• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,593 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 203: The Final Duel

What does dueling mean to you? To some, it represents power, a way to crush your opponents and make them cowl at your feet. To others it provides a way for you to have fun; a way you can relax with your friends and not show a care in the world. One thing that everybody can agree on is that dueling is a way to show your skills against your opponent. It tests how much confidence you have as a person; it shows the bonds you have with the creatures that reside in your deck. What do I duel for, well to be honest I'm not sure?

Another day, another morning. The sun was just barely coming up against the horizon. Isaac could tell once he felt the rays of the warm sun against his face. He looked to the side of his bed and saw that the time was 6:50 A.M, which meant that he had to get ready for school. While it might have been nice to sleep for a few more minutes, Isaac urged himself to get up to prepare for school.

"I knew I shouldn't have spent up trying to research new cards to add."

Normally Isaac wouldn't stay up unless it was the weekends; when it came to school he was by no means a slacker nor was he the smartest person in school but he was smart enough to be an honor rolls student. Most people would be distraught and use this as an explanation to become smarter, but to him, he was contempt. After getting ready he soon collected his deck and duel disk as he left the house and began to walk towards the school. Along the way, he was remembering something.


"Welcome, my name is Principal Celestia. Do you mind telling me your name?''

"My name is Isaac."

"If I may be so bold as to say: What do you duel for?"

(End of Flashback)

"Man, it feels just like yesterday I enrolled into CHS. And now, my time has to come to an end," said Isaac as he looked up at the clear open blue sky as he watched the clouds roll by as the sun was out.

Isaac now arrived at the front of the building as he could hear the tons of noise coming from the back of the school as the entire field was filled to the stands with people. And not just students, for there were tons of cars parked all around the building and the block as parents were coming to see their child's graduation and the big grand duel that was going to take place. The whole school was now invested in seeing the two top duelists that CHS ever had to go at it, not only for one last time, not only cause it was a championship duel, but because of the history that the two people had with one another. For Isaac, he had his thoughts on Twilight being his opponent, and to be honest, he was glad he didn't have to wait any longer. He then entered the front yard of the school as he prepared for what was about to happen.

The whole morning all the graduation class mingled with each other one last time as they either said their goodbyes or decided on what they would be doing for the first part of summer before they left. As for Isaac, they all heard that he was leaving the moment his duel ended as he wouldn't stay for the party that Pinkie was throwing. The party girl tried to plead with her big bro in staying, but Isaac said that he couldn't. Isaac soon found his parents as they were talking with Celestia and Luna as they hugged their son and told him that he made them more proud than they could imagine.

"So, mijo. Are you ready to face Twilight?" asked Isaac's dad.

"I have to. This is my final obstacle here at CHS. This, believe it or not, holds some weight and significance as it'll set the tone for my career as a pro." stated Isaac as he showed that he matured from the teenager he started as to the young adult he was about to transition in.

"I knew you would grow up to be a wonderful man. It breaks my heart to see you grow up so fast," said Isaac's mother as she hugged her son.

"I may be growing up, but I'll always need both my parents. No matter how much I mature, I'm still your baby," said Isaac as he gave his parents as this was a special moment for all of them.

Celestia and Luna were watching this display as it brought them to have happy expressions on their faces.

You've finally done it, Isaac. Everything that I and my sister spent putting all our investments in you has been leading up to this. From the moment, you enrolled here... to the moment that you became champion. It was fate's hand that guided you. But you weren't the only one led by fate. Every person you've encountered along the way was destined to play a role in your journey. And I'm willing to bet most of them didn't even know it. But each individual, no matter how utterly clueless, was a necessary piece needed to complete the puzzle of your life. No matter how different they might be, all of these people have one thing in common: each one is connected by a young man named Isaac. And not only did these individuals help you, but in turn, you touched each of their lives as well.

The girls were all sitting on the front steps as they were just simply waiting for things to get started. While they were talking, they began to discuss the duel that was going to happen between Isaac and Twilight. Safe to say it was split down the middle as half of them picked Twilight to win and the other half, Isaac.

"So, you still bummed out that you're not going to be dueling against Isaac?" asked Sunset with a smirk.

"Come on, Sunset. We need a duelist who won't lose to Isaac. And Dash here is the easiest to beat for the city slicker." chimed in Rainbow.

"Nah, it's not that," said Rainbow as she kicked some small pebbles as they went sailing. "Not to toot my horn, but I've come a long way since we first met Isaac, all of us. And if given the chance, I could kick Isaac's ass!"

"Huh?" said the group.

"All right, so maybe I came on a little strong there."

"A little strong?" said Rarity.

"Now I meant to say... I would give anything to have a shot against Isaac," stated Rainbow.

"You wouldn't stand a chance," said Pinkie.

"Thanks for the support, guys." said Rainbow as she felt a bit attacked by the lack of morale from her friends. "But someone's gotta beat Isaac. Today had made me do a lot of thinking about the last few years of my life and how I'll handle the ones yet to come. Let me tell you, a lot has changed since we first met the geek, way back then. He taught us that even when the odds are against you, you have to keep fighting and never give up no matter what." said the chromatic girl.

"But there's someone whose life he changed even more."

"Yeah, Twilight's," said Fluttershy.

"And that's why Twilight needs to be the one to duel him. To see if she's finally ready to be on her own."

"You know, you're a lot smarter than you look." snickered Sunset.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" said Rainbow as she let out a cartoonish anger face at the girl as the others just laughed.

Isaac was now walking around the school as he was taking a moment to clear his mind and say goodbye to everyone he passed by. Most of his classmates heard about his plan and wished him luck, even the CMC found Isaac as they all gave him one last hug as they were going to miss him. They made a vow to remember all of his teachings and carry on the foundation laid by the girls and build their legacy. Isaac smiled as he knew the girls would become fine duelists. He then turned the corner as he was heading back to the field as it was about to start when he standing there was a person. That person turned out to be none other than Twilight as she was leaning against the wall as if she was waiting for the boy to come this way.

Isaac then approached Twilight as he stood a few feet as the pair looked at each other's eyes.

"Hey." greeted Twilight.

"Hey." responded Isaac.

"So, you're leaving as soon as our battle ends?" asked the girl.

"Yeah, I have to. My career as a pro is going to be busy. And I have an appearance to make tomorrow." said the boy.

"I see... well, then. Let's hope that I don't beat you too quickly." chuckled Twilight softly with her hands behind her back.

"Let's hope." smiled Isaac as he began to walk past her.

"Isaac! Wait!" said Twilight as she called out to her friend with her hand out as it got the boy's attention.

"What is it?" asked Isaac.

Twilight now retracted her hand as she was struggling to tell the boy how she truly felt about him. She was contemplating whether or not she should tell him that she couldn't live her life without him being in it. She so wanted to say that she wanted to be with him, forever. But given what was already set in motion for the two, especially Isaac, it just... didn't seem fair. Would she tell him and cause him to miss his chance at being a pro, just to fulfill her happiness? All of this got the girl thinking about the previous night and how she cried and smiled at Isaac being an important part of her life. Her hands were shaking as she played with them nervously.

"I... I... I... I just..."

"Hey, Twilight. Breathe," said Isaac as he saw the girl was struggling to get her words out. "It's okay. Just, say what's on your mind? Whatever it is, just say it."

"I... I... I... wish you the best of luck. Just... don't ever forget wherever you go, I'm always there with you. And... may the best duelist win." said Twilight as she had a small smile appear on her face.

"Thanks, I wish you the same. And may the best duelist win." smiled Isaac as he now continued walking towards the back of the school.

Once Isaac was out of her sight, Twilight fell against the wall as she slumped and curled up as she cried into her knees. She had the chance to tell the boy her true feelings and... she couldn't do it. Now she was worried about how the duel between them was going to go as Isaac was expecting her to bring her A-game. But with all that was on her mind, Twilight didn't seem like she was going to be capable of doing that. And giving her best friend the best duel he had left as a high schooler. Soon some rustling sound came from the bushes near her as out emerged a dog.

"So, did you tell him?" asked Spike.

"I couldn't." sniffed Twilight as she wiped some tears. Spike offered some comfort by putting his paw on her leg as she looked at his owner. "Isaac has so much already set in stone, that I couldn't bear to make him throw it all away just so that I can be happy. That's selfish of me."

"What are you going to do then?" asked the mutt.

Twilight got the last of her tears wiped as she reached into her pocket. "If I can't tell Isaac how I feel with my words, then there's only one other way to truly get him to understand how I feel." said the girl as she was looking at her deck. She then pulled out her phone. "Nicole, respond."

"Scanning, Twilight... Restoration at 97%." said the A.I.

