• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 74: Hometown Hero

After the whole incident, Lucy was turned in to the proper authorities. They also managed to recover the stolen pieces of art that she took as well as all the money that she had stolen while counting cards. Isaac even managed to give back the number card to Lucky Clover as he thanked Isaac and his friends for catching and apprehending the thief. He even offered to pay the group a good amount of money, but they all declined as they were fine. However, while Isaac and Lucy were battling on top of the train there was a news helicopter that was hovering above as they covered the story. So when Lucky Clover saw many reporters standing outside his door, hoping to get a word from the heroes, he had a smile on his face as his eyes turned into dollar signs.

Once the group saw the huge gathering of reporters outside the front door of their resort, they decided to check it out. However, that proved to be a bad idea as they all barged in and decided to swarm them with most of them surrounding Isaac asking him questions about how he did what he did. Thankfully, Celestia and Luna, were able to dissolve the situation by agreeing to have Isaac and his friends make a TV appearance where they would tell all the details. So with that Isaac and the girls made their TV debut as they appeared on a talk show as everybody from everywhere in the country tuned in. They asked Isaac some basic questions about his life and how they were currently on a trip to help out other schools. Despite all that, they were more interested in how he caught the thief as well as his dueling skills. So he gave the press what they wanted as he explained how he was the champion of his school and how the girls came up with the plan to catch Lucy.

After a couple of more days in Las Pegasus, the group did what they were sent to do and showcased some amazing duels for the school they were scheduled to perform at. After that they were back on the road as they flew to their next list of cities, during that time, the standings for the girls changed with one of the other girls taking the lead which really caused Aj and Dash to have their jaws drop. Other than that, the Duos Cup was nearly upon the group as it would be the last thing on their roadtrip before they returned back to Canterlot. Some of the places they stopped in were Dodge Junction, New Horseleans, Seaddle, Whinnyapolis, etc... Right now the group was currently on the private plane as they were soaring above the clouds.

"Let me be the first to say that all of you have done a fantastic job; the many new kids that have been inspired by your dueling has really helped their school. The sponsors as well as the dueling community have all made some meaningful investment that have not only brought them profit, but happiness to the kids." said Celestia.

"Indeed, you all have done your part in making this trip a success. Give yourselves a round of applause." said Luna. With that the group all nodded and gave each other high fives. Luna then got their attention, "Now then, as you all know the Duos Cup is fast approaching and we've already registered Isaac, all that's left is who he chooses his partner to be. However, before we touch subject on that, we've got one more stop on our little field trip." Luna then touched the map, "And I believe it's a place that you're quite familiar with."

"Chicoltgo!?" said the girls in unison while Isaac just stared.

"That's right. Our last stop will be none other than Isaac's hometown." Celestia had a smile on her face as she knew that Isaac would like this decision.

Isaac just stood up and made his way to the map. He touched the picture and it popped up all different images of the many places that were popular in his city. "Chicoltgo? I finally get to go home." said Isaac with a smile as a small tear trickled down his cheek. "Home. I can't wait."

"Seems you finally get to show us where you grew up, sugarcube." said Applejack as she remembered that when the girls all first met Isaac, they made a promise that if the opportunity arised they would visit Isaac's city.

"Time to see all the cool things your place has to offer." stated Dash.

"Believe me, my city has something that you'll all enjoy." said Isaac as he fist bumped his chest.

"Well, I look forward for you to get the chance to see your home again." said Celestia. "Now then seeing as this is our last stop, I've arranged a special duel to take place. See we won't be performing for just a school, rather for the entire city in a building called the 'All-State Arena'."

"No way!" shouted Isaac. "That is the most famous arena in all of Chicoltgo, even people from other places know that celebrities, musicians, even a few duelist are lucky to get a chance to perform in such an arena. And to think I get to perform in front of thousands in my hometown. I can't wait!"

"Indeed, we wanted something special to end this trip. However, that being said, it means you'll be defending your title as CHS's duel champion." Luna then touched the map as a live coverage of the arena was shown with thousands of people lining up to buy tickets for such an event. The line was so long that it wrapped around the building twice. "In fact, it won't be a normal duel. You will be defending your title against... Rainbow Dash."

"Alright!" shouted Dash as she stood up.

"And... Applejack." mentioned Luna.

"Sign me up, partner."

"What!?" exclaimed Dash as she wasn't expecting this.

"And... Sunset Shimmer. In a fatal four way duel." After Luna made her announcement, everybody was left stunned at hearing that.

"You're serious?" asked Fluttershy.

"Very." Celestia had a calm demeanor on her face.

"I don't care, as long as I get to perform in front of my people in my hometown, that's all that matters." Isaac then looked at his opponents. "However, that doesn't mean I just gonna let you girls win. After all, I'm the champ, so it's my duty to show my fellow peers how I became the best."

"Just try us." stated Sunset as she, Dash, and Applejack all gave stares at Isaac who returned it with his own and a smile on his face.

The plane landed a few hours as the sun was just about to go down, it was created a beautiful blend of red and orange. The girls were amazed by the many lights of Chicoltgo as they saw people gathering around doing all different sorts of things. One thing that no one was expecting was that the people of Chicoltgo had actually heard about the incident in Las Pegasus and when they saw that Isaac was from here, they all saw him as a sort of hero. Not to mention that him being a duelist was an added bonus, due to the fact that the city served as the place where many major tournaments/events that involved dueling took place. So when the group landed they got a shock and a half at what they witnessed.

Once the entrance to the plane opened up, Rarity was the first to step out and saw the massive crowd of people that gathered around the runway. There was even a metal barricade with a couple of security guards trying to keep the people at bay. They were waiting on someone to appear.

"My word, are these people here for us?" asked Rarity.

"I don't think so." said Twilight as she descended down the steps of the plane.

Isaac then appeared and the moment he was shown, the gathering of people just went nuts. Once they saw Isaac they started to cheer at the top of their lungs as most of them waved a couple of posters. Isaac could feel the energy of the crowd as he waved to them. Everybody else was just in awe at how they hailed Isaac as a sort of hero and he was being given a proper welcoming. Isaac then grabbed his luggage and his backpack as he made his way towards the metal barricade and began to interact with some of the fans as he took some pictures and signed a couple of autographs. Once everybody gathered their stuff, they all signaled Isaac to get into the car as they needed to check into their hotel. Isaac gave one last wave and told the crowd that he was looking forward to putting on a good show for them to which their response was just chanting his name.

During the car ride to the hotel, the girls asked Isaac for some info about the city. He told them some basic information like the nickname of his home was called The Windy City, which was appropriate based on how the wind was in their face. Isaac also told them that he would take them downtown as he would give them a proper tour of the many sights and sounds that Chicoltgo had to offer. With that they all made it to their hotel where they all check in and made their way to their rooms; the people of Chicoltgo knew about Isaac coming that they made a gift basket of sorts and had it delivered to his room. Isaac inspected it and it was full of some of the amazing things that reminded him of his childhood growing up.

The morning was upon them as Isaac woke up and took a quick shower. After he got changed, he received a message from Celestia saying that prior to them competing at the arena, they would all need to show up for some red carpet event that was also taking place at the arena an hour prior. However, that was another day, right now Isaac was planning to show the girls around. Isaac opened his door and the girls were all standing out in the hallway as they were excited for what Isaac was going to show them. With that Isaac was able to catch a bus as they all headed downtown.

