• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 24: Lesson Zero

What comes next? That's the question I've been asking myself ever since I won the Fall Formal and became CHS duel champion. Here I was sitting on the roof of Canterlot High looking down at the students who were scattered across the front lawn. It was currently the start of the school week and everybody was in a cheering mood. But you're probably wondering what happened after the Fall Formal. Well let me give you a brief summary: after me and Sunset had returned to the dance we began to enjoy and party ourselves well into the night. It was close to 11pm when Celestia had decided that the party should have ended and told everybody to head home. I met up with the girls and told them how much fun I had with them and they all said the same thing back to me. The only other thing was Rainbow saying that I should now watch my back seeing as I was now the number 1 duelist at Canterlot High. After we all departed, I then made my way home which was close to midnight. My parents were fast asleep so I did my best to sneak in and not make any noise as I made my way to my room.

I arrived at my room and changed into some more comfortable clothes and got a good long rest. I woke up to the sound of my parents making breakfast as a way to celebrate my victory from last night. They told me that they were watching my duel on TV and were concerned with how much damage I was taking. I told them that because of the adrenaline I felt I didn't feel the effects of the pain. That was partly true but it was mostly the magical energy that had empowered me that kept me from being banged up and healed most of my wounds but I knew they wouldn't understand it. Thankfully they didn't push much on the issue other than congratulating me on my victory and accomplishing my dreams. The rest of the weekend went by smoothly with nothing but the girls showing me their praises on becoming champion and restoring the school back to its glory days. Even Sunset had texted me and was offering her congrats on my win. She said that nobody else deserved it but me and that I should expect a lot more challenges to appear. The most important thing that she did ask of me was to help in terms of dueling.

What I mean is that after the Fall Formal, Sunset had gotten rid of her deck as it served as a reminder of her past self. Which meant that she needed a new deck to have if she was going to show everybody that she was a changed person; she also asked if I could teach her somethings about Duel Monsters. I was confused by what she meant seeing how she was able to match me move for move in our duel even if she was using magic. I told her that I'd be happy to help her and told her that I could help her build a deck on Monday.

So that leads us to where we began. It was Monday and I got ready for another school week. I was still wearing the outfit Rarity made for me when I dueled Sunset because it felt comfortable that I dawned it as my signature look. True to Dash's words there was a ton of students that were gathered around the front door and the entrance into the school. As soon as I step foot on the property all eyes turned to me and everything was silent. I didn't dare move in case I triggered stampede but thankfully they just waved and greeted me. I was expecting a massive amount of requests but they just let me pass by without any interruptions.The rest of the morning went off without a hitch; the only thing was that Celestia had called me into her office to discuss some things. So I went to her office and knocked on her door. When I entered there was also Vice-Principal Luna who was standing next to her sister. I was hesitant in what they wanted but they merely wanted to congratulate me and say they were proud of my victory. They also said that my victory had caught the eyes of certain individuals of the school board. They did tell me that being champion came with a whole new set of responsibilities; one of them being that as champion I represented Canterlot High and should I do anything to upset that name then I would also be disgracing Celestia and Luna. They also told me other stuff that I would have to attend as champion but assured me that they would tell me in due time.

For now they just told me to enjoy the moment and with that they dismissed me. After that I had my morning classes and then lunch. Thankfully, I had a free period on my schedule so I decided to head to the roof to get some peace and quiet. I was sitting on the edge of the roof with my legs dangling off the side. I looked at the people below me and saw how much happier they were since I first enrolled. To think that all of this was because of me and the girls had wanted to bring happiness and joy to this school. Now nobody was scared of coming to school and being threatened. I then pulled out my deck and looked at it. It was because I put my faith in my deck that I was able to beat Sunset. Just then the spirits of my Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl then appeared in front of me.

"Hey guys. Well we did it. We've freed this school of evil and has brought school spirit back to this place. I'll admit it wasn't easy but we did it. And I couldn't do it without you two."

"It was our pleasure and honor to fight by your side, master. We knew that you could do it." said Dark Magician.

