• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 1, Episode 13: Lady Masquerade

Our story opens not in Canterlot, but in an entirely different place.

It was the dead of night in this place and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, allowing whoever was still up to see the moon in full. Though full wouldn't exactly fit this moon, as a large chunk of one side was gone with large rocks filling the crescent hole.

Down on the planet itself, the calm clear night was the only thing tranquil.

A large castle, located top a mountain that had many houses built around it all the way to the base, was under siege from an army.

Said army were a bunch of figures dressed in dark robes, hoods covering their faces as they fought against a bunch of knights. Said knights weren't your typical medieval warriors, as many of them were carrying strange looking shotguns. The attackers were all armed with staffs that had differently coloured gems on them.

The red gems shot blasts of fire. Blue gems shot shards of ice. Green gems unleashed gusts of wind or lightning. Black gems shot sand and rocks. Yellow gems shot lasers and purple gems unleashed shadowy attacks.

As the attackers got closer, many of the knights stopped firing their guns and charged forward. As they did, the guns transformed in their hands into swords as they took round shields off their backs. They slashed at the figured, who did their best to avoid these attacks whilst trying to stay back and firing. But one of the attackers was not like the others.

He was a violet skinned man wearing a red cloak over a yellow shirt and orange pants. He was carrying a large wooden staff with a clear crystal on the end of it, that had a metal ring below it that had seven other crystal orbs embedded into it.

As several knights charged, he spun the ring until a red orb was underneath an arrow etched into the wood. The top gem then turned red and he thrust it forward, unleashing an explosion of flames that engulfed many of the knights and knocked them backwards.

He laughed as he walked through the courtyard and continued launching fire in all directions, knocking many more knights back. Then, heard heard someone scream. "Devious!" He spun around to see a figure in more regal looking knights attire, who ran forwards whilst drawing a sword from a white sheave. That same sheave then transformed into a shield, which connected to his arm.

"Ah," he smiled, "Prince Aareus. Sorry for barging in like this. Hope you weren't too attached to those guarding the lower town." The knight charged with a mighty roar, as he spun the ring on his staff to change it to a green orb. The crystal turned green and he launched a blast of air from it. The air struck the knight and knocked him backwards, as several more knights charged.

He then slammed the staff into the ground and created a tornado beneath his feet, which launched him into the air and protected him from several shots coming from the knights. He then thrust himself forward towards one of the castle window.

In a shattering of glass, he flew through it and landed in his intended destination. The castle throne room, which was long and made out of glistening marble. Adorning the room were many banners, which were black in colour with a silver crescent moon shape within the centre that had a blue cat in its middle.

He stood tall and turned towards the end of the room, where a large throne could be seen. And sitting upon it was a tall woman with pink skin and shining silvery blue hair, wearing a light blue dress.

Covering everything but her mouth and chin, was a masquerade mask the same blue as the rest of her outfit. On the forehead of the mask was a strange coin, which was black with a silver crescent moon shape around the edges and a blue cat in the middle. A pair of blue cat ears could be seen sticking out of her head and around her waist was a leather belt so long, that it wrapped around her waist and then trailed behind her like a tail.

Devious smiled as he bowed, "Miragina. I hope my sudden appearance hasn't startled the all mighty Luna Cat Queen."

"Hardly," the woman frowned as she stood up. "You dare attack my kingdom and come to threaten me. You have a lot of nerve coming here."

"I only seek what was rightfully mine. I am the true born heir of this kingdom. My ancestor should have ruled, but the coin was passed to your ancestors instead."

"Your ancestor was a cruel tyrant. The medallion chose the more worthy of the potential heirs." She reached up and touched the coin, "and I will use its power to protect this kingdom." With that, the coin glowed and she reached for her belt. It was undone and she swung it around, the tip beginning to glow as well. She then whipped it at him and in doing so, the light shot off and took shape to form a pair of elephant-sized tigers that roared before charging at Devious.

The man swung his staff around and unleashed a blade of lightning, which beheaded the tigers and made them explode back into the light. As he did, Miragina whipped the belt as it suddenly went straight and rigid. It turned into a staff, which she held up to summon more light and morphed it around to form a large spear. It shot towards Devious, but he spun the ring to the black orb and touched the ground in order to create a wall of earth.

"Impressive," Devious smirked as the spear broke through the wall and stopped with the tip inches from his face. "Not many are capable of creating solid illusions." The spear vanished as the wall retracted, "you've gained a lot of power. I'll have a tough time equalling that skill once the medallion is mine."

"The medallion will never be yours," Miragina glared at him as she prepared to attack with her staff. But before she could, Devious turned the ring on his staff to the seventh clear orb. The crystal also turned clear and he pointed it at Miragina.

Before she could do anything, the crystal unleashed a wave of light that struck her.

"Augh!" She cried, her magic suddenly vanishing as she fell to her knees and her staff returned to being a belt. "No...it can't be." Devious stepped forward, still holding his crystal, "a null gem."

"That's right," Devious smirked before pointing to the larger one. "With an amplifier gem of this size, any magical being will be rendered weak. Anyone except the wielder, obviously." He held up a hand. "Now, hand it over."

Miragina removed the mask from her face and looked like she was about to hand it over. But before she did, she whispered something to it. As she did, the coin began to glow and pulse with light. Devious' eyes went wide seeing this, as the light spread to the rest of the mask.

"NOOOOO!" He screamed, running towards her only for the mask and coin to vanish. "What did you do?"

"I renounced it," Miragina smirked. "The medallion is no longer mine."

Devious growled as he changed his staff to the fire orb. "You're a fool. All you've done is shift the target to your son." But then he saw her smile, "why are you smirking?"

Miragina didn't say anything and simply closed her eyes, as Devious pointed the staff at her. 'I'm smiling because whilst it could go to Aareus, there is another.' With that, the staff unleashed the flames.


Trixie was making her way through the streets of the city towards her house, pushing her bike instead of riding it so she could watch live coverage on her phone.

That live coverage was about a bunch of criminals that had just stolen a rather expensive car, who were trying to escape as the police attempted to chase them down. And as she reached her house, she saw something appear from the helicopter footage being shown. XLR8

"If you're joining us now. One of the aliens has just arrived on the scene." The superspeed alien was keeping level with the police car, apparently talking to the officers inside. Suddenly, he accelerated forwards and reached the stolen vehicle. In the blink of an eye, he shot through one side's door and out the other.

