• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 173: Spring Breakdown

It was now officially Spring Break as the entire school was let out. For this year, both Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna were taking the freshman class on a special trip. So the students were more than excited as it allowed them to get a chance away from school and enjoy themselves. Especially for Shadow as he didn't want to deal with any of Pinkie's antics during his well deserved break. So while the two principals were handling this trip, the senior class was taking their own trip for Spring Break as it turned out that Twilight had organized and planned a cruise for them to all relax. Though she did have to ask Isaac for some extra money to pay for it all, but that was minor issue in her plan. So safe to say, that all of the upperclassman were looking forward to the boat ride. That being said, Celestia and Luna had declared that Isaac be the one in charge of watching everyone in case of an emergency since he was the one they trusted the most. So it seems that Isaac would have to play "babysitter" for the trip, but then again he didn't mind as he too was looking forward to a break, especially cause last year for Spring Break he went with Dash, Sunset, and Luna to New Domino City to take part in some Turbo Duels.

Soon the day came, as everybody finished packing their bags as they all got to school and on the bus as it drove them to the harbor as there was a huge boat waiting for them. The girls had all changed into some more fitting outfits, as they all boarded the ship. Soon everybody was taken to their individual rooms on deck as they took it all in as the boat was starting to travel on the water. Some calypso music was playing on deck as seagulls squawked above in the sky as the ship's horn went off.

"Spring break!" shouted Pinkie in her new outfit as she shook the fourth wall as Rarity was sitting in one of the lounge chairs.

On the main deck the students were all talking with each other as there was a pool with some patrons swimming in it.

"Spring break!" shouted the pink girl as she made the person on the diving board who was about to jump lose his balance as he fell into the pool as the others were concerned.

"SPRIIIIIIIIIING BREEEEEEEEEEAK!" shouted Pinkie at the head of the boat as she had her arms out.

"Welcome aboard the Luxe Deluxe, where you'll set sail for a full week of luxurious luxuriating on our most deluxe luxury liner!" said Twilight as she was reading the pamphlet to the girls who were also next to her as they too were on the main deck.

"Ooh! Sounds... luxurious." said Fluttershy as she was helping Applejack who was a bit under the weather since they left the harbor.

"Did you see there's a petting zoo onboard?" stated the nerdy girl.

"Mmmm! Smoothies!" stated Pinkie as she held different beverages in her arms.

"And an all-you-can-eat dessert buffet you can... eat all you... can eat at?"

Pinkie just let out a scream of excitement and happiness, "Twilight, this cruise has everything! And a moving floor!"

At that moment the boat rocking back and forth seemed to not agree with a certain country girl, "I think I may have forgotten to pack my sea legs." stated Aj as she was trying her best to hold her stomach in as her face was turning green from being sea sick. It didn't help that Pinkie was trying offer her a smoothie as Applejack turned even greener.

"Thank you for organizing this trip, Twilight." said Sunset.

"It was easy, plus I did persuade Isaac to lend me some cash to pay for it." snickered the bookworm.

"I've gotta hand it to ya. You really have an eye for climactic battle settings!" said Rainbow.

"Huh?" said all the girls, except Sunset.

"Imagine going head to head with a sea monster by the pool!" stated the chromatic girl as she imagined what it would look like. "[voiceover] Ka-chow! Evil magic flows up the diving pool! [imitates explosion] The boat's sinking! Everyone's screaming!" All of this was happening in a cartoonish drawing as Rainbow told the details. "And then we save the day!"

"Oh. Is the sea monster okay in the story?" asked Fluttershy.

"Better than okay!" Rainbow then took a slurp of the smoothie Pinkie gave her, "She's our friend now! Best spring break ever!"

"Or we could do... not that." stated Sunset to which all of the girls agreed.

"I was hoping we could do something without... having to battle crazy evil magic for a change?" suggested Twilight.

"Plus, your little fantasy story is missing a detail, Rainbow." called out a voice.


"Down here!" shouted the voice as it got the girls to look over the rail as it belonged to their male friend as he was on the lower deck below them. "You forgot the part where you'll just run behind me and leave me to deal with the biggest threat we come across, cause like I said, for some weird reason, you all decide 'Hey, let's give the biggest problem to Isaac to fight cause everything is gonna work out just fine. And then there will sunshine and rainbows'." mocked the boy in annoyance.

"Well, can you blame us." said Sunset slyly.

"You all are duelists and more than capable of handling it yourselves, so why give all the work to me?!" shouted the boy.

"Cause why not." snickered the bacon-haired girl as the others just chuckled in agreeance.

"This is why I hate being the only guy in the group, you all gang up on me."

"Yeah, but you make it up with your dueling skills. Plus, think about it, when's the last time we got to be superheroes and save the day from magic. It's been a while, which means by logic, this adventure is going to have us encounter magic. Huh, aren't you excited?"

"No!!" shouted the gang.

"In case, you forgot Rainbow. We're all seniors now, the time for our adventures is coming to end really fast. Plus, you girls are tutors for the students and I'm busy executing the final phases of my plan for CHS and for after graduation. Not to mention, that me, Twilight, and Sunset have the most AP classes out of all of us, so we also have to prepare for those academic exams." informed Isaac. "I think it's safe to say that our adventuring days are long gone, we're all on the cusps of being adults and once graduation happens, that's it. We're out in the world and off to do our own things."

"When you put it like that, Isaac. Our time really is coming up soon." said Sunset.

"Sooner than you think, we're graduatin' in a just under 3 months." spoked Applejack before the boat moved and caused her to become sick again.

"Isaac's right, darlings," stated Rarity as she let out a sigh, "And Twilight, this is a most deserved respite. We're all very thankful for the chance to relax and do absolutely nothing." stated the white girl as the other agreed, except Rainbow who was displeased. Soon her phone let out a buzz as she looked at it and gave a face.

"What is it? Evil magic?!" asked Rainbow as she was ready to get into action as she strapped on her duel disk.

"A GPS alert! We're in international waters!" informed Rarity.

Rainbow let out a gasp before asking, "What does that mean?"

"Tax-free shopping!" giggled Rarity. "Isaac, darling?"

"I hate being the one with the most money." Isaac then opened his phone as he opened his bank app and logged into his savings account as he then fast forward some spending money to his friend as her phone ringed to say she received. "Get me at least a keychain for all the cash I'm lending you." responded the boy to which Rarity nodded as off she went to the store.

Soon after Rarity left, all the others left to do their own thing as they wanted to take this opportunity to relax. Rainbow however was unpleased as she was still on the belief that evil magic was going to happen and wanted to be ready for action so she kept her duel disk on hand. She then looked back at Isaac as she gave him a glare.

"I hate you!" shouted Rainbow for Isaac on killing her hopes and dreams.

"Yeah, but that's what you love about me." responded Isaac with a smug grin as Rainbow left with a angry look while having a bit of red on her face. "Okay, everybody in the audience, take bets how long it takes for Rainbow to mess up the others having fun?" said Isaac to the fourth wall as he pulled the scene to the left for the transition.

The buffet room was packed with tons of food and there was quite a small number of people who were eating all of the delicious food. For one person in particular, they were hoping to look for a certain tasty delectable. Pinkie entered the dining room as she threw open the doors as she took in the many sights and smells that the cruise had to offer in terms of their buffet.

"Ooh! Honey walnut crisp! Candy-coated cupcakes! Banana sorbet delight!" Pinkie then saw what she had been searching for as she let out a gasp, "Triple Choco-Berry Blasted Butter Biscuit Bundt Cake?!" Pinkie let out a small squeal of joy, "I waited my whole life to taste a cake like this!" Pinkie then lifted up the lid and immediately her world was starting to crumble as the smile on her face slowly disappeared at the sight there was no more of the heaven cake as she screamed out loud, "NOOOOO!"

"Excusez moi, mademoiselle. How about one fresh from ze oven?" said the cook who was named Puffy Pastry as she had a new plate of the cake as she took the lid off.

And at that moment, it all became clear. It was as if there was someone smiling down on Pinkie and blessed her with this delicious cake. The scent coming off the cake was accompanied with a heavenly choir noise of little kids, why even the sun ray was peaking through the window as it shined a light on this delectable sweet. The heavens opened up and God himself was sent to deliver this cake goodness to the girl herself. Pinkie with the biggest of eyes and wonder looked at the cake as it served as the meaning of life. Life I tell! Life!!!

Puffed Pastry then pulled out her spatula and prepared to cut the pink girl a piece.

"Hee-yah!" shouted Rainbow as she tackled the poor cook to the ground as in her mind she thought Pinkie was in danger. The force of the tackle sent the cake high into the air.

"CAKE OVERBOARD!" shouted Pinkie at the top of her lungs as she watched the sweet treat starting to land as it splattered on another person's head.

