• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,594 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 54: Sibling Time

It had been a couple of days since the incident. After Francis had been apprehended by the proper authorities, things resumed back to normal at Canterlot High. Celestia had done her best to keep things a secret; she didn't want to alarm her students of what had happened. The only ones who knew what really happened was Isaac and the girls; so Celestia asked them to not speak of it in front of others. They agreed and promised not to tell anybody.

Despite keeping things hush, hush. There were some rumblings that were being spread among the other students. All that was said was they noticed the weather suddenly changing and then the silhouette of some kind of creature appeared for a split second and then it was gone and the sky was back to being sunny. Thankfully, there were just rumors and everybody soon quickly forgot about it. Which was good because after a crazy event like that the students needed something to take their mind off of things and what better way than with the next event fast approaching Canterlot High: the Spring Fling. This event was held in the same regard as the Fall Formal because every year these two events were the ones students looked forward to. Not to mention that dueling was an important part of this event.

So with that announced, Pinkie was explaining to the board room about her plans for the Spring Fling as she wanted to make it one of her biggest parties for all to enjoy. So after going over her ideas and her budget proposal, both Isaac and Twilight approved her plan and told her that she had free reign to do what she wanted. With that the meeting was adjourned; Isaac was now walking with Twilight as they were walking to their next class.

"So ever have something like this back at Crystal Prep?" asked Isaac.

"Well we did have a few events like this, however I really wasn't interested in it. The reason being is that I had other things to keep my attention distracted; plus the few times I did attend, all I saw were tons of couples or people who were accompanied by someone. I guess I just felt out of place since I never had anyone to go, even as a friend."

"Well don't worry about it, Twi. You've got tons of friends here. Not to mention that I'm sure some guys will ask you to the dance, I mean how can they not. You're basically a smart girl which is almost any guy's fantasy."

Twilight didn't like the way Isaac was justifying his reason. "Look I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, but I'm not contend with some guys asking me out. It's not that I don't mind, it's just that I feel more comfortable if I experienced my first real social event with people I know. That's why I'll go with the girls, what about you? Surely, being as popular as you, you must have a ton of options to choose from."

"You'd think that be the case. Honestly, whenever something like this comes up, I just ignore finding someone to go with. I'm not the biggest fan of dancing, also I'm always preparing myself for who will be my opponent at these events. So I'm be busying making sure that deck is ready that I won't have time to look for someone to take to the dance. Besides, I rather go with our friends, it's just more fun that way." said Isaac.

"Makes sense, as duel champion you always need to be prepared for anything. That makes finding someone to go with especially difficult."

"Yeah. Speaking of which, how are the girls from Crystal Prep doing? It's been a while since we've heard from them." asked Twilight.

Twilight told Isaac about how the girls had made a full recovery and didn't suffer from too major injuries. Sombra was grateful that his students were safe and he thanked Celestia for having Isaac stop the mad man before he caused more damage. Sombra made sure to tell the Shadowbolts to keep things under wrap as he wanted to avoid any trouble; he did tell them that Isaac was able to stop the person who hurt them and was put behind bars. They were initially unhappy with finding out that someone from Canterlot High had saved them, but soon expressed their gratitude that Isaac was able to save the day. Not to mention that he actually managed to defeat a god card and use it himself. With that Isaac and Twilight continued on their way as they just arrived at their next class. As they finished their History class, they were approached by Pinkie Pie who had a lot on her mind and was hoping for some help.

"Ooh, Isaac, Twilight!" shouted Pinkie.

"Yes, Pinkie." said Twilight.

"I was wondering if you guys could help me with somethings. See I need some help preparing the school for the Spring Fling and I was hoping both of you could assist me this weekend."

"I wish I could but I've got a family activity that needs my attention. However, Isaac doesn't have anything. I'm sure he could help you." said Twilight which caused Isaac to look stun.

"Well what do you say, big bro?" Pinkie was now getting a bit close to Isaac as she gave him a smile.

"Excuse us for a sec, Pinkie?" Isaac then pulled Twilight aside and began to talk to her. "Twilight, I am begging you, please don't leave me with Pinkie. Can't you just tell your family you've got something else to do?"

"Isaac I know Pinkie can be a handful sometimes, but I'm sure that you could survive a day with her. Besides, my family and I have been planning this activity for a while now, so I can't cancel."