He then shot towards the police car and did the same thing, returning to the stolen car before running through it again. All this happened in two seconds and a few moments later, both the stolen car and the police cruisers slowly came to a stop. When they did, a police officer stepped out of the stolen car.

"I'm not sure what really happened, but I think the alien pulled the criminals out of the stolen car and replaced them with an officer from the cruiser. I'm willing to bet the criminals are safely cuffed up in the back of said cruiser. Looks like another victory for our alien heroes. Canterlot is sure grateful to have them."

Trixie sighed as she sat on the front steps, thinking about everything Flash had done since gaining the Omnitrix. He had helped so many people, all the while not taking any credit for it. Oh how Trixie wished she could do something like that.

The Rainbooms had their magic and were constantly saving people, whilst Shining had his police duties that kept the city safe. If only she could do something like that?

Trixie looked up at the sky, sighing as she did so. "What I wouldn't give to have powers like their's. Even a lame one would be enough, so long as I could use it to help like them." She closed her eyes, knowing something like that would never happen. Oh how wrong she was.

At that moment, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of her and forced her to open her eyes. She gasped seeing this light and stood up, wondering if this was another alien encounter or Equestrian Magic situation.

Slowly, the light morphed and changed to take shape. And when it did, Trixie looked confused. "A mask?" She asked, seeing it appear in front of her. When her eyes fell upon the coin on its forehead, she felt something inside be being drawn towards it. And slowly, she reached out and took the mask.

When she did, the light spread up her arm and around her entire body. She gasped at this, feeling a strange sensation that was almost overwhelming. Her body was almost moving on its own, as her arm reached up and placed the mask upon her face.

The next day.

Twilight and Sunset were walking down the street after school, both girls laughing at something Sunset had said. "Pinkie really said that?" Twilight asked, Sunset nodding. "Typical Pinkie." She pushed her glasses up and when she did, she looked at her phone but saw no texts from anyone. "I don't need to be anywhere for awhile. You wanna go to your place and do our homework together?"

"Sure," Sunset then reached into her bag, "but I'm gonna need to drop by Trixie's place first. Ms Cheerilee asked me to drop her homework off."

"Oh yeah," Twilight realised she hadn't seen the magician at school that day. They assumed she was just sick, so Sunset had been tasked with dropping off some homework for her. So the girls began to head towards her house, passing through the shopping district as they did.

But then, they heard a bunch of alarms coming from a nearby bank. Looking around, they saw the doors open up before a bunch of men ran out of it caring cases the girls assumed were full of money. The pair jumped into an alleyway, not wanting to be seen and shot at. The men ran towards several cars, as security guards ran out of the bank and prepared to shoot them.

Several of the criminals shot at them first, forcing the guards jump for cover. The crooks continued towards the car, but one suddenly felt his feet be swept out from under him. The others saw this and figured he tripped, but then another was suddenly tackled by something they couldn't see.

"What was that?" A crook asked as he raised his gun and pointed it in several directions, only to feel something hit him in the gut. "Augh!" He fell back, as the others turned to see Chamalien appear in front of them.

"Greetings boys," he smirked as the crooks fired at him. But he leapt into the air and vanished as he did, the crooks heading one of the car's roof crumble from something landing on it. They fired and Chamalien seemed to have leapt away, because the bullets hit nothing and one of the crooks was suddenly punched in the face.

It was in this moment that the man he had first knocked over had recovered. And seeing his friend be knocked down by something he couldn't see, he grabbed a bunch of dirt off the ground and threw it into the air. Doing so caused Chamalien to be covered in the dust, making him completely visible.

"Uh oh," he gulped when he saw this. The crooks all pointed their guns at him and the two Rainbooms were just about to try and help, but they wouldn't need to.

For in that moment, a wall of fire erupted from the ground and surrounded Chamalien. The alien was just as surprised as the crooks, as from the flames several tendrils of fire sprouted out and took the form of snakes. "What's going on?" Sunset asked, Twilight wondering the same thing as the crooks tried to shoot the fire snakes with little success.

"How is this happening?" One cried, only for a feminine voice to call out to him.

"Surrender you villains!" Everyone looked up and saw someone standing atop a nearby building, the figure striking a heroic pose. "For you are to be the first victims of Canterlot's newest superhero!" With that, they leapt off the building and did several flips through the air.

When they landed, they saw it was a girl around the same height as Twilight and Sunset, wearing a strange looking outfit.

It was mostly a collection of blue, silver and black, as she wore a silver body suit that had a blue poncho over it with gaps in the sides for her arms to move freely through. She was wearing elbow and knee length gloves and boots that were the same blue as the poncho, along with a knee length skirt that was also blue. The poncho and skirt had a bunch of black crescent moons shapes printed on them whilst the gloves and boots had a bunch of black paw markings. Her hair was a mixture of white and blue and her face, what little of it they could see, was light blue. A strange masquerade mask was on her head, which had an unusual coin connected to it. A pair of blue cat ears could be seen sticking out of her head and around her waist was a long black belt, so long that it looped around and formed a tail behind her.

Everyone was completely stumped by what they were seeing. "Okay," Chamalien finally spoke up, "wasn't expecting that."

The crooks also recovered and pointed their gurns at the girl, but she thrust her hand out as lights shot off her fingers and hit the guns. To their shock and horror, the guns all burst into flames and they dropped them. This allowed her to rush forward and begin performing some pretty impressive fighting maneuvers, the girl leaping around like gravity was only half effective on her.

She dealt several powerful kicks to their faces, chests and...other areas, dodging their own attempts to punch and kick them. Some staggered back but could still fight, so she removed the belt from her waist and used it as a whip to knock a few down.

Others then charged and the whip morphed into a staff, the girl spinning it around with impressive skill and knocking them all back.

Once they were all knocked onto their butts, the girl's hands glowed as giant and dangerous animals appeared around them in the circle. They all cried out, huddling together in absolute terror. "I wouldn't move if I was you. Wouldn't want to make them think you were trying to hurt them." As she said that, sirens went off as the police flew down the street.

They pulled themselves to a stop and Shining was one of the officers getting out of the cars, he and the other cops shocked by what they saw. "What's...going?"

"Oh," the girl smirked at them, "glad you're here. You can take them away now." The cops looked confused and turned to the animals. "Don't worry, they're not real." She lowered her arms as the animals vanished, everyone realising they were just a bunch of illusions. "Well, I should be off."

