• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 189: Boyfriends

"Once more, please." asked Isaac as he was on the phone with the person he had been secretly meeting as of late.

"Of course, so these are the numbers that I ran." said the person as they began to list off some facts and figures for the boy to listen to as he took the information in.

"Thanks, and about my request..."

"Isaac... I'm trying my best, but... I... just..."

"I understand." said Isaac with some sadness. "I just..."

"I'm doing my best, Isaac. But this line of business... it's difficult to grant a person's wish."

"Of course, just wanted to have a sense of closure. But I guess that'll happen at graduation."

"I'll be there for your graduation. Then it's time." said the person as the call ended.

"Time for me... to say goodbye, forever." stated the boy as he put his head down as a tear was shown rolling down his side of his face.

"Hey, Isaac!" called out Pinkie as she saw the boy's back. "Ready for karaoke night?"

"Yeah..." said Isaac as he quietly sniffled his tears and got rid of them to avoid the party girl from seeing him be sad. "Just... give me a minute, little sis."

"Okay." smiled the pink haired girl as he zipped away as Isaac now had a few more tears in his eyes. "Oh god." Isaac was then taking some deep breaths as some water formed in his eyes. He quickly wiped them and tried to recompose himself; once he got rid of the water from his eyes, he grabbed his wallet and deck as he began to head out of the door with the rest of the party waiting for him.

The group had made a reservation at the place as they arrived and were escorted to the break room as they waited for their turn. To pass the time, they each were doing their own thing. Rarity had pulled out her notepad from her purse as she began to work on some designs, Sunset was playing a game on her phone, Pinkie playing Tic-Tac-Toe with Fluttershy, Rainbow and Applejack had pulled their decks out and were playing on the table while Twilight was reading a book. As for Isaac was he hutched over as he had his hands to his mouth as his eyes were closed.

So much weighted on the boy's mind that he couldn't stop thinking about it. From the student's final exams, to graduation, to stopping Starlight and then him going pro and never seeing his friends again. All of it was taking a toll on the teenage soon to be young adult. All of this was starting to get to him as the stress was real, but it wasn't just Isaac, for his monsters could also sense the inner struggle of their master as they all wished they could help the boy.

"Hey. You okay?" asked Twilight as she got the boy's attention by tapping his shoulder.

"Yeah, why?" said Isaac in a soft tone.

"You've just been quiet." stated the girl as she felt a bit of concern for her boyfriend as she closed her book.

"Just... thinking."

"What is this time, boy toy?" asked Sunset as she put her phone down on her leg as looked at her friend.

"Well... it's..." Isaac now stopped himself as he was debating on whether or not he should inform the girls of his plan.

"Come on, city slicker. You can tell us what's your mind."

"Aj's right. Spit it out, geek." stated Rainbow as all the others smiled to show their support.

"It's just... well... never mind."

"Isaac." said Twilight as she placed her hand on top of his. She looked at the boy to give a comforting smile.

"I'm sorry... Let's just say... come graduation... I won't be around." was all Isaac could say of his plan.

"What do you mean?" asked Fluttershy.

"Of course, you're not going to be around, cause we're graduating." stated Pinkie with a chuckle.

"No, sis. I mean... I won't be around..."

"Darling, you're not making any sense." said Rarity.

"Just... promise me when graduation is over, and I... fade into obscurity. If I should vanish, don't forget about all the times we've had as friends."

"Big bro, you're kinda scarying me right now." said Pinkie.

"Promise me!" said the boy as he looked at the group.

The girls all looked at each other with concerns on their faces as they didn't know what their male companion was saying as it was both cryptic and sincere.

"We promise." said the group in unison.

"Thank you," smiled Isaac, "Sorry, didn't mean to bring down the mood. Man, do they suck." stated the teen as they were hearing the group who was currently using the room as the music was loud but the singing was way awful.

"I agree, nails on a chalkboard provides a better sound." said Twilight.

"Anyways, so what are we going to do about Starlight?" asked Sunset as it got the attention of the whole group.

"From what I've heard from the student body, it seems most of the students are leaning towards her ideology." said Pinkie.

"So she's building an army?" said Rainbow.

"That's a bit of stretch. Maybe a cult." smiled the party girl.

"Not the word I'd used, darling."

"So, what do we do?" asked Applejack.

"Uh, panic." suggested Fluttershy.

"That's your answer for everything." stated Rainbow as she looked at her childhood friend with a glare.

"Well, we can't just do nothing. We have to stop her, cause her idea of changing Duel Monsters is going to cause more harm than good." said Sunset.

"What do y'all reckon?"

"Well, Starlight took us all out. Safe to say, she's completed her goal of stopping anybody who she thinks is a threat to her plans."

"Technically yes, but also no." replied Twilight.

"What do you mean?" asked Rainbow as she was confused.

"Keep in mind her duel with Isaac their first go around."

"Yeah, she beat him." replied the chromatic girl.

"Again, yes and no. See yes, it was a duel, but it was also unsanctioned. So technically she does have a win against Isaac, it's just not official. And once again, the key word 'unsanctioned' so the duel between them technically didn't also happen. So therefore, her win isn't legit, nor is Isaac's loss." said the nerdy girl as she explained the logistics.

"So... then... Starlight still has to deal with one last major problem?" said Fluttershy with hope.

"But what makes you think that she'll want to deal with Isaac a second time. She seems content with their first outcome that she doesn't feel the need to challenge Isaac again." said Rarity.

"There's a reason and she knows it." said Isaac as he knew the one major reason why Starlight would want to face him. "And I plan on getting her to agree to that match, one way or another."

"What are you thinking, sugar? You're not gonna..."

"You'll see." was all Isaac said.

"While we're on the topic, mind explaining somethings to us, Isaac?"

"What do you mean, Rainbow?"

"You remember what Starlight said when you guys first came to blows and traded verbal jabs." stated Sunset. "How she said you met your idol?"


"Well, did you sugar?"

"I don't know." said Isaac. "She claims that I'm the reason for everything bad that has happened to her and that I'm the reason she hasn't got the opportunities she deserves. But the thing about what Starlight said is, I don't remember that."

