• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 3, Episode 11: Base Invaders

It was another pleasant day in Canterlot and in the home of Cadance and Shining Armor, the man was packing a dufflebag with everything he would need for his trip.

As he put the last of it into his dufflebag, Cadance stepped into the room holding Flurry. "You have everything?" She checked to make sure he didn't forget anything, Shining smirking at her worry. He knew the truth of why she was making sure he had everything.

"I know you're worried. But you really don't have to be."

Cadance frowned as she turned to him, "you're going out into space. How can I not be worried?" Shining sighed as he zipped the bag up, "do you really need to do this?"

"I do if I want to lose the probational part of my plumber title," Shining replied. "Once I've proven humans like me can complete the training, we can start looking into recruiting more humans to join the ranks."

"And why isn't Flash doing this? He's the world famous superhero."

"True, but he's still in school. The government's decided that plumbers need some level of training. Either three years of experience working in the force, or a college degree in Criminal Justice Administration. Since Flash has neither of those, he's stuck as a probational plumber for now." He turned to Cadance and smiled, placing a hand on her cheek. "I'll be fine."

"You'd better be," Cadance told him. "Just be careful with what you eat. You have no idea what alien food they have at this Plumbers Academy." Shining nodded and picked up the bag, heading downstairs with Cadance and out to their family car.

They quickly drove through the city and thankfully, nothing bizarre happened that would cause Shining to be late as they arrived at the base. And to his surprise, Twilight, Flash and Trixie were waiting for him there.

"Hey," he got out once Cadance parked up, "what are you guys doing here?"

"We came to see you off," Twilight smiled. "Besides, Fluttershy's down below keeping an eye on the hybrids. Someone needs to be here in case something happens." Shining smiled at this, the lot of them heading into the base. "I can't wait until you get back. The Plumber Academy is probably a hundred times more advanced than what we have here."

"We have a super computer capable of tapping into every system on the planet," Flash reminded her. "Isn't that enough?"

"For now. But hopefully, Shining becoming an official plumber will mean we get a bunch more tech for me to study." They all smiled at this, knowing Twilight would likely never be satisfied until she learned about the most advanced gadget in the universe.

They arrived at the hybrid enclosure and as they did, they found Fluttershy sitting in front of Charger's enclosure.

The minotaur, yak fusion was sitting on a rock, a book in his hand that he was reading. "And it was the best day of his entire life," he read before closing the book. "How'd Charger do?"

"You did very well," Fluttershy smiled. "You're all doing amazingly. When you get to Equestria, you'll all be able to handle life there no problem."

"This Equestria place better be as good as you say it is," Scales groaned. "But I'll go anywhere if it means not being stuck in this tank every single day." The other hybrids nodded, wishing they could be free as well.

"I know you're all frustrated," Fluttershy sighed. "But going outside would only make things worse. People might be afraid of you and don't forget, there's someone out there that might want to capture you." The hybrids huffed, still wishing they could leave the base sometimes.

In that moment, Azmuth flew in on his platform and noticed them. "Ahh, Shining Armor. Are you ready to go?"

"Yup," he nodded, "and thanks for the ride to the academy."

"Think nothing of it," Azmuth tapped away at his tablet. "It's on the way to Galvin Prime, so it won't take me too far out of my way." He turned to the hybrids, "I've pretty much confirmed a way to remove their human DNA without causing any serious problems to them. But building the devices needed to do that and send them through to Equestria is gonna take a long while. Luckily, most of the parts I need are already built and waiting in my lab back on Galvin."

"You sure you don't want someone to come lend a hand?" Flash asked him, leaning on the hover platform. "Some of it might be really heavy. You might need someone who can lift it."

"Nice try," Azmuth told him. "You just want to go to another planet." Flash frowned, "I'm afraid you'll be staying here. With Shining gone, you will be earth's only Plumber."

"He's right," Shining nodded. "This is important, Flash. There'll be no safety net this time. If something happens, you'll be the only one able to deal with it."

"I know," Flash told him. "Just relax. I can handle keeping everything safe for a couple of days."

"And it's not like he'll be alone," Trixie pointed out. "Lady Masquerade will be there to help him out. And the Rainbooms if things get really serious." The pair smiled at Shining, who felt like he was going to regret leaving the base in their hands.

"Alright," he sighed, "just try and be careful. If I come back and find even one thing is out of place, there will be consequences."

"I promise you," Flash assured them. "There won't be a scratch on anything when you get back." Shining had a feeling Flash had just made an impossible promise, but there was nothing more he could do aside from not letting them inside the base. But someone had to be there to make sure the hybrids were fed and looked after.

"Alright." He turned to Cadance and kissed her on the lips. He then gave Flurry a kiss as well, the baby laughing at her father's affection before he pulled away.

He turned to Azmuth and the alien nodded before tapping something on his tablet, which caused a beam of light to appear around them. The next thing they knew, the pair vanished and they were now alone in the enclosure room.

Cadance sighed as she held Flurry close, Twilight moving over to place a hand on her shoulder.

"You alright?" Cadance nodded.

"Yeah. Though being on my own for a few days isn't gonna be fun, especially with this one to look after." She could see Flurry was about to get fussy and started bouncing her, making her laugh whilst Twilight looked through Flurry's baby bag.

She held up Flurry's Whammy and the girl instantly calmed down, as Flash looked over at them. "You got anything planned for today?" He asked Cadance, making the woman look curious at him.

"No. I was just going to go home. Why?"

"Well why not stay here?" He suggested, "you haven't really had a chance to look around the base. Showing you around might help you keep your mind of Shining. Plus, it'll mean you have a bunch of others here to help when Flurry gets fussy." That idea was rather appealing to Cadance, Twilight also liking it.

"That sounds great," Twilight smirked.

Trixie then spoke up, "why don't we call the others over to hang out?"