"Wait!" A cop cried, "who are you?"

"Who am I?" She asked before doing a twirl and striking a pose, "I'm Lady Masquerade!" As she said that, fireworks exploded above her and formed letters spelling her name. They were still rather confused about all this, as the superheroine smiled before snapping her fingers. Smoke suddenly appeared and filled the street, stopping everyone from seeing her as she escaped.

Chamalien also used this chance to escape, since he was still covered in dust and unable to go invisible.

He leapt onto a nearby building and scaled it to the rooftop, scuttling along as he heard the cops call out asking where they both went. He reached the other side of the building and jumped down into an alleyway, right as the Omnitrix beeped.

In a flash, he reverted back to human and sighed. "Lady Masquerade? What kind of name is that?"

"At least I have a super hero name." Flash jumped and looked up, seeing the very hero standing on the railing of a fire escape. "What are you gonna call yourself. Alien Watch-Man?" Flash gulped, realising he had been made. But the woman smiled as she leaned forward off the railing and fell several feet before landing perfect.

As she did, Flash stared at her and felt she looked...familiar. "Do...do I know you?" Masquerade smiled before she reached up and removed the mask from her face, doing so causing her to be engulfed by light for a moment. And when it faded, he was shocked by who was standing in Lady Masquerade's place. "TRIXIE!" He cried, Trixie smiling at him. "But...when...how...you..." Flash couldn't put the words into sentences, as Trixie smiled. "What is going on?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Trixie smirked, "I'm finally a superhero. Just like you."

"But...how? Since when could you do stuff like that?"

"Since this showed up," Trixie held up the mask and Flash looked it over. "I don't know why, but it suddenly appeared in front of me yesterday and I was drawn to it. When I put it on, I was transformed into what you saw and had a bunch of cool new powers."

"Like summoning animals and fire out of nowhere?" Flash asked.

"Actually, they weren't real." She put the mask on and in a flash of light, she was transformed back into her costume. She then held up her hand as fire appeared on her palm, Flash sensing no heat from it. When he touched it, he didn't feel anything. "Whatever this is, it gives me the power to create illusions. If I can envision it, it appears. Plus I'm faster, stronger and more agile. It's awesome."

"So this is why you weren't at school today?" Flash asked, "you were playing around with these new powers."

"I was practising with them," Trixie killed the fire and removed the mask. When she was back to normal, she smiled. "Isn't this great? Now I can help you save the day."

"Trixie, this is dangerous. It has to be Equestrian Magic. If you keep using it, you could be transformed into a monster and hurt someone."

"I don't think it's Equestrian Magic," Trixie told him. "I've felt Equestrian Magic enough times to know what it is and this isn't it." Flash glared at her, "why are you so worried? How is this any different than you with the Omnitrix?"

"The difference is I can't take this off," Flash explained. "If I could, don't you think I'd have given it to the cops the first chance I got? You need to tell someone who knows about this kind of stuff, to make sure it's safe."

Trixie sighed, "you want me to go to Sunset and the others, don't you?" Flash nodded and she groaned, "fine. But they're gonna tell you the same thing I did. This-"

"Isn't Equestrian Magic," Sunset proclaimed once Trixie had told them everything that had happened.

They were currently at Sunset's apartment, the seven Rainbooms having just heard everything Trixie had just told them. When they examined the mask, Sunset used her geode but it didn't react to it. "See," Trixie smirked at Flash.

"You're sure it's not magic?" Flash asked, "how else could she have done all those things if it wasn't?"

"I didn't say it wasn't magic," Sunset explained. "I said it's not Equestrian Magic." She brushed her finger over the mask and then touched the coin. "I'd always wondered if magic was real in this world, and it looks like we have proof." She continued to touch the coin and felt something coming from it. "I think the coin is what's magical. The mask is just a way to wield it."

"So it's non-Equestrian Magic?" Rainbow asked, Sunset nodding as the girl smirked and swiped the mask. "Cool. Let's see what happens when someone has both."

"Rainbow wait!" Sunset cried, but Rainbow put the mask on and nothing happened.

"Huh?" She took it off and tried again, but still there was no response. "What gives?" She turned to Trixie, "is there a magic word to use it?"

"No," Trixie shook her head, "I just put it on and it transforms me." Rarity took the mask and tried it on.

"It looks splendid," she told them as she looked in a nearby mirror. "But it's not doing anything to me either." She passed it to Pinkie, who passed it to Applejack when it didn't work for her. Soon the mask was tried by each of them, but it didn't work.

Trixie took it back and put it on, transforming into Lady Masquerade. "Maybe it's like our geodes," Twilight guessed. "We're the only ones that can use them, so maybe the same is said for the mask and coin."

"So what do we do?" Flash asked, as Trixie created an illusion of a little bunny that bounced around the room and made Fluttershy and Pinkie giggle. "Trixie can't keep it."

"Why not?" She asked.

"We don't know where it came from," Sunset told her. "Who knows what it could do if you keep using it. I think you should stop."

Trixie frowned at this and reached out to touch the coin, feeling its power flow through her. And in doing so, she felt like it was speaking too her. Telling her that she mustn't stop. That she has to get stronger with it. And she listened. "No." Flash and the girls frowned. "I get you're worried about me. But this isn't your area of expertise. If it was Equestrian Magic, I'd agree. But it's not and it came to me. Would you girls listen if someone told you to stop using your geodes because they think something might happen, even if they had no idea what it was?" Unfortunately, none of them could answer that without proving a point.

"Trixie," Sunset stood up, "you need to be smart. You saw what happened when Twilight messed with magic she didn't understand."

"Then she learned how to properly use it," Trixie stated. "And I'm gonna do the same. Because this is my magic, not yours." She could tell she wasn't gonna win this arguement, so she summoned her power and created a smokescreen that filled the room.

"Trixie!" Flash cried, trying to reach out and grab her. But he couldn't and almost tripped over Sunset's couch. When the smoke finally faded, Trixie was nowhere in sight and they heard the door slam shut. "Great. Now what do we do?"

"I don't know," Sunset sighed. "But she might be right. it wouldn't be fair to take this away from her without giving her the chance to prove she can use it responsibly." She moved over to the window and spotted Trixie on the street in her regular clothing. She glanced back at the window and frowned before walking off. "I just hope this doesn't go to her head."

The next day, a woman was walking down the street when someone rushed passed and grabbed her bag.