"You really show everybody what you're capable of, not to mention that you had those friends of yours to back you up. I see why they're very lucky to have you." Dark Magician Girl was giving Isaac the sly smile and eyebrows.

"Mana, what have I told you about making the master uncomfortable?"

"I'm just teasing him, Mahad. Can't have any fun with you around? You're always so uptight and serious, you need to learn to let loose and not be so stern."

"Well, excuse me for being protective of our master. It's our duty to make sure that he's safe and it would pain me to see him in danger and I wasn't there to protect him."

"I get it as his most loyal servant it's your duty to protect Isaac, but he can take care of himself. You saw how he was able to handle himself when he battled Sunset. He took a lot of damage and still managed to keep on fighting. That proves he doesn't need you constantly looking over his shoulder!"

Both of his magicians were arguing back and forth, that it caused Isaac to crack a smile. Eventually they saw how ridiculous they looked and they too cracked a smile of their own. Soon they just all watched as they took in the view and enjoyed the peace and happiness that they brought. Eventually Isaac spoke up and told his monsters about what Celestia had told him this morning.

"So want do you guys think? Any idea on what Celestia meant by the other responsibilities I have as champion?"

Unfortunately neither of them knew what to make of Celestia's statement. "I'm sorry, master. But I haven't the slightest clue on what your principal could mean? Best to prepared for anything."

"Maybe she's just being dramatic and just telling you that you'll have more people challenging you. Either way, I think you've got nothing to worry about" said Mana.

"Well whatever it is, I'll just have to face it like I've done to every single challenge in my life. Face it head on and never give up, plus I'll have you guys to back me up." Isaac then gave them a thumbs up and a smile. Just then the school bell rang which signaled that it was time for the next class.

"Well time for class. It was nice to talk to you guys again."

"Anytime, master. Now best to get a move on, so as not to be late for your studies."

"Bye, Isaac. It was nice getting to talk to you."

"See you guys soon." With that their spirits disappeared and Isaac put his deck back into his pocket and made his way down from the roof and to his next class.

The rest of the day went by as normal. Once class had ended I then made my way to my locker to get the stuff that I needed for Sunset. I was so busy looking for it that I didn't notice the girls standing behind me until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head saw Rainbow in the front.

"Hey girls, so how's your day?"

"Oh, the usual. We just wanted to see how your first day as champion been. So has anybody challenged you yet?" Rainbow had big eyes as she leaned towards Isaac.

Isaac the grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back to get some space. "Well if you really want to know? No. To be honest it's been like any other normal day; though you think after a battle like that I would've had tons of new challengers. The only thing that came close is me being called into Celestia's office this morning?"

"Oh, I hope you weren't in trouble."

"Not at all Fluttershy. She just told me that me becoming champion means I now have some responsibilities that I need to uphold. I have no idea what she means; do you girls have any clue?"

Unfortunately none of them knew what Celestia could mean.

"Well whatever it is, sugar. Just know that as long as you have us around we'll face it together." Applejack gave Isaac a playful jab in his shoulder.

"Thanks, Aj. Anyways I need to head out; I'm meeting with Sunset to discuss somethings."

"You sure that's a good idea, I mean I still don't trust that she's changed. For all we know she could be just putting on an act and then when she's gained our trust she could betray us."

"Out of everybody here, I'd expect you of all people to have trust in me. Your really that much judgement that you won't give her a chance; I told you that Sunset is wanting to turn over a new leaf. And you call yourself the loyal one of the group?"

Rainbow hesitated when she heard Isaac's words. She knew she trusted Isaac based on how concerned he was when she got hurt by Isaac. It made her feel a bit warm to know that there was someone who was willing to stand by her side. But the thing was she didn't fully trust Sunset. It just didn't feel right. Eventually Isaac then continued walking with the rest of the girls following behind him. They made their way to the soccer field where they saw Sunset waiting for Isaac. Sunset gave the group a small wave as they approached her.