"Didn't Shining say not to mess around?" Cadance asked, Trixie smirking.

"What's gonna happen? We'll be hanging around here like we normally do. We'll keep the hybrid's company and have a little fun at the same time. What could we actually do to damage anything here?" They had to admit, she had a point.

Trixie quickly called the others, whilst Flash turned to the hybrids and remembered what they had said.

"I'll make you all a deal," he told them. "You promise to behave and you can have free range of the base." The four gasped at this. "But you do everything we tell you and don't leave the building. Deal?"

"Deal!" They cried, Flash stepping over to a control pad on the wall and typing away at it. Parts of each cell then opened up, allowing the four hybrids to step out into the main room. They smirked as they looked around, but quickly realised Charger was gonna have issues getting around.

He was so big he looked like he could barely fit in the elevator, Fluttershy promising to stay with him and send him up after the others.

Flash, Twilight, Trixie, Cadance and Flurry rod the elevator up to the above ground base, Cadance stating she would need a lot more diapers if she was gonna be staying longer then she expected. And as they stepped out of the elevator, they spotted someone walking into the building.

"Tirek?" Flash was surprised, "what are you doing here?"

"I understand Shining Armor has gone off to do some training," the old man smiled. "I came to wish him luck."

Cadance sighed, "I'm afraid you just missed him." Tirek frowned at this, "but we'll be sure to let him know you came around for him when he gets back." Tirek nodded and smiled.

"I remember my plumber training. We didn't have fancy academies like the one Shining's going to. We were stuck in the mountains, running through the rain and climbing steep cliffs whilst lugging massive backpacks on our back. Not a pleasant experience."

"Well I'm sure Shining's experience will be more high-tech," Flash told him. Tirek nodded and asked if he could use the restroom before leaving. Flash nodded and pointed to the ground base restroom, Tirek thanking him before walking off.

As the others showed Cadance to her car, the older man stepped out of sight. And the second he did, he took something out of his pockets and threw them to the ground. That something was a bunch of tiny silver spheres that looked like ball bearings, which rolled along the ground out of sight.

As they did, the balls suddenly seemed to grow four metal legs. They used these to scuttle along the ground, disappearing before anyone could see them.

Tirek smirked and turned to leave without even going into the bathroom. Once the base was empty and his little friends had done their work, he would claim his prize.

By the time Cadance got back with extra food, clothes and diapers, Adagio and the rest of the Rainbooms had arrived and were looking to enjoy themselves.

The hybrids had gotten acquainted with the holodeck, Scales and Drift using it to create an aerial obstacle course that they raced one another through. Trixie and Rainbow soon joined them, both taking their winged form and shooting into the sky.

Another holodeck had been used to make a beach for Pearl to swim in, with Flurry enjoying her time in the realistic sand that made her day. Charger was also on the beach, Fluttershy showing him the sand and ocean.

But Charger didn't seem to like the sand all that much, the simulated heat not doing him any favours either.

Sunset then had an idea and in another holodeck, they simulated an snowy environment. This was a place Charger really enjoyed, his yak DNA feeling right at home in the cold and brutal environment. It was the perfect place for him.

The others also found themselves having fun, creating a bunch of holographic environments they could play around in. They remade a bunch of different race tracks from their favourite cart racing game and spent hours racing against one another, with Flash proving to be the best driver out of the lot of them. They made a bunch of 2D side scrolling games that they could actually play through, the fire and drop zones being completely safe. Rarity and Twilight even made a giant chess board, with actual moving pieces that fought against one another when they battled for a space.

By the time dinner arrived, the lot of them were exhausted but highly entertained.

With Flash and Applejack promising to look after Flurry, Cadance helped Twilight and Pinkie in the base's kitchen. There they made a bunch of really good food, as the others rearranged the cafeteria to make a large table that everyone could sit around and enjoy.

Once it was all ready, everyone sat down and began to dig in.

The hybrids had opted to go back to their enclosures, since the food dispensers for them were only in their enclosures. The four were also really tired, due to the fact their bodies were still fairly new and needed a lot more rest than most other creatures their age.

Everyone quickly began to enjoy themselves and once they finished, Flash, Applejack and Rainbow agreed to do the washing up whilst everyone else lounged around the base.

Cadance could tell Flurry was starting to get tired, thinking that maybe she should take her home. But Twilight had an idea that would allow Cadance to stay around without ruining Flurry's sleep.

"What is this exactly?" Cadance asked as she started at the pill-shaped device with a dark glass front. Twilight smiled and pressed the button, causing the front of slowly open up and reveal a cushioned interior.

"Specially designed medical chamber," Twilight explained. "Cushioned interior that can have the lights dimmed for easy sleep. It can also be made one way soundproof, so you can hear what's said inside, but nobody can hear what's said outside. Perfect for a tired baby."

Cadance looked at it curiously, but decided to trust her sister-in-law and placed Flurry down in the padded interior.

Flurry was already close to nodding off and as soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep and Twilight was able to close the front and seal her inside. The glass was actually a TV screen, allowing Cadance to see her baby laying there, not even noticing the containment she had been placed in. "Looks safe."

"It is safe," Twilight assured her. "Flurry will be fine in there. If she wakes up, you'll hear her crying." Cadance still wasn't sure about this, but decided to trust her.

In that moment, Flash and the others arrived having completed their clean up duties. They were all in the first sublevel of the base, which was just as big as the main control room but not as well equipped. There was a large computer in it, but only about a hundred inches.

"So what do you guys wanna do now?" Pinkie asked, but Trixie smirked.

"This computer's connected to every internet system on the planet, right?" The others nodded. "So why not use it to watch a movie." That excited them, everyone liking the idea with Twilight quickly logging into the computer and bringing up some movies they could watch.

As they did, everyone texted their homes and told their parents they were staying over for the night. There was plenty of sleeping space in one of the lower levels and someone had to stay overnight to keep the hybrids secure. When the last of their parents texted back with the okay, Twilight had finally gotten the movie up.

