• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Behind the Alien: Lindwhirl

Good evening and welcome back, explorers and omni-planetary travellers. Thank you for returning to take yet another tour of our ever expanding universe, where every planet holds its own secrets and discoveries.

The first planet on our tour is the homeworld of one of Flash's new aliens. The powerful and ferocious Lindwhirl.

The animal lovers on our tour are sure to be in for a treat, as this world is brimming with multiple species of different animals. Just be sure not to try and pet any of the wild life. Even the cutest beasts on this planet will be happy to take a finger if they get the chance.

The scene opens up on a planet that appears similar to earth, having many different biomes on its many continents. Around the planet was a ring of rocks and other space junk spiralling around the planet.

Chimenic. The only planet in its solar system to contain life, it is a world very similar to your planet earth. Though six point three percent smaller then your planet, the two are basically the same in every other way. And much like earth, an abundance of life has come to be here on Chimenic.

The scene zooms in on the planet, which quickly changed to show many different biomes with many different creatures within it. Strangely, these creatures appeared to be combinations of earth animals. There were spiders with bird wings, sharks that ran upon big cats feet and snakes with scorpion tails and bull horns. Pick any two or three animals on earth and this planet had a mix of them.

Despite the large number of creatures that call this place home, only three have obtained the level of intelligence required to be used in the Omnitrix. Each of these creatures occupy a different area of the planet, so none of them ever interact in a negative way.

The scene changes to show a large rocky area, full of mountains and other large rocks that look like they went on for miles.

Welcome to one of the many rock lands of Chimenic, which are scattered all across the planet. The largest of these being roughly the size of the country you call India. Large mountains cover the lands, with boulder fields located between them. Many different creatures live in this area, including the mighty lindracus.

Name: Lindracus
Alien Type: Intelligent Beast
Intelligence: 2/20
Abilities: Claws, fangs, curling into a ball and spinning at high speed
Form: Chimera-like body made of multiple animals. Head of a wolf with bat ears and long fangs sticking out of mouth, with horns on its head. Body and arms of a bear, with the tail of a snake for its lower half and spikes running down its body.

The scene zooms in on one of the boulder fields, where a bunch of lindracus are rolling around crushing anything in sight. When one rolls up to a large rock, it doesn't stop and simply smashes through it without any issue. The pieces of this rock go flying in every directions and even hit some of the other lindracus, but they simply bounce off the beasts without causing a scratch.

lindracus. A rather wild creature, it would appear its lack of legs would cause this species to have a tough time moving and surviving. But this is not the case, due to the interesting method of travel these aliens have developed. By biting upon their tail tips, they simply roll along the grounds.

lindracus can reach incredibly high speeds, not needing to worry about hurting themselves thanks to their incredibly tough hides. It is so strong, that only a blade made of mostly taydenite can cut through it. With this hide and their almost iron-like skeleton structure, lindracus have no natural predators and will almost never sustain a fatal injury.

With their strong hides, they can roll at high speeds without needing to worry about getting hurt. Though they don't usually care where they roll too, their strong sense of smell and hearing allows them to detect oncoming obstacles. And any obstacle they do come across that isn't smashed upon the first hit, will eventually succumb to the relentless grinding of their steel fur and spiked spines. As such, they can run as wild as they like without needing to worry about injuring themselves. Everything around them, however...

The scene changes to show a bunch of tapirs with armadillo shells on their backs. They are making their way towards something when they feel a rumbling on the ground. They looked around and are shocked to see the lindracus rolling towards them.

They become terrified and try to run away, but the lindracus have caught onto their sent and managed to turn so that they head in their direction. The tapirs have no other choice but to try and outrun them, the lot rolling up themselves and rolling. But the lindracus have too much of a head start, catching up to them before they can build up any speed.

The camera turns away before it can record the lindracus crushing the poor creatures beneath them.

Like many planets on this system, it's survival of the fittest here. And with the lindracus' incredible speed and durability, it appears these creatures will be remaining the fittest beast in the biome for quite some time.

The camera pans down to the lindracus again, the beasts having finally stopped rolling to devour the remains of the poor creatures they had just crushed.

lindracus fangs are so strong, they can bite through anything. Even bone. Scavengers on this planet know not to bother expecting leftovers from a lindracus feast.

Once they finished devouring their food, the lindracus started rolling along the rocky ground again. Creating a trail of destruction as they rolled, the group appear to be heading some place. A large lake.

This lake is roughly the size of a football field and as the lindracus got in close, they stopped spinning and extended their tails to propel themselves into the air. Eventually, the came crashing down into the water and dived right down to the bottom. There, they started swimming around and enjoying themselves whilst a few found hexagon-shaped clams at the bottom that they pried open with their claws to get to the crunchy delicious pearl on the inside.

Up on the surface, many more lindracus were hanging around the lake's shore. Some were laying on large rocks, soaking up the sun, whilst others were watching smaller lindracus learn how to swim in the water. And others were staring one another down before charging at one another and rolling up.

