• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 4, Episode 1: From Time to Time PT1

A month had passed since the defeat of Tirek by the hero, Flash Sentry.

In that time, the damage done to the city had been repaired by Azmuth and everything could return to normal. Having finished his work with the hybrids, the alien genius had chosen to leave Earth. He entrusted the Omnitrix's safety to Flash and Flash's safety to Shining Armor, then headed back to his home world.

Since then, things had been pretty quiet around Canterlot.

Aside from the odd bank robber, runaway car or cat up a tree, Flash Sentry didn't have much to do with the Omnitrix. As such, he had used this time since defeating Tirek to relax and recoup. He knew things wouldn't be calm forever, so he enjoyed the peace whilst it lasted.

Currently, the teen was sitting in his room looking over something he had had to write for school. An essay on his life goals and what he hoped the future would bring for him.

Reading through it, Flash knew exactly what his future would entire. Using the Omnitrix to keep the planet safe from evil.

He intended to enter the Plumber's Academy as soon as he could, so would likely apply as soon as he graduated. Once he was a fully established plumber, he could focus all his time and energy on protecting the planet.

Flash smirked as he thought about his friends, who all had to write the same essay as well. Twilight intended to become a scientist and research anything she could in order to improve the world. Rainbow had the ambition and skill to enter the pro soccer leagues, whilst Rarity planned to open her own line of fashion stores and make her mark on the fashion world.

Applejack would be taking over her family farm, whilst Fluttershy wanted to help animals in any way she could. Pinkie would work to spread cheer throughout the city by opening a bakery and making her own party planning business, whilst Sunset was considering going back to Equestria for a while but also planned to return and make a career for herself on Earth.

Then there was Trixie, who wasn't really sure what her future entailed.

They knew her mission to collect the Medallions and return them to her world was important, but when it was over she was expected to take over as queen of the Luna Cat Kingdom. This was, obviously, something she was worried about. But Flash knew she would grow into a great leader in time.

Flash sighed as he finished reading his essay and put it into his bag, keeping it safe as he packed the last of what he needed for the day. Once he was ready, he stepped out of the room after grabbing his hoverboard.

His car was currently in the shop getting a service, meaning he would need to rely on other modes of transport to get him around everywhere. And whilst he could use XLR8 to get there in an instant, he enjoyed flying around on his board.

He got outside and jumped onto his board, zooming down the street and smiling as he saw how peaceful everything was. Canterlot might have had a lot of problems, but it was a great city to live in and Flash would defend it with his life. The same was true for the rest of his friends. No matter what, so long as they worked together, they would make sure the city had a bright future.

But then, as Flash turned a corner, something happened that caused him to stop dead in his tracks.

A bright flash of light caused him to pull back on his board, as the light formed some kind of portal in the middle of the street. Flash frowned, knowing this could either be someone coming to attack, or someone coming to ask for help. He waited and as he did, someone stepped out of the portal.

Whoever they were, they were female. She wore form-fitting dark clothing, with a hood and mask covering her head and face. Only her eyes were visible, the woman stepping out of the light before touching a device on her belt that caused the light to fade away.

Flash tilted his head, "can I help you?"

"Flash Sentry," the woman spoke with a serious expression in her eyes. "You're coming with me." That sent up some red flags, Flash jumping off his board and putting it in his backpack as he held up the Omnitrix.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"No time," she marched forward. "You're coming with me and I won't accept no for an answer."

"Yeah," Flash activated the Omnitrix, "I don't think so!" He slapped down the dial and in a flash, he transformed into his fastest alien. "XLR8!"

"No!" The woman cried, "don't waste your transformation time like that. I need it."

"Sure you do," XLR8 closed his visor. "But you're right about not wasting time. I gotta kick your butt and get to school." With that, he shot forward at high speed. The woman gasped and leapt to the side, barely managing to avoid getting punched by XLR8's claws.

The alien speedster quickly stopped and shot back towards her, as the woman jumped around showing incredible acrobatic skills. But even so, they weren't enough to keep from being hit for long. "Augh!" She was knocked backwards when XLR8 slammed his tail into her, causing her to fall to the ground. As she did, the device on her belt hit the ground and sparked without her knowledge.

She growled and rolled back to her feet, as XLR8 ran forward again. But as he got close, she leapt straight up and into the air. She did several flips as XLR8 came to a stop, eventually falling and landing on his back. "HEY!" He cried, spinning around, "get off!" But the woman held him tight and refused to let go.

"Not until you stop and listen to me."

"You're the one who didn't wanna talk," XLR8 replied. He managed to slam his elbow into her gut and hit the belt, causing it to spark and power up. The device unleashed a bright light that suddenly surrounded the pair, blinding them both. Even XLR8's visor couldn't block out the light.

They both felt dizzy, like the world around them was spinning. But eventually, the light began to fade.

As soon as it did, XLR8 reached back and managed to grab the hooded figure. He then swung around and managed to pull them off of him, throwing them a good ten feet away. The figure hit the ground with a oof, flinching in pain as she did.

