• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Behind the Alien: U-Reek-Ah

Good evening, explorers and omni-planetary travellers. I welcome you back to our exciting galactic tour, as we arrive at the final planet on our list of places to see and explore.

This final expedition will have us exploring the homeplanet of Flash's smelliest alien. U-Reek-Ah

Whilst we explore the planet, please refrain from opening the windows in an attempt to get some fresh air. I am not equipped with barf bags. Hold your breath and plug your nose, as we dive into a world of interesting smells.

The scene opens up on a large planet that appears to be one large jungle, though several mountains can be seen sticking out of the forests.

Multifoetor. The smallest planet in its solar system, multifoetor is an interesting planet completely covered in a dense foliage. A single continent makes up the planet, with a multitude of underground rivers running through it and occasionally exploding out onto the surface through springs, lakes and swamps. This has allowed Multifoetor to become a fertile environment where a myriad of vegetation grows.

The scene zooms in on the planet, passing through the trees and allowing the dense jungles to be seen from ground view. The trees are roughly fifteen to twenty meters in height, with light foliage that allows plenty of sunlight to break through the canopy.

On the jungle floor, multiple bushes were scattered around the place. Each bush appeared to have a different kind of fruit, one having pink bananas growing out of it whilst another bush had a piece of fruit that was shaped like a baby's pacifier. There was one piece of fruit that was half green and half blue, whilst another had yellow apples with green rings on it. There were more fruit, but listing them all could take all day.

With the abundance of edible food that exists in this ecosystem, it's able to support many different forms of life.

From out of the woods, several different alien animals appeared. One group looked like centaurs, only their horse bodies appeared to be more goat or sheep-like, their upper bodies appearing to be covered in white fur whilst its head was that of a ram with long curved horns.

Another group were a bunch of yellow dog sized frogs, with orange fur covering their backs and large claws sticking out of their feet. A bunch of lizards flew down from the trees, being green with bits of pink on their lower halves and a long tail.

They all moved over to one of the bushes, not bothering one another as they pulled food off the bushes without getting in each other's way.

And when there is an abundance of plant eaters, there is also an abundance of meat eaters that prey upon them.

As they were eating, the animals suddenly heard a noise and looked up to see something leap out of the trees. It was a giant green and yellow tiger, with two heads and a blade on its tail. The beast pounced at the animals, who all rushed to escape. But the tiger was quicker and managed to grab one of the frogs in its mouth.

A dangerous place to call home, that's for sure. But one of the creatures that live here find they don't have to worry much about getting eaten.

In another area of the forest, a tiger was skulking through the underbrush. It heard movement and turned towards it, feeling a presence and it prepared to attack. But as it got closer, whatever it was stalking seemed to sense its approach. Moments later, a giant cloud of yellow gas shot towards it.

The tiger was completely enveloped and as soon as it breathed in, it was assaulted by a horrible stench that began to drive it crazy. It roared in nazzal agony and turned to run away, not wanting to be anywhere near the stench.

As the gas began to dissipate, the one responsible for making it stepped out of the trees carrying a basket of different fruits.

Name: Mephitiosus
Alien Type: intelligent mammal
Intelligence: 12/20
Abilities: Super Intelligence, Stink blast
Form: Humanoid skunk standing at around two feet in height, having blue fur in place of black. A bushy tail on its back that is almost as long as it was tall.

Mephitiosus. The smartest creatures on the planet as well as one of the most foul. They are skunk-like aliens that can produce a highly pungent odor. They have evolved this method of defence in order to survive in multifactor's survival of the fittest ecosystem.

Several mephitiosus were walking through the bushes, plucking the fruit from the bushes. Most, they placed in the basket. But some of it, they ate themselves.

