• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 7: Triple Threat

After my amazing time yesterday with meeting the rest of the Main 5. I was hyped for attending class today. Being that it was the end of the week and last night me and the girls made plans to hang out and have a couple of practice duels against each other to prepare ourselves for the Fall Formal. Fast forwarding a bit it was about lunchtime where I was sitting with the girls and we were discussing what we wanted to do tomorrow.

"So let's go over the options, again?" I had a piece of paper that all everybody's suggestions and we were trying to figure out a solution we all agreed on. "Rainbow wants to head to the skatepark to show off her new tricks she learned on her skateboard. Rarity wants to go a clothing store so she can get new materials and inspiration for her requests. Mainly she just needs someone to carry her bags since as she puts it 'a lady shouldn't have to resort to physical labor'. Pinkie is well, you know what we'll skip that one. Fluttershy wants to go to the zoo to see all the animals and Aj wants us to help her with work."

I let a sigh as I looked over the list. "I'll be honest based on everybody's personalities/preferences this isn't an easy decision. There's got to be something we can all agree on, something that all of us can enjoy. And no I don't mean dueling, Rainbow Dash" giving her a glare before she suggested it.

"Oh alright, it's still would have been a great idea" said Rainbow as she slumped back into her chair.

"Look Rainbow, I understand that dueling is probably the greatest feeling in the world. I get it. But you also need to understand that there are other things you need to appreciate. Trust me I learned at a young age that not everything is about dueling, sometimes you need to slow down every once in a while."


"We'll I guess being slow isn't a word that exist in your vocabulary right, Skittles?" I had a smug smirk on my face when I said that.

Rainbow seemed to take offense on the nickname that Isaac just called her. "What did you call me? Look we may have only known each other for about a day but that doesn't mean I still can't hurt you? Watch want you say!"

"Duly noted, Skittles" I knew Rainbow was getting angry with me calling her that, but to me it was fun. Even the other girls were trying to hold back a laugh from Rainbow's new nickname. "Anyways all this side talk has derailed us and we still haven't figured out what our plans are for tomorrow. There's got to be something we can all agree on. Anyone?" I presented the question to the girls to see what they thought about this predicament.

Applejack was the first one to break the silence. "Well what about you, sugarcube? What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. To be honest, I barely know this city. The only places that I've visited since I got here was school and the Rescue Center. I never really had time to explore the city which was why I was shocked to learn about The Sweet Shoppe yesterday. I was hoping that tomorrow would be a chance for me to explore more of this place based on what we were going to do but since we can't decide it seems that's out of the question." I really did want to explore Canterlot if this was going to be my new home then I had to make an effort to know my surroundings and find out where places were.

"Well that settles it then. It's our solemn duty as representors of Canterlot to show Isaac the sights and sounds that this magnificent city has to offer. I swear you have my vow, Isaac. Me and the girls promise to show you a good time." Rarity really did have a flare for the dramatics; she even held my hand when she said that.

At first it felt weird that Rarity was suddenly holding my hand but it felt nice for a bit. Eventually I asked her to let go to which she complied but not before flashing me a wink. Despite Rarity's show of affection, the girls did agree with what she said. So they all decided that tomorrow they would take me on a tour of Canterlot City to get a glimpse of what my new home had to offer. So with a plan in mind, I wrote down what we were going to do and handed it to everybody to remind them of what tomorrow's goal was.

We then spent the next moments eating our lunch and talking amongst ourselves. The topic of dueling came up with Rainbow and she asked me what my inspiration was for getting into Duel Monsters. I told her the same response I gave Fluttershy prior to my duel with Trixie. I told them how ever since I was a young kid there was a monster that was advertised to encourage people to get involved in the game. I also mentioned about how growing up I heard about a great duelist whose best monster was the Dark Magician and it propelled him to new heights. They were really fascinated by my tale that they too wished they could meet this person. That was one of my dreams someday to meet my role model and thank them for helping me get into dueling. Oh well, maybe someday. Anyways we were finishing our food when we were approached by three people. I noticed them out of the corner of my eye and from what I could see they seemed to have something on their mind.