The first place they visited was a place called Millennium Park which served as a popular place for people to gather due to the many free concerts, famous art installations, and how close it was to other places. Sunset and Twilight were both amazed by the many artworks that were on displayed for the public, they even took a picture of a giant reflective sculpture known as 'The Bean'. Seeing as how Sunset had a fascination for art/painting, Isaac took them to another famous place known as the Art Institute of Chicoltgo. The moment they entered the place, Sunset's eyes went big as she was surrounded by all the artwork. She immediately started to drool leaving a trail behind for the janitor to clean up. The girls all looked at the wonderful pieces of art as they took many photos of it; Sunset was thankfully for Isaac that she gave him a kiss.

With that they were now on their next stop as he brought them to the zoo which immediately caught Fluttershy's interest. Isaac told them that his city actually had two different zoos, but seeing as they were currently on a deadline, he brought them to the zoo that was closest to them known as Lincoln Park Zoo. Fluttershy enjoyed herself as she waved to all the animals to which they were immediately drawn to her, even the vultures. The zoo staff were impressed with how Fluttershy commanded the animals and were even more shocked to see Isaac next to her. Turns out they were fans of dueling, as they purchased tickets to see Isaac's title defense. Of course they asked for a couple of photos with the champion which Isaac was more than happy to do so, as a reward, they allowed him and the girls to help feed the animals as a way to say thanks for all he's done to represent their beloved city. However, that wasn't the only place Isaac had planned for her as he also took them to a place called The Shedd Aquarium. It was home to many marine life as they all purchased tickets to watch a dolphin show that got everybody having smiles on their faces. Isaac had purchased a plushy for Fluttershy to which she gave Isaac a hug and a kiss.

With that it was now time for Rarity as Isaac had plenty of stores to show her. Isaac showed Rarity the many clothing stores downtown, with one of them being called Macy's. It was the central hub for shopping as one of the biggest stores in all of Chicoltgo. Safe to say that it didn't disappoint as Rarity immediately started jot down notes for some inspiration that she got. Isaac even told her about how they did holiday-theme windows which normally go up during the time going into Christmas. Rarity even made a couple of purchases on outfits as she wanted a souvenir, with that she made the purchase and called a taxi to have them delivered to the hotel. After struggling to fit all the bags inside the trunk, Isaac then paid the cab driver the fare and a tip as he drove it to their hotel. Rarity then gave Isaac a kiss as a way to show thanks for showing her some wonderful fashion ideas.

The next place was called Humboldt Park which served as a place for all of them to relax. They were able to see some street performers who did a couple of acrobatic and parkour moves. They even listened in to a small group of people who were playing and singing. However, what really caught Aj and Dash's attention was the many places to play all different kinds of sports. Everything from tennis courts, to baseballs fields, to even some spots where you could fish. It really allowed the both of them have a friendly competition while the others just watched on with Fluttershy and Pinkie keeping score. They even spotted a couple of teens like them engaging in some duels, so Isaac, Dash, and Aj all decided to take part. Soon it had all three of them winning their duels as they won in convincing fashion. Just as Isaac had finished his duel, both girls then appeared on opposite sides of him and gave him a kiss on each cheek to show their thanks.

Soon everybody was getting hungry as Isaac led them to another part of the city that had restaurants all lined up with different cultures from around the world. One thing about living in Chicoltgo that you never had to worry about eating the same thing due to the many options that were available. So Pinkie was ecstatic as she immediately started to run into the many restaurants trying the many foods, it took all the girls and Isaac to keep Pinkie from getting the kitchen staff mad. Thankfully, Isaac had a small fortune that he gained from their time in Las Pegasus that helped to cover the cost of the meal. Isaac made sure to introduce his friends to some of the foods that were made famous from his city like deep dish pizza, Chicoltgo style hot dog, Italian beef, etc... Pinkie even tried a chocolate cake shake that sent her tastebuds into overdrive as she slipped into a sugar rush that last for few minutes. Eventually, it was gone as Pinkie was knocked out cold which left Isaac the burden of carrying his little sister on his back. With that the sun was starting to set as the girls enjoyed their little tour that Isaac showed them; they then made their way back to the hotel.

The girls took Pinkie from Isaac as they wanted him to get ready, as they knew he wanted to go on a date with Twilight. So with that Isaac left to get himself ready, while the girls all helped Twilight to get ready for her night out with Isaac. It was about 15 minutes to 6 pm, when Isaac saw Twilight joining him in the lobby. With that, he then offered his arm as Twilight wrapped hers around his as they made their way to their destination. The first place that Isaac decided for their date was a place that Twilight would definitely enjoy. They had just arrived at the Adler Planetarium as Isaac knew it was something that Twilight would love, which was more true as she immediately fell in love with the place. He purchased them a couple of tickets as they walked into the building where Twilight's eyes got even cuter, Isaac looked at her and he could see why her name was sparkle due to how her eyes shined brightly. They caught a show as it allowed them to feel as if they were traveling to other parts of space while learning about new constellations. Soon they left as Twilight was leaning on Isaac's arm.

"That was so much fun." said Twilight. "I can't believe I got to see all those constellations, which one was your favorite?"

"Why you of course." smiled Isaac. "You're the only star that shined brightly that caught my attention." Isaac's comment caused Twilight to blush as she turned her head. Isaac then lifted her chin up as he captured her lips with his as they shared a tender kiss.

"So what else do you have planned?" asked Twilight.

"Now that would ruin the surprise." said Isaac with a sly grin on his face.

They continued on their date, as he brought them to a restaurant where they had a wonderful dinner as they talked and just enjoyed being with one another. After that they took a stroll along the Lakeside Trail which they got to see the sparkling blue water as the sun had officially setted and the moon was rising. It offered a crystal clear reflection in the water as Isaac and Twilight were strolling along down the path. Soon they arrived at the pier overlooking the water as there was a couple of people who were dancing. So Isaac offered his hand to Twilight as he lead her to the dance floor. Safe to say that Isaac found out that Twilight dancing was something, though he kind of found it cute. So for the most part he grabbed her hand and they danced closely with each other.

Isaac then looked at his watch and saw that it was nearly 8:30pm as he told Twilight that they needed to as he had two more places for her to see. One place was visiting another museum that explained the history of Chicoltgo: from the founding of the city, to the great fire that devasted the city and caused everything to be rebuilt with better materials, to the hosting of the World Fair, to now what it's become in modern times. Isaac bought a little encyclopedia for Twilight from the gift shop as it explained the many facts about Chicoltgo. Twilight went into 'adorakble' mode as she began glossing over the pages of the book as she couldn't wait to read it. She gave Isaac a great big hug and a quick kiss as Isaac told them he had one more stop on their date. The last thing that Isaac took Twilight was to place called the CIBC Theatre where he had purchased them tickets for a certain musical. After the show was over, Isaac then called a cab as he and Twilight were on their way back to the hotel.

"Now that was an amazing date." said Twilight.

"If you think that was fun, wait till you see what else I have planned. After tomorrow, we'll be here for about another day or two. So there's plenty of time for me to show you girls some more amazing places of Chicoltgo."

"Well here we are," said Twilight as they were in front of her hotel room. "Thanks for a wonderful time, Isaac. I really enjoyed seeing your hometown."

"I did too, especially since now I have someone to share it with." Isaac then put his hand to Twilight's cheek as she leaned into it and sighed.

Isaac then leaned in as he gave Twilight a kiss which Twilight brought her hands to cusp Isaac's face. They both let out a moan as Twilight then started to push Isaac back a bit as he was now pressed up against the wall as Twilight wanted more of Isaac. Soon they broke apart as their foreheads were touching; they just stared at each other admiring one another. Isaac booped Twilight's nose as she let out a giggle and a smile. With that she left Isaac's arms and entered her room; Isaac then left to his room as he whistled a happy tune. Once Twilight entered her room, she turned around and saw all the girls in her room as they smiled.