She screamed for someone to stop him and as she did, a brick wall appeared in front of the thief. He saw this and gasped, trying to stop, but couldn't and slammed into the wall. But he simply went through it without injury, though his attempt to stop had knocked him off balance and caused him to trip.

Before he could recover, Lady Masquerade jumped down and punched him in the face. She took the bag and handed it back to the woman, who thanked her before Lady Masquerade leapt up and parkoured to a rooftop.

The day after that, a fire had broken out in a nearby park.

Flash had been nearby and attempted to turn into Firefly, but got Bushwhacker instead. The alien plant tried to help despite this, but found himself catching fire as he tried to save someone who was trapped under a fallen burnt tree.

Lady Masquerade then leapt into the picture, tying her length changing belt around the tree and using her reflexes to jump over another tree and use it to pull the downed tree off the man. He thanked her as Bushwhacker was forced to retreat.

A few days later, Vapaw was running after a car that's brakes had broken.

He ran up behind it and grabbed onto the back bumper, using his back feet to try and pull the car to a stop. But before it could even lose five miles an hour, the bumper came off and he fell backwards rolling.

The driver cried out as he thought about jumping out, but then an holographic arrow appeared pointing left and he decided to take it. He turned left as Vapaw was about to run up and grab the car again, the driver being greeted to the sight of a long black belt that was tied between two lamp posts. The car hit it and the belt stretched as it did so, this slowing the car down without bringing it to a sudden stop that might have hurt him.

The driver got out of the car and spotted and masked hero crouching on top of a lamp post the way a cat would. She smirked before jumping off, whilst Vapaw ran around the corner and found his save had been hijacked.

If that wasn't bad enough, Trixie stood tall and started kissing towards the people and letting them take pictures off her. That was the last straw.

"I don't see what the big deal is?" Shining asked when he and Flash met up at a cafe. "So she's been helping out a lot. Now you know how the police felt when those aliens started showing up and doing our jobs for us."

"This isn't the same thing," Flash crossed his arm. "I go in, do what is needed and then leave. I don't stick around to take selfies with people or sign autographs." He pointed towards one of the other people in the cafe, who were showing off a photo of Lady Masquerade which was signed.

"You only do that because you're on a time limit," Shining sipped his coffee. "Can you look me in the eye and tell me you wouldn't do the same thing, if you could stay alien for as long as you want?" Flash was about to say yes, but then stopped as he couldn't bring himself to lie. He wanted to think he wouldn't do that, but then really thought about it. "Exactly."

Flash sighed as he grabbed his drink, "this couldn't get any worse." The universe chose that moment to rub salt in Flash's wounds.

"Did you hear?" One of two patrons asked as they walked passed with their drinks. "The Mayor's thinking of giving the key to the city to Lady Masquerade and making her the official hero of Canterlot." Flash groaned hearing this, knowing that would likely triple Trixie's already inflating ego.

"It's cool that we have a real hero in town," the other one said. "Those aliens are cool and all, but it's way better that a human's the one saving us. Don't have to rely on them any more." Flash groaned and slammed his head onto the table, Shining patting him on the shoulder.

Meanwhile, Trixie was strutting down the street looking like someone had just offered her a million dollars.

She smiled at the people who saw her, giving some a wink and the gun. Many thought she was nuts, though had she been wearing her costume their reactions would probably be different.

She walked past the diner where Pinkie worked and decided to head inside, spotting Pinkie rolling around taking orders and spotting Twilight, Sunset, Applejack and Rarity at one of the tables.

"Hello ladies," she smirked as she slid into their booth. Pinkie then rolled up next to them, "a round of drinks for Trixie's friends. On her." Pinkie looked confused and gave her friends a questioning expression, the rest of them shrugging before she rolled off.

"You're acting strangely chariable," Twilight told her. "What's got you in such a good mood?"

"How could I not be?" Trixie smirked, "I've saved the day every day this week. Everyone loves me and I don't think it'll be long before someone shows up and offers me a movie or TV deal."

"Trixie," Sunset frowned, "you seem to be forgetting that nobody knows it's you under that mask. The only way you'd be able to get that kind of deal is if you revealed who you really are."

"Then maybe that's what I'll do," Trixie smirked. "Why not? What has keeping a secret identity ever done to benefit super heroes?"

"Stopped criminals they beat from taking revenge on them through those they love," Applejack pointed out.

"If that were true, every police officer in the world would have a bunch of crooks out for blood." That statement didn't convince them, though it did make Twilight feel a little queasy at the thought of her family. "Look, I'm fine. I've done a bunch of good for those who need help, so what's the big deal with showing who I am?" The girls sighed, this being what they had feared. "I mean, you girls are practically superheroes and a bunch of people know who you are?"

"That's cause we're not actively seeking out villains," Rarity pointed out as Pinkie arrived with their drinks.

Trixie smirked as she took her drink and slurped it down. "Whatever. This is my secret identity and I decide if I wanna keep it. Soon the whole world will see how amazing the Great and Powerful TRRRRIXIEEEEE really is." The girls sighed, having not missed the girl's flamboyant attitude. Ever since she started hanging out with Flash more, Trixie's ego had slowly been going down. But now it was back with great force.

The lot of them wished something would show up to knock the braggart off her high horse.

Ask and you shall receive, for in that moment a brilliant flash of light occurred outside the diner. The girls all looked up from their drinks, as the light formed some kind of portal in the middle of the street.

A car had to serve to avoid driving into it, resulting in them crashing into a street lamp instead.

"What's going on?" Pinkie asked as she rolled up to them, Trixie reaching into her bag and taking out the mask. As she did, someone stepped out of the portal.

Devious looked around and found himself in a strange place. The buildings were oddly designed and the people around his portal were all dressed rather strangely.

"So," he walked forward, "this is where the medallion was sent. What would compel Miragina to send it to such a weak world? The magic in this dimension is almost nothing." He then heard a sound and looked around to see a car moving towards him, the driving hitting the breaks to come to a stop inches from hitting him.

"HEY!" The driver cried, "lousy jaywalker. The streets are for cars!" Devious didn't seem to take this well and pointed his staff at the car, unleashing a blast of fire that set the front ablaze. The driver screamed and fled the car, Devious unleashing a burst of wind that pushed it away.

He looked around and saw many people running to escape him, making him chuckle. "Pathetic. These weaklings don't deserve magical power. Whoever has the medallion must be using it terribly."

