• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,569 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 125: Goodbye Equestria

Author's Note:

The first half of this story was going to be a part of the previous chapter, but given how long it was already getting not to mention that I was tired when I finished writing it at the moment. I decided to move it to the next chapter, so that I could have more content for this chapter. Especially, cause there are things in here that set up for the next story arc. Now another thing, depending when you consider the start of this adventure to be whether chapter 99 or 100; if you count them up too this point then that's essentially roughly 26 chapters. And if it were to translate into a chapter equals an episode, then that's essentially 26 episodes which is about the same amount as a season of MLP. So in a weird pseudo, I created a season of MLP. Now was this intentionally when I made the story arc, no. It just happened to work out that way. But regardless, hope you all enjoyed it. We've got a few chapters in between now and the next arc, so I'll see you all till then.

The light was so bright it caused everyone to shield their eyes. It lasted for a solid two minutes as all that was seen was a huge white explosion. Soon it died down. Isaac had his eyes closed as he slowly opened them and to his surprise, he was back in his pony form. In fact, he was lying on the ground as the grass touched his muzzle. He lifted his head and looked to see that the others were back in their normal forms as they too laid around him. Isaac then looked at his surroundings and saw that they were now back in Ponyville.

Isaac noticed the device that had transformed into the chest plate he was wearing had now been damaged and was destroyed as it crumbled into millions of pieces. Soon the others began to stir as they shook off the effect of the battle as the magic that encompassed all of them had helped to heal their wounds. Even Sunset's duel disk had been fixed due to the magic; Isaac then looked in front of him as all of his monsters that he summoned to protect his friends were all looking at their master. They didn't say anything other than a simple smile to which Isaac returned. They soon all got on their knees and bowed their heads towards Isaac as they all showed their commitment and loyalty to their great master. Isaac did his duty as he lifted his hoof up to show his response. After that they all disappeared and soon the spirits of the Big 4 appeared as they too were impressed with what Isaac did in choosing to stand by his friends. They all extended their fists out to which Isaac did the same as they all shared one big collective smile. Soon they all disappeared as Isaac was left by himself.

"So... did we win?" asked Fluttershy.

"Hey, check it out guys! We're back." said Rainbow as she lifted herself off of the ground and started to flap her wings.

"We did it!" said Pinkie as she jumped into the air and had confetti explode.

"So, let's never do that again." suggested Spike.

With that the rest of the group all let out a collective sigh of relief followed by a rowdy response of laughter. With that they all decided to head home as they were exhausted from their latest adventure and just wanted to enjoy the peace. So in the end, the entire group all headed towards their respective homes as they would meet in the morning to see Isaac and Sunset be off.

Up above the moon was high as it covered the land in a beautiful light. However, on top of one of the buildings was the mysterious figure who had used their magic to watch the entire battle. Safe to say they excepted the outcome but the way Isaac had managed to secure the victory for his team was one they didn't see coming. Nevertheless, they still had a smile on their face.

"The battle to determine which challenger is worthy has ended. The Tantabus chose to sacrifice his allies in order to further its own strength, while Isaac sought to protect his friends even at the cost of his victory. That difference decided their fates. Isaac has proven his worth of being called a 'leader'." said the figure. "However, the paradox of a true leader is that 'he who is deserving of the power to unite mankind can do so without it.' And Isaac proved he could do just that. And now that he's leaving, it means I can carry out my plan without any distractions. Farewell, Isaac. And Twilight... I'll be waiting for you, very soon." The figure then slipped into the shadows and was gone almost as if they weren't there. But before they vanished, they used their magic as they held the time travel scroll and had a sinister smile on their face.

The sun was starting to come up as the rays of Celestia's morning light touched the land as Luna's moonlight slowly departed. The sound of the birds chirping and a rooster was enough to signal that a new day had arrived. And with that arrival comes departure. Isaac sat up in his bed as he let out a yawn and looked at his room.

"Today's the day." said Isaac. He knew that today was the day he would return home, but it was also when he would have to say goodbye to Equestria and all the friends he made. So Isaac put on his jacket and cap as he looked at his deck for one final time. "It's hasn't been that long since I've been gone, but it sure feels like it. Well, time to go home." Soon it started to glow as Mahad and Mana appeared before their master.

