• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,580 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 4: This is me

After Fluttershy had departed from Isaac, she immediately rushed home to avoid having her parents worry about her. Once she got to the steps of her home she then searched for her keys and unlocked the door. Once she had stepped inside and taken off her shoes, she let out a shout. "Mom, Dad, I'm home. Are you guys here?"

"We're in the living room sweatie. Glad to see your safe, your father and I were worried that something bad happened too."

Fluttershy felt a bit guilty making her parents worry about her even if it was for a little bit. "I'm sorry. It's just that I had to take care of the animals down at the shelter and all my other friends were busy so I had no one to turn to. Thankfully I met a nice boy who offered to help me." Once Fluttershy had finished explain the situation to her parents, she noticed the look on his face.

"A boy? He didn't hurt you or take advantage of you di he dear?"

"No mom, he didn't hurt. He's very friendly that he was willing to help despite us just meeting. If anything he was kinda cute." Fluttershy had a bit of blush when she said that even though part of her face was covered by her hair.

Unfortunately, her parents noticed their daughter blushing when she mentioned about how willing the boy was in helping their daughter.

"What's his name, dear?"

"His name is Isaac. He's a new student who recently transferred to CHS."

"Well at long as he doesn't hurt you my little princess that's all that matters to me. To think why own daughter was able to snag herself a man. Kids really grow up fast these days don't they" Fluttershy's father chuckled.

Fluttershy was embarrassed even more with what her father had just said that she blushed even more. "No dad it's nothing like that he's just a friend. I doubt he even be interested in someone like me. He did offer to help me with my deck based on his attitude I could tell that he's a pretty good duelist."

"Alright princess, but if that boy does anything to either upset or even hurt you don't hesitant to tell either me or your mother is that understood?"

"I understand, dad."

"Good now go on, your mother and I are going to watch a movie. If you need anything we'll be down here."

"Alright dad, thanks for understanding." With that Fluttershy left her parents to do their own thing and proceed to head to her room where she began to do her school work.

The day that followed arrived sooner than expected as Isaac was busy making sure that he looked good before heading out. Isaac made sure to feed Tigre before he left and told her not to cause trouble while he was gone. With that he left through the front door and locked it before beginning his trek to school. Along the way Isaac kept recalling the events of yesterday and how he met Fluttershy. To think that just one meeting could cause him to not only meet someone, but also make a new friend. Isaac kept telling himself that he hoped he would run into Fluttershy, so that they could hang out some more but also to give her some advice on how to improve her deck. The morning went off like any other day; Isaac attended his class without being late and answered any questions that his teacher had when he was called on. Isaac almost lost track of time that he didn't notice it was lunchtime until the bell rang to notify every student. Isaac then made his way to the café and got his lunch.

Once Isaac obtained his lunch, he then set off to find a place to seat. Isaac eventually found a table with no one else at it and decided that he would sit here for today. It wasn't long until someone came near me and asked if they could seat next to me.

"Excuse Isaac, do you mind if I seat here with you?"

Isaac immediately recognized the voice and saw that it was none other than Fluttershy. "Oh hey, Fluttershy. I don't mind if you seat here in fact I'm kind of glad you did. I was hoping I bump into you, I wanted to talk to you some more."

Fluttershy then took a seat next to Isaac and they began to eat their lunches together. They talked a bit about each other and found out that when it came to animals they both expressed a certain love towards them. Once they had finished their lunch, Isaac then proceeded to pull out his deck from his deck holder that was strapped to his belt. Isaac put his deck on the table and Fluttershy soon figured out what that meant as she pulled her own deck from her pockets and laid it out on the table for them to see.

At first glance Isaac could see that most of her cards resembled woodland creatures. Given what happened yesterday and how much she loved animals it made sense to have a deck full of creatures. After taking a look at her cards, Isaac saw that she several lacked firepower in her deck. Most of her creatures that she had either had abilities that allowed them to call for help by bringing out another creature with them or allowed them to be brought back from the grave. Once Isaac went through her entire deck he finally offered her his thoughts.

"Given what I see your deck drastically needs a complete rework. It's no wonder you said you weren't a good duelist based on the cards you have it's almost impossible to win against your opponent let alone deal any damage to their life points. Don't worry, I was able to bring a couple of cards from my house that we can use." Isaac pulled out a couple of packages containing duel cards and put them on the table for Fluttershy to see.

Fluttershy was hesitant due to the fact that someone was offering to give her some cards that they owned in order to improve her. "I don't want to take these cards if they belong to you. It just doesn't feel right."

Isaac understood where she was coming from. He too would question taking cards from someone else who had them for their whole life. "It's alright, sure these cards belong to me but at the moment I'm not using them. That's not to say that I'm throwing these away because their worthless. It's the opposite actually. I know that every card has a purpose and the fun of dueling is figuring out that purpose. So it would make me happy if you took these cards because I have faith that maybe you can find their purpose." Isaac reassured Fluttershy with a smile on his face.

Fluttershy saw the smile that Isaac was giving her and it made her feel a bit warm and fuzzy inside. Not to mention that she felt her face start to blush a bit but tried to get rid of it to avoid Isaac seeing. "Alright then Isaac. I promise to take good care of these cards and treat them with the utmost respect."

"I know you will Fluttershy. Now in terms of what deck we should create for you there's tons of options that we could come up with. However a deck doesn't just rely on the monsters in the deck but also on the creatures in the extra deck. So I think it's best we create a Fusion deck for you to use; that way not only does it cover all the basics of dueling but so that you can stand a chance against some more formidable opponents. What do you think Fluttershy?"