The entire field in the back of the school was filled to the brim with people. Not just students, but also parents themselves. Both Isaac and Twilight's parents were offered front row seats next to Celestia and Luna as they wanted to give them a special view to see their children go at it for the grand duel. The two families got to talking as they wished each other the best for their child to win and thanks to the other for making the two of them happy they got together. Cadance had Flurry Heart in her hand as even the small baby wanted to see the boy and her aunt go at it. Shining Armor told his agent team that he wanted to see this event for his little sister and rival that they made his request possible. Speaking of him, Sombra was also present as he and the Shadowbolts arrived as they too wanted to see this battle between a former classmate of theirs and the person who lead the victory against them in the Friendship Games. Even the Shadowbolts took some time from their dueling careers as they wanted to see their opponent before he met with them on the pro circuit.

Soon the entire class was present on the field as they all stood in front of the small stage as both Celestia and Luna were present and looked at the class.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's my honor to present the graduating class of this year for CHS. Now in a matter of moments, we will have the graduation duel take place. But before then, I would like to say a few words from me and my sister. Plus a speech from our valedictorian, herself, Twilight Sparkle." stated Celestia. "Now then, let me start by saying that you all have been extraordinary class for your time here at this place."

"We know that you all will go on to have better lives and that the lessons taught here will prepare you for the life that's ahead of you. We're all proud of what you've accomplished. It's remarkable to think that a story like this could fill this place with such a unique collection of people! It makes you realize that everybody is the star of their own story. And it's not just the main characters in our stories that make life so rich! It's everybody – those who play big parts and those who play small." said Luna as she and Celestia got applause for the students standing before them as they clapped which was soon followed by everybody else in the stands.

"Now then, Twilight would you please come up on stage to say what you want," said Celestia as the girl started walking up on the stage and stood before the microphone as she saw her classmates before her as they waited to see what she was going to say.

"We thank you all for conducting this wonderful ceremony for us, the graduating students," said Twilight as she looked at Celestia and Luna.

"Time flies quickly. These past years of our lives we passed through this school's gates, with so many hopes in our hearts. And here, at Canterlot High, we made many friends and met many teachers. And through the duels we fought, we learned many things. We are comrades who have fought and encouraged each other and spent a lot of time together. Our duels with you taught us our strengths, weaknesses, and how to have consideration for our opponents. Even if we shall now walk different paths, living in faraway places, we shall always be comrades. The bonds forged here among us will be eternal. I am sure much hardship, as well as joy, awaits us in our future. And every time we face it, I believe we shall remember... Our lives here. Our comrades here. And I believe that that will always lead us in the right direction. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Canterlot High. And goodbye." spoke Twilight.

Everybody in front of Twilight couldn't help but cry and hug their friends close by as it was the most heartfelt speech given.

"Goodbye, huh?" was all Isaac said as he had a different expression from everybody as he didn't cry.

After that Celestia and Luna began to call out each person's names as they came onto the stage to receive their piece of paper and to put their deck to be scanned into the school's archives to be remembered for future generations to come. One by one, the students came up to get their diplomas. Celestia and Luna were now getting to the tail end of the stack as the last few names were ones they were looking forward to.

"Fluttershy Breeze," called Celestia as the girl got on the stage with the principal.

"Yes, ma'am." said the girl.

"Congratulations on your graduation," said Celestia as she reached into the box that Luna was holding as she pulled out her diploma and gave it to the buttercup girl as she grabbed it with both hands.

"Thank you," said Fluttershy.

"Scan your deck," said Luna as she directed the girl to the podium next to her.

Fluttershy nodded as he pulled out her deck and then gently put it into the holding pen as the device began to scan it as the data transmitted and projected in front for the girl to see.

"Scanning... Name... Fluttershy Breeze. Deck: Beast." spoke the device as it ejected her deck for her to grab as she thanked both one last time and got off.

"Rainbow Dash."

"Yes, ma'am." spoke the chromatic girl.

"Congratulations on your graduation," said Celestia as she handed her, her paper.

Rainbow nodded and then approached the podium as she put her device in as it began to scan the contents of her deck.

"Scanning... Name... Rainbow Dash. Deck: Ultra Athletes(U.A.) and Speedroids." It then ejected her deck for her to grab as she shook the ladies' hands.

"Rarity Belle."


"Congratulations on your graduation," spoke Celestia give her the diploma.

Rarity said thank you as she did the same and pulled out her deck to be scanned.

"Scanning... Name... Rarity Belle. Deck: Crystal Beast."

"Pinkamena Pie."


"Congratulations." said the principal.

"Scanning... Name... Pinkamena Pie aka Pinkie Pie. Decks: Toons and Madolche."

"Jacklyn Apple. Or Applejack," spoke Celestia.

"I'm here," said Aj.

"Congrats." smiled the ladies.

"Scanning... Name... Jacklyn Apple, aka Applejack. Deck: Predaplant."

"Sunset Shimmer."

"Yeah." spoke the girl.

"Congrats," said Celestia giving the girl her piece of paper.

"Scanning... Name... Sunset Shimmer. Deck: Red-Eyes."

"Thank you, even if I caused you both trouble all these years." said the bacon-haired girl as both hugged her.

"Twilight Sparkle."

"Present." spoke the girl.

"Congrats," stated Celestia.

"Scanning... Name... Twilight Sparkle. Deck: Spellbook."

Once Twilight got hers and exited the stage, Celestia pulled out the last piece of paper as she looked at it and then at Luna as both smiled.

"And lastly... Isaac."

Isaac now walked onto the stage as he stood in front of the two women as both looked at him as all around were smiles.

"Congratulations on your graduation." said both women as Celestia handed Isaac his diploma.

"Thank you." said the boy as he grabbed it and then approached the device as he took out his deck. He looked at it as he took a deep breath and then slotted it in.

The device began to scan Isaac's deck as it was going through each of his cards one by one as it came up for the boy to see as it showed all of his monsters, even his pendulum cards, as well as his Extra deck and spell/trap cards. Soon it finished as it downloaded the data into the system and the school's archives.

"Scanning... Name... Isaac. Deck: Magician."

Isaac then grabbed his deck as he put it back into his deck box on his belt and looked at the two ladies as they both gave him one final hug as they were going to miss him.

"Now then, it's time to begin the graduation duel!" shouted Celestia as it got everybody to be excited. "First let me set the stage for the two competitors, the graduation duel will be like no other. In that, it'll be a best 2 out of 3. So the winner is declared once someone has won 2 duels. And the first two duels will have them starting with 4000 life points, and should there be a third duel, the last one will be played with 8000 life points. And so to prepare for this, both Isaac and Twilight will be given one hour, one hour to prepare their decks. Then it will be time for the duel to begin."

"Everybody else, make your way to your seats and wait for the duel to begin," said Luna as everybody left the field. The only ones left were both Isaac and Twilight as they were looking at each other.

Just as Isaac was leaving, he was stopped by Twilight grabbing his shoulder.

"What is it, Twilight?"

"Isaac, I have a request. In our duel... I want you to use the Egyptian God cards." said Twilight with a look.

"You're kidding?"

"No. I want you to put them in your deck. If you love me, then you'll do it." said the girl as that serious look never left her face as she began to walk to her room where she would be prepping her deck.

"Twilight." was all Isaac said as he left to his room to prep his deck.

Just like that, half an hour had passed. Both Isaac and Twilight were in their waiting rooms inside of the school as they sat at a desk with their cards all scattered in front of them as they each began to closely examine them and formulate in their head the best possible deck they could create.

Twilight was looking over the cards in front of her as she was working her brain overtime in not only coming up with a deck but finding a way to beat Isaac. She knew he was thinking about every possible outcome she might try, so right now she was trying to figure out her plan. She then let out a sigh as she thought back to the time they were stuck in the library.


"So Twilight, what are your plans for after graduation? I know it's a bit far off for all of us, but couldn't hurt to have a plan." asked Isaac.

"Well, to be honest, I plan to attend Everton University here in Canterlot. They have a well-known card designer program. I told you about how I have an interest in becoming a card designer. What about you?" replied Twilight. "I expect that you have plans to become a pro duelist, I mean based on how everybody is amazed by your skills. Even my brother offered his praises."

"As nice as that would be, I don't know if that's really what I want to do. Everybody says that I could have a good run if I decided to enter the pro circuit. And not to say they're wrong; it's just that I feel like I could do something else. Who knows, we've still got quite a ways before that happens. Till then, I'm just going to take it one day at a time and live it to the fullest." said Isaac as he pounded his chest.

"It's nice to know that you choose to live your life like that. Also no matter what you choose to do with your life, know that I'll always be here to support you." Twilight then slowly grabbed Isaac's hand when she said.

Isaac looked at Twilight and saw that she was smiling while having a small bit of red. It caused him to smile as well, and some red of his own to form.