Tirek was currently in his underground bunker, the cameras he had taped into showing him images of the base.

He growled when he saw the hybrids were running around, acting like fools when they should be doing what he had made them for. But what really annoyed him was the fact everyone seemed to be staying at the base overnight.

"Damn it!" He hit the side of the console, since this meant the base wouldn't be empty like he had hoped. He had expected maybe one of them would remain there, maybe two or three. But that many. "Should I call this off?"

He frowned at the thought of doing so. His little sabatures would be finishing their work soon. If he called this off, someone would find out something had happened. When they did, the security would be increased. This was his best chance.

"I have to try." He pressed a button and spoke into a microphone. "Begin Operation Retake."

Back in the base, everyone was sitting around watching an action comedy Pinkie had suggested.

They had to admit, the movie was both awesome and hilarious. They couldn't wait to see how it ended, the lot of them wishing they had brought popcorn. The only one able to look away from the movie was Cadance, who checked on Flurry every few minutes to make sure she was okay.

But the little girl was sleeping like a log and Cadance was slowly able to relax and enjoy herself.

However, just as the movie was getting to the good part, the screen went black as the lights went off and they were dropped into darkness.

Fluttershy screamed, grabbing Rainbow besides her whilst the others all got on guard. "What happened?" Applejack asked, Twilight stepping over to the control console and pressing at it. But the device refused to respond, even when Twilight pressed the start button.

"Power cut?" Sunset asked, as they took out their phones to light the place up.

"Possibly," Twilight nodded, "but the backup generators should have-" The lights suddenly switched back on, though not as bright as before. "There we go." She tried to boot up the computer, but it still wouldn't activate. "That's strange. Backup power should let me switch this on?"

"So what happened?" Pinkie asked, as Adagio checked her phone.

"I'm not getting any reports about a power cut. Must just be this place." That didn't make them happy, especially since it was possible the elevator was offline if it didn't have any power.

"How are we supposed to get out of here if the elevator doesn't work?" Rarity asked, but Flash smirked.

"Relax. This place has a staircase that leads to all the other levels." They all didn't like the sound of needing to climb a bunch of stairs to get out of the base. They watched as Flash moved over to a wall and opened up a section of it, taking out a book that he brought over to them.

"What's that?" Cadance asked, as she opened the sleeping capsule to pick up a now awake Flurry.

"It's instructions for what to do during a power outage," he opened it up and showed them a map of the base. "We're here," he pointed at a section of it, the shifted his finger to the bottom of the page. "And the power relay station is at the bottom of the base. Some of us will have to go down there and figure out what's causing the blackout."

Twilight groaned, since she knew she would need to be the other to do it since she was probably the only one able to fix it. She was thankful the relay was downstairs instead of up, since she would probably die from all those steps.

"So what should the rest of us do?" Trixie asked.

"We should probably go down to the hybrid enclosures," Fluttershy pointed out. "They're probably wondering what's going on and scared." They all nodded but just as they were about to do that, a banging sound caught their attention and made them all look up.

The sound had come from the ceiling and made them all worried, since that wasn't a sound one should hear when in a black out.

A second sound followed this, followed by another and another. They all felt themselves getting on edge, Trixie putting on her Luna Cat mask, as the sound got louder and closer. Twilight stepped in front of Cadance, who held Flurry tightly as they waited to see what the heck was happening. And soon, they got their answer.

The ceiling suddenly exploded, sending metal flying down towards them.

Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie acted, Rarity putting a shield around them whilst Twilight grabbed the metal in her magic. It was heavy, but she was able to hold it long enough for Pinkie to throw some sprinkles at it.

The sprinkles collided with the metal and exploded, knocking it away as smaller pieces fell down and bounced off the shield.

They all focused on the ceiling, where a large hole had been blown. That hole became the entryway of the ones attacking, as they flew in and revealed themselves to be a quintet of jet-like robots that began flying around the room.

The robots were all slightly different, but each one had a similar design. They were all silver in colour with different coloured lines covering them, the largest of the five being having red trim with a large horn on the front that appeared to have a pair of cannons sticking out of the end.

The next largest ones were a blue and green trimmed robot that both had gatling guns beneath them. Then, the last two were yellow and pink trimmed with the yellow one having a drill on the front and the pink one having a buzzsaw. The pink and yellow ones were about the size of a normal human, with the red one being double that and the last two being in the middle.

These drones flew around the room, scaring Flurry and Fluttershy whilst the others prepared for a fight. The blue and green drones were the first to attack, flying towards them and launching laser bullets from their gatling guns. But Rarity was able to put up a shield and protect them before they struck, allowing Flash to activate the Omnitrix.

"Volt-Edge!" He roared upon transformation, as the pink and yellow drones attacked. Volt-Edge charged, coating his body in lightning as he leapt up to slash at the robots. Their energy weapons slammed into his claws and Volt-Edge had a feeling that if he wasn't using his electrical powers, they would likely have cut through his claws.

He was pushed back as the red drone flew down, its horn-like cannon firing at him. Luckily, Twilight raised one of the fallen pieces of metal to block the twin blasts. But the impact and explosion ripped the metal beam to pieces, as Volt-Edge began charging up as much power as he could.

"Rarity!" The girl covered them all in her magic, "get a load of THIS!" The lightning exploded out of him, flying in all directions and hitting the five drones. He hoped the electrical output would have fried them, but the jets all seemed able to withstand his blast. "No way." He dropped the energy and as he did, the others decided they needed to get out of there.

Twilight grabbed the five drones in her magic and pushed them back as hard as she could. They were all thrown backwards and as they did, Rarity dropped the shield. "Head for the stairs!" They didn't argue and rushed over to where the stairs were, Rainbow being the first to reach the door and throwing it open.