"So, did you enjoy your night on the town with Isaac?" said Sunset with a sly grin on her face.

"Yeah, from what it sounded, it looks like you had a blast." Now Dash had a sly grin as she was referring to the sound they heard of Twilight kissing Isaac against the wall.

Twilight had a slight blush as she figured out what her friends were saying, "Yes.... we had a blast."

The next day was the day. It was the day that the whole city was talking about, everybody was talking about how tonight they would see their beloved hometown hero complete in his toughest challenge to date. Isaac would be defending his title against not one, not two, but three opponents all at the same time. Celestia wanted to put on a special show for the people so she decided to have a fatal four way duel for the title. The whole city was ready as they couldn't wait to see a match that they truly were looking forward to. With the stage set, everybody was in the hotel lobby awaiting for Celestia and Luna. Once they arrived, they all got into a huge SUV as they were on their way to the arena. The sight alone was enough to made anybody gasp, people were already making their way to their seats, as there was a long line that surrounded the building. Where the vehicle was taking them was to the back of the arena as they had a red carpet style event going on as reporters/photographers were on the side while the crowd of people that gathered were behind the metal barricade. The SUV pulled up and immediately the crowd started to scream, so the girls and Isaac all stepped out as they took the sight before their very eyes. Millions of flashes went off as the photographers were trying to capture as many photos as possible. Isaac waved to the crowd as they started to chant his name even louder, there was a ton of posters that were present; some showing his face, while others had meaningful messages like "Chicoltgo made Isaac." There was even a couple of fangirls that expressed their celebrity love for Isaac.

"You know, I'd never thought that I would be a celebrity for my own city, at least, not while I was still a teenager. I'd figured that would happen when I was a full blown duelist." said Isaac.

"Well, I guess they wanted to get a head start, darling." said Rarity.

With that the group all started walking down the red carpet as they stopped along the way to answer questions that came from individual reporters. Isaac even approached the fans as he signed a couple of autographs and took some photos with his fans. He even shook hands with people who said that he was a role model. However, Isaac wasn't the only one to be well-known. The people of Chicoltgo knew about Isaac's group of friends and they expressed their admiration for them, some even had pictures of them and asked for their signature or a photo. The girls were much obligated as they made people's days. While Isaac was walking down the red carpet even further with his friends behind him, there was a small kid that had slipped past the barricade. He wanted to get a closer look at his heroes that he went under the guards' feet; the guards noticed this and started to chase the kid as he fell in front of Isaac.

"Get back here kid!" shouted a security guard. "Sorry about that sir, seems someone wanted to break the rules." The security guard then grabbed the kid's arm as he started to drag him away.

"Hold on." called out Isaac. "It's okay, let him go." The security guard did just that as the kid now looked at Isaac with a timid look on his face. Isaac then bent down to the kid's level as he had a smile on his face. "What's your name, kid?"

"My name is Timmy." said the kid.

"Well, Timmy. It's nice to meet you." said Isaac as he noticed something in the kid's hands. "Is that deck?"

"Y-Yeah... I was hoping that maybe someday I could be duelist like you." smiled Timmy. "You're so awesome, me and my friends all talk about your duels and how you've become a superhero. My dream is someday to be like you."

"Not a bad dream. Say mind if I look at your deck?" asked Isaac. Isaac then looked through the deck as he saw that it was a pretty good one. "Got to say, love how well balanced this deck is."

"Thanks, I've been working on it for about a year now."

"Although... it seems to be missing something. I've got it," Isaac then reached into his pocket and pulled out a card as he put it on the top of Timmy's deck. "Here you go."

Timmy took his deck back and looked at the card that Isaac gave him, "Heart of the Underdog?"

"Let's say that you resembled that card. And hey, who knows. Maybe if you play your cards right, someday you could face me."

"You mean it?"

"Of course. That means I expect you to work hard so that it can happen." said Isaac.

"I promise!" exclaimed Timmy happily.

With that Isaac then signed his picture and allowed him to get a picture as he returned with the guards who brought him back to his parents. Isaac saw Timmy's family as his mother congratulated him on meeting his hero, while his father just gave him a smile to which Isaac gave thumbs up. They then left to find their seats.

"That was really nice of you to do, sugarcube."

"You've shown that you really do have a big heart." said Fluttershy as she put her hand on Isaac's shoulder.

"Well, I've been told by lots of people about an old expression: Never meet your idols/heroes in person, because they will always let you down." Isaac's statement resonated with the girls as that was the realist thing anybody could say. "That's why I want to be what I am to these people. My purpose to show everybody why I love this game and hopefully put some positivity in their lives. So that way, when they meet me, face to face. There's no illusion that I'm the same person that I am on TV and in real life."

"And I know first hand that's true." Twilight then gave Isaac a kiss which lasted a few seconds as a couple of photos were taken of it.

"Now then, let's get inside." Isaac then led the group to the end of the red carpet as they gave one last wave to the people as they went behind the curtain and were making their way to the backstage area.

They saw Celestia and Luna in the guerrilla position working with the technicians to make sure that everything was running smoothly. The group saw a couple of small monitors on the table with a big flat screen on the wall as they was showing the overhead cameras/shots of the people filing into the arena. The people were excited as they started to chant somethings which the group could hear from behind the curtain.

"Listen to that." said Sunset.

"Hope you girls are ready, this is way different than performing in front of a school." stated Isaac.

"Either way, it's a duel. Which means we do what we always do and that's give these people a solid night to remember." said Dash.

"Let's make sure these folks get their money's worth." noted Applejack.

"We're almost ready to begin, now the four of you please head to the locker-room. We'll signal you when we're ready to start, so take this time to make any last minute changes to your deck." said Celestia.

With that Isaac, Dash, Aj, and Sunset all looked at each other. They all gave fist bumps as they left to get ready for their duel. The rest of their friends all took a seat looking at the flat screen as they saw more people starting to file in. Each of the four participants had their own room as they began to mental prepare themselves for the battle to come. Each one of them knew that this was a big deal, not only because this was for the title, but to put on a quality spectacle for the folks of Chicoltgo. They all looked and re-examined their cards as they wanted to be prepared for anything; soon they all got a message from Luna on their duel disks to say that they were ready. With that they all exited out their room and met up in the backstage area where their friends were waiting for them.

Celestia then gave them some final words as she stepped past the curtain and had a microphone in her hand as she made her way down the ramp and onto the dueling stage. "Welcome, ladies and gentleman!" shouted Celestia. The crowd expressed their love as they made some noise for Celestia. "I'm sure you're all excited for what's to come. Tonight promises to be a duel that you'll tell your grandchildren about, tonight is special treat as we may potentially see a title change. But I've been talking for too long, so... let's get started!" The crowd roared some more as the lights dimmed and a spotlight was on Celestia. "Ladies and gentleman, the following contest is scheduled for one fall..."

"One fall!" shouted the crowd in response.

"And it's for the title of Canterlot High's Duel Champion!!" said Celestia.

With that some music began to play as Rainbow was about to go through the curtain. "Game time!" shouted Dash.

"Just be careful, Dash. The people of Chicoltgo can be a bit... hostile at times." said Isaac as he let out a bit of a warning to his friend about his hometown being one of the hot crowds to be preforming for.

"Please, as if." Dash then made her way through the curtain as she waved to the crowd while doing a couple of athletic poses. The crowd wasn't that much into it as they let out a few boos towards Dash as she made her way down the ramp and onto the stage to her position. Dash didn't understand why this was happening as she quickly focused her attention on the duel that was about to happen.