"Our time in this land was come full circle." stated Mahad. "Still it was an eventful trip that I'll never forget."

"I guess that means no more cuddles." said Mana as she had a sad smile that she wouldn't get to pet her master anymore.

"Fraid not." smiled Isaac. "But... go on."

"Yes!" Mana then grabbed Isaac as she began to pet his mane while she snuggled him into her arms. "I'm gonna miss you as a cute little pony."

"Hey, now. I'm still be me, Mana. Besides, isn't it better that I'm a human?"

"You're right. As long as I get to show my affection for you, it doesn't matter what form you take. You'll always belong to me." smiled Mana as she planted a kiss on Isaac's cheek. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Same here, Mana." said Isaac as he was brought into another hug by his magician.

"Can I get in on this action?" asked Black Arts Trickster as she appeared.

"Pretty please, Isaac?" asked Mage Annette as she looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Sure why not." said Isaac as all of his female spellcasters appeared as they started to pet and rub Isaac's mane. He then saw his Black Robe Mentalist as she was simply standing away from the others as she looked on. "Don't you want to give me a petting?"

"Not my style." said Black Robe Mentalist in her goth voice.

"Ignore her, Isaac. She's all dark and brooding. She clearly doesn't know how to have fun." said Mirage Magician.

"Hey, I'm fun. In fact, I'm filled with joy. Look at my face." said Black Robe Mentalist as she had a cold-dead panned look.

"Right." said Mana as she felt a bit creeped out.

"Besides, I want to go home and read my spellbooks." said Black Robe Mentalist as she levitated towards Isaac. She just simply patted his cap. "There I gave him a petting, now leave me alone." With that she disappeared as the other females were stunned while Isaac just smiled.

Soon the others disappeared as they prepared for the trip home. Isaac then put his cards back in his saddle bag as he checked himself one last time in the mirror. With that he exited out of the room as he headed towards the dining room. Once he got there, Isaac was welcomed to the sight of a grand feast as all the breakfast foods you could think of were all prepared. Soon Sunset came in as she too was surprised by what she saw, eventually out came Twilight and Spike as they had prepared the feast as a way to say thanks for the pair. They even invited the others as they all wanted to share one last meal with the two before they saw them off. After they all finished eating, they all helped Twilight and Spike in cleaning up as they washed the dishes and sweeped the floor. Once all that was done, they all headed outside as they started to trek towards the train station. They purchased some tickets to Canterlot as they awaited for the train. It didn't take long as soon the train pulled into the station as they all boarded. And with that they were well on their way to Canterlot.

They arrived at the city as everypony that lived there was going about their day as usual. The group all exited the train as Isaac and Sunset all took in the sights of this city one last time. With that they began to walk towards the castle as they prepared for the final leg of their journey. The castles guards recognized the group as they were given orders by the princesses. Once they saw them, they immediately went to inform Princess Celestia and Princess Luna who simply gave a nod and told them that they would be there shortly. The guards then led the group to a waiting room as they informed that the princesses would be arriving shortly. It didn't take long as both Celestia and Luna arrived as it caused everypony to bow down, even Isaac.

"At ease, my little ponies. Sunset, Isaac." stated Princess Celestia.

"Yes, your highness?" asked both of them in unison.

"I can't express how grateful I am of what you two were able to do." said the princess of the sun.

"You showed valor, courage, and most importantly, bravery. You were able to stare danger in the face and not back down." said Princess Luna. "The dedication you've both shown in helping us to rid Equestria of these Duel Monsters and restore peace to the balance of the universe. That is without question the highest honor anypony can do."

"We're glad to have helped you." said Sunset.

"But it wasn't just us, without the help of our friends, we probably wouldn't be successful." said Isaac as he looked back at the group. "Together we were able to overcome the darkness and restore the light in this world."

"I have no doubt that you all did an excellent job. Thank you, all of you." smiled Princess Celestia.