"So, she made it up. To mess with your mind, darling."

"Not really." said Twilight as the whole group looked at their bookworm friend. "As much as we hate Starlight, she's never been a liar."

"So it did happen? Then why doesn't Isaac remember meeting the guy?" asked Rainbow.

"Keep in mind, when Starlight told her story, they were but young kids. So it can be a bit difficult to remember things that happened when you were a kid." stated Twilight.

"I get that, but how did Starlight remember that moment in her life?" asked Pinkie.

"Well, again, it's a moment where she had her sense of clarity." said Sunset. "I guess the memory was so important to her life that it stuck with her. A memory that you're not suppose to forget."

"That still doesn't explain why Isaac doesn't remember that moment. I mean, that's a moment anybody wouldn't want to forget." said Rainbow.

"I guess... it's not important for me at least. But it should be, right?" asked Isaac as the girls could only give some looks as they didn't know the answer.

Soon the phone in front of them rang as he picked it up and answered it. "Okay, thanks." said Isaac as he put it back in its stand. "It's our turn." The group now all made their way into the room as they began to sing some songs and enjoy themselves.

It was now another day of school as the students were going about their business. Starlight was busy as she was gaining some new followers that she couldn't accept Isaac's little invite directly. So she sent a replacement. Isaac was waiting out on the soccer field as he was then approached by Sunburst of all people.

"Where's Starlight?"

"She's busy." said Sunburst as he looked at the boy who he consider a friend. "Been a while."

"Yes it has been." answered Isaac as he looked at the boy in front of him as the duel at the Duos Cup came flooding to both of their minds. "Tell me, Sunburst. Do you believe Starlight will keep her word?"

"What are you saying?" said the boy.

"Do you really believe that if you help her to execute her idea of change, that she'll finally drop all of this and return the feelings you have for her?"

"You don't know, Starlight like I do! She's been my childhood friend for years, we grew up together, we encountered every single hardship together, and everytime she kept saying that someday the world will know who we are. They will call our names as the revolutionists that helped to make this game better." stated Sunburst. "That's all I want for her."

"I admire your dedication to helping your friend and the girl you have feelings for. But what about you? Don't you want Starlight to return those feelings you have? Don't you want to be there for her, to protect her from her own self, to make sure that she doesn't go too far? Don't you want to be more than just friends?"

"Of course I do!" shouted Sunburst. "But we can't... at least... not now. She made me a promise that when this is all over, we would finally give it a try. We could finally live up to the name 'Power Couple'."

"And do you really expect Starlight to keep that promise? Or is she just saying that so that you can focus on helping her?" stated Isaac. "Sunburst, I know you feel for Starlight. I can sense you love her deeply, but right now she's just using you to accomplish her own set of goals. She doesn't fully intend on keeping that promise she made to you."

"You're wrong! I love her. With all my heart." said Sunburst. "The only reason that's stopping us from official becoming a couple is you. Starlight is obsessed with you, you are the only thing she thinks about, day and night. It's always, Isaac this, Isaac that, Isaac is on my mind. Why are you stealing her away from me?!!" shouted the boy.

"I'm not stealing Starlight. It's her own damn problem that's she obsessed with me, cause she will not stop until I'm erased from her existence, and I'm doing the same. The difference is that I'm trying to stop her from doing something that will put the world in jeopardy."

"Like I'm suppose to believe that. I put my trust in Starlight. I would follow her to the end of the world if it meant for a chance. For a chance! To be with her. If she asked me to lay down and sacrifice myself for her to complete her goal, I would give my life without any hesitation. If it meant... a chance. A chance! To be with her." said Sunburst.

"Then you're an even bigger fool than I realized." said Isaac. "You're just as blinded as she is, she really does have you in the palm of her hand. I guess I now know who the bitch of the relationship is!" Sunburst was taken aback by Isaac's comment as he was now furious.

"No, no, no, no. I'm the one who's blinded? No, you are the one who has lost sight like Starlight said!" responded Sunburst as he and Isaac got in each other's face. "And I apologize for raising my voice, cause I'm not that guy. But when you stand here and tell me that I've lost sight! When you the multiple time defending champion of CHS, who stands for hustle, loyalty, and respect. Who from Chicoltgo, lives and breeds these colors! The same colors as your Chicoltgo Cubs who also portray themselves as the underdog. I'm sure just like Blackhawks portray themselves as the underdogs! Just like the Bears think themselves as the underdog! Hey how about those Bulls, are they the underdogs too?! What about the White Sox, hmm?!"

"Easy there bud!" said Isaac as he was starting to bawl his fist up as Sunburst was running down his hometown.

"Here's what you've lost sight of Isaac, and I'm almost wishing that your family, your friends, and your girlfriend were all here right now so they can hear it."

"Easy there, that's the last time I'm going to tell you!! Ease up." said Isaac as he felt like snapping at Sunburst for all his disrespect.

"What you've lost sight of is what you are! And what you are is what you hate! You're the multiple time defending champion of Canterlot High. You're the man! Ladies and gentleman, the champ is here! You like your Chicoltgo Cubs, like Chicoltgo! Are no longer the underdogs! You're a dynasty! You are what you hate! You have become the St. Louis Cardinals!!" shouted Sunburst.

At that moment, Isaac snapped as he punched Sunburst straight in the face as he went down as Isaac was that close to breaking his glasses and knocking the boy out cold. Isaac stood over Sunburst who touched his face as he was pissed.

"Talk shit about my hometown again, Sunburst! I dare you! Talk shit!!! I dare you!!!" shouted Isaac as he was ready to beat the hell of the boy on the ground with an inch of his life. Isaac had fury in his eyes as he looked down at the boy before his vision shifted up and saw Starlight as she had been watching the whole interaction with the boys as she had a straight face and her arms were crossed.

"Starlight." said Sunburst as he saw his friend who just looked at him with a glare.

"Get your ass up!!!" shouted the girl to which Sunburst immediately grabbed his glasses as he stood behind the girl. She then looked at Isaac as she examined the boy.

"Let's go." said Starlight as she began leave with Sunburst.