"Hey kid, your name Isaac?" asked the person who I assumed was their leader.

"Depends, who's asking?"

"We are. Allow us to introduce ourselves: I'm Emerald Skies, and these people behind me are Diamond Spark and Ember Spots. We're here because we're throwing out a challenge."

Looking at them it seemed they had an agenda. I didn't know what they wanted so I tried to ask what they wanted. Their response was simply with the Fall Formal coming up it meant the students of CHS were trying to solidify themselves as a major threat, so they wanted to challenge people to build some momentum on the road to the Fall Formal. They had also heard of my most recent string of victories and they felt like taking me on to show they were serious. I was about to accept their challenge until Rainbow jumped in front of me.

"Listen Emerald, it's obviously you want a challenge so why don't you take me on? Don't waste time on Isaac, if you want to make a name for yourself then try to take me on." I didn't know whether Rainbow was helping me or trying to downgrade me.

Emerald thought about Rainbow's offer and it was mighty tempting. If he could take down a high ranked duelist it would real showcase people that he was one to watch for. Eventually, he came to a conclusion. "Alright, Dash your on. But it won't be me your facing, your opponent will be Diamond Spark. I want to face Isaac. So do you accept my challenge then?"

I looked at Emerald and agreed to his terms.

"Excellent, now this isn't going to be a normal duel. It's going to be a tag team duel; me and Ember Spots against you and a partner of your choosing."

"Don't sweat it Isaac, once I'm done wiping the floor with this guy I'll give you hand."

"I appreciate it Dash, but I think I'll be fine without you. In fact, I've already got my partner picked and it's her." I pointed my finger to the person I chose to be on my team. Fluttershy was shocked to see that I had picked her and started to hide behind AJ while covering her face with her hair.

Emerald merely laughed at who I picked, "Well this will be easier than I thought. Meet us out in front of the school in 10 minutes and don't be late" they then left the cafe.

Rainbow was confused who I choose to battle alongside. "Why would you choose Fluttershy as your partner? No offense, but you haven't seen her duel nor have you tested her deck. You should probably reconsider!"

I was surprised that Rainbow would even suggest such a thing. "Aren't you supposed to be the loyal one of the group Dash? To think you don't trust Fluttershy to be my teammate really says a lot about you. I have faith that Fluttershy will pull her own weight and we'll come out on top. So what do you say Fluttershy, you with me?" I turned towards her to see her reaction.

Fluttershy was still trying to comprehend what Isaac had said. Her friends were looking at her with supporting looks; she could see that they were cheering her on. Fluttershy then a quick nod and said she'll try her best. We then spent the next few minutes going over our decks adding any last minute additions to our deck and going over strategies. Then the three of us headed out to meet our challengers.

We arrived in front of the school and meet the trio who were waiting for us. There was also a small gathering of students who decided they wanted to watch us. Rainbow was so eager to duel that she immediately took first position and prepared her duel disk.

"So my opponent is none other than the great Rainbow Dash. This could bode well for me, if I defeat you then it will clearly show everybody that I'm a threat in the tournament" said Diamond with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever lets just get this over with" Rainbow was not impressed.

"Oh, so eager to lose to me already."

"No, I'm just trying to figure out how long it'll take me to defeat. 3, 4, maybe 5 turns?"

"You'll regret saying that and disrespecting me, lets go." Seemed Rainbow's comment really ticked off Diamond.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel Mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the mechanical voice of their duel disks.

Rainbow's Life Points: 8000-

Diamond's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Diamond

"Looks like I'm up, I draw." Diamond looked at his hand before deciding what to play. "I'll start by Diamond Warrior(1600/1500) in attack mode. I'll place 1 card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Rainbow Dash

"Finally, I draw. I'll start by summoning U.A. Midfielder(1200/1000). Next I'll return my Midfielder to my hand to Special Summon U.A. Goalkeeper(1000/2800) in defense mode. I'll end my turn with 1 facedown. First turn and my field is set for victory. You don't stand a chance against me."