"Why did they boo her?" asked Sunset. "When we got here, there was a good amount of people who asked for her autograph and took some pictures."

"I told you guys, Chicoltgo is rough place. If they like something, they cheer. They don't, they boo the hell out of it." told Isaac as he finished some warm up exercises and zipped up his hoodie. "But don't worry, I have feeling the crowd will warm up to her in due time."

Soon it was Applejack's turn as she stepped through the curtain as she tipped her hat and waved to the crowd before walking down the ramp. The crowd was a bit more generous with Aj as they liked her a bit more than Dash. Applejack even gave some high fives to some little girls in the front rows before she got onto the dueling stage as she took position next to her friend and looked at Dash with an intense glare. Sunset was next as she made her way through the curtain and she got a standing ovation as the almost everybody immediately fell in love with her. She waved and gave a couple of winks to the crowd as they chanted a bit more, she gave a couple of fists bumps to the people in the front row as she took a deep breath and got on the stage as she took her position across from Applejack. That left only one person and the crowd was starting to chant his name.

"Isaac! Isaac! Isaac!" chanted the crowd as they couldn't wait. The more they waited the louder they got, even the girls could feel the crowd getting ready to shout as they knew once Isaac came out the place would erupt. Every second of silence between the chants got smaller as they were starting to get in rhythm with their chants as it started to build up. Then it happened.

The second the music started, the crowd lost it. The roof on the arena came unglued as they started to chant at the top of their lungs. There was even a video package playing on the big titration above the entrance as it showed off highlights of Isaac's duels. Soon Isaac stepped through the curtain as he had his head down with his cap on top. Soon he stood still on top of the ramp for a few seconds, then he slowly lifted his head up and showed his face to his hometown as they were still going strong and even getting louder. Isaac then unzipped his hoodie and was shown wearing a jersey shirt that had all the sports teams of Chicoltgo along with the Chicoltgo flag on his back. He even had the words "Best in the World" written on his shirt as he started to slowly walk down the ramp. The girls couldn't believe what they were seeing and hearing, Isaac was receiving a homecoming ovation as their beloved hero was here to take care of business.

Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, and Twilight couldn't believe what they were witnessing. Never before had they seen something like this where someone was just given so much attention, especially given that Isaac was one of them and he hailed from this very city. They even saw a couple of the fans starting to bring their arms up and down as if bowing down to Isaac like he was a god. Out in the arena, the girls felt a bit scared at how the crowd was treating Isaac. They saw a couple of posters that had a letter carved out and when they appeared next to each other, they spelled out Isaac's name. They even saw some more passionate signs that said: "Chicoltgo made Isaac", "Isaac: Chicoltgo Born, Chicoltgo Made, Chicoltgo's Champ", and "If Isaac loses, we RIOT!"

Even the announcers were having a tough time explaining this feeling to the crowd watching this duel at home. "Listen to these people. You can hear them cheering on their home boy. Even the people downtown can hear this noise." said the lead announcer.

"You're damn right." responded the co-announcer. "A partisan hometown crowd for Isaac. The only thing I can compare this feeling to is if the Chicoltgo Bears were in the Superbowl and the Superbowl were here in Chicoltgo. That's what this feel likes." shouted the co-announcer as he did his best to interpret the atmosphere inside the building which all the girls could hear him.

"Isaac in front of his hometown followers. This is what the girls are going to have to overcome." shouted the lead announcer.

While the commentary table was talking, Isaac had gotten onto the stage as he looked to his left and then his right. He was taking in this aura as he felt the power of his hometown giving him strength, he was feeding off the crowd. He even rallied them up some more.

"Best in the world!!" shouted Isaac to which they cheered with the same intensity. "We made this city!! Let me hear you!!!" The crowd was following Isaac as the music playing served as the perfect metaphor.

Isaac then got in between the girls as they all stared him down as he gave them all a sly smile before he superman punched the ground as tons of pyro and fireworks went off around him and above him as it caused the girls to jump a bit as they weren't expecting that. The crowd was eating it up as they reached new volumes of loudness, it was maybe about 6-7 minutes since they first started chanting and they had only gotten louder and more energetic. Soon the music started to end as Isaac took his position next to Sunset as he was now across from Dash. From up above they were position in an X-formation.

Celestia then appeared in the middle of that crossroads as she tried to get the crowd to hear her from all the noise/chanting they were still making. "Introducing first, the challenges. She's know as Ms. Speedster, she puts the fast in dash. Ms. Rainbow Dash!" announced Celestia. Rainbow flexed her arm as the crowd still booed her with a few more cheers.

"Next, she has a caring love for her family. She's the most honest you'll ever meet, please welcome Applejack!" said Celestia. Applejack just gave a light-hearted wave as the crowd was a bit more pleased with her than Dash. Still she received her fair share of some boos.

"She's born with a desire to win. She's got a flame that's red-hot and doesn't seem to be going out anytime soon. It's Sunset Shimmer!!" Sunset flipped her hair as she got some moderate cheers from the crowd but received the least amount of boos from all the girls.

"And the champion..."

"Isaac! Isaac! Isaac!" chanted the crowd as it caused Celestia to stop speaking. Isaac put his hand to his ear as he could hear what they were saying. He just had a smile on his face as he started to point to sections of the crowd as they cheered.

"From Chicoltgo." as soon as Celestia said that the crowd clapped the loudest. "He is the current CHS' duel champion!!! Isaac!!!!!" Celestia finished her announcements and the crowd started to chant a little tune as they showed their love and appreciation.

"Let's go Isaac!" shouted one half of the building.

"Isaac rocks!" responded the other half of the building. Back and forth it went between the two sides as it caused all the girls to feel a bit scared about being in 'enemy territory'.

Celestia then spoke again as she explained the rules of the fatal four way duel. "In this bout, there will be four duelists and they'll be battling for the covet prize of duel champion. Now the way this duel will work, is that each player will take one turn and once everybody has done that, they'll then be free to attack whoever they so please. The winner will be the last duelist standing, furthermore any teaming will be allowed, but remember there can only be one victor so keep that in mind." Isaac and the girls all gave a nod as they understood the rules.

"Now to determine which duelist will make the first move." said Celestia as everybody listened to what she was about to say. "Now you'll each draw a monster card and the attack points will determine who goes first. However, the monster you choose cannot be used in this duel!" Celestia's last statement caused all the participants to had their eyes widen.

"Did I hear that correctly, darlings?" said Rarity as she and the rest of the girls were watching the TV from the backstage.

"You weren't. That's crucial because say you want to go first, you would need to select a powerful monster, but the draw back is that you can't use it for the duration of the duel. So say you find yourself in a situation that requires that monster and since you don't have it, you'll be in some serious trouble." stated Twilight.

"So this really forces you on whether going first is important." said Fluttershy in a soft voice. "Seeing as how the girls will probably try to team up to take down Isaac, he'll have to give up a powerful monster if he wants to avoid that. But then again, he can't use that."

"Talk about a sticky situation." exclaimed Pinkie as she shoved some popcorn into her mouth.

Out in arena, Isaac and the girls were having trouble trying to figure out which card they wanted to choose as their entry for the turn order. They knew that once they selected said monster, they couldn't use it. So it put a lot more thinking into figuring out which one, cause even if a small piece was removed from their deck the whole thing could come crashing down.

"It's now time to reveal your cards!" exclaimed Celestia. "Hold them up so all the players can view them!" Everybody slotted out their cards as they held it up for all to see. "The results have been tallied!" Dash had selected her X-Saber Galahad, AJ went with Witch of the Black Rose, Sunset choosing Black Metal Dragon, and Isaac going with his Jack's Knight. "The order of duelists is as follows: First Isaac and then Rainbow Dash, then Applejack, and then Sunset Shimmer!"