"Hey Sunset."

"Hey Isaac. I'd really appreciate you taking the time to help me. But do you really want to do this? I mean you just became champion, would it really be good for your reputation to be associated with a former maniac."

"Don't worry about it Sunset. I'm doing this out of the kindness in my heart, despite what some people might think." Isaac made sure he looked at Rainbow when he made that statement. "Plus like I told you, I'm a grown ass man and I don't care what other people say or think about me. If they've got problem with it, then they can take it up with me personally. Besides I love Duel Monsters and I love putting together a deck for someone to use, isn't that right Fluttershy."

Fluttershy just merely gave a smile while blushing a bit when Isaac mentioned how he had created her deck. Sunset saw this and felt a bit better knowing that Isaac was willing to help her. They then made their way to the benches and sat down before they got to work. Isaac pulled out his card box and opened it to let Sunset look at it.

"Alright, well before we get started I need to ask you a few questions. The first one being is want do you want your deck to do? Do you want to be a powerhouse, or do burn damage? Or maybe you want to have a deck that revolves around a certain type of summoning? The best thing is to start with what you're comfortable; so based on your previous deck what did it do?"

"Well my old deck just revolved around me getting powerful so that I could crush my enemies. All I did was try to make sure that they felt pain. I really was a terrible person."

"Let's try a different approach, how about you look through these cards and pick the ones you like. Once you've done that then we'll start creating a deck with them." Sunset did what Isaac asked and began to look through the contents of the box; she found some cards that she immediately took a liking to and put them to the side. After about 30 minutes, Sunset had a stack of cards that she liked and began to work with Isaac to put together a test deck. Once that was done, she looked at with an intriguing eye.

"Well I think this is alright?"

"Well the only way to find out is with a duel. So what do you say, Sunset? Up for a battle."

"You sure, I mean I don't think I have all the bases covered."

"Well the best way to learn is in a duel, at least that's how I learned. So come on, I challenge you to a duel. You mind giving some space girls?"

With that the rest of the girls stepped to the side as Isaac and Sunset made their way out to the field and began to battle. Sunset was still shaking a bit at testing this prototype deck but she looked at Isaac who had a smile on his face. So she slotted her deck into her duel disk and activated it.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the mechanical voice of their duel disks.

"Let's duel" they both said.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Sunset

"Looks like you have the first move, Sunset."

"Right, draw. I'll play a monster in defense mode. Then I'll end my turn."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Word of advice, Sunset. You can't be scared of going on the offense. That move alone told me that you're still thinking about your actions. If you can't forgive yourself, then how can you expect others to do the same."

"How did you...."

"You could tell what a person is thinking when they're engaged in a duel. They give off certain tells, now then it's time I teach you a lesson in self confidence. Draw, I'll start by playing Pot of Greed and I'm sure that you know what it does." Isaac then picked up his cards and looked at his hand. "I'll play the spell card Ancient Rule, now I can special summon a level 5 or higher normal monster from my hand, so I choose my Dark Magician. But I'm not stopping there because next I'll play Bond Between Teacher and Student. With this I can summon Dark Magician Girl from my deck, so appear my monster."

Isaac's duel disk registered the cards and out came his two loyal spellcasters as they appeared on Isaac's field. Isaac's magicians looked at Sunset and then looked back at their master.

"Hey guys, mind letting me a hand? Maybe you can knock confidence into Sunset."

"As you wish, master." said Dark Magician.

"You've got it, Isaac." replied Dark Magician Girl.

"Hey Isaac, who're you talking to?" said Rainbow who along with the others was confused on who Isaac was speaking to.

Isaac remembered that he hadn't told the girls about how he could see the spirits of his monsters and could communicate them. They already thought it was weird that he talked to his cards as if they were real, now that he could communicate with them they would probably lose their minds and call him crazy. So for now he just brushed it to the side and addressed their question.

"Never mind, just trying to psych myself. Don't think I forgot about this duel Sunset because I'll then play Thousands Knives which means I can destroy your monster. With that I can now wage a direct attack on your life points, go my monsters!