"Starlight!" shouted Isaac. "You know what I want."

"Hmm. Why should I? My god, does it feel good to say I told you so. I told the world and everybody else reading this story that I was better than you and I proved it. Not only that, I proved once again that I am the greatest duelist in the history of Duel Monsters. And I know that you talk about how losing is a part of what we do when we compete in a duel. Yeah, if your name is Isaac, it does." said Starlight. "Also talking about how you went through the fire. You sure did and you got burned by old Starlight Glimmer. So Isaac, if I were you, I would highly, highly reconsider wanting that rematch, cuz you and I both know, I'll embarrass you all over again." mocked the girl.

"Just like last time when you couldn't even stand on your own two feet." said Isaac as he finally hit Starlight where it hurt the most as she stopped dead in her tracks as bawled up her fist. "Admit, you won. But that victory over me means nothing, doesn't it. Only one person walked out on their own terms and it was me!" stated Isaac. "You won the battle, but I won the war! And I know for damn sure, you ain't content with that outcome, cause it's an embarrassment to you. So Starlight here's your chance once again, to prove to everybody legitimately that you are the best."

"I know what I have to do to you, I have to finish you. One way or another." growled Starlight. "I have to take your soul myself and rip it from your body."

"I know what I have to do and I'm willing to put my entire body on the line again. Besides, I've done something you'll never do, I retired Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna with ease." said Isaac as he had a huge bragging right under his belt.

"Tell me, did you enjoy killing them? Enjoying ending their careers? Putting them out of their misery? Taking their very souls like the Undertaker and putting them six feet in the ground?" asked Starlight with a sick smile.

"You're damn right it felt good!" responded Isaac with a sick smile of his own. "Look at my hands, Starlight. Look at them!!!" shouted the boy. "There is so much blood on these hands. Some of it I'm proud of, some of it I'm not. And in spite of you and that asshole who's still complaining about their retirements in the comment section, those duels were the hardest of my career. But right now, this isn't about some duels that people already by now should come to terms with and the ones that still don't, screw you!!!" said Isaac to the fourth wall.

"You say you want one more match with me. No, cause in my mind, you'll just come up short. Just like you do in the bedroom with Twilight, right?" smiled Starlight smugly.

"You know, Starlight. Maybe it's not so much that I'm coming up short, maybe it's just the field that I'm trying to play on, is just too damn big!" said Isaac as he looked at Starlight as she let out a gasp as Isaac stood there with a smile.

"I don't know what you mean by that!" responded the girl as she felt disrespected by that comment.

"You don't know what I mean, let me tell you what I mean, Starlight." stated Isaac. "Let me make it a bit more clear. You see, Starlight. Even a 747 looks small when you're flying into the Grand Canyon!" answered the boy. "Don't worry, right now you're not my focus. Sunburst! You had to put my hometown in your mouth, that I can't allow. So get ready cause later today, you and me, we settle it like men in a duel!!"

Sunburst was surprised by what Isaac was saying as Starlight held a look.

"Come on buddy, what do you say? It'll be just you. Me. And the great wide open over here." said Isaac as he pointed at Starlight while saying that last bit.

"He accepts!" said Starlight immediately as she grabbed her friend as she dragged him off as she had enough of Isaac insulting her as he smiled.

"Starlight, but I..." Sunburst didn't get to finish as he felt a hard slap to his face as Starlight left a good red mark on his cheek as he fell down against the lockers.

"You caused this! You fix it!!" shouted the girl as she pushed her male friend up against the locker as she stared him down with a death glare in her eyes. "I sent you to negotiation with Isaac, not to piss him off! What could he have said to upset you?!"

"Starlight, he..."

"Zip it, bitch!!" shouted the girl as she pressed her forehead towards Sunburst as he was a bit frighten by his friend. "I'm not your mother! So you fix this or you're out of this team!" said Starlight as she released her friend as she made on final slam of him into the lockers as his glasses came off as Starlight started to walk away with fury.

Sunburst watched the girl he had feelings for as she was more than upset as it made him feel bad that he let Isaac get to him and bait him into causing Starlight to have more stress. He grabbed his glasses as he cleaned the lens and saw his reflection in them as he heard Isaac's words.

"I now know who the bitch of the relationship is."

"I'm nobody's bitch." said Sunburst as he gripped his glasses tighter and put then back on his face. "For you Starlight, I will kill Isaac myself. And then... I can finally have the dream I've hoped for and the girl that I long for." Sunburst now put on a determined look as he pulled out his deck and prepared to end the boy and his very life.

"You did what?!" said Twilight as she let out a yell.

"I didn't ask for this. But Sunburst made the mistake of disrespecting my hometown, Twilight. I can't let that slide." said the boy.

"Yes, you can. Be the bigger man, like I know you are. You said you needed to focus on Starlight, Sunburst I believe still has a good heart, it's just... he's trying so hard to get Starlight to notice him and his feelings. That he's willing to do whatever she says just to see her be happy. I'm not saying he should do that, but I understand him wanting to confess his love for his best friend. I know." said the girl as she reminded the boy of their situation of going from best friends to now boyfriend and girlfriend.

"I understand, Twilight. But you also need to know that there are times where a man needs to settle his disagreement with another man. And the only way that can happen is if they just slug it out." said Isaac. He then grabbed Twilight's chin so that she looked at him as he leaned in for a kiss as it was a gentle one as both closed their eyes. Soon Isaac pulled away as he looked at his girl as he rubbed her cheek.


"I'll be fine, Twilight."

"You just came back and you promised you would never leave again. I just... can't afford... to lose you again." said Twilight as she put her head down.

"Here." said Isaac.

Isaac then captured his girlfriend's lips once more as he put more into the kiss. Twilight fell into it as she too kissed back as she pushed the boy against the wall as the two were swapping saliva. Isaac then pulled apart as he looked at the bookworm as he stroked her cheek as Twilight was leaning into it with a worried look on her face. Isaac gave his word that he wouldn't do anything reckless in his duel with Sunburst as Twilight trusted her boyfriend. Though she did say that she would watch privately and have his back in the case Starlight tried anything funny.