The only one that didn't run for it was Volt-Edge, who charged at the drones whilst they picked themselves up.

The red drone charged forward, ramming into Volt-Edge and pushing him backwards. The alien grunted at this, feeling the wind being knocked out of him. But he quickly dug his clawed feet into the ground and used it to keep him from being pushed back.

But as this happened, the other four drones shot passed him and flew into the stairwell after the others. "LOOK OUT!"

His cries alerted the others, who looked up and saw the machines flying straight down. They doubled their speeds and spotted the first door that lead to the next level, the lot of them rushing through it as Rarity tried to protect them from the energy bullets.

The yellow drone flew down and thrust its drill into Rarity's shield, making her flinch as cracks began to appear. Rainbow saw this and knew Rarity couldn't move for fear of dropping the shield, as Twilight, Cadance, Trixie, Pinkie and Fluttershy had already run through the door.

Seeing no other option, she grabbed Applejack and Adagio whilst telling them to grab Rarity and Sunset. They did so and Rainbow summoned her superspeed, using it to jet down the stairs whilst pulling the other four down with her.

Her superspeed along with Applejack's strength allowed her to carry them all, getting them down to the next level as the drones split up. The blue and yellow ones flew down after them, whilst the green and pink ones smashed through the door and followed the others.

Rainbow reached the next level and stopped, the lot of them opening the door and running through it.

Twilight pulled Cadance and Flurry down the corridor with her, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Trixie close behind.

But as they ran, the drones flew after them and and got ready to attack. "Oh no you don't!" Trixie slid to a stop, Fluttershy and Pinkie turning to her as she activated her Medallion. "Teleport!" She slammed her staff onto the ground and in a flash, the three vanished.

The drones stopped for a moment and stared at the corridor in front of them, as if trying to figure out what happened.

But then, the green drone fired its gun and hit a bunch of sprinkles that suddenly appeared. The sprinkles exploded and the pink drone charged, its saw attacking something. "WOW!" Trixie's voice cried, as she suddenly appeared with Pinkie and Fluttershy. "They can see through my illusions!" She cried, deflecting several more bullets.

"They must be able to see heat sources or something," Fluttershy guessed as the green one fired and got passed Trixie's guard. She screamed as one almost hit her, Trixie telling the girls to run. They didn't need telling twice and ran for it, leaving Lady Masquerade to fight the two bots on her own.

Trixie tried he best, but the two robots together were too much for her. The green one blasted the floor in front of her and Trixie was knocked back, allowing the pink one to fly forwards. Trixie barely managed to avoid the saw, but was still bodychecked by the robot and knocked away.

"Augh!" She smashed into the wall and fell to the ground, as the drone flew closer to her. Its saw whirled dangerously close to her, but then it pulled back and flew off down one corridor whilst the green one flew down another. This made Trixie moan, as she started to recover. "Why didn't it finish me off?" She could only think that the robots had to have been after something. Something that only required them to incapacitate them.

Back above, Volt-Edge fought against the red drone.

The machine continued to push its horn forward, but Volt-Edge was able to fight against it. "I don't...think so." But as he said that, the cannons on the ends of its horn began to light up and make a sound. "Uh oh!" He used all his strength to push the horn upwards, seconds before a pair of blasts exploded out and slammed into the ceiling above it.

Volt-Edge used this opening to let go and jump away from the drone, firing several bolts of lightning at it. But the electrical energy had no effect, Volt-Edge frowning at this.

"These things aren't gonna be damaged by lightning." He looked around and a smirked, "big mistake turning off the power." The machine didn't react, as he stood tall. "You might have shut down the base's defences, but you made this place a lot darker. And because of that, I've got more options to fight with!" He slammed the Omnitrix and in a flash of light, he transformed. "Kagenobi!"

The drone's robotic sensors stared at the shadow ninja, who quickly leapt into the ground and disappeared in the darkness.

It tried to use its heat-sensor to locate it, but the machine couldn't find it anywhere. As such, it just started charging up the cannons ready to fire when Kagenobi appeared. And he did.

"HYAH!" The ninja leapt out of the shadows behind it, a shuriken of darkness in his grasp. The drone turned towards the noise and this was what Kagenobi wanted, throwing the shuriken as it was half turned around.

The weapon spun through the air and hit the horn, cutting through it and causing a small explosion when the built up power was released. This knocked the drone backwards, as Kagenobi landed on the ground and pulled a shadow spear out of the darkness.

"Lights out, sparky!" He leapt forward and thrust his weapon upwards, the blade impaling the machine through the middle.

The drone sparked and short-circuited several times before its light died, the machine falling to the ground. Kagenobi landed next to it, pulling some kunai out in case it attacked. But the machine was dead, making him sigh.

"Gotta go help the others." He ran towards the stairs and morphed into the shadows, disappearing into the base and leaving the red drown alone.

When it was, the robot came back to life. As it did, tendrils of light came out of the holes in the machine and started stitching the robot back together. The holes began to slowly close up, whilst the tendrils moved towards the severed hole and started pulling the metal together.

Down below, Twilight and Cadance continued to run through the base's corridors as they attempted to find a way to escape.

Cadance clutched Flurry to her as they turned a corner, only to skid to a stop when they saw it lead nowhere. "A dead end?" Twilight asked, "why would you have a corridor turn only to lead to a dead end? Who designed this place?" They turned to run back the way they came, only to come face to face with the pink drone.

Flurry began to cry and Cadance clutched her tightly to herself. "It's okay. We'll protect you." As she said that, the drone shot forward and its buzzsaw whirled.

Twilight summoned her magic and used it to grab the machine, stopping it in its tracks. The drone tried to fight against the magical hold, Twilight panting as she felt the strain. But she wouldn't be stopped. She would keep Cadance and Flurry safe, no matter what.

The drone slowly pushed itself closer and closer, Twilight feeling her hold on his slacken as Cadance stepped backwards. They had to find a way to stop this machine or escape it, but how?