Deciding to take the battle away from the suburbs, he shot off down the street. "Wait!" The figure cried, picking themselves up. "Damn it! Don't have time for-" She stopped when she heard a sparking and looked down, shocked to see the belt around her waist was sparking. "No, no, no, no!" She tried to stop it, but the device let out a puff of smoke and she realised she wasn't going to be able to use it. "No. I can't believe I failed." She then looked up and as she did, she realised where she was. Or...when she was. "Oh no."

XLR8 zoomed out of the suburbs and headed towards the city. But as he did, he was quickly shocked to see something...different.

He wasn't in Canterlot anymore. Or at least, the Canterlot that he knew. The whole place had been totally teched out. The buildings all looked like something out of a sci-fi movie and the roads were completely clear of traffic, due to the fact that all the vehicles were flying through the air. But that wasn't the most insane thing.

The city was full of aliens. Whilst there were still more humans then anything, for every three humans there was at least one alien. And it wasn't just one type. There were big ones, small ones, some with multiple legs, or no legs at all. And they were all just walking around, like it wasn't completely insane. The other humans didn't seem surprised to see them either, many even chatting with said aliens.

"What the heck?" XLR8 asked, as he came to a stop on one of the streets. "What is going on here?" At that moment, a young teen girl on a hoverboard flew past and spotted him.

"Hey Flash." He looked up at her and was surprised to see her blow a kiss at him, making the alien speedster blush. She then flew off and as she did, two alien teens flew past using rocket boots.

"Hey, Sentry. Keep up the great work." XLR8 was still confused and slowly rolled through the street, eventually turning another corner. And as he did, he saw something that made his eyes go wide.

"Wow!" In front of him was a giant statue, almost fifteen meters tall. And that statue was of a person that he couldn't see the face of, thanks to where the sun was. But at the statue's bottom was a large stand, with words written upon it.

Flash Sentry
Hero of 10,000 Alien Forms

"Ten thousand?" XLR8 looked up, "what is going on here?" But before he could get any answers, the statue's base suddenly exploded. "WOW!" He barely managed to avoid getting crushed by a piece of the base, whilst his statue began to crumble apart. "Now what's happening?"

"SENTRY!" He spun around and saw someone standing atop the stone pile. That someone was a larger red alien, standing at about twelve feet in height, with four super muscly arms and four eyes on his head. He was dressed in gladiator armor and his left foot had been replaced with a high tech prosthetic. "I've been looking for you, Sentry."

XLR8 tilted his head, "have we met?"

"Don't play dumb!" The alien reached back and pulled a quartet of battle axes. "It's time I make you pay for sending me to the Null Void. I lost my leg in that hellhole." He got ready to charge and though still confused, XLR8 also prepared to attack.

"Bring it!" He shot forward, "I'll take you down in ten seconds-" Before he could finish, the Omnitrix beeped and he was suddenly transformed back to his human form. "GYAH!" He flew through the air until he crashed into the alien's chest, bouncing off it and landing on the ground.

He groaned as he picked himself up, as the alien looked down at him in confusion. "What the heck?" He asked, "you're not Sentry." Flash gave him a confused look, as the alien shrugged. "Whatever. I'll take you down anyway!" He raised his axes, ready to split Flash into four pieces.

Flash tried to scurry back, but the alien would just have to throw the axes and he would be dead.

But before he could do that, something shot past Flash at high speed. He cried at the intense burst of wind, as whatever flew past him slammed into the four armed alien and knocked it flying backwards.

He roared as he was flew through the air, only for whatever hit him to speed behind him and punch him again. This went on for several seconds, a black and white tornado spinning around the alien and causing him to bounce around inside of it.

Eventually, whatever it was slammed him straight up into the air and leapt up after him. The next thing the alien knew, a long tail slammed into his head and sent him rocketing back to earth. He smashed into the ground, hard enough to shake the street, as the one responsible landed and finally stood still long enough for Flash to see what it was.

"XLR8?" It was his alien speedster, though it wasn't exactly like Flash remembered. Its lower arms and legs were no longer bare, now covered entirely by the black and white suit. It was also taller and the stripes on its tail were now white instead of blue. The Omnitrix was still in the same place and as it turned towards Flash, his visor turned red.

"Not a shapeshifter," the alien stated. "Human DNA. My DNA. A clone?"

"Clone?" Flash asked, "I'm no clone." As he moved, XLR8 saw the Omnitrix on his arm.

"Even comes with a fake Omnitrix. Not good. Better take you out before you can cause any trouble." Flash gasped as the alien looked ready to attack. But before he could...

"Uncle Flash, WAIT!" They both looked around and saw the woman Flash had fought before, now riding a hoverboard just like his.

"Flurry Heart?" XLR8 asked, as she flew down and landed in front of Flash. "Out of the way!"