It was now time for the duel as Isaac was currently sitting down in the middle of the field as he had his eyes closed as he focused his mind. Soon he could hear the sound of footsteps as he opened his eyes and saw Sunburst had arrived as he too had a similar look as Isaac. Starlight as also present but stayed back as she wanted to see if her friend could fix up the mess he was in. As for Twilight she was nearby hidden as she told the girls not to come as it only concerned seeing both girls watching their boy friends slug it out and settle it like ancient times.

"Ready?" said Isaac as he stood up.

"Ready." said Sunburst as he strapped on his duel disk as the small rectangle device activated as it projected a brilliant gamboge color tray.

"Then it's time to duel!" said Isaac as he put on his own duel disk as it projected a gold card tray.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Sunburst's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

"Let's duel!" shouted both boys.

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll begin," said Isaac as he drew his card, "I summon my Beta the Magnet Warrior(1700/1600) in attack mode. Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Luckily, I remember that Sunburst has a Gagaga/Gogogo deck, which means he'll mainly focus on Xyz Summoning, like Starlight.

Turn 2: Sunburst

"My turn and I summon Gogogo Golem(1800/1500) in attack mode." Out came a golem as it was a bit big as it stood in front of the boy. "Next, I'll play the spell card, Onomatoparia. So I send one card from my hand to the graveyard which in turns allow me to add 2 monsters from my deck but they can't be the same card. So I'll take one 'Gogogo' monster and one 'Gagaga' monster." stated Sunburst as his two cards ejected out for him to grab. "Next, I play the spell card, Gagagawind so that I can special summon one Level 4 'Gagaga' monster from my hand. So I choose one of my favorite monsters, Gagaga Magician(1500/1200)!" Sunburst now had another monster appear as she now had two monsters on his field.

"I now attack your Beta with my Gogogo Golem!" shouted Sunburst as his monster then delivered a hard punch to Isaac's monster as it took it out.
Isaac's Life Points: 7900-

"Now Gagaga Magician attack him directly!" shouted the boy as his magician raced forward and delivered a punch to Isaac as he blocked the fist with his duel disk as she was pushed back a few inches.
Isaac's Life Points: 6400-

"Now I overlay both my Level 4 Gogogo Golem and Gagaga Magician to build the Overlay Network!" Sunburst's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of him. Soon both orbs of light entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Number 55: Gogogo Goliath(2400/1200, OLU: 2)!!" Out emerged a very huge monster as it appeared behind the boy as it stood about 13 feet tall as it let out noise.

"I forgot that Sunburst has Number cards." said Isaac as he was also taking in just how huge his monster was.

"My Gogogo Goliath's special ability allows all monsters I control to gain 800 more defense points. With that I now end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 3: Isaac

"My draw, and I summon Berry Magician Girl(400/400). And by summoning my Berry Magician Girl, I can now select a different 'Magician Girl' from my deck and add it to my hand." Isaac's magician girls all appeared in front of their master as Apple, Lemon, and Chocolate were all trying to persuade the boy to pick them as Kiwi and Mana just let the three slightly younger teens expressed themselves.

"All are incredible cute and good options. Oh, why did I get blessed with such a beauty batch of women?" chuckled Isaac as he looked at his female magicians. Soon Berry landed on his shoulder as the tiny baby sat on down and sucked her pacifier. "Berry, which sister do you want?"

"Hmm, I pick Lemon." said the tiny baby.

"Finally, my turn with Isaac." said the sour tasting girl as she appeared in front of the pair and gave her baby sister and master a kiss for picking her.

"I've chosen my Lemon Magician Girl." said Isaac as his duel disk ejected out the card for him to grab. "Next, I'll play Double Summon so that I can summon my Magician's Valkyria(1600/1800) in defense mode!" Another female spellcaster appeared as she spun her staff in quick session as she took her position as she blew a kiss to her master.

"I now end my turn."

Turn 4: Sunburst

"My draw, and I'll start by summoning my Gagaga Sister(200/800) in defense mode." Out emerged a tiny girl as she wore a cute outfit with a cape as she wielded a wand and had a hat on her head. "Now when my Gagaga Sister is summoned, I can add a 'Gagaga' spell or trap card to my hand." said Sunburst as his duel disk ejected the card he desired. "Now, thanks to my Gogogo Goliath's ability, my Gagaga Sister gains 800 more defense points. Next, I'll move in to attack so Gogogo Goliath attack his Magician's Valkyria!" commanded Sunburst as his giant monster did another punch as it took out Isaac's monster.

"I now end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll play my Swords of Revealing Light. Now you can't attack for three turns." said Isaac as three giant swords came from the sky as it landed in front of Sunburst and his monster as it prevented them from moving. "Now since I control a Level 4 or lower monster, I can special summon my Mage Annette(1300/1700) in defense mode. And by summoning my Mage Annette, I can draw an extra card. Next, I'll summon my Lemon Magician Girl(800/600)." Isaac now had two more girl magicians appear on his field.

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 6: Sunburst

"My draw," Sunburst then drew his card as it was the spell card: Star Light, Star Bright.

For the boy it brought back a memory from when he and Starlight were kids as he opened a pack and got the card and how Starlight had told him to make a wish with that card so that it would eventually come true. It was at that time that he started to see his best friend in a different light as he made his wish of one day he and Starlight being together. For Sunburst, the card served as a reminder of what he was fighting for.

"I summon Gogogo Aristera & Dexia(0/2200)." The ground began to shake as soon a crack opened up as out came two hands as it was Sunburst's monster.

"That thing is your monster?" said Isaac as he was expecting something else.

"Don't forget my Goliath grants all my monsters an extra 800 defense points, so my Aristera & Dexia now has 3000 defense points. Next, since I control a 'Gagaga' monster, I can special summon my Gagaga Clerk(400/800) from my hand. Then I'll activate the effect of my Gagaga Sister so now I can target my Gagaga Clerk and now both of my monster's levels change so that they become the combined total of the two monsters. Since Gagaga Clerk and Gagaga Sister both are Level 2 that means their combine new total is now Level 4. And with that I now overlay them to construct the Overlay Network once more!" Sunburst's two monsters then transformed into orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as another portal opened up in front of the boy. Both lights then entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Gagaga Samurai(1900/1600, OLU: 2)!" This time the monster that emerged was a warrior who appeared in lightning fast speed and agility as it seemed like he was vanishing in a blink of an eye as he dual wielded a pair of katanas.