Turn 3: Diamond

"I'll make you regret those words, I draw. And I'll do it with this I play the spell Pressure Fortification. Thanks to this nifty spell it allows me to trade in my warrior for an upgrade; I now summon to the field my Diamond King Supreme(2600/1900) in attack mode. Now my Diamond King has a sweet ability by sending diamond monsters to the graveyard he gains 500 more attack for each one of them, so I'll send 3 monsters from my hand to the grave to give my king a boost of 1500 attack." Diamond's king shined brighter as it absorbed the monsters being sent to the graveyard. "Now I'll have my king attack your goalkeeper, go Diamond Slash."

"Here I was expecting a challenge, oh well. I reveal my facedown the trap U.A. Penalty Box now since you attacked a U.A. monster I can banish your monster until the end of your next turn." Rainbow had a huge smirk on her face when she said that.

"You what!?". Seemed Diamond was surprised by Rainbow's card but there was nothing he could do as his king was trapped around four wooden walls painted white and red. It then vanished into thin air. "No matter, I'll simply wait until my king returns, by then I'll have all I need to beat."

"Too bad that's not going to happen because I'm ending it on my turn."

"You lie there's no way you can do that!"

Rainbow had her hand on her deck as she looked at Diamond. "Wanna find out?"

Turn 4: Rainbow

"I draw. I'll start by playing U.A. Midfielder then I'll return him back to my hand to summon out U.A. Playmaker(2600/2000) in attack mode. I'll also return Goalkeeper to my hand to Special Summon U.A. Mighty Slugger(2300/1700) in attack mode. Next I'll give my Slugger a power up with the spell card U.A, Power Jersey which gives him an extra 1000 attack/defense."

Rainbow Dash might have 2 monsters but I've got my facedown. So once she attacks me I'll activate it and not only will it stop her attack but she'll take damage equal to the total of her monster's attack points. This is too easy. Diamond was really banking on Dash to attack so he could activate his trap.

"Time to end this I'll attack with Mighty Slugger. Now Playmaker's ability activates which allows him to transfer over 800 attack to any U.A. monster that declares an attack, so my playmaker makes my slugger that much stronger. Also slugger got a cool ability now you can't activate any card effects until the end of the Damage Step."

"What!?" Diamond was surprised to hear that, it definitely wasn't something he was expecting.

"I'm not done though, next I'll play the spell card Athlete Supreme which doubles the attack of my monster for this battle phase which means now Slugger's attack points rise to 8200. Which means you lose!"

Diamond was at a lost for words. "It can't be. No!"

"I told you it wouldn't take long, now Slugger end this duel!"

Diamond's Life Points: 0

Winner: Rainbow Dash

Once the duel ended, everybody around us had a shocked face. Compared to me, the girls all had normal faces as if they knew that this would happen. I was shocked to say the least, I now saw why Rainbow was so highly ranked in CHS. She literally beat this guy in no time flat; I was a bit scared because if Rainbow had skills like then it would definitely be hard to defeat her. Rainbow then made her way back to us with a smile on her face.

"Here I was hoping for him to put up a decent fight, but he barely lasted a turn. Anyways it's your turn, time to see how you guys fare. Show me what you got, Isaac."

"We'll do our best, come on Fluttershy." We then made our way to field to meet our opponent.

Meanwhile Ember and Emerald were checking on their friend Diamond. They were not happy with how Rainbow had literally squashed their teammate. "You'll pay that, when we're done with you won't want to think of ever entering the tournament" said Emerald with fury in his voice/eyes. "Now both of you hurry your asses, so we can send them packing."

"Alright, so what are the rules for this tag team duel?"

"It's simple both members share life points so when they drop to zero both people lose, in addition both players can't use their teammates cards unless the one who activates the card chooses to. Also when attacking if your partner doesn't have any monsters to defend themselves then their teammate can lend their own monsters to defend them. Furthermore, the players will alternate turns. Does that work for you, punks?"

I merely gave a smile as my response, "Fine by me let's do it. Time to duel!"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel Mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the mechanical voice of the duel disks.

Isaac's and Fluttershy's Life Points: 8000-

Emerald's and Ember's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Emerald

"I'll kick things off, I draw and play Elemental Hero Clayman(800/2000) in defense mode and play 1 card facedown. I end my turn."

