• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 3, Episode 6: Good Copy, Bad Copy

Thunder and lightning exploded over the night sky of Canterlot, the electrical energy pulsing through the air.

Many people had locked themselves inside, fearing the storm's awesome power. But they had no reason to fear. The lightning would not strike any of their houses that night.

The electrical energy was being drawn towards one building in particular, one of the many warehouses that lay unused by the city. A large metal antenna had been fastened to the top, causing the lightning to be pulled in and channelled inside.

There, tons of machines were littered around the place. Wires and cables were scattered along the ground and were all connected to a large machine in the centre of it.

That machine was lighting up like a christmas tree, being a large oval shaped chamber with a glass door on the front of it. Energy was exploding inside the chamber, illuminating a human figure that was inside.

Someone stood beside it, watching from a safe distance as the machine pulsed with energy.

"More power!" He cried, pulling a lever that caused the lightning being gathered to be sent directly into the machine. He laughed as the power reached its zenith. And as it did so, the figure inside began to move. "It's alive." He laughed, "IT'S ALIVE!" But as he said that, one of the surrounding machines exploded. "NO! NO! NO!" The man rushed into the light and revealed who he was.

Negatine started fiddling with his machines, trying to compensate for the sudden loss of one.

"Come on!" He cried, "don't give up on me now. We're so close." Another machine exploded, followed by another and then the chamber itself began to smoke. "NO!" He rushed towards it and at the last moment, the device blew up and he was thrown backwards.

He groaned as he lay on the ground, a small fire occurring beside him as smoke filled the room. When he recovered, he sat himself up and looked over at the device. He expected it to be a mess, but the chamber was intact. But it was open.

As the smoke faded, a figure was revealed standing out of the chamber. That figure stepped out of the smoke and as they did, they were revealed to be a teenager with bright orange skin and blue hair. He was wearing a black zip up jacket with blue pants and a lightning shield symbol on the shoulders. And on his left wrist was a strange looking watch with many buttons and an hourglass symbol on the dial.

Negatine stared at him in shock and disbelief, as a smirk appeared. "It worked." He picked himself up and moved over to him. "Hello...my son."

One week later

Twilight and Sunset were walking through the street, having decided to spend the day hanging out and being normal girls for a little while. But as they did, Twilight was constantly fiddling with her glasses. Sunset noticed this, seeing her moving them up every minute or so or repositioning them.

"Are you okay?" Twilight turned to her, "you keep messing with your glasses. Is something wrong with them?"

"Kinda. I added something to them that's making them slide down my nose from the added weight." She tapped the side of her glasses and Sunset stared at them for a moment, only to notice a small green light flashing.

"Is that...a camera?"

"A super small, super strong camara. Clearest picture you've ever seen and with great audio. If I can see and hear it, so can the camera."

"Wow. I didn't know they made cameras so small. And able to fit into a pair of glasses with you barely noticing it."

"I based it on a camera Azmuth showed me. It still needs a little work, but I think it'll come in handy. Now I can record anything I see with the tap of the button. I can either upload it to a personal file or send it out on the internet for everyone to see."

"You can?" Sunset was surprised, "you might want to be careful with that. What if you accidently switch it on whilst you and Timber are alone together?" Twilight thought about that and her face went red, Sunset laughing as they continued walking. They kept talking for a few minutes, only to turn a corner just as a building in front of them exploded.

The pair leapt back in shock, as they saw the windows shatter outwards due to blasts of lightning flying out of it.

"What was that?" Twilight cried, as smoke began to fly out of it. "Come on!" Sunset nodded and the pair rushed towards it, only to see someone step out of the smoke. Someone the girls were surprised to see. "Flash?"

Volt-Edge stood before the smoking building, a bag slung over his shoulder that looked like it was bursting with something. The alien looked back at the store he had just been in and smiled before he started walking away. "Flash!" He turned to see the girls running towards him. "What's going on?" Sunset then remembered the lightning that had exploded out of the building, "did you do this?"

Volt-Edge smirked, "maybe." The trio then heard screaming coming out of the building, which shocked the girls since it meant people were trapped inside. "Gotta fly." He pressed the Omnitrix and in a flash of light, he was replaced by Gryforce who leapt into the air with the bag still slung over his shoulder.

"Wait!" Twilight cried, but the alien hero did nothing and just kept flying. "What's going on?" The screams caught their attention, making them realise they had more important things to worry about.

The girls rushed towards the building and saw several people trapped behind some fallen and burning rubble. "Hold on!" Twilight summoned her magic and began to lift the rubble out of the water, allowing the people inside to rush out. The roof was beginning to give way and Twilight also had to keep that up, the strain proving difficult for her.

Eventually, the last person who had been in the building got out and Twilight was able to let go of the rubble. She fell to the ground as a trickle of blood came out of her nose, the destroyed store beginning to fall apart. As it did, the fire department arrived and quickly got to work.

They managed to put the fire out before it spread to the rest of the street, whilst several ambulances had also arrived to make sure the people who had been in the fire were alright.

"It was Flash Sentry!" The store owner cried when a fireman asked how it had started. "He just showed up and asked for a bunch of random gadgets." Twilight only now realised this was an electronics store. "When I asked how he was gonna pay, he made some joke about being charged and turned into that alien. The next thing I know, the whole place was being blasted by lightning and he just walked away."

"I can't believe him!" A woman cried, "I trusted him. My kids looked up to him."

