caused the street to be destroyed.

Once he was in the shadow of the robot, the alien ninja leapt out of the ground and pulled out a sword of darkness. He quickly swung the blade around and cut right through the leg of the machine.

The robot suddenly found itself staggering around, as Kagenobi leapt up and swung his sword through the buzzsaw arm and cut it off. The robot fell to the ground and attempted to fire its gatling guns, but Kagenobi spun around and sliced the ends of the guns off. He quickly slashed several more times, cutting the arm to ribbons.

This caused a lot of explosions to start rocketing through the robot, blowing it up even more.

Kagenobi leapt back several feet and landed in one of the building shadows, which he used to pull out a shadow bow and arrow. He quickly notched the weapon and as the machine continued to struggle to get up, he aimed for the hole in its chest before firing.

The arrow soared through the air and impaled the robot, flying through the hole and all the way through until it shot out the other end. That was all the machine could handle, the robot falling to the ground as its eye visor stopped glowing.

The threat taken care of, the alien moved towards the robot as the Omnitrix started beeping. In a burst of light, Flash reverted back to human and moved over to the machine's remains. As he did, Tirek and the girls stepped out of the alleyway.

"Is it dead?" Princess asked, Flash taking a closer look at the machine's head.

It didn't appear to be about to attack again, so Flash believed it was dead. "Yeah, it's not gonna be moving any time soon." Flash was right in that regard, but it didn't need to move.

As he walked away from it, the robot's visor lit up and smoke appeared out of the tubes on its horns. "FLASH!" The girls screamed, as Flash spun around. But he was too late to react, as fire exploded out of the robot's head and shot towards him.

It would have been the end of him, had someone not tackled him out of the way.

The fire slammed into the ground where Flash had been standing, Princess and Adagio leaping back to avoid getting hit by embers. They both feared Flash might have been killed, but then the fire died down.

As it did, they saw the teen laying on the ground with someone next to him. Tirek.

Flash moaned as he picked himself up and saw the robot's eyes die once again. He then turned to Tirek, who sat up and looked like he had hurt his back when he hit the ground. "You saved me?"

Tirek smiled at him, "you saved me. You saved everyone on this planet, so I figured I owed you." Flash stared at him for a moment, but then smiled as Tirek did the same.

Adagio and Twilight sighed in relief, as a motor caught their attention and made them look around to see Shining rolling up to the street on his quad-bike. "Guys!" He pulled his bike to a stop, as Trixie appeared from above in her flight mode.

The pair looked around and saw the damage done to the street, then noticed the robot remains. "What the heck happened?" Trixie asked.

"You don't want to know," Flash sighed as Tirek stepped forward.

"Ah, you must be Shining Armor." The suited man stared at Tirek curiously, clearly wondering who he is. But then, the Plumber's suit ran a facial recognition on him.

"Tirek Scorpan?" He read before another alert appeared. "Former Plumber Agent."

Tirek laughed, "those high tech plumber suits. Coming with all the latest gadgets, I'm guessing. The suits we had in the old days were never as impressive." Shining stared at him in amazement, the man smiling as Flash stepped up to him.

"He came because he wanted to help the earth plumbers." Flash then turned to the robot, "but I guess you can see how that all turned out." Shining and Trixie nodded, both wondering where the robot had come from.

Azmuth had teleported the robot's remains to the Plumber Base.

Once the pieces were all there, the galvin looked the machine over. "Well?" Sunset asked, as Azmuth climbed about inside the robot's structure. The frog alien pulled himself out of the robot's head, shaking his head.

"This isn't an alien made robot. It's all using level three technology."

"So this wasn't an alien attack?" Shining asked, Azmuth nodded as he leapt out of the machine. "I guess that's a first. But how can something like this be made on earth. Sure, robotics have become really advanced. But it shouldn't be this advanced."

"Indeed," Azmuth nodded. "This is the most advanced piece of machinery I've ever seen on earth, that wasn't developed by the plumbers."

"Yes," Tirek nodded, "even my company is years away from developing something so advanced. Even if we focused all our efforts on it, we wouldn't be able to even come close for about a decade or two." Everyone wondered who could have made such a high tech piece of machinery. It was a mystery. One they would need to solve before it happened again.

"Well it'll be awhile before we can try and solve it," Shining sighed. "Until the base is completely operational, we won't be able to conduct a proper investigation."

"Yes," Tirek nodded. He moved over to Shining, looking in pain as he moved due to his earlier fall. "As Flash mentioned earlier, I wish to help you establish the new plumber branch here on earth."

"You'd really be willing to help us with that?" Shining asked, amazed by the good fortune.

"Of course," Tirek nodded. "I was a plumber, after all. We were forced to live in the shadows, our exploits remaining hidden to all but a select few. Now that the cat's out of the box about aliens, I wish to help truly make my mark on the word and help bring us into the light in any way I can."

Shining smiled. "Thank you. That'll be a big help to us."

Tirek nodded, "my company is at your disposal. Anything you need, feel free to ask." Shining and Flash smiled hearing this. It appeared that their hope to create their plumber base wasn't so far off as they hoped.