"Rapid Turtle!" They then heard a voice cry out, making them look over and see a flash of light at the end of the corridor.

The next thing they knew, a green blur shot up to them before the drone felt its buzzsaw being sliced off by a fast moving shield. The blur then leapt up and slammed that shield into its back, breaking through its metal armoring.

Trixie finally slowed back down, as she pulled her shield out of its back and leapt over to Twilight and Cadance. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah," Twilight nodded, "thanks for the help." But the drone was far from done and tried to attack, but Twilight used her magic to reach into the machine and pull something out. "That looks important!" The metal box she removed from its back hole was pulled until the wires snapped, causing the device to completely freeze before it fell to the ground.

The four females all sighed in relief, as glad that the dangerous machine was dead.

"That was too close," Cadance told them. "And there's four more of these things attacking?" Twilight and Trixie frowned, since there was a chance the others had been able to take them down. But there was also a chance they were in serious trouble.

"What do we do?" Trixie asked.

"You go find the others," Twilight told her. "Cadance, Flurry and I are heading down."


"The best way to beat these things is to reactivate the base's defence systems. And to do that, we need power. Hopefully, the others can old out until I'm able to get the power back on." Trixie nodded and ran off, whilst Twilight lead Cadance through the corridors hoping to get back to the stairwell before drones could find them.

As they did, the pink drone's body unleashed the same tendrils as the red one. It too was slowly being pieced back together.

Adagio, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity and Sunset continued to run, the other two drones chasing them with the blue one firing the five.

Adagio ran around a corner and as the others were about too, the green drone fired a barrage towards them. "Look out!" Rainbow grabbed Rarity and pulled her backwards, the lasers slamming into the ground where the girl had been. The yellow drone then charged at them and the four ducked, the machine flying over but they quickly found themselves trapped from both sides.

Rarity quickly raised her hands and a wall of gems that filled the corridor on either side of them, locking the four in place as the drones tried to break through it.

There was a door next to them, but when Sunset tried to open it wouldn't since it was an electronic door. Luckily, Applejack was able to use her super strength to push them open. "Hurry!" Sunset and Rainbow went through the door and Applejack followed, Rarity carefully moving through it whilst the dones attacked the shield walls.

Applejack tried to close the doors, but that was a lot easier than opening them. Rarity eventually couldn't take any more and her shield broke apart, allowing the drones to fly into the room they were in. But only the green one did so.

The yellow drone had decided to go after Adagio, chasing the now lone girl down as she ran through the hallways.

She finally found a door and tried to open it, but it refused to open like the other one. And as she tried to pull it open, the yellow drone flew around the corner and charged at her. Its drill spun and she screamed, ducking down just in time to avoid getting skewed.

The drill, instead, hit the door and began to cut into it, the robot pulling back as Adagio thrust her body up and knocked it away.

The door's damage allowed her to open it, but the drill was right behind her and ready to attack. Luckily, the room Adagio had just entered was one she could use to protect herself. The weapons room.

The weapons racks were all up, allowing her to grab one of the blaster rifles that now filled the room. And as the drone attacked, Adagio pointed the blaster at the machine and started opening fire. The lasers bounced off the robot's drill as it approached and Adagio leapt to the side, rolling along the ground and launching the blasts into the side of the drone.

The blasts damaged the robot and eventually, the drill was shot off and the machine sparked.

Adagio took this chance to charge forward and smash the butt of the blaster into it, pushing it towards the ground. The impact was enough to dent the machine's hull open and allow her to fire into it, causing a small explosion that made the machine go dead.

Adagio sighed in relief, then ran for the door. But before she left, she grabbed a few more blasters and slung them over her shoulder.

But as soon as she was gone, the machine started to rebuild itself like the others.

"Look out!" Sunset cried, as a barrage of lasers rain down upon them.

They were in the room that they had taken shelter in, which turned out to be a depowered holodeck, with the blue drone firing at them all. Rarity did her best to protect her friends, but the drone's rapid fire was proving too much for her shields to handle.

Rainbow and Applejack frowned, since the drone was too high up for any of them to do anything against. They wished the holodeck had power, since that would allow them to turn to place into an environment that the pair could fight in. But they were trapped where they were, wishing they had a way to stop this mechanised menace.

Luckily, Adagio arrived and started blasting the drone as soon as she ran into the room.

"Catch!" She threw two more rifles at them, Sunset and Rainbow smirking as they grabbed them and started to open fire. The drone did its best to avoid the lasers, but Rarity began to use her shields to create walls that the drone bounced off of and forced it to the ground.

As Adagio, Rainbow and Sunset kept shooting it, Applejack ran forward. And as soon as the drone was low enough, she leapt into the air and punched it with all her strength.

The robot let out a mechanical scream, as it slammed into the wall and part of its body began much flatter.

It then fell to the ground and the five stared at it until its lights went off and it was completely dead. They sighed at this, glad that was over with. "Thanks," Sunset told Adagio. "If you hadn't shown up with these things, we'd probably be dead meat." Adagio smirked as she slung her rifle over her shoulder.

"Don't mention it. Now, let's go find the others. I just hope they've been able to deal with these things as well as we could." They nodded and followed her out of the room, seconds before the drone's body started unleashing the light tendrils and pulling itself back together.

Fluttershy and Pinkie had managed to escape the drones and had found an access shaft, which they had managed to open and use to descend into the lower sections of the base.

"I think this is it," Fluttershy told Pinkie. She reached to the other side of the tube they were in and pushed on the wall, causing it to swing open and allow them to climb out of the shaft. When they did so, they were happy to see they were in the right room.

"Fluttershy!" Pearl cried from within her tank.

"What the heck is going on out there?" Scales asked, the other hybrids looking just as worried.