"My son has a wall covered drawings of his aliens," a man yelled. "How could he do this?" Twilight and Sunset were also wondering that same thing. Clearly, something wasn't right here. And if they didn't figure out what, Flash was gonna be in serious trouble.

At the plumber base, which was almost completely finished, Fluttershy was with the hybrids along with Pinkie, Rarity and Applejack.

"Alright Pearl," Fluttershy showed the amphibious hybrid a picture with an animal's face on it. "What's this?" The hybrid stared at it through the glass of her enclosure, which was almost exactly like the cave she had been in when they first found her. Several pools leading to a watery tank was scattered around, along with having enough room to fly around in.

Finally, Pearl smiled. "It's a rabbit!"

"Good," Fluttershy smiled before placing a fish flavoured biscuit through a slot that released it into the enclosure. Fluttershy then picked up another card and showed it to Drift, who saw it was a delicious cupcake. "Now what's this?"

Drift stared at it for a moment before humming. "Trifle?"

"No," Fluttershy shook her head, "this is a cupcake. You shouldn't just try and guess what they are." Drift frowned, knowing he wasn't getting a treat. "Now," she showed him another card, "what's this?" This one, Drift was sure he knew.

"Hot air balloon." Fluttershy smiled.

"Very good," she handed him a treat as the others smiled.

"Fluttershy's working really well with them," Rarity smiled. "I'm sure once Azmuth figures out how to return them to Equestria, she'll have taught them everything they need to know." The others nodded, as Fluttershy continued to teach the pair. Applejack then turned to the others.

"Any idea how long Azmuth's gonna need to figure out how to make 'em none human?" They shrugged, having no idea how close Azmuth was to the answer he needed.

And they were no closer to figuring out who created Drift and Pearl, since when they removed Pearl's tracer the signal suddenly died. Whoever made it knew they were after them and wanted to keep themselves unknown. But they would find out who was behind this eventually.

At the same time, Flash and Shining were in the training room.

Said training room had been transformed into a simple dojo with a cushioned floor. The pair were dressed in normal gym clothes, whilst Rainbow, Trixie and Adagio were off to the side watching. "You ready Flash?" Shining asked, the pair circling against each other.

"I guess," Flash nodded before rushing forward. He threw a punch, but Shining easily avoided it and grabbed his arm. He quickly tried to flip Flash over, the teen crying out as he was thrown to the ground. Luckily, he was able to land on his feet and pulled his arm away, swinging his leg around trying to sweep Shining's.

But the man leapt back, avoiding the attack completely. Flash then rushed at him, trying to deliver a chop that Shining blocked before thrusting his foot into Flash's chest and making him fall back. The girls flinched at his, Flash hitting the ground hard and moaning.

Shining smirked as he looked at him, "you're gonna need to do better then that."

"Remind me why I'm doing this again," Flash asked as Shining helped him up. "Learning to fight like this isn't gonna help me when I go alien."

"True, but it will help when you're not alien. If you learn to fight as a human, you'll be able to defend yourself better when you time out. And you might one day find yourself in a situation where becoming an alien isn't an option. The more options you have, the better chance of victory you'll gain." Flash didn't seem to agree with this. "Remember Flash, your greatest power doesn't come from turning into a bunch of aliens. Your greatest power comes from being human, the most unpredictable race in the universe. Now come on. Let's try again."

Flash sighed, knowing he wasn't gonna be let off so easily.

The pair continued to spar against one another, Shining showing Flash a bunch of different techniques that might come in handy one day. Time flew by and eventually, the pair were tired and needed a break. They got changed into their normal clothing as Rainbow decided to give those moves she saw Shining show him a try, bringing up a holographic opponent to practise on.

Annoyingly, she seemed to have picked up the moves better than he had.

"Relax," Shining told him, "you'll get it eventually. You just gotta keep practising." Flash wasn't so sure and was about to reply, only for the door to open as Twilight and Sunset rushed inside.

"Flash!" Sunset cried, "what the heck is wrong with you?"

"Huh?" Was all Flash could say, not sure how to answer that. "What are you talking about?"

"We're talking about you," Twilight pointed at him. "You torched an electronics store as Volt-Edge and flew off with a bunch of stolen stuff." The five in the room shared a look, completely shocked by this accusation.

"No I didn't," Flash stated. "Why would I do that?"

"We don't know," Sunset told him. "That's what we want to know."

"Flash didn't blow up any store," Trixie claimed. "He's been here with us all morning." Rainbow and Adagio nodded, but the other girls didn't look convinced.

"It had to be you," Twilight crossed her arms. "I mean, I know it's not something you would do. But we thought maybe you were under mind control or something was going on that we didn't know about. But it had to be you."

"But he's been here with us all morning," Shining stated. "I've thrown him to the ground enough times to confirm it." He thought for a moment, "are you sure it's wasn't just an actual alien. Flash's heroes are all species that exist in the universe. Could have been an actual Serravoltian."

"But this guy flew off after transforming into Gryforce," Twilight stated. "Flash, something's going on. If it wasn't you who did it, then someone's trying to frame you." Flash frowned, thinking about what the public might be thinking.

They all headed out of the dojo and into the main control room, where a large computer had been located. The others had joined them from the hybrid's room and as Twilight turned the computer on, they explained what was going on.

"Someone's framing Flash?" Rarity gasped, "how?"

"Good question," Shining frowned. "It's possible someone with an illusion ability like Trixie's is trying to get him in trouble. But Trixie's powers don't copy the abilities of whatever they're making, right?" Trixie nodded.