"Seems Isaac was able to go first, he'll need it." said Twilight. Good luck, Isaac.

"Now then, if everybody is ready, duelists activate your duel disks and wait for the signal to begin." With that Celestia hopped off the stage as she took a seat next to the commentary table.

"Say the line! Say the line! Say the line!" chanted the crowd as they were referring to Isaac.

All the girls were looked at Isaac as he was smiling. He then played to the crowd, "You want me to say the line!?!" shouted Isaac.

"Yeah!!!!" roared the crowd.

"Well alright then." Isaac took a deep breath as he activated his duel disk which projected a gold card tray. "Prepare yourself girls, it's time to duel!!!" shouted Isaac as the crowd backed him up.

The girls all activated their duel disks as they projected their own color card tray and pressed the auto shuffler as it shuffled their deck and then linked up with the other duel disks.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said all of their duel disks.

Applejack's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset Shimmer's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start things off," Isaac drew his card as he looked at his hand. "To start, I'll play Big Shield Gardna in defense mode. Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Rainbow

"My turn," Dash drew her card as the boos started to be heard. "I'm really getting annoyed. Now then I'll play my U.A. Midfielder, then I'll switch out Midfielder to bring out U.A. Dreadnought Dunker(2500/1800)." Dash then switched out her monsters as she now had a powerful monster on her field. For a second, the people of Chicoltgo got a good look at her monsters and could see that she was a fan of sports, so the boos eased up a bit, but they were still there. "I'll just set a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Applejack

"Mah turn," Applejack drew her card and looked at the field. "To start, I'll summon Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio(1200/800). Now the effect of mah monster activates, so ah send card to the grave and special summon mah Predaplant Spinodionaea(1800/0) from my deck. Now that this guy is on the field, I can place a counter on one monster on the field and reduce it to level 1." Applejack then began to think on who her target was.

"What do you think, Twilight?" asked Pinkie.

"Well given that this is for the title, it would make sense to take out Isaac first. But then again, he's the champ. So I'd expect he probably has a plan in case the girls decided to gang up on him. Honestly, it's too early to call. But I do know that whoever Aj selects, will be the first target of this duel." said Twilight.

"Alright, I choose..." Applejack then held her finger up as she looked at Isaac who had his arms crossed. "Your U.A. Dreadnought Dunker!" shouted Applejack as she turned her attention to Dash. Aj's monster then shot a bullet seed as it planted on Dreadnought Dunker's head.

Everybody was surprised at her choice as they figured she go with the logical decision of picking Isaac. Applejack even surprised the crowd as they expected the girls to team up against their beloved hero. Isaac was shocked as well as he knew the most logical choice for the girls if they wanted to win was to team up and take him down, that way it was guaranteed to have a new champion crowned. Still he wasn't going to complain about not being a primary target, but he still had to keep his guard up.

"Now that mah opponent's monster got a Predaplant Counter, ah I can special summon this little buddy from mah hand. Come on, mah Predaplant Helimaphorhynchus(1200/2400) in defense mode." Now Applejack had three monsters on her field, "I'll just end mah turn with a facedown."

Turn 4: Sunset

"And finally me," said Sunset as she drew her card. "I'll play the ritual spell card, Dark Dragon Ritual. So now I'll send my Red-Eyes Gearfried the Iron Knight to the grave. I ritual summon my Paladin of Dark Dragon(1900/1200)!" Sunset then slotted her card to the grave as her a bright light came from her duel disk as her monster descended from the ceiling as it made its presence known with a thud; it was a monster that had its rider also covered in black armor. "Now then, I'll lay a single card facedown and end my turn."

The crowd was already into the duel as they watched four of the best duelist they've seen take their first turn and now they were free to attack. Especially since it was Isaac's turn and they were all buckled in to see their hometown hero go to work.

Turn 5: Isaac

"My turn," Isaac drew his card and before he played anything the crowd started to chant.

"You can't duel!" chanted the crowd which was followed by a clap. "You can't duel!" Clap, clap, clap. "You can't duel!" Clap, clap, clap.

Isaac knew what the crowd was referring to, so he decided to have a bit fun. "I can't duel?" said Isaac as he pointed to himself with mocking smile.

"No!!" shouted the crowd.

Isaac then pointed to Dash. "Her?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah!!!" the crowd said as they soon followed that up with chanting Isaac's name.

Isaac just played to the crowd as Dash was giving him a glare that said she wanted to kill Isaac. Isaac saw this and just chuckled, "Relax, Dash. I'm just messing with you, now I'll play my Graceful Charity spell card. So I'll draw three and discard two. I've drawn Watapon, so I'll special summon him to the field." The crowd saw this and they knew what Isaac was about to do as they started to make some noise. "Get ready, Chicoltgo! I'll now sacrifice Watapon to summon my Dark Magician Girl!" Now Isaac had his favorite female spellcaster as she was given her spotlight upon being summoned and everybody welcomed her with open arms; Mana felt a bit of red as she waved to the crowd. "Now I'll play the spell Sage's Stone and so everybody give a warm welcome to my partner, Dark Magician!" Isaac then placed his card on his tray as his other magician appeared and now Isaac had his trusting monsters by his side.

The crowd then pulled out some more signs as they showed pictures of Isaac's ace magicians. There was even a large poster in the middle of the crowd that had Isaac, and his two magicians posing side by side, similar to the poster that Sunset gave Isaac for his birthday. But instead of it being Isaac's idol, it was him in the center.

"Well guys, what do you think?" asked Isaac.

Both Mahad and Mana took in the energy surrounding them as they saw tons of people cheering on their master. While Isaac was showing the girls around his city during their arrival, they were in the background watching from afar and saw the many things that had changed from the time they were alive. Safe to say they were impressed with how much was different since ancient times, also they got to see the many things their master's home had to offer.

"Believe it or not, master. I feel... excited."

"Woah, what happened to the real Mahad." said Mana jokily.

Isaac too let out a chuckle as all three of them soon smiled. "You ready?" asked Isaac which his magicians all nodded. They all they did a triple high five as they turned their attention back to the girls who saw what Isaac and his magicians and they just smiled.

"Now, I'll play my Dark Magic Twin Burst and give my Dark Magician some extra power. Now Dark Magician, attack U.A. Dreadnought Dunker and Dark Magician Girl take out Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio!" With that Isaac's magicians then split up as they took out their target.
Rainbow's Life Points: 6000-

Applejack's Life Points: 7200-

"I'll then end my turn with a facedown." As soon as Isaac finished his turn, the crowd gave a rounding applause for him and his magicians.

Turn 6: Rainbow

"Now I'm pissed!" shouted Rainbow as she still received some boos. "I hate this place, now I'll summon U.A. Midfielder once more. And just like before, I'll tag out Midfielder to bring out U.A. Goalkeeper(1000/2800) in defense mode. I'll then place another card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Applejack

"Mah turn, I'll then summon my Predaplant Flytrap(400/800). Now ah activate it's ability and with it ah place a Predaplant Counter on your Dark Magician and lower its level to 1." Flytrap then shot a seed out as it planted on Dark Magician's hat. Now my Flytrap, take out his Dark Magician. Since you're monster has counter on it, my Flytrap can automatically destroy it." Flytrap the leapt high into the air as it opened its mouth to reveal a set of jaws as it looked to devour Isaac's monster.