(End of Flashback)

"So long ago, and yet it feels like it's only recently," said Twilight. "But I have to get through to Isaac. It's the best gift I could give him not only to repay all he's done for me but before he leaves forever. I don't want to see him go, but it's time for him to move on. Besides, if I win, that means I'm ready to separate from him, too. This is by far the toughest duel I've ever had to face, not just because Isaac is such a great duelist, but because winning this duel means losing my closest friend." said the girl as she looked at her cards and grabbed her High Priestess of Prophecy.

"Before I met Isaac, I was a completely different person: asocial... sad... and lonely. But ever since that day, when Isaac and I first met together, I've been strong and confident. And if I win... I'll prove that I'm ready to face the world on my own. All I have to do is remember everything that Isaac taught me and I can do this!!" said Twilight as she touched the necklace she was wearing given to her by the boy. She then began to work on her deck as she now had it planned out.

"It's nearly done," said Twilight as she looked at the stack in front of her. "But one thing remains. Nicole, respond."

"Scanning, Twilight... Restoration at... 99%." said the A.I.

"All it needs now is the final piece," said Twilight as the door to her room opened up and looked at who came in. "And it's right here." smiled the girl as it had been brought to her as she grabbed it and put it into the deck and did one final scan.

"Scanning... Restoration at... 100%. Congratulations." said the A.I.

Isaac was in his waiting room as he was rebuilding his deck. But even more so in the middle of scattered cards were the three Egyptian God cards he had been holding on to and protecting as he was remembering what Twilight was asking of him. That she wanted him to use them; Isaac didn't want to use these cards against his friends, but seeing as how serious Twilight was, it seemed like she did want to face them. Isaac let out a deep breath as he leaned back into the chair with his hands behind his head as he looked up. He too was remembering their talk when they were trapped in the library.


"So Twilight, what are your plans for after graduation? I know it's a bit far off for all of us, but couldn't hurt to have a plan." asked Isaac.

"Well, to be honest, I plan to attend Everton University here in Canterlot. They have a well-known card designer program. I told you about how I have an interest in becoming a card designer. What about you?" replied Twilight. "I expect that you have plans to become a pro duelist, I mean based on how everybody is amazed by your skills. Even my brother offered his praises."

"As nice as that would be, I don't know if that's really what I want to do. Everybody says that I could have a good run if I decided to enter the pro circuit. And not to say they're wrong; it's just that I feel like I could do something else. Who knows, we've still got quite a ways before that happens. Till then, I'm just going to take it one day at a time and live it to the fullest." said Isaac as he pounded his chest.

"It's nice to know that you choose to live your life like that. Also no matter what you choose to do with your life, know that I'll always be here to support you." Twilight then slowly grabbed Isaac's hand when she said.

Isaac looked at Twilight and saw that she was smiling while having a small bit of red. It caused him to smile as well, and some red of his own to form.

(End of Flashback)

"To think that it's been so long since that happened. And it came by so fast," said Isaac. "I feel as though every opponent I've ever faced, was preparing me for this moment." Soon Isaac began to get to work as soon he had it in front of him.

"It is now complete! I have succeeded in building my strongest deck ever. And now the time has come to put it to the test. Twilight! It's time to duel!" said Isaac as he looked at the item in front of him. He then grabbed it as that moment all of Isaac's monsters appeared as they knew what their master was thinking as they all appeared bowing before him. Not once dare to lift their heads unless spoken to by their master.

"Beta, Gamma, Alpha!" shouted Isaac as he called out to his Magnet Warriors. "Even you little guy," said Isaac to his Electromagnetic Turtle as all four stood in front of their master.

"You all have given your bravery to helping me win so many duels in my younger years. And for that I'm thankful," said Isaac as the monsters all understood what their young master said as they bowed and disappeared.

"Knights!" called Isaac as his Queen, King, Jack, Joker, and Arcana Triumph Joker all stood before the young boy.

"Do you all pledge your loyalty in helping me to achieve victory against Lady Sparkle?" asked Isaac like a king talking to his soldiers.

"On our honor as knights." said all five putting their swords together.

"Then I shall lead us into battle, I only ask for you to follow behind me," said Isaac as his knights all bowed as they disappeared.

"Pendulum crew!" said Isaac as his six pendulum monsters all appeared.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, Master Isaac!" shouted all of them with serious looks on their faces as they too disappeared.

"Are you two okay fighting?" asked Isaac to his Mage Annette and Magician Boy as he didn't want to put the kids in the position of hurting Twilight if they didn't want to.

"You can count on us, Isaac." said the kid magicians as they were willing to support their master.

"Thank you," said Isaac as he kneeled and gave each a high five as they vanished.


"Yes, my master." said the warrior kneeling.

"Your service to me is praised and so I ask for you to lend me your strength once more," stated Isaac.

"You have my word, Isaac." said the man as he was gone.

"Ebon Illusion Magician, Ebon High Magician, Chaos Mageía!" said the boy as his Xyz monsters appeared. They nodded and were soon gone. "Dark Sorcerer Magician, Valor Valkyrie, Dark Flyer Lysithea, Enchantress of Melody, Paladin Fortis!" said Isaac as he addressed his synchro crew. They all knew what Isaac was saying as they all bowed down.

"Magician Girls, Valkyria, and Apprentice Illusion Magician," said Isaac as the teen girls around his age were all appeared before the young man.

"We promise to serve and protect you, Master Isaac." said the teen girls.

"Thank you," said Isaac as he received a kiss from each of them as they disappeared.

"Dark Magician of Chaos, Sorcerer of Dark Magic, and Magician of Chaos."

"We pledge to stand by you, Isaac." said the trio as they disappeared.

The only ones that remained were Mahad and Mana, along with Kuriboh. Isaac approached the trio who served as his ace cards.

"The time is now, so I ask for your help?" said Isaac.

"We have always been doing that." smiled Mahad as he put his hand on Isaac's shoulder.

"I'll always choose to side with you, Isaac," said Mana as she wrapped her arms around her master and nuzzled her cheek with his before planting a kiss.

"Kuri," said the small furball.

"Then let's do this," said Isaac as he closed his eyes as all three disappeared back into the deck as the others did as they awaited.

Out in the field, everybody was waiting to see the duel. And I mean everybody. Mr. William had arrived as he wanted to see the duel between Isaac and Twilight to see how far Isaac came ever since he rescued Slifer from the thief. The girls' students were also present as they were in the upper stands as they knew they didn't want to miss this bout between Isaac and Twilight. At Camp Everfree, Gloriosa and Timber were watching the duel on their TV screen, Rara was currently in her dressing room with her team as they too wanted to watch the duel. Mr. Johnson and his nephew Dominik were at the shop as they wanted to see their business partner's graduation duel before Isaac went off to the pro circuit. Mr. Turner from Everton High was watching it with some of his assistants as they had been wanting to see how Isaac had handled his Dark Sorcerer Magician since he last gave it to the boy after the duel they had with Dimension Summoning. All the places the crew went during their summer trip across the country were all watching from their school as the battle was about to unfold. Mr. Bristle and his circus troupe all gather around the training space to watch this battle. To think that Starlight and Sunburst were interested in this duel as they were watching it via a satellite as they too wanted to see who won as they held hands and smiled together.

It wasn't just people in their world, in Equestria, Princess Twilight, now the new ruler of all of Equestria had the mirror powered up as she and her friends all gathered in front of it to watch the battle about to go down with their human friends. In the future, Shane and Aqua were looking at a small device as they were taking a peek at Isaac in his current timeline as they saw their friend about to engage in one of the greatest duels of his life as they prepared to watch. And lastly, were Yuya, Yuma, Yusei, and Jaden as they each were watching this duel from the comfort of their own home with their special someone as they prepared to see what this battle between two lovers was going to bring about.

"Good luck, Isaac." said all four of them in unison as they could feel their comrade's spirit.

"It's almost time," said Spike as he was in Fluttershy's arms as the group of girls were having front row seats to watch their two friends go at it.

"Yeah, Isaac versus Twilight. That's as good as it gets," said Applejack.

"Indeed." said a voice.

"Juniper Montage!" said the girls as they saw the girl who caused havoc on the film of her uncle.

"What are you doing here?" asked Rainbow.

"Didn't Isaac tell you girls, I'm his agent." said the girl.

"His agent?" said Fluttershy.

"He gave me a second chance to redeem myself, so he offered me the position of being his agent. In fact, we've been meeting secretly to go over the details of him going pro. It was tough, but I was able to get Isaac's name out there. And as a result, he now has 12 appearances to get started on when he enters the competitive scene and more to come. In fact, we leave the moment the duel ends." said Juniper.

"So, he really isn't kidding?" said Rarity.