"Just hold on," she told him. As she did, Flash realised what his alien alter ego had just said. He looked at the girl, as she removed her hood and mask. Doing so revealed a young woman of twenty or so, with whitish-pink skin and long hair that was a mix of pink, blue and purple. She really was an older form of Flurry Heart. "He's not a clone. He's you."

XLR8 stared at her, then gave Flash another look before turning to focus on her. "Flurry, what did you do?"

The woman named Flurry blushed, as she pointed at the belt she was wearing. "I...might have borrowed my aunt's temporal-phase oscillator prototype. I used it to go back in time and...met your younger self!"

The two stared at her in amazement, only for XLR8 to growl. "How could you be so stupid?"

"I'm sorry Uncle Flash," she frowned.

"Don't call me that," he stated. "Now send him back right now!"

"I can't!" Flurry told him. "The oscillator got damaged. Seems your younger self is just as stubborn as the current you. I'm gonna need to get Aunt Twilight to fix it before I can send him back." She sighed, "that's a conversation I'm not looking forward to."

XLR8 sighed as he turned to his younger self, the teen staring at him in amazement. "So you're...me? From the future?" He looked himself over and smirked, "I am AWESOME!" The alien turned back to Flurry Heart.

"I'm guessing he's from before that day?"

Flurry sighed, "he's from that day. Right before...you know." XLR8 nodded, clearly understanding something Flash didn't. But at that moment, Flash didn't really care.

"So," he moved closer to XLR8. "When can you catch me up on my other nine thousand nine hundred and something heroes?" XLR8 hummed as he rubbed his chin.

"How about...never!" Flash flinched at this, XLR8 turning back to Flurry. "Get that thing fixed and get him home. I have to get back on patrol." Flash tried to get him to stop, but XLR8 shot off before he could. The dust cloud he whipped up made Flash cough, as Flurry sighed.

"Same old Flash," she stated before taking out her hoverboard. Jumping on it, she flew up into the air before looking down at Flash. "You coming?"

Flash frowned before taking out his own Hoverboard and leaping on it as well, the pair flying high above the city as they looked around. "So this is Canterlot?" Flash asked, looking around and seeing a few landmarks. But other then that, the place looked completely different. "How far into the future are we?"

"It's twenty years to the day that you come from," Flurry stated.

"Seriously?" Flash could hardly believe it. "All this happened in twenty years? How?"

"After the Plumbers were re-established on Earth, the planet became a hotspot for aliens to come and visit. Humans started advancing, creating new technology that started putting us on the level of most other alien species. Eventually, a lot of aliens started coming to Earth to live. Now, there are over three hundred different species that call this place home."

"Sounds kind of crowded," Flash pointed out. "How can the planet hold so many?"

Flurry laughed, "it can't. But humans don't just live on Earth anymore. We started colonising other planets in the solar system and have moved to other worlds outside of it, mostly planets similar to earth that have inhabitants that also live here."

"Wow," Flash whispered, "so awesome." He continued to look around and saw so many things that seemed like only a fantasy in his time. Other then the flying cars and hoverboards, bikes and scooters, there were large holograms advertising all kinds of stuff. There was even one for discounted moon vacations.

He looked down at the street and saw humans and aliens walking around like everything was normal, with one human throwing a piece of trash away only to miss the can. But they didn't give it a second look, as a moment later the trashcan grew a pair of arms and picked it up itself.

They flew past a news stand, but the triceratops alien running it was handing out a bunch of weird metal sticks. Flash watched as someone who bought one, pressed a button and a holographic screen appeared to show the headlines. Someone else finished reading theirs and placed it in a recycling bin, which self-sorted the plastics from the metals.

"Man," Flash took a deep breath, "even the air smells fresher."

"Yeah," Flurry nodded, "new technology that creates a clean source of fuel and electricity. Pollution's really gone down since then."

"This place is amazing!" Flash smirked, "glad I'm gonna live long enough to see all of this develop." Flurry frowned, clearly thinking the place wasn't as great as he thought it was. Then, suddenly, a loud explosion caught Flash's attention.

He looked around and sure enough, a giant cloud of smoke appeared.

"Not good!"

"Flash!" Flurry called out, "don't get involved."

"There could be people in trouble," Flash answered back. "I can't just sit here and do nothing!" He swung the board around and shot off towards it, Flurry groaning before following him. The pair headed towards the smoke cloud and as it appeared, they saw the smoke was coming out of a large building on the ground floor.

People were running away from it, towards a nearby bridge to hide beneath it.

Flash flew towards the building and arrived at the large hole, jumping off his board and looking inside. "Anybody in there?" He got his answer when something was thrown at him. "WOW!" He leapt back and a large metal support beam almost crushed him, Flash rolling backwards until he was a safe distance. "Whoever's in there, come out so I can whoop your butt."

"Oh," a familiar voice called out, "the only butt being whooped today will be yours." Something heavy moved towards the hole, Flash hearing the scuttle of many legs as it got close. Then, it stepped out of the hole and revealed a giant monster that looked like something out of a horror movie.