"Yeah. I could make a copy of Volt-Edge and even make him blast out lightning, but that lightning wouldn't hurt anything." As she said that, Twilight had the computer up and tuned into the local news station.

A woman behind a desk was speaking. "Sentry suddenly walked into a store in the middle of town before transforming into one of his alien heroes," she said likely halfway through the news segment. The screen then changed to show CCTV footage that had somehow survived the destruction. They watched as Flash Sentry walked into the room, looking just like the Flash they were all with.

He started picking up various pieces of equipment and bringing them over to the front desk. After talking with the desk clerk, he suddenly transformed into Volt-Edge and unleashed an electrical blast in all directions.

The footage cut out and everyone was shocked, unable to figure out how this could be possible. "Officials are still attempting to get in contact with the plumbers, wanting to know why Flash has suddenly turned against the law. But there as still-" The news reporter then stopped and went to her ear piece. "We...we're just now getting reports that Flash Sentry is attacking an armored car meant to deliver money to a Canterlot bank."

"What?" Flash cried, as the screen suddenly changed to a news copter's footage.

Said footage showed the armored car that the reporter had been talking about. And behind it was Vapaw, running as fast as he could attempting to catch up to it. Everyone watched in shock, looking between Flash and the live footage. "What the heck is going on?" Rainbow asked, as the footage showed Vapaw finally catching up to the truck.

The alien leapt at it and used his claws to slash at the tires, causing the vehicle to lose control and be forced to stop.

Vapaw's claws then ripped through the metal doors in the back, whilst smoke exploded off his main and turned the entire street into a gas cloud. "That's gotta be some kind of trick," Trixie stated.

Flash had had enough and activated the Omnitrix, Shining seeing this and rushing to stop him. "Wait!" But Flash slapped the device down and in a flash, he was transformed.

"XLR8!" The alien raptor shot off at high speed before anyone could stop him, running out of the base and into the street. Anger filled his very being, as he thought about the hard work he had done to prove himself to everyone as a hero. "You'll pay for ruining it!"

He shot through the streets and eventually arrived at the spot that had been filled with smoke, rushing into it before anyone on the street could see him. His visor switched to infrared, allowing him to see through the smoke so he didn't crash into anything.

He stopped in front of the truck, hearing noises coming out of it. "I don't know who you are, but you're giving hard working superheroes a bad name." The movement inside of the truck stopped before something shot out of it, XLR8 dodging it and seeing it was a large sack of money. Several more bags of money flew towards him and he was able to avoid every one of them, only for something else to then leap out of the truck. It was Vapaw himself.

"Give it up!" The lion roared as he slashed at XLR8, who avoided it and got a good distance away. "Allow me to hit you and I promise, your dispatchment will be swift and have minimal pain" Flash had no idea what this guy's deal was, but he knew he wasn't someone to be taken lightly.

"Who are you? And why are you attacking people pretending to be me?"

"I am you," Vapaw replied. "Everything you are and everything you could be. The ultimate form of you." XLR8 didn't believe that and shot forward, attempting to deal a quick blow. But Vapaw simply leapt into the air and landed on the top of the truck. "Gotta run. Have fun explaining all this." He hit the Omnitrix and transformed into Chamalien, who instantly turned invisible.

"Wait!" But he was gone and the smoke began to fade away, revealing himself to the people who had been trapped inside the fog unable to escape. They all looked at XLR8, surrounded by bags of money and looking ready to make off with them. "Hey, listen. This is all just a big misunderstanding." In that moment, a bunch of police cars appeared and raced down the street. "Oh goodie."

The cars swerved to a stop and the cops rushed out, all carrying tasers that they pointed at Flash. "FREEZE!"

"Wait a minute!" XLR8 yelled, "this is not what you think. I wasn't the one who did this." He pointed at the truck, "it was the other guy."

"Don't think you can trick us," then officer stated. "No one else on this planet has the abilities to turn into those creatures. You're under arrest."

"Just listen to me!" He hit the watch and turned back to his human form, Flash holding his hands up. "See, I could have easily run and you wouldn't have caught me. But I didn't. I'm not the criminal." The cops stared at him, "you've gotta believe me. The real criminal's getting away. We've gotta-GYAH!" He cried as he was suddenly hit with something and every fibre of his body was struck by what felt like a million volts.

When the shocking finally ended, Flash felt himself falling to the ground and blacking out.

Everything after that was weird for Flash, as the world was suddenly full of many bizarre shapes and images. As they flashed in front of him, a pretty catchy tune played in his head as he saw images of his friends dancing to it before morphing into weird shapes. The song came to an end when an image of Pinkie dressed as the Statue of Liberty smashed her torch into his face, making him see stars before he felt himself beginning to come around.

He moaned as he opened his eyes and found himself looking up at a ceiling with a small light.

His head was killing him and as he raised his arm to wipe his brow, he realised something was wrapped around his left wrist. It was the same tube-like manicle that had been placed on him when his secret was revealed. And as he sat himself up, he realised he was in a holding pen of kinds.

"You can't do this!" He heard his mother's voice cry out, making him look around and see a glass wall next to the bed he was on that had a single metal door attached to it. He got up, his legs feeling like jelly as he staggered over to the wall and looked out of it.

He was in the police precinct, his parents standing in front of it with Shining and Azmuth on his shoulder. "It's bad enough you assaulted him with a taser!" Trail roared, "but now you're locking him up despite him being innocent."

