• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Behind the Alien: Volt-Edge

Good evening, explorers and omni-planetary travellers. I welcome you to this amazing tour, as we delve into the many mysteries and incredible environments that make up our ever expanding universe.

I will be your guide, as we visit several of the home planets of some of Flash Sentry's alien transformations. I hope that this journey will help you understand how amazing some of these aliens are, as we learn about their lives and cultures and see how they go about their lives.

We'll be starting our tour with the home planet of Flash's most electrifying alien, Volt-Edge.

Before he head off, please remove any electrically conductive items from your person. Trust me, you'll be thankful you did when we arrive.

The scene opens on a planet that is completely covered in a thick layer of dark clouds, with only a few brown spikes sticking out through them

Serravoltia. One of the most unusual planets in its system and from afar, it might just look like a giant electrical storm cloud. In truth, it is actually the result of a planet-sized chunk of iron ore that drew in large amounts of rock and water from space to form the planet you see before you.

Zooming in through the clouds, the planet's surface is shown to be a mixture of brown, blue and dark green. The brown parts are actually giant mountains, sticking out of the planet's surface whilst the green parts are forests and the blue spots are lakes and oceans of different shapes and sizes.

The multiple giant mountains that cover the planet are actually only the tips of the iron rock that the rest of the planet had formed around. Despite only being the tips, the smallest of these mountains is still six miles taller than the Mount Everest of your planet.

The space rocks that were once pulled down to the planet have since transformed into soil, which is now wrapped around the iron ore and in most places, can be as deep and your planet's crust. Multiple sections have also filled with water to form lakes and oceans of varying sizes and depths. The deepest of these oceans is roughly twelve hundred feet.

Due to the high concentration of iron ore that is permeated within the planet's rocky body, electrical energy gathers in its atmosphere. Because of this, the planet is constantly covered in a planet-sized lightning storm. This means that very little sunlight touches the planet's surface and most of the life on Serravoltia, have developed within the dark environment. This includes the main topic of our journey today. The Serravoltians.

Name: Serravoltian
Alien Type: Intelligent reptile
Intelligence: 3/20
Abilities: Lightning generation. Enhanced jumping. Enhanced agility. Sharp claws. Electromagnetic Abilities
Form: Blue lizard standing at between six and eight feet in full height. Black armor covering upper head, chest, back, hands, feet, knees and upper-legs. Lightning-bolt shaped horn and claws, with foot-long claws on feet.

Serravoltians. A reptilian alien best known for their electrical abilities and the sharp metal blades on their claws, feet, back and head. They live inside the many mountains that cover their planet, using their claws to cut through the rock to form caves and tunnels.

Zooming in on one of the mountains, we arrive at a cave halfway up it. Going inside, we find a small family of Serravoltians consisting of two adults and three younglings. Each of these younglings appear in a different state of grow.

The smallest is about the size of a human baby, being mostly blue with a small patch of white on its chest and around its mouth. On its large round head were a pair of long ears, which struck backwards and zigzagged in a lightning-bolt fashion.

The second smallest youngling is around two feet in height, its head being less round as it seemed to be in the process of reshaping itself into a more reptilian shape.

The third one is around five and a half feet, its head now completely lizard like but lacking the metal face-mask its parents wore. It did have armor on its chest, feet and knees though, whilst a small lightning-bolt horn was sticking out of its forehead.

Being born in these caves, Serravoltians also dig into them to find their main source of food. Iron Ore.

The adults begin slashing at the cave wall, a chunk rock falls off and the parents give it to the smallest youngling.

At some point in their evolution, these reptiles began mining out the ore and started eating it. This has caused their bodies to adapt and begin absorbing the ore and using it to grow the metal armoring on their bodies along with the claws and horns they later grow.

The oldest youngling begins slashing at the cave itself, ripping off two chunks of the rock with it throwing one of them towards the middle child. They both begin eating them.

It is unknown when they started developing this trait, but the evolution has granted them to ability to grow their own inbuilt weapons. And that's not the only ability they've gained from living on this planet. As the name of Flash's alien suggests, these creatures can launch incredible amounts of electricity from their bodies. But how did this occur, you might ask?

Leaving the cave, the camera pans upwards to show a storm cloud around the mountain. Said storm cloud unleashes a burst of lightning, which hits the mountain. Said lightning surges throughout the entire mountain, including the Serravoltian cave.

Inside said cave, the reptiles are continuing to do what they were doing before. But as the lightning flew through the cave, they stopped and let the electricity shoot into them. Instead of being hurt, this effect caused them all to sigh in contentment.

Whenever lightning hits the many mountains on the planet, the electrical energy surges through the metal veins running through the mountain. Because of this, the Serravoltians are often struck by these electrical burst. Many have theorized that during their evolution, the Serravoltian ancestors remained near the base of the mountains where the electrical energy is low.