Puffed Pastry let out a gasp at seeing what happened, "Mon gâteau!" which when translated was "My cake". Rainbow just let out a nervous smile as she slowly backed away as Puffed Pastry was steaming as her face was turning red from being furious. Not a second later, both Rainbow and Pinkie were literally thrown out of the dining room as Puffed Pastry was very unhappy as she slammed the doors shut and locked the girls out.

"You saw it. She had a... a... spatula. So... you're welcome." said Rainbow with a nervous laugh as she tried to justify her reasons to her party friend to which Pinkie was not happy. And that was saying something.

Fluttershy had decided to check out the petting zoo that Twilight mentioned as she wanted to see what kind of animals were onboard. The petting zoo was a sight to behold as they had tons of small animals like birds, rabbits, sheep, even goats to which amazed the animal loving girl.

"A goat on a boat?" stated Fluttershy as she let out a small laugh of seeing a baby goat climbing a tree in front of her, "Now I've seen everything." She then grabbed the baby goat climbing the tree as she petted and nuzzled it as she set it on the floor. She then noticed the bunny shelter as their was a couple of them coming to see the girl. "Aren't you just the softest thing?" stated the girl as she gave the rabbit a pat on the head.

[rabbit chittering]

"You have forty-two grandchildren? Wow, Mr. Bouncy, that is impressive! I'd love to meet them."

Just as the bunny waved to his family to come out from inside of the house, a streak of rainbow color zoomed in as it belonged to a certain chromatic girl.

"Not today!" shouted Rainbow.

"Whoa!" said Fluttershy as her friend pulled her back a few feet.

"Sure, he seems cute and cuddly now. But have you seen what a magic-infused evil rabbit can do?" Rainbow's comment got all the answers and other kids who were in the petting zoo to look at her with a weird expression.

"Um... eat carrots?" answered Fluttershy.

"Yeah, evil carrots!" exclaimed the chromatic girl as she pointed at the small rabbit. Her response got all the small animals to zip away as they were scared as it put sad faces on the kids and on Fluttershy.

Applejack was currently walking while placing her hand on the side of the boat as she struggled to walk on the deck. It didn't help that the smell of certain disgusting foods came into her nostrils as struggled to keep from throwing up. She leaned a bit against the wall as the boat moved at that moment and caused her stomach to make an unsettling noise as her legs were shaking as she approached the side of the boat and leaned over it facing the water.

"What's up, AJ?" asked Rainbow as she saw her friend.

"Hmmmph. Mmmph! Mmmmmph!" was all Applejack could say since her mouth had her cheeks puffed out from vomiting.

"You can't talk?"

"Mmmm-mmmmmm, mmm-mmmmm!"

"Evil magic stole your voice?!"

"Mmmmmm! Mmmmmmmm..."

"Out, evil spirits! Out!" shouted Dash as she grabbed Aj by the arms and shook her which was the worst thing she could do as Aj's stomach had a chain reaction going on inside of her.

Applejack pushed Rainbow off of her as she felt her stomach kicking in. She then gulp and let out a sigh as she felt it going away. In an instant, she quickly leaned over the side of the boat as she retched everything she was holding in as her stomach was doing its best to have her clean her insides.

"Or you're seasick," stated Rainbow as she looked away a bit from her friend vomiting, "Heh. Because of evil magic?!" Rainbow's response was met with a face from Aj as she wiped her mouth with her hand as it was in the shape of a fist. "Or not. Heh." stated the girl as she got the message.

"Clean up on the side of the boat!!" shouted Isaac from the upper deck as he had the clean up crew get to work.

Rainbow was now scouting out the main deck of the cruise as she was stilling being on high alert. She looked around to see if anything was happening but there was nada.

"Has anyone seen bad magic on board?!" shouted the girl as it got her classmates, crew members, and other patrons to looked at her. They all shook their heads for a bit until one of them pointed to a door as Rainbow got excited.

She then approached the door and looked inside of it as it led to a hallway as at the end of that room was another door. Rainbow then cautiously opened it as she was welcome to some magical pink smoke that was rising from the floor. She looked inside as the smoke and a few sparkles were shown; in the audience were two old men as they seemed to be unconscious as they were in the smoke as well. Rainbow then rushed the stage as their was an outline of someone who she assumed was the culprit.

"Prepare yourself!" shouted the voice from behind the smoke.

"I'm ready for anything!" said Rainbow as she activated her duel disk and projected a sky blue card tray.

"Prepare yourself... for the Great and Powerful Trixie of the High Seas! Two shows daily! Tip your waitresses!" said the girl as the smoke cleared and standing on the stage was the magic loving girl as she was dressed in a magician's outfit and top hat.

"Wasn't ready for that." said Rainbow in a disappointed tone as she deactivated her duel disk.

"Why, hello, Rainbow Dash. If you're hoping for a glimpse of the ultimate power in the universe, you'll have to wait 'til tonight." said Trixie as she noticed the girl getting on the stage with her as she wiped her top hat from any bits of dust.

"Nah. Just looking for bad magic." spoke Rainbow as Trixie took offense to that comment.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but the bad magic of others always follows the amazing magic of moi." responded the girl.

"What do you mean?"

"Ugh, I'm talking about the old grandpas in the audience who see my show and then try to impress their kids with a disappearing quarter trick on their way home!" complained Trixie as the old folks that were just asleep were doing what she said.

"Their magic only shows up in response to your magic!" said Rainbow as a thought was running through her head. "Huh! You're a genius!"

"Well, obviously. Now, do you mind helping me shove this ten-foot handkerchief down my sleeve?" asked Trixie as Rainbow ran out of the room. Trixie then began to struggle in putting all of those handkerchiefs down her sleeve.

Rarity had now reached the gift shop as she was in awe by what she saw. Tons of clothes, dresses, caps, plushies, etc... you name it. All of it was in front of the fashionista. So she got to work on splurging. She approached a mirror as she began to show off and model all the different items she was buying as she couldn't get enough. Soon she was buying stuff left and right, she even managed to get a keychain that Isaac requested. Once she got all that she needed the cashier then began to bag up and put the items in boxes/bags as she rang up the total price.

"Nine ninety-nine?" stated Rarity as she let out a squeal, "My savvy shopping smarts strike again! Though I probably should have asked Isaac to come with me so that he could carry all these bags. Here's ten." The cashier took the bill from Rarity as she then got her change which was a single copper penny as she tossed it over to the girl. Rarity struggled to catch the tiny coin that it fell down on the floor. She then bent down to grab it as soon another hand fell on top of it with her accidentally putting her on top of it before pulling away.

"By golly, that's real copper, it is! Blooming delightful!" said the person who was a boy with a cockney accent. "A... penny for your thoughts, miss?"

Rarity stammered a bit before responding, "Oh, you can't afford my thoughts."

"Quite right. Lovable scamp like meself. Ol' Ragamuffin, that's me name, innit?" said the boy as he helped Rarity onto her feet. "Uh, need a 'and?"

"Uh, Ragamuffin? I'm Rarity."

"Uh, Raar-it-ee? Hmmm." said the boy as he tried to say her name.

"Uh, no-no-no-no-no. Rarity." clarified the fashionista.

"Rarr-it-ee?" said the boy as his accent was getting in the way.

"Close enough." said Rarity as she let out a disappointed sigh.

On the main deck, the gang was getting ready for tonight's performance.

"Hmmm... Look at us! Getting ready to play at a pool party! Who knows what hijinks will ensue, am I right? Maybe I'll fall in the pool fully clothed! And everyone will laugh!" chuckled Twilight nervously hoping to get the others to bright up, but it didn't work. "Isaac! I need you!" shouted the girl as she called out to her boyfriend for help.

"What the hell do you want me to do?" shouted the boy as he was on the upper deck. He then grabbed a pulley as he swung down onto the deck as he dusted his shoulders off as he approached the group. "I'm already doing my part in that I'm providing the dueling entertainment with a duel for everybody on the ship."

"Yeah, but you need to calm me down before I lose it." stated the nerd as she reminded her boyfriend at how she could get at times when things didn't go according to plan.

"Fine." said Isaac as he rolled his eyes and looked at the three girls. "What's the problem?"

Pinkie just let out a sigh, "My whole life, I've been taught that you could only berry blast a butter biscuit on a bundt cake with two layers of chocolate. But this afternoon, I saw the truth. The buffet has a Triple Choco-Berry Blasted Butter Biscuit Bundt Cake."

"And you didn't get the recipe little sis?" asked Isaac as he was hoping to try it when they got back home.

Twilight rolled her eyes at what her boyfriend said, "How was it?!"

"I don't know! 'Cause Rainbow Dash got me banned from the buffet!"

"What?!" shouted Twilight.

"Everyone please, a moment of silence for this unfortunate tragedy." said Isaac as he put his head down and took off his cap in respect as Pinkie did the same by copying the boy's movement. There was a tiny violin in the background as it provided the pair with some sad music. "Let us not forget this day." spoke Isaac as Twilight just facepalmed herself at the actions her boyfriend and one of her best friends were doing.