"Innocent?" The captain asked, "he blew up a store and attacked an armored car. The last time I checked, that's not something an innocent person does."

"But it wasn't me!" Flash cried, catching everyone's attention.

"Flash!" His mother rushed over to him. "Don't worry sweetheart, we're gonna get you out of here."

"What can you tell me about the one who framed you?" Azmuth asked, clearly interested about the possibility of someone copying his masterpiece. "Did they have an actual Omnitrix?"

"Looked like one. One minute he was Vapaw, the next he was Chamalien. It could have been an illusion, but then how did he copy my alien's abilities?"

"We'll figure it out," Shining told him. "But this is what happens when you go off half cocked. If you had stayed at the base, you would have had an alibi for that armored car heist. Now, even if we take out the store robbery, they have a lot of evidence to say you're the one who did it."

"But I didn't do it," Flash cried. "And whilst I'm stuck in here, the real crooks gonna strike again."

"I doubt it," Azmuth told him. "If he was trying to frame you, he'll keep himself hidden away so it seems like you really did do those crimes." Flash frowned, knowing he was right.

"But don't worry," Shining assured him. "We'll find this guy and prove you're innocent. Just hang on until then." Flash nodded as Shining and Azmuth headed out, Flash's parents staying behind. Since Flash was a minor, his parents were allowed to remain with him until an actual sentencing could occur.

As Shining and Azmuth stepped out of the police precinct, they pondered how someone could have replicated Flash's abilities.

"Is it possible there's another Omnitrix out there?" Shining asked, since it was clear that device was the only thing that could do that particular thing.

"No," Azmuth shook his head, "only I know how to create an Omnitrix. There was one other who possessed the knowledge and ability to replicate the device, but he died a long time ago. However, I cannot think of any other way someone could make it appear like Flash was the culprit."

"Guess we'll have to find whoever did this and get them to divulge how."

"Indeed." Azmuth agreed. "I'll return to my ship. If there is another Omnitrix out there, I'll be able to detect it once I've set the computers to scan for its signal. But it might take time, since I'll only be able to follow the signal whilst the wielder is actually using it." Shining nodded and Azmuth vanished, whilst the plumber began his own investigation.

"Whoever did this is gonna regret it. I'll make sure of it."

Negatine was in the warehouse, looking over a familiar but different looking device.

It was a metal box that was the size of a standard backpack, with multiple cables and wires sticking out of it and connecting to a pair of metal gloves that looked like something out of a science fiction show. He smirked at it, amazed by how well it had come together. He never through something like this could be made so compact.

In that moment, the warehouse doors opened and he looked around to see Flash walk into the building with a bag slung over his shoulder. "How'd it go?"

Flash smirked, "that fool won't be a problem anymore. He's safely locked up. So long as I'm not discovered, he'll remain that way for the rest of his life. Either that, or he'll have his Omnitrix removed. Doesn't matter what happens, so long as he's no longer a thorn in our side."

Negatine nodded as Flash stepped up to the table, taking several objects out of his backpack. "In the meantime, I've gathered the final parts required to complete your device."

"And it'll work?" Negatine asked. He was smart, but this level of science was completely beyond him.

"Of course it'll work," Flash took out the electrical devices and started taking them apart. "Once it's complete, you'll be able to scan a large quantity of individuals at once and create copies that'll last up to an hour.

Negatine smiled as he watched him slowly add the finishing touches to device. "I can't believe how much smarter you are. Those tweaks I made to the data worked out perfectly."

Flash nodded, Negatine moving over to what remained of the machine that had been used to create his masterpiece. He moved over to the computer and opened a disk port, taking out a computer disk he had kept safe ever since the day he had scanned it.

He smiled as he remembered the last time he had faced Flash Sentry. Whilst his transformation had shocked Negatine, learning the truth about the teen had intrigued him. The invasion had allowed Negatine the chance to escape, the man remembering when the drones had attacked the prison. The chaos had given Negatine to opening he needed to get out of there and after learning what Flash was, he had vowed to make that power his own.

"It's done!" Flash told him, as the machine began to power up.

Negatine smirked and stepped over to it, seeing the perfected device working perfectly filling him with joy. "Perfect. Now I can begin my work."

"Are you sure going out is a good stratagem?" Flash asked. "You've faced Sentry before. If his friends see you, they'll figure out who played a part in framing him."

"Maybe," Negatine placed the device on his back. "But they won't have any proof. Even if they catch me, I'll never talk and they'll be forced to keep him locked up whilst knowing the truth. And that makes me very happy." Flash wanted to argue, but knew that talking back to his creator wasn't a smart move. "Just stay here and watch your old man have the time of his life." WIth that, he left the warehouse and Flash could only wait and see how everything turned out.

Flash continued to sit in his cell, completely bored with nothing to do.

Adagio had come over and wanted to try and keep him entertained, but the cops had refused to allow her in. She was now arguing along with Flash's parents, but the cops were all being adamant about treating Flash as the criminal he was.

He huffed, really wishing he had thought like Shining said and not rushed into the situation. All he could think about now, was how he had been framed. "Come on Shining," he prayed. "Figure out how to get me out of here without me breaking the law."

"Anything?" Sunset asked Twilight, who was staring at the plumber computer going over the footage of the robberies.

Twilight groaned as she watched Vapaw fill the street with smoke again. She hoped the footage would show just a hint that XLR8 had run into it, but there wasn't. The camera hadn't been at the right angle to catch any sign of him. "I'm sorry," she told the others. "But there's nothing. Nothing that'll help prove Flash's innocence."