"Double Dark Magic Attack!" said Isaac and his two magicians as they unleashed their attack on Sunset's life points.
Sunset's Life Points: 3500-

"With that I'll set 2 cards facedown and pass it over to you."

Turn 3: Sunset

"Now try to do something this turn." said Isaac.

"I'll try." Sunset had a weak tone in her voice as she drew her card. She looked through her hand and at Isaac's field; suffice to say that Sunset was panicking as to what to do. She knew she couldn't beat Isaac's magicians, so she did the next best thing. "I'll play my Celtic Guardian in attack mode."

"I activate my facedown, Trap Hole. Now whenever you summon a monster with 1000 or more attack points, this card activates and destroys your monster."

Just like that Isaac had rid Sunset of her field as she was completely defenseless. A giant hole appeared beneath her monster as it fell in and was never seen again. There was nothing standing between her and Isaac's magicians from attacking her. Isaac had a disappointed look on his face as she looked at Sunset.

Turn 4: Isaac

"I'm really upset, you haven't been able to get your head in the game. You fell the oldest trick in the book and didn't take a chance to assess the situation. You panicked and just played a card without thinking, let alone taking into consideration what your opponent might have. In short, you've failed. Now to give you one final lesson. I activate my facedown Dark Magic Twin Burst now my Dark Magician Girl enpowers my Dark Magician, now finish her off!" Isaac then snapped his fingers and with it his magicians launched their final attack and delepted the rest of Sunset's life points.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Sunset had fallen on her knees with her head in disappointment. Isaac had thanked his magicians for their help before they disappeared back into his deck. The most important thing was the girls who were watching as they all had their jaws dropped down. Even Pinkie wasn't her usual cheering self as she was stunned by what she just witnessed.

"Damn, I knew Isaac was good, but that was just a one-sided duel." Rainbow couldn't decide if she was either shocked or scared with how easy Isaac had put away Sunset.

"Well seeing as how he's now the champion, did you expect anything less? Still that was darn impressive." said Applejack.

Isaac then made his way to Sunset as he looked at her. He was less than pleased with Sunset's performance as she played very poorly. Nevertheless he offered her his hand as he helped Sunset to her feet. Sunset still had her head down as Isaac began to address her.

"You failed. No excuses, that was a shit performance! You know what you did wrong, so now learn from it. Accept that you can't change the past. If you told me that was the person who I had one of my best duels in my life so far. I would have told them they made a mistake because that's not the person who I had fun with at the Fall Formal. It's like I told you, I duel because I love this game! Everytime I get knocked down, I dust myself and get back up. Everyday I show up with a smile on my face and I go to work and I kick ass. So you do the same, and if you don't think you have it. Then gladly give me back my cards!"

Sunset understood what Isaac was saying as she began to form tears in her eyes. Even the other girls were listening in on their conversation and they felt Isaac's words cut deep. They knew Isaac was giving Sunset some harsh words, but they knew that what he was saying was true. Even Rainbow was feeling a bit sorry for Sunset as she had to endure a stern talking from Isaac, but she knew that Isaac was speaking the truth. If Sunset wanted to show that she wasn't the same person she once was and that she did want to become a better person, then she needed to take Isaac's words to heart and reinvent herself. All at once the emotions she had building up inside of her then released in the form of tears, she approached Isaac and began to let it all out as she cry into Isaac's shoulder as she balled her fist and lightly hit him in the arm. Isaac just had his eyes closed as he let Sunset release everything she had been hiding. Eventually he put his arm around her and rubbed her back to show his support. Once Sunset had finished crying, she wiped her tears and looked at Isaac.

"Feel better?"

"Yeah, thanks for that. I really needed that wake up call. And you're right Isaac, I'm done feeling sorry for myself. It's time I realize that I can't change the past, but I have a chance to make my future as bright as it can be."

"Good, now that you've learned that. Time to move on to your next lesson, so come on let's take another look at your deck. Besides, I think this might help you." Isaac then pulled a card out of his back pocket and handed it to Sunset.