"I end my turn."
(Turn Counter: 1)

Turn 7: Isaac

"My draw, and I'll activate the effect of my Lemon Magician Girl, so by tributing my Berry Magician girl, I can add a spellcaster to my hand. So I choose my Dark Magician!" said Isaac as his duel disk ejected his card as he now had his ace monster on standby.

"Next, I'll tribute both my Mage Annette and Lemon Magician Girl so that I can summon my Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac as he played the card on his card tray as his most powerful and loyal monster appeared on his side. "Now to deal with that Goliath of yours, Dark Magician attack his Gogogo Goliath!"

"Not going to work, I activate the effect of my Gagaga Samurai. When you target another monster on my field while my samurai is in attack mode, I can then change him into defense mode and then the target of your attack is diverted to him." informed Sunburst as Dark Magician now pointed its wand in the direction of the warrior as it fired the attack. "And don't forget due to the effect of my Gogogo Goliath, my Samurai gains 800 more defense points meaning it now has 2400 defense points."

"Maybe, but you still lose a monster." stated Isaac as he got rid of Sunburst's warrior.

"Now I reveal my facedown, Xyz Reborn. So now my Gagaga Samurai rises up and then my trap transforms into an overlay unit for my monster to use." A portal then opened up as Sunburst's monster that was just destroyed now rose up as the trap turned into an Xyz material as it circled around the monster.

"In that case, I end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 8: Sunburst

"My draw, and I summon Cardcar D(800/400). Then activate its effect, on the turn that Cardcar D is summoned, I can tribute it to draw 2 cards from my deck. However, I can't special summon at all this turn. But that's small price to pay since I currently am in a good position that I can afford a turn of not summoning any monsters." said Sunburst as he picked up his cards. "I'll then play one of those cards immediately, the spell Xyz Treasure. Now I can draw more cards equal to the number of Xyz monsters on the field, so since there are currently 2 monsters on the field, I draw two more cards. I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

(Turn Counter: 2)

Turn 9: Isaac

If I don't figure out a plan soon, then Sunburst is gonna have no problem taking out my monsters.

"I draw, I now summon my Magician Boy(1500/1200)." Out came a tiny boy as he was dressed in oversized robes as he struggled as he had a hat that was slightly to big for him as he carried a wand with him. "Now Magician Boy attack his Gogogo Goliath!"

"Did you forget about the ability of my Gagaga Samurai? It can redirect the attack of your magician to him simply by switching to defense mode. And with the added bonus my Samurai now has 2400 defense points, meaning now your magician's attack backfires and you get dealt damage." said Sunburst as his warrior raised its weapons to block the spell from Isaac's Magician Boy. While Sunburst thought he was safe, he soon realized that his warrior was pushed back by the attack as it hit him instead.
Sunburst's Life Points: 7100-

"What's the deal? Why did I lose life points?"

"Cause of my Magician Boy's special ability, see any damage that I would have taken is dealt to you instead. And when it fails to destroy a monster, I can select a monster on your field and destroy it and then you take damage equal to its attack points. So I choose your Gagaga Samurai." informed Isaac.
Sunburst's Life Points: 5200-

"Lucky break." said Sunburst as he dusted himself off.

"I now end my turn." said Isaac as he got down on one knee and gave his kid magician a high five.

Turn 10: Sunburst

"My draw, seems I have to take more drastic measures. I activate my Gagaga Revenge to bring back my Gagaga Magician from my graveyard. Then since I control a 'Gagaga' monster, I can special summon my Gagaga Child(800/1200). Then from my hand, I summon Gagaga Girl(1000/800)." said Sunburst as he now had a field full of monsters as three of them were a part of a family. "Now I'll activate the effect of my Gagaga Child so that I can match Level of another 'Gagaga' monster I control. So I'll target my Gagaga Magician and now my Gagaga Child is Level 4. Then I'll activate my Gagaga Magician's effect to change its level to 5. Now I'll use my Gagaga Girl's effect to match her level to that of my magician." Sunburst now had his two older magicians match as they were the same level.

"Now time for a double Xyz Summon, first I overlay my Level 5 Gagaga Magician and Gagaga Girl to build the Overlay Network!" shouted the boy as his two monsters now rose up into the air as they changed into orbs of light as a portal opened up in front of him. Soon both lights entered the portal as soon a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Number 61: Volcasaurus(2500/1000, OLU: 2)!!" Another crack in the ground opened up as some pillars of fire emerged as soon a huge dino covered in molten rock and lava let out a roar. "Next, I overlay my Level 4 Gagaga Child and Gogogo Aristera & Dexia so that I can Xyz Summon, my partner, Gagaga Cowboy(1500/2400, OLU: 2) in defense mode!!!" shouted Sunburst as some gunshots went off as his most loyal monster appeared by the boy's side as he tipped his cowboy hat.

"He has three Xyz monsters on the field." said Twilight as she watched this and was concerned for Isaac.

"Excellent, Sunburst. I know you would never accept failure." said Starlight as she liked how Sunburst was in command of the duel now. For a second, seeing Sunburst be in control and so dominate did spark her interest a bit as she imagined what that might translate to other things. She quickly put that thought out of her mind as she went back to see what her friend would do.