Turn 2: Fluttershy

"Isaac, what do you know about Elemental Hero's?" Fluttershy asked.

"They really rely on primarily Fusion Summoning, in fact it's a deck that takes Fusion summoning to the next level. They also contain a couple of cards that allow them to fusion multiple times. The best bet is to take out his monsters he need to fuse."

"Alright, I draw." Fluttershy drew her card and looked at her hand. She was scared about what to do. She didn't know what she should play which really showed based on how she was shaking. "Uh... I'll start by summoning Baby Racoon Ponpoko(800/0) in attack mode. When Ponpoko is summoned, I can activate its effect." Fluttershy took her deck out of her disk. “I can select any Level 2 Beast-type monster in my deck and summon it in face-down position.” She found her card and set it on the disk. On the field next to Ponpoko, the large hologram of a face-down card appeared. “I end my turn.”

Turn 3: Ember

"My turn here goes, I draw. I'll play my Flame Soldier(800/1000) in attack mode. I'll place 1 card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Isaac

"Alright I'm up and I draw. I'll play a monster facedown and throw 2 facedowns. I end my turn."

Turn 5: Emerald

"Now that we've all taken a turn we can now start to attack and I'll make use of that, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Sparkman(1600/1400) and now I'll attack the girl, go Sparkman take out her baby racoon. In a tag team, it's important to isolate the weak link and exploit. With that I'll end my turn.
Isaac and Fluttershy's Life Points: 7200

Turn 6: Fluttershy

Fluttershy was shaking in her boots as not only was her monster destroyed but she just cost them some life points. "I'm sorry, Isaac it's only been a couple of turns and we already took damage. Maybe you shouldn't have choose me as your partner." Fluttershy put her head down as she drew her card.

"Don't worry about it Fluttershy, just focus on making your next play."

Assuming I don't find another way to mess it up.

"Ok... I flip summon my facedown Baby Racoon Tantan(0/800). I activate its effect when it's flipped which lets me summon a Level 2 Beast-type monster from my deck. I summon Kalantosa, Mystical Beast of the Forest(200/1400) in defense mode. When Kalantosa is summoned by the effect of a Beast-type, it's own effect activates. I can select and destroy 1 card on the field."

"Nice job, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy seemed happy that she was doing a good move. "I chose your sparkman."

"I don't think" screamed Ember. "When a monster declares an attack I can activate this card from my hand Fire Insect(500/300) now by sending this card to the grave I can put a stop to your attack and you get burned equal to my insect's attack."
Isaac and Fluttershy's Life Points: 6700-

"My bad Isaac, I didn't get rid of Emerald's monster and we just took more damage. This is all my fault." Fluttershy put her hands in her face.

"Hey don't worry about it. Even if you didn't do what you wanted that was still a sweet combo; you're a natural with that deck." I tried to uplift Fluttershy but she wasn't fully believing it.

Turn 7: Ember

"My turn and I draw. I now sacrifice my soldier to summon Fire Commander(2000/1300) in attack mode. Next I activate my commander's ability now I can send a monster to the grave and you get dealt damage equal to its attack and I choose my Firewall Archer(1400/1200). So get ready to feel the burn as my Commander takes away more of your life points."
Isaac and Fluttershy's Life Points: 5300-

"Now I'll really turn up the heat by playing the spell card Firewall Storm now not only do my monsters get a boost of 200 attack, I can Special Summon my Fire Paladin(1600/1700) when I've got a fire attribute monster with 2000 or more points. Now my commander attack her Tantan."

"I don't think so, I activate my trap Shift, now when you target a monster on our side I change the target to a different monster and I choose my facedown monster." I knew I had to help Fluttershy and my trap card accomplished that.

"So you want to be her knight in shining armor, fine then I'll rid you of your monster. Commander attack his monster." Ember's monster raised its sword as it came down on Isaac's field. "Looks like your monster is gone."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that, take a closer look." Once the smoke cleared there was the monster that I've placed facedown. "The monster you attacked was none other than my Marshmallon(300/500) and it's got a unique ability in that it can't be destroyed in battle and since it was facedown when you attacked it you take 1000 points of damage. How's that for an effect."