"But Flash was here during the first robbery?" Pinkie pointed out. "And at the start of the second one. Doesn't that prove anything?"

"Not without proof of him actually being here." They all turned to Shining Armor, who was making his way over to them. "Unfortunately, we don't have any proof. The base's security cameras aren't up yet. If they were, we could show footage of him in the training room at the time of the first attack. Same with the second. Unfortunately, whoever did this picked the right time to frame Flash."

Rainbow groaned, "this is insane. There's gotta be some way to prove Flash is innocent."

Twilight sighed. "At this point, the only way to prove it is to find the one actually responsible. But they'd have to be an idiot to show up now that Flash has been arrested."

Negatine had finally arrived at a bank he was planning to rob and activated his new device, heading towards the building as he brought up the info he needed. "Perfect!" He stepped inside and as soon as he did, his gloves unleashed beams of light that shot into the air and started taking shape.

The people inside were shocked when a bunch of bat-winged goblins appeared and started terrorising the place. As the bank tellers ran to escape, Negatine used his gloves to take digital scans of them.

"Oh, I love these new things." He created copies of the bankers, ordering them to go open the vaults. As he did, he heard sirens filling the air. "Well, they've certainly upped their game." He walked towards the exit and saw a bunch of police cars stopping outside, Negatine quickly raising his gloves and unleashed a wide scan.

The cops all got out of their cars and started pointing their guns at him. "FREEZE!" Negatine stopped, "hands in the air!" He did so but as he raised them, his gloves lit up and both unleashed a bright light that flew towards the cops.

The police officers leapt back, as the lights hit the ground and took form. When the light faded, perfect copies of them stood before them and instantly attacked.

Shining and the others were back at the base, trying to figure out what was going on.

It was at that moment they got an alert, Shining rushing over to the base's main computer and typing away at it. The screen changed to show footage from an CCTV camera, the heroes finding several police officers fighting against themselves. "What's going on?" Pinkie asked, only for Twilight to see it.

"Negatine!" They pointed at the man in question, the lot of them gasping when they realised what this had to mean.

"Of course!" Shining groaned, "Negatine. He must have made copies of Flash and used them to frame him." They all frowned, unable to believe they hadn't realised this. Of course one of Flash's old foes would want to frame him now that his identity was public knowledge.

"We gotta stop him!" Rainbow cried. "We catch him and make him confess." They all nodded as they rushed for the exit, Twilight taking out her phone as she did so.

Flash remained in lockup, Adagio and his parents still trying to convince the cops to let him go.

As he did, Adagio's phone rang and she saw it was Twilight. "Hello?" She listened and frowned, "wait? What? What's this about Negatine?" Flash's head stuck up at this, the teen getting up and moving to the bars. "Really? That's great. I'll let him know." She hung up and turned to Flash, "that Negatine guy just showed up and attacked a bank."

"Negatine?" Trail thought for a moment, "isn't that the guy you told us about?"

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "I can't believe I didn't think of that. He must have copied my aliens somehow. They're the ones that framed me." Misty turned towards the police captain, who also seemed intrigued by this statement.

"See, it wasn't him. You need to release him."

"I'm sorry," the captain stated. "I know Negatine and what he can do, but him being around doesn't make your son innocent. The only way I can let him out is if I'm shown proof Negatine was the one who did those crimes. Until then, I'm afraid your son has to remain locked up." They all groaned as Adagio began to text the others. Hopefully, they could get Negatine and make him confess.

Meanwhile, Flash thought about the possibility of Negatine creating a duplicate of him. Whilst he knew he could copy Flash's alien forms, he wasn't sure if those copies could change aliens like he could. He hadn't had that skill the last time he faced Negatine, but was it possible? And if it wasn't, how had that Vapaw changed to Chamalien?

Back at the bank, Negatine's banker minions had filled multiple dufflebags with money.

Once the bags were full, he prepared to head out with the cops continuing to struggle against their evil twins. But as he stepped outside, a loud engine caught his attention and made him look up to see a green jet flying overhead. It shot down towards the street and as it got close to the ground, it suddenly vanished with people falling to the ground beneath it.

Negatine frowned when he saw them, a suited up Shining and Luna Cat Trixie standing at the front of the group. "Negatine!" The plumber cried whilst taking out his blaster, "you framed Flash for all those crimes, didn't you?"

"What?" Negatine tried his best to stay ignorant. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb," Twilight stepped forward as she fiddled with her glasses. "You made a copy of Flash and tried to frame him for all those crimes."

"Yeah," Rainbow nodded, "not a smart move starting your crimewave the same day Flash was arrested. That's just screaming that you did it."

"Again, I don't know what you're talking about." He raised his gauntlet and unleashed a light, which flew over the lot of them before any of them could stop him. "But it doesn't matter. You guys won't stop me and with Sentry in jail, I'm free to do whatever I want." His gauntlet unleashed a light and in a flash, perfect copies of the heroes appeared.

The clones got into a fighting stance and charged before the heroes could respond, fake-Shining firing his blaster at them that Rarity quickly blocked with a wall of crystals. The Applejack clone then thrust her hands forward, smashing through the gems and allowing the clones to get to them.

Fluttershy screamed as her more aggressive clone leapt at her, only for Trixie to appear in front of her. "Oh no you don't!" She thrust her staff into the fake-Fluttershy's stomach and she was thrown backwards, whilst the fake-Trixie attacked with her own staff.