The largest part of its body looked like a giant scorpion, which had the basic legs and claws of the creature. But where the head of the scorpion should be, a large hairy body like that of a bear was sticking out of it instead. This gave the creature the appearance of a centaur, the bear body having a pair of bear arms but its head wasn't bear-like at all. Instead, a large glass tank could be seen on the bear's neck that had several wires sticking out of it and going into the bear's body. Inside that tank was a human head, one that Flash recognised.

"Animac," he growled at the sight of the mad scientist.

"The one and only," the man inside the jar smirked, as the water holding his head sloshed around. His left eye was covered by a robotic fake that zoomed in on him, taking a closer look at him. "Sentry? Well well, don't you look young and naive. Find an alien to make you look younger than you really are." His claws snapped as he stepped forward, his tail revealed to be a large cobra. "Guess even freaks can feel insecure about their age."

"Freak?" Flash asked, "would you please look in a mirror." He activated the Omnitrix, "Riot-Horn should knock some sense into that pickle you call a head." He slammed the dial down and in a flash of light, he transformed. But not into the alien he wanted. "What?" He saw he was now The Worst, the yellow alien snapping his eyelids. "Oh man! Can't this thing work better in the future?"

Animac looked confused, but smiled as he raised his cobra tail. "I don't know what game you're playing, but you'll regret messing with me!" With that, the cobra spat a green liquid towards him.

The Worst gasped and leapt back, the liquid hitting the ground and instantly causing it to melt. He quickly realised he couldn't risk that stuff hitting him and as the snake spat out more, he started jumping around all over the place.

Animac laughed watching this, as The Worst did his best to keep from being burnt alive. And as he did, he was unaware of Animac's scorpion pincers swinging around until it smashed him in the face. "GYAH!" He was sent flying and smashed into the building across the street, becoming flat against the building's wall before falling to the ground. "Ow."

Animac laughed some more and prepared to fire his acid again, only for something to shoot past him.

Flurry began flying around on her hoverboard and distracted the monster scientist, who tried to knock her out of the sky with his claws, pincers and tail. This allowed The Worst to recover and stand up, quickly hitting the Omnitrix to transform.

"Firefly!" The flame insect spread his wings and took to the air, as Animac finally managed to hit Flurry's body and send her flying out of control. Firefly shot up and grabbed her, launching a blast of flame at Animac as he did so. But whatever his new body was made out of, it appeared fireproof.

He flew down, dropping Flurry off before flying back at Animac. But as he did, Animac positioned himself over to where some of the rubble from the building had fallen.

He quickly grabbed it in his pincers and threw the rocks at the people hiding under the bridge, making Firefly stop and launch thread lines towards the rocks. The threads hit them and Firefly was able to stop them with his jets, the rocks falling to the ground as Animac fired his cobra acid at him.

But Firefly spun around and shot flames at the slime, destroying it before it could get close. He then spat silk at Animac and hit his jar, blocking him from seeing. "Gotcha!" He cheered, flying down and preparing to burn the jar. But as he got close, the glass of the jar spun around and Animac could see again.

This allowed him to raise his pincer and open it up, as something inside it shot out.

"WOW!" Firefly tried to burn whatever it was, but it turned out to be fireproof and the projectile opened up to reveal a net. "AUGH!" Firefly quickly found himself wrapped up in the netting and knocked towards the ground, slamming into it as the whole thing started glowing. As it did, Firefly found himself pinned by what felt like a halftone. "What the heck?"

"My Gravi-net, should keep you from causing me too much trouble." Animac chuckled, as he walked towards him.

Firefly hated to admit it, but the lunatic might have been right. The net was so heavy, he couldn't lift his arms to hit the Omnitrix. This made him a sitting duck for Animac, who was getting close and looked ready to melt him.

"Flash!" Flurry screamed, fearing the worst. But before Animac could strike, something super fast shot past them. In the blink of an eye, Animac was suddenly thrown a good ten meets backwards as he let out a pained scream.

He slammed into the ground, as the thing that hit him came to a stop.

XLR8 stared at Animac, then turned to Firefly who gave him an awkward smile. The alien speedster sighed, as Animac picked himself up and saw the two Omnitrix heroes. "Two of you? My worst nightmare."

"You're gonna wish this was a dream when I get out of this net!" Firefly cried, turning to his future self. "Help me out of here!"

"I think it's safer to leave you under there," XLR8 replied. "Keeps you out of the way." In a flash of light, he transformed into Riot-Horn. This version of Riot-Horn was larger then the one Flash knew, his armor looking in better quality and the spikes and horns on his head were longer.

Riot-Horn rushed forward, Animac charging as well. The madman spat acid from his tail, but Riot-Horn slapped his hands together and unleashed a shockwave, that knocked it flying back and hit Animac's pincer. "AUGH!" He cried, feeling the acid burn through his armor.