"Oh you know." Pinkie panted, "a bunch of robot jets suddenly attacked the base after the power went out. No biggie." Fluttershy rushed over to the enclosure control panel and started typing at it. But it didn't work.

"I can't open your tanks." The hybrids frowned, since that meant they were stuck there.

And in that moment, the access hatch exploded and the girls screamed as the green jet flew into the room. Pinkie threw some sprinkles at it, but the explosions didn't do anything against it.

Instead, the drone turned to them as the top of it opened up. Seconds later, something shot out of it and flew towards the girls. They cried out as they were slammed to the ground by a black net, the ends of it having metal tips that suddenly seemed to be drawn towards one another. Within seconds, they were all magnetically connected and the girls were trapped inside.

"No!" Drift cried, as the drone flew over to the control console.

A small metal arm folded out of the machine and attached itself to the console, sparking as the room suddenly lit up a lot more. "What it doing?" Charger asked, as the machine started making the console beep and flash.

"I don't know," Scales frowned. "But I don't think it'll be good."

Down below, Twilight and Cadance had reached the stairs and made their way downwards.

They kept going and going as deep down as they could, until they finally reached the very last flight. And as they reached the bottom, they spotted a door leading to the main power relay room. "There it is!" Twilight reached for the door and as she was about to open it, she frowned before turning to Cadance. "You and Flurry should stay here."

"What?" Cadance gasped, "why?"

"Something had to knock out the power. And it's possible that something is through these doors. If something happened to you both, I'd never be able to look Shining in the eye." Cadance frowned, but knew Twilight had a point.

Twilight opened the door and took out her phone, using the flashlight to illuminate the room as she stepped inside. She looked around and saw the many cables and pipes covering the room's walls, all leading to a single generator at the back of the room. And that's when she saw them.

A bunch of tiny metallic spheres with legs, which were walking around the generator room as beams of light flew out the bottoms and were cutting into the electrics. "STOP!" She cried, catching the robot's attention and causing them to turn their focus on her.

The orbs suddenly leapt into the air, as their legs unleashed tiny flames that caused them to soar through the air.

They flew around Twilight, acting like a swarm of bees that started shooting at her. Their lasers weren't very effective, but still hurt as they hit her. She cried out as she started fighting back, attempting to grab them in her magic. But they were moving to fast.

Back in the habitat room, the robot continued to hack the console until it finally got what it was after.

Drift's enclosure suddenly opened up, allowing the griffon human hybrid the chance to fight back. "You're mine!" He shot forward and began flying around the robot, whilst started firing its gatling gun at him. But Drift was able to avoid the blasts and unleashed his sonic blast, hitting the jet and knocking it backwards. "Now I gotcha!"

"Go Drift!" Pearl cheered, as he charged down to attack. But as he did, the drone turned its weapon on Fluttershy and Pinkie.

They all gasped, realising what it was up to. And Drift knew he couldn't attack the drone before it fired. But he could move between it and the girls, which is what he did. "NO!" They cried, expecting the drone to shoot him down. But it didn't.

At the last second, the top of the robot opened up and fired out its net.

Drift gasped, but it was too late to stop himself. The net slammed into him and the tips connected, trapping him inside. The hybrid quickly tried to fight against the netting, but before he could a surge of energy flew through the cables and zapped him. "AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!"

"Drift!" Fluttershy cried, as the hybrid fell to the ground. He looked to be out cold and as she and Pinkie struggled to try and get out, the robot turned its attention back to the console.

It was likely going to free the hybrids one by one, then trap them. But it wouldn't get that chance.

"Hands off the computer!" Kagenobi suddenly leapt out of the shadows and slashed at the robot's arm with a shadow sword, cutting it off as the ninja laughed. He then swung the swung around to destroy the gatling gun, followed by thrusting the sword right into the robot's face.

The machine screamed as it was knocked backwards and crashed into the ground, going dead as Kagenobi turned to the others.

He quickly sliced through the nets, freeing Drift and the girls before turning to the console. Typing the correct code in, he opened the other three cells and the hybrids stepped out of their enclosures. "You all okay?" He asked, as the Omnitrix beeped and he reverted back to human.

"Drift?" Fluttershy checked the griffon, who moaned as they sat him up. "Are you okay?"

"Ow," he replied, "that really hurt." He turned to Flash, "thanks." Flash nodded as the doors of the room's stairway exit flew open, Trixie rushing in still wearing her Rapid Turtle suit.

"What happened?" She asked, seeing the destroyed robot and the hybrids. "I'm guessing a missed something?" As she said that, Adagio and her group ran into the room.

"We heard an explosion!" Rainbow cried, pointing the blaster at the robot. "Is it dead?"

"Yup," Flash nodded, "so's the red one."

"I took out the pink one," Trixie stated.

"And I took out the blue one," Adagio smiled. "The yellow one's also taken care off. So that means they're all destroyed, right?" They all nodded, but they knew that likely didn't mean they were safe.

"Twilight's headed downstairs to try and fix the power," Trixie told them. "But who knows how long that's gonna take."

Sunset nodded, "we should get them and get out of here. There's no telling if more of those robots will come back and attack again. Especially since we don't know what they're after."

"I think we do," Flash told her. "This one tried to captured the hybrids. It purposely opened Drift's enclosure and captured him before trying with the other ones. That doesn't sound like something to just randomly do." The others frowned, knowing that if someone was after the hybrids then they were likely up to no good. "But you're right. Let's try and find Twilight." They nodded as they headed for the exit, stepping outside and heading back up hoping Twilight was there.

As they did, the drone began to unleash the light tendrils and repair itself just like the rest of its group.

Twilight continued to fight against the tiny robots, crying with every burn she received.

"Stop it!" She cried, as she tried to swat them away. But the robots were just too fast, which made it impossible for her to get them. She was constantly pushed back, away from the power relay which meant there was no way to fix it. Which also meant there was no way for her to get the power back online. "I'm sorry everyone."

