• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 119: Summer Snow

"Okay, what the hell is this?" shouted Isaac as he looked out of a window.

Outside the town of Ponyville was covered in snow. In fact, there was a decent layer of the white stuff as the little fillies that walked on it didn't fall too deep when they stepped. Now normally snow wouldn't be too much of a bother, but it was summer.

"It's summer! And there's snow!" yelled Isaac as he couldn't believe this.

"I forgot to say that the weather in Equestria is a bit different than back home." said Sunset.

"I thought you said the Pegasus controlled the weather." stated Isaac.

"Yeah." said Twilight.

"Then why is it snowing during the summer?" asked Isaac.

"The same reason we have a Christmas episode air in the summer." said Spike as he looked at the fourth wall.

"What that does even mean?" asked Isaac.

"Don't worry about it." smiled Sunset. "This at least gives us a chance to cool off."

"If we wanted to do that, then why not jump in the lake?" asked Isaac.

"Either way, with snow it means one thing." said Twilight as she held a shovel in her magic as she looked at Isaac before giving him the shovel.

"Of course. Leave all the heavy lifting to me." grumbled Isaac as he started to exit the castle and began on shoveling the stairs of the castle.

Spike even helped Isaac as he got his own mini shovel and the two of them got to work. While the boys got to work on creating a path, the girls were left with cleaning the windows that had been covered in ice. It took about an hour of two as both boys were hard at work shoveling the snow; thankfully, Isaac was prepared for this kind of work as he was used to this type of weather given where he had grown up. They did stop to have some fun as Spike threw a snowball at him to which Isaac returned with an even bigger one as it smacked the little drake in the face. Eventually, both were able to lure the girls out of the castle as they launched a sneak attack as they pelted the girls. Soon it had now turned into a war as both sides engaged in a fierce snowball fight. Soon a truce was called as both sides were tired and decided to head inside to warm up a bit.

Spike used his dragon breath as he put some fire in the fireplace as the flame brought the room to a nice, warm temperature. The girls all had blankets wrapped around them as Spike brought them some hot chocolate. Isaac was wiping his hooves clean as he wanted to avoid trekking snow inside the castle.

"Well, at least we got some fun out of this, not to mention me and Spike finished shoveling."

"Thanks for that." smiled Twilight.

"So nothing to do but sit back and warm ourselves up." said Spike as he had a robe on with a pair of slippers.

"So what do we do to pass the time?" asked Isaac as he stood next to Spike's chair.

"Uh, dunno." said Spike.

"Well, for one. We need to discuss about that device you found when you and Sunset ventured to Tartarus a while back." said Twilight.

"Well based on the tests that you've done, it just transforms into an armored chest plate that attaches to me. And then if I summon a monster than I can somehow fuse together and become that monster itself." said Isaac.

"That's true, but I'm also talking about other things. Like your physical strength and combat fighting ability. Not to mention your awareness to react." stated Twilight as she began to list off the results of the experiments she ran as the others just sat in boredom as they let the princess ramble on.

"Okay, moving on." interrupted Isaac which caused Twilight to give a pouting face.

"Well, we could share some stories." suggested Spike.

"How is that any different than what we could normally do?" asked Sunset.

"Well, I mean I'm not from here. So, do you ponies have some interesting tales?" asked Isaac.

"Well, there's the tale of Hearth's Warming Eve. Which is basically about the history of ponykind and how Equestria was founded." mentioned Spike.

"Interesting. Tell me more." said Isaac.

With that Spike began to narrate his tale. He explained that the Earth ponies grew food, and in payment for providing weather, the Pegasi demanded some of the food. The Unicorns also demanded payment for magically raising the sun and moon. None of the tribes cared what happened to each other. This fragile relationship continued until a large blizzard came along causing a food shortage. Without any food, the leaders of each pony tribe met up to discuss on what to do. The meeting however went poorly, as each of the leaders continued to argue with each other. After the assembly, three ghostly horses were overlooking the land below from a passage in the clouds; which were known as Windigos. Each of the leaders then returned to their second-in-command and explained that the meeting went poorly because the other leaders refused to cooperate. As a result each of the tribes set out in search of a new land. The land they did find was full of resources, however they soon discover that each tribe had claimed the same land, and of course more arguments ensue which caused another blizzard to appear. To escape the blizzard, the ponies made their way into a cave.