This sent him off guard, allowing Riot-Horn to get in close and start throwing punches into him. He cried out as he was constantly pummelled and eventually, he started fighting back as he tried to crush Riot-Horn under his pincers. But before he could, Riot-Horn transformed again and Animac found himself crushing Goop instead.

The alien slime looked just like the one Flash knew, the UFO flying above it and causing the slime to move out from under Animac. Goop then started sliding around the chimera body, Animac crying out in disgust as he was was drenched. "Get off me!" Goop did so and slid back to the ground, sliding along the road until he was a good ten feet away.

Once he was, he transformed again and this time turned into Volt-Edge. The alien reptile was slightly taller then Flash's version, his spikes and horns longer as well.

Lightning surged around his body and he unleashed the electrical energy into the slime on the ground, which conducted it until it hit Animac and made him scream out in pain. Firefly watched this and was amazed, whilst Flurry rushed over to try and help him out of the net.

"Hold on," she told him. "I'll get you out of there and you can help him."

"Why bother? He's got this totally under control." As he said that, his future self transformed again.

This time, he was a five foot tall humanoid cat person, with electric blue fur and a white face. He was wearing a black and white jumpsuit that was sleeveless, whilst the Omnitrix symbol was on his stomach. But the most noticeable thing about him, was his six foot long blue and white tail that appeared to be like a tube, with a large hole in the centre of it.

The alien leapt over to some of the rubble, his long tail moving to the ground.

The rocks were pulled into the tail and as Animac pushed himself up, he point it at the man before the tail constricted and sent the rocks flying out the end at high speed.

Animac found himself getting pelted with them, crying out but quickly powering through them. He charged at the cat alien and tried to crush him between his pincers. But the cat proved quite nimble and leapt up, landing on the pincer and running up his arm before swinging his tail at him.

It hit his chest and he staggered back, whilst his cobra tail launched a large amount of acid into the air. Everyone gasped as the acid flew everywhere, including towards Firefly, Flurry and the people under the bridge.

The alien hero saw this and ran towards them, a green flash revealing another transformation.

This alien was a four foot humanoid rabbit creature, whose fur was white and its ears were about three foot long, though they bent downwards halfway up. Its body was covered in a bunch of crystals, having one on its head, chest, each of its shoulder, back of the wrist, knees and on the tip of its long horse-like tail. Each gem was glowing a mixture of seven colours, red, blue, yellow, green, orange, indigo and violet, whilst the Omnitrix was on its stomach.

The gems on the alien glowed before six of the seven colours flew out of them. When the lights hit the ground, they took shape and faded to reveal six perfect clones of the alien. The only difference between the seven were the colours of the crystals, the original's now being red whilst the others were the remaining colour.

The red gemmed alien ran over to Firefly and Flurry, whilst the others rushed over to the rest of the civilians.

When they were all in place, the gems on their bodies glowed before unleashing a light. That light spread around them and the people they were protecting, forming a force field around them.

The acid hit the force fields and slid off of them, the aliens getting those who were inside the shields to escape whilst the red one stared Animac down. "Hey, cool." He turned to Firefly, who was looking him over. "What do you call this alien? Crystal Copy? Gemini?"

"They're not pets," the alien replied in a soft yet stern voice. "I don't name them anymore." He dropped the shield and rushed forward, as Firefly frowned.

"But that was half the fun!" Firefly watched as the alien ran towards Animac, the freak raising an pincer and swinging it downwards.

The rabbit alien raised his hands and the force field formed again. But when the pincer hit it, the energy shattered and the hero had to leap back. As a rabbit, he could jump pretty high and landed several feet away.

As he did, the blue and orange copies got their civilians to safety and dropped the shield. As they did, their bodies burst into their respective colours and flew through the air. They quickly returned to the original, their colours mixing with the red light as Animac tried to crush him again.

The rabbit formed another force field, this one being a mix of the three colours. And when the pincer hit it, it just bounced off without doing anything. Animac growled at this and kept pounding away, but didn't even scratch the now stronger force field.

This allowed the other four rabbit aliens, to get their civilians to safety. And once they were away from the battle, they burst into light that shot back to the original. Phasing through the shield, the light returned to the gems and the shield gained more colours and grew stronger.

As Animac slammed the pincer into the shield once again, the alien caused the dome around him to expand and slam right into the freak. This knocked him staggering backwards and as he did, the alien rabbit leapt into the air. As he did, he transformed into a more mature looking Squidstrictor and used his tentacles to stretch up into the air.

Once he reached full stretch, he shot down towards Animac and transformed.

The next thing the mad scientist knew, he was body slammed by something spinning and the impact caused the entire street the shake, as dust flew everywhere.

Flurry and Firefly coughed at the cloud, which quickly faded to reveal Lindwhirl as the alien rolled off of the unconscious Animac. Like his other aliens, this Lindwhirl was larger then Flash's and its claws, fangs and spikes were longer.