The two started duelling, Shining and the rest of the Rainbooms fighting against their own clones. Twilight and her clone started throwing things at one another, Rarity and Pinkie doing the same against their twins with their gems and explosions. Sunset and her copy started using some fighting moves nobody knew Sunset knew against each other, whilst Rainbow and her clone started throwing super fast attacks at each other.

Applejack and the fake slammed their hands into the other's shoulders and tried to push the other to the ground, but the two were evenly matched. And Shining had switched to his sword and slashed at the fake, who countered with his own sword.

Negatine watched the heroes and cops continuing to fight against themselves, unable to get the upper hand. He laughed and began to run off, money bags in hand. "HEY!" Twilight cried, wanting to go after him. But her clone refused to let her pass. "Out of my way!"

"Not gonna happen!" The fake cried, only for Twilight to suddenly go invisible. "Hey, where'd she go!"

Twilight also saw she was invisible and was about to freak out, only to then notice Trixie still fighting her clone as the coin on her mask glowed. "Go, Twilight!" The girl smiled and rushed after Negatine, whilst her clone continued to look confused.

Twilight ran around a corner and as she did, Trixie's spell faded and she became visible again. But she had escaped and spotted Negatine ahead of her. "STOP!" She ran after him. She might not have been the most physically fit girl, but Negatine wasn't that fit either and was weighed down by many bags of money.

The man looked behind her and glared, seeing the girl catching up. "Drop the money."

"What?" He realised he was being spoken to through his radio, "how do you know I'm being chased."

"I added a camera into your pack. I can see she's catching up."

"I won't let this girl make me drop my hard earned money," he told him. He activated his device and the gauntlets unleashed a bright light, creating a bunch of flying gremlins.

They flew at Twilight, but she wasn't going to let them stop her.

She used her magic to grab some trash cans and threw them at the gremlins, the five quickly getting scooped up by the metal cylinder before it was thrown behind Twilight. This angered Negatine, who prepared to create more minions. But Twilight had had it with that particular piece of technology.

"What?" Negatine suddenly felt his backpack jerk backwards, the man looking back and seeing the device glowing purple. This had also stopped him from running as Twilight pulled him backwards, Negatine attempting to pull himself free.

Twilight magically pulled on the pack again and when she did, the straps holding it to Negatine's back gave out and broke. This allowed her to pull the machine towards her, ripping several wires out of it that connected it to the gauntlets on Negatine's arms.

"You little b-" He didn't get to finish as Twilight threw the device back at him, attempting to hit him on the head. But he ducked to the left into an alleyway to avoid it, Twilight running after him.

In attempting to escape, he found the alleyway had a metal fence in the middle of it and had nothing but some metal rods on the ground. He ran to the fence and saw it was about ten feet up, the man attempting to climb it. But before he could, the metal rods on the ground suddenly came alive and shot towards him.

They bent into a U-shape and slammed into him, moving through the fence and bending at the ends to stop Negatine from escaping.

He spun around, and two more bent rods flew at him and captured his arms. "AUGH!" He was trapped, as Twilight moved towards him.

"Now," she fiddled with her glasses, "admit it. You framed Flash."

Negatine smirked, "prove it." Twilight glared at him, the girl unsure how she could prove it. Sunset could read his mind, but the police were hardly going to accept that as proof. She needed some way to prove Negatine was the one responsible.

Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind shot passed and Twilight was knocked off her feet and into the wall.

The source of the wind appeared in front of Negatine, XLR8 coming to a stop as the man glared at the alien. "You were supposed to stay hidden." XLR8 tapped the watch and in a flash, morphed into Volt-Edge.

"I couldn't just let you be captured." He unleashed electrical bolts, which grabbed the metal and pulled it away from Negatine. As he did, Twilight picked herself up and looked up at them.

"I knew it," she stood up. "You did make a fake of Flash." The two turned towards her and laughed as Volt-Edge stepped forward.

"Oh, I am far more then just a mere fake. I am the antithesis of Flash Sentry. All of his best qualities and none of his weaknesses." He touched the Omnitrix and was consumed by light, which Flash Sentry then stepped out of. Twilight stared at him curiously. "What you're looking at isn't just a fake like the rest of my father's creations. I am supercharged, my cellular structure stabilized so I won't be vanishing." He held up his wrist and showed a perfect copy of the Omnitrix, "he was even able to make a replica of this."

Twilight was now sure she wasn't talking to the real Flash Sentry. "Why do you sound...smarter?" His eyebrow quirked, "Flash is smart but he doesn't make a habit of speaking like that. The way you speak is that of someone trying to show they're mentally superior to someone else. And you'd only do that if you had a high IQ to boast."

The fake chuckled. "You're good. Yes, I am smarter than Flash Sentry. In fact, I'm the smartest human in existence thanks to a few tweaks my father made to me when he created me. Using data he collected on Flash Sentry's Grey Matter form, he was able to upload that mental capacity into me. It wasn't a complete success, but I'm now one hundred IQ points higher than the smartest human ever known."

Twilight frowned, "that is smart."

"It is," the faker asked. "And you know what the best part of this whole situation is?" Twilight shook her head, "the pain you're going to feel knowing the truth about your friend, but being unable to prove it." He and Negatine laughed as he was about to activate his Omnitrix. But as he was about to, Twilight started laughing. "What are you snickering about?"