"HEY!" He spun around to see the five Rainbooms run out of the diner, the magical man sensing a magic-like energy coming off of them.

"You five aren't like these other maggots. You might actually put up a fight."

"You bet we will!" Applejack cried as she ran over to the crashed car and threw it at Devious, only for him to unleash a blast of wind that knocked it away. He then launched a bolt of lightning towards them, Rarity putting up a shield to block it as Twilight and Pinkie armed themselves.

Once the lightning stopped, Rarity dropped the shield as Pinkie tossed a bunch of explosive cupcakes and Twilight launched several pieces of scrap metal. They shot towards Devious, who spun the dial on his staff and hit the ground.

A rock wall shot up out of it and blocked the attacks, the metal bouncing off of it whilst the cupcakes exploded and made the wall crack and crumble. Devious smirked as the wall fell apart, focusing on the girls. "You are all impressive." He focused on Sunset, "I bet your powers are just as good." Sunset frowned, "too bad I'm not here for you." He turned the dial and his gem turned clear, "so let's end this fight right now." The crystal unleashed a wave of energy, which struck the five girls.

As soon as it did, their geodes stopped glowing and they suddenly felt themselves growing weak.

"What?" Sunset fell to her knees, the others doing the same. "What's...what's happening?" Devious smirked at the girls and looked them over, seeing Applejack and Pinkie trying to force themselves back to their feet.

"My legs!" Rarity cried, "what's happening."

"Your magic might be different," Devious explained. "But it can still be affected by my null crystal. Now...do any of you know where the Luna Cat Medallion is?" The girls gave him a confused look, wondering what the heck he was talking about. "Magic is very limited here. So someone with those kinds of powers must have become someone of note by now. They would be able to cast illusions and have increased physical abilities." When he saw their eyes go wide, he knew they were familiar with this power. "Come now, I know it's nearby. My spell was designed to bring me directly to the mask's general location. Now...who has it?"

"No idea what you're talking about," Sunset groaned. Devious clearly didn't believe that and raised his staff, which began to turn red. The girls braced themselves for what was about to come, only it didn't.

"HEY!" Devious looked up, just in time to see Lady Masquerade falling towards him with her staff held high. She swung it down and Devious leapt back, the attack missing as the staff clanged against the ground.

Seeing the mask she was wearing, Deviou smiled a wicked smile.

"So, you're the one." He looked her up and down, whilst Trixie stood tall and spun her staff around. As this was happening, the girls could feel their strength coming back. "Um...not much to look out. Why on earth would Miragina send you the Medallion?" Trixie raised an eyebrow at this, until she heard Sunset speak up.

"He's after the coin! He knows about it and what it can do. I think he wants to take it!" This surprised Trixie for a moment, only to then smile as she was reminded of the same issue being faced by Flash.

"So..." She smirked, "this is my Vilgax." The end of the staff glowed, "you want my power. Well you can have it!" She thrust the staff forward and in doing so, unleashed the light which shot up and began to take form.

In the blink of an eye, a giant dragon was standing in the street. It let out a mighty roar and thrust its head forwards, Trixie expecting Devious to scream. But he didn't. He just stood there and let the dragon swallow him, only to then disappear as he remained standing with a smirk on his lips.

"Nice try." He stepped forward, "but that ability only works if the person doesn't know your creations aren't real." Trixie's eyes went wide as he held up his staff, the crystal turning green. "Let me show you real magic." Wind exploded out of the crystal and slammed into Trixie, who cried out as she was knocked flying backwards.

The Rainbooms gasped as Trixie began to fall, the superhero turning her staff into a belt and throwing the extendable fabric over to a lamp post. Using it to swing around and back into the air, she landed atop a nearby building and glared down at Devious.

The man smirked at her before charging forward, thrusting his staff into the ground and creating a tornado that propelled him towards Trixie. Lady Masquerade created a cloud of smoke that covered the building, blocking Devious from seeing where she was.

At the same time, Twilight took out her phone and sent a text to Shining Armor. He might not have any abilities, but she knew he would want to hear about this. Especially since Trixie was his friend. "We have to help her," Rarity moaned as Twilight did so.

"Anyone else still feeling weaker then a stick under a ton of apples?"

"Yeah," Pinkie moaned, "that wave made my legs feel like jelly. And not the good kind." They could still feel their strength and magic returning, but it was a very slow process.

Devious continued to walk through the smoke, not bothering to try and blow it away since wind had no effect on something that wasn't really there.

So he walked blindly through the dark cloud, waiting to see if his prey did the smart thing. She did not. "YAAAAR!" He turned to see Lady Masquerade rushing out of the smoke with her staff, the girl swinging it towards him. But he was easily able to block the attack with his staff.

"Pathetic!" He pushed Trixie back, "you've barely scratch the surface of the Medallion's power."

"What makes you such an expert?" Trixie asked before charging again, Devious easily blocking or avoiding her attacks.

"I am the descendant of an ancient line of rulers, that were meant to take the throne from the previous king. But my family was denied because the Medallion chose my ancestor's younger brother to bond with instead of me."

"Chose?" Trixie leapt back as the smoke faded away, "you're talking about this coin like it's alive."

"It's not," Devious smirked. "But the magic inside of it is like nothing you could ever understand. Though not alive, it has a consciousness. So whenever the previous wielder dies or renounces their claim, it seeks out those worthy of it that are in the line of succession." He raised an eyebrow at her, "so why did it chose you after the queen renounced her claim?"

Trixie was starting to wonder that same thing, but knew she couldn't let that thought distract her. She might not know much about this Medallion and why it had come to her, but she knew she couldn't let this guy get it.

So, she slammed her staff onto the ground and created a bunch of illusions. These ones took the shape of her, Devious quickly finding himself facing off against an army of Lady Masquerades on the rooftop. They all moved in perfect harmony, ponting their staff at him.

"Nice try. But just because you made copies of yourself, that doesn't mean you've moved." He pointed his staff at her and the army quickly started moving around one another, Devious feeling like he was playing that ball under a cup game.

He tried to follow the real Trixie, but lost sight of her. He growled as the army circled around him, then felt someone thrust their staff into his back. He grunted and staggered forward, quickly spinning around to fire at the one responsible. But he hit nothing but illusions, which weren't affected by the flames.

Another strike hit him in the back, then another struck him in the chest and then the back of his knee. He grunted with every hit and growled, then changed to his wind crystal before slamming it into the ground. A burst of wind exploded out from him, hitting the many illusions.