Sunset looked at it and was surprised with what Isaac was giving her. She had to do a double take as she looked at the card; she then looked at Isaac who had a goofy smile on his face.

"You sure about this?"

"Of course, unfortunately, I don't have all the proper cards to support it. That is going to be a challenge on your part, but for now I can at least make sure that your deck has some tricks that allow you to stand a chance against your opponents. Keep in mind, if you really want to make this card viable it'll take a bit more work on your part. You need to be willing to put in the effort, do you think you can do that?"

"You have my word, Isaac. I promise to not let you down and to show this card the proper respect."

"That's all that matters, now come on we've got a lot of work to do improve that deck."

With that Isaac and the rest of the girls began to help Sunset in building her deck. After a couple of moments, Sunset now had a slightly better deck than the one she had previously. Like Isaac said it would be on her part to get the necessary cards to make it work, but for the time being it was enough to help Sunset till she got the cards. Sunset was now holding her new deck in her hand and was looking at it; she felt the magic of friendship that flowed through it as she thought back on how the people around her were willing to put in the time/effort to help her. She gave them a smile and a hug to Isaac as a way to show her appreciation.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet. We still need to see it in action, so up for one more round?"

"You really are passionate about this, huh. Alright, you're on."

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel" said the mechanical voice of their duel disk.

"Let's duel." said both of them.

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"This time I'll start things off, draw! I'll start by playing Breaker the Magical Warrior in attack mode. Now my monster gains a spell counter which raises his attack by 300. Then I'll play 1 card facedown. Time to see what you can do this time."

Turn 2: Sunset

"Don't worry, I'm giving it my all. Draw." Time to show Isaac that I'm serious about this. Now to evaluate the situation: Isaac has a monster on his field with 1900 attack and a single facedown. Not to mention that Isaac can use Breaker's ability to destroy a spell/trap by removing that counter. So I have to be careful about how I want to do this. Sunset then looked at her hand before setting her plan into motion.

"I'll start by playing my Soul Tiger(0/2100) in defense mode. Then I'll play 1 card facedown and end my turn. How's that for a first turn?"

"Definitely much better than your first attempt."

Turn 3: Isaac

"Now time to kick things up notch. Draw. I'll play my Graceful Charity, now I can draw 3 more cards and send 2 cards to my grave. Next I'll special summon my Apprentice Illusion Magician(2000/1700) from my hand by discarding another card. Now since I summoned my magician, I can add 1 'Dark Magician' to my hand." Isaac searched his deck for the card he was looking and added it to his hand while Sunset watched with a bit of worry in her eyes. Next I reveal my facedown Lightforce Sword, now I can banish 1 random card in your hand and you can't use it for 4 turns." Isaac's trap then manifest a sword and launched it at Sunset's hand which targeted a random card which happened to be the one on the far right. "Lastly, I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 4: Sunset

Turn count: 1

"Alright, my turn. Draw." Isaac really is not letting up, with that trap of his he just removed a card from my hand for 4 turns, not that it would have helped me. Still with his last move he managed to add his ace monster to his hand, which means on his next turn he must be planning to sacrifice his two monsters to summon it. I can't let him do that. "I know what you're planning Isaac."

"Really?" said Isaac who had a sly smile on his face.

"I do which is why, I can't let you. Now I'll play the spell Cost Down, by sending 1 card to the grave I can reduce the levels of all of my monsters in my hand by 2. This helps because next I'm going to summon out the card you gave me. Time to see how well I handle it, I tribute my Soul Tiger to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon(2400/2000)." Sunset then played the card that Isaac had given her; out came a dragon that was black from head to toe. It's eyes had a shade of red and when it opened its mouth the scent of molten lava covered the entire field as it let out a growl and a roar. Even the girls were amazed with the sight of Sunset's new monster; Isaac on the other hand was smiling knowing that Sunset had finally got over her hurdle.