"I did my best to give you guys time to properly say goodbye, I worked tirelessly to get Isaac's request, but... it just couldn't happen. The best thing I did was push back his date that he needed to attend to be after his graduation. I'm sorry, girls. Understand I did all I could for my client."

"We understand, Juniper. And thanks." said Sunset.

"Well, I'll leave you be. Enjoy the duel." said Juniper as she went to her seat to watch the duel that was about to take place.

"Here they come," stated Pinkie as coming through the doors was Isaac and Twilight as they walked side by side with the most serious look on their faces.

Isaac and Twilight were walking towards the field as they looked forward. In their heads, they were getting their minds focused on what was about to go down. They soon spilt as each one made it to the opposite side of the field as they had their backs turned to each other.

Alright, Twilight. You asked for my best, and I intend to give it.

Isaac, I won't insult you by giving you anything less than my all. I'm gonna come at you hard right from the start.

Once they got in place, they turned around at the same time to look at one another. For a second, each had a slight bit of worry in their face, but soon replaced it with a serious expression. Each duelist now stood there as one by one, the monsters in their decks now appeared by their respective masters. From comrades to now enemies on the battlefield, each monsters was looking at the opposite side as it was two armies each with their generals in front. Both having a goal in mind, the question being who had the better plan? Each monster on both sides were glaring at the opposite side as they prepared to due battle. For the two teens, they couldn't help but feel sad at the position they were in, once more, the memories that Isaac and Twilight had with each other came rushing as they stood with their huge army behind them. The one thing they feared, and they were doing it. Fighting against their best friend.

One memory that stuck with the two pair was of them being on the roof of CHS. Isaac was sitting down with his arm resting on his knee while Twilight was standing next to him as she had her hands behind her back as the two looked out to the town. Then one frame later, they turned to look at each other as they closed their eyes and smiled.

Everybody sat down as the pair made their way to the field as they each took their position. Once they did that, they looked at each other as the scowl on their faces was still there. Celestia then began to stand up from her chair.

"We are ready to begin the graduation duel between Isaac and Twilight. And it's a championship duel as well. To refresh everybody on how this match will work, it's a best 2 out of 3. The first two duels will be played with 4000 life points and should a third one arise, it'll be played with 8000 life points. In between the duels, duelists have two minutes to make any changes and substitute any cards they want." said Celestia as he finished explaining the rule as both duelists nodded.

Isaac reached into his deck box on his belt as he pulled out his deck and then slotted it into his duel disk as it activated and projected a gold card tray. Twilight then reached into her pocket and looked at the deck she was using as she slid it into her duel disk and projected a purple card tray.

"Then... the final duel... will... BEGIN!!!" shouted Luna.

Isaac, if you've taught me anything, it's to put your heart into your deck, trust your cards, and duel with everything you've got. That's exactly what I'm gonna do!

"Are you ready for this, Twilight?!"

"That's what we're here to find out, right?!" shouted the girl.

"Let's duel!!" shouted both of them as they drew their cards.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

Twilight's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"Best of luck, Twilight," said Isaac as he drew his card. "Now! I'll start by discarding one card from my hand to summon a monster known as The Tricky(2000/1200)!" Isaac now had a monster on his field as it had a question mark on its face and chest as it was yellow and wore a blue cape.

"Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn!"

Turn 2: Twilight

His monster may have 2000 points, but I know how to stop it!

"Check this out!" said Twilight as she drew her card. "I activate... my Swords of Revealing Light!"

"What?!" said Isaac as he was shocked by what Twilight just said as she played a card that she never used or had in her deck. Soon multiple swords came onto his field as they stopped his monster from attack. Twilight doesn't have Swords of Revealing Light in her deck.

"Nice, now that monster can't attack for three more turns!" said Rainbow at what Twilight did.

Isaac however wasn't worried as he had a smile on his face for Twilight playing Swords of Revealing Light.

"And next I'll call my Green Gadget(1400/600) to the field in attack mode!" shouted the girl as she played on her beloved gadget monsters. "And thanks to his special power... I can move Red Gadget to my hand! Then I place one card facedown. And that's all for now!"

Turn 3: Isaac

"You think that's good? Watch this!" said Isaac as he drew his card. I may not be able to attack Twilight with my monster, but I can attack her with her own.

"I activate the magic card Rebellion! Now, I can select a monster on your side of the field and force it to attack you directly! And I choose your Green Gadget!" Twilight's monster then turned around as it then lunged itself at his mistress.

"Hold on!" shouted Twilight. "You triggered my trap! So now... I activate Stronghold the Moving Fortress!" Soon a giant metal robot came out in front of Twilight as it had gear-shaped spaces in its chest. "This trap is also a monster with 2000 defense points, so my life points are safe!" Soon her fortress swapped her gadget out of the sky as it landed on the ground.
Twilight's Life Points: 3400-

"I'm afraid your life points aren't as safe as you think, Twilight!" said Isaac.

"That's right! Cause Green Gadget was Twilight's monster," informed Sunset to the rest of the girls.

"I'll admit, I've never seen a duel as evenly matched as this one," said Rainbow.

"Well, what do you expect? These two spent so much time together," stated Applejack.

With this new deck I've assembled, Isaac's never gonna figure out my strategy!

Turn 4: Twilight

"All right, Isaac... my move!" said Twilight. "I activate Ties of the Brethren! First, I pay 1000 life points! After that, I'm able to summon two Level 4 monsters from my hand or deck! And I know just what I need! Come forth, Red Gadget(1300/1500), and then when he's summoned, I can move Yellow Gadget(1200/1200) to my hand which I'll then use my spell to summon it as well! Take the field in defense mode!" stated the girl as both of her monsters appeared.
Twilight's Life Points: 2400-

"I'm not done yet."

"Huh?!" said Isaac.

"Now, gadgets... join my Stronghold!" shouted Twilight as her three gadgets jumped into the spaces on Stronghold's chest as it powered up. "Whenever these 3 gadget monsters are on the field at the same time... they're able to raise the attack strength of my Moving Fortress to 3000 points! Stronghold the Moving Fortress, attack! Steel Gear Crush!" Just as Twilight called her attack the swords she played on Isaac's field now transferred over to hers.

"What happened to my Stronghold?!"

"He's trapped-- thanks to my Bounce Spell! This magic card allowed me to transfer the effect of your Swords of Revealing Light to your monster! Now, it can't attack for 3 more turns."

Whoa. Now, what am I gonna do? I wasn't expecting that. I guess Isaac is trying his hardest to defeat me.

"I switch my Green Gadget into defense mode and end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

Twilight, in my heart, I hope you win. But that doesn't mean I plan to go easy on you.

"It's my move. And I'll start by sending my monster to the graveyard to activate the magic card Tricky Spell 4! This allows me to summon as many Tricky tokens(2000/1200) as you have monsters on the field. That gives me 4 monsters as well!" said Isaac as his field filled up with four tokens.

"Okay, Isaac just evened it up," said Pinkie.

"Not exactly," said Sunset. "If he's about to do what I think he is, then he's way ahead of the game."

"I'm not finished yet. Not even close. I'm taking this duel to the next level!"

"No way," said Twilight.

"Now I sacrifice 3 of my tokens! So I can play Obelisk the Tormentor(4000/4000)!" Soon the ground behind Isaac began to crack open and shine with a blue light as Shining Armor and Sombra knew what was coming. Then it opened up as behind Isaac standing tall was Obelisk.

"No! Now, what?!" said Twilight looking up at the giant and powerful monster.

"This could be a problem," said Spike in Fluttershy's arms.

"Well, maybe for your average duelist. But we're talking about Twilight here?" said Rainbow.

"Dash, Twilight may be good, but she's never faced an Egyptian God. Only Isaac has and beaten them all," said Sunset.

"Obelisk, attack! Destroy her fortress with your Fist of Fate!" commanded Isaac. Obelisk heard Isaac's orders as it listened to the boy and then with one solid right its fist went straight through Twilight's metal fortress as pieces of gears and metal went flying as her gadget monsters were all knocked out of the robot as they came crashing down on the ground in front of their mistress in pain.
Twilight's Life Points: 1400-

"I place one card facedown and that ends my turn."

"Twilight! Hang in there!" shouted Rainbow.

"Isaac means business," said Aj.

"No joke," stated Pinkie as even she had never seen her big brother act like this in a duel.

"And it's worst, cause of not only Obelisk, but Swords of Revealing Light means she can't strike back," said Sunset.

"I told you I wouldn't go easy on you," stated Isaac.

Turn 6: Twilight

Twilight then stood up with a smile as it got Isaac to be surprised.

"Why's Twilight smiling?" asked Fluttershy.

"Cause she's the time of her life," said Sunset.

"That's nice and all, but can Twilight win?" asked Spike.

"It's gonna be tough, but if anybody can do it, Twilight can." said Dash.