"I'll reveal my facedown, the trap Shift. So now I'll switch your target so that my Dark Magician Girl takes the hit and since she doesn't have a counter, your monster's effect doesn't activate, which means your Flytrap is history." Dark Magician Girl then leapt in front of her teacher as she lifted her wand up and fired a spell that took out Aj's monster.
Applejack's Life Points: 5600-

"I figured you try some misdirection, Aj." said Isaac.

"Damn, thought I could catch you off guard. In that case, ah play this the equip spell Predapruning and bring my Flytrap. With that, ah end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 8: Sunset

"Let's see what I got," Sunset drew her card and looked at the field. Right now, Isaac's the one who's technically in the lead. He's got all of his life points and has his trusted magicians, not to mention that he's managed to deal some major blows to both Aj and Dash. Shows everybody, just how good he is to fend off attacks from two different fronts. But I doubt he can defend from a third party. "Now I'll play the spell card, Cards of the Red Stone. So I'll send two level 7 'Red-Eyes' monsters from my hand and deck to the grave to draw two cards. Next, I'll play the Black Stone of Legend; then I'll tribute it to summon my Red-Eyes B. Dragon(2400/2000) from my deck!" Sunset's dragon then appeared next to its master as it let out a cry. Even the crowd was impressed by the sight of Sunset's monster.

"Now Paladin of Dark Dragon attack Big Shield Gardna. My Paladin's ability allows me to destroy a monster in defense mode at the start of the damage step." Sunset now got rid of Isaac's monster. "Now Red-Eyes, take out Dark Magician Girl!" Red-Eyes then opened its mouth as it prepared to fire its attack.

"I reveal my facedown, Spellbinding Circle! Now your Red-Eyes can't attack and it loses 700 attack points." shouted Isaac.

"Oh no!" said Sunset.

"Now Dark Magician Girl, counter attack!" Mana then raised her wand as it fired a spell that took out Sunset's dragon and got rid of a couple more points.

"Damn. I thought for sure that you would be defenseless, but you actually thought even more ahead and covered all your bases." Sunset was shocked that Isaac was able to block all three attacks from the girls and deal them damage at the same time. He was definitely showing his skills as the champion. "I'll reveal my facedown, Red-Eyes Spirit. So my Red-Eyes B. Dragon is back." Sunset's monster was now back as it looked angry. "I'll then set a card facedown and end my turn."
Sunset's Life Points: 7700-

"Wow, Isaac really thought twelve steps ahead. Now he's in the lead." Twilight couldn't believe that her boyfriend was able to take command of the duel by dealing damage to all his opponent in just a few turns. She had a smile on her face as she was falling in love with Isaac all over again.

Turn 9: Isaac

"My turn," Isaac knew now the girls were going to target him based on him now being in the lead, so he prepared himself. "I'll start by playing Magic Formula and give my Dark Magician Girl an extra 700 points. Then I'll place two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 10: Rainbow

"My turn," Rainbow was now looking at the field and tried to figure out what she wanted to do. "As always, I'll summon U.A. Midfielder then switch out to summon my U.A. Mighty Slugger(2300/700). Then I'll give my Slugger the equip spell Powered Jersey, so now it gains 1000 attack points and deal double the damage." Rainbow's monster then put the jersey on as it gave him power. "And I've got some payback to get, so Slugger attack Aj's Predaplant Flytrap!" shouted Dash.

"Don't think so, ah reveal my trap card Survival Plant. So now for the duration of the turn, ah can transfer the attack points of one of mah monsters to another one. So my Flytrap gains the attack points of mah Predaplant Spinodionaea, and it can't be destroyed as well." Applejack was able to survive Dash's onslaught.
Applejack's Life Points: 3400-

"You ruined my plan! I was going to attack Isaac's magician, but since you didn't let me destroy your monster, I can't attack again!" Dash was now angry that Applejack had ruined her plan.

"Ah just did what I had to, like I'd let you deal some big damage to me. I'm winning this duel, Dash!" shouted back Applejack. Isaac and Sunset just watched and rolled their eyes as they knew the egos of both girls was bound to collide with each other.

"I'll end my turn."

Turn 11: Applejack

"Mah turn," said Applejack as she was about to do her thing.

"Hold on," shouted Dash. "I'll activate the effect of my U.A. Libero Spiker from my hand. During my opponent's Main Phase, I can shuffle a level 5 or higher 'U.A.' monster from my hand to the deck and then special summon a different one. So I'll return Libero Spiker to bring out my U.A. Playmaker(2600/2000)." Dash then returned her card as she got a different one and summoned it to her field.

"That's fine, cause ah about to bring out a new monster. Now I'll play the spell Predaprime Fusion and now I'll fuse together all three of my monsters." Applejack's monsters then changed into orbs of energy as they combined together in a vortex. "I Fusion Summon, Predaplant Triphyoverutum(3000/3000)!" Out came a new monster from Aj as it stood on two legs and had three heads as it let out a cry, even some of the kids were frightened by the sight of this creature. "Now the effect of my monster activates, so now it gains the original attack points of all monsters that have a counter. So now he gains 2500 more attack points, due to Dark Magician. So now he's got 5500 attack points!" Applejack's monster then let out a cry as it roared.

"Now my pet, take out Isaac's Dark Magician!" commanded Aj.

"I reveal Magical Hats, to conceal my Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac as his card caused hat to appeared and hide his monster.

"Not gonna work, I'll reveal my facedown Remove Trap. So now your hats are gone." With that Aj was able to get rid of Isaac's signature move.

"In that case, I'll reveal my other facedown. Mirror Force. So now my Dark Magician can't be destroyed."

"Not gonna let that slide," shouted Dash. "I'll reveal my facedown, Dark Bribe. So I'll get rid of your Mirror Force, but you get to draw a card.

Now Isaac had nothing to protect his monster as Aj and Dash had worked together to take out his defense. Soon Dark Magician was destroyed as he was blasted by Aj's monster. "Mahad!" shouted Isaac as he put his arm up to cover himself.
Isaac's Life Points: 5000-

The crowd was really turning on Aj and Dash as they didn't appreciate them tag teaming against their hometown hero. The boos could be heard as the girls behind the curtain could hear them. The crowd even started to chant, "You suck!" over and over again while clapping in between.

"Well, I hate to do this. But I'll now activate my facedown, Dragon's Curse." said Sunset as she activated her facedown. "Now since I have a Dragon-type monster on my field and my opponent took damage. I can then use this card to deal you damage equal to my dragon's attack. So feel some more heat." said Sunset as her Red-Eyes took another shot at Isaac as he was flung onto his back.
Isaac's Life Points: 2600-

Now it was Isaac who had the lowest amount of life points and was in danger. The crowd then began to murmur at the thought that their beloved fellow Chicoltgoan was about to lose his reign as champ. Isaac lifted his head to see all the girls having sly smiles on their faces at seeing Isaac in danger. Isaac took a deep breath as he did a kip up making sure that his cap didn't fall off. "Alright, seems you girls got the best of me." chuckled Isaac.

"Darn tootin', Ah end my turn" said Applejack.

Turn 12: Sunset

"Back to me," Sunset drew her card and knew what she had to do. "Now I'll sacrifice my Paladin of Dark Dragon to summon my Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning(2500/1200). Then I'll play the spell Polymerization and fuse together my Red-Eyes with my Summoned Skull. I Fusion Summon, Archfiend Black Skull Dragon(3200/2500)!" Sunset now had two powerful monsters on her field as she was ready to deal some major trouble. "Now I'll activate my Red-Eyes Archfiend's ability and destroy all monsters that have less defense points than my monster's attack points!" Archfiend then struck the ground as it started to shoot up pillars of fire at her opponent's field.

