• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 111: Ponyville Schoolhouse

After the trio had fully recovered from their adventure, they all then packed their stuff and started making their way to the train station. The ride back allowed them to kick back as Sunset and Spike informed Isaac about her duel. Overall, the mission was a success as they had managed to dispose of another leader and were now much closer to finishing their mission. The train ride caused all of them to have sleepy eyes as they all caught a quick nap; Sunset had snuggled up close to Isaac as he placed his head on top of her. By the time they had arrived back in Ponyville, the moon was high in the night sky as it was close to about 9:30 pm. The trio all grabbed their bags and got off the train as they were glad to be back. They all started to make their way to the castle as they were all drained of energy. They arrived at the castle and all headed straight to their rooms as they were due for a long sleep.

The morning arrived as the sun rose high into the morning as the rooster let out a cry to signal the start of a new day. But for the three that arrived late last night, they were still asleep. Twilight check in on each one of them as she was surprised to see all of them were still tired. Ultimately, she decided to let them get some more rest. She had just finished checking up on Spike when she came to Isaac's room. She slowly opened the door to the colt's room as she tiptoed in. The sight before her was one that brought a giggle to her face as she saw the stallion having the covers thrown on him as his mane was messy and his cap had fallen next his head.

"Seems like the adventure really took a toll on him." said Twilight as she slowly lifted the cover up to see the face of the brown stallion. She then began to look at Isaac as she couldn't help but blush. "He's someone who I never thought I would meet. It's gonna hurt when the time comes for him to leave, but... I can't just make him stay. He's got people back home who are waiting for him, and he's got a special someone who's dying to see him." Twilight then gave Isaac a kiss on his forehead as she put the covers back over him. "Sleep tight, my prince." said Twilight as she exited the room.

Thankfully, there wasn't any disturbances as both individuals were able to get a full day's rest. During that time, Twilight was doing some princess duties as she informed Princess Celestia about the mission being a success as she told them that once they woke up, she would ask them for details and then would send the full report to the princess. Celestia was thankfully for her student as she wished Isaac and Sunset her best wishes. The next day rolled around as both ponies got out of bed and let out a huge yawn as they felt recharged; for Isaac he was also hungry. They made it to the kitchen as they saw Spike already making some breakfast but this time Twilight was helping the little dragon prepare some food.

"Didn't expect you to be in the kitchen?" asked Sunset.

"Well, seeing as how both of you were exhausted after your trip. I figured you both needed some extra calories in your system." said Twilight as she pulled out some muffins from the oven.

"I'm not complaining." said Isaac as he quickly got seated and began to eat away the food that was on the table. Twilight couldn't help but smile as she saw Isaac eating away.

Soon they all got seated as they all shared their meal. After breakfast, Isaac helped Spike with the dishes as Sunset and Twilight made their way to the library as she told the princess about the details of their trip. While the boys were cleaning up, Spike made a conversation with the colt.

"By the way, here you go, Isaac." said Spike as he returned the Flame Swordsman card back to the colt. "Seems you were right, this card did help keep me safe."

"Hold onto it for a little longer." said Isaac. Before Spike could protest, Isaac put the conversation to rest.

After that they both headed into the library as Sunset had finished talking with Twilight about the details of their trip.

"Wow, I can't believe you were able to hold off that many spirits." said Twilight.

"Well, it wasn't easy." said Isaac as he took a seat in another chair. "But I had to create a distraction to allow Sunset to destroy the drills."

"I appreciate you doing that." said Sunset. "Not to mention that we managed to take out another leader. Now we just have to scout and take down the final 3."

"Well, I think for the time being, we should take a rest." said Spike as he sat next to Twilight. "Besides, I think I've had enough adventures for the time being."

"Then it's a good thing, I have a way for us to take our mind off of some things." said Twilight as she pulled out some boardgames. She told the three of them that she also invited the rest of the Main 6 as they got to enjoy each other's company as the trio told the girls about their adventure.