"I'll take things from here!" said the girl as she drew her card. "First I place these 3 cards facedown. And then I summon my Silent Swordsman LV0(1000/1000) to the field!"

Okay, I know for a fact Twilight doesn't have that in her deck. So... does that... she...

"You finally figured it out?" said Twilight. "That's right, this isn't my deck. I made a brand new one from scratch. I kept thinking when I was building my deck about what you might expect me to do. It was tough, but then I came to the solution. That not only would I edit my current deck, but create a new one. Filled with cards that you never would have expected me to use, and it's filled with some cards that you use. Which is why I had Swords of Revealing Light." said Twilight.

"Twilight..." Isaac for the first time in his dueling life, he didn't know what to say. Cause this was the first time that he didn't know what to expect from his opponent's deck. "I... can't believe it... you fooled me. You caught me off guard. Out of the all things I was thinking of, I didn't expect you to create a separate deck from the one you used in so little time." Isaac had a smile on his face as did Twilight.

"Gosh, are you trying to make me fall in love with you all over again?" teased the boy.

"Maybe." smiled the girl. My plan is working, soon I'll be able to tell Isaac how I feel with our duel. I just have to let my cards do the talking.

"Now, let's see if you can get past my small swordsman!"

Turn 7: Isaac

"This could be just my last move! But then again... I don't what to expect from that deck. So I'm glad." smiled Isaac. "To begin, I'll place one card facedown. And, next, I'll play my Card of Sanctity! Now, we both draw until we're each holding 6 cards in our hand!" Isaac then drew his cards and looked at his hand as his eyes widen. He then looked at Twilight as he asked her.


"As ready as I'll ever be," said Twilight as she looked at her hand and then at Isaac.

"Well, here goes. I'm afraid if this works, the duel is over. May the heart of the cards guide you, Twilight."

"Thank you."

"Now, let's see if you can withstand the great fury of an Egyptian God!"

"Go ahead, give me your best shot, Isaac!"

"Obelisk the Tormentor, attack her Silent Swordsman now! End this duel with your Fist of Fate!" Isaac's command was heard by Obelisk as he raised his fist and looked to make contact with Twilight's small monster.

"I reveal my trap! Ground Erosion! Then I activate a magic card known as Turn Jump! It forces each player to jump ahead 3 turns-- during which neither of us is allowed to make a move." said Twilight as her stopwatch came out and stopped Isaac's Obelisk from attacking. "This lets my swordsman increase from Level zero to Level 3!" Now Twilight's monster had 2500 attack points.

"Well done, Twilight. But that's not enough to defeat Obelisk!"

"You're wrong! Thanks to the effect of my Ground Erosion trap card, your Egyptian God is weaker than you think, Isaac!"

"Traps don't work on Obelisk!"

"I'm not using it on him!" said Twilight. "I'm using it on the field under him!"

"But how?!" said Isaac.

"It's simple after Ground Erosion is played, the monster standing on my opponent's side of the field loses 500 points with each passing turn. And, thanks to my magic card, 3 turns have just gone by! So Obelisk loses 1500 attack points! Making its strength equal to my Swordsman's. And Swords of Revealing Light now expires, meaning I'm free to attack." stated Twilight with a smile.

"Not so fast!" said Isaac as it got Twilight to gasp. "I activated a trap card of my own. Behold my Summoning Clock! It's automatically triggered when you play a magic/spell or trap card. Now all I have to do is sacrifice my clock and one monster from the field!" stated the boy as his Tricky token was gone. "Then I can summon one new monster for each turn that's passed!"

"What?! 3 new monsters!" said Twilight as her eyes widen.

"Exactly! And I'll start with Queen's Knight(1500/1600) and King's Knight(1600/1400), which automatically summons Jack's Knight(1900/1000)!" said Isaac as he had three of his royal knights in play. "One left. So, I summon Slifer the Sky Dragon(X000/X000)!"

"No way!" shouted Rainbow.

"Another Egyptian God?!" said Fluttershy.

Isaac then played his monster on his duel disk as thunder and lightning came from it as from up above some dark clouds began to form despite it being sunny. Soon the shadow of the monster flashed for a second as there was a roar that could be heard for all in attendance and those at home watching. Mr. William was the most stunned as he saw the beast that he lent Isaac as it made its presence known as it descended from the sky with its long red body as it stood next to Obelisk and unfurled its massive wingspan and roared.

"As you know, Slifer receives 1000 attack points for every card in my hand... and I'm holding 3 cards," said Isaac as Slifer shot up to 3000.

"You just triggered my trap! It's called Ambush Shield! And I'll activate it by sacrificing this card-- my Red Gadget! So, now I get to add its defense points to my soldier's attack points until the end of the turn!" said Twilight as her monster now had 4000 attack points.

"That's a powerful knight," said Spike.

"No shit. It has enough attack points to defeat Slifer the Sky Dragon now!" said Rainbow.

"Very impressive. However, your two gadget monsters are still vulnerable. Now my knights, attack!" said Isaac as his King and Queen's Knight took out Twilight's monsters. "Luckily for you, my turn's just about done. All I need to do now is call on one final monster to the field. I sacrifice... my Queen's Knight, King's Knight, and Jack's Knight!" said Isaac as all three of his monster disappeared.

"Is he..." stated the girls.

"He is!" finished Celestia and Luna.

"Almighty protector of the Sun and the Sky, I beg of thee, please, heed my cry. Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight. I beseech thee, grace our humble game. But first I shall call out thy name!" said Isaac as he opened his eyes and finished saying the chant. "Winged Dragon of Ra(?/?)!!" Isaac now held his card up high as it shined with a yellow light. "Behold, the third Egyptian God! " Soon out appeared an orb as it then began to transform and out appeared the last monster to complete the legendary trio.

"Now what's Twilight gonna do?!" said the girls.

"Unbelievable!" said Luna and Celestia.

"He played all 3 Egyptian Gods at once!" spoke Sombra as even he was amazed by how Isaac did it.

"You wanted this, Twilight?! Well, the true test will now begin!" stated Isaac with a booming voice as his parents had smiles on their faces watching their son do his thing.

Isaac just summoned the most powerful cards in the game! Twilight was still in awe at what she saw.

"Behold... the 3 Egyptian Gods! But I'm not done yet. Next, I play Pot of Greed! This allows me to take two cards from my deck and add them to my hand." said Isaac.

"How's Twilight gonna get outta this mess?" wonder Spike.

"There's no way, Spike," said Pinkie.

"So what does she do?" asked Fluttershy.

"I don't know, Fluttershy, cause even though her trap card weaken Obelisk's attack strength, it still has 2500 points," said Rainbow.

"And don't forget about Slifer. One Lightning Blast and Twilight's monster takes 2000 points of damage!" stated Applejack.

"And worst of all, if Isaac activates the special ability of The Winged Dragon of Ra, he can raise its attack points to almost 15000!" informed Sunset.

"What do you think William? Does Twilight have a chance?" asked Luna.

"Well, individually they have drawbacks, but when all 3 are together, they're practically indestructible." said Mr. William.

"So, Twilight has lost then?" said Luna.

"Well, Luna if you're so smart. Tell us, what combination of cards you would use to take down all three gods? Hmm." stated Sombra as Luna just glared at the man. "I rest my case. The best thing for Twilight to do is just lose and then move onto the next round and hopefully get a better start against Isaac."

"Perhaps, Sombra. But Twilight isn't one to just give up when it gets too hard. Others might, but not her." said Celestia as all four of them went back to watching the duel.

"All right. Ready, Twilight?"

"Ready, Isaac." Those god cards may be powerful but they're not undefeatable, cause I'm going to take them down one by one.

Turn 8: Twilight

It won't be easy, but I need to defeat all 3 god cards. Twilight then drew her card as she began to think.

"Twilight, I can the uncertainty in your eyes, and if you expect to win this duel, you must first overcome your self-doubt." said Isaac as he offered some advice for the girl as he could see she was a bit shaking.

"Right, sorry. I'm ready." said the girl as she knew what to do to take down the god cards. "First of all, since it's my turn again, my swordsman moves up in the world, advancing from Level 3 to Level 4!"

"Nice, now Twilight's monster has 3000 points." said Pinkie.

"That's enough to defeat Obelisk." stated Rarity.

"Next, I'll send my 3 Magnet Warriors-- Alpha, Beta, and Gamma-- straight to my graveyard! That lets me summon Valkyrion the Magna Warrior(3500/3850) in attack mode!" said Twilight as she had one of the cards that Isaac used in his deck.


"I told you, when I made this new deck, I incorporated some of your cards. I guess, I wanted to have a sense that you were with me and that you were helping me." said Twilight.