"Now then, it's time. Come along." said Princess Luna as she and her sister led the group to the Royal Library as they wanted to show them something.

They opened the doors and passed several bookshelves until they came to a piece of the room that was bare and leaning against the wall was a mirror. The group was surprised by what they saw as they had more questions than answers.

"This mirror here will allow the two of you to return home. Normally, it only works every 30 thirty moons, but we were able to modify it so that we it activate at any given moment, simply powered by this book." said Princess Celestia as she placed the piece of literature onto of the mirror as it magical properties started to make the mirror power up as it lit up and soon a portal was shown in the reflection.

"Now the link between your world and ours has been connected." said Princess Luna. "For safety reasons, we've entrusted Twilight to be the keeper of this mirror as it'll be transport to her room once you all leave."

"So, this really is it?" asked Isaac.

"Yup." nodded Sunset.

"Once we step through that, we'll never come back?" asked Isaac.

"Like I said, the link between our worlds has been connected. So in theory, you should be able to cross back into our world just as you did the first time. In theory. But even so, it's best to keep this world a secret to avoid any unpleasant attention."

"We understand." said Sunset. "Well, thank you. Princess Celestia. I was able to come back and full repent for all that I did as your student. If I could take it all back, I would do so."

"I forgive you, Sunset Shimmer." said Celestia as she gave her a motherly hug. "While I admit, it was tough not having you by my side, it seems you're decision allowed you to have something else happen in your life. You met some incredible friends and someone who helped you to escape the darkness. For that I'm a bit grateful that you got to experience the magic of friendship in your own way. I couldn't be more proud."

Isaac had approached Princess Luna as he looked at the nighttime princess. "Catch you around."

"Be seeing you later." smiled Luna as she stuck her hoof out to which Isaac did the same as they did a hoof bump. "But before you go, maybe one last time."

"Well then..." smiled Isaac. Soon he started to make sound with his mouth as Luna started to mimic his mouth movements as she too made some sounds. Eventually they both were beatboxing as the others were shocked by what they saw.

"Cuh, ss, cuh, cuh, cuh, ss, cuh, cuh, cuh. Ss, cuh, cuh, cuh, ss, ss, ss." sounded Luna as she used her mouth to beatbox.

"Woah!" said Isaac.

"Cuh, ss, cuh, cuh, cuh, ss, cuh, cuh, cuh. Ss, ss, ss, ss." continued Luna.

"Oh, Luna, I love that beat. Everything you beatbox sounds so sweet, but can you see what I see?" rapped Isaac in time of Luna's beatboxing. "You're using the sounds of hard and soft c. Cuh, as in cacophony or coal, cupcakes, calories. I can't control. Can you call me before you go?"

"Caw, caw." said Luna.

"Was that a canary or a crow? Soft c is also nice at the end of words like rice or twice. It sounds like an s, but take my advice. Sometimes you need a soft c to add that spice." said Isaac as he was still freestyle rapping.

"Cuh, cuh, cuh, cuh, ss, ss, ss, ss, ss. Cuh." beatboxed Luna in a faster pace.

"And when the sounds work together, the circus is in town. They run circles around this ground. The other letters fall back. This is just a little hard c, soft c practice." finished Isaac as Luna reached the end of their little activity.

The others were stunned by what they saw Luna and Isaac did as it blew their minds. Even Celestia was shocked by what her little sister just did as she didn't expect her own sister to have a hidden talent in whatever she just did with Isaac. They soon put it in the back of their minds as they prepared to say goodbye to Isaac and Sunset. They both stepped up onto the platform as they put their hooves on the mirror as it fizzled and phased through just like the first time. The others all approached the pair as they had tears in their eyes.

"Hey!" called out Dash. "Gonna miss you, geek."

"Have a safe trip, sugarcubes." said Applejack as she tipped her hat.

"Hope we'll see you again." smiled Fluttershy.

"Take care darlings." responded Rarity.

"Hope you don't forget us." mentioned Pinkie.

"Gonna miss seeing you both." spoke Spike. "And thanks for teaching me how to duel. And the deck."