"She also scared the animals in the petting zoo. Now they don't want pets." said the shy girl before whispering, "It's just a zoo."

"Ugh. She sure wasn't helpin' me not get sick off the side of the boat." spoke Applejack as she struggled to stand up.

"Yeah, thanks for charging me Aj." stated the boy as had to pay the bill for her throwing up.

"Screw you, city slicker. If I wasn't sick, I come over and slug you on the head." said Applejack before her stomach got queasy.

"But you're still having fun, right?" asked Twilight as she was worried.

"Oh, of course." said Fluttershy.

"Yeah." said Pinkie sarcastically as her head was down on her drum with her arm raising up to give a thumbs up.

Applejack's response was just a gag as she ran off to find someplace to throw up.

"I'm sorry, everyone." said Twilight as she felt bad her friends weren't having fun on their last Spring Break as high schoolers.

"It's not your fault." stated Sunset as she comforted her friend.

"Cheer up, Twi. How about we have a talk with Rainbow?" suggested Isaac as he pulled the girl in for a hug as he stroked her hair to which it made her feel a bit better.

"Hey, gang! Sorry I'm late! So, listen. I've got an idea for our show tonight! We unleash some awesomeness on the crowd! I'm talkin' rainbow lasers!" said the girl as she approached the stage and got on.

"Is that a thing?" asked Sunset.

"Oh hell no!" stated Isaac. "That'll cost more money and I already paid enough for this trip."

"I agree with Isaac, that's not a thing." stated Fluttershy.

"It will be after we do it tonight!" said Rainbow. "And stop whinnying about your money, Isaac. You still got plenty of cash from our trip to Las Pegasus."

"Yeah, but I don't spend it all in one place, and especially on your ass. You buy the most expensive shit that I've seen." responded the boy.

"Ah, forget you. Who's with me?" asked Rainbow hoping for some support from the others.

"Rainbow Dash, can we talk to you for a second?" asked Sunset as she and Isaac pulled their friend to the side. "Twilight worked really hard to plan this trip for all of us, and... uh, how can I say this without being mean?"

"I don't think you can, Sunset." stated Isaac.

"Just say it! I can take it!" stated the girl.

"You're ruining it for everyone!" shouted the bacon-haired girl.

"Ouch! Your words just... punched my feelings." said Rainbow in a somber tone.

"You said you could take it." exclaimed Sunset.

"Rainbow stop being a little bitch." stated Isaac as the got the message across loud and clear about her whinnying. That worked as she shot a glare at her male friend.

"Just stop looking for a problem when there isn't one. How's that?" suggested Sunset.

"And if that don't work, then about this? You upset Twilight and I'm gonna be mad pissed, and you've seen how I get when I'm pissed off!" exclaimed the boy as he didn't want his girlfriend to feel bad during the trip. Soon they heard giggling.

"Hello, darlings!"

"Where have you been?" asked Twilight.

"Avin' a li'l chat with ol' Ragamuffin, she was!" said the person as he was carrying all of Rarity's bags and set them on the stage. "All right, all right. Thanks for ev'rything, Rarit-y." said the boy as Rarity let out a sigh of lovesick, "Good luck for all that music an' whatnot." said the boy as he shook Applejack's hand who came back from throwing up and then had to leave again to vomit.

"It's like he fell out of a historical romance novel." said Rarity.

"Is that how romance sounds?" asked Fluttershy.

"Not when Twilight and I got together." said the boy. "Well, at least Rarity has someone she can chase after and finally lose the crush she still has on me."

It was now nighttime as everybody was getting everything ready for the girl's performance. The crew was moving the tables and setting up the food and drinks as they made sure their was enough room for the guests to move and dance. Isaac had to hand over the money for the extra lasers effects that Rainbow wanted as he was deeply regretting it. The girls were on stage as they had changed outfits for the performance and were wearing different skirts/dresses. Once everything was ready and the girls did a sound check, Rainbow gave the signal to Isaac that they were about to start as he got off the stage and stood on the side of the stage as he watched the girls do their thing as the music started to play.

Get in the groove
You bring your dancing shoes
I'll bring the attitude
You bring the crew so we can move

Light up the floor
Turn up the bass
Yeah, let me see that smile on your face

Come on and go with the flow
Gonna steal the show, yeah

The whole people on the deck were now moving and grooving to the girl's music as Isaac just folded his arms and leaned against a pillar as he listened to the song.

Let me show you how it goes

Repeat after me!

'Cause it's all, all, all, all good
I feel abso-absolutely amazing
'Cause it's all, all, all, all good
I feel abso-absolutely amazing

"Rainbow lasers!" shouted Rainbow as she looked at Isaac. He just rolled his eyes as he was next to the effect machines as he simply flipped a switch and as per her request tons of different sizes of rainbow lasers appeared as it helped to make the performance more visually appealing.

However at the moment, all the little stage lights had their light bulbs go out one by one as soon the whole ship shutdown as there was no power and they were dead in the water. Everybody on board got scared at what was going on that there was small bits of chatter and mumbling.

"Oh! It's about to go down!" shouted Rainbow as she threw her guitar on the floor and said that in an excited tone.

"The ship's going down?!" said one of the patrons as it caused all the other people to scream and run for their lives.

"Not the ship! The ship's not going down! Ugh! I meant evil! Stop screaming!" stated Rainbow.

"Rainbow, you dumb idiot!" called out Isaac. "Have you never watched Titanic, don't say shit like that!"

"I haven't gotten to that part yet!" responded the girl.

"It's a movie everybody has seen."

"I'm a slow movie watcher, other than Daring Do." stated the chromatic girl.

"What happened to the lights?" asked Fluttershy.

"What happened to the engine?" stated Rarity.

"Awww, I hate seeing a party get shut down before its time." complained Pinkie.

"The good news is now that it's dark, maybe my brain won't know I'm on a boat", stated Applejack as it worked for a second before he gagged, "Oh, no. It heard me. Blegh!"

"Let's not let a little thing like a total mechanical and electrical failure ruin our fun." said Twilight as she was trying to get the situation from getting out of more hand as the others had uneasy looks on their faces.

"Mahad, Mana." said Isaac quietly to himself as he summoned his magicians, "Do a quick sweep of the boat, don't want to fully believe it, but just to make sure."

"You got it, Isaac."

"At once, master."

Isaac's two magicians then left as they had been given their orders and left. Isaac then approached the girls as Twilight was trying to figure out how to turn this negative into a positive.

"Leave it to me!" said the girl as she left towards the engine room, "Come with me." Twilight grabbed Isaac's hood as she dragged her boyfriend with her.

"She's wasting her time! Because this is magic!" shouted Rainbow.

"Stop!" shouted Sunset.

"You stop! We should split up and search the ship! Who's with me?" asked the girl as the only answer. "Ugh! That's the last time I ask 'who's with me?'." mumbled Dash as she was on her own with a flashlight in hand as she was searching for any signs of evil.

Meanwhile, below the deck, Twilight and Isaac were with the engineers of the boat trying to get the power on. Well moreso for Twilight as she took it upon herself to get her hands dirty on fixing the engineer which Isaac did admit was a bit of a turn on seeing his girlfriend not mind getting right into the thick of things.

"I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, but, heh, may I?" smirked Twilight as she slid under the control deck and began to look at it.

"Ohh, you guys messed up big time if you got my girlfriend doing this. And she's not a mechanic." smirked Isaac as he was leaning on top of the control desk. "I think this counts me as getting my money back for not being satisfied." said the boy as the crew all gave dirty looks as he had a sly smile. "How's it going, Twi?"

"Terrible!" shouted the girl as she let out a groan, "What a mess! Did you even read the six-hundred-page online emergency handbook?!" The crew just shrugged their shoulders as Twilight shook her head.

"Well, I can't blame them." stated Isaac as he pulled it up on his phone to look at it. "And this is the light version, compared to hardcover." said Isaac as he was holding the massive book in his hand. "This thing is so thick that I'm surprised you don't have this in your own personal library of books."

"Shut up, you." said Twilight as she ignored the remark made by her boyfriend.

"Well, excuuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess," said Isaac as he stuck his tongue out at her as it was his favorite comment to get a reaction from his girlfriend as she returned the gesture to her boyfriend before sliding back under the desk and getting back to work.

"I'll be expecting my money back soon." said Isaac to the crew as he left Twilight to handle things here as he exited the room.

[cartoony skittering]

Pinkie had snuck into the dining room as she was prepared to complete her mission.

"Time to raid the desert buffet under cover of darkness! Triple Choco-Berry Blasted Butter Biscuit Bundt Cake, here I come!" said the party girl.

"Who said zat?!" said Puffed Pastry as she heard a sound.

"No one!" shouted Pinkie as she quickly hid herself, "Shouldn't you be upstairs?"

Puffed Pastry then slammed the table with her hands as it was still dark, but if she had looked down she would have seen the pink girl hiding, "Somebody has to guard ze bundt cakes! Stay back! I have a spatula!" The chef then pulled it out as it was mere inches from Pinkie's face as she zipped away to try to avoid being found while also stealing the dessert.