The pair were playing chicken with one another, clearly wanting to see which had the more guts. But it seemed like their guts were equal, as they smashed into one another and bounced back as they let out a howl.

Though the lindracus are the masters of the rocky mountains, other beasts have their own specialities on this planet.

The scene changes to show a large forest, which was full of large bugs that seemed to be combos of different bugs. Some had horns and shot webs, whilst others had stingers and rolled into balls.

Welcome to the jungles of Chimenic, lush and fertile biomes teaming with life. Though many of the creatures that live here are insectoid in nature, there is one species that dominate the area. The bestiscere.

From one of the taller trees, something jumped off and began to fly through the forest. That something is a strange monkey, rabbit creature with gliding flaps under its arms.

Name: Bestiscere
Alien Type: Intelligent beast
Intelligence: 4/20
Abilities: Climbing, jumping, gliding, super hearing, pincer tail.
Form: Chimp body and arms with the head of a rabbit and feet of a bird, standing at between two and three feet. Long monkey tail with a scorpion pincer on the end and retractable gliding membrane between the arms and legs.

Bestiscere, the smartest species that lives on Chimenic. Like all other beings here, this race of creature is an amalgamation of many different beasts found on the planet earth. Their high intelligence combined with their vast array of abilities, have allowed them to survive in this hostile environment despite the many dangers that live here.

The bestiscere flies through the air, catching bugs in its mouth as it glides.

A bestiscere's main survival tools include its incredible sense of hearing, combined with its ability to glide through the forest the second it picks up any sign of danger. It also uses its strong sense of hearing to detect any prey it might wish to consume.

As the bestiscere gets close to the ground, it shifts its position and begins to fly towards a tree. As it gets in close, in brings its arms down to its sides before reaching out again. The membrane was no longer connected to its arms, allowing it to grab onto the tree trunk and begin to pull itself up without issue.

As it made its way up, it stopped at one of the branches were a bunch of nuts and berries could be found. It quickly pulled them off the branch and curled its tail into a bowl that it stored the food inside, then continued up the tree until it was high enough.

In these higher branches were a bunch of nests, which were egg-shaped and made out of a bunch of leaves that appeared to be sewn together. Some were hanging from the branches, whilst others were tied to the trunk or bunched together around the branch.

Many different bestiscere were currently living there, eating nuts and berries from below. Those eating the nuts placed them between the pincer on its tail, they snapped the claw shut to crack the shell.

Bestiscere usually live in large groups, consisting of several families of these highly skittish creatures. A matriarchal society, they all live under the rule of a single alpha female that is in charge of gathering food and building supplies, along with making sure their home is safe from the jungle's top predatory species.

Down below, another bestiscere was flying through the forest and trying to grab a tree like the first one. But when it retracted its gliders, it found itself missing the tree and crashing into the ground. It rolled around before coming to a stop. It pushed itself to its feet and when it did, it realised the danger it was in and attempted to get back to the tree.

But as it got to the tree, the ground started shaking and something exploded out of the dirt.

The shovedon

Name: Shovedon
Alien Type: Predatory beast
Intelligence: 0/20
Abilities: Burrowing, digging, cutting down trees, strong sense of smell
Form: Rhino head surrounded by a lion's mane and a seven foot long serpent body, with two long scorpion arms that end in large shovel-like claws. Ten centipede legs running along the body and a large hook on the end of its tail.

The creature spotted the bestiscere attempting to climb up the side of the tree and swung around, driving its hook tail into the trunk and pulling. The tree eventually broke apart, the hook coming flying as the trunk split in half and began to fall with the bestiscere along with it.

The shovedon quickly charged and rammed its horned head into the falling tree, causing it to explode into a million splinters as the bestiscere fell to the ground. And as it crashed into the earth, the shovedon pinned it with its shovel claws. All it could do was unleash an extremely high pitched scream, which echoed through the forest.

A highly ferocious creature, the shovedon uses its keen sense of smell to detect prey from underground. There it lies in wait, until something large enough to satisfy its hunger arrives. Because of this, bestiscere have adopted a policy of staying as high in the air as they can. The further they are from the ground, the harder time shovedons will have detecting them. But once a shovedon finds the nest of a bestiscere troop...

Once the shovedon finished its meal, it started knocking down more trees. It either pulled them down with its hooked tail, or dug the trees up by shoving its claws into the ground and uprooting the tree. The entire area was soon going timber, the trees falling to the ground and bringing the bestiscere village down with it.

However, the bestiscere were not in this village.

In order to protect the villages from their predators, the bestiscere will let out a high pitched wail whenever a shovadon is seen. With their powerful ears, the other bestiscere are able to hear the wail and quickly evacuate the village. Sometimes, the village remains standing and they can return home once the shovadon is gone. This time, however, they will need to search for a new home.