"Please, don't do this. I need someone there to make sure that I don't lose my sanity." Isaac was now starting to plead with Twilight to not leave him alone.

"Sorry, Isaac." She then patted his shoulder. "You'll be fine, I promise." With that Twilight left.

Isaac was just standing there dumbfounded as he found out that he was going to be alone with Pinkie and he had nobody else there to back him up. Isaac just put his head down as he felt something.


"Stop it..."


Isaac was doing his best trying to ignore the finger that was being jabbed into his ribs. However it was really starting to get on his nerves.


"Knock it off!" shouted Isaac.

Pinkie just stood there as a golden halo was hanging above her head as she gave Isaac a smile. Isaac knew that this was going to be a long day. So he mentally prepared himself for what was to come as Pinkie was going to constantly try to get his attention. But first he had to get her to stop poking him.

"Alright, Pinkie. You've had your fun, now stop poking me!" shouted Isaac.

Moving on was a bit harder than Isaac expected. Isaac was currently in class as he tried to pay attention to what the teacher was saying; the key word: trying.


Isaac pursed his lips at the sound that came behind him.

"Psst. Hey." she said again, this time with a poke at his hair.

Determined to stay focused on his work, Isaac did his best to ignore Pinkie, hoping that she'll stop.

"Psst. Hey."

Isaac was gritting his teeth, he was really trying to focus. Keep working and maybe she'll realize what she's doing.

"Psst. Hey."

That's it. "What?!" Isaac barked. "What do you want, Pinkie?"

Her eyes and smile were totally innocent, even though she was the one that made Isaac snap. She then let out a giggle. "Did you lose a pencil?"

"What? No, I've been using it to wr..." Isaac raised his hand to show her the pencil he'd been working with, only to see that his hands were completely devoid of said pencil. Isaac frantically looked and felt around to see where he placed it, but stopped when he heard Pinkie giggling again.

"Looking for this?" she asked, waving Isaac's missing pencil in front of his face. "I just needed to use if for a second."

Confusion started to flood Isaac. How did she.... When did she...?

"Well?" she asked while batting her eyes at Isaac.

"Gimme that," said Isaac as he swiped the pencil from her. "Uh... Thanks... I guess..."

Pinkie just giggled and gave Isaac a pat on the back. With a sigh, Isaac did his best to try to focus on his work again. He was just about to finish and he really didn't want to have any homework tonight. Soon it was getting closer to the end of the day and Isaac was getting his stuff from his locker. Normally Isaac would be giving Twilight a private lesson about dueling, but she had to cancel their little session together, as she was wanting to prepare for the family activity she had planned for the weekend. So Isaac was getting ready to head home.

"Alright, got through the day without too much homework, all I have left is to do some algebra to..."


Isaac felt someone poke in the back of his ribs. He turned around to see who did it. "Pinkie, will you please stop th..." To Isaac's shock, Pinkie was nowhere to be seen. He quickly scanned the hallway around him and saw no sign of that cotton candy hair anywhere. Isaac just simply shrugged it off and started to get the things out of his locker.


Isaac flinched at the feeling of another poke. He turned around and Pinkie still was nowhere to be found. Am I going crazy? Isaac turned around again, but this time he was keeping his reflexes sharp. He stood perfectly still, waiting for another...


Isaac immediately turned around. "Aha!" he snapped. Isaac was met by a surprised Lyra Heartstrings. "I don't know why you keep poking me, but can you please stop. I'm begging you!"

Lyra just looked at Isaac quizzically. "Sorry. I was just following the instructions on your back."

"Instructions on my b..." Isaac stop and scrambled his hands around his back as he touched a piece of paper. He ripped it off and looked to find a sign with a piece of tape.

Poke me! I'm cute and pokable!

Isaac's eyes went wide as he noticed a certain symbol at the bottom. Three balloons: two blue, one yellow. "Pinkie Pie..." growled Isaac.

"Hi!" a familiar voice said to his side.

Isaac turned to see that familiar pink, cotton candy hair and blue eyes staring right back at him.

"Did you like my present, big bro?" Pinkie asked with a huge smile. "Good to know everyone thinks you're pokeable!"

Isaac just sigh. Just as he was about to address her, he flinched when suddenly she was holding a platter of chocolate cupcakes.

"I made these in cooking today!" Pinkie said. "Want one?"