Once in the cave, they continued to argue over who gets what part of the cave. Due to their constant arguing, the windigos returned, causing an ice blizzard, which froze each of the leaders solid. The advisers, however, managed to hold good relations to each other, regardless of the different tribes they hail from. They deduced that the leaders' arguing is what caused all of this, and told stories and sang, the songs of which became the carols that are still sung in Equestria today. Eventually the display of friendship touched the hearts of the leaders as it melted the ice encasing them and soon the tribes learned that the warmth of harmony and love to each other can conquer over the coldness of hatred and grief. After the leaders settled their differences, they all finally lived in harmony with each other while founding the new land, Equestria.

"Wow, that's a interesting tale." said Isaac as he was fascinated by the story and history of this land.

"We even put on a play about this tale in Canterlot once." said Twilight as she sipped her warm beverage. "Do you have something similar in your world?"

"I mean we have Christmas." answered the colt.

"What's that?" asked the little drake.

Sunset then began to tell the pair that Christmas was basically their version of Heart's Warming as it was worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. They did similar things like exchange gifts and spent time with family and friends. But the story behind Christmas was vastly different. They even mentioned about an iconic figure that would travel the whole world in one night and deliver presents to all the good kids of the world.

"What a nice guy." said Spike.

"Well, I think it's time for us to get some sleep." stated Twilight. "We still have a lot of more shoveling to do tomorrow."

"You mean I have more shoveling to do." stated Isaac as he left to his room.

The next day came and thankfully the snow was starting to melt a bit. Still it meant that Isaac and Spike still had some more work to do; the girls all left to pickup some groceries as they headed into town. While the boys did the hard labor, Isaac's magicians appeared as they volunteered to help their master. Seems the job went by quicker as Isaac's magicians just simply zipped away the substance or casted a transfiguration spell as they turned the snow into some cute little animals. With the work done, Isaac thanked his monsters as they all disappeared back into his deck.

"Well with your magicians helping, we're way ahead of schedule." stated Spike as he put the shovels away.

"So, what do we do now?" asked Isaac.

Spike then brought out his Ogres and Oubliettes game as he wanted to continue his little side story with Isaac. Eventually the girls returned as they watched the boys just have their little game well until the sunset. The next day was even stranger as it was now snowing even more. Now it really caused Isaac to raise an eyebrow and apparently there was a reason. It seems Cloudsdale had experienced a malfunction of sorts as they were trying to make rain clouds but instead they made snow clouds. And they didn't notice the issue until they heard complaints from the adults of Ponyville; so they sent out a weather team to round up the rogue clouds. However, it meant that it would still be snowing in Ponyville for a while as all the clouds were being gathered up. Which meant it was more work for Isaac as he had to keep the ground around the castle clean.

"I know I'm used to this, but why do I have to be the one to do all the physical labor?" asked Isaac as he was shoveling even more snow.

"Cause you're a bit stronger than us." smiled Sunset as she sat on the stairs and looked at Isaac.

"And what are you doing?" asked the colt.

"Just watching you sweat." said Sunset. "Plus, Twilight needed Spike's help with going over some documents. So I decided to assume the role of supervisor."

"Great, so you just stand there and watch me work, while you do nothing."

"Oh, I wouldn't say nothing exactly." said Sunset as she had a bit of bedroom eyes. "Now get back to sweating, boy toy."

"I hate you." said Isaac as he got back to work.

While Isaac was working, Sunset was making some metal notes as she looked at Isaac's body as she would save them in her head for later. Eventually, it was about midday as Isaac had decided to take a break and flopped down on the snow as he wanted to take a quick break. Sunset just laughed as she made her way to the stallion whose chest was moving up and down.

"I... need... a... quick break." said Isaac as he put his hoof up.

"I guess, I can allow you to get some rest. But don't take too long, I need some more images for my brain." said Sunset with a slyness in her voice. She then sat in front of Isaac as she wanted to ask him something. "Hey Isaac."

"What's up?" asked Isaac as he was still lying down.

"I'm just wondering, what do you have planned for the future?"

"Huh?" Isaac then sat up on his haunches as he looked at the orange unicorn.

"I mean, if this issue in Equestria didn't occur, what would you be doing now? Based on what the others said to us before they left, they each were going to do something to help them for what they each have planned. Rainbow Dash was attending a summer camp that deals with athletics and wants to become a superstar in dueling. Fluttershy has her dream of owning an animal sanctuary. Rarity was to become a famous fashionista and create her own business; Pinkie wants to spread laughter to everybody. Applejack with her farm and well Twilight wants to become a card designer." stated Sunset.