He rolled over to Firefly and used his claws to pull the net off of him, allowing his younger self to breathe. It was a good thing he did since a moment later, the Omnitrix beeped and he reverted back to his much weaker human form.

At the same time, a large flying tank appeared in the air and flew towards them. It had the Plumber Logo on it and when it was above them, it floated down and landed before the sides opened up to reveal a pair of alien plumbers as they stepped out of it.

Lindwhirl transformed into XLR8, as the plumbers rushed over to see what was going on. "We got an alert that a battle was occurring," one of them stated. "Is he the perpetrator?"

"Relax," XLR8 told them. "I already took care of him."

The plumbers frowned. "This is a pretty big planet, Sentry. You could always leave some of the bad guys for us."

"What would be the point," XLR8 answered. "I can take care of things faster and with no casualties. I don't know what you're complaining about. I'm doing all the hard work and you get to do the easy part. Make sure Animac is locked up someplace he can't get out of." Before the plumber could answer, XLR8 zipped over to Flash and Flurry.

He grabbed them and shot off, disappearing in a burst of wind. The plumbers frowned and turned to Animac, who was half-buried by the broken ground around him.

Flash and Flurry were in XLR8's arms, as he flew through the city at almost light speed. "So Animac's been around all these years?" Flash asked, as they zigzagged between the streets.

"He escaped a few years back," XLR8 replied. "Went underground with an occasional sighting now and then. I wasn't sure if he was gonna show his ugly face again. But it looks like he's not gonna be a problem anymore." Flash nodded, wondering what his future held.

"What about the rest of the big bads we've faced?" He asked his future self, "like Vilgax?" After the last time he had faced the squid, he was curious if he would ever see him again.

"Last I saw of him, I left him in pieces. It wasn't pretty for anyone, enough said."

Flash gulped, "geez. I need to really lighten up. So other then being Earth's number one hero, what else is going on in my life?"

"Nothing," XLR8 replied. "I'm always patrolling the planet, making sure it's safe. That doesn't leave much time for anything else." Flash could hardly believe he was hearing this.

"Seriously? So you don't hang out with Twilight and the others?"

"No time. I see Twilight whenever she's upgrading the plumber security or stuff like that. But most of the time, we don't talk." Flurry frowned at this, seeing Flash shocked.

"And the others?" Flash asked, "what are they all doing?" XLR8 didn't answer, Flash having a feeling he wouldn't like the reply.

"Sunset and Trixie went back to their own world," Flurry finally spoke up. "You tracked down Devious and took him down before he could counter, taking his Medallions. Without them, he couldn't stop Trixie from collecting the rest and returning to her world. She's queen now."

"Wow," Flash smirked. "Let me guess. Rainbow's a big league soccer star? Rarity's probably got a hundred dress shops now. Applejack's working on the farm and Pinkie's probably a party planner. Fluttershy...not sure. Vet, maybe?"

Flurry sighed, "not exactly." Flash wondered what she meant by that. But before she could answer, they ran into a large building and up some stairs before arriving in a dark room.

XLR8 finally stopped and put the pair down, Flash looking around and seeing that they were in some kind of lab. "Where are we?" But XLR8 ran off without answering, making Flash frown as Flurry looked a little worried.

"Welcome to Aunt Twilight's lab." Flash's eyes went wide and as he looked around, seeing various pieces of equipment he had no idea the use off, he found a large wall covered in pictures. Many of them were of Twilight's family, along with several of her friends.

Flash found one picture showing Twilight in a graduation gown and hat, holding a diploma whilst Cadance, a younger Flurry and Twilight's parents stood around her. He then saw a picture that was of an event that only happened a month ago, from his perspective, of him and all his friends at the party celebrating his defeat of Tirek.

Flash smiled at the picture, but then realised that there weren't any more pictures containing him or his friends after this event. The wall was bare of anything that happened after the time Flash had come from.

"Happier times," Flurry sighed as she saw him looking at the celebration photo.

"You said things didn't turn out exactly like I thought," Flash replied. "What do you mean?" Flurry moved over and took the picture, staring at it and appearing pained by the memories.

"Rainbow was set to go pro after college, but then she took a serious injury during training that put her out for the season. Even after she made a full recovery, she couldn't seem to get back to her previous skill. She had to give up on going pro and got a job as a High School Gym Coach."

"Seriously?" Flash couldn't believe such a thing could happen.

Flurry nodded. "Rarity's career didn't go as planned either. She tried, but a rival designer somehow stole the designs for her first big collection and played them off as hers. Rarity tried to prove they were hers, but she didn't have any proof. And when she tried to create an entire new collection, she didn't have time and it ruined her reputation. She was blacklisted from the fashion world and had to settle with opening a small textiles shop."

Flash was horrified by this. "What about the others? Applejack's family farm-"

"Burned down," Flurry told him. "Lightning storm destroyed their orchard and they couldn't afford to rebuild. Had to sell the land. The only job she managed to get afterwards was in an apple-can factory. She's actually gotten really successful and works as a manager there...but-"

"That's not who Applejack is," Flash frowned. "She's a farmer. She's supposed to work the land. Not in an office." Flurry nodded, "Pinkie and Fluttershy?"