"No problem." smiled Isaac. He then turned towards Twilight who stepped forward and looked at the colt. Nothing was said as both ponies looked at each other in the eyes. Nothing.


"Hey." responded Twilight. "I... I... I..."

"Hey, just say what's on your mind?" spoke Isaac in a assuring voice.

"I... I'm gonna miss you. I never felt like this towards anypony else. And I doubt I ever will, but if that's the case, then I'm glad to have met you." Twilight then gave Isaac a hug as she cried into his chest as Isaac felt the wetness from her tears against his fur. "I wish you could stay here with me."

"Me too, but we both know I can't. I'm gonna miss you too, Twilight." said Isaac as he let out a few tears of his own as he petted her mane. "You gave me a sense of comfort while I was away from the people that love me. For that, I'll always cherish the time we spent together. All the memories we made, I won't ever forget them." Isaac then looked at the princess' face as he grabbed both of them with his hooves and wiped the tears out of her eyes. He then brought her in as he captured her lips as both shared one final passionate kiss. The others just smiled as Isaac retracted from Twilight as he looked at her and gave a smile.

"I'll miss you." spoke Twilight.

"Here, take this." said Isaac as he opened his saddle bag and pulled out some cards as he gave one to Twilight and the rest to each of the girls. "Something to remember me by." said Isaac as the card he gave the group was Kuriboh but they were all different colors. Soon their spirits came out as they nuzzled against the girls as they all laughed and smiled. "And hey, if this world is parallel to mine, then maybe there's the Equestria version of me."

"I'll check it out." smiled Twilight as she stepped down from the platform and joined the others.

"Farewell, you two." said Princess Celestia.

"Ready to go, boy toy?" asked Sunset.

"Ready." said Isaac. Sunset then stepped through the portal as she disappeared. Isaac took a step forward but before taking one last look at his friends. He knew whether or not he would ever see them or come back to this world, but he still kept a smile on his face. So with that he stepped through the portal and disappeared.

In an instant Isaac found himself helplessly adrift weightlessly in a blinding sea of spiraling colors. His body felt itself twist and bend in ways his understanding of physiology would deem impossible, screaming throughout the dimensional dive as he went spiraling towards a light at the center of everything… Upon entering the light at the end of the spiraling vortex, Isaac felt sore, both physically and mentally. His body felt strange and his mind and senses addled, at this point only capable of feeling the pull of gravity as he lay on something hard. His sense of touch could at best describe the feeling as if lying on solid concrete.

"Guess that means we're back." said Isaac as he lifted his head off of the ground as he rubbed it.

"Yup." said Sunset as she was standing in front of the boy as she was wearing her normal attire. She then offered him a hand as she helped the boy back to his feet. They looked at the building in front of them and sure enough it was CHS. "Well, you better go home. I know your family is worried about you."

"Yeah, well I'll call you later, Sunset." said Isaac as he waved goodbye to his friend and started to head home. Despite, being gone for quite awhile, Isaac was able to remember where he lived as he soon found himself at the doorsteps of his home. He soon reached into his pockets as he found his house keys and slotted them in as he opened the door. Once he opened it, he was greeted to the sound of arms hugging him as his parents were glad to see their son.

"Welcome home." said Isaac's dad.

"We've been worried that you wouldn't return." responded Isaac's mom. "So, how was your trip with Sunset?"

"It was fine. It's just good to be back. I missed you guys." said Isaac as he closed his eyes and just felt the warm embrace from his family. He then made his way to his room as Tigre was sleeping on his bed as he gave he woke her up as she let out a meow. "Hope I didn't worry you too much, girl." responded Isaac.

"Meow." was all she said as she rubbed against his hand as she let out a purr.

Isaac then fell on his bed as he took out his deck and place it on his side table as he let out a sigh of relief. "I'm home."

After a couple of hours being back, Isaac received a text from Sunset saying that she needed him to cover over to her house. She didn't say much, so Isaac replied that he would be over. Soon after 20 minutes, Isaac found himself at the doorstep of Sunset's house. He then knocked on the door and was immediately pulled in by a huge force as he fell to the floor as he felt something pressed against his chest. He looked and saw that it was none other than Twilight as she pressed herself against him as she was hugging him tightly.