"Where did you...? How did you...?" Isaac stopped himself. He knew better than to question Pinkie Pie's antics. "Sure, I'll have one."

Pinkie let out a squeal with a huge smile and held the platter out to him. "Hope you like it!"

Isaac took a cupcake and right before he was about to take a bite into it, she poked him. Making the frosting glob onto his face. Now Isaac's entire mouth was covered with icing.

Pinkie cackled. "You've got a little something on your face," she said, before using her own finger to wipe Isaac's lips clean.

"I got it!" Isaac said as he battled her hands away. "Ugh... I think some of it got up my nose..." Isaac had just finished cleaning himself of frosting.

Pinkie just laughed. "You're funny, big bro! Speaking of which, I mentioned earlier that I needed your assistance. See I'm trying to come up with a new cupcake recipe for the Spring Fling. But I need a taste tester, that's where you come in big bro. Care to help your little sister?"

"Pinkie, I've told you before and I'll probably say it about a thousand more times. I'm not your big bro, we're not related." said Isaac was he was avoided snapping at Pinkie.

"Great, I'll see you then." said Pinkie as she gave Isaac a quick hug before skipping off, humming a tune to herself.

"Huh? Hey wait a min... I never agreed to... Ahhh!" Isaac was just shaking his head after what just happened. Isaac knew that he was too deep to back out now. So he just let out a sigh and took a bite out of the cupcake. His taste buds danced at Pinkie's treat. As annoying as she was, Isaac did have to admit, she made some excellent confections.

It was now the weekend and Isaac was less than pleased. Pinkie really wanted to get an early start on finding the perfect cupcake recipe for the dance that she told Isaac to come over to his house. Isaac was trying to do everything he could to avoid spending time with Pinkie. Unfortunately, it seemed that the entire universe was against him as he soon found himself on the steps of Pinkie's house. So with a heavy sigh, Isaac knocked on the door. It took about a second for the door to open, revealing the bubbly, pink-haired girl.

"Ah! You're here!" she said. "Come in!" Pinkie then dragged Isaac by the arm inside and quickly lead him to the kitchen. She sat Isaac down and took a seat next to him.

"Um... Pinkie...." Isaac said, but she was going about her own business, completely ignoring him.

"These cupcakes just came out of the oven!" Pinkie said, "Here, take one!"

Before Isaac could say anything, she shoved another cupcake into his face, yet again covering his mouth with frosting.

"Opps!" she says. "You love the frosting, don't you?"

"Pinkie..." Isaac said.

"I'm so happy you decided to help me!" she said. "We're going to have so much fun!"


"Here, I'll get that frosting off for you." said Pinkie, while getting a napkin and wiping Isaac's mouth. "After we figure out the perfect recipe, maybe we can dance or watch some movies, or I can show you how I make my cupcakes. It's going to be super-duper! Right, big brother?" she said while giving Isaac some more pokes in the ribs.

"Pinkie..." Isaac barked which finally got her to stop.

"Yeees???" she said.

"Can you please give me some silence for just a few seconds!? I need to be able to focus and I can't do it, if you're poking me and shoving cupcakes in my face! Not to mention that it's getting pretty annoying and I've told you before. I'm not your actually big brother! Can you understand that!?" Isaac finally let out what he was thinking.

Pinkie was silent. For the first time ever, Isaac saw something missing from her face. Her smile.

"Wh-What?" she said.

"I'm sorry for being so blunt, but you've been getting on my nerves lately, and I'm sick of it," said Isaac. "Not to mention that I've got a lot on my plate as I have to defend my title against whoever my opponent is. So can we just get this over and done with?"

Pinkie said nothing. Isaac looked down and saw that she was playing with her hands. "I... I'm annoying you?" Pinkie coos, still missing her smile.

Suddenly, before Isaac's eyes, Pinkie changed. Her hair had deflated, going from full and thriving to flat and lifeless. A slight gray shade crawls across her entire body, as if a dark cloud just formed over her. She slumps in her seat, looking down at the ground, and playing with her hands.

"P-Pinkie?" Isaac said.

"I-I'm sorry..." she coos. "I didn't mean to... To annoy you."

Isaac was barely able to make out some tears that were forming in her eyes. "Pinkie... I didn't mean..."

"It... It's just that... I've never had a big brother before. I just wanted some I could depend on, and..."

"Wait, what?" Isaac said. Did he hear her correctly? "Did you just say... That you've never had a brother?"