"Not bad, I'll end my turn with a facedown."
Emerald and Ember's Life Points: 7000-

Turn 8: Isaac

"Looks like it's my turn and I draw. Now by discarding a card I special summon my Apprentice Illusion Magician(2000/1700) in attack mode. Now when she's summon I can add 1 'Dark Magician' from my deck to my hand. Next I'll play the spell Ancient Rule which allows me to summon my ultimate monster, appear Dark Magician." My duel disk registered the card and out appeared my ultimate wizard ready for battle. Now my Dark Magician will attack Fire Commander. I'll then end my turn with facedown."
Emerald and Ember's Life Points: 6700-

Turn 9: Emerald

"My draw. First I activate my E-Emergency Call which lets me add an Elemental Hero to my add. Next I'll play Polymerization to fuse my Avian and Burstinatrix to summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman(2100/1200), next I'll play another spell Fusion Substitute which means I can fuse my Clayman and my Sparkman to create Elemental Hero Thunder Giant(2400/1500). Now I activate my Giant's ability now I discard 1 card and destroy 1 monster with attack points less than my Giant, so say goodbye to Baby Racoon Tantan. Now I'll have my Flame Wingman attack your Kalantosa and Thunder Giant attacks you directly. My wingman got a ability that deals you damage equal your destroyed monster's attack. I'll end my turn."

Emerald's monsters let out a barrage of assault on Fluttershy as she was thrown onto her knees. Isaac called to her to see if she was ok. Eventually she got back to her feet.
Isaac and Fluttershy's Life Points: 2700-

Turn 10: Fluttershy

Once Fluttershy got to her feet she looked at Isaac with pity in her eyes. In her mind, she felt like they were going to lose and Isaac would blame her. "I'm sorry Isaac, I know you picked me as your partner but all I've done is mess things up maybe you should just forget about me. I'm the reason we're going to lose all because I'm just not good enough, maybe you should forget we ever met!" Fluttershy was starting to cry.

I made my way to Fluttershy and put my hand on her shoulder. I forced her to look at me. "Fluttershy, I want you to look into my eyes. You know what I see; I see a girl who is afraid that she's going to let down her friends. Fluttershy you can never let me down, we're friends because we believe in each other. So we may be in a tough spot so what? As long as we put our trust in each other and our decks then anything is possible. I know that I can count on you so no matter what happens here know that you could never let me done not after all you've done for me. Do you trust me?"

Fluttershy looked at Isaac as he gave her the pep speech. She didn't want to be the reason why they lost; she also didn't want to have her friends upset at her. All Fluttershy wanted was for others to see that she can be useful and that she wasn't helpless. Isaac's word not only resonated with her but empowered her, it felt like what he was saying was not only meaningful but completely honest. So with a heavy sigh she looked at her deck. This deck was a reminder of the friendship she forged with Isaac; he put all his heart and soul into building this deck for her and she didn't want to disappoint him. "Yes, I do trust you."

"Then lets win together."

"Alright, I draw. I'll play my spell: Call of the Wild which allows me to bring back 2 Beast-type monsters from my graveyard. Arise, Baby Racoon Tantan and Kalantosa. Next I summon Valerifawn, Mystical Beast of the Forest(400/900) from my hand. I activate Valerifawn’s effect and discard a card to revive a Beast-type monster in my Graveyard. Return, Baby Raccoon Ponpoko!" Fluttershy was able to gain back her confidence and was able to summon out 4 monsters onto the field. I then play another spell Wild Force with this card I can now conduct an addition summon this turn by paying 1000 life points. So I sacrifice my Tantan and my Kalantosa to summon Behemoth, the King of All Animals(2700/1500)." A large white image appeared behind Fluttershy and came into focus. A massive pink and purple monster loomed over the field, cuffs with broken chains wrapped around its paws. Curved horns rose into the air on either side of a massive mane of dark fur. Drool dripped from the beast’s jaws as it roared loudly. “Additionally, for each monster tributed to summon Behemoth, I can return a Beast monster in my Graveyard to my hand. Now my Behemoth take out Flame Wingman."
Isaac and Fluttershy's Life Points: 1700-

"I activate my trap Hero Barrier now I can negate your attack."