"I think that's fine, as long as you help me with constructing it."

"Don't worry, I will. Now lets get started."

It took sometime but eventually both Isaac and Fluttershy had created a deck that they felt both felt comfortable with. Isaac mostly allowed Fluttershy to pick the monsters she wanted to incorporate in her deck. Fluttershy really took the time and effort to read each card and their ability that it made me proud. Once they picked the monster cards, they then moved on to spell/trap cards which Isaac provided for her. At long last, in front of us was a deck that made up of both him and Fluttershy's blood, sweat, and tears. Fluttershy then picked up her deck and looked at it in the palm of her hands.

"Thank you Isaac. I don't know what to see. First you help me yesterday with taking care of the animals and now you helped me to build deck. I'm extremely grateful for all you have done for me." Fluttershy then gave Isaac another hug but this time making sure she didn't hurt him.

Fluttershy hugging Isaac really took him by surprise, but thankfully he could breathe this time. Isaac didn't want to look stupid by having Fluttershy hug him so he simply hugged and quickly gave her a pat on the top of her head. "Your welcome Fluttershy. Don't forget it's not the duelist that makes the cards but rather the cards that make the duelist."

"I'll make sure to remember that."

"Alright, say since we're here why not test out your deck right now." Before Isaac could get his answer, the bell rang to signal the end of the lunch break. "Well looks we ran out of time creating your deck. Tell you what how about after school today we meet up and I can talk to you about potential duel strategies that you can use with that deck. What do you say?"

"I'd like that, thanks Isaac."

It was then made official; Isaac and Fluttershy then parted ways as they had different classes next period, but they promised each other that they would meet up after school to test out Fluttershy's new deck. The rest of the day couldn't have gone by quick enough as Isaac was so excited to see what Fluttershy could do with the deck, but also to see how well his knowledge was when it came to building a duel monster deck. The final bell rang which was enough to cause him to dash out of class to his locker to grab what he needed and proceeded to head to the front of the school to meet up with Fluttershy. Once Isaac got out of the building, he looked around to see where Fluttershy might be. After a couple of minutes Isaac spotted her and made his way towards her.

"Hey Fluttershy. You ready?"

"Oh Isaac, actually I was going to go back to the shelter today to check on the animals want to come with me. We can go over the deck there."

"Alright then, lets go." With that they both made our way to the same place they were yesterday.

It didn't take long as last time to check up on the animals, so once they were all taken care of and put back in their cages. Both Isaac and Fluttershy then sat a nearby round table and sat down side by side to see her deck. During that time, Isaac offered Fluttershy his input on what plays she could and when to activate this card based on how the battle would progress. Fluttershy was shy to ask questions when Isaac was explaining. If there was something she didn't understand she would let him know by either stopping or asking him to explain it to her a second time. Ultimately, Isaac found this to a wonderful time, not because he was spending time with Fluttershy, but the fact that he got to talk about Duel Monsters with someone even if they didn't fully understand all the secrets and tricks when it came to dueling. Eventually, Fluttershy broke their conversation.

"Listen Isaac. I appreciate all that you've done for me lately. Offering to help me rebuild my deck and even teaching some new tactics. Thanks to you I'm sure that I've had more confidence in not just myself but also my deck. I feel like I can rely on them and they can help me when I'm in trouble." The sound in Fluttershy's voice was the most sincere Isaac had seen from her in a long time.

"Don't worry about it. That's what friends are for, to help others in their time of need. To support one another when they're going through tough times. That's why it's important to have friends, don't you agree Fluttershy?"

"I do." Fluttershy said.

Just then as if on cue the lights around them started to dim and a single spotlight shined down on Fluttershy as if she knew what was happening. Isaac was confused to say the least but he soon heard a sound that caught his attention as he turned towards Fluttershy. Just then Isaac heard music start to play as Fluttershy stepped into the light.

After the song had ended, the music slowly started to fade out. The room started to brighten up as the lights suddenly came back on. Fluttershy was still standing in the same place as before. Isaac checked around to see if anything else would happen. After a minute or so it seemed things had returned back to normal. Isaac then got up from my seat and addressed Fluttershy.

"Well that just happened. Uhm... you mind telling me what that was Fluttershy?" Isaac was generally confused.

"Don't worry about, it's just some thing that happens from time to time. You'll get use to it."

"I'm not so sure that I will. Anyways it's getting a bit late why don't we head start to head out."

"Sounds like a good idea."

With that they both decided to pack up our things and call it a day. Once they made sure everything was locked up they then left through the front door. They continued to walk together until they reached the crossroads that separated their path to each of their homes. Before Isaac left, he told Fluttershy that tomorrow during their free period that they should have a duel to see how well the deck performed. Fluttershy was hesitant at first, but seeing as Isaac would be her opponent she felt comfortable with the idea. They then parted ways as they headed home. Upon arriving Isaac saw his parents were home. They asked where he was and he told them that he was hanging out with Fluttershy. His parents started to comment about them spending so much time together despite them just knowing each other for about 24 hours. Isaac merely told them that they were just friends and left it at that. He then made his way upstairs to begin on his homework; when Isaac entered his room, he saw Tigre sleeping on his bed. Isaac gave her a quick pat on the back which she just purred in response while letting out a meow. He couldn't tell just how excited he was to battle Fluttershy tomorrow, Isaac really wanted to see how well the deck performed but mostly he wanted to see what Fluttershy could do as a duelist. When it came time to sleep, Isaac was too exhilarated for what tomorrow would bring. He just hoped that Fluttershy and him would still be friends no matter what happened in the duel.

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