Ninety percent of the fruit and vegetables found on this planet are high in fibre and other non-digestible carbohydrates. A mephitiosus' digestive system contains extra powerful bacteria, which allows them to fermentate these carbohydrates into a power and sometimes noxious gas. This gas is then filtered out of the digestive system, into a sack located inside the mephitiosus' tail. A mephitiosus will hold this gas inside their tail as long as they need too, only expelling it in two events.

The first is when the gas sack is full, resulting in a slow expulsion that is almost unnoticeable. The second event is when the mephitiosus are under attack. In this event, they will expel all of the noxious gas in the direction of the attacker. In doing so, they will either force the predator to retreat or simply collapse from over exposure.

Due to the many dangers of their planet, mephitiosus will expel this gas a large number of times. Because of this, they have evolved away their sense of smell to avoid suffering blow back from their attacks. They also only use their gas attacks when all other plans have failed.

The mephitiosus group make their way through the forest, many of their gas tanks still full and ready to fire. But there was no need, since every creature that might think to harm them had fled after the first blast.

Due to the intense stench that seems to follow the mephitiosus wherever they go, most other species avoid them if they can help it. Because of this, mephitiosus are able to live in pretty large numbers without fear.

The group arrived home. It was a large village full of houses made of stone, wood and concrete. These houses look comfortable and strong, as the mephitiosus there live their lives to the fullest. Young mephitiosus play all over the place, whilst some are busy running market stalls whilst others are shopping at said stalls. It looks like the perfect paradise.

However. There are creatures on this planet that can not only tolerate the horrible smell of the mephitiosus, but are absolutely immune to it.

The scene changes to one of the mountains that are surrounded by the forest, it being the dead of night

On the side of that mountain is a large cave, which is dark, cold and wet. A terrible place for most creatures, but a perfect lair for the one living inside of it. And as the camera zooms in on this cave, a growling sound fills the air and grows louder by the second.

Suddenly, something shoots out of the cave and takes to the dark night air. Something big, ugly and dangerous.

Name: Chiroditus
Alien Type: Predatory Mammal
Intelligence: 0/20
Abilities: Flight, super hearing, paralysing scream
Form: Black humanoid bat standing at between eight and nine feet in height. Large wings with single metal hook for a claw and sharp grasping talons on feet. Head with no eyes and nose, instead having a pair of large ears that cover the entire top half of the head whilst a large jaw fills the rest of it.

Chiroditus. These powerful bat like creatures are the top predators on Multifoetor. The deadly creature's greatest asset is its powerful sense of hearing. If a pin dropped a hundred miles away, it would be able to hear that pin even if a million other sounds were occuring around it.

The chiroditus flew through the air, almost completely invisible as its black body merged with the night. Its large ears allowed it to see everything, despite having no eyes. And quickly, they picked up on the sounds of its favourite food. Mephitiosus.

The bat alien dived down towards the village, which looked completely deserted due to it being the middle of the night. However, there were still some mephitiosus awake.

They were standing watch, located on a lookout post built around one of the large trees. When one of them saw the chiroditus, it quickly rang the alarm and the entire village was on alert. And as the chiroditus drew closer, the guard pointed its tail at the beast and let it rip.

But the gas the chiroditus seemed to fly into had no effect, the giant bat simply soaring through the green cloud and attacking the lookout post.

With no nose to smell with and no eyes to make water, the noxious mephitiosus gas has no effect on chiroditus. Their greatest defence, rendered powerless against this mighty creature. And that's not the only advantage this beast has over them.

As the mephitiosus guard attempted to escape, the chiroditus took a deep breath and unleashed a powerful screeching sound from its mouth. That sound echoed across the forest and all those that heard it, felt like they were hearing a million nails running down a chalkboard.

Using a special vocal chord, the chiroditus can unleash a high pitched sonic blast that can immobilize anything that hears it. It is unknown why this does not affect them, considering their powerful hearing, but the chiroditus are completely immune to their own screams and use it to disable anything they wish to devour.