As this was going on, Azmuth moved over to Princess and jumped onto her shoulder. "I have completed the device." He handed it to her and Princess saw it looked like a laser pointer of some kind, with a tiny camera on the back. "I had a little extra time, so I decided to add a few more features to it. It'll automatically scan the portal when you pass through it and determine how it works, sending me the data. But if you press the button, it'll protect a hologram connecting you to any computer I set up to receive it."

"I get it," Princess nodded. "So the screen's for letting me see you and the camera is for you guys seeing me."

"Exactly," Azmuth nodded. "Smart young lady." Princess nodded, knowing she would soon be returning home. But before she left, she had to do one final thing.

Adagio watched as Flash and Shining told Tirek what they were thinking for the base. She was so focused on them, she didn't notice Princess step up to her until she was standing right besides her. "I don't want to sound like I'm judging you for what happened in our past." Adagio looked at her in confusion. "So please don't get offended by what I'm about to ask." She looked Adagio right in the eye, "are you only dating Flash to get attention for yourself?"

Adagio looked insulted by this question, but stopped herself before she yelled out at Twilight. She took a deep breath and let the question sink in. "I'll admit, it's definitely a plus to being with him. But I was dating Flash before he was world famous."

"Flash said you never called him your boyfriend before."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I'm using him." Princess still didn't look convinced. "I like Flash. He's a lot of fun. Life certainly hasn't been boring since we started going out. I do like the attention dating him gives me, but that's just the cherry on top. I promise, I'm not using him."

Princess stared at her for a moment, then sighed and nodded. "Okay. But if I find out you've been lying to me, there will be consequences." Adagio rolled her eyes, but nodded. She then had an idea and as Tirek bid his farewells to return to his company, she pulled Princess over to Flash.

"What are you doing?" Flash asked, as Adagio took out her phone.

"Just showing the world that just because you have a lot of girl friends, I'm your one and only girlfriend." The three stood side by side, as Adagio stood next to Sunset with Princess on her other side. She held up the phone and snapped the picture, which she intended to put online before those vultures at the press ran any kind of story on them.

They took a few more photos with the rest of their friends that were there, wanting to make sure there were as many of Flash and Adagio with different girls to show Flash wasn't a two-timer. They did this for a while, until it was time for Princess to return to Equestria.

She wished she could stay longer, but with her duties in Equestria she barely had a free moment. But she promised to find a proper home for Drift if they found a way to send him there without complications.

Meanwhile, Tirek had returned to his company despite how badly his back was hurting.

His chauffeur watched him limp out of the limo and head towards the building. "Mr Tirek. Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the hospital? You did take a rather nasty fall before."

"Thank you for your concern," Tirek smiled. "But I can assure you that I'm fine. Just need to rest and the couch in my office has amazing lumber support. Some relaxation on it and I'll be as good as gold." The man didn't look convinced, but Tirek would say no more and continued struggling to the building.

He headed inside and everyone who saw him nodded as he lumbered passed, eventually reaching the elevator and getting into it. But as soon as the doors closed, all the pain from Tirek's face drained away and he stood much more straight.

He let out a sigh, as he adjusted his tie, "playing the part of the weak old man isn't something I find rather appealing." He reached into his jacket and took out a key, which he used to open a hatch on the elevator to reveal a hidden button.

He pressed it and the elevator suddenly stopped and started moving, going back down without the floor display showing this. It dived further and further down, passed the ground floor and into an area below the building. Eventually, the elevator came to a stop and slowly opened.

Doing so revealed a large room the size of an airforce hanger. And inside that hanger were a bunch of different alien gadgets and gizmos, from blasters to communication devices and so much more. But the most surprising thing about the room, were the many robotic parts that looked exactly like the robot that had attacked the city that day.

He stepped forward and towards a computer, pressing a button on his watch as he did so.

The computer activated and started showing images of the fight, Tirek sitting down as he did so. "Flash Sentry," he smiled as he watched the fight take place. "You are impressive indeed. I doubt Max would have done as well with the Omnitrix. But you're in my way." The screen changed to show an image of Flash and Drift, the still image of the teen with his hand on the creature's head having spread all across the world.

Tirek growled at the sight before standing up and pressing something on the computer.

Suddenly, he was surrounded by light and blinded for a moment. When the light began to fade, he was standing in a completely different room. This one was better lit, made entirely out of metal and appearing to be full of different machinery.

Another large computer stood in front of him and as he looked around, five glass containers were leaned up against the wall. They looked just like the capsule Drift had escaped from, Tirek walking forwards. "I'll get you all back," he announced. "You five are the key to my future and I'm not going to let some kid keep me away from my greatest creations." He chuckled as he moved out of the room and into another one.

This one looked like the bridge of a spaceship. And that was exactly what it was.

A large red spaceship, which was currently parked atop his company's building. The ship was completely invisible, hidden thanks to the cloaking device that kept it from being seen. From there, Tirek would begin his plan. A plan to collect the creatures he had created. And not even Flash Sentry, would stop him from getting back what was his.

Author's Note:

And thus, we have our villain for the season. I can't believe you all thought it was Aggregor that'd be the main villain. You know, MLP has villains to you know. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and liked the design and name of Flash's new alien.

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