"Twilight..." was all Isaac could say as he smiled, but inside of the boy, his heart beating. Beating like he was starting to think more about his relationship with Twilight, almost like he couldn't live without the girl in his life.

"You just activated Slifer's ability, which means that your Magna Warrior is weakened!" said Isaac as he regained his focus on the duel as his sky dragon opened its mouth and fired a blast at Twilight's monster.

"Not quite, cause I have a backup plan! So now I activate the magic card Mirage Spell!" Twilight's Valkyrion now found itself having a silver coating as Isaac's attack made contact. Soon the attack headed towards Twilight as she simply raised her duel disk as the attack was absorbed into it. "Mirage Spell is activated when one of my monsters is targeted. It negates Slifer's blast and increases my life points by 2000!"
Twilight's Life Points: 3400-

"Way to play, Twilight!" said Shining Armor and Cadance as they were happy that the girl was able to survive.

"Using Slifer's ability to restore her life points may have been a decent move, but it's gonna take a lot more than that to defeat the 3 Egyptian gods." said Sombra to Celestia and Luna, as well as Mr. William.

"Next, I place two cards facedown on the field. Your move, Isaac."

Turn 9: Isaac

"Why didn't Twilight attack Obelisk?" said Rainbow.

"I guess she didn't wanna take the risk." stated Applejack.

"A careless attack on an Egyptian God could easily backfire." said Sunset.

"Then why did Twilight leave her monsters in attack mode?" asked Fluttershy as it caused all of them to blink for a sec as they examined the field again.

"What?!" said the girls.

What could she be planning? For some reason, she must want me to attack. Otherwise, she wouldn't have left her monsters in attack mode. They may be powerful, but they're no match for my Egyptian Gods. I guess there's only one way to find out.

"My move! I draw! And you know what that means! Since I'm holding 4 cards, Slifer's attack points increase to 4000!" stated Isaac. "Now, Slifer, attack! Destroy her swordsman! With Thunderforce Strike!"

"You just triggered my trap!"

"But, Twilight, trap cards don't work against Slifer!"

Soon Slifer fired its attack as it took out Twilight's monster with ease as the girl held on and covered up.
Twilight's Life Points: 2400-

"Winged Dragon of Ra! Attack her Magna Warrior!" said Isaac as he gave his second god the order to attack as it fired a powerful beam of attack as it felt the rays of the sun as it burned away Twilight's second monster as she was now defenseless.

"There goes monster number two." said Twilight as she covered up.
Twilight's Life Points: 900-

"Thanks to Slifer and Ra, Twilight's out of monsters now!" said Mr. William.

"And Isaac can still attack with his last Egyptian God!" said Celestia.

"One shot from Obelisk and Twilight's done." said Luna.

"Twilight, I know you tried your best. For that, I'm proud. But now, the time has come for me to end this duel." stated Isaac. "Obelisk, wipe out her life points with your Fist of Fate!" Obelisk then powered up its right hand and then reeled back and looked to take out the girl when soon her defeated Magna Warrior appeared.

"Valkyrion?" said Isaac as his Obelisk stopped his attack. "But how? This doesn't make any sense!" Soon Twilight's Silent Swordsman also appeared. "Twilight, I already sent those monsters to the graveyard! How were you able to bring them back?"

"Easy. Remember the last trap card I played?" said Twilight as she also regained the life points she lost.
Twilight's Life Points: 3400-

"Her life points just came back!" said the girls.

"My Mirage Ruler trap card automatically activates whenever all of the monsters on my side of the field are destroyed by my opponent in one turn. It brings my monsters back to the field and restores my life points to the number I had before your turn began." informed the girl. "Plus it only cost me a thousand points!"
Twilight's Life Points: 2400-

"Well done. I'm impressed." Isaac's heart was once again beating, and this time it was beating a bit stronger as he looked at the girl.

"I have no choice but to end my turn now."

"Whew!" said Twilight as she let out a breath.

"Twilight bought herself some time, but now she needs to figure out the weakness of the God cards." said Rainbow.

"Which is?" asked Spike.

"We don't know." said the girl.

"The first major weakness is that 3 sacrifices are required to summon them, but since they're already on the field, that weakness was eliminated." said Sunset.

"Now it's up to Twilight to do the impossible-- to do the thing that only one other person has done. And that's what Isaac did, fine the fatal flaws of the most powerful monsters in the game!" said Pinkie.

Twilight was now looking at Isaac's field as she noticed he had a card facedown. All right. If I expect to win this, I need to start thinking like Isaac. For starters, I need to figure out what his facedown card is. For some reason, he hasn't activated it yet. Wait! Come to think of it, I haven't launched one attack since he played that card. I bet he's planning to use it to make one of my attacks backfire! So it must be Mirror Force! If I'm right, then there might be a way I can take down those Egyptian Gods. But it's not gonna be easy! I need to play the right card combination, so everything is riding on this next draw. Well, heard of the cards, you know the deal-- guide me!

Turn 10: Twilight

"All right! Now, my move! And I have a plan!"

"Good. Then go!" exclaimed Isaac.

"Twilight's not gonna attack, right? Nah!" said Rainbow.

"For starters, my Silent Swordsman jumps one more notch from Level 4 to Level 5!" said Twilight as her monster now had 3500 attack points. "And then I'll activate Valkyrion the Magna Warrior's special effect! And you know what it does, Isaac. Since all three Magnet Warriors are in the graveyard, I can bring them all back to the field by getting rid of Valkyrion!"

"What's Twilight doing?" said the girls.

"Whenever you summon a new monster, Slifer's special ability activates!" said Isaac as Twilight's monsters all appeared on her field. "Lightning Blast!" shouted the boy as Slifer opened his second mouth and powered up its attack as it shot three attacks headed towards Twilight's field.

"So far so good! I activate my Magnet Force trap!" stated Twilight as all three attacks by Slifer stopped in front of the magnet warriors as they weren't' hurting them. "I can activate Magnet Force whenever one of my Rock or Machine monsters is targeted by the special ability of another monster! Once activated, this trap card transfers Slifer's blast to your monsters!"

"She's turning the Egyptian Gods against themselves!" said Sombra as he was shocked by Twilight's thinking.

"Is it gonna work?!" said Mr. William.

Soon all three blasts were then shot back towards the god cards as they made contact as Isaac covered up from the smoke that was produced. It then cleared out as there were his monsters but they had been severally weakened.

"She weakened them by 2000 points!" said Celestia in awe.

"Now Twilight's Swordsman can take on any one of those god cards!" stated Luna.

"Silent Swordsman, it's time to attack!" commanded Twilight. "Destroy Obelisk with Silent Sword Slash!"

"Not so fast, Twilight! I activate my trap card! Behold! My Mirror Force!" shouted Isaac. With that Isaac now took out all of Twilight's monsters as she had nothing left. "It's over, Twilight."

"So this is how it ends?" said Fluttershy.

"Twilight came closer than ah thought." stated Applejack.

"That was a valiant effort, Twilight. If only you had predicted my facedown card."

"I did, and that's why this duel's not done!" smiled the girl. "As soon as your Mirror Force trap card was activated, I was able to complete the card combination that I needed. Isaac! It's about time I eliminated those Egyptian God cards!" said Twilight as she pointed at her friend.

"But how?!" Even Isaac didn't understand what Twilight was saying.

"Do you think it's true? Does Twilight have the card combination to destroy the gods?" asked Rarity.

"It's your move. Let's see this plan of yours." shouted Isaac.

Turn 10: Twilight

"With pleasure," said Twilight as she drew her card. "First, I'll play my Magnet Reverse magic card. This allows me to choose any Rock or Machine monster that was destroyed this turn and bring it back to the field in defense mode. So I've chosen my Valkyrion, and since I've summoned a monster, Slifer's special effect activates. So gimme your best shot." said the girl.

Slifer then opened its second mouth as it fired an attack at Twilight's monster.

"Unfortunately for you, thanks to my trap card, Slifer's blast is redirected to your Obelisk." said Twilight as her Magnet Force was still in play. Soon it was sent back as reduced Obelisk to zero which in turn caused it... to be destroyed.

"He's gone!" said Isaac as he saw one of his god cards was defeated by Twilight.

"One down, two more to go. Now, Valkyrion, separate." Once more Twilight's monster spilled into the three separate magnet warriors used to make it. Just then Slifer's ability once again activated as it opened its second mouth and then shot three blasts at the new monsters that Twilight summoned to her field.

"Too bad, but once again, my trap card kicks in. So now Slifer's blast backfires." stated the girl as the three attacks returned as one took out Slifer and the other two took out Ra. And just like that... Twilight took out all three Egyptian God cards with ease and did the one thing that nobody else but Isaac did, and that was beat them.

"No way!!" shouted everybody in awe at what Twilight did as she took out Isaac's powerful monsters. True to her word.