The next day came as Sunset and Isaac had left the castle and were heading somewhere as they were walking on the dirt path. Soon their destination came into view as it turned out to be a building that had a bell on the roof, a flag in the front yard, and a sign on the lawn depicting an open book and the silhouettes of two rearing fillies.

"So, do you think the kids will love this idea?" asked Isaac.

"Definitely, plus I kind of promised the fillies this. Just haven't had a chance to since a lot of stuff has come up in such a short amount of time." stated Sunset. With that the two ponies arrived at the front door as she knocked.

The door opened and out came Cheerilee. "Oh, Sunset. Good to see you. Wait here." she said. Cheerilee then entered her classroom as the fillies were talking amongst themselves. "Class, settle down." stated Cheerilee as she got the little ponies' attention. "Now we have some very special guest visiting us. Please give a warm welcome to Sunset Shimmer and her friend, Isaac."

"Hey, my little ponies." said Sunset as she walked into the classroom with Isaac beside her.

"Hello, Ms. Sunset." said all the fillies in unison.

"I hope you're all doing well. Now I promised that I would bring my friend, the next time I stopped by and here he is. Fillies, this here is Isaac. He's the one who saved town hall from that creature and his minions." stated the orange unicorn.

"Hey, kids." said Isaac as he gave a wave. The little fillies all gave a wave back to Isaac as he smiled.

"Now, class. Do you have any questions for Mr. Isaac?" asked Cheerilee.

"Uhm, mister? I'm just wondering how were you able to save the town?" asked one of the little filly by the name of Aquamarine.

"Well, where do I begin?" said Isaac as he sat in front of the class as they all gathered around the stallion as they too sat on their hinds as they listened. "Well, the best way is that I use my own monsters to save the town."

"What kind of monsters?" asked a unicorn filly by the name of Liza Doolots.

"Is he a good monster?" asked Featherweight.

"Yes, in fact, he's my best friend." Isaac then used his magic as he pulled out his deck and showed the fillies and colts his Dark Magician. "This here is my most valuable ally, his name is Mahad." said Isaac as he got a warm response from the kids. "But that's not the only one, meet my Dark Magician Girl, Mana." Isaac then pulled out his other ace magician as the kids were now giddy with excitement.

"So, do you like them?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah!" said the kids as they began to jump and down and then started to swarm around the colt's body.

"Alright, class!" stated Cheerilee as she got them to calm down and say Isaac from being overrun by the fillies.

Sunset just chuckled as she saw that somethings still remained the same. She then told them that she and Isaac would give them a little demonstration as they all exited the classroom and out to the playground. Soon Sunset and Isaac took their position as they gave a stare at each other.

"Ready, to show these kids some fun?" asked Isaac.

"Always." said Sunset as she activated her duel disk and projected a red card tray.

"Then, it's time to duel!" shouted Isaac as he activated his duel disk and projected a gold card tray. Seems the kids liked Isaac saying that line as they had happy looks on their faces.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

The little fillies were excited as they couldn't wait to see both ponies in action. They were also excited to see what cool creatures and monsters both ponies could summon.

"I'll let you take the first move, Sunset." said Isaac.

Turn 1: Sunset

"Hope, you don't regret that decision, boy toy." smiled Sunset as she flipped her hair and gave Isaac a wink. "Now, I'll summon my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon in attack mode." Sunset had summoned out one of her monsters as the kids were in awe. At first glance they were a bit frighten by the dragon, but then they saw how it snuggled into Sunset's chest and how she hugged it while giving it some kisses.

"Don't worry, kids. My dragon may seem scary, but he only attacks bad ponies." said Sunset as she gave her baby one last kiss and he took his position on the field. "Now, I'll just place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Isaac

"My move, so here goes." said Isaac as he drew his card. "Alright, now then." said Isaac as a spotlight appeared above him as the little fillies had the biggest eyes as they were filled with wonder. "Fillies and gentlecolts, I welcome you all to today's entertainment. We're so glad that you could attend, now then are you ready for some magic?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah!" shouted all the kids, even Cheerilee was giddy on her hooves as she couldn't contain her excitement.