"You're back!" said Twilight.

"Yeah, I..." was all Isaac could get out before Twilight put her lips hard against Isaac's as she closed her eyes and let out a moan of pleasure. Soon Isaac closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around his nerdy girlfriend.

"I can't tell you, just how much I missed you."

"Same here." responded Isaac. Twilight then allowed her boyfriend to get up as he saw that it wasn't just her, but all of their friends.

"Pinkie put together a surprise 'Welcome Back' party the moment I entered my house. So she asked me to invite you." said Sunset.

"Figures. So when did you get here?" asked Isaac.

"Well, sugar. We got here just yesterday. But seein' as how you and Sunset weren't back from your little trip. Pinkie wanted to throw a little get together." stated Applejack.

"So where did you guys go?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, just nowhere important." Sunset then looked at Isaac as she gave him a wink.

After being reunited with their friends, the group began to make plans for the remainder of the summer as they knew that once school started they would then enter their final year and eventually go their separate ways. The following day, Isaac had left his house as he had a lot of things he needed to take care of that required his attention. The first item was with his boss. Mr. Johnson had arrived a week ago from visiting his niece and was looking for his employee. His parents had informed him that their son was currently away on a trip and would be back soon.

Isaac had got in contact with Mr. Johnson when he got back home and he informed Isaac that he wanted to have a talk with the teen that pertained about his job and the future of the store. Isaac was a bit confused on what his boss meant as he feared the worse. Now he was in front of the store as he opened the door and made his way to the counter. It didn't take long as Isaac saw Mr. Johnson at the counter as he was restocking the card packs.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Johnson?"

"Ahh, Isaac. Welcome back and yes, there's something I need to discuss with you." Mr. Johnson then told Isaac to follow him to the storage area in the back. "Dominick, take care of things for a bit." said Mr. Johnson as he addressed a boy who was 2 years younger than Isaac.

"Yes, uncle." replied Dominick.

"Is your nephew visiting?" asked Isaac.

"Actually my sister asked me if he could live with me. She wants to teach him some responsibility, so she asked me if I could take him in and have him work in my store. Also cause he'll be enrolling at CHS in the fall." stated Mr. Johnson as they entered the storage area. Isaac closed the door as Mr. Johnson stood in front of him.

"So what is it that you want to talk about?"

"Isaac, I remember when you started working here about a year ago. Before you came along, I was but a simple, old man who had nothing but his store to keep him company. Not to mention cards that reminded him of his youth. Then you came along and well, this store has seen success that I haven't seen since my father ran this store." said Mr. Johnson.

"Thanks for the kind words." said Isaac.

"You deserve it. But I also want to talk about your future, I know that once school starts up, that's it. Your finally a senior and after that it's graduation, which means your life will begin. And I can tell that you have a general path that you want to pursue for the rest of your life."

"Yeah. At first, it was a bit unclear. But after a recent experience, I am now no longer afraid of the path that's to come." mentioned Isaac.

"I want nothing but the best for you, my boy. And that's why, I want to say congratulations." Mt. Johnson then stuck his hand out. "You are now officially the co-owner of this store."

"Sir? You're joking, right?" asked Isaac as he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I'm serious. My age is starting to catch up and well, I can't keep this up. So I figured that when the time comes for me to step down, I want to make sure that I give my business to someone who can keep this place running and make it better. So I've chosen that person to be you." stated Mr. Johnson.

Isaac didn't know what to say as he was shocked to hear this announcement as all he could say was, "Thank you. I promise to make sure that when you fully retire, I'll make this the best card shop in Canterlot for all to come. Even when I start my career as a pro, I promise to keep this place in shape." said Isaac as he shook Mr. Johnson's hand.

"I knew I made the right choice." smiled Mr. Johnson. He then pulled out some papers as he signed them and then gave it to Isaac so he could put his signature. Isaac grabbed the pen and then signed the document.