This allowed them to slowly gain a resistance to it over time and as that resistance rose, they began living higher and higher up the mountain. With each generation likely becoming more resistant then the next, over time they adapted so that they were not only able to resist the electricity but store it and later learned to generate it themselves

One of the adults removed a chunk of ore and held it in its claws, using the electrical energy to melt it in a way that made the ore more to its liking. At the same time, the oldest youngling starts summoning its own electrical energy. The lightning flew into the metal on its body and then out its horn, flying towards another chunk of ore.

The other two also tried, but their lightning exploded out of them without any control and hit several random areas.

The combination of their metallic body sections and their electricity generation, has effectively turned the Serravoltians into living tasers. They can either charge their metal spikes in order to add an extra kick to their slashes, or use the metal to focus the lightning and expel it in a controlled burst. However, Serravoltians who haven't developed their metal armour will be unable to control their electricity, resulting in the energy exploding out of them at random.

Because of this, most Serravoltians do not leave their mountain homes until they have grown enough metal armor to control their electrical powers.

One of the Serravoltian adults slashes at a piece of the wall, causing a chunk to break off and create a hole in the wall. From this hole, a thin stream of water flies out. The young Serravoltians rush over at this and start drinking the water, whilst the older three step back.

Aside from the ore, Serravoltians must consume water on a semi-regular basis. Due to the danger of them leaving the caves, any water found in the mountains will always be given to the youngest members of the family. The rest must journey out to find it on the surface.

The camera leaves the cave once again and heads down to the base of the mountain, where a large group of Serravoltians were looking out at the forest surrounding their home.

An adult Serravoltian can go approximately two and a half months without water. But when they must drink, they always head out in packs in order to increase their chances of survival.

The lead Serravoltian ran forward and leapt off the side of the mountain, flying through the air and falling towards the trees. The rest followed after and they all fell through the canopy, then thrust their claws out to imbed them in the wood.

Years of these water missions have sculpted the Serravoltians into athletic masters with an incredible jumping ability. Coupled with their sharp claws, they can travel from the mountains to the water without ever needing to touch the ground.

The group began leaping from one tree to the next, using every trick they knew to make their way through the woods. But as one landed on a branch, the wood snapped and they fell towards the ground.

And the last thing they want is to touch the ground. Cause when they do, they run the risk of calling the attention of the planet's most dangerous predator.

The Serravoltian landed on the ground and quickly recovered, getting back on their feet and leaping up towards the tree. But it was too late. The ground started shaking and as the Serravoltians continued to make their way to the water, the earth beneath them exploded.

When it did, the lizards stopped and looked around to see a giant tube-like create slither out of the ground. Its entire head was a giant mouth, with multiple spinning teeth on the inside.

The Burricina.

Name: Burricina
Alien Type: Predatory Reptile
Intelligence: 0/20
Abilities: Burrowing. Vibration detection. Electric grounding.
Form: Worm-like alien with a brown tube-like body split into multiple sections. Four long chord-like yellow tendrils coming out of every section. Head is one big mouth with seven rows or rotating teeth. Tail has four blades sticking out the end.

Despite their worm-like appearance, the Burricina are reptilian in makeup. A burrowing species, they live in the soil mantle of the planet and constantly dig around looking for food. Despite how much they likely want to, they are unable to dig into the metal-filled rocks of the mountains. This is most likely what led the Serravoltians to originally begin living there, for against these creatures they had practically no defense due to how the Burricina have evolved.

The Burricina's tendrils pressed against the ground, as if trying to locate something.

The Serravoltians all remained perfectly still, not daring to make a move. But then one chose to make a break for it, jumping off the tree and causing it to shake. This seemed to affect the tendril closest to it and catch the worm's attention. The tendril shot up towards the Serravoltian, who launched a bolt of lightning towards it.

The lightning flew into the tendril and spread to the rest of the Burricina's body. But the creature didn't even seem affected by this, the tendril continuing to move forward and wrapping around the Serravoltian's body.

The long chords covering its body allow it to sense even the most minute vibrations. This allows it to track its prey and capture them, but it is its other ability that makes it such an incredible hunter on this planet.

Due to the rubber-like substance that makes up its skin, the Burricina have the ability to ground themselves so no electrical energy can damage them. As long as more than half its body is buried beneath the surface, there is no limit to how much electricity it can be struck by without injury.

The other Serravoltians all launch blasts of lightning at the worm, but none of them have any effect on the Burricina as it attacks with its tendrils. The reptiles all begin leaping away, but several more are caught. They attempt to slash through the tendrils, but whatever it's made out of won't cut. They're helpless as the Burricina lifts them up towards its mouth.

The other Serravoltians can only flee as they hear their brethren's screams, sad but all know this is the way of the world.

Unlike most creatures, Burricina have no recorded length limit. It is believed that they do not stop growing throughout their entire lives, which is likely a beneficial advantage given the requirements of their lightning negation. The longest recorded Burricina has been over seventy five meters in length.

The camera shifts to another area of the forest, where a large body of water can be found. It is here that the remaining Serravoltians arrive, the lot of them jumping down from the trees.