"I guess Twilight did have a plan, after all." said Sombra as he was the most shocked to see her be the one to take them out.

"Did you see that? She beat the Egyptian Gods?" said Rainbow.

"In one move!" stated Sunset as she was shocked.

"The funny thing about it is, there's no way I could've destroyed those monsters without your help, Isaac. You see, all the battles we've been through together taught me something. Defeating someone who wields a strong force often means using that very force against them. So I knew the only way I could take down your Egyptian Gods was to figure out a way to attack them with their own power. So that's exactly what I just did, and the rest is history."

"Excellent work, Twilight. By trusting your instincts, you were able to accomplish the seemingly impossible. You destroyed the most powerful creatures in Duel Monsters, but remember that doesn't mean that you've won the game." smiled Isaac as his heart beat faster at seeing Twilight take out his god cards.

"True, not yet, anyway. So in the meantime, let's see what you've got."

Turn 11: Isaac

"All right, but I should warn you. I have plenty of tricks left, and I'll start with this-- my Polymerization, and I'll use it to merge my Gazelle and Berfomet to form Chimera, the Flying Mythical Beast(2100/1800)." said Isaac as his monster emerged.

"What a comeback. That's the strongest monster on the field." said Pinkie.

"Now, Chimera, attack Alpha the Magnet Warrior. Pulverizing Pounce." ordered Isaac as he took out the monster with ease. "Looks like you're down to two monsters now."

"Impressive, even though he lost his 3 best cards, Isaac bounced right back, and now he's got the upper hand again." said Mr. William.

"Not quite, William. Twilight may have fewer life points, but she managed to come up with an unprecedented strategy to defeat the Egyptian God cards. I've never seen anything like that before." said Sombra.

Turn 12: Twilight

"Where was I? Oh, yeah. I was about to sacrifice my Beta and Gamma Warriors to bring out this-- Buster Blader(2600/2300)." said the girl as she had now the strongest monster on the field.

"This duel is a close race. Just when I think Isaac is back in the lead again, Twilight speeds ahead." said Cadance.

"Twily." stated Flurry Heart as she cheered for her aunt.

"But only one thing counts-- crossing the finish line first, and my money is on my little sis." said Shining Armor. To think that growing up, he would bully her with his Blue-Eyes. But now here they were, and he saw it with his own eyes. The fact that Twilight was able to do something impossible confirmed that she was the better duelist between the two.

"Ok. It's go time. Now, Buster Blader, attack. Destroy his Chimera." exclaimed Twilight. Her monster then raced forward with its huge sword and leaped into the air as it then did a downward slash as it cut Isaac's monster clean in half.
Isaac's Life Points: 3500-

"Well, done Twilight. But unfortunately for you, not well enough. You triggered Chimera's special effect. So now I can bring back one of the two monsters I merged to form Chimera, and I choose this one-- the mighty Berfomet(1400/1800). Show yourself, my beast, and I'm afraid there's plenty more where that came from." said Isaac.

Turn 13: Isaac

"So let's see what else you've got, Isaac." said Twilight as she wasn't backing down.

"Very well. Your Buster Blader may be powerful, but it's not indestructible. Now say hello to my new friend." stated Isaac as he drew his card. "I sacrifice Berfomet to summon Beast of Gilfer(2200/2500)." Isaac now had his monster appear in defense mode.

"Then I shall place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 14: Twilight

I know what that monster's ability does, but that's a risk I'm going to have to take, cause it's even worst if I let Isaac keep that monster on the field.

"All right. My move. I'll place this facedown and then I'll send your Gilfer on a one-way trip to the graveyard. So here goes. Buster Blader, Dragon Sword attack!" shouted the girl as her monster then lunged forward and did some slashes on Isaac's monster.

"I'm afraid you've just activated my Beast of Glifer's special effect. Whenever it's sent to the graveyard, it decreases the attack strength of one of your monsters by 500 points." stated the boy as Twilight's monster had some of its strength reduced.

"I guess I'll end my turn."

Turn 15: Isaac

"I thought you might say that." said Isaac as he drew his card. "Now I place one card facedown, and then I'll activate a magic card known as Awakening from Beyond. Here's how it works. My opponent earns the right to draw two cards, and in exchange, I earn the right to transfer one monster from my graveyard to my hand. Now go ahead and draw your cards, Twilight."

Twilight then did as Isaac told her as she picked up some cards from her deck.

"Now it's my turn. So one of my monsters returns to the game."

Yeah, but which one? Besides the Egyptian Gods, what's the most powerful monster in his graveyard?

Twilight then had a quick flashback to the beginning of the duel.

(Quick flashback)

"Best of luck, Twilight," said Isaac as he drew his card. "Now! I'll start by discarding one card from my hand to summon a monster known as The Tricky(2000/1200)!"

(End of Flashback)

But bringing back The Tricky would be pointless. First of all, Isaac would have to remove a card from his hand to summon it, and even if he did, it still wouldn't be strong enough to defeat my Buster Blader.

"What's wrong? Trying to guess what monster I brought back? You won't." taunted Isaac as he watched Twilight was thinking. "And now I'll summon this monster to the field in attack mode. Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight(2300/2100), come forth!"

"How did Isaac get that in his graveyard?" asked Pinkie.

"And although it's a Level 7 monster, it can be summoned without a sacrifice because it's the only card left in my hand." said Isaac as his monster appeared on his field and let out a sound as it raised its lance.

"Hold on! I never sent that card to the graveyard." stated Twilight.

"Yes, that's true, but I did at the very start of our duel. Before I summoned my first monster, I got rid of a card in my hand."

"Wait a sec. Are you telling me you sent Gaia to the graveyard all the way back then? But why would you throw away such a powerful card so early in the duel?"

"I was preparing for this. I have known from the very beginning that we would get to this point."

"What? But how could you have predicted that?" Twilight was really stunned by what Isaac was saying.

"It was simple. From the moment I chose the cards in my deck, I knew the course that this duel would take, for although I held the 3 most powerful monsters in existence, I knew that I needed more. Twilight, what I'm saying is, I knew you would defeat the Egyptian Gods." Isaac's statement really got everybody to gasp.

"But that's impossible. There's no way he could've known how all this would go down." stated Luna.

"And now, Gaia, annihilate her Buster Blader with Spiral Lance Thrust attack." demanded Isaac. His monster then raced forward as it headed towards Twilight's monster and took it out.

"Uh... Uh..." let out Twilight as she covered up.
Twilight's Life Points: 2200-

"You just activated my facedown card-- Soul Rope. It lets me summon a monster from my deck to replace the one I just lost, as long as I give up 1000 points. So now let's see which card I should choose." said Twilight as she used her duel disk screen to select the card she wanted as it slid out for her to grab.
Twilight's Life Points: 1200-

"I play this-- Witch of the Black Forest(1100/1200), and I'm putting her in defense mode."

"But, Twilight, that's hardly enough to protect you."

Turn 16: Twilight

"I'll take it from here. Watch this." said the girl as she drew her card. "I'm trading in my Witch for my Summoned Skull(2500/1200)." Soon out emerged a fiend monster as it had lightning coming from its claws. "And whenever my Witch of the Black Forest goes to the graveyard, I can transfer a monster from my deck to my hand, and I choose this one, Marshmallon."

"What a move, by Twilight." said Rarity.

"Here we go, Summoned Skull. Attack his Fierce Knight now, Lightning Strike!" shouted Twilight as her monster powered up and took out Isaac's monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 3300-

"My move is now over."

Turn 17: Isaac

"It's my move," said Isaac as he looked at his deck as he could feel the spirits of his monster as they were connecting with Isaac's spirit to help him. "And the card that I'm about to draw is the exact one that I need, and now, almighty Big Shield Gardna(100/2600), come forth!" stated Isaac as he played his card without looking at it. "Let's see if I was correct." stated the boy as soon the pillar of light ceased and there stood the monster he guessed.

"How the hell?!" said the girls.

"How could Isaac have known what card he was gonna draw?" asked Spike.

"I suppose that's what they mean by 'luck of the draw'." said Rainbow.

"No, I don't think that move had anything to do with luck." said Sunset. "Truth is, Isaac knew exactly what card he was about to draw."

"What? But their decks were shuffled? Is Isaac cheatin'?!" asked Applejack.

"It's that not, AJ. Look at Isaac." said Sunset as the rest of the girls looked at their male friend as to them, they could see his aura was glowing with his color as it was surrounding him. "Isaac didn't predict what his next card would be. His willpower made it so. We all feel it. Remember the bond that Isaac has with his deck that allows him to talk with his monster's spirits, well that determination is so strong, he actually influenced fate with his own will."

"But that's insane? Since when can fate be controlled?" asked Rarity.