"Since my Gagaga Magician was equipped with Gagaga Revenge when I used him for an Xyz summon, all my Xyz monsters gain 300 extra attack points. I now activate my Volcasaurus' effect, by using one overlay unit, I can target a monster on your side of the field and you take damage equal to its attack points. And I'll get rid of that little magician you have to avoid taking any more damage." said Sunburst as Volcasaurus absorbed one of its Xyz materials as it then fired some pillars of fire from its shoulders as they burnt up Isaac's monster as the boy covered up to avoid the flames.
Isaac's Life Points: 4900-

"Next, I'll activate my Gagaga Cowboy's special ability, while it's in defense mode, it can use an overlay unit to inflict 800 points of damage to your life points!" stated Sunburst. "Gagaga Cowboy use an overlay unit and fire at Isaac!" said Sunburst as he thrusted out his hand. His monster then spun his pistol really fast as he then had his target in his sights as he closed one eye and pulled the trigger as Isaac clutched his arm as the bullet barely scrapped against his skin but it still stinged a bit.
Isaac's Life Points: 4100-

"Isaac." said Twilight as she saw her boyfriend fall to a knee as he grab his arm for a few moments before the pain went away as the mark left by the bullet was gone and there was no damage to his skin.

"Then I'll play the spell card Xyz Gift. Since I control 2 or more Xyz monsters, I can draw two more cards from my deck. I'll then end my turn." said Sunburst as he laid a card facedown.

(Turn Counter: 3)

Soon Isaac's swords now started to disappear as his card had now expired which meant on his next turn, Sunburst would be able to attack him.

Turn 11: Isaac

"With my swords now done, I need something to help me turn this duel around. Here goes," said Isaac as he put his hand on his deck and drew his card. "Nice, I now summon Kuribandit(1000/700) to the field. Now I'll tribute it to activate its effect, Kuribandit's effect lets me reveal the top five cards of my deck. Any spell/trap cards revealed are added to my hand and any monsters revealed are sent to the graveyard." Isaac then looked at his screen and it project the cards for everyone to see. "I reveal Magic Formula, Chaos Spector Blast, Dark Magic Veil, Thousand Knives and Electromagnetic Turtle. Since my turtle is a monster card, I send it to my graveyard, but I keep the rest of my cards." Isaac's duel disk then ejected all five of his cards as he grabbed his monster and sent it to the grave. "I'll then play Magic Formula so that I can give my Dark Magician can get an extra 700 attack points raising his strength to 3200." stated the boy.

"Then I'll play Thousand Knives so that my Dark Magician can destroy your Volcasaurus!" shouted the boy as thousands of magical daggers appeared as they were now all sent flying towards the dino as it let out a roar as it crumbled to the floor.

"With that, I'll throw down two facedowns and call it a turn."

Turn 12: Sunburst

"My draw," said Sunburst as he looked at his field to see that his signature monster was still with him. If I switch my Gagaga Cowboy into attack mode, I could its other ability. I could lower Isaac's monster by 500 points and raise Gagaga Cowboy's by 1000, but even then that's still not enough.

"I now summon Gogogo Giant(2000/0)." Another huge monster now descend and landed with a thud as it towered over Sunburst. "Now by summoning my Gogogo Giant, I can revive my Gogogo Golem from my graveyard in defense mode. And then Gogogo Giant changes to defense mode." Gogogo Giant then punched the ground in front of him as soon another crack in the ground opened up as Gogogo Golem was back in play.

"He now has two level fours, which can only mean one thing." stated Isaac.

"I now overlay both of my Level 4 Gogogo monsters, to build the Overlay Network!" shouted Sunburst. His two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as another portal opened up in front of the boy. Both orbs then entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "Now arise my mighty steed. Awake from your age-old sleep and soar down to this world! Display your full splendor and might! I Xyz Summon, Number 44: Sky Pegasus(1800/1600, OLU: 2)!!" The sky was now shining a bright color as it descended from the heavens as it was revealed to be a pegasus whose coat was white as it let out a neigh as it landed on the field with its materials circling around it.

"Another number card." said Isaac as he had to admit that Sunburst was giving him a rather tough time.

"I now activate Sky Pegasus' special ability, by using one overlay unit, I can target one monster on your field and destroy it. So I choose, your Dark Magician!" said Sunburst as Sky Pegasus absorbed an Xyz material as it shot some electricity towards Dark Magician as it felt the shock. "Of course, you can save his destruction simply by paying 1000 life points."

"Then I'll do it!" shouted Isaac immediately as he wanted to save his monster from being destroyed. Soon the shock transferred to him as he felt the pain a bit.
Isaac's Life Points: 3100-

"Master!" shouted Mahad as he saw Isaac in pain.

"I'm fine, Mahad. This is nothing." said the boy as he shook off the pain.

"Interesting, he choose to save his monster without even thinking about his options. Almost like he used his heart and not his brain." said Sunburst to himself as he was rather stunned by how easily Isaac was willing to take the hit for his magician. "He's either really caring... or... he wanted to save him so that he could use those facedowns of his to turn this duel around."

"I'll now end my turn."

Turn 13: Isaac

"My draw, and I'll now have my Dark Magician attack your Sky Pegasus!" shouted Isaac.

"Not quite, cause now I'll activate my facedown, Bye Bye Damage! So my Sky Pegasus is safe, and any damage I would have taken you now take, double the damage according to my calculations." said Sunburst as his facedown flipped up as the attack now directed to Isaac as he let out a scream as it made contact.
Isaac's Life Points: 300-

"I'll activate my facedown, Emergency Provisions. Now I'll send my Chaos Scepter Blast to the graveyard so that I can gain 1000 life points." responded the boy.
Isaac's Life Points: 1300-

"So, he made sure that he had enough points should I use Sky Pegasus' effect."

"I now set a facedown. And then end my turn by playing Card of Sanctity so that we draw till we're holding six cards in our hands."

Turn 14: Sunburst

"My draw, and I summon my Flelf(800/1300) in defense mode. Now, I'll use Sky Pegasus' ability once more, so now I can destroy your Dark Magician or you can pay 1000 life points to save him. What's the choice, Isaac!!" shouted Sunburst as more electricity was heading towards his field.

"Once more, I choose to spare my magician!"


"Incredible." said Sunburst as he was surprised by Isaac's decision.

"AHH!!!" said Isaac as he felt the shock of the effect as he fell down to both knees and put his hands on the ground.

"Isaac!" said Twilight as she saw her boyfriend in pain.

"Master, you didn't need to do..."