"Hello... Ragamuffin..." said Rarity as she was looking for the boy in one of the main floors of the boat. There was some noise coming from a door as the sound was muffled.

"Ragamuffin? Are you down here? I was just, uh," Rarity then cleared her throat as she opened the door, "in the neighborhood, and, um..." Inside was the boy as he was entertaining some folks with a Irish jig of sorts as they were clapping to the rhythm of the music. "Who needs electricity when you have... whatever this is?"

Rainbow was currently leaning on the boat as her search for "evil magic" came up on a loose end. The rain above rumbled with electricity as the waves were fierce. The wind was blowing hard as her hair was flapping in the breeze. She then looked up and saw the lightning strike the water as she looked at it and it formed a symbol of sorts.

"Whoa! I knew it! Evil magic! You guys gotta see this!" said Rainbow as she raced off to find her friends.

Twilight was still working on the engine as she seemed to be about to finish.

"All that's left is to hold this lead wire in place while the auxiliary unit cycles, and everything should be back to normal in three... two... one—"

"No time for that!" said Rainbow as she grabbed her friend.

"Aah!" shouted Twilight as she was yanked from under the engine with the cord in her hand as it let out a small explosion as electricity flowed out.

Pinkie was still evading Puffed Pastry as she was this close to tasting the treat. She then pulled out a piece of candy from her hair as she tossed it to hit one of the plates as it made a sound and cause Puffed Pastry to check it out. That was all the moments she needed as she grabbed the cake and was about to take a bite of it when...

"No time for that!" shouted Rainbow as she dragged Pinkie with her as she dropped the cake and Puffed Pastry saw it hit the floor.

"Gah! Banned for life!" said the cook as she saw Pinkie before she disappeared around the corner.

In the stage room, Rarity was having a talk with Ragamuffin as he began to discuss his childhood.

"Well, me pa worked in a coal mine, but I always wanted to dance! Eh, a fancy girl like you wouldn't understand."

"Well, actually, in the school production of Bedazzled, I played a coal miner's daughter who danced in bedazzled magical boots from her fairy bootmother. So..." chuckled Rarity as she understood the boy's ambitions. They soon got closer until..

"No time for that!" shouted Rainbow as she now fetched Rarity and were soon out the door.

"Mahad, Mana, report." said Isaac as his magicians appeared.

"Nothing on deck, Isaac." said Mana.

"But... we feel something..." stated Mahad.

"I feel it too... like... magic... but not just any." said Isaac as he looked out over the sea and saw a storm coming towards them as both he and his monsters could sense a certain danger about to approach them. He then noticed the girls were on the deck below him as he listened in to what they were talking about.

"I promise, this is more important than all of your things." said Rainbow as she was leading the girls with a flashlight to where she saw the thing. The others were all skeptically murmuring amongst themselves.

"I don't think so!" said Pinkie as she said her comment out loud.

"Behold! Evil magic!" said Rainbow.

"Huh?" said the girls as they looked at the water but saw and found nothing.

"What? Huh? The whole ocean was glowing a minute ago! It went 'whoosh-whoosh-whoosh' w-with little ribbon thingies!" said Rainbow as she too was shocked to find that there was nothing even though she saw something earlier.

"Do you know which sorcerer can conjure the greatest magic of all? Mother Nature." stated Twilight indignantly with her arms crossed.


"What you saw was probably nothing more than an innate phosphorescent biochemical property of common algae." stated Twilight as she went to her over the top explanation.

"Whaaaat? If that's what you think, then let's get in lifeboats and I'll prove it! The magic came from that way! We sail out and find the source!" stated Rainbow.

"And then?"

"Then we prep our decks. It's go time!"

"Which means?"

"We take no prisoners!"

"Where would we take them?"

"Who?" asked Rainbow.

"The prisoners. That's kidnapping! Are you even listening to yourself?!" stated Twilight.

"You don't want me to be right because you're scared to be a superhero!"

"We're not superheroes!"

"Oh, oh! Excuuuuse me! We're just ordinary girls who have saved the world from complete destruction multiple times!" said Rainbow as she was trying to prove her point.

"Uh, yes." said the girl, "And technically, when it came to stopping the big evil force, Isaac had to deal with it head on." added Twilight as Isaac was listening on the upper deck.

"Keep telling yourself that! But the rest of us aren't in denial! Right, everyone? Let's get to those boats and do what we do best! Who's with me?!" asked Rainbow as she looked to the other girls for some support but they were not buying her story. "Okay, that's the last time I say that." said the chromatic girl as she stormed off.

The other soon disbursed as they figured it be best to turn in for the night. Twilight was still uneasy at how the conversation went with Rainbow. She then looked up at the upper deck and saw Isaac as he had been listening and watching the whole thing. The wind had picked up as it was blowing against both of them as her skirt, and Isaac's hoodie fluttered in the wind as the two stared long and hard at each other with a look. Isaac tighten his cap on his head to avoid it flying off as he turned to leave as Twilight then reached up to her neck and touched the necklace that Isaac had given her as she started to head to her cabin.

The storm was still going as a lightning bolt struck the sea as it caused the ship to shake as the chandelier above it felt the force of nature as it caused some people to be worried. The girls and some of the other patrons were in the dining room having some breakfast even though the sky was still stormy.

"I wasn't very nice to Rainbow Dash last night." said Twilight as she was picking at her food lost in thought.

"No one's blaming you for wanting to give us a normal spring break." said Sunset. "Besides, what Isaac said yesterday when we first boarded is kinda true. We're graduating very soon, and that means our adventuring days are at this point close to being if not over. We all are becoming adults and being adults means having responsibilities. I see why Isaac is now scared about his future, cause he knew this was coming a long time ago. I guess all of use just took till senior year to finally realize that time has really flown by and we're all near the end of our journey."

"Yeah, he's right. As much as we enjoy having these fun adventures, we can't have them anymore. Out there in the real world, we won't have that luxury of hanging out with our friends and having fun cause we'll be doing our own thing." stated Twilight. "But I'm glad to have made all these memories and friends, I wouldn't trade you or any our friends for anything in the world. In any world."

"Aww. Same here. How about we make sure Rainbow Dash knows that, too?" said Sunset as she and Twilight left the dining room in search of their friend as when they opened the door, Pinkie was sitting next to it as the ban rule was still in effect as she cuddled her knees like a homeless person. She let out a sigh when Fluttershy appeared with a tray of breakfast to give to her friend as she let out a gasp and hugged her.

[wind blowing]

"Rainbow Dash! Let's have a do-over!" called out Twilight as she and Sunset were walking the deck with the wind blowing their hair.

"If you're looking for Rainbow, you won't find her." said Isaac as lightning went off and casted his shadow outline.

"AHH!" said both girls as they saw their male friend.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack, boy toy." said Sunset as she and Twilight had a bit of a jump scare. She then saw he was leaning against the railing as he looked out to the sea. "You don't think she went off into the storm, do you?"

"Oh, I'll call her." said Twilight as she pulled out her phone and dialed Rainbow' number as the phone rang but no answer as it went straight to voicemail.

"What up, nerds? It's Rainbow Dash having way too much fun being awesome to answer your call! So leave a message, if you're too old to text me!" said the voicemail as lightning struck and the storm clouds were rolling in.

"She left on one of the lifeboats and head towards that island." said the boy as he pointed out as there was tiny piece of land that was just in view.

"And you didn't stop her?!" shouted Twilight as she grabbed her boyfriend by his hoodie.

"You think I didn't try!" said Isaac as he grabbed Twilight's hand off of his attire. "Hell, she broke into my cabin and tried to take my deck."

"Wait, what?!" said Sunset.

"It may have still been storming, but I knew it was morning when I saw Rainbow trip and fall as she dropped my deck and the cards scattered on the floor. They were all facedown, so she just grabbed one without looking as she hoped it was my Dark Magician. Guess she was hoping to use it against whatever 'evil' she saw." said Isaac.

"This is bad!" said Twilight.

"Well, she didn't take it." said the boy as he pulled out his deck and then showed the top card as it was his ace magician. "She took a different card."

"Which one?" asked Sunset.

"Well, I looked through all my monsters and she took one of my pendulum cards. A lot of good it'll do her since she doesn't know how to properly use it."

"Well, either way we need to find her." said Twilight as she and the two of them all left to find the rest of their friends.

After telling the others of where Rainbow was, they all gathered by the side of the boat as there was a lifeboat as Sunset was getting ready to go after their friend.

"You're going after her?" asked Twilight.

"Of course!" stated Sunset as she got in one of the lifeboats. "What about you? Are you in?"

"Of course I'm in! A hundred percent on board!" said Twilight as the sound of thunder went off in the background.

"Then get on board."

"I just said I.... 'On board'." joked Twilight.