Sunset looked at the Red-Eyes where the dragon looked down at the person who summoned it and let out an intimidating growl. Sunset was a bit hesitant on addressing the creature until she heard Isaac shouting at her.

"Good job Sunset. You managed to summon it, now you got to bond with it. Show Red-Eyes that you're someone worthy and it will put its trust in you."

Sunset looked back at Red-Eyes who let out a mighty roar as it lowered its head down and showed its jaws as it got in Sunset's face. Sunset was a bit terrified about the dragon being so close to her. She remembered Isaac's words and how he told her she had to create a bond with the creature but she was scared. Slowly she made her way to the dragon and put her hand out in an attempt to show that she was someone it could trust.

"Hey buddy, nice dragon." Red-Eyes gave a deep growl as Sunset got closer to its face. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want us to become friends; I just want us to bond together."

Sunset then made contact with Red-Eyes as she touched his face to which they looked each other in the eyes and stared intensely for a couple of minutes. Red-Eyes could see the emotion in Sunset's eyes; it saw what she had been through and how she was looking to become a better person. It even saw the fire in her Sunset's eyes as it burned brighter than it ever had as her passion for Duel Monsters had returned. Red-Eyes then rubbed its face against Sunset's hand to show it love and trust that she gained. Sunset was happy to know that she gained a new friend and a powerful ally. Isaac witnessed the interaction between the two and applauded them.

"Alright then buddy, let do this!" Red-Eyes then picked its head up and led out a massive cry as it looked at Isaac and prepared to battle. "Seems my dragon is inching to fight and who am I to deny his request. Go Red-Eyes take a bite out of Isaac's life points, attack his magician with Inferno Fire Blast!" Sunset's Red-Eyes then flew high into the sky and opened its mouth as it fired fireballs at Isaac.

"Not bad, Sunset. But you should know I always have a back up plan, reveal Magic Cylinder. Now I can negate your attack and redirect the damage right at your life points!"

A pair of cylinders then popped out with one of them absorbing the attack and the other shooting back the attack at Sunset. Sunset put her arms up as the attack collided with her; Red-Eyes saw this and had a worry look on its face. Thankfully Sunset was alright and gave her dragon a look that said she forgave him for attacking her.
Sunset's Life Points: 5600-

"Hey, Isaac. That the best you got, I thought you were the champion. You should be pulling off some cool new moves, not recycling your old ones. You sure you're not one whose too caught up in the past." Sunset had a smirk on her face when she said that.

Isaac just gave a Sunset a smile while she made her comment. "Hey, if my moves are so predictable, then why do you keep falling for them and me?" Now it was Isaac turn to shoot some sass at Sunset who had a slight blush on her face when she heard Isaac's response.

"Whatever, I'll end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"You want something new, then about this. Draw. Now I'll reveal my other facedown Magician Navigation, now I can special summon my Dark Magician from my hand and then summon another spellcaster that's level 7 or lower from my deck. So I'll also bring out my Dark Magician Girl." Isaac's trap then opened a vortex and out came Isaac's most trusted spellcasters.

"Hey Mahad and Mana, Sunset says that we wants to see something new. I say that we show her a new power we learned."

"We're yours to command, master." said Mahad.

"Let's show her what happens when you insult someone as cute as our Isaac." said Mana as shot a death stare at Sunset. Isaac just ignored what his Dark Magician Girl had said and then continued with his plan.

"Now I'll play Polymerization and with it I fuse together my 2 magicians. I fusion summon The Dark Magicians(2800/2300). Now I'll activate my Breaker's effect by removing his counter I can destroy 1 spell/trap and I choose your facedown. With that I'm now going on the offense and I'll have my magicians attack your Red-Eyes. Then I'll activate the ability of my Apprentice Illusion Magician by sending it to the grave I can give my magicians a boost of 2000 points, so their strength is 4800. Attack!" Isaac's monster then blasted Sunset's Red-Eyes as it was defeated in one shot by the spellcasters. "Then Breaker will go in for a direct attack. With that I'll end my turn with a facedown."
Sunset's Life Points: 3200-