After some more business papers to go over, Isaac was now a co-owner of the store as he talked with Mr. Johnson and his nephew about some ideas he was thinking about. Safe to say that Mr. Johnson was pleased with his decision as he knew that Isaac was the right choice; after meeting with his boss, Isaac said his goodbye as he had some other things he needed to take care of.

"So, you're sure that this is what you want to do?" asked a women in a suit.

"I'm positive." said Isaac.

"Very well, now let me just run the final numbers." stated the women as she punched somethings into her computer as she went over the proper paperwork. "Alright, now all that's left is to discuss the cost."

Isaac then pulled out some stacks of cash from the pockets of his hoodie as he placed them on the table for the women to see. "Name your price." smiled Isaac.

Once the cash was accounted for, the women gave a document to Isaac and a set of keys. Isaac thanked the women for her assistance and told her somethings he wanted for her to do. She told him that she would agree to his request and should have it finished very soon. Isaac then exited the office building as he looked at his watch and saw that it was already 3pm.

"Well, one more stop." said Isaac as he had one more thing to take care of.

Isaac was now walking as he soon found himself in front of his destination. To think that this was the same place on where it all started and where he would soon end his journey. But this time, he was now walking into the place with a different purpose in mind. Isaac then looked at the doors of the building as they opened up and standing there was the person with whom he wanted to talk with. Principal Celestia had heard about Isaac returning as it was he himself who informed her that he had arrived from his 'trip' with Sunset. Isaac then approached the tall women as they stared at each other; nothing was said as they both locked eyes with each other. Their last encounter had them both ending on not so friendly terms, but this time the situation was different. Isaac soon gave a small smile as he looked at his beloved principal.

"Are you ready?" asked Principal Celestia.

"Yes." said Isaac with confidence as he started to enter the building with Principal Celestia following behind him. As they were walking, they passed a hallway that had a tons of pictures that had all of Isaac's duels and adventures that he had encountered at his time of attending CHS. While Isaac was looking at the photos, some gently music was starting to play as Celestia walked alongside Isaac as she began to sing.

As the song was starting to wind down, Isaac found himself at the end of a hallway as he placed his hand on the door as he let out a deep breath. He then opened it as both he and Celestia entered the room with Luna already waiting for them. The door closed and they got to talking about something. The conversation took nearly about 5 hours, but in the end, they had all reached a conclusion.

"Do you expect this to work?" stated Principal Celestia.

"I'm confident in this idea." said Isaac.

"The process will be tedious, but it could work. The question is: do you really want to be responsibility for this? Need I remind you Isaac, if anything unfortunate happens, it could affect you and this school."

"That's a risk, I'm willing to take, Luna. I know the dangers that can come with this decision, but I know the benefits that will occur if this is successful. Not to mention my destiny, I've still got some last minute things I need to do before I leave. And this is one of them."

"Very well, I'll let the board know." said Celestia.

"Good, once we get approved. Luna, I want you to start reviewing the applicants and then send them all to me, I'll make the final picks." stated Isaac.

"Consider it done." said Luna.

Isaac then began to stand up from his chair and was starting to leave when Celestia called out to him.

"Isaac! Welcome back, and welcome to the business." smiled Celestia.

"We look forward to seeing what you have planned for your final year." said Luna as she too had a smile.

"I can promise you ladies, that this year will be like no other. And not just me as a student, but also as champion." said Isaac.

"And as for the offer I made you." said Luna.

"Keep me posted, then once you've got the details, inform me." said Isaac as he was referring to Luna's request that she asked of him. Isaac then exited the doors as he left the building and looked up at the sky. Isaac just had a smile on his face as he knew that he was about to start his final year as a student, and to be honest with all that he was doing and had planned, he was really looking forward to it.

The city of Chicoltgo was busy as ever as ponies were going about their normal day. Not to mention that it was currently pouring as everything and everypony was being rained on as they rushed to get to their destination. One particular pony was walking along the sidewalk as he had some saddlebags on him as he casted a rain shield over them to keep the things inside dry. Soon he approached his home as he opened the door and put his bags on the floor. He then took off his rainboots and took of his raincoat as he put them to dry.