The sound is so horrible, every part of the mephitiosus' body froze up as their brain was being scrambled. This allowed the bat alien to use its taloned feet to grasp the guard that had warned everyone else before taking off into the air.

The other mephitiosus had recovered and tried to save their comrade, throwing their spears and other weapons at it. But it was already too high up for the attacks to reach. And so, the chiroditus vanished into the night with its captured prey in its clutches.

It's rare that an encounter with a chiroditus doesn't result in at least one casualty. Being completely immune to the mephitiosus' stink blast, and being the only creature on the planet that wants to be around them, the chiroditus have free reign to hunt them as much as they want without any competition.

But the mephitiosus are a strong species. They knew their stink blasts were useless against these creatures, so they used their other special power to find a way to fight against them. Their super intelligence.

The scene changes to an underground building the mephitiosus built, which was made of metal and was full of equipment.

Several mephitiosus were dressed in lab coats and were working together, some mixing a variety of chemicals whilst others were working on some kind of machine. Others were standing in front of a large tube, full of liquid and strange blue string-like objects that glowed blue.

Mephitiosus intelligence far exceeds that of human and many other creatures in the galaxy. Whilst not on the level of Galvin or Cerebrocrustacean, their knowledge and ability to think is still incredible. As such, when the chiroditus threat began to escalate, the finest minds on the planet came together and began working on a solution.

And so, a fusion of bio-genetics, mechanics and several other fields gave life to a new inhabitant of Multifoetor.

The mephitiosus began to put the pieces together. They built a suit of armor that was wired using the strange blue string that they had developed, which was now out of the water and noticeably alive. Once the string was properly wired into the different parts, they put each of them together and began to power it up.

Name: Mephitiosus Gyroid
Alien Type: Intelligent Cyborg
Intelligence: 4/20
Abilities: Flight, Tornado generation, Durability
Form: Robotic body standing at between seven and eight feet in height. Spherical chest and waist, connected by thick metal tube, with three smaller spheres on the chest and back that are shoulders. Tube-like arms coming off these shoulders, connected to another tube with a cone-shape on its other side that completes the arms. Three flat fingers on the outside of each cone bottom, which bend in two places. Three more limbs like the arms coming out of the bottom sphere, acting like three legs. Top of the chest sphere is flat with a dome on top of it, with two large holes that have eyes sticking out of it and rotate three hundred and sixty degrees.

The mephitiosus gyroid is a techno-organic lifeform created by the mephitiosus. Known more commonly as gyroids, their bodies are made of rotating segments that can spin at high speeds. These speeds allow them to produce powerful gusts of wind and tornados, which they can use offensively, defensively and even to fly.

These creatures live off a special fuel the mephitiosus developed, using the planet's fruit that allows the organic wiring that is threaded throughout the metal suit to act as a nervasystem.

They were originally designed to be simple minded creatures that were meant to follow orders and protect their creators from the predators. However, the mephitiosus' genius proved greater then even they realised.

The mephitiosus stepped away, as their creation activated with its eyes opening. The mechanical creature began to look around and then started moving its body around. As it tried to walk, it was a little clumsy at first but managed to get the hang of movement. It then span the different parts of its body, unleashing powerful blasts of wind that knocked over several objects.

The scene changes to outside, where the scientist mephitiosus are showing the gyroid around the village it will be protecting. Many of the mephitiosus that saw it looked worried, thinking it would start attacking them as well. But then, one of the mephitiosus on a lookout post leaned against a rotted bit of bannister.

The wood broke and they fell, death almost assured from that height. However, they were saved by a cushion of wind that appeared below them.

The gyroid had seen this and jumped into action without being ordered, usings its arms to create a weak tornado that caught the falling mephitiosus. Everyone was shocked by this, having not expected the gyroid to act without orders. But before they could discuss this, the alarm rang and they looked up to see a chiroditus flying overhead.

Though normally a nocturnal hunter, the chiroditus will sometimes come out in the day if it finds itself hungry enough.