"Don't think so, I activate my Defensive Tactics trap card!" shouted both Dash and Aj as they had the same idea. "Now by paying 1000 life points, all my monster(s) can't be destroyed by card effects!" It proved successful as their field was spared, however, Isaac's wasn't. His Dark Magician Girl was the only monster he had and it was gone as he was now defenseless and he had no facedowns thanks to Dash/Aj.
Applejack's Life Points: 2400-

Rainbow's Life Points: 5000-

"Seems you're the only one with no monsters." said Sunset with a sly smile. "Sorry to do this in front of your hometown, but go my monsters! Attack Isaac directly and end his reign! My Archfiend Black Skull Dragon makes it so that you can't activate any card effects until the end of the Damage Step."

"Then it's a good thing, I've got that covered. I'll banish my Electromagnetic Turtle to immediately end your battle phase." shouted Isaac as a small turtle came and released small electricity that created a wall of static that stopped Sunset's monsters in their tracks.

"Still hanging on by a thread. Oh well, I'll just set a card facedown and end my turn."

The crowd let out a breath as they were happy to see Isaac do some quick thinking on his part to stay in the duel. Isaac just wiped his forehead as he too let out a breath.

Turn 13: Isaac

"First off, since my Magic Formula was sent to the graveyard, I gained a 1000 life points." stated Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 3600-

"Time to get back into gear, I'll play the spell card Pot of Greed. So now I'll draw two more cards. Then I'll play my Premature Burial, so by paying 800 life points I can bring back my Dark Magician. Next I'll play the Eye of Timaeus and with it I'll fuse it with my Dark Magician to summon my Amulet Dragon(2900/2500)!" Isaac now showed off a new monster as it was Timaeus having so many symbols all over its body and had Dark Magician on its back.
Isaac's Life Points: 2800-

"I'll activate my monster's effect, so now I banish any number of spell cards from the graveyard and my dragon gains 100 attack for each one. So I'll banish all the spell cards in my graveyard and give my dragon 500 more points. Then I'll have him attack your Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning!" Isaac's dragon then opened its jaws at it took out Sunset's monster.
Sunset's Life Points: 6800-

"With that, I'll then place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 14: Rainbow

"Alright, enough stalling." Dash then drew her card and figured she needed to take things to the next level. "I summon U.A. Midfielder and then switch out to bring out my U.A. Strategist. I'll activate my U.A. Strategist's special ability, so I return 2 'U.A.' monsters from my graveyard into my deck to make my Goalkeeper lose 2 levels. Then I'll tune my Level 3 Strategist with my U.A. Goalkeeper, I Synchro Summon U.A. Star Player(2700/2500)!" Now Dash had a trio of monsters on her field; she then looked at Sunset. "Now I'll have my Slugger attack your monster, Sunset! In addition, I'll use my Playmaker's effect to give my Slugger 800 more attack points giving him 4100 points!" Slugger then took out her monster as she took double the damage.
Sunset's Life Points: 2700-

"Since my Slugger still had Powered Jersey, I'll have him attack Sunset directly. And as for my Star Player, he'll attack Isaac's dragon. I'll use Playmaker's effect and give my Star Player another 800 attack points." With that Rainbow's Star Player took a big blow to Isaac as he stood his ground. Slugger looked to end Sunset as it was about to knock her out of this duel.
Isaac's Life Points: 2700-

"I reveal my facedown, Defense Draw. So now my life points are safe and I get to draw a card." Sunset then had a wall of cards appear in front of her as it created a barrier to protect her. She then drew her card.

"Since my Amulet Dragon was destroyed, I can special summon a spellcaster from my graveyard, so I choose my Dark Magician!" Isaac now had his most loyal monster on his field as his last stand.

"I'll then end my turn with a facedown." As soon as Dash ended her turn, the crowd started to cheer her as they thought she did an impressive move as she nearly knocked out Sunset from the duel. Rainbow didn't know what to make of it as she just simply waved at them to which them cheered for her some more.

Turn 15: Applejack

"Time for me to take mah shot." Applejack drew her card and looked at the field as she still had the strongest monster. "Now ah play Dragon's Mirror, so I'll fusion summon using monsters in my graveyard. Ah Fusion Summon, mah Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon(3300/2500)!" Now Aj was in control as she was looking to take control of this duel.

The crowd was now split into three different sections, while they cheered Isaac with a huge amount of support. The crowd was now trying to figure out who they wanted to cheer in terms of second place. It was dead even as the chants of "Applejack! Rainbow Dash! Sunset!" filled the arena to the roof as the girls couldn't help but smile. Isaac was watching them and he too had a smile on his face as he was glad that his hometown was starting to see his friends were just as talented as him.

"I activate my Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon's ability and lower your U.A. Mighty Slugger to zero and negate its effects. So now time for me to take you out, Greedy Venom take out Slugger. Predaplant Triphyoverutum take out Rainbow's U.A. Star Player!" Applejack's monsters then opened their mouths as they unleashed their attacks.

"I activate my facedown, Half Unbreak. So I'll use it to protect my Star Player and cut the damage in half." shouted Dash as she put her arm up and stood her ground as her monster was thrown around before dropping to a knee.
Rainbow's Life Points: 700-

"Not bad, partner. Ah end my turn."

Turn 16: Sunset

"My turn," Sunset now drew her card and looked at what her opponents had. Both Dash and Applejack had a monster on their side; she was currently down to her last few life points. But the major thing that caught her attention was that Isaac had his Dark Magician. It was a risk, but if she wanted to win, then she would need to attack Isaac and she had just the card to do it. "Now I'll play Pot of Greed to draw two more cards. Next I play my ritual spell, Red-Eyes Transmigration. So now I'll send my Red-Eyes Metal Dragon to the graveyard to ritual summon my Lord of Red(2400/2100)!" Sunset now had a powerful monster on her side of the field.

"Then I'll activate the effect of my Black Stone of Legend and add it to my hand while I shuffle my Red-Eyes B. Dragon back into my deck. Then I'll play my Black Stone of Legend and tribute it to summon my Red-Eyes B. Dragon!" Sunset now had her team of monsters as she looked to take out Isaac. "Now the effect of my Lord of the Red activate which allows me to destroy your Dark Magician and your facedown." Sunset then snapped her fingers as Isaac's monster was gone and his facedown, now he had no monsters to protect him.

"Now time to finish this, now my monsters take out Isaac! Attack!!" shouted Sunset as she thrusted her arm out.

"Thanks Sunset. Cause I can now activate the card you just got rid of, Spirit of the Undead. Now at the cost of 1000 life points, I can summon any number of Level 4 monsters from my deck and special summon them. If any of them are effect monsters, then their abilities are negated.." said Isaac. He then selected the monsters he wanted to send as they formed a barrier around him. "I choose to summon my 3 Magnet Warriors!" said Isaac as he placed them in defense mode.
Isaac's Life Points: 1700-

"Clever." Sunset said as she gritted her teeth. "Regardless, your monsters are still destroyed!" Sunset's monsters then pushed forward as they went all out in destroying two of Isaac's monster as the attacks brought him down to a knee.

"Even if I didn't take you down, Applejack or Dash will do it on their next turn." said Sunset as she finished her turn.