But before she could think to give up and retreat, something came flying towards her.

"Back off!" Cadance yelled, as she swung something around. That something was a broom, the long end swatting at the robots and knocking some to the ground. The impact wasn't enough for them to break, but it was enough for Twilight to get them in her magical grasp.

She crushed them and as she let them go, Cadance swung the broom around and hit several more.

Twilight was able to grasp more and more in her magic, allowing her to break them. It took a while, but they managed to destroy each and every one of them.

The pair panted from the effort, Cadance dropping the broom she had found outside whilst Twilight turned to her. "Where's Flurry?" A bunch of baby babble made them look around and see the toddler, crawling towards them looking ready for a fight.

"I told you to stay outside where it was safe," Cadance moved over and picked her up. As she did, Twilight turned to the damaged power relay. "Can you fix it?"

"I don't know," Twilight frowned. "But I've got to try." She summoned her magic and started grabbing the different parts of the relay, beginning to bind them together and fix what she could. Hopefully, she could bring the power back online and the others could hold out until then.

Back upstairs, the others lead the hybrids back up to the main control room.

They wanted to search for the others, but figured getting the targets of the attack out of the base would keep them safer then looking for them. They would get the hybrids out safely, then Flash would head back inside to find them.

However, as they returned to the room where all this started, they suddenly found themselves almost getting blasted. A pair of energy blasts flew down and caused the ground to explode, knocking many of them flying backwards. Those that weren't looked up and were shocked to see the red drone flying in the air.

"I thought you said you destroyed that thing!?" Rainbow asked Flash, as he picked himself up.

"I did!" He cried, "It had a freaking hole in the middle of it and I cut its horn off!" He quickly realised what must have happened, "it repaired itself." The others realised he was right and also realised something else.

"If it can fix itself..." Applejack stated before the elevator suddenly exploded. When it did, the other four drones flew out and started flying around the red one.

"That's not good," Adagio gulped.

"It's gonna try and catch us," Pearl cried.

"Not if we dismantle it!" Scales yelled as they leapt into the air. He unleashed a blast of fire, but the jets were completely unphased by the heat. He then tried to slash at them, but the pink and yellow blocked and his claws did nothing against their energy weapons.

Drift and Pearl did the same, whilst those on the ground used their blasters to attack. But they did very little to them.

Flash looked down at the Omnitrix and saw it was still red, making him frown since he was defenceless against them until it powered back up.

The red drone fired its cannon and hit Scales, the dragon crying out as he was knocked backwards and crashed into the ground. The blue one then flew down, preparing to fire a net at him. But Charger ran forward, the minotaur, yak hybrid roaring as he summoned a bunch of hair to power himself up.

But the drone flew out of his reach and shot back towards the others. As it did, the five robots began to glow as something happened.

The red drone flew up, as the other four flew around it. Everyone watched as the red drone began to transform, its body reshaping itself until it was that of a torso and waist. The blue and green drones then transformed, their gatling guns folding into them as they re-shaped into a pair of legs and feet. The yellow and pink once didn't need to transform much, with just a few shifts morphing them into a pair of arms with the drill and saw replacing the hands.

They all came together, connecting to the red drone and transforming it into a humanoid shape. Finally, the top of the red drown opened up and revealed a head that Flash recognised. It looked exactly like the robot that had attacked him the day they had met Tirek. Now he knew who must have originally sent it, even if he didn't actually know who they were.

"Wow!" Pinkie cried, as the robot raised its arms and spun its weapons. "They combined!"

"Ha!" Charge punched his fist, "metal man not scary. Looks no longer can fly!" He charged and summoned as much hair muscle as he could create, whilst the robot looked down at him.

Then, the knees of the robot opened up and the gatling guns folded out before firing. The energy bullets began to collide with him, knocking him backwards but doing little damage thanks to the hair layers covering his body.

The other hybrids flew in and attempted to claw at the robot, only to have to fly back when the saw and drill arms swung around. The horn on its head then fired and showed greater power, hitting the three and knocked them back as they cried out.

"No!" Fluttershy cried, rushing to their aid as they fell to the floor.

Charger finally reached the robot and attempted to punch it in the leg, but the machine swung its leg out of the way and his attack missed. It then swung back and booted the off balance hybrid, knocking it flying. This was its chance, the robot opening up its chest and firing a net at Charger.

He saw this and gasped, trying to move in the air. But he couldn't and the net wrapped around him before unleashing a burst of energy. "GYAAAH!" He fell to the ground, making them all gasp.

Rainbow ran forward and tried to free him, but the robot slammed its drill into the ground and unleashed an energy wave that slammed into her and knocked her back. It then kept going and hit the others, Rarity putting up a shield that protected herself, Flash and Adagio.

Everyone else fell to the ground, groaning in pain whilst the robot turned to the other hybrids.

Flash frowned and as he considered just attacking in human form, the Omnitrix turned green. "Yes!" He considered going as Kagenobi again, but had another idea after watching Charger.

So he quickly activated it and once he found the alien he wanted, slammed it down to transform.

When the light faded, everyone saw he was in an completely new alien. His body was similar to Charger, only his skin was orange and his hair was blue. He was wearing a black and white wrestling leotard, which covered his lower section and had the Omnitrix on the stomach of it. "Yak-Smasher!"

The robot turned to him, its gaze shifting between him and the captured Charger. Clearly, it didn't know which one it was supposed to get.

This gave Yak-Smasher the chance to rush forward, building up speed as he started wrapping his blue hair around his arms and chest to increase his muscles. The robot finally decided to focus on him and started firing its gatling guns at him, but her used his arms to block.

Just like with with Charger, the bullets bounced off his hair covered form and he was able to keep from being blasted back. He then leapt straight up before the robot could try and attack with something else, slamming his fist into the robot's waist and knocking it staggering backwards.