"And you?" asked Isaac.

"To be honest, seeing as how I'm passionate about my art skills. I'll probably want to pursue a career as an artist or become a sushi chef." smiled Sunset. "But what about you, I mean you're probably the easiest one who has their life already planned out? You'll become a pro. How can you not?"

"If only it was that simple." said Isaac as he put his head down for a bit.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, I just thought that given your skills, you have the obvious path out of all of us."

"It's fine, Sunset. And well, you're kind of right." said Isaac as he took a deep breath. "I've been dealing with a personal issue for a while now. It started when the school term was ending and we were about to start our summer vacation. Those year-end evaluations that Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna made you guys do, well it was sort of to help me understand the other side of being a pro. They both have this perception that they've already planned out my life after graduation and they've been giving me some private lessons on the side about that."

"That explains why we weren't seeing you in certain instances. So, she made you feel like it was your destiny to become a pro duelist and nothing more?"

"Yeah, and I lashed out. Honestly, I was pissed off. To think that people are planning my life out as if they expect me to follow a certain path. That's just not how I roll and so I had some bitter anger towards our principals. But then you asked me for help and we arrived in Equestria." stated Isaac. "While on the surface it may seem like I was actually helping. inside I was just using this as a coverup to avoid how I felt. And then I had a moment of clarity that helped me to put my mind at ease."

"What do you mean?" asked Sunset.

"It means, I see the path ahead of me more clearly. I've accepted what's to come, but I'm not going to follow the path that someone else has laid out for me. I'm going to create that path and I'm doing it my way." said Isaac. "You know if you asked me when I first came to CHS or hell, even when I was just a little kid that I would grow to become this phenomenal duelist that people want to look up to. I probably wouldn't have believed you. But look at me now, life really does work in mysterious ways."

"I can attest to that." Sunset then placed a hoof on Isaac's chest as she looked at the colt. "To think, if I didn't meet you, CHS would be an entirely different place. I would still be a angry bitch, no friends, alone. And this..." Sunset then pulled out her Red-Eyes Black Dragon card. "Without you, I probably would never have gotten this card. This card was a reminder to show my hidden potential and I did that, but I also gained a valuable companion. And I thank you, Isaac." Sunset then moved in close and placed her body close to Isaac's as she snuggled into his chest.

"You're welcome." said Isaac as he wrapped his hooves around the orange mare as he gave her a hug and held her. "And hey, when I do follow my path, I'll make sure to remember you and all of our incredible battles."

"You'll really remember that." asked Sunset as she looked at the colt's face.

"Always." smiled Isaac.

Sunset returned the smile as she pushed Isaac onto the ground and on a bit of the snow as she began to rub her muzzle against his. She then put her neck against Isaac's as they created some friction as she started to slowly nibble on Isaac's ear. She pulled on it, as it provided Isaac with both happiness and excitement. Sunset then laid her body on top of Isaac's as she began to kiss him as her hooves were placed on his chest. She then began to move them over the stallion's body as he understood what she wanted as Isaac started to feel Sunset's backside and eventually reached her flank as began to massage her to evoke some sexy moans from the unicorn. After some intense minutes, Sunset removed her lips from Isaac's as she looked at the colt she had pinned underneath her as she placed her head under his chin and let out a happy sigh.

"I'm going to miss these kinds of moments between us when you're gone, boy toy."

"Yeah, I am too. But like I said, I won't ever forget my friends." stated Isaac as he held the mare in his embrace.

The next few days were spent getting rid of the remaining snow as the weather team from Cloudsdale had finally managed to round up all of the rogue clouds. Isaac was finally glad as he could now take it easy for a bit as he let out a sigh of relaxation.

"Thank Celestia!" shouted Isaac. "Now I don't have to worry about it snowing anytime soon."

"Too bad, I was getting used to seeing you work out." smiled Sunset. "Still, we have a job to do and we only got one more challenge. Just one final commander and then our mission is done."

"To think that we've been here for quite a while, but at the same time it feels like time has flown by." mentioned Isaac as he looked at his watch to emphasize his point. "If I recall, the girls back home should be arriving from their trips in about a week."

"Well, let's hope that we can finish by then. I can't wait to see them." stated Sunset.

"Yeah, going to be tough to leave this place. Especially with all the memories I've made." said Isaac as he looked out at the town. He then wiped his eye as he felt a tear starting to form.