"Pinkie runs a bakery in town. But I'm not sure if she's still a party planner. And Fluttershy runs an animal sanctuary outside the city. She tried to be a vet, but the long hours, angry clients and number of times she had to put an animal down was too much for her. She had a bit of a mental breakdown and became a recluse."

"This isn't right!" Flash cried, "this isn't the future we're supposed to have. All those bad things that happened to them. How could I let this happen? I wouldn't have let Rainbow give up on her dream. I wouldn't have let anyone give up on their dreams. Why did I let this get so bad?"

"You heard yourself," Flurry told him. "You're always protecting the planet."

"That's no excuse!" Flash cried, "my friends are the most important people in my life. I wouldn't just abandon them to keep saving the day. Shining Armor wouldn't let me." As he said that, Flurry flinched. "What?"

"Flurry?" The pair spun around and saw someone in the shadow of a doorway, stepping into the room and revealing themselves.

Flash's eyes went wide as he realised who it was. "Twilight?" Despite almost being forty, Twilight Sparkle looked good. She was taller than the Twilight he knew, her hair being up in a bun, wearing a blue shirt and black pants under a white lab coat. Her face was roughly the same, though the bags under her eyes made him think she wasn't getting enough sleep.

Twilight moved forward and stared at Flash, clearly confused. "Flash?" She looked him over, "what happened to you? Did you face a chronosapien or something?"

"Not exactly," Flash turned to Flurry and Twilight did the same. She instantly noticed the belt around her waist and put the pieces together, looking back and forth between her and Flash.

"FLURRY!" She screamed with her flinching, "what did you do?"

Flurry looked down in shame. "I...kind of borrowed your temporal-phase oscillator." Anger became apparent on Twilight's face, rushing over to take the belt off of her.

"I can't believe you! This device wasn't designed for you to go gallivanting around the space time continuum. It was made for historical learning."

"Historical learning?" Flash asked, Twilight sighing.

"A historian could use it to go back in time and actually watch a historic event. The belt would then phase them out of sync so that they couldn't interact with that time and change history." She shot Flurry a glare as she said that last part, Flurry flinching again. "What were you thinking?" She glanced back at Flash, curious. "When is he from? From the look on his face, he's from before that day, isn't he?"

Flash frowned, remembering his future self asking the same question. Flurry sighed, "he's from that day." Twilight's eyes went wide, as if realising something.

"Flurry, you weren't trying to..." All the anger left her face, "oh Flurry."

"I thought maybe I could change things," Flurry told her. "Make everything better." Twilight moved over to her and pulled the girl into a hug, leaving a very confused Flash. "I'm sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen. And I can't send him back because the oscillator got damaged."

"I see," Twilight pulled away and started looking over the device. "The damage isn't too great. Should be easy enough to fix and we can get him back to his time."

"No way!" They looked around and saw Flash glaring at them. "I don't know what this is all about, but clearly something bad is going to happen given how you guys were talking about that day. I'm not letting you send me back until you tell me what's going to happen."

"We can't," Twilight frowned. "You can't learn what's going to happen. It could change the future in who knows how many ways."

"Doesn't sound so bad given what I've heard about the future." Flash looked ready to activate the Omnitrix, "tell me the truth or I'll XLR8 to some random place in the city and I won't let you find me." The girls frowned at him, clearly upset he was making such a threat. But eventually, Twilight sighed.

"Fine." She turned to Flurry, "it might be easier to show him then tell him. Are you up for it?"

Flurry nodded, "fix the belt. I'll show him." Twilight nodded and began to get to work, whilst Flurry lead Flash out of the lab.

Back at the battle site, the plumbers had finally finished digging Animac out of the ground.

But as they did, Animac's eyes shot open before his jar unleashed a bunch of strange pink gas into the air. The plumber's saw this and tried to activate their suit's inbuilt gas masks, but they weren't fast enough. As such, they started coughing and hacking before they fell to the ground.

They moaned as they lost consciousness, Animac laughing before he picked himself up and moved back over to the hole he had made in the building.

Searching through the rubble, he found what he was looking for and smiled before activating a control inside his jar. As he did, his entire body was consumed by light before disappearing in a flash. And when the light flew off of him, he was in a completely different place.

It was a dark warehouse, full of strange pieces of equipment. He moved over to a wall, where a humanoid metal body was located. Once he was next to it, metal arms folded down from the ceiling and attached themselves this his arms, claws and tail. More then grabbed his jar and spun it like a bottle cap, causing it to eventually come off along with the wires and tubes.

The chimeric body went limp when they were and Animac was quickly moved over to the metal body, being screwed into place with the wires attached to the body.

He sighed once the robot body powered up, allowing him to move around much easier than in the chimeric body. He took what he had stolen from his other body and moved over to one of these devices, which was some kind of glass tube filled with a strange black liquid.