Twilight smiled, "the fact you're so smart but don't even realise you just got played." The pair looked confused, until Twilight pointed up at her glasses. They couldn't tell at first, due to the distance, but they saw a green light blinking on them. And they quickly realised what that meant.

"A camera?" Negatine cried, Twilight nodding as she patted her specs.

"Been recording since we entered the alley. Which means your creation's arrival and his little speech has all been uploaded onto the internet." The faces of both villains turned bright white, the Flash clone unable to believe he had been deceived so easily.

"You...you're bluffing," he told her. Twilight just smiled and as she did, a blast of wind shot passed her.

This wind stopped right in front of the girl, revealing the speed alien the clone had arrived as. XLR8 stood tall, opening his visor and glaring at his clone before touching the Omnitrix. As the alley filled with green light, Twilight stepped around to get a good look at the two Flash Sentry teens that stood face to face.

"See that," Flash pointed at his clone. "That's the guy who framed me."

"Framed is such an ugly word," the fake stated. "I prefer the term, showing the world your true self." He pointed at the teen, "look upon your improved self. I am everything that makes you good without all the flaws that keep you from being great. I'm your ultimate form."

"Wrong," Flash growled. "You're all my worst parts, without anything that makes me the human I am. You're nothing but the darkness I ignore, a shadow cast by the light of the original."

"I take offence at that," the fake stated. "But I'll admit, I like the name." He focused on Twilight, pointing at her as he talked to the people of the world. "Look upon the mightiest human on your planet. Shadow, the greatest, smartest and most brilliant human on earth."

Flash rolled his eyes. "Geez, can I really be this boastful?"

Twilight frowned. "Clearly, he took out your humility when he was created." Flash laughed at this, whilst Shadow glared at him and activated his Omnitrix. This stopped Flash's laugh and he was quick to activate his, Shadow being faster and transforming into Firefly.

The flaming insect shot into the air and unleashed an explosion of fire towards them, Twilight bracing herself only for another flash to appear before the light of the flames was blocked out. "Diamondhead!" When she opened her eyes, she saw the crystal alien in front of her blocking the flames.

Firefly glared at him and shot down, hitting the Omnitrix and morphing into Riot-Horn. The fusion of his strength mixed with the fall, made the punch he threw even more powerful. So the impact with Diamondhead's arms, knocked the alien flying backwards over Twilight as his crystals cracked.

When Diamondhead smashed into the side of a building, doing a lot of damage to it, Twilight gasped before looking up and seeing the alien rhino glaring down at her.

But before he could attempt to harm her, a flash made her look back and see Diamondhead replaced by another alien. "Squidstrictor!" The alien sea creature threw his arms at Riot-Horn and wrapped them around the beast, then spun around to pull him away from Twilight.

Riot-Horn quickly hit the Omnitrix and swapped to Gray Matter, allowing him to slip out of the tentacles before changing again. This time, he turned into Lindwhirl and rolled into his wheel form.

Squidstrictor watched him fly towards him, likely planning to crush him, but he quickly hit the Omnitrix and transformed again. "Goop!" The slime alien split his body apart, letting the rolling alien fly between him and into the building. As Lindwhirl crashed through the wall, Goop flew out of the alleyway and into the street.

"Flash!" He looked around, seeing Shining, Trixie and the Rainbooms rushing towards him with a bunch of police. But before anyone could say anything, the building wall exploded and Lindwhirl flew out with a mighty roar. He got in close and as he did, they both hit their Omnitrix and transformed.

Everyone was blinded by the light and when it faded, Bloxx was jumping around and Arctiguana began shooting ice blasts at him. The gorilla jumped from side to side, dodging the attacks and using the ice ramps it formed slide around and get in close enough to punch the lizard.

"Augh!" Arctiguana was thrown backwards, as Twilight ran out of the alleyway. She spotted the others and rushed towards them, as Bloxx swung in to punch Arctiguana again.

But before he could, the lizard transformed into Kagenobi and melted into the ground.

"Guys!" Twilight cried, "the Flash that did all those crimes was a fake. He's-"

"We know," Shining told her. "We got an update when your video went live. Nice work, sis." As he said that, Kagenobi leapt out of the ground and swung a sword towards Bloxx. But before it could connect, the ape transformed into Pesky Dust and dodged it. He then tried to put his opponent to sleep, but Kagenobi transformed into Gryforce and unleashed a sonic blast the blew the dust and the fairy away. "Which one's the real one?"

Twilight tried to figure that out, but she had no idea. "I don't know. They've transformed so many times, I've lost track."

Pesky Dust changed into Skydiver and shot towards Gryforce, claws at the ready as the hybrid alien prepared to attack. But before Skydiver got in close, he hit the Omnitrix again and completely vanished. This surprised Gryforce, until something he couldn't see slammed into him and knocked him to the ground.

The bird man cried out, as Chamalien appeared and reached his tail stinger. The others had no idea what to do, unsure if Chamalien was friend or foe. All they could do was watch and hope.

As Chamalien tried to stab him, Gryforce hit the Omnitrix and transformed into Bushwhacker. As such, the stinger stabbed harmlessly into the wood, allowing the alien to punch the lizard in the fast with a wood hammer. He knocked Chamalien off of him and as he rolled around, both of their watches began to beep.

"NO!" They cried, only to be transformed back into human state. They glared at one another, everyone else still unable to tell who was the good guy. As such, the two teen rushed at one another and collided. "I don't need an Omnitrix to dispatch you!" One cried, Twilight feeling that was Shadow.