Due to their intense size, Burricina avoid areas surrounding bodies of water. Due to their mass and body density, they do not float and are therefore at risk of drowning should they fall in the water. This means the Serravoltians are free to drink to their heart's content. Their journey was not without its casualties, but it was worth to risk. Not only can the Serravoltians quench their thirst, but they have the chance to enjoy a rare delicacy for their kind.

As the Serravoltians drank, sparks appeared upon the water's surface. Said sparks were caused by small insectoid aliens that were flying over it.

Name: Zapperfly
Alien Type: Insect
Intelligence: 0/20
Abilities: Flight. Low level lightning generation.
Form: Light blue fly-like insect of between ten and fifteen centimetres in height. Lightning bolt-shaped mouth, legs and stinger with clear wings that give off lightning when it flies.

The Zapperfly is the third and final advanced life form on this planet, who only live around watery areas. The Zapperfly spends eighty percent of its life under the water. Much like the earth dragonfly, it lives an aquatic lifestyle from the moment it is hatched as a small wingless larvae.

The young Zapperfly move through the water using their low-level electrical abilities, sending out a charge of lightning through the water and pulling itself along it like a rope. It does this in order to hunt for food, which are a species of creature that exist all over the world, even on your planet. Tardigrades.

After three years of this, the Zapperfly will grow too large to survive on the tardigrades alone. For this reason, they eventually leave the safety of their aquatic home and head on up to dry land. And much like the earth dragonfly, as soon as they leave the water they begin to transform into their adult form.

The Zapperflies buzz around the lake, the Serravoltians seeing them and licking their lips. Each of them holds up their claws and starts giving off a low level electrical charge, which seems to attract the Zapperflies. When they get in close, the Serravoltians grab them in their claws.

The insects try to zap themselves free, but it does nothing against the electric lizards who quickly throw them in their mouths.

Though their diet primarily consists of iron ore, Serravoltians have also gained a stomach for the tasty insects that zap around their lakes. The electric surges these bugs are known for also give them an extra kick of flavour, making them a treat well worth risking themselves for. But some Serravoltians don't need to risk themselves, for they have developed a new strategy in reaching the lake.

As the Serravoltians continue drinking, something appears from above the trees. More Serravoltians, but these ones are somehow flying. Looking up, the first group see the Serravoltians are all standing on metal planks and disks, which they are electrifying with their claws.

In recent years, many Serravoltians have developed the ability to produce electromagnetism. Though unable to use it to lift themselves, they are able to lift many other metallic objects. The limits of this new ability seem to very from alien to alien, but so far the heaviest object discovered to be liftable was six metric tons.

Because of this, many of these Serravoltians have started forging metal disks and boards that they can use to ride and carry themselves over the forest. If this new ability continues to develop, the Burricina may find themselves going rather hungry over the next few generations.

Back at the mountain, several Serravoltians are sparring against one another.

Some are fencing with their metal claws, attempting to overpower the other, whilst some are launching lightning bolts at one another to try and see which one can generate the strongest blasts. Another group were practising their electromagnetism, watching as one stood on a metal disk and blasted it with electricity.

Soon that Serravoltian was lifted into the air, the others doing the same with mixed results for each of them.

Younger Serravoltians are watching, many in different stages of their life. Some were watching how the older ones slashed and attacked with their claws, whilst others watch the lightning contest or the flying lessons. Clearly, they were trying to pick up tips on how to best survive in this harsh world.

Higher up the mountain, a lone Serravoltian was climbing up it and eventually reached a point where the rock went straight up with no path leading higher. As such, it quickly stabbed its feet claws into the rock and pushed itself up before doing the same with the other foot. It was using its hand claws as extra grip, as it started scaling up the large mountain.

Higher and higher it climbed, as the air started getting thin. With every inch it climbed, the lightning storm above it drew closer. And once it was high enough, what it was hoping for happened.

A bolt of lightning exploded out of the cloud and struck the spikes on its back. This caused the alien to cry out as a huge surge of power flowed through him, well passed its normal electrical limits. He flinched as he was forced to absorb it all, but this is what he had climbed up to do.

When the last of the lightning faded, the Serravoltian panted as he continued to feel the backlash of the shock. But eventually, he began to climb down and when he reached the part he could stand on, he jumped off. Once he had his balance back, the Serravoltian looked himself over before summoning all the lightning he could muster.

The electrical voltage exploded out of him, a vast improvement from what he had originally been able to store before. Now his electrical power was greater than ever.

Serravoltia. A hostile and dangerous planet to be sure. But thankfully, we were just visiting. I think it's time we moved on to the next planet. Be sure to pack your mosquito netting, for the inhabitants of this hostile environment can get a bit peckish. Onwards, to our next big adventure.

Author's Note:

So this was something fun I'd thought I'd do. Since my aliens aren't canon, I thought I'd show their homeworlds since I won't have to worry about saying something that might be contradicted by something later released. I also thought it might make them seem more real.

Some of you might have realised this looks familiar and it does. I got this idea from the Ink Tank's And Beyond Series along with the Reboots planet shorts. Hope you enjoyed this and the next four to come.

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