"As long as we hold this place in our hearts, then we'll never forget about it." said the orange unicorn.

Both of them then entered the castle as they wanted to check up on Twilight and Spike. Once the pair entered, Twilight was busy taking care of some documents when she noticed Spike had let out a message. She then began to read it as her head tilt a bit in confusion.

"What's the matter?" asked Spike.

"This letter is from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, it says that they want to meet with Isaac and Sunset. But it doesn't say why?"

"The princesses are asking for us?" asked Isaac.

"Must be something important if both are going to be present?" said Sunset.

"Still, I'm trying to figure out why? Maybe something urgent has come? Or she thinks that you two aren't capable of finishing the job? Or maybe..." said Twilight until she was smacked in the face by Sunset. "Did you just smack a princess?"

"Yes, I'll do it again." said Sunset as she gave Twilight another smack as it brought her back to her senses.

"Sorry, I'm just a bit scared as to why the princesses want to talk with you two. I mean, you're nearly done with your mission." informed Twilight.

"Maybe she actually found out where the last commander is hiding and wants to confirm with me and Sunset. Either way, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." said Isaac.

"I guess. Alright, I'll have Spike send a letter saying that you two will meet with them tomorrow." said Twilight.

Once Spike had sent the letter to the princesses, everybody started to head to bed as it was already nighttime. The morning came and Isaac and Sunset had arrived at the train station in Ponyville as they waited for the train. Soon the train pulled in as both ponies got onboard. It took a while but eventually the pair arrived in Canterlot as they saw tons of ponies walking around the popular city. The pair then made their way to the castle as they entered the palace and into the throne room as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were standing there waiting for the pair.

"Your highness." said Sunset as she bowed for the rulers.

"Hey, there." said Isaac as he just greeted them casually to which Sunset just rolled her eyes. "So, what's up?"

"We're glad you both could come at our request." said Princess Celestia. "There's something we plan to discuss with you two. Raven, tell everybody that I'll be occupied for the rest of the day." informed the princess as she talked to her secretary.

"At once, your highness." said Raven Inkwell.

"Now you two, come along with us." said Princess Luna as she and her sister exited the room with Sunset and Isaac following behind them.

The sisters led the pair of ponies to their room as they relieved the guards of their duty and told them to take the day off. With that the four of them entered the room as they gathered around a table. Princess Celestia then used her magic as she pulled up some video images of Isaac and Sunset as it showed all the battles they had in taking down the creatures. Princess Luna then casted her magic as it entered the minds of the two ponies as she was looking into their memories as their eyes turned white. Soon she found what she was looking for as the pair's eyes turned back to normal.

"Give me a warning next time you try to probe my mind. Don't want any... private stuff to be seen." said Isaac as he let out a cough.

"Forgive me, young Isaac. But I needed to access your memories." stated Princess Luna.

"Anyways, me and Luna just want to show our appreciation for the two of you. Despite not having much help, you two have been able to slowly rid Equestria of these monsters. And be able to keep the peace for all throughout the land."

"We're eternal grateful for aiding us in our time of need. And seeing as how your mission is nearing the end of its course, let us say that we hope you've had a wonderful time here in this world, Isaac. I know it must have been tough to suddenly adjust to your new surroundings."

"It's alright, Luna. I'm happy to have helped, this honestly has been one of my favorite adventures to have gone on in my life. I definitely won't forget this." smiled the colt.

"We're glad. And I know that you two are just about to wrap up your mission." started Princess Celestia as her horn lit up and she transformed the room into a what seemed to be like a meadow of sorts.

Isaac and Sunset were caught off guard by this as they started to touch the main flowers and grass as it felt so lifelike. They were so amazed by what they saw that when they looked at the princesses, they noticed that both had a smile on their faces as they lifted their front left leg and a duel disk magically appeared on it.

"My sister here has shown me that this game of yours is a lot of fun. And so I looked at each of your memories to see how my human counterpart duels and have implemented it into my brain." smiled Princess Celestia as she had a huge grin on her face. "And once Luna told me about how much fun she had when facing against Isaac, I figured I get in on the action."

"So, Sunset. Isaac. Care to give me and my sister some fun for the day. But be warned, we have the memories of your principles, so defeating us won't be a walk in the park." stated Luna.

Soon she and Princess Celestia used their magic to create an exact replica of the deck their human versions used as they slotted in the decks and felt the spell work its magic as they had the knowledge of how to play the game and the skills to match their playstyle. Isaac and Sunset were surprised by the princesses' request; they looked at each other as they tried to process this.