The scene changes once again, this time to a snowy wasteland not unlike the earth's arctic and antarctic.

Moving up north, we arrive at the final biome found on Chimenic. That of eternal snowlands that exist on the planet's highest continent. With temperatures ranging from between minus fifty and minus eighty degrees, very few species have evolved in order to survive in such frigid conditions.

One of the creatures that lives here is the final creature we will be exploring today, and one some mythology nuts might recognise. The mighty, akhlut.

Running across the snow was a large pack of strange looking creatures, which appear to be a fusion of a wolf and an orca. The beasts were large, so large that it was amazing they didn't fall through the snow as they ran across it.

Name: Akhlut
Alien Type: Intelligent mammal
Intelligence: 3/20
Abilities: Swimming, scent tracking, transformation
Form: An elephant sized wolf-like body with orca skin in place of fur, with small ears and a long nose. White lower jaw, chin, front of neck, underbelly and feet below the knees with the rest being black. Long orca tail and and fins on its back and legs.

Ranging from between twenty and twenty-five feet in length, these large creatures are some of the most powerful beasts on this planet. With a powerful sense of smell, a strong jaw that could bite through steel and an ability that makes it dangerous on land or in the water, these beasts are considered one of the greatest hunters on Chimenic. But what is this ability, you might ask?

The group soon arrived at the edge of the water and all leapt into it. As soon as they did, their bodies transformed. Their necks vanished which caused their necks to fuse with their bodies, whilst their legs merged with their bodies and made the fins on their knees stick out.

In this new form, the creatures swim around far easier then they could in their landforms.

Much like piscciss volanns, akhlut possess the power to metamorph between an aquatic form and a landform. In these aquatic forms, they can hold their breath for up to thirty minutes at a time and move through the water and over forty knots an hour. This ability allows them to hunt almost anywhere for food, be that food be a form of fish or land creature.

The akhlut swim around and start hunting a bunch of fish they found, swimming around them at high speeds to form a small whirlpool that disoritates the fish and allows the akhlut to snack down on them before they can swim away.

Living in pods or packs of between six and thirteen, akhlut need to consumed at least five hundred pounds of food a day to maintain their body weight in these icy waters.

Once the pod had finished eating, they all headed back to the surface and leapt out of the water. Transforming back into their landforms, they each hit the snow and shake off the icy water before it can freeze into place. They run back the way they came, to an area of the snowy wasteland that is full of large caves in the side of an glacial cliff.

Some of you might recognise these creatures from a one of your cultures folklore. Centuries ago, a group of poachers were said to have captured a large collection of akhlut and attempted to place the lot of them in an alien zoo. However, on their way to said zoo, engine trouble caused the ship to crash on a then very underdeveloped planet. Earth.

Luckily for the akhlut, the ship ended up landing in a cold region of your planet. There, they escaped and managed to find places to live and breed for several generations. However, this caused problems for the natives of the planet becoming a favourite food of the akhlut. Luckily, several species that would later go on to co-found the plumbers arrived to capture and return them back to Chimenic where they belong.

The scene changes back to the rocky area, where the lindracus continue to roll across the landscape.

Eventually, they arrive at the base of a small mountain where a bunch of caves are carved into the rock. And much like at the lake, more lindracus can be found sunbathing, fighting or watching younger lindracus as they learn to roll up and spin like a wheel. However, these young lindracus clearly need to get the technique down since they can only roll a few feet before falling over.

Several of the returning lindracus are carrying junks of meat, which they drop upon the ground for the little ones to drag themselves over to and start eating.

Meanwhile, higher up the mountain, several lindracus are pulling themselves up it. The lindracus thrust their claws into the rock, able to dig right into the cliffside and keep themselves from falling as they pull themselves further up it and repeat the process with its other claws.

The beasts keep climbing higher and higher. Some were using this to strengthen their bodies, whilst others were just trying to see how high they can get. But all of them were looking forward to what would eventually come.

Once they were as high as they could or wanted to go, the lindracus release the sides of the mountain and fall towards the ground. As they do, they roll up and ride the mountainside whilst picking up speeds they could never reach on their own.

The group transformed into flaming meteors that smashed through any piece of the mountain that stuck out and was in their path. After a while, each of them crashed into a hole covered area of the ground. With each impact, a shockwave exploded out and sent a wave of dust and debris out in all directions.

When the smoke finally cleared, the lindracus pulled themselves out of the craters and all let out laugh-like roars as none of them even had a scratch.

Chimenic. A harsh and dangerous place to call home. But thankfully, we were just visiting. Now I think it's time we head off to the next planet on our tour. Be sure to pack a flashlight, as our next destination is one you'll have a hard time seeing in without one. Onwards, to our next big adventure.

Author's Note:

Behind the Alien is back with Lindwhirl's planet. Hope you enjoyed seeing it and liked the creature fusions I made. Now, onto the next planet.

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