"Well, look at all the shit we've been through with crazy magic experiences. If you think about, nothing is impossible when Isaac set his mind to it. And again, remember what Isaac said when Celestia and Luna told him that his destiny was to be a pro, he hesitant at first cause he felt like fate was telling him what to do. But he soon realized that he didn't have to listen to what fate told him, he could do it his way." explained Sunset. "And he's done that by carving his own path on his way to being a pro."

"I believe it's your move." said Isaac.

Turn 18: Twilight

"Sounds good to me." said Twilight as she drew, "I'll start by activating Pot of Greed, and you know what that means. And then I summon Watapon(200/300). Don't blink, you might just miss him. Cause I scarified him to play this-- Curse of Dragon(2000/1500)."

"Nice, now Twilight has two powerful monsters." said Fluttershy.

"Now, Summoned Skull, attack." said Twilight as she had her monster attack Isaac's Big Shield Gardna as it had more defense points.
Twilight's Life Points: 1100-

Soon Isaac's monster was then changed from attack mode to defense mode.

"By attacking Big Shield Gardna, I was able to switch it into attack mode. Now it's my dragon's turn. Attack his Big Shield Gardna." shouted the girl as her dragon fired a pillar of fire as it took out Isaac's monster and dealt some massive damage to his life points.

"Rrgh!" said Isaac as he covered up from the attack.
Isaac's Life Points: 1400-

"Now your last line of defense is gone." stated Twilight.

Turn 19: Isaac

Isaac looked at his deck as he could feel someone calling out to him. All of it got the boy to smile as he sensed which monster was calling out to him.

"I may be defenseless now, but that's all about to change. My move," shouted Isaac as he drew his card, "And now I activate Dark Magic Curtain. Next, I shall give up half of my life points in order to summon my greatest creature and most faithful servant. Come forth, Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac as soon a purple light shined down on his side as his curtain pulled back to reveal his ace monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 700-

"I was afraid he'd do that." said Twilight as even she was a bit intimidated by what monster Isaac chose to bring out.

"I'm not done yet. Next, I activate my facedown card-- Book of Secret Arts, which raises the attack strength of my Dark Magician by 300 points. Now, Dark Magician, destroy her Summoned Skull with Dark Magic attack!" shouted Isaac as his most loyal monster heard the command by his master and obeyed it as it took out the fiend with ease.
Twilight's Life Points: 800-

"Nice work."

"Master, I have waited a long time to serve and aid in this battle. I've watched over you since you were but a child and the time has come to fulfill my responsibility and duty." said Mahad to the boy with a determined look on his face.

"Twilight, this is the strongest monster I have left, and you know him quite well. So if you intend to defeat me, you must first defeat my Dark Magician."

If I wanna beat Isaac, I'm gonna have to destroy his most trusted monster. And that's not gonna be easy.

"You may have destroyed my Egyptian Gods, but defeating my Dark Magician is your true test."

Turn 20: Twilight

"Now!" shouted the girl as she drew her card. "I'll play... one monster facedown in defense mode!" Dark Magician is stronger than ever now, thanks to Isaac's card. But I know that somewhere in my deck there's a card that can beat it! "Next, I switch Curse of Dragon to defense mode!" said Twilight.

"That ends my turn."

Turn 21: Isaac

Isaac was now looking at the monster that Twilight set down as he was thinking. Is that card what I think it is?

(Quick Flashback)

"Whenever my Witch of the Black Forest goes to the graveyard, I can transfer a monster from my deck to my hand, and I choose this one, Marshmallon."

(End of Flashback)

If I know Twilight as well as I think I do... the card she laid down is Marshmallon! For, if that monster is attacked while facedown in defense mode, the opposing player loses 1000 life points! And with only 700 life points left, if I attack it, I lose the duel. However, I have another plan in mind.

"My move!" said Isaac as he used his willpower and the bond he had with his deck to draw the card he desired. "I activate, Thousand Knives!"

"Unbelievable! He keeps drawing exactly what he needs at the right time!" said Mr. William to the two ladies and Sombra.

"He's controlling his deck with his will." said Celestia.

"When Dark Magician is in play, I can use my Thousand Knives to destroy one monster on your side of the field! So, say goodbye to your facedown card!" said Isaac as he got rid of Twilight's monster as it was in fact Marshmallon. "Since it was destroyed using a card effect, it's special effect doesn't activate! So, my life points are safe. Now, my Dark Magician, attack!" stated the boy as he had his magician take out Twilight's other monster.

Turn 22: Twilight

"Your Dark Magician is strong, but he's not invincible!"

"Well, then? Let's see you take him down." taunted Isaac.

"Oh, I will." shouted Twilight as she drew her card. "But first, I summon this... my Blockman(1000/1500) in defense mode! Then I'll place one card facedown. That's all for now."

Turn 23: Isaac

"I was expecting more." said Isaac. "Now, I activate my Dark Spear magic card!" stated the boy as he drew his card and played it without looking as he knew what card he was getting. "With his Dark Spear in hand, my magician can inflict piercing damage. Dark Magician, attack! Destroy her Blockman!"

"You triggered my trap! Go, Soul Shield!" shouted Twilight as she managed to stop Isaac's monster from destroying her monster. "Thanks to my trap, all I had to do was sacrifice half of my life points to negate your attack and end your battle phase!"
Twilight's Life Points: 400-

"So your Dark Magician will have to wait until next turn!"

"Well executed, Twilight."

"And the tide turns again." said Rarity.

"Yeah, but now Twilight only has 400 life points left!" said Fluttershy.

Turn 24: Twilight

"Here we go. It's time to send your magician packing!" stated the girl as she drew her card. Perfect! That's exactly what I needed.

"Now, I activate a magic card known as Gold Sarcophagus! And here's how it works. First, I choose a card from my deck and place it into this ancient box. Then if you happen to activate the same card... the effect of your card is negated!" said Twilight as she selected her card and placed it inside of the box as it closed the lid on it.

"Any guesses on what card you think she put in there, guys?" asked Pinkie.

"I don't know, darlings... but what are the chances that Isaac's gonna play the exact same card?"

"Now, I activate my Blockman's special ability: Deconstruction!" shouted Twilight as her monster broke apart into two separate tokens. "Since two turns have passed since I played it, my Blockman is reconfigured into two monsters. And now I plan to sacrifice both of them! Which lets me play a more powerful one-- one that's strong enough to destroy your Dark Magician! So, check this out... Gandora the Dragon of Destruction(0/0)!" shouted the girl as soon a huge dragon of hers appeared in front of her as it let out a roar.

"My dragon of destruction can only remain on the field for one turn, but that's all I need! So, I'll pay half my life points to activate Gandora's special ability and remove every monster on the field from the game!" said Twilight.
Twilight's Life Points: 200-

"Gandora, destroy his Dark Magician with Boundless Gigarays!" commanded the girl as her dragon powered up its body and released powerful laser rays headed towards Isaac's magician.

"I reveal my trap! Recall!!" At that moment, Isaac's magician was gone and Gandora was affected as it let out a cry as soon it was gone. "My Recall trap card, shall protect my Dark Magician from all monster effects for the remainder of the turn!"

"No way. Even with Gandora, I couldn't defeat his Dark Magician."

"Twilight... due to the effect of my Recall, you're allowed to draw one card from your deck. So, go ahead and draw." said the boy as she did just that.

"I place these two cards facedown. And that ends my turn!"

Turn 25: Isaac

"Now Twilight's back to having no monsters to protect her!" said Spike.

"I hate to say it y'all. But I think it's really over this time!" stated AJ.

"Not necessarily. With the way these two have been playing, anything can happen." said Sunset.

"It's my move. All right, Dark Magician, attack her life points directly!" shouted Isaac as his monster leaped high into the air and looked to bring its spear down on Twilight.

"I activate my trap! Magician's Circle! Whenever you attack me with a spellcaster, I can activate this trap card. And it gives me the power to automatically summon a spellcaster from my deck!"

That's the perfect card to use against my Dark Magician. I knew Twilight was prepared for my strategy!

"So, now I summon... my Silent Magician LV0(1000/1000)."

"Nice move, but your trap card allows me to play a monster as well. So now I summon Dark Magician Girl!" said Isaac as he now had his other ace magician with him as she appeared before her master and teacher as the sight of the three was now complete.

"Two magicians. And they're Isaac's star monsters." said Twilight as she looked at the boy as he stood there proud with his most loyal monsters by his side.

Mana looked at Mahad as the two nodded as did Isaac. She then gave a kiss on Isaac's cheek for good luck as the three looked to win this duel.

"Now, my Dark Magician... attack!" shouted Isaac. "Destroy her monster and end this duel!"

"I activate my magic card-- Spell Textbook!" said Twilight as Isaac