"Oof. I'll fix the engine while you're gone. We'll be ready to go before that storm hits us." said Applejack as she was still a bit sick. She almost fell over as Pinkie caught her friend.

"But you're seasick. Going below deck is the worst thing you could do." informed Sunset.

"Not worse than losin' Rainbow Dash." said the country gal.

"I'll help keep people calm! Get cake. I mean, keep people calm!" said Pinkie as she was still determined to complete her mission.

"And I'll make sure there's lifejackets for everyone. Even grandchildren." said the shy girl as she held a bunny.

"And I'll inform the below-deck crew. Even though we're from two different worlds. One a lonely coal miner, the other a sophisticated beaut—"

"Rarity!" shouted Isaac as he interrupted the girl's dialogue.

"I mean..." said Rarity as she cleared her throat, "I'll, uh, I'll, uh, I'll help Applejack."

"We'll find Rainbow Dash and be back as soon as possible." said Sunset as she and Twilight entered the lifeboat.

"Don't worry, I'll watch over everyone." said Isaac. "You two stay safe."

"Got it." said both girls.

"I'll be back." said Twilight as she stood up on the lifeboat as Isaac approached her.

"I know, and I'll do my best to keep everyone calm." stated the boy as he gave his girlfriend a good luck kiss as he then grabbed the pulley and began to lower the girls into the water. "And when you find Rainbow, smack her for me for taking my card!"

The lifeboat landed in the water as Sunset was the navigator while Twilight was in charge of the motor. Soon they were heading in the direction of the island. Or at least staying in place.

"You forgot to untie the rope." said Sunset as she noticed they weren't moving.

"Oh, yeah." stated the bookworm nervously as she did that and now they were off in search of their friend.

Isaac watched the two of them as they faded out of view. He wished them the best of luck as he turned back to look at the rest of the girls.

"Alright, you heard Sunset and Twilight. Don't worry, they'll bring back Rainbow. Right now our priority is to make sure everyone stays calm. So let's get to our parts, anything happens notify us on these walkie-talkies." said Isaac as he handed one to Applejack and Rarity. "Move out, girls!"

"Right!" said the gang.

They all left while Isaac remained on deck as he looked out at the sea as he noticed the storm produce lightning as it struck the water and he saw a glow. Isaac could feel a disturbance as strapped on his duel disk and it produced a gold card tray as his magicians appeared by his side as they felt something coming towards them fast. It was faint, but Isaac could hear some sounds as soon the things in the water had their targets and then swam towards the cruise ship.

Sunset and Twilight were in their lifeboat as soon they came upon their destination.

"There! That's her boat! Rainbow Dash?!" said Sunset as she took off her life vest and approached to see that their friend had taken off.

"Any sign of her? You don't think she... went in there?" stated Twilight as she pointed into the jungle.


"Where's Fluttershy when we need her?" said Sunset as she noticed a parrot squawking.

"I'm going in that jungle!" squawked the parrot.

"I'm going in that jungle?" repeated Sunset as she had a confused look on her face. Soon she realized something, "The parrot must be repeating what she said. Let's go!"

"In there?" Twilight was a bit nervous at entering the dark jungle. "Anyone could've said that."

"Or my name isn't Rainbow Dash!" squawked the parrot.

"Ugh! Fine."

Both girls then put on their duel disks as they prepared for any signs of danger. Sunset entered first with Twilight following behind her as she was scared of what was inside the dense shrubbery. And so they entered with Sunset pressing on without a care in the world as Twilight was let out screams at every little thing she came across as she was now wishing Isaac was here to keep her safe. As they were walking they soon heard a scream.

"Help! Help! Heeeeeellllllp!" shouted Rainbow as she was trapped. "Ugh! Way to go, Rainbow Dash. You did it again. You had to go off on your own, didn't you?"

"Rainbow Dash!" called out Sunset as she and Twilight found their friend.

"Oh, hey! Uh, heh, 'sup? Um, just takin' a rest in here, y'know? Finding evil magic is hard work." Rainbow was trying to play it off cool.

"Did you find any?" glared Twilight indignantly.

"Nah. Just quicksand."

"Ugh. Don't struggle. We'll find something to pull you out." informed Sunset as she began to look for an item to help their friend.

"Struggle? Who's struggling?" joked the chromatic girl as she was struggling.

"Typical Rainbow Dash!" muttered Twilight under her breath as she still had a glare expression on her face.

"I've had a little time to think. Okay, a lot of time, actually. And I spent most of it wishing I could make it up to you. Because you were right."

"Twilight's wrong!" squawked the parrot from earlier as it was sitting in a branch next to Rainbow.

"Anyone... could've said that." chuckled Dash sheepishly.

"Or my name isn't Rainbow Dash!" squawked the parrot as it ratted out the girl.

"Ugh. Gotta stop saying my name all the time." Twilight just gave a scoff at her friend as she broke off a branch from a tree. "I was a little annoyed at first, but I'll admit it: I ruined everyone's spring break for nothing. There's no magic out here! Nothing magical at all! The only villain trying to ruin spring break was me."

"...And maybe that giant plant monster?" said Sunset as she and Twilight noticed a huge object appearing behind their friend.

"What giant plant monster?" asked Rainbow.

"That giant plant monster!" said Twilight in fear as she pointed at it.

Rainbow looked up and saw the plant monster as it had mouth open above the her head. The girls all let out a scream at seeing it; the plant then descended its jaws as it looked to devour Rainbow when it was being held by some magic. Rainbow opened her eyes and saw that Twilight's deck was glowing as soon out emerged her High Priestess of Prophecy as she was using her powers to hold back the creature, but it was proving to be tough. Sunset then looked at her deck as it too was glowing and soon her Gearfried came out as it appeared and at that moment, small vines that were about to wrap around the girls were then cut down by his sword.

"Seems the magic is making the monsters in our deck real." said Sunset.

"Look that's awesome, but get me out of here!" screamed Rainbow as she was still trapped.

"We're trying!" said Twilight.

"Try harder!" screamed the girl as she was reaching for a stick that Sunset had extended out for her to grab.

"I can't hold it forever, Twilight. It's too strong." stated High Priestess.

Sunset was doing her best to reach forward as her Gearfried was making sure that none of the vines made it to his mistress as he needed to buy her time. Rainbow then got a hold of the stick as Sunset was now pulling her friend towards her when the head of the plant monster broke free from the magical hold of High Priestess as it slammed one of its vines into the quicksand as it broke the stick that Sunset was using as now Rainbow's whole body but her head was under.

"Oof! Take my hand!"

"Take your hand?" said Rainbow as she couldn't physically do that. A small bubble popped at it was small sparkles in it.

"I've seen something like this before." said Sunset as she began to dig a bit into the quicksand. Her hand then revealed a small portal as it was shining in her face. "This is definitely Equestrian magic!" She then turned back as her monster was now being overwhelmed by the vines as they wrapped around his arms to keep it from moving. Twilight and her Priestess were now starting to be surrounded.

"I have a way out of this. Do you trust me?"

"Of course!" answered Rainbow.

"See you soon!" said Sunset as she shoved Rainbow's head into the quicksand as she disappeared.

"Did you just...?!" shouted Twilight.

"I'll explain later! We jump on three!" informed Sunset.

At that moment, the monster overpowered Twilight's monster as she fell down and soon disappeared as her life energy was depleted.

"One, two, three!" said Sunset as she grabbed Twilight and the both of them were sent into the quicksand as soon they entered the portal and it shot a beam of energy into the sky for a few moments.

Back on the ship, Isaac was dealing with his own problems on deck as several Duel Monsters had showed up out of nowhere as he was engaged in horde of Atlantean monsters that were in the water as some of them jumped onto the ship. Isaac had his royal knights out to engage as they were doing their best to keep the enemy off as they kicked them off the ship and crashing back into the water below. Isaac managed to dodge roll a surprise attack as he looked up and saw the beam of energy shoot into the sky as Twilight and Sunset had entered the portal at that very moment.

"Oh no." said Isaac in a slow and worried voice.

The portal was now closed as the whole room was dark.

"Where are we?" asked Twilight as it was so dark that the only thing that produced light were her eyes.

"Not about to get eaten. Good enough for me." replied Rainbow as her eyes were the only things being shown.

"It's... more complicated than that." said Sunset as her eyes were now present. Soon a light produced from the top of her head as she was using her unicorn horn to fill the room with light.

"Whoa..." said Rainbow as she took in the surroundings and at what they had all turned into as Twilight just let out a scream.

Once they exited the cave, Twilight was still screaming as she looked at a pond of water to see her reflection.

"PONY FACE!" screamed the girl as it turns out she had glasses on her face and didn't have wings like her Equestrian counterpart. She did have her duel disk on her left front leg and the necklace Isaac had given her around her neck.

"Twilight! You're okay! This is supposed to happen!" said Sunset as she tried to get her friend to calm down.

"All my things are horse things!" gasped the girl as she looked at herself and saw a mark on her flank.

"'Round here we call them 'pony things'."