Pinkie brought her eyes up to look at Isaac, but immediately looked away. She played with her skirt as she pursed her lips. She gave a solemn nod. "I never told you, but I come from a family that's nothing but girls. So growing up all I had were sisters to spend time with. I loved them to death, don't get me wrong. But I just couldn't help to want that 'brotherly figure' in my life. Someone who was different from my sisters, someone who I could fun with and more important have someone to spend time with. So when you showed up, my Pinkie sense started going off. Soon it proved right as you started to look out for me and the girls and helping us whenever you could in a heartbeat. I knew that you were someone I could look up to and call my big brother." Pinkie then looked away. "I... I just wanted to make you smile... It's what I do best... It's what a little sister does" Pinkie said, sniffling. "But... If you don't smile... H-how can I?"

Isaac was speechless. Was this really Pinkie Pie? Was this really the same annoying girl that he just screamed at? Isaac could hardly believe it based on how she acted... But it is... This was Pinkie Pie. This was a whole different dimension to her. Her antics were never meant to annoy or hurt him. All she wanted was to make Isaac happy. She had nothing but the purest intentions for him, but in his frustration, Isaac completely told her off. And now... She was hurt. How could he be so selfish?

"I'm sorry. I really am," Pinkie said, finally shedding a tear. "I... I understand if you want to leave. Y-You can take the rest of the cupcakes if you want. I made them for you; I know you have to prepare for your challenge at the Spring Fling."

At that moment, Isaac realized something. He had taken the bubbliest girl in school, and turned her into a ghost of her former self. This was Pinkie Pie... But... it wasn't. Pinkie Pie is bubbly and fun, not sad and depressed. Isaac could see that he actually did care about her. Seeing like this was... Heart-wrenching. It made him want to cry. Isaac also realized how much of a jerk he'd has been to her. He wasn't sure what to do. There wasn't anything in the world that could possibly make up for how mean he'd been to Pinkie. And she was still being nice to you? Still there ws one thing that Isaac knew for sure. He wanted to cheer up Pinkie Pie up; make her stop crying. Isaac's eyes drifted to the cupcake she made and he managed a small smile.

"You made these cupcakes for me?"

Pinkie looked up at Isaac, and his heart started to feel heavy at the sight of her bloodshot eyes. She gave him a nod. "They're chocolate with vanilla icing; your favorite," she coos. "I probably would've had the second batch ready if I weren't making them from scratch."

Isaac's eyes went wide. "You made these from scratch? That's amazing."

Right then and there, something amazing happened. Pinkie now had a smile on her face. It was a small smile, but sincere nonetheless. "Does that mean you like them?" she asked.

"Are you kidding?" Isaac said. "You make the best cupcakes in the world."

That comment was the exact thing that brought life back into Pinkie's life. The Pinkie Pie that everybody always knew had returned. Her hair sprung back to life, her vibrant colors reignited, and her big smile returned. "You really think so?" she asked, barely able to sit still in her seat.

Isaac chuckled at the sight of Pinkie being so excited. "I meant every word."

She let out a big, girly squeal, and pulls Isaac into a huge hug. "Thank you so much!" she says. "You're just the sweetest thing!"

Isaac wasn't fighting the fact that Pinkie was hugging him. He just simply rubbed the top of her head as he let her have her moment. Soon they broke apart and Pinkie looked Isaac dead in the eye.

"Ooh! Can I show you how to make them?" Pinkie asked "That way you can make them whenever you want!"

Pinkie's smile made Isaac chuckle. "I'd love for you to show me."

"Yay!" she squeaks. She gave Isaac another hug before she springs up from her seat and walks to the kitchen. Isaac followed her, watching as she hums to herself and gathers everything she needs from the cupboards: mixing bowls, spatulas, whisks, etc.

And so the next few hours was spent with Isaac and Pinkie going over several recipes and baking tons of sweets. Pinkie even allowed Isaac to try his hand at making some baked goods; safe to say that the first few attempts were less than pleasant. But by the third or fourth batch, Isaac had managed to make some decent pastries as even Pinkie gave him her stamp of approval. Soon they were making everything from cupcakes to eclairs to cookies to even a thirty layer cake that nearly toppled over. More importantly, Pinkie had managed to find the perfect recipe she wanted to use for the Spring Fling.

"Well that certainly was eventful." said Isaac as he looked at all the sweets they had made.