"Well, then. Let's get on with the show. Now then, I'll set the Pendulum Scale with the Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and Scale 8 Mirage Magician. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them.

"Pretty lights." said Twist as she and the rest of her classmates were amazed by the light show and magical burst from Isaac's side.

"I'm allowed to summon monsters from Level 2 through 7 all at the same time. Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hoof into the air as a giant portal above him opened up. "Take to the stage, Apprentice Illusion Magician. Next, meet the keeper of relics, Rune-Eyes Illusionist(1800/2400, Scale 3, Level 5)." said Isaac as he had his two magicians out on his field.

"So cool!" shouted the fillies.

"Now, since I special summoned my Apprentice Illusion Magician, I can now add my Dark Magician to my hand. With that, Rune-Eyes Illusionist time to strike. Take out Sunset's dragon, Rune-Eyes' special ability activates so now he gains the attack points of the monster that he battles till the end phase. But why stop there, cause next I'll activate the effect of Apprentice Illusion Magician, so by sending her to the graveyard, I can increase my Rune-Eyes Illusionist's attack by another whopping 2000. So do the math, my Rune-Eyes Illusionist now has 5000 attack points!" shouted Isaac as his magician tapped into the power of his relic eye and pulled out his staff as he shot a powerful spell at Red-Eyes Baby Dragon as Sunset took some massive damage.
Sunset's Life Points: 4200-

"Well, time for my monster's ability to activate. Now when Red-Eyes Baby Dragon, I can summon a 1 Level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' from my deck and then I can equip my dragon to my new monster to give it 300 extra attack. And I think you know which monster I'm choosing." said Sunset as she shot a sly look at Isaac. "So rise up, Red-Eyes B. Dragon!" shouted Sunset as she had her trusting monster on her field as it had 2700 attack points.

"With that, I'll lay a card facedown and end my turn. So now Rune-Eyes' attack returns to normal." stated Isaac.

Turn 3: Sunset

"My turn, now I'll play The Black Stone of Legend and then I'll tribute my monster so that I can summon my Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning!" shouted Sunset as it was her turn to deal Isaac some damage. "Now I'll activate the effect of my Archfiend of Lightning, so now he can destroy all monsters on your side of the field with defense points that are less than my monster's attack points." With that Sunset's fiend then struck the ground as a pillar of fire surrounded Isaac's magician as it was destroyed.

"Next, I'll discard a card from my hand so that I can play Twin Twisters. So now I can destroy up to 2 spells/traps card on the field and I choose your pendulum cards." said Sunset as she got rid of Isaac's cards.

"As always, when my Pendulum cards are destroyed, they go to my Extra Deck instead of the graveyard." said Isaac as he grabbed his pendulums and slotted them into the Extra Deck compartment of his duel disk.

"Maybe, but now you have no scale in which to summon them back and you have no monsters on the field. So now Red-Eyes Archfiend attack Isaac directly!" Archfiend heard Sunset's command as it raised its fist and collided with Isaac. "Now, Red-Eyes, take out that pony who hurt you're beloved mistress." said Sunset as she gave Isaac a wink. Red-Eyes heard Sunset's command as it shot a fireball at Isaac as he lost some more life points and was thrown on his back.
Isaac's Life Points: 2800-

"Could you tell your Red-Eyes to back off a bit?" said Isaac as he was being pinned down by Sunset's dragon.

"He's just protective of his mistress." said Sunset as she had some sass. "Though he does get a bit jealous when he sees you snuggled next to me." Sunset then called off her dragon as it let Isaac up and returned to her side. "Don't worry, buddy. You're still the one that means the most in my life." stated Sunset as she was petting her dragon and gave him a kiss. "Now, I'll lay a facedown and call it a turn."

Turn 4: Isaac

"Guess, I better get back on track." said Isaac if he wanted to win. "Alright, now I'll play Card of Sanctity so now we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hand. Now, I'll reveal my Magician Navigation. So now I'll call upon my most trusting monsters, Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl!" said Isaac as his pair of magicians appeared by their masters side. Even the little fillies were happy as they were in love with Isaac's monsters.