But instead of only one being knocked back like he expected, they all seemed to be blown back. "Think you can trick me by having your fakes copy you when I attack them all? Not bad, but you're not the first to rely on that trick." The army of girls began running around him again and he expected to be struck one again. But he wasn't going to wait and try to counter her.

Instead, he turned the wheel to the yellow orb and pointing his staff upwards. Suddenly, a bright sphere of light appeared above them. The mini sun rose up high and unleashed its light, causing the many Trixie clones to stop and shield their eyes.

Devious knew only one of them needed to do that, mentally praising Trixie for commanding her clones to do that and keep her location a secret. But there was one thing she forgot to account for.

"Nice shadow!" He joked before launching a lightning bolt towards the only one who was casting one, Lady Masquerade gasping as she brought her staff forward to try and block the attack. But she couldn't and as the sun above them vanished, she was struck in the chest and screamed as she was blasted back off the roof.

Down on the ground, many people who had stuck nearby and seen the sun above a building and noticed the blast of lightning. They heard a scream and all gasped when Lady Masquerade was knocked off the roof and sent falling towards the ground.

"NO!" Her friends cried as Twilight tried to use what little magic she had regained to grab her, managing to get hold of her staff as it reverted back to its belt form. Once she did, she wrapped it around Trixie's chest and pulled on the edge. This slowed Trixie down enough so when she hit the ground, she didn't break any bones.

They ran to her side as she moaned, the front of her costume being burnt. "Are you okay?" Sunset asked, only for them to hear the sound of a tornado forming above them.

Devious appeared from the building and slowly flew towards them, the Rainbooms picking Trixie up. "Come on!" Applejack cried, as they started running away from him.

"Stop," Trixie moaned as she was still recovering, "I can take him."

"Yeah right," Pinkie told her. The six ran as fast as they could, whilst Devious began launching lightning bolts and fireball towards them. They screamed and Rarity put up a barrier behind them, shielding them as they ran around a building onto another street.

Devious followed and when he arrived on the other street, he spotted the girls running into an alleyway between two buildings. He again followed them through the alleyway, his eyes shifting around several times to try and locate them. But they were nowhere in sight.

He then stopped in front of a brick wall and focused on an open door, only to then raise his staff. As he did, Applejack suddenly shot out of the wall looking ready to punch him. But she slammed into a wall of wind and knocked back through the wall. Said wall quickly vanished to reveal the girls hiding behind it, Pinkie acting quickly and a piece of candy she had at his feet.

Devious leapt back as it exploded, Rarity using this to make a barrier that she threw at him. As he was in midair when it struck, he was unable to protect against it and was pushed backwards into the far wall.

The girls used this chance to get out of their hiding place and run back the way they came. But as they did, Devious used a dark spell to destroy the shield and free himself. As he fell to the ground, he glared at the girls and ran after them. He turned the dial to the null gem and as the girls continued running, he slammed the staff onto the ground to send out a wave of magic.

The girls cried out as the wave struck them all, the lot falling to the ground as they lost their strength. Trixie was also feeling it, trying to make an illusion but having no luck. She rolled onto her back as Devious stepped towards her, the superheroine trying to pull herself back.

"What are you going to do?" She asked in absolute terror, "kill me?"

"Maybe," he smirked as he raised his staff. "It depends on how strong you are. You might survive this process, but you'll probably wish you were dead once it's complete."

"Once what's complete?" Trixie asked, as his staff glowed brighter and brighter. Her friends gasped seeing this, knowing it wouldn't be good. But before any of them could do anything, it unleashed a beam that struck her in the chest. "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!"

"TRIXIE!" They all screamed, the lot trying to pick themselves up but still feeling too weak.

Trixie was in absolute agony, feeling like every cell in her body was being pulled apart. She had never felt fear like this before. When she had gotten her powers, she thought she was invincible. But now, as pain like she had never felt before surged through her, she realised she was anything but.

The others could only watch as their friend was torture, whilst the Medallion on her mask began to glow. That glow began to flow off the coin and towards Devious, the girls realising he was attempting to steal it. And there was nothing they could do to help.

Trixie could feel the Medallion's power slowly slipping from her metaphysical hands. It was still connected to her, but any moment now she would lose it and the power would belong to her attacker.

Devious smirked as he drew closer and closer to finally gaining what was rightfully his. "I win."

"I don't think so!" Suddenly, something shot towards Devious and his danger senses kicked in. He cut the power to his spell and leapt backwards narrowly avoiding being impaled.

Trixie gasped as the pain suddenly stopped, she and the Rainbooms turning to see a bunch of crystal sticking out of the ground that Devious had been standing on. They turned towards the voice they had just heard and all smiled when they saw Diamondhead standing there.

The crystalline alien pulled his arm back and smirked, the girls sighing in relief whilst Devious glared at him. "You're an interesting one." He stood tall, "I'm not sensing any magic coming from you." He raised his staff as it turned red, "no matter!" He launched a stream of fire that engulfed Diamondhead, the girls all gasping. But when the fire died down, the alien was revealed to not have a scratch on him.

He smirked before charging forward, turning his arms to blades. Devious' eyes went wide as he fired a lightning bolt, but the electricity just bounced off Diamondhead and towards the girls. They all gasped at this and he quickly slammed his fist into the ground, causing a circle of crystal to grow out of the ground and protect them.

"Gaaah," Devious growled as he launched a laser at him. But Diamondhead cupped his hands, the laser hitting it and causing the beam to reflect from one onto the other and then back towards Devious. He gasped and the laser slammed into him, Diamondhead smirking as he moved towards him.

As he did, Shining ran onto the scene and saw the diamond circle. When he reached it, he looked over the crystals at the girls. "You okay?"

"A little weak," Twilight told him. "But we'll be fine." They were all circled around Trixie, who was laid out on the ground. "Come on," she shook her. "Get up."

Trixie moaned as her eyes opened. "What happened?"

"You almost died!" Sunset told her. "That guy almost ripped the power out of you. One of the aliens showed up and saved you just in time." Trixie was shocked to hear this. She knew Flash was annoyed at her and figured if she was in trouble, he would tell her to fix it herself. It was then she realised that was something she would do, not him. Because he wasn't like her. He was a real hero.