"Incoming! Wah!" said Rainbow as she had tried to fly given that she had wings, but soon came crashing into the ground and hit some bushes. Like the other two, she also had her duel disk on her front leg.

"That wasn't quicksand back there. The sand was covering a portal to Equestria. I thought there was only one from school to Celestia's mirror, but who knows how many there are and where they might lead?" said Sunset as she was surprised by this discovering. Not to mention that aside from Isaac, only she knew about this world existing.

"Sorry, I wasn't listening. Because we're ponies!" screamed the purple girl now turned unicorn.

"Y'know, Twilight, since I kinda messed things up on the boat, maybe this could be your vacation!" said Rainbow as she emerged from the bushes and shook off the leaves that fell on her.


"We're here, we're ponies. Let's have some fun! Pony style! Whoa!" said Rainbow as she tried to stand up bipedal style.

"Uh, that's not a thing we say." stated Sunset.

"This would be a fantastic opportunity to study the physical laws of a novel dimension." explained Twilight.

"Shouldn't we be getting back?" suggested the orange unicorn.

"It's just a little rain. I'm sure our friends are fine." stated the pegasus.

"By the way, how and where are we?" asked Twilight as she wanted some answers.

"Guess, it's finally time I told you."

Sunset then had the pair sit down as she began to explain the details of this world and how she and Isaac traveled to this place during this past summer break as she told them about their adventure.


"Who gave you permission... to...board... my... ship!" shouted Isaac as he delivered a good kick to an Atlantean solider as he let out a scream and fell into the water as it made a splash. "Look at me, I'm the captain now." Soon a blade swung at his head as he ducked his head as his cap stayed in the air as he pulled it down and began to run as the Atlantean monster chased after him before he was struck down by King's Knight.

"Watch yourself, young Isaac." said the knight.

"No shit." replied Isaac as his Queen's Knight was now in front of the boy as she was guarding her young master from any danger.

"Let's have some fun!!" cackled Joker's Knight as he let out a hysteric laugh as he stood on one of the ships poles and then did a spinning slash as he took out several monsters and then had some big poker cards appear as they began to fire beams at the monsters as they soon fell back into the water.

"Control yourself, Joker." stated Arcana Triumph Joker as she knew how her comrade loved to let loose and go crazy given his role and name.

"But there's nothing like a wild card." laughed Joker's Knight. "What do you say, young Isaac?" asked the knight as he looked at his master.

"Keep it to a minimum." informed the boy.

"Yes." cackled the knight even more as he prepared for some madness.

Applejack was in the control room as she was looking to get engine back online as she wanted a status update.

"Breaker-breaker four-and-a-half, this is 'Red Delicious' requestin' a storm status update! Over!" spoke the girl into the walkie-talkie.

"Ahoy, uh, matey! Uh, this is Rarity. Please repeat.. the words you said."

The symbol that Rainbow Dash had seen earlier was now in the sky as it produced a bolt of lightning as it shot toward the girls and ricochet around them as the girls all ducked and the nearby people all hide for cover.

"I'm beginning to wonder if—" Rarity then let out a scream as another bolt of lightning hit the wall next to her as it caused her to fumble the walkie-talkie as it went overboard, "...if this is no ordinary storm!"

"I don't think she heard you." said Pinkie as more lightning was happening as it caused the three girls to scream.

Soon they noticed some fighting sounds coming from the front end of the boat as they decided to check it out. They peaked from the corner as they saw the boy and his monsters were engaged in a battle as they were slowly surrounded them. Soon their decks in their duel disk began to glow. Isaac saw that he and his knights were surrounded as they had no opening, soon a blur of lightning itself came and took out a side of the Atlantean monsters as it was Fluttershy's Thunder Unicorn. Soon some blasts and cartoonish effects were heard as Pinkie's toons and Madolche monsters all threw food at the big bad monsters.

"Huh?" said the boy as he saw the girl's monsters and then looked back as he saw the girls hiding behind the corner. "Thanks for the help, but are you girls gonna hide behind there or help me out!" shouted Isaac.

"Fine." said the girls as they all stepped forward.

"Rarity, summon your monsters."

"Very well." Rarity then picked the top three cards of her deck as they began to materialize as her Amethyst Cat, Topaz Tiger, and Amber Mammoth all appeared.

Both cats let out a growl as they were prepared from combat, however as soon as Rarity's Amber Mammoth landed on the boat, it suddenly started to tip over as the giant woolly creature was bringing the ship down.

"Rarity, too much weight!!" shouted Isaac as he grabbed onto a poll as the ship was tipping over.

"Sorry, darling." stated Rarity as she had to call back her mammoth to avoid sinking.

"Sorry, Ms. Rarity." said her Amber Mammoth as he couldn't help his mistress to fight given the circumstance and his weight.

"Don't fret, my sweet mammoth. You did the best you could." spoke the fashionista as she comforted her beast for being too "fluffy" to battle.

Once the weight was restored, the boat now tipped back in place as it allowed the kids to continue their battle with the sea monsters.

While the gang was dealing with their own battle at sea, Sunset had finished telling the story of her and Isaac coming to Equestria and how they had to keep it a secret and how she was originally from this place and whatnot. Bottom line is that she told them everything as they had made it to Ponyville as they were looking to get help from a "certain" princess.

"We'd better keep a low profile. Follow my lead." whispered Sunset as the three of them began to sneak around town as they made their way to the castle.

So using some cartoon effects they had managed to make it to the castle undetected as they hid in a bush. Along the way they did see Rainbow's Equestrian counterpart as they managed to hide at the last moment to keep the two from seeing each other as soon they were at the castle's gate. Inside the castle, a certain pony princess was dealing with her own issue.

"A little higher on the left." instructed Princess Twilight as she was getting Spike to hang a portrait on the wall as she helped the little drake position it with her magic. "Now on the right. A little more." The door then creaked opened as the princess turned around and saw Sunset peaking her head out from the bush. "Sunset Shimmer!"

"Twilight!" said the orange unicorn as she came out from the bushes.

"It's wonderful to see you!" said the alicorn as she hugged her friend, "What are you doing here?"

"It's a long story."

"Wait. But what are you doing here? The last time you came was to help me and my friends rid Equestria of evil Duel Monster spirits trying to takeover. After that you and Isaac left through Celestia's mirror and she had it sent to me for safekeeping. I put it in one of my spare rooms, so why did you come through the front door and not where I keep it?" asked Twilight as she soon let out a gasp, "Wait a minute, you found another portal between our worlds!"

"I guess it wasn't that long." said Sunset as the other two emerged from the bushes as well.

"Oh, I like her." said Twilight with a sly expression on her face.

"Rainbow Dash! And this must be the other me in your world! Please to meet you both!" said Twilight with a smile as she looked around the room searching for a certain someone. "What about Isaac?"

"Oh, well, he and the others are back home waiting for us. But they're fine. No reason to hurry back." said Sunset without a care in the world.

"Speaking of which, how do you know Isaac?" asked Twilight as she looked at her Equestrian counterpart as her cheeks blushed as she was starting to remember the details, especially of all the snuggled both did.

"Oh, I hope they hurry back!" said Fluttershy as she noticed one of the creatures about to strike her with his sword as she turned away. The monster was then kicked back by her small Ronin Raccoon as he took a defensive stance to protect his beloved animal princess. He then did his copy technique as his small brothers appeared ready to fight.

"Applejack said to tell you she's about to reconnect the engine and we might feel a little jolt." stated Pinkie as she got word about the ship.

"Oh. When?" asked the shy girl as her animals were fighting in the background.

"Oh, she didn't say." stated the pink girl.


At that sudden moment, the ship was zooming really fast as it went forward as all the sea creatures were tossed off the boat and landed back into the water. The gang's monsters all felt the rush as they all returned back to their owners' decks as the teens struggled to hold on.

Isaac managed to grab onto a beam as he pulled out his walkie-talkie.

"This is 'gold leader' to 'Red Delicious', report over."

"Red Delicious to Gold Leader, report."

"What the hell happened, AJ!!!!" shouted Isaac into the walkie-talkie.

"I don't know, I can't slow it down!" shouted the country gal. Soon a lightning bolt struck the boat as it short circuited the control panel. "And we just lost steering!"

"Oh, you gotta be shitting me!" shouted Isaac. He then held on as the boat was still going fast.


"...and that's the last time I ever went to a dragon wedding!" said Spike as he was telling the four ponies his tale as they all laughed.

"Oh, you have to try Ms. Cake's chocolate fondue. It takes twenty minutes though." suggested Princess Twilight.

"Ah, we have all the time in the world." said Twilight.

"We're running out of time! Watch out for rocks! Watch out for everything!" shouted Pinkie as she screamed her head off and running on the ship as they all started to slip and slid. The girls were all moving from side to side as Isaac moved with the weight of boat as he held his ground.