The chiroditus focuses on the village and unleashes a sonic blasts, which disables the mephitiosus. But the gyroid is completely unaffected by the sonic blast. As such, seeing its new friends in pain, the robotic alien held its arm up before creating a powerful tornado.

The tornado hit the chiroditus and blew it backwards, stopping its sonic blast and allowing the mephitiosus to recover from it. As they did, they saw that the gyroid had once again protected them without needing to be told.

The chiroditus tried to attack again, but this time the gyroid jumped into the air and spun its bottom half. The wind completely wrapped around its waist and legs, making it look like its entire lower half was now a large tornado. This allowed it to fly into the air and meet the chiroditus, the two beginning to fight against one another.

The chiroditus attempted to slash and claw at the robot, but even its metal hooks couldn't get through the gyroid's armor. This allowed it to blow the beast away, the chiroditus eventually giving up and deciding to try someplace else to get food.

The gyroid flew back down, the mephitiosus cheering at their new defender. The scientists were the most impressed, but not at its fighting ability. They were amazed at how the gyroid was way smarter and more conscious then they had originally thought it was.

Despite only being built to serve and protect them, the mephitiosus realised they were more then just mindless fighting machines. They were an entirely new species, which they had the responsibility to educate and help grow as individuals.

The mephitiosus are back in the lab, working on an upgrade to the gyroid's system. Once the upgrade was complete, they asked the gyroid a question and the gyroid replied with actual words. The new speaker system they designed to turn thoughts into words, allowing the gyroid to communicate with them.

The gyroid and mephitiosus celebrate, happy they managed to give their new friend the chance to truly speak his mind.

The scene fast forward to sometime in the future.

The mephitiosus village has developed to have large buildings, where the many gyroids that now live there can live when they aren't protecting the mephitiosus from chiroditus attacks. The many gyroids come in many different colours, some painted to look just how they wanna look.

Some gyroids are flying over the village, patrolling it for threats.

Slightly outside the village, a gyroid and young mephitiosus are using some binoculars to see a tiger alien a good mile or so away. The pair turn to one another and nod, the gyroid using his eyes to smirk. The mephitiosus turned its tail towards the tiger and fired its stink blast, which the gyroid propelled forward using a weak tornado.

The breeze sent the stink flying towards the tiger, which suddenly began to gag and run in the other direction. They both laughed at this, only to feel something hard hit them both on the head.

That something hard was the leader of the gyroids, the first one that ever existed, who was glaring at the pair as they looked sheepish.

In the years following the creation of this new species, the mephitiosus and gyroid have entered and symbiotic relationship with one another. Almost every mephitiosus village contains at least one gyroid, which acts as the mephitiosus' protectors whilst the mephitiosus keep the gyroid's mechanical bodies working and fuelled up.

And when they're not doing one of these things, they are simply having fun together.

Now completely safe from any form of danger, the mephitiosus were free to expand their knowledge and continue to study the universe around them. And eventually, they developed into a space faring race with many gyroids heading out into the cosmos with them to explore.

The scene changes to show a ship, which is flying through space looking for other forms of life. And as they do, they come across another ship. A galvin ship.

The footage shows the galvin and mephitiosus meeting, the galvin impressed as they examine the gyroids and ask how they were constructed. In return, they start showing the mephitiosus many types of sciences the skunks had yet to discover. It was a truly excited exchange of information, one which would help the mephitiosus grow and truly become one of the smartest species in the galaxy.

Multifoetor. An unusual and unpleasant place to call home. But fortunately, we won't be making our stay here permanent. This concludes our second set of adventures on the homeworlds of Flash's aliens. I hope to see you again on our next tour and can't wait to see what new aliens will be waiting for us there. Onwards, to our next big adventure.

Author's Note:

That brings this set of planet hops to an end. Now, it's on to our next season. How will things change and what enemies are awaiting us there? Only time will tell.

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