"I'll say." said Pinkie as she stuffed her face full of different sweets and quickly gulped them down in one swallow. "You know if dueling doesn't work out for you, you could always fall back on baking as a backup career. A little more training and practicing and you make a decent chef."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Isaac let out a chuckle and then turned to face Pinkie. "Look Pinkie, I just want to apologize again. I'm sorry for blowing my temper at you; to be honest, I too was feeling the same way as you. I never had a little sister or a sibling for that matter. So every time I heard you address me as 'big brother', I just kind felt uncomfortable due to the fact that I didn't know what to do."

"That's okay. And I know that I can be a handful at times, but I just want to make people smile and have a good time. That's my purpose in life and as long as I have friends/family who support me than I always keep on smiling. Besides, I know I'm not as good at dueling like the other girls and I don't spend as much time, but I'm happy where I am."

"I'm glad you think that and hey maybe I can give you a few pointers on how to improve your dueling."

"Sure. That's why I see you as a big brother; you're always willing to help out others in need. Plus whenever you see me or the girls struggling with anything, we could always turn to you for someone to talk to. Not to mention that you'll do anything to protect the ones you love."

"I guess you're right. Tell you what, how about you keep smiling for the both of us, and I'll do the dueling for the both of us. Deal?"

"It's a deal, big bro... I mean, Isaac." said Pinkie as she corrected herself.

"It's alright, you can call me big brother... Besides I love having a little sister." chuckled Isaac.

"Do you mean it?"

"I promise you have my full permission to address me as your big brother. And I won't even get mad." assured Isaac.



"Pinkie promise!" asked Pinkie.

"Pinkie promise? Uh, sure." Isaac then lifted his pinkie expecting Pinkie to do the same.

"Not like that! Watch me." Pinkie then stood up and stood in front of Isaac. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie did some poses as she said the little chant. "Now you do it."

"Uh.. I'm not sure that's what a pinkie promise is but I'll give it a shot." Isaac then cleared his throat as he sat up. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Isaac managed to say the saying as he wasn't going to do the whole dance that Pinkie did.

"Now you have to honor it! Cause let me tell you a Pinkie promise is the ultimate promise. Once you break, there's no going back. The key thing you need to know is: Nobody breaks a pinkie promise! Cause if you do..."

"Okay, okay. I get it." said Isaac as he was trying to get Pinkie to calm down. "If I tattle, I'll have my ass handed to me. And I know for a fact that I don't want you as an enemy. So we cool?" Isaac wanted to make sure that there wasn't any tension left between the two of them.

"We're cool." Pinkie then gave Isaac a lovely hug as she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. Isaac didn't mind that Pinkie's hug was a bit tight as he was happy that everything was back to normal. He was starting to warm up to the idea of having a little sister; it was nice to have someone to look after, even if that person wasn't blood related. Pinkie then let go and gave Isaac the pleading eyes.

"So... Now that you're my big brother. Mind if I ask you from time to time to buy me somethings. Maybe like a new toy or some fancy new sweets." Pinkie was now starting to uphold to the responsibilities of being a little sister. Which meant begging their older siblings for stuff they wanted and trying to act innocent as they drove their brother insane.

"Yeah, don't push your luck." said Isaac as he knew what Pinkie was doing which caused Pinkie to make an pouting face. "But I'll see what I can do; no promises though!" Isaac assured him that he'll do his best to live up to the idea of being Pinkie's older sibling.

"That's all I ask. I love you, big bro." Pinkie then gave Isaac a peck on the cheek and another hug as she wrapped her arms around him.

Isaac just gave her a smile as he returned the embrace. "I love too, little sis." With that both Isaac and Pinkie spent the rest of the day doing activities as they bonded like true siblings. After all was said and done, both of them were glad that they had each other to look out for. Isaac was extremely pleased that he had his own personal sweet chef, as Pinkie said she would make treats for Isaac whenever she was in the mood as a way to show her love for her honorary big brother.

Some time after that the whole school was gathered in the auditorium. Apparently, Celestia was going to make an announcement regarding the Spring Fling as well as who would be Isaac's next opponent. So with everybody seated and Isaac waiting behind the curtain, they all watched as Celestia made her way onto the stage and began to talk into the microphone.