"I am going to kick Rainbow's and Sunset's ass when we get home!!!" yelled out Isaac as knew where the pair was. He noticed that the boat was heading towards the island as the girls let out a scream.

"Did you hear that? It sounded like Pinkie Pie yelling." stated Sunset. They all remained quiet as they listened and the door opened up.

"I was yelling, silly! Standing at the front door yelling, 'Fondue delivery!' Oh, hey, Rainbow Dash, pony-in-the-glasses-who-I-don't-recognize. Here. You have to try this! It's a fresh batch!" said the pink pony as she just acted like everything was normal.

Sunset used her magic to grab the treat and eat it as Rainbow used her hoofs to grab it and put it in her mouth as she smeared her mouth.

"Uh, ow! Too hot! It needs to be, like, twenty percent cooler."

Twilight tried her best to put the treat in her mouth as she held it with her magic. She tried to aim it to her mouth but missed a few times as it smeared her left cheek, her glasses, and then got it in her mouth. "Mmm! I love this!"

"I hate this!" shouted Rarity as she was sliding on the deck as she collided with the front of the boat as both girls followed behind as Isaac was sliding on his feet as he stopped himself and held his ground.

"I can't take much more of this!" groaned Fluttershy.

"You might not have to!" gasped Pinkie as she saw where they were heading, "Rock ho!"

The boat then collided with some rocks as it made a slice into the side of the hole as it was now the literally situation of Titanic. The ship was sinking as water was starting to enter the ship. Inside the ship, people noticed the water entering as they all ran away from it.

"Behold! The vase is now empty! The question is – can the Great and Powerful Trixie bring the water back?!" asked Trixie as she was performing a trick for some people. As she was trying to execute her trick, there was a rumbling happening as soon the door busted down as a huge wave of water entered the room as the people in the seats all ran. "Oh, no. I'm too powerful. I'm too powerful!" screamed the magic girl as she too ran.

Fluttershy looked to the side of the boat as she let out a gasp, "We're... sinking!" said the girl as lightning went off.

"And that was from the time I was rescued by my own pupil!" giggled Princess Twilight as she told her tale to the trio, "Which really gave me some perspective on the importance of mentoring."

"Kind of like how Isaac is doing it with the program and us." said Sunset.

"You ponies are, like, superheroes!" commented Twilight to her counterpart.

"Oh, we're not superheroes." said the alicorn.

"Sure, just ordinary ponies who save the world from complete destruction multiple times." said Twilight as she slowly realized she made the same point to Rainbow who was smiling smugly at her unicorn friend.

"Sound familiar?" taunted the pegasus.

"Here's a good one." said the princess as she pulled the sheet off of an item. "This is from our battle with the Storm King. He stole our magic and used it to create the most powerful storm in Equestria. But, luckily, my friends and I were able to work together to drain his magic and seal his power into this." As the princess was telling her tale, the cloth that wrapped the relic showed a symbol as Rainbow looked at it with a closer inspection.

"This symbol looks familiar." said the pegasus as she saw it matched the symbol she saw in the water.

"You've... seen this before?" said the princess with a bit of concern.

"It's just... That symbol. It looks exactly like what I thought I saw in the water when we were back on the boat. But we decided the magic glow was just Mother Nature."

"When you saw the thing that looked exactly like this thing, there wasn't any thunder or lightning accompanying it, right?" said the alicorn with a nervous laugh.

"Uh, there was definitely thunder." stated Sunset.

"Affirmative on the thunder." added Twilight.

"Okay. Nopony freak out, but I think that maybe there's a chance when we destroyed the Storm King, we didn't capture all his magic, and maybe it found its way into your world! It might be turning into a giant, magic storm and threatening your friends as we speak! NOPONY FREAK OUT!" shouted the princess as her right eye twitched a bit.

"Our friends!" stated Sunset.

"We have to go back!" said Twilight.

"Ladies... it's hero time!" said Rainbow Dash as she stood on the table as they began to figure out their plan.

Back in the human world, the storm was rampaging as the water was now halfway into the ship as the patrons were all running to higher ground.

"We're sinking!" said Fluttershy.

"That's not the only problem." said Isaac as he activated his duel disk once more as the sea monsters from before were back as they finally had caught up and were now boarding the ship. "Time to bring out the heavy artillery." said Isaac as Mahad and Mana appeared next to their master as they prepared to fight. "Get the people off the boat!" shouted the boy.

"To the lifeboats!" shouted Pinkie to the other patrons as a huge bolt of lightning struck the boat and took out the lifeboats as they all fell into the water as they sank. "And there go the lifeboats. That was a very specific lightning strike."

The storm was going crazy as up in the sky there was the Storm King's symbol as everybody screamed. Isaac was dealing with his own issues in keeping the monsters at bay that he couldn't help his friends. It felt like he was about to experience failure as he couldn't keep everybody safe like he promised. At that moment, Rainbow Dash, Sunset, and Twilight all emerged from the jungle as they came back from the portal.

"No time to lose! Let's do this!" shouted Rainbow as she saw the situation.

"Everybody, grab on!" said Twilight as she was holding the staff.

"Right!" added Sunset as she put her hands on the staff as Rainbow did the same.

All three of them then lifted the staff up high into the air as it shot a beam of magic upwards. The beam was now starting to suck in the storm magic as all the clouds were gathering into the relic; the symbol in the sky was then sucked in as well as everybody looked away as lightning was still going. The Duel Monsters that appeared were now started to fade away as they turned back into particles as they were now gone as the magic that allowed them to come alive disappeared. The girls all looked to the side as they saw the storm clouds being sucked into the staff as the sun was now back and the sky was clear.

"Weather update – sunny!" said Twilight.

"With a chance of awesome!"

"I can't believe how easy that was!" stated Sunset.

"I think we all learned a valuable lesson today." said the bookworm girl as there was still some screaming in the background.

"I learned we don't have to go looking for trouble. Just have to be there for each other when it finds us."

"But I guess if you hadn't run off, we wouldn't have what we need to go back and save our friends." stated Twilight.

"All part of the plan." said the chromatic girl.

"The ship is still sinking." squawked the parrot as he pointed to the ocean to get the girl's attention.

"Guys! The ship is sinking!" said Sunset as she pointed.

"Oh, no!" shouted Twilight.

"We gotta help them!" stated the orange girl as she and Twilight ran to their lifeboats to help their friends.

"It won't start!" said the girl as she informed Sunset.

"What do we do then?" asked Sunset.

All three of them were now thinking of a plan to save the ship and the people on it as they were running out of time. Soon a thought ran through Twilight's head as she looked at Rainbow's duel disk and grabbed it from her arm.

"Hey!" shouted Rainbow.

"Let me see something." said Twilight as she pulled out Rainbow's deck and began to look through it as she found the card she was looking for. "I knew it, Isaac's pendulum card."

"Oh, yeah. Forgot that I stole it. I mean, borrow." chuckled Rainbow nervously as Sunset gave her a glare as it caused the chromatic girl to shrink herself.

"I might have an idea." Twilight then picked up the staff as she pointed the relic at Isaac's card as a magic beam shot out of it.

The magic was working as it was now summoning the monster inside of the card as out emerged an individual. The person that emerged was roughly about their age from the look on his face and his facial features; he wore a swordsman outfit made up of blue and white clothing as it had a few belts on his jacket; he also wielded a silver sword as it was sheathed into the side of his belt and a pirate hat on his head with a feather sticking out. The girls were amazed by what they were seeing in front of them.

"Alright, what's the problem, Cap... oh?" said Sorcerer Swordsman.

"Uh, hey." spoke Twilight as she put the staff down.

"You're not Captain Isaac." said the young man.

"No, sorry. My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends." spoke the girl as the sorcerer looked at the other girls as they waved. "And we were wondering..."

"Did you say, 'Twilight Sparkle'?" asked Isaac's magician.


"Oh, my bad. Forgive me for not recognizing you Lady Sparkle; I've yet to actually see the face of my master's beloved. But I should have based on your voice, please accept my apology Lady Sparkle, it will not happen again." said Sorcerer Swordsman as he bent down on one knee and took his hat off to show his respect for Isaac's girlfriend.

"Ohh." giggled Twilight as she clapped her hands happily that Isaac had told his monsters that he was his girlfriend as they treated her with attention.

"Lady Sparkle?! Really?!" said both Sunset and Rainbow.

"Shut up, you two. Don't ruin this moment for me!" barked Twilight as she foaming at the mouth to show she was being serious. She then cleared her voice as she told the young spellcaster to rise up. "Don't worry about it, right now I am in need of your assistance."

"Anything for the beloved of my captain." said Sorcerer Swordsman as he put his hat back on. "Tis what does the fair maiden request?"

"Can you help save our friends and your master?" asked Twilight as she pointed out to see as the ship was sinking into the sea.

"Well, now. A job that big requires a ship, which fortunately I have." said the pirate magician as he snapped his fingers and soon out from the fog emerged a huge pirate ship as it was heading towards the group.