He fell back to the ground and felt his hair beginning to strain, so uncoiled it from his body so he wouldn't tear them.

As he did, the machine regained its footing and swung its buzzsaw hand towards him. Yak-Smasher leapt to the left, the saw cutting into the floor instead. He then leapt up and wrapped his hair around his arm, which he slammed into the machine's arm at the elbow joint. The force of the impact was enough to buckle through the metal as rip it off.

The robot pulled back, as the buzzsaw arm fell to the ground and stopped spinning. "How'd you like that!?"

The robot staggered back and fired its horn cannon towards him, Yak-Smasher preparing to jump away. But before he could, a blur of something appeared in front of him and stopped to reveal Trixie. "Mighty Bull!" She screamed, quickly transforming and summoning her bell weapon. She roared as she slammed it onto the ground, then pointed it at the robot as a blast of sound erupted from it.

The sound wall struck the cannon blast and knocked it backwards, where it exploded against the robot.

This pushed it back even more, Yak-Smasher smirking before he leapt into the air and summoned more hair around his arm.

He thrust it forward and smashed it right into the robot's chest, buckling it as it was thrown backwards. It crashed against the back wall and as it did, the joints of its arms and legs rattled and came loose.

Yak-Smasher smirked, only to then notice the robot's damaged chest unleashing white tendrils of light. These tendrils began to repair the damage to its chest and around the end of its arm. "So that's how it fixed itself," he growled. "How do we stop this thing?"

Down below, Twilight kept working on the power relay as Cadance held their phones for her.

The girls was working as fast as she could to repair the device, but feared she would mess up if she went too fast. "Almost there!" She cried, rerouting several systems to bypass the ones damaged by the robots. And eventually, she put the last wire into place and the whole thing suddenly came to life.

The pair leapt back, as it hummed and started sending powering to the rest of the base. Within seconds, the lights came on and filled the room.

The sisters began to cheer, as they and Flurry hugged one another.

The lights had also come back on in the other room, surprising them but they quickly smiled.

"Yes!" Yak-Smasher cheered, hitting the Omnitrix to change back to human. "Plumber base security measure!" He yelled, "category three six five eight nine!" He was glad Shining had had him memorise those codes. "Target power source right in front of Omnitrix and attack with deadly force!"

The base's computer followed his instructions and as the robot was close to fixing itself, the walls of the room opened up and a bunch of blasters appeared out of them.

They all pointed at the machine and started opening fire, slamming into the robot and doing serious damage to it. Within seconds, the machine was ripped apart by the rapid multi-angle assault. The robot's armoring quickly broke under the pressure and the five drones began to fall away from one another.

The lasers didn't stop until it was a pile of bent and burned scrap metal, the pieces laying in a heap and giving off a bunch of smoke.

Everyone stared at the scrap pile for several seconds, waiting to see if the machine began to pull itself back together. But it didn't. Clearly, it had been damaged beyond repair. "Finally!" Flash fell to the ground in exhaustion, "so much for a quiet night in." The others were also resting, having removed the now powerless net from Charger.

They all sat there for a good while, until Twilight and Cadance returned looking very winded after climbing so many flights of stairs. "Everyone!" She cried, "are you okay?" They nodded as Twilight spotted the metal in the corner. "Is that the drones?"

"What's left of them," Sunset replied. "Were you the one who got the power back on?" Twilight nodded, "you seriously saved our butts. That thing could repair itself. If you hadn't gotten the defences back up, the robot would have kept fixing itself and beaten us in the end."

"And it would have taken us away," Pearl still looked terrified.

Twilight looked confused and they explained, "I see." She turned to the robot remains, "they were after the hybrids. So whoever sent them were the ones who made you guys. But who are they?" That was a question they all wanted to know the answer to. And what else they were planning to do in order to acquire their prize.

Tirek growled at the screen, as the words 'signal lost' appeared on the screen.

He sat back in his chair, "should have known it wouldn't be that easy." He rubbed his eyes, "I was sure the self regeneration would be enough to overwhelm them. Guess I should have tried to make the sabotage robots more powerful. But there's only so much I can do whilst keeping them so small."

He switched off the screen and spun around, trying to think of what else he could do.

"I need to be smarter than this. Even if I had managed to get them back, those fools would have stopped at nothing to find and rescue them. I need to think of a way to get them without having Flash Sentry and his friends on my tail. And the only way to do that...is to make them think the subjects are dead."

Several days later, a beam of light appeared in front of the Plumber Base.

Shining Armor materialized within it with a smirk on his face, as he held up his now officially earned plumber badge. The training had been tough, but he had managed to stick it out and pass with a score of ninety-four. Now he was a true blue plumber, ready to dispense justice all throughout the galaxy.

He walked up to the building and as he did, he noticed one of Azmuth's robots working on fixing the front door.

"Should have known they'd break something," Shining shook his head. It was alright. One broken door was nothing to worry about.

However. As he stepped inside, he spotted another robot working on a hole in the floor. He then noticed the elevator was also being repaired, making him worry something serious had happened. So he quickly found the stairs leading down into the base and headed below.

And when he got close, he heard a bunch of noise and stepped inside to find more robots fixing up the base. "What the heck?" This caught the attention Azmuth, who turned to see from his floating platform.

"Ahh, Shining Armor. I take it the training went well."

"Forget the training. What happened here?"

"You might want to ask your sister and her friends. I was quite surprised to return here, only to find the place an absolute wreck and the power relay fixed up but barely able to keep the power on." As he said that, Flash, Twilight and Adagio stepped into the room.

"Shining!" Twilight smiled, as her brother turned to give her a look. They quickly realised what he was looking upset about and all felt very sweaty. "We can explain." Shining had a feeling this was gonna be a long story.

Author's Note:

So much for just hanging out having fun. What did you think of Flash's new alien? Hope you liked it. How will things turn out next time? Only time will tell.

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