"Well, I'm game. What about you, boy toy?" asked Sunset as she looked at Isaac.

Isaac just looked at the two sisters as they had a determined look on their faces, but deep down they were like little fillies as they couldn't wait to play the game. So Isaac just had a smile appear on his face as he looked at the princesses. He then turned on his duel disk and looked at Sunset who did the same thing as both took a position and got ready to battle.

"If you wanted to have fun, you could have just said so." smiled Isaac. "But who am I to deny a challenge? So Princess Celestia and Princess Luna... it's time to duel!" shouted Isaac.

"Ohh, that sounds intimidating when he says that. Don't you agree, Lulu." asked Princess Celestia.

"Indeed, dear sister." said Princess Luna.

With that both Isaac and Sunset spent the entire day battling against Luna and Celestia. For the two royal sisters, they had the biggest smiles on their faces as the game of Duel Monsters brought them happiness in a very, very long time. It also provided them with an escape from their royal daily duties as they could be young again. And so that's how it went, till the sun went down, the four of them engaged in hard-fought action packed duels that caused all of them to have enjoyment and allowed them a moment to bond not just as duelists, but more importantly as friends.

"Okay, Luna. You ready?" asked Isaac.

"I think I get the point of this 'beatbox'." said Luna. Seems Isaac had introduced Luna into the world of rapping and beatboxing as she seemed to have found it fascinating that you could mix your dialect into something that was both poetic and entertaining. She was in her room with Isaac as they were doing this small activity without anypony to disturb them.

"Okay, what words do I get?" asked Isaac.

Luna then pulled out some words from a small jar as she pulled out 3 slips of paper. The words that Luna pulled out were: 'Waffle Fries', 'Pikachu', and 'Puerto Rico'. The challenge was for Isaac to try to come up with a freestyle rap while using all the words he was assigned.

"Oh god!" said Isaac as he took in the words.

"Now then." Luna then cleared her throat as she started to make some beatbox noises as Isaac then began his attempt at rapping.

"My mind is open like a lighthouse, but it's scared about what's going on in the White House. Look around, those look like some awful guys, I wanna hit them with chancletas and some waffle fries. Aw yeah, so many plans, I can't hatch them all. But it's like Pikachu and I gotta catch 'em all. WTF is going? I rock into the break of dawn with my Pokémon. Aw, but all things being equal. This is the freestyle sequel from here to Puerto Rico. Aw yeah, you're picking up what I caught, now let's hear it for the moon's #1 astronaut." said Isaac as he finished his freestyle rap while pointing his hoof at Princess Luna.

"Marvelous." said Luna as she pulled the colt with her magic and gave Isaac a tight hug. "Thy tongue is sharper and more polished then thy pen."

"Luna.... can't breathe.... too... strong..." said Isaac as he felt the nighttime princess's strength as she was crushing the colt's lungs.

"Oh, my bad." said Luna as she put Isaac down who flopped on the ground.

"It's... okay..." said Isaac as he took some deep breaths to gain back some the air he lost.

"Would it be pleasant to try thyself?" asked Luna.

"Give... me... a minute." said Isaac as he lifted his hoof up. After a few moments, Isaac was full of oxygen as stood in front of Luna. He then cleared his throat as he started to make his own beatbox tempo and style as Luna prepared her attempt.

"Now, once upon time, not long ago, when people read books and lived life slow. There was bossy letter by the name of 'R', and anywhere she went, vowels acted bizarre. She was sitting in the park with a friend, letter A. And when it got dark, this is what she'd say. 'I think you need a brand new start. You sound different in 'cat' than you do in 'cart'. When we stick together, we go so far as you go from a to ar'. Letter A turned and said, 'I see. Wouldn't you rather be with your friend, letter E? She acts so different when you're with her. So instead of we, we got the way we were. From eh to er, from a to ar.' Then, they turned around, and guess who they say? O, the vowel, on nearby towel, with a round little face and an angry scowl. She said, 'no, no, R, can't take anymore. I sound so different than I did before. I was O for show. Now I sound like or. Please, go away. You are such a bore.'" stated Luna as he finished her little rap.

"Woah!" said Isaac as he ceased his beatboxing and smiled at the princess. "That was impressive."

"Thy was splendid, it made me feel, 'cool'." stated Luna. For the rest of the night, Isaac and Luna began to have fun as they enjoyed this little activity between the pair.

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