"Save it, Mahad!" shouted Isaac. "I... can... still stand... which means... I can fight... Ahh!!" said the boy as he got back up on his feet and shook off the electricity.
Isaac's Life Points: 300-

Inconceivable. He once again chose to save his monster by paying his life points when he has so little now. But why? Why risk lowering your chances of winning even more, just to save his monster. Sure it's the strongest on the field at the moment, but I've been able to hold off his attacks with ease. So all I need to do now is deal the last bit of damage anyway I can and I'll have won. And yet, Isaac is still determined to win.

"You just made the biggest mistake by choosing to save your monster. Cause now you only have 300 life points remaining. I now activate my Gagaga Cowboy's special ability, by using the last overlay unit, I can deal you 800 points of damage. And this time, you don't have your Relay Soul to save you." said Sunburst as he reminded Isaac of the last time these two fought. "Now my partner, finish him!!" Gagaga Cowboy locked and loaded his gun as he pointed it at Isaac as he locked in on his target and then pulled the trigger. The bullet came flying out at lightning fast speed as soon everything was slowly down.

The slow motion saw Starlight leaning a bit forward as she had a huge smile on her face. While Twilight was in her hiding spot as she had her arm out as if she was about to call out Isaac's name. For Isaac he quickly looked at his hand as he grabbed a card and slid it into his graveyard as time resumed back to its regular speed.

"I discard Clear Kuriboh from my hand so that I don't take any damage from your Gagaga Cowboy!" said Isaac as his tiny monster came out and the attack hit it as it split into two before merging back together to give Isaac a nuzzle against his chest as he disappeared.

"Thank you, buddy." said Isaac to his small, but mighty monster.

"You're only delaying the evitable, Isaac. I end my turn."

Turn 15: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll play my Dedication through Light and Darkness. So now I tribute my Dark Magician so that I can summon my Dark Magician of Chaos(2800/2600)." Isaac's magician then was then transformed as standing in its place was now a more powerful spellcaster. "And by summoning my new monster, I can take back one spell card from my graveyard back to my hand, so I choose my Card of Sanctity. And since Magic Formula is now gone, I recover 1000 life points."
Isaac's Life Points: 1300-

"Then I'll give my magician some power with Wonder Wand to raise its attack by 500 points. Now I'll play Diffusion Wave-Motion so by paying 1000 life points, I can have my Dark Magician of Chaos attack all of your monsters and they can't activate their effects when they're destroyed!" said Isaac as his magician raised up its staff and spun it in quick fashion as it struck the ground as a huge shadow ball of energy came out and decimated Sunburst's entire field.
Sunburst's Life Points: 3300-

Isaac's Life Points: 300-

"I reveal my facedown, Gagagaback! Now during the turn a 'Gagaga' monster is destroyed, I can special summon as many of those monsters that was destroyed this turn, so I choose Gagaga Cowboy, Flelf, and Sky Pegasus!" said Sunburst as all of his monsters now rose up in defense mode. "Now I take 600 points of damage for each monster I revived."
Sunburst's Life Points: 1500-

"Now, I'll play the Shallow Grave. So now we pick a monster to bring back, but they have to be in defense mode. So I choose my Dark Magician."

"And I'll take my Gagaga Magician. Then activate my other facedown, Gift of the Mystical Elf so now I gain 300 more life points for each monster on the field, so since there's currently 4, I gain 2000 life points."
Sunburst's Life Points: 3500-

"With that, I'll then play Card of Sanctity once more."

Turn 16: Sunburst

"My turn, and to start, I'll play Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your Wonder Wand. Now I'll switch my Sky Pegasus to attack mode and then play the spell Blustering Winds. Now until my next Standby Phase my Sky Pegasus gains 1000 attack and defense points."

"I now end with a facedown."

Turn 17: Isaac

"My turn, and now I'll banish my Mage Annette and Magician Boy so that I can special summon my Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning(3000/2500)!" shouted Isaac as both of his kids magicians appeared as they were channeling their energies to call forth one of their strongest comrades as he appeared wearing armor and wielded a sword and shield.

"I'll now have my Black Luster Solider attack your Gagaga Cowboy!" said Isaac as he had his warrior then delivered a slash attack as it took out Sunburst's monster. "And now my Black Luster Soldier's effect activates, so since it destroyed a monster of yours, it can wage another attack and this time I'll attack your Flelf!" Black Luster Soldier then brought its sword down on Sunburst's other monster as it too was gone. "And now I'll have my Dark Magician of Chaos move in to attack your Sky Pegasus."

"My Sky Pegasus has the same attack as your magician so they'll both be destroyed." informed Sunburst.

"Now after this move, cause now I discard my Apprentice Illusion Magician to raise my Dark Magician of Chaos' attack power by 2000 points making it stronger than your Sky Pegasus. Take it out!!!" shouted Isaac as his magician shot off a spell as it headed towards Sunburst's monster.

"I reveal my facedown, Pinpoint Guard, so now when you declare an attack, I can target one Level 4 or lower monster from my graveyard and summon it. And it can't be destroyed. So I bring back my Flelf." said Sunburst.

"Either Sky Pegasus is destroyed!" said Isaac as the attack made contact.
Sunburst's Life Points: 1500-

"I now end my turn."

Turn 18: Sunburst

"My turn, and now I'll play Hammer Shot to get rid of your Black Luster Soldier!" said Sunburst as he managed to get rid of Isaac's warrior. "Then I'll summon my Little Fairy(800/800)."

Sunburst now had a small fairy appear as she gave a smile as looked at Sunburst who couldn't help but crack a small smile of his own at his tiny monster. He then looked at the card in his hand as he knew what he had to do. If he was ever going to convince Starlight to keep that promise she made to him about them officially becoming a couple, then now was the time to prove he would follow the girl of his dreams to help complete her plan for change.

"I activate the spell card, Star Light, Star Bright!"

"Sunburst." said Starlight as she watched her friend play the card that he got when they were kids as it got her her attention.

"When I control two monsters with the same number of attack or defense points; Star Light, Star Bright lets me change one of those monsters levels to match the level of the other monster. Since Little Fairy and Flelf both have 800 attack points; Star Light, Star Bright changes my Little Fairy into a level 2 monster just like Flelf. Then I'll activate Gagaga Magician's effect to change it to Level 2." Sunburst now had three monsters with the same level as he was hoping to close out this duel with his next move.