"So, you all like them?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah!" shouted all the fillies.

"Now, I'll play Magic Formula and give my Dark Magician an extra 700 attack points. So now, Dark Magician take out her Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" said Isaac as his magician fired off a powerful spell that took out Sunset's dragon.
Sunset's Life Points: 3700-

"Now the effect of my Baby Dragon activates, so now I can add my Black Stone of Legend back to my hand." said Sunset as she got back her card.

"I'll just lay a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Sunset

"My draw, now I'll activate Cards of the Red Stone, so now I'll send a Level 7 'Red-Eyes' from my hand and deck so that I can draw 2 cards." Sunset then selected the monsters she wanted to get rid of as she picked up some more. "Now, I'll activate the effect of my Archfiend, so now your magicians are destroyed." Once again, Sunset got rid of Isaac's field with ease.

"Since Magic Formula was sent to the graveyard, I gain 1000 life points."
Isaac's Life Points: 3800-

"Even with that boost, I'm about to end this. Now, I'll summon my Black Stone of Legend and then tribute it so that Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon can rise up." Sunset now had two monsters on her field as she looked to end this duel. "Now Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon attack Isaac directly!"

"I reveal my facedown, Defense Draw. Now the damage for this battle becomes zero and I get to draw a card." said Isaac as a wall of cards appeared in front of him as blocked the attack and he drew his card.

"You may have stopped my dragon from attacking, but let's see what you will do when my archfiend strikes." said Sunset as she thrusted her fore leg out and gave her monster its command as it took a chunk out of Isaac's life points.
Isaac's Life Points: 1300-

"With that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 6: Isaac

"My turn, time for me to take control of this duel. So once again, I'll set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 2 Sleight of Hand Magician and Scale 7 Black Robe Mentalist." Isaac then placed his two new Pendulum cards on the far ends of his duel disk as both monsters rose in a column of light as the numbers appeared in front of them. "With a brand new scale to work with, I'm allowed to summon monster from Level 3 through 6 all at the same time. Ready or not, cause here they come!" shouted Isaac as a portal opened up and three lights came out. "Back for an encore is my Rune-Eyes Illusionist, making their grand debut is none other than Sorcerer Swordsman(1500/1500, Scale 1, Level 4) and Mirage Magician(1600/1700, Scale 8, Level 6)." Other than Isaac's first magician, Sunset was shocked by the other two cards as Isaac normally used them for setting his scale. His first magician was male teen who wore an swordsman outfit made up of blue and white clothing as it had a few belts on his jacket; he also wielded a silver sword in his hand and a pirate hat on his head with a feather sticking out. Isaac's Mirage Magician was a female teenager spellcaster as she had a masquerade eye mask over her eyes, but Sunset could still see that they were brown. In terms of her outfit, she had black long hair as she wore fishnet sleeves and stockings as well as a white corset that all matched with a cerulean trench coat.

"Impressive." said Sunset as she took in Isaac's new monster.

"Finally, we've been freed." said Sorcerer Swordsman as he got in a ready position. "I will live and die by your command, Isaac." said Sorcerer Swordsman.

"Been meaning to have a chance to see you." said Mirage Magician as she looked at her master. She then used her magic to see Isaac in his human form as she let out a smile. She then lifted up her mask so that Isaac could look at his magician for her true beauty. "My, my. I definitely like what I see, strong, intelligent, dashing. Well, I'm impressed." said Mirage Magician as she caressed Isaac's cheek and gave him a wink.

"Well, please to meet you two. As your master, I promise to put my trust and support in you. The only thing I ask is that you do the same and that you consider me your friend." said Isaac.

"We pledge our loyalty to you, Master Isaac." said both teenager magicians as they bowed.

"Alright, then." said Isaac as he gave them the command to rise up. "Now Sunset, time for me to take my Pendulum skills to the next level!"

"What do you mean?" asked Sunset as she was unsure what Isaac was saying.