"Welcome students, I want to thank you all for being here as I'm sure you're wondering what I have to say in regard to the Spring Fling." Some of the students attested to that statement as they began to murmur amongst themselves. "Well I'll keep it short and sweet, in terms of who will be Isaac's opponent, I won't be making the decision." That caused all the students and Isaac to raise an eyebrow at Celestia's statement. "Isaac, mind coming out here?" Celestia then gestured for Isaac to come out from behind the curtain which he did as he was now standing next to her.

"So what's this all about, Principal Celestia?" asked Isaac.

"Well, seeing as how you've done so much to elevate this division in terms of Duel Monsters. You've defended the title with honor. Not to mention that you lead Canterlot High to victory in the Friendship Games, as well as, your recent experience. I figured you need to be given a reward of sorts. So that's why I've decided to let you pick your opponent to face at the Spring Fling." Celestia then turned it over to Isaac as the spotlight now shifted from her to him.

Isaac just stood there not moving as he didn't know what to say. Talk about being put on the spot by Celestia. Soon Isaac gained his confidence as he cleared his throat. "Well... How's everybody doing?" Silence. "Yeesh, tough crowd. Well then, seeing as I've got the opportunity to pick my opponent, I'll be honest. I have no idea who I want to face. See when it comes to who I face at these kinds of events, I don't like choosing someone unless I feel like someone deserves it or has been overlooked. Which is one of the reasons why I prefer Celestia picking my next challenger or having some sort of tournament/#1 contender's match. That way I don't have people coming up to me and asking why I chose this person over another. But looks like things have changed this time round. So lets get to business."

Isaac then looked out into the crowd and his mind began to process on what he wanted to do. "Alright, I see a ton of options. But I'm going to need some help from you guys. So make some noise if you think that Bulk Biceps would make a great duel at Spring Fling."

Bulk Biceps then stood up as he flexed his muscles; the rest of his classmates just made a few 'ehhs' as they didn't feel like that was a good duel.

"Okay. No dice on Bulk. Umm... How about somebody who's a former champion in his own right. I'm talking about Flash Sentry, anybody want to see that match?" Like before Flash stood up as there was a bit more noise but still the students weren't sure about that matchup.

"What about the ladies, lets get some girls into the conversation. How about Lyra Heartstrings?" Lyra then stood up as the crowd made a bit better noise for her than they did for Flash and Bulk.

"Alright, alright. We're getting somewhere." Isaac was starting to get into this type of thing as he had a smile on his face. "Now we're playing ball; oh, I got it. What about Ms. Speedster, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow then stood up as the crowd was cheering even louder as they were impressed with the suggestion. Based on how well they enjoyed their first encounter, they didn't mind seeing both of them go a second time. Rainbow was letting her ego soak up the attention that she started to do some poses as their friends just rolled their eyes.

"Lets not forget some of the younger students, maybe it's time they get a shot at the big leagues. Anybody think that Sweetie Belle vs Isaac would be a main event?"

Sweetie was surprised that Isaac was mentioning her name in contest of being his opponent. So she stood up and the crowd made the same noise as they did for Rainbow Dash with a slightly bit more noise as they started to chant her name a bit.

Isaac then saw how invested his fellow classmates where getting into. So he raised his hand to which they silenced and he began to speak. "I'll tell you what, I'm really want to thank you guys on your help. I've got a bunch great selections, but I've made my choice. This individual I feel deserves to have this opportunity to face me for this title. After what has been nearly a crazy school year, I feel like this person deserves the opportunity to showcase how far they've come since they began. Their journey is one that I feel should be recognized and well it showcases that a person can change if their given the opportunity. Now if she should choose to select me and accept my challenge, well... I..." The crowd leaned in as Isaac was about to make his decision. "I select Sunset Shimmer."

As soon as Isaac made his choice, the student started to make some noise as they started chanting Sunset's name. Sunset was surprised at Isaac's decision that soon the spotlight was on her as her friends started to clap and told her to stand up. Sunset did and the crowd were still showing her affection, then she turned her head towards Isaac who told her to come up on the stage with him. Sunset then made her way onto the stage as she was still in shock of the champion's decision. She gave them a quick wave as she turned towards Isaac who was now in game mode as he had a serious look on his face while staring down Sunset. Sunset then did the same as both individuals were looking at each other with fire in their eyes.

Celestia then made her way towards them as she made the announcement. "Then it's official. At the Spring Fling, it will be Isaac taking on Sunset for the title of duel champion."

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