Turn 6: Sunset

Turn count: 2

"Alright, then time to mount a comeback. Draw. First off I'm activating the Monster Resurgence from my grave, by banishing it from play I can bring back a monster that was destroyed so I choose to bring back my Red-Eyes Black Dragon. Next I'll activate the trap Power Play now I can deal you damage that's equal to my monster's attack points. So since my Red-Eyes has 2400 attack, you get dealt 2400 life points. But that's not all because then my dragon gains those life points you lost as part of its attack points so now his strength rises to 4800." Red-Eyes then powered up as its eyes glowed even brighter than normal and unleashed a massive roar. "Now Red-Eyes time to get some payback at Isaac attack his Dark Magicians!"

"I reveal Shield Protection now not only does your monster lose half the points it received from it boost, but I can change the target to a different monster. Red-Eyes now attacks Breaker. I'll also activate the effect of my magicians, since a spell/trap was activated I get to draw a card. If it's a spell then I can set it, a trap/quick-play spell then I can activate it." With that Breaker jumped in front of the attack and raised its shield as it protected Isaac's spellcaster from taking the hit while Isaac drew his card and followed the rules by placing it facedown.
Isaac's Life Points: 3400-

"You may have survived, but my Red-Eyes still has more attack points than you monster. I'll finish it off next turn, for now I'll set 1 card facedown."

Turn 7: Isaac

"Sorry, but I'm afraid there won't be a next time Sunset because I'm about to end this duel. Watch, draw! I'll start by activating my Magic Formula now my magicians gain 700 attack points which puts them at 3500. Now my monster take out Sunset's Red-Eyes!"

"I'm not falling for the same trick twice. This time I came prepared; I activate my facedown Negate Attack now your battle phrase ends and your attack is nullified."

"That would normally work it wasn't for my trap by banishing my Magician Navigation from the grave I can negate 1 face up spell/trap until the end of the turn. Which means my attack goes through and your Red-Eyes is history!" For the second time, Isaac had managed to beat Sunset's newest monster with ease. "Next I'll activate my final facedown De-Fusion, now I split my monster back into the 2 monsters used to summon it." Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl then appeared on Isaac's field. "Now then my magicians, attack Sunset directly!" Both wizards took to the sky and unleashed their magic on Sunset who was helpless as she had nothing to protect her.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

After the duel had ended, Isaac then made his way to Sunset as he was applauding her performance. "Much better. That was the kind of duel I was glad to be a part of. You were in sync with your deck and your monsters, additionally you were able to move past your fears and tackle them head on. Given that you don't have the proper cards, you did manage to get us to even points. You should proud of yourself, Sunset."

"Thanks, Isaac. But even though I got some damage on you, you still came out on top. You're the champion for a reason and I'm glad Canterlot High has someone like you representing it. You're doing a whole lot more good than I ever did as champ. Still don't think that I'm going to take this loss lying down, once I get the proper cards and start practicing. You best believe I'm going to want a rematch."

"I look forward to it."

With that Isaac extended his hand to Sunset; Sunset did the same and shook Isaac's hand. The rest of the girls came over and started to give Sunset praises on how well she was able to handle being in a duel with Isaac. Eventually the group decided to head out to The Sweet Shoppe to get a quick snack. There the group was able to exchange tips with Sunset on how to improve her deck and they even looked up card shops where Sunset could potential buy cards to help with her Red-Eyes B. Dragon. They talked well into the evening where everybody had to split ways as they each went home. Once Sunset arrived at her place, she opened the door and sat down on her couch. After she departed from the group, she stopped by a card shop and purchased a couple of packs that were designed for her Red-Eyes. She couldn't wait to get started on building it and when she pulled out her deck she had a smile on her face. Sunset was really grateful for Isaac offering his guidance and promised that she would not only make Isaac happy but prove to her monster that she was worthy of being called its master. With that Sunset began rebuilding her deck until she fell asleep.

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