"That won't be a problem because I've got a little friend to help out. Say hello to Albert, the flying squirrel now by sending him to the graveyard I can negate the effect of a card and destroy it."

"You can what!?"

"Now my Behemoth continue your assault." Behemoth roared again and bounded over Fluttershy’s head to charge at Emerald. "I'll then set a card facedown and end my turn."
Emerald and Ember's Life Points: 6100-

Soon cheers erupted from everybody watching, they soon started to chant Fluttershy's name. Even Isaac was impressed with Fluttershy's turn.

"Well done Fluttershy." I gave her a thumbs up.

Fluttershy was embarrassed by the people cheering for her and when she saw Isaac give her a thumbs up she merely blushed while looking at him.

Turn 11: Ember

"Emerald, you alright?"

Emerald got to his feet after being knocked around by Fluttershy's monster. "I'm fine." he said with disdain in his voice.

"You'll pay for hurting my friend, I draw. I play the spell Inferno Overdrive, now by paying half of my life points I can summon my ultimate monster so now appear Inferno, Lord of Fire(2800/2400). Now Inferno attack Dark Magician."
Diamond and Ember's Life Points: 3050-

"I activate my facedown Magical Hats, now Ember you'll have to guess which hat he's under but choose wisely you only have 1 chance."

"You don't scare me. Inferno attack the Dark Magician underneath the second hat from the left." Ember's Inferno raised his fist and it came crashing down on the hat which erupted into flames and produced smoke. "Your magician is no more and you lose."

"Don't be so sure." As the smoke cleared, there was still three hats that remained on the field. "Seems you missed."

Turn 12: Isaac

"I draw. Now I'll have my Dark Magician attack your Lord of Fire!"

"You really think your magician can defeat my Inferno he's got more attack points, you're just sending him to his doom!"

"That's why my Apprentice Illusion Magician ability is coming in clutch. Now by sending her from my field to the graveyard I can give my magician a boost of 2000 att/def. So now my magician is the one who has the higher stats."

"I'll activate my facedown Final Flame now the damage that we receive you also take."

"That's fine, I'll end my turn with 2 facedowns now all that's left is for my partner to win this duel for us."
Emerald and Ember's Life Points: 1550-

Isaac and Fluttershy's Life Points: 150-

Turn 13: Emerald

"That's assuming she's going to even get a turn, I draw. Now time to finish this little dance of our I play my spell Fusion Recovery which means I get back both a Polymerization and 1 monster and add them to my hand." Emerald's duel disk then slotted out Sparkman and the fusion card. "Now I'll fuse my Sparkman with my Neos to summon out Elemental Hero Grandmerge(0/0); Grandmerge's points are determined based on the combined levels of the monsters used to summon multiplied by 300. Since the total level is 11, Grandmerge's points are 3300. Now time to end this Grandmerge destroy her Behemoth, so much for relying on your partner."

"I have faith in Fluttershy that's why I'll activate my facedown Monster's Spirit which puts a stop to your monster's attack, however there's a price to pay I have to return a monster of mine back into my deck and I choose my Dark Magician."

"You give up your most powerful monster just to ensure your partner is safe? What are you her boyfriend or something?"

Fluttershy blushed at that comment while Isaac just shrugged it off.

"No I'd give up my monster to show her that she can win if she believes in herself and her deck. Besides, it helps when I reveal my other facedown Spirit Reincarnation. If a monster on my side of the field leaves due to a card effect I can then replace it with another monster so long as it has attacks points that don't exceed of the monster selected. However, I'm letting my partner be the one to pick the monster."

"Isaac, why are you doing this? You need it more than me, don't waste your time trying to prove your point. Please reconsider this."

"Trust me Fluttershy, I've thought it through and I want you to be the one. Plus there's a card in your deck that I believe can help us. Remember believe in your cards and your deck."