"Let me show you, now I activate my Mirage Magician's special ability. Now I can fusion summon using a monster the field with one in my graveyard or on the field without Polymerization!"

"You can what!?!"

"Let me show you, so I'll fuse together my Dark Magician and Mirage Magician so that I can form The Dark Magicians(2800/2300)!" Both monsters then combined as a pair of new monsters were created and appeared on Isaac's field.

"You... managed to fusion summon without Polymerization?" stated Sunset as she was in shock of Isaac's cards.

"That's not all, cause next I'll activate my Sorcerer Swordsman's special ability. Since he was pendulum summoned, he can now take away one of your monster's attack points!" shouted Isaac. His Sorcerer Swordsman then raised his sword as it started to shine and then he unleashed a slash as it moved across the field and hit Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon in the chest as it felt its power depleting. "Now time to strike, Rune-Eyes Illusionist attack Sunset's Archfiend and don't forget that when my Illusionist attacks he gains the attack points of the monster he's battling till the end of the turn." Isaac's Illusionist then rose 4300 attack points as it took out Sunset's monster with ease.
Sunset's Life Points: 2600-

"I reveal my facedown, Red-Eyes Burn. Now since a 'Red-Eyes' monster was destroyed, we both take damage equal to its attack points. Which means you lose!" shouted Sunset.

"Don't think so, cause I banish my Magician Navigation from my graveyard so that I can negate and destroy your trap card." Isaac's card then appeared as it shot a beam that took out Sunset's facedown. "But that's not all, cause next I activate the effect of my Dark Magicians, now once per turn, if a spell/trap is activated, I draw a card. Then depending on what I draw dictates what happens next, so here we go." said Isaac as he drew his card. "The card I drew is Dust Tornado and since it's a trap card, that means I can activate it. So say goodbye to your other facedown card." Now Sunset had no facedowns as Isaac looked to finish this duel. "Now, The Dark Magicians take out Sunset's Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon and end this duel!!" shouted Isaac as his monster lifted their wands and took out Sunset's last defense as her life points dropped.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel ended as Isaac was declared the victor. Soon all of his monster disappeared as this time his Sorcerer Swordsman and Mirage Magician were still out as they took this time to speak with their master.

"We did it." said Isaac.

"Talk about a workout." said Sorcerer Swordsman as he sheathed his sword and rotated his arm. "Glad to be a part of your squad, eh boss." said Sorcerer Swordsman as he brought his fist up and gave Isaac a fist/hoof bump.

"What stellar performance." said Mirage Magician as she flipped her hair and took off her mask to look at Isaac. "Tell me do you have someone who's special to you?"

"I do." stated Isaac.

"Well, she's a lucky girl." said Mirage Magician as she put on her mask. She then leaned forward and gave Isaac a kiss on his cheek as he was used to it as this point. She and Sorcerer Swordsman both said goodbye to Isaac as they returned to his deck.

Before Isaac could check on Sunset he was swarmed by the little fillies as they all piled on him as he fell onto his back as they started to jump up and down on the older colt. Sunset sat up and saw the sight as she couldn't help but let out a giggle as seeing the little kids all surround Isaac.

"Class, let Mr. Isaac breath?" said Cheerilee as she got the kids to calm down and got off of Isaac who was at the bottom of the pile.

"You okay, boy toy?" asked Sunset as she used her magic to lift Isaac on his hooves.

"Yeah, I think so. And hey, good duel."

"Thanks, though you really impressed me. Using your Pendulum cards to fusion without Polymerization. What other tricks have you been hiding from us with those cards?" stated Sunset.

"You know that a magician always keeps his audience guessing." said Isaac with a sly smile.

Soon the kids all swarmed the two ponies but this time they didn't jump on them as they started to ask the pair a couple of questions. Isaac and Sunset did their best to entertain the little fillies and colts; they even managed to summon out a few of their monsters out so that they could play with the kids. While Isaac was watching the kids playing with his Watapon and Kuriboh, he overheard something. He looked in the direction and saw Applebloom as she was talking with a pair of other fillies.