They helped her stand up and look over the crystal wall, as Diamondhead slashed at Devious. The man tried to blast him with his magic, but nothing he did had any affect on the alien. "Wow," Pinkie gasped, "he's not even flinching."

Twilight smiled. "Diamonds are the most durable substances in the world. An alien made of them is practically invincible."

Diamondhead leapt over a fireball and grabbed his back spikes, pulling them out and throwing them like javelins. They shot towards Devious as he slammed his staff into the ground and created a wall that the crystals stabbed themselves through, slowing them down so Devious could leap out of the way.

The alien then created a path of crystal to slide upon and surf around the fireballs Devious struck. As he did, the red orb on the diel suddenly stopped glowing before it shattered and fell away. The fireballs stopped and Devious growled, this being noticed by Trixie and the others.

"You see that?" Twilight asked.

"Those small crystals are what's powering the staff," Sunset realised. "And they're not unlimited." But then Devious reached into his cloak and took out another red orb, replacing the first one as the larger crystal turned red again.

Diamondhead stopped surfing and jumped towards the ground, slamming his fist into the ground and creating a line of diamonds that shot towards Devious. He replied by unleashing a cloud of darkness, which shot towards the crystals and engulfed them. When the cloud faded, the crystals were gone.

Devious smirked at this and Diamondhead realised he was in trouble.

"I think he just found Diamondhead's kryptonite," Pinkie gulped as the others looked at her in confusion. They didn't have time to ask what she meant, as Devious fired another dark cloud which shot towards Diamondhead. The alien ducked down and as he did, the tip of his shoulder spike was hit by the cloud.

He flinched and rolled away, everyone seeing the crystal had melted. "It's like acid!" Shining realised as he took out his gun.

He tried to shoot at Devious, but the magician noticed the movement and spun around. As he did, the staff unleashed a cloud of darkness that formed a circle around him that flew outwards. Shining gasped at this and ducked behind the gem circle, dropping his gun as he did, whilst Diamondhead slammed his hands into the ground and created a pillar that lifted him upwards.

The cloud slammed into the gems and gun, melting them away and causing Diamondhead to fall towards the ground. The girls watched the shadows fade away, with the crystals protecting them now gone.

"Move!" Sunset cried, the lot running around so they were once again protected. They watched as Diamondhead kept firing at Devious, but all his projectiles were melted away.

"Can't you do something?" Shining asked the girls, focusing on Twilight. "Grab his staff in your magic to pull away, or something?"

"I can't!" Twilight told her. "He hit us with some kind of anti-magic wave. It nullified our magic and made us as weak as a baby." They saw Diamondhead was getting tied, panting as he avoided another shadow blast. As he stood up, Trixie frowned and felt horrible.

Flash was in trouble because of her. And she could do nothing to help him. Or could she?

She reached up and touched her coin, drawing on all the power she could. Her body was still recovering from the agony she had felt before, so the coin was resisting her. It seemed to know she was in no fit state to wield its power, but she didn't care and forced it to obey her. And sure enough, her hands started glowing.

Devious prepared to fire another blast at Diamondhead. But before he could, Diamondhead suddenly vanished. "What?" He looked around, but couldn't see him. "Where are you?"

"Right here!" He spun around, only to be punched by something invisible.

"AUGH!" He was knocked backwards, but managed to roll back to his feet. As he did, diamond bullets shot towards him out of nowhere. He didn't have time to fire a shadow at them, instead jumping out of the way. As he did, he spun around and unleashed another cloud circle. It shot out and a small crystal pillar shot out of the ground, flinging the invisible alien over the cloud.

Trixie gasped and had to stop her illusion as the cloud flew towards them, the lot jumping back as the shadows consumed the last of the crystal circle that remained.

Diamondhead fired more shards at Devious and he leapt back, firing another shadow blast at him as the hero landed. Diamondhead protected himself from it with a crystal wall, whilst Trixie summoned more magic and made him invisible again.

Devious had to avoid another barrage of crystals and growled as he turned to Lady Masquerade, the fiend spinning the dial to his null gem. "Raaaaah!" He slammed his staff into the ground and sent out a wave of energy, hitting the girls again and causing them to all grow weak.

They cried out as Trixie's nose began to bleed, Shining seeing them all fall to the ground.

Devious smirked at this and as Diamondhead reappeared, he realised he shouldn't be attacking Devious.

Before the magician could switch back to the dark gem, he fired a crystal towards him. With perfect aim, he struck the large gem on the staff. "NO!" Devious cried as it shattered, Diamondhead quickly firing several more crystals that ripped through the staff and turned it to splinters.

As the many gems fell to the ground and rolled everywhere, Diamondhead rushed forward. Devious tried to escape, but the alien was faster. "Game...OVER!" He thrust his fist forward and smacked him right in the face, making him cry out as he fell back.

Diamondhead then thrust his hands into the ground and in doing so, gems grew out from under Devious. Within seconds, everything but his head and feet were sealed in the crystal coffin.

"No," Devious tried to escape, but couldn't. "NOOOOOO!"

Diamondhead sighed before turning to the others. "Everyone okay?"

"We're fine," Twilight assured him. She then turned to Trixie as she wiped her nose, "are you?"

Trixie sighed, but nodded. "I'll live." She then looked guilty, "I'm sorry I made such a mess of things." Everyone smiled, happy she was okay.

But then, suddenly, there was another flash of light and they all got into a fighting stance as they saw the light swirl into a familiar looking portal. "What's that?" Diamondhead asked, as the girls gasped.

"That's the thing he came out of," Twilight cried as someone began to come through it.

"Get ready," Diamondhead told them. "He might have called for backup." But what came out of the portal wasn't what they expected. Not by a long shot.

A bunch of medieval knights marched out, all armed with funny looking shotguns. The took a defencive position around the portal and looked around the place, spotting them and seeing Devious. "Friend or foe!?" One of the knights cried, the lot of them pointing their guns at them.

They quickly raised their arms, Shining stepping forward. "That depends?" He pointed at Devious, "you friends of his? If so, then I guess we're foe." The knights understood this and then spotted Trixie, the lot lowering their weapons before one threw a green ball back into the portal.

A moment later, someone in differently designed armor stepped out from it. He was a pink skinned young man or around twenty, with white hair and a regal appearance

He looked around and spotted Devious, then noticed Trixie. He walked forward, those from this side of the portal realising he was someone important. "Greetings."

"Who are you?" Diamondhead asked, Aareus appearing totally unphased by the crystal being talking to him.