"I'll activate the second effect of my Spirit of the Undead, so now I can bring back the monsters that were destroyed by paying another 1000 life points." Isaac now had his two other magnet warriors back as they took front position in front of their master as they looked to protect him.
Isaac's Life Points: 700-

The crowd and everybody in the back couldn't believe it. After some back and forth action between all four competitors, the duelist were that close in terms of life points. All of them, except for Isaac, all had a powerful monster(s) on their field and looked at each other with intense stares. They knew that victory was in their grasps as all they needed to do was take out the remaining people to become champion. Everybody was breathing heavy as the signs of fatigue was showing on all four of their faces; the girls were struggling to stay on their feet let alone stand due to how tired they were becoming. Still they all held on as they were so close to realizing their dream and one last look between them knew that they needed to take Isaac out as they all looked back at him with their monsters glaring him down as well.

Turn 17: Isaac

Isaac did his best to stand up as he felt like his body was about to collapse. He now got back to his feet and and looked at the girls. He knew what they were thinking as they were all going to try to take him out, so this was his last chance to either turn things around or accept his defeat. The stares from their monsters showed that they had every intention on making sure that their masters came out on top. Isaac then closed his eyes as he let out a breath; the crowd started to chant his name hoping he could pull some kind of comeback. If there was any of a time to feed off of the support of his hometown it was now. Isaac knew what he had to do, the question was could he draw it? Could he draw the card that could help him, right here, right now?

"Alright, girls. You ready?" asked Isaac. They nodded as they prepared themselves for what Isaac was about to do. " As you know my Spirit of the Undead card allowed me to summon my Magnet Warriors, however, it comes at a price. Now should I summon a monster this turn, then it must attack every single other target on the field." said Isaac as he was starting to sweat and become a bit tired.

"So you're banking on summon one monster that can wipe us all out?" asked Dash. "I'd like to see how you do that."

"Well, don't keep us in suspense, sugar."

"This I'm interested in seeing." Sunset now had her arms folded as she wanted to see how Isaac was going to survive this.

All odds pointed him to losing, but Isaac knew he had to believe that he had a chance. No matter how small it may be he had to take it. So he put his hand over his deck and let out a deep breath. "Here we go!!!" Isaac then drew his card as the whole arena was silent as what Isaac just drew. For a second, Isaac didn't look at the card. He then looked at it; the camera zoomed in as it only showed his face below his nose. So the folks watching at home only saw his mouth as it changed from worry to a smile.

"Now I'll play my Card of Sanctity, so now we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hands!"

"What are you doing?" asked Dash.

"It's time. I now sacrifice my three magnet warriors to summon... Slifer the Sky Dragon(X000/X000)!" shouted Isaac as he held the card up high.

"What the hell!!!!" screamed all three of the girls.

Soon thunder rolled in from outside of the building, soon the very place shook to its very core as the roof literally came off as Slifer popped its head and let out a loud roar. Slifer's entire body was wrapped around the arena as it was so long. Soon Slifer had its head at Isaac's level as it looked at the girls and their monsters. The monsters felt scared based on the presence that this great beast was letting off; the girls on the other hand, couldn't even speak. To think that was the one card that they didn't expect Isaac to summon, let alone have in his deck. Their minds were blown as they stared in the face of an Egyptian God card. Isaac had a calm, determined look on his face.

The girls were frozen in fear from Isaac's great beast. Their minds had completely shut off as they couldn't believe what was happening. "Now Slifer's attack points raises to 5000! Slifer end this duel, Thunder Force Attack!!!" commanded Isaac as he thrust his hand out. Slifer then opened his mouth and fired off a powerful attack that took out all of the girl's monsters and their entire field as they all were flung back.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Rainbow's Life Points: 0-

Applejack's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel ended as the holograms went away and Slifer disappeared. Isaac then dropped to his knees as he was breathing hard and he had sweat pouring down his face. The crowd was silent and they would have been if Celestia didn't make the announcement.

"Ladies and gentleman, your winner... and still Canterlot High duel champion!!! Isaac!!!!" shouted Celestia.

The crowd then exploded as they cheered as Isaac was declared the winner. They started to stand on their feet as they applauded the amazing duel they got to witness. The crowd started to show their love for Isaac as they chanted "You deserve it!" Soon confetti and streamers started to fall from the sky as more pyro and fireworks went off.

"What a match!" said the lead announcer. "Absolutely incredible. In what some people thought that Isaac wasn't going to walkout with the title. But against all odds, Isaac did just that and proved all his doubters wrong!"

"The boyhood dream has come true for Isaac!" responded the co-announcer. "Isaac gets his moment in the sun. And he does it in front of his hometown!!!"

Isaac now looked up as he took in the sight. He was still on his knees as he watched his people cheer/chant for him; it brought tears to Isaac as he put his hands to his head as he let out legit tears of emotion. He was both happy and crying at the same time. The girls all got back to their feet at that point and saw how happy the crowd was cheering for Isaac. The way they supported him and how emotionally he was currently on his knees. Soon they all made their way towards Isaac as they all offered him their hand. Isaac looked up and saw his friends standing there in front of him offering their hands; Isaac still had tears and sweat pouring down his face as well as confetti/streamers still falling, so he grabbed their hands and they all helped him up to his feet. They all brought it in for a group hug as the crowd applauded this sign of respect; soon all of them raised their arms up as the crowd cheered the loudest it had been. They were chanting: "This was awesome!" and "Thank you, Isaac!"

Then the unexpected thing happened, Isaac looked in the direction of the commentary table and saw something he didn't see on his way out to the duel. The two people who were seating in the front row behind the commentary desk was none other than his parents. Isaac's parents were informed by Celestia about them heading to Chicoltgo, so we personally invited them to witness their son duel in person. She didn't tell anybody as she wanted to give Isaac a surprise and she did just that as his parents were also in tears. Isaac then broke from the girls as he stepped off the stage and went to his parents as he hugged his mother while his father patted his son's back. The crowd loved this sign of unity/family as they cheered.

"You did it, Isaac. I'm so proud of you." said his mother as she was crying.

"Good job." said his father.

"Thank you." said Isaac.

Isaac then broke away as he started to head to the back with his friends. Along the way, people stuck their hand out as Isaac and the girls had their hands out as they slapped it against the fans' hands as they walked on. Isaac even took a couple of pictures with them as he signed a few more autographs. Soon he was back on top of the ramp as he stood side by side with the girls as they all took one final bow and waved to the crowd as they disappeared behind the curtain as the show came to a close and the cameras faded to black.

Sunset, Dash, and Applejack were the first ones to step through the curtain as the rest of their friends and the backstage crew all did their own round of applause. Everybody was giving them praises as they handed them some towels and bottles of water. Soon Isaac stepped through as he took off his cap and wiped his forehead as he too received a round of applause. Luna then tossed Isaac a towel.

"Great match out there. All of you."

"Thanks, Luna." Isaac then started to wipe his face as he draped the towel over his shoulder and grabbed a bottle of water to rehydrate himself.

Soon Twilight made her way towards Isaac as everybody stepped aside to let her pass through. Isaac saw his girlfriend heading towards him and before he got a word out, Twilight jumped at him with a hug and kissed him deeply on the lips. Isaac wrapped his arms around Twilight as he lifted her up into the air as they continued with their kiss. Everybody gave another clap for the both of them as they separated with their foreheads touching as Isaac booped Twilight on the nose.

"You were incredible." Twilight had a smile on her face. "I couldn't look away for one second; that was one of the best duels I've seen from you in a while. I love you."

Isaac gave Twilight another tender kiss. "So do I." He then wrapped his arm around her as they made their way with their friends to the locker-room as all four of them needed to change their clothes.

Celestia then met with Luna and they discussed how well things went as they looked at the group of friends. They both had a smile on their faces as the trip proved to be a huge success and it ended on a definite high note. Now they needed to turn their attention to the Duos Cup which was right around the corner, but for now they let Isaac and the girls enjoy this moment. Right now this was the only thing that mattered.

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