"Come on, Applebloom. Stop messing with us." said a pegasus filly.

"Besides, there's no way you know the hero." said a unicorn.

"I'm tellin' y'all, I do. He helped me deal with them varmints that were reckin' mah farm." said Applebloom as she tried to do her best to convince her friends that she truly knew Isaac.

"Ain't this a familiar sight." said Isaac as he remembered a similar moment. He then began to make his way towards the group.

"Sure, sure. Look I've been waiting all day and I have some things that I want to try." said the orange pegasus.

"I'm tellin' you that I know him. Look I'll get him to talk to us." said Applebloom.

"Like that's going to happen." said the white unicorn. "You really think that the hero who saved Ponyville is just gonna walk over and talk to us."

"Well, that depends." said Isaac as he got the attention of the fillies.

"It's... it's..." stuttered Scootaloo.

"I... I..." stuttered Sweetie Belle as well.

"Told ya." said Applebloom with a smug smile. "Howdy, Isaac." said Applebloom as she gave a hug to the colt.

"Howdy, Applebloom." said Isaac as he returned the hug. "How's my favorite filly doing?" asked Isaac as he rubbed Applebloom's head making sure he didn't mess her pretty pink bow.

"Wow, you were right." said Scootaloo as she was in shock.

"Uhm, hello. I'm..."

"Sweetie Belle. And your name is Scootaloo." said Isaac as he knew the two fillies in front of him.

"You know our names? How?" asked Scootaloo.

"Well, let's just say that we've met before."

"You know, that kinda makes sense." said Sweetie Belle as she believed Isaac's statement.

"So... what did you think?" asked Isaac.

"That was the most awesome thing I've ever seen." said Scootaloo as she cheered the loudest she had. "The lights, the atmosphere, the action! It was like something out of a movie. Mister, can you teach me?"

"No, teach me." said Sweetie Belle as she wanted to learn.

"Hey, I'm the one who introduced the two of you to Isaac." said Applebloom as she felt left out and gave a pouting face.

"Don't worry, girls. I'll show you." said Isaac. The three fillies were excited that they jumped on the colt as he fell down with them all giving him a hug.

Isaac then began to show the CMC how he was able to duel and summon out his monster. He even let them hold his cards and let them place the cards on his duel disk as they got to witness the creature come out. Eventually, Isaac began to tell the girls about the reason on how he knew them. He told them about how he mentored their human counterpart in helping them to get better at the game. The CMC were shocked by what they heard, but ultimately were proud.

"Hey, Isaac?"

"Yeah, Applebloom."

"I know we're not yer versions of us. But do you think we could... you know... be as good as you?" said Applebloom.

"You have potential. All three of you do." said Isaac as he addressed the three fillies sitting in front of him. "When I first met you three, I was proud to see young individuals like yourself taking an interest in this game. But it warmed my heart even more when you wanted to get better and you started to learn from me. I'm proud to have helped you girls to become better duelists and I know you three are destined for great things." smiled Isaac.

"Thanks." said Sweetie Belle as she wrapped her hooves around Isaac's forelegs. Applebloom jumped on Isaac's back and hugged his neck.

"I'm good." said Scootaloo. She got a dirty look from the others. "But, I am thankfully for what you've done." said Scootaloo as she approached the colt and gave him a hug as well.

"I'm proud of you girls. And you all keep doing what you're doing. You've got your whole life ahead of you which means you've got tons of adventures to experience." said Isaac as he addressed the three fillies.

The four of them then broke apart from their hug as they all made it back to the main group as Isaac and Sunset continued to show off their monsters for the kids as they had the biggest smiles on their faces. Soon the school day was coming to an end as Ms. Cheerilee thanked Isaac and Sunset for entertaining the kids. With that Ms. Cheerilee dismissed everypony as they all gave their thanks to the two teen ponies as they had smiles on their faces. They both returned back to the castle as they told Twilight about their experience with the little kids and she was proud of them. Soon they all decided to turn in for the night.

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