The pair spun around several times, trying to overpower the other until the were pushed apart. They then ran forward and threw a punch at each other. However, this was when things got weird.

As the two watches moved past one another, their dials suddenly popped up and were drawn to one another. In a the blink of an eye, the faceplates locked together and the pair were stuck. "HEY!" Flash cried, "what the heck!?" They tried to pull away from each other, but their watches refused to seperate. "What's...going on?" They fell to the ground, still stuck.

"Ahh!" Shadow groaned, "their proximity must be creating a bio-energy feedback." Flash had no idea what that meant. All he knew was, the Omnitrix was beginning to spark green lightning and that wasn't good.

The others saw this and became terrified, fearing the watches might explode and kill them all. "What do we do?" Rainbow asked, as the blasts of lightning began to increase. Rarity put up a wall of shields, with nobody else knowing what else to do.

"Flash," Twilight whispered as he heard the pair crying out.

Flash kept pulling, as the lightning got more violent. Luckily, it wasn't hurting him yet. But he didn't want to wait around and see if that was gonna change. "How...do we separate them?"

Shadow groaned as the lightning almost hit him, "maybe...if one of use were to die..."

"Be...my guest." They kept rolling around and eventually got back to their feet, the two pulling at their arms as the energy built. And as it did, it started hitting Shadow.

"AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" The lightning burned him, whilst Flash remained safe for some reason. And as the lightning touched him, his body began to change. His clothes changed colour, his jacket turning red whilst his pants turned black. The lightning insignia on his shoulders changed to a black shield with a red lightning bolt, whilst his skin turned darker.

His hair and eyes also began to change colour, his hair turning black with red streaks appearing, whilst his eyes turned from blue to red.

Everyone was absolutely shocked when they saw this, fearing Flash might have been damaged. But Twilight had a feeling that wasn't Flash who had been changed. "At least we can tell them apart now," Pinkie pointed out.

As she said this, the watches finally came apart and the pair staggered away from each other. Shadow grunted in pain, his entire body feeling like it was on fire as he looked himself over and saw how different he was. "What have you done to me!?" He glared daggers at Flash, trying to activate his Omnitrix.

Flash tried to do the same but before he could, "THAT'S ENOUGH!" A voice was broadcast from above them, making them all look up and see Azmuth's ship appear.

In a flash of light, the galvin appeared and did no look happy. "Azmuth," Flash whispered, "you're here."

"You're darn right I am," Azmuth nodded. "Here to stop you idiots before you overload those two Omnitrixes into self destructing. All those non-stop transformations are gonna break it."

"Wasn't my fault," Flash told him. "He-"

"I know," Azmuth replied. As he said that, Shining rushed over and tackled Shadow. The teen cried out, but with his Omnitrix out of power he could do nothing to stop Shining as he pinned him to the ground. As he did, Azmuth moved over to him and stared at the Omnitrix on his wrist. "A digital copy given form. Impressive. But still inferior to the original."

"Really?" Twilight asked, "it was able to do everything Flash could."

"It was able to transform him, yes. But as you can see, this Omnitrix was unable to protect the wearer from genetic damage. Though if you hadn't gotten them apart when you did, I fear Flash might have also been hurt." Flash nodded as Azmuth grabbed the face plate and started fiddling with it.

"What are you doing?" Shadow asked, Azmuth pulling the dial up and removing the entire power core from the watch. "NO!" Azmuth stepped away from him, dodging his hand as it tried to grab him. "Give that back!"

"No," Azmuth stated. "You have proven from your actions that you are not worthy of an Omnitrix. You may be smarter than Flash, but you lack the heart and soul required to truly wield it." Flash smiled at this, as Shining pulled Shadow's arms behind his back and cuffed them together.

At the same time, Negatine had also been detained. He had tried to escape whilst Flash and Shadow fought, but had been captured by some cops he couldn't defeat with his device damaged.

The pair were soon taken away, a police van arriving to collect them. "This isn't over!" Shadow yelled, as he was dragged into the back of the van. "Just watch, Sentry! I'll get you back for this. If my Omnitrix will not function, I shall have yours. Sleep with one eye open!" WIth that, the van slammed shut and was driven away.

Flash sighed as he fell to the ground, exhausted from the insane situation he had just been through. "That was nuts."

Azmuth turned to him, "don't take his threats seriously. I'm the only one in the universe capable of creating an Omnitrix. There's no way he can rebuilt it. And without his powers, he's just a regular human."

Flash nodded. "I hope you're right. He managed to make one before." He focused on the power core Azmuth had taken from Shadow, "what are you gonna do with that thing anyway?"

"Properly dispose of it," Azmuth replied. "It's too dangerous to be considered as a possible replacement if the other gets damaged. Who knows how many flaws were made in its creation." Flash nodded as Azmuth warped back to his ship, then looked over at his friends.

He smiled at Twilight, "thanks for clearing my name."

Twilight smiled back, "any time." The police officers stepped over and offered their most sincere apologies, Flash understanding they were just doing their job. He was still a little sore about the tasing, however.

The rest of the city would soon see the footage, with the fighting between Flash and Shadow being broadcast on every news channel. It wasn't long before Flash had the trust of the people back. But he now knew that trust was fragile. He would need to work even harder to make sure nothing like this would ever happen again. And he was fine with that.

Author's Note:

Many of you were asking if Flash was gonna get his own Kevin 11 or Albedo and here you go. Hope it meets your standards. So, will Shadow return one day? Will his threat be made real? Only time will tell.

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