"Man, the pegasi weren't kidding. It really is coming down." said the colt. "Well, at least I got the shopping done." The colt then entered his kitchen as he used his magic to put the stuff in the cupboards. After that he then started to head upstairs as he entered his room. "Can't wait to just relax and play some..." the pony didn't get to finish what he was saying as he had to blink at the sight in front of him.

"Oh, you're home. I was beginning to wonder when you would arrive. Hope you don't mind, but I kept myself busy by reading one of your books." said Twilight as she was sitting in one of the chairs.

"Uh... uh... uhm..." was all the colt could say as he didn't know what surprised him more. The fact that their was a mare in his house, more specifically, in his room or the fact that the mare was none other than Princess Twilight herself.

"Oh, my bad. Sorry for entering your house. Anyways my name is..."

"Princess Twilight." said the colt. "I know who you are."

"Oh, right." said Twilight as her cheeks turned red from embarrassment. "I mean, why wouldn't you know who I am."

"Well, we here in Chicoltgo aren't too invested in the royalty of Canterlot. But we do know when something drastic happens in Equestria. Like the ascension of a new princess." said the colt.

"I see." said Twilight. "Well, you have a nice and cozy home... Isaac."

"How do you know my name?" asked the colt.

"Let's say, that we've met before. Well, not you per say, but another you. That and well I did some digging in my library and ran some cross-references in the Chicoltgo archives." smiled Twilight.

"You know, as strange as that sounds, I kinda believe you." said Isaac. "But why are you here? What could the princess of friendship want with a nopony like me? I'm not special, I just run a simple 9 to 5 job."

"Well, let's say that... you've caught my eye." Twilight then got off from her chair as she approached Isaac.

She could see the resemblance that both had as it brought back some memories for the purple mare as she had a smile. She then put her hoof on the colt's chest as Isaac didn't move her hoof, instead he let the princess do her thing. Twilight then moved her neck in close as she nuzzled it against Isaac's as she closed her eyes and let out a happy sigh. To Isaac he found it strange that the princess was doing this, but a part of him found it comforting as he too closed his eyes. Soon they pulled back as both ponies were staring at each other, Twilight then let her body move on its own as she brought her muzzle in and made contact with Isaac's as she kissed him. Isaac didn't know what was happening, but he wasn't complaining as one of the princesses of Equestria was actually kissing him. He thought it was all a dream, but it was actually real. So he put some more into kissing the purple mare as he feared that once he broke contact, she would be gone. Both then broke apart to catch some air, as Isaac brought his hoof up as he brushed the mare's mane as she let out a moan of pleasure from the way Isaac was stroking her mane.

"You know, that felt right." said Isaac.

"Yeah." smiled Twilight. "Well, I should probably leave. Don't want to bother you anymore and sorry for sneaking into your home." Twilight then started to make her way to the door.

"Wait." called out Isaac as he made his way over to the princess. "Look... it's raining... and the train station is probably already closed... and the trip alone is pretty far to Ponyville. So, I mean... I did some grocery shopping, so if you want to stay..."

"That sounds like a nice idea." smiled the princess as she looked at the colt.

"Great." smiled Isaac.

Twilight then put her head against the colt's chest as she let out a sigh as she listened to his heartbeat. She then looked at the stallion as she gave one last quick kiss to him as she left through the door as she gave him a wink. Isaac was left with a stunned look on his face as he tried to process what just occurred in the last few moments.

Is this real? Is Princess Twilight actually in my home? And did she just... kiss me? Me? A regular colt? Isaac's brain was started to malfunction as he tried to figure out what all of this meant. What does she mean, I've caught her eye? I never meant her in person until just a few moments ago. Maybe, this is all just a dream, what would she ever see in colt like me?

"Hey, you coming?" called out Twilight.

"Yeah, yeah. Just give me a few moments." responded Isaac. "I guess I better just go with it, and hope for the best. But seriously, me with a princess? That just seems so farfetched." Isaac then began to make his way down the stairs as he looked at Twilight who just stood there with a genuine smile as it highlighted her natural beauty which caused Isaac to have his heart flutter a bit. For the rest of the time, the two of them began to talk and eat as they learned a bit more about each other.

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