He then attached the stolen goods to the device, activating it before moving over to a draw and taking out a syringe full of blue gel. He took that gel over to the device and injected it into a tube that was feeding the black liquid into the chamber, mixing the blue and black substances that now began to fill the chamber.

"It won't be long now," Animac chuckled. "Not long at all."

Flurry had taken Flash over to the one part of the city that didn't look like something out of a sci-fi movie. A cemetery. They flew down to the entrance and got off their boards, heading inside and making their way through the valley of tombstones.

Flash had never liked graveyards. They had always freaked him out, knowing their were a bunch of dead bodies surrounding him. But he had a feeling he would like graveyards even less after Flurry showed him whatever he was fear to see, though he had a sickening feeling in his stomach that he knew what it was.

They eventually arrived at an area of the cemetery and Flurry stopped, Flash doing the same before she pointed at a grave.

Flash looked at her, but she clearly wasn't going anywhere near it. So, he stepped forward and made his way towards the stone himself. And as he got closer, he noticed the stone had an emblem on it. An emblem Flash recognised, which filled him with dread.

And sure enough, he finally got close enough to read the words and was horrified. "No," he fell to his knees, "it can't be." He read the words again and his heart sank.

Here Lies Shining Armor
Devoted Husband. Beloved Father and Son. Outstanding Police Officer and Plumber

"Shining," Flash whispered as he looked down at the date of his death. And when he did, his eyes went wide. The date was...today. Or, the day that Flash had been in before Flurry had appeared and pulled him into the future.

He continued to stare at the tombstone, hardly able to believe what was going on. How could Shining die on such a normal day? Had there been an attack by aliens, or had some kind of Equestrian Magic gotten out of control and been too much for him to stop?

"How?" Flash asked, "how could this happen?"

"Flash?" His head shot up and he spun around, Flurry also looking around and seeing someone walking towards them.

"Mom," Flurry stated, as Flash stood up and was able to take a closer look at the person. As he did, he realised it was Cadance. The woman still looked as beautiful as he knew her in his time, though she had a few gray hairs and wore glasses over her face.

She was dressed in black and carrying a bunch of flowers in her hands, the woman stepping forward and noticing Flash's youthful looks. "Flash, what happened to you?" Flash frowned and turned to Flurry, who looked down in shame. Cadance stared at her daughter and sighed. "What did you do?"

"I thought I could change things," Flurry told her. "I thought if I went back, I could help Flash before it happened." Tears appeared in her eyes, "I just...wanted to save him." Cadance sighed, not knowing what her daughter had done but clearly figuring out most of it.

She moved over to pull her into a hug, Flurry hugging her back. They were like this for a minute or so, Cadance then pulling back before moving over to the gravestone. She knelt next to Flash and removed some old flowers from a metal vase, replacing them with the new flowers she had brought.

As she did, Flash stared at the stone. "How?" He asked, "I don't understand? Who did this?"

"Nobody," Cadance told him. Despite it being so long since that time, Flash could tell she still felt pain at thinking about it. "It wasn't an evil alien or psychotic criminal that...took him. It was Shining, being who he was. A hero."

Flash didn't understand. What happened?

"If I hadn't stopped you when I did," Flurry explained. "You would have gone through the city and seen smoke." Flash turned to her. "You follow it to a burning building, and arrive at the same time my dad did. You both head in to start saving people, and manage to get most of them out. But my dad went in to get the last person trapped, but he never came back out."

"No," Flash whispered, "I...I could have saved him."

"Not that time," Cadance replied. "My husband died and you were there when he did." Flash could hardly believe he was hearing this. "You're wondering how you let it happen?" Flash nodded. "To use your own words, you just weren't good enough."

Animac continued to work on his little project, as one of the computers began to beep.

He quickly rushed over to it and smiled when he red the reports, nodding at the success. "Finally," he cheered before returning to the tube. "Time to wake up." He pulled a leaver and sent a surge of energy into the device, causing the liquid inside the bubble as a figure thrashed around.

Animac laughed as he watched this, knowing the process was working. And sure enough, a heartbeat and brain function was occurring.

"YES!" He cried, moving over to the computer. "Back up memory is being accepted." He watched as a bar appeared and began to fill, as the thrashing inside the device grew more and more wild. And when the bar hit one hundred percent, the device exploded and sent smoke flying everywhere along with the liquid.

Animac had to hide behind some other devices to keep from getting drenched, the smoke filling the warehouse before eventually fading. And when it did, the sound of heavy breathing filled the air.

Animac looked over the computer and saw the creature he had brought to live standing in the remains of the machine, a smile on his face. "Mr Vilgax. Welcome back." The figure's eyes narrowed, focused on only one thing. Revenge.

Author's Note:

And here we go. The fourth season begins with Flash being sent to the Future. But the Future isn't what he expected it to be. Tell me what you think of the situation and the new aliens I showed off.

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