"Now I overlay all three of my Level 2 monsters to build the Overlay Network!" Sunburst's monsters all changed into dark orbs of light as they levitated in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the boy. Soon all three lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Number 96: Dark Mist(100/1000, OLU: 3)!!!" This time the monster that came out was a dark splotch as soon it began to manifest as it took shape and revealed a monster that had claws and a set of jaws on its stomach and a set of eyes on flames.

"That thing only has 100 attack points." said Isaac as he looked at the monster Sunburst summoned.

"Now Dark Mist attack his Dark Magician of Chaos!"

"What are you up to?" asked Isaac.

"This! I activate from my hand, the spell card Numbers Impact! So now since my 'Number' monster is battling a monster with 1000 or more attack points, it gains the attack points of the monster it's attack so now my Dark Mist gets more powerful as it now has 2900 attack strength. Then I'll activate Dark Mist's special ability, by using one overlay unit, I can half the attack points of the monster my Dark Mist battles and then my Dark Mist gains that amount! So now your magician is reduced to 1400 and my Dark Mist rises up to 4300. So you lose!!!" shouted Sunburst.

"I reveal my facedown, Book of Moon. So I'll switch my Dark Magician of Chaos into facedown defense position! So my life points are safe!" said Isaac as the attack made contact as Isaac covered up. "When my magician was destroyed, it's banished from the duel." Isaac then had his card eject as he slid it into the banished compartment of his duel disk.

"You survive, but not for long. Next turn, it's over."

Turn 19: Isaac

"My turn, now I'll tribute my Dark Magician so that I can special summon my Dark Eradicator Warlock(2500/2100)!" said Isaac as his magician now transformed as it wore a different outfit while wearing a cape and holding a staff. "Next, I'll reveal my facedown, Eternal Soul so that I can bring back my Dark Magician! Next, I summon my Apple Magician Girl. Then I'll play the spell card, Level Lifter. So now I send one monster from my hand to the graveyard and then my Apple Magician Girl becomes the same level as the monster I sent away, so since I sent away my Magician of Dark Illusion, my Apple Magician Girl now rises up to Level 7. And by playing a Normal spell card, I deal you 1000 points of damage due to my Dark Eradicator Warlock's special ability." said Isaac as his warlock pointed its staff at Sunburst who felt the spell.
Sunburst's Life Points: 500-

"Now they're both have similar life points which means..." said Twilight.

"... the next attack will decide everything." said Starlight as she too was invested in this duel.

"Now, I overlay all three of my Level 7 monsters to build the Overlay Network!" Isaac's three monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the boy. Soon all three lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "Show the world your wizardry and wonder, I Xyz Summon, Chaos Mageía(3000/2500, OLU: 3)!" Out emerged from the portal a brand new monster. It was a sorceress who had long flowing red hair with vanilla skin tone. She wore an emerald necklace and had white gloves that covered her smooth hands. Her outfit consisted of light blue dress that stopped at her knees; she wore black heels that weren't too high, as well as earrings that matched her necklace. She did a quick twirl for all to see as bits of magical particles surrounded her as it made her look even more beauty.

"Now since I used 'Dark Magician' to Xyz summon this monster, I can negate all other monster's effects currently on your field. And now I'll use my Chaos Mageía's special ability, by using one overlay unit, I can remove all other Xyz materials from other Xyz monsters and then my monster gains 500 attack points and an extra attack this turn." said Isaac as his female magician used her wand to create a vortex as it started to suck away the Xyz material from Dark Mist as she boosted her attack by 500.

"4000 attack points?!" said Sunburst as Isaac's female sorcerer stood there with a smirk as blew a sass kiss at the boy she looked to take out.

"Time to end this!" said Isaac as his female magician appeared next to her master as she winked and gave the boy a kiss as she had her wand transform into a bow as she reached into her quiver and pulled out an arrow made up of magical energy as she pulled back the string.

"Ready when you are, Isaac." smirked Chaos Mageía as she had her targets in sight.

"Fire!" shouted Isaac.

"Divinity Arrow!!" shouted both monster and master as Chaos Mageía let go of the arrow and it flew at high speed soon it broke apart into three separate arrows as two pierced and stuck in Dark Mist's body as it felt the power of light starting to infect its soul as it let out a painful cry as the third one shot at Sunburst who put his arms up and was struck by the arrow as he tossed onto his back as his monster was destroyed.
Sunburst's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel ended as both duel disks were deactivated as Isaac dropped to a knee as he rotated his left shoulder in a motion to help relieve some tension. Twilight then came out from her hiding place as she hugged her boyfriend from behind him as she placed her head on his back and nuzzled her cheek against it as she closed her eyes. The pair then saw Starlight approach as she simply looked at the two of them; Starlight's focus was on Isaac as their eyes told the story like always. She then looked at Sunburst as the boy sat up as she began to walk with him getting up and following her. Isaac and Twilight then stood up themselves as they began to leave in the opposite direction as Twilight put her hand in Isaac's as the couple made their way home smiling.

Sunburst and Starlight were in front of the school statue as Sunburst was now on both his knees as he looked at Starlight's feet. He felt like a failure for not defeating Isaac and for letting down the girl he had strong feelings for. He accepted what was about to happen as he looked up at Starlight as she raised her hand up as she looked to slap the boy; Sunburst closed his punishment and closed his eyes as he prepared for the sound and connection of the hand meeting his cheek. A few moments passed and nothing happened, Sunburst opened his eyes and saw Starlight's hand hadn't hit his cheek but was on his shoulder. He was stunned by this as he looked at it and then at Starlight as she held a look.

"Not bad, Sunburst." said Starlight as she cracked a small smile before going back to her straight look. She then began to walk past her friend as Sunburst looked at her. Starlight then stopped in her tracks as she turned to look at her friend. "You coming?" asked the girl as she did a hair flip.

"Y-yeah." smiled Sunburst as he began to follow his friend. "I'm right by your side, chipmunk cheeks." said the boy to himself as he walked with Starlight to move on with their plan.

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