Fluttershy pulled out her deck and looked through her cards. She was still trying to figure out what Isaac was doing; as she searched her deck she was constantly trying to find a card to help them. Just when she had given up all hope she caught a glance at a card and started to formulate a plan. "Alright, thanks to my partner's card I can summon a monster to my side of the field and I choose another Baby Racoon Tantan."

"So all that and you choose a worthless monster. That monster can barely stand by itself; to think your 'boyfriend' went through all that trouble and you couldn't deliver. Not to worry Ember will finish this on her turn."

Turn 14: Fluttershy

Fluttershy then put her hand on top of her deck while she addressed Emerald. "I'll have you know that my 'boyfriend' didn't just waste his card in fact he helped me set up what I need to win this duel, now watch as I draw. I then summon my Beast King Barbaros(3000/1200) but since I chose to summon him this way his attack drops to 1900, he's not who you should be concerned with. Watch as I overlay both of my level 2 Baby Racoon and build the Overlay network. Now arise a my creature, I Xyz summon Number 64: Ronin Racoon Sandayu(1000/1000, OLU:2)."

"You really are hopeless, I would have expected a more powerful monster as your final stand. This is just pathetic. Here's some advice for you girl, leave the dueling to the real duelist and don't waste your time embarrassing yourself or your friends."

"First of all Emerald never insult me or my friends. And don't you ever call me that again. I am a real duelist because a real duelist would know about my monster's special ability which I'll activate now. By using 1 Overlay unit I can special summon 1 'Kagemusha Racoon Token and its attack is equal to the monster with the highest attack on the field. Since your Grandmerge has 3300 attack my token also has the same number. Furthermore as long as I control another Beast-type, my monster can't be destroyed by battle or card effects. Next I'll activate my facedown The Big March of Animals! For the rest of the turn, all Beast-type monsters I control gain 200 attack points times the number of Beast-types I control. With five Beasts in play, they each get 1000 points." Fluttershy's monsters then started to grow as they were powered up by the card's effect.

Both Emerald and Ember were scared as not only was there nothing they could do but they were even more terrified of Fluttershy's monsters as they started to get bigger. All of Fluttershy's creatures let out a thunderous roar as the ground beneath them shook everybody to the core.

"Now my token will take out your hero." The racoon then started to sprint its way towards Emerald's monster where it used its claws to slash his monster into bits. "Then the rest of my creatures will attack you both directly! Let this be lesson never bully me or my friends ever again!" With that Fluttershy's creatures dealt the final blow as both Emerald and Ember were thrown by the impact and landed on their back.
Emerald and Ember's Life Points: 0-
Winner: Isaac and Fluttershy

Once the duel ended, everybody was chanting Fluttershy's name as she had managed to pull off an insane combo and win the game. As she looked around the reception she received was nothing but positive, but the one person she looked at was her partner.

When the duel ended I looked at Fluttershy with a smile on my face. She was able to find her inner courage and prove all her doubters wrong. On this day she showed me that she belonged here and that she did have the skills of a true duelist. I approached her and offered her a high five as a sign of gratitude. "That was awesome Fluttershy. I knew you had...". Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around as she gave me a hug.

"Thank you Isaac. Because of you I now have the confidence I need to take on any challenge and win or lose I know that as long as I fight with everything I've got and don't lose faith in myself everything will turn out okay. Thanks for not giving up and believing in me; I'm so glad I met you." Fluttershy kept her hold on Isaac as she tried to hide the blush that was slowly appearing on her face.

"Your welcome Fluttershy. Now mind letting me go."

Eventually she broke her hold on Isaac as their friends came over to congratulate them on their victory. They were happy that both of them won but even more so that Fluttershy had finally come out of her shell and showed that she wasn't afraid no more. With that the bell then rang which signaled the students that class was about to start; everyone made an effort to run as they didn't want to encounter any trouble from Celestia especially with the tournament coming up. While all this was happening, you could see a person who recorded the whole duel on his device and began to walk away.

"That's another duel in which that kid has been involved in. I'm surprised she hasn't heard about him and how much of a splash he's been making. Maybe now that I have enough evidence it will convince her, but what does it matter when it comes to Duel Monsters there's nobody who can take her down." With that he disappeared down a hallway and headed toward a classroom.

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