"I am Aareus Saintworthy. Son of Queen Miragina Saintworthy. Prince of the Luna Cat Kingdom."

"The Luna Cat Kingdom?" Sunset asked, turning to Trixie and nodding towards the coin on her mask. "This guy called that thing the Luna Cat Medallion."

Trixie nodded as she removed the mask, transforming back into her street clothes. "He said the Medallion chose me after Miragina renounced it." She looked towards Aareus, "do you know why it came to me?"

Aareus shook his head. "I don't. All I know is that my mother renounced it and Devious attempted to find it after he escaped from us. When we found his hideout, we learned he had created a portal to another world." He looked around, "it appears this place is a weak point of your dimension's barrier. It's possible there are other gaps in the barrier to other worlds."

Everyone shared a look, knowing that was true due to the portal to Equestria.

"My best guess is that mother used her magic to open a dimension portal like Devious did and sent the Medallion through it. When it arrived, it bounded itself to the person it had the best affinity with. As it turns out, that's you." He held out his hand. "Please, give me the Medallion. It's the most important artefact of my people. It must be returned to our kingdom."

Trixie frowned at the mask, but it looked like she was about to give it up. But before she could, Sunset stopped her. "Hang on. How do we know this guy isn't just pretending to be the prince of this kingdom?" She gestured to Devious, "he might be this guy's lackey."

The others all frowned. "She has a point," Twilight nodded. "It is a bit of a coincidence that they showed up right as we beat him."

Aareus frowned, "what do I have to do to prove I'm not your enemy?" Sunset replied by holding out her hand.

"I can read memories. Let me see yours. If you're lying, I'll know." Aareus appeared interested in this and stepped forward, the knights looking worried as he grasped Sunset's hand. They watched as her eyes went white, waiting as she was shown Aareus' memories. After a few moments, they returned to normal and Sunset let him go. As she did, she gave him a sorrowful look. "I'm sorry about your mother. I..." She looked ready to be sick, "I never want to find anyone I care about like that."

"Yes," Aareus nodded, "it wasn't easy. But hopefully it proves I'm not your enemy." Sunset nodded and turned to Trixie.

"He's not lying. The mask belonged to his mother and needs to go back." Trixie sighed at this, but nodded and stepped forward. As she did, she looked down at the mask and remembered everything she had done with it.

"When this thing came to me, I thought I could use it to become a hero. And I thought I did." She then frowned, "but I was never a hero. I was just someone looking to get attention." She gave the others a sorrowful look. "I'm sorry. I understand now why being a hero isn't my destiny." She turned back to Aareus and held out the mask.

"Destiny is what we make of it," the prince announced as he took it. "You used the Medallion's power for good, did you not?" Trixie nodded. "Even if it was for a hollow reason, helping others is always the right thing to do. Remember that and have pride in what you've accomplished."

Trixie smiled and nodded, as Aareus' men ran over to Devious. Diamondhead detached the crystals holding him from the ground and they pushed him onto his side. "Hey!" He cried before they started rolling him towards the portal. "Mark my words. You have not seen the last of-" He didn't get to finish before he disappeared into the portal, Aareus beginning to follow him.

He stopped right in front of the portal, turning back to Trixie. "Thank you, for keeping the Medallion safe." The look he gave Trixie was an unusual one. "You...remind me a lot of someone."

"You barely know me," Trixie pointed out.

"I know," he nodded. "But...your aura's really similar to hers."


Aareus seemed pained by the answer, "my mother." With that, Aareus stepped through the portal. The knights followed him and once the last one was gone, the portal began to fade away.

"What do you think that meant?" Pinkie asked as it disappeared from view, everyone turning to Trixie who wasn't sure.

She barely thought about it, instead already beginning to miss having her powers. But she knew this was for the best. She wasn't ready to be a hero. Not yet anyway. "If it hadn't been for Diamondhead, I would be..." She sighed and turned to the alien, "thank you for-" She was speaking to dead air.

"Hey!" Applejack frowned, "where'd he go?"

"He must have snuck off when we weren't looking," Twilight frowned.

"Why do they keep doing that?" Pinkie asked, but Trixie knew why. And she knew where she would find the alien she needed to thank.

Flash was sitting on his front porch, Banana on his lap, as the sun was beginning to set.

He smirked as he saw Trixie walking towards him, looking rather sheepish as she did so. "Hey." Flash was silent and turned back to the sunset. "I get it. You're not happy with me. I know I've been stealing the spotlight for a while."

"I don't care that you were hogging all the action," he finally spoke. "If you had been doing this for the right reasons, I wouldn't have had a problem with you being a hero. But you weren't."

"I know," Trixie sighed as she sat next to him. "It just felt...so amazing to be the hero for once." She turned to him, "do you remember what we were talking about right before you got the Omnitrix? You wanted to help people, but felt like you couldn't because the Rainbooms had magic and you didn't. Well...Trixie's been feeling the same way lately. Ever since you got the Omnitrix, you've been able to do whatever you want and everyone loves you for it."

"They don't know it's me though," Flash told her.

"I know, but you know you're appreciated." She sighed and curled herself up, Banana moving over to put his head on her lap. "I just wanted to be able to do something like that. To show people that I could be someone they could rely on too. But...I let all the attention go to my head."

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "I guess this kind of stuff is addicting. And heck, I've thought about what it would be like if the world knew my secret and treated me like a movie star. But there are more important things about being a hero then getting rich and famous."

"I get that now," Trixie nodded. "A little too late. Now that I don't have my powers any more."

"Hey," Flash punched her on her shoulder. "You might not be a hero, but you're still my hero. I'd have been dead tons of times if you hadn't been there to save my butt." Trixie smiled at this, the pair laughing and making up as they watched the sunset together. Trixie might not have had her powers any more, but as long as she could help Flash in his heroics, that would be enough.

Back in the Luna Cat Kingdom, a knight walked towards a cell carrying a tray of horrible food.

"Grubs up!" He announced before opening a catflap on the bottom of the door and sliding the tray inside. "Hope you like it. You'll be eating it until the day you die." He laughed as he left, whilst the prisoner moved over to the tray.

Devious growled as he was forced to eat it with his bare hands. "Just wait. I'll get out of here. And when I do, you'll all be sorry."

Author's Note:

Trixie's Lucky Girl episode. You guys asked for it and I hope it was to your liking. Let me know what you guys thought about it.

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