"No way!" said Rainbow as her jaw dropped at seeing the sight of the ship and the fact that Isaac had this monster as part of his deck.

"Incredible." stated Sunset as she and Twilight also dropped their jaws.

"She's the finest ship in the seven seas, but even she needs a crew." said Sorcerer Swordsman as he put on his pirate voice. "Thankfully, I've got the best one." The magician then pulled out his silver sword and pointed it to the ground in front of him as he began to chant a spell to himself. The magic was now surrounding his weapon as it then casted it to the sand as soon out rose some skeleton bones as they all rose up in pirate outfits and weapons as the girls huddled close as they saw the undead rise up.

The skeletons all looked at the girls when their captain called out.

"At easy lads, don't want to lay a hand on Lady Sparkle now, would we." stated Sorcerer Swordsman.

"Lady Sparkle." said the skeleton crew as they all bowed down in respect of Isaac's girlfriend.

"I think I can get used to this." smiled Twilight as she liked how Isaac taught his monsters to treat her with all the attention she wanted like a genuine princess.

"Yeah, look it's cool. But we need to save our friends!" shouted Sunset.

"Well then, all board! All hands! Prepare to make sail!" shouted Isaac's magician as he grabbed Twilight's hand and led her on the ship as Sunset and Rainbow followed behind them as the skeleton crew was behind them as they began to sing a pirate shanty.

Yo ho
Yo ho
A pirate's life for me

"Why does Isaac have a pirate on his team?" complained Rainbow.

"Technically, he's swordsman." stated Sunset.

"This is how it ends huh." said Isaac as he saw that they were just moments from going underway. Soon he saw some smoke appear as he figured something was coming. Soon it became more clear and bigger as it turned out to be a ship. It came into focus as Isaac saw a figure waving to them as it came up to the side of the boat.

"Ahoy, mateys!" said Twilight.

"Ridiculous imitation- and yet, I'm flattered." said Sorcerer Swordsman as he was at the helm steering the ship as he smiled at the girl who his master was with.

"Right on!" said Isaac as he now jumped from the cruise ship to the pirate boat as he landed on the deck and was met with Twilight wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Told you we come back." said Twilight.

"Took your time now, didn't you." snickered the boy. He then looked at the crew around them as they were now human, but more so that Isaac's magician casted a spell to make the undead crew look real in front of the others so as not to freak them out. He then looked at his magician as he tipped his pirate cap at his captain.

Isaac's deck now glow as soon his Mirage Magician appeared in her fishnet sleeves and stockings as well as a white corset that all matched with a cerulean trench coat. She then took off her masquerade eye mask as she looked at her male companion who was about the same age as her.

"Where we you?!" asked the girl.

"Pardon me, Mirage. But crewmate Dash snuck into the captain's quarters and winded up stealing my card." said Isaac's magician as he pointed at the chromatic girl to which Isaac shot her a glare. "Anyways, I'm back and in time. The crew was getting worried of not seeing you."

"Pretty lady." said the undead crew.

Mirage Magician just slapped a couple of the crew in a row as they all fell back and let out a comedic scream as they got hit. She then put on her mask back as she disappeared back into Isaac's deck to avoid the stares.

"So you helped them, bud?" asked Isaac.

"But of course, what kind of pirate would I be if I left the beloved of my captain high dry. Wouldn't be much of a pirate now, would I." stated Sorcerer Swordsman. "What's the orders captain?"

"Get everyone on board." shouted Isaac.

"Yes captain!" shouted the crew.

"Make way then, drop canvas! With a will, lads! Let's save these people before they're lost to Davy Jones himself." spoke Sorcerer Swordsman he started to direct the men.

It took a while but soon all the people were rescued by the crewman as they helped to get the patrons and the workers on board. Even the animals were all accounted for as they had strict orders from Fluttershy to save the critters. Pinkie even managed to save Puffed Pastry from being trapped underwater as she finally got to taste that cake despite it being soggy. With that the ship had finally dropped into the sea as everyone was on board and Sorcerer Swordsman was now heading for the island they came from. They landed as everybody got off as they were glad to be alive.

"Thanks, bud." said Isaac.

"Of course, Captain. You two, Lady Sparkle." said the pirate as he tipped his hat off and then steered his ship into the fog as they disappeared, but more so that the magic that made him alive from the staff now expired as it returned back to the relic and Isaac looked at his pendulum card to see his magician was back inside.

"Well, I s'pose this is goodbye." said Ragamuffin to Rarity.

"Take care of yourself." spoke Rarity.

"You, too, Rar-i-ee."

"Ragamuffin, don't let anyone tell you you can't be a dancer. For all coal turns to diamonds!" said the girl in her dramatic voice.

"That's the best advice I've ever heard!" said the boy in his normal voice as he dropped his accent and walked away.

"Thank yo— Wait. What?" said the fashionista as she couldn't believe what she heard. "Forget it, I can go back to having the crush on Isaac."

"So... now what?" asked Fluttershy.

"I might have a way home. But it's... kinda weird." said Sunset as she looked at the Storm King's staff.

"A little more on the left. A little more. Perfect." said Princess Twilight as she was still putting up her picture.

"Phew!" said Spike as he wiped his forehead. At that moment the door opened as it cause the picture to drop as Spike just let out a frustrated sigh and flopped down on the ladder as Twilight looked at the door with a surprised look.

"We're back!" said Sunset in a sing-song voice.

And so the plan to get back home was to go through the mirror. Thankfully, Isaac had his magicians use their magic to cast a spell that would wipe everybody's memories, except the main group, of them being in Equestria as they wanted to keep things secret. The last bit walked through the mirror as Sunset waved and stepped through herself. The only ones left were Isaac, and both Twilights.

"Promise me this won't happen again." stated the princess with a look.

"Can't say." said the boy turned colt. "Hey."

"Hey." smiled the princess back as it had been a long time since the two saw each other as they stepped closer.

"Ahem." said a voice as it belonged to Twilight as she looked at her boyfriend.

"Ah come on, Twilight. Don't tell me you're jealous of your own counterpart." teased Isaac. "It's still you, technically."

"Keep talking." said the girl with a look.

"Alright, fine. I can't have two Twilights." said Isaac.

"You're still the same." chuckled the princess.

"Of course, you still have the gift I gave you?" stated the boy.

"I keep it in a secret place." said the princess as she used her magic to make the Kuriboh card that Isaac gave her as a parting gift as the tiny monster appeared for a second as it nuzzled against the princess and the boy before disappearing. "He's quite the helper."

"So anything new, your highness?" asked Isaac.

"Well... there is one big change..." said the alicorn as she traced the floor with her hooves.

"So, Twilight? I want to apologize for being..." the voice that opened the door to the map room belonged to a colt as it looked vaguely familiar.

Isaac then stepped forward as did the colt as they were looking at each other. For Isaac he was seeing his counterpart but the only difference was that he was wearing his hoodie. Both males looked at each other as if time had stood still. They both started to do some movements as they were shocked to find the other did it at the exact same time. It was like looking into a mirror.

"You look like me." said both colts.

"Gotta say, that's one handsome stallion." said Isaac.

"Right back at you, bud." responded Isaac's equestrian counterpart.

"Oh yeah, they're related!" said both Twilights as they watched their boyfriends compliment each other.

"Isaac, we need to go." said Twilight.

"Right. Just a quick question, you handsome devil? How's it like snuggling with a princess?" asked Isaac.

"The best thing a colt like me could ever want." responded the colt.

"My man!" said Isaac as he gave his counterpart a pat on the back for getting a princess, specifically Twilight, to snuggle with him. With that he then proceeded over to the mirror as he waved goodbye as the two humans stepped through the portal.

"So, all that..." asked Isaac's equestrian counterpart.

"I'll tell you about it later. Besides, you must be tired from riding the train from Chicoltgo." said Princess Twilight as she led her coltfriend to her room where they played a game of chess and eventually took a nap in each other's arms.

The pair made it through the portal as they were standing in front of the school. The spell that Isaac had his magicians cast on the people's memories worked as all they could recollect was they had a fun time going on the cruise. With that everybody all left as the entire gang headed back home for sometime to relax. They entered the house but Isaac stopped Rainbow and Sunset from entering the house.

"Nope, you two are going to clean the yard!" stated Isaac.

"What?!" said both girls.

"I meant what I said. I was gonna deal with you two when we got home for taking your sweet ass time to save us. Now get to sweeping!" said the boy as Rarity and Pinkie tossed the two girls some brooms and rakes as the girls grumbled as they soon got to work.

"Finally, home." said Isaac.

"Hey, you guys are back." shouted Spike as he came down the steps with Tigre following behind her friend as the two welcomed their owners home. "So how was your trip?"

"Tiring!" shouted the girls and Isaac as they all left to each of their rooms as they all flopped down and soon were fast asleep for the rest of the day.

"Meow." said Tigre as she looked at her animal pal with a confused look.

"I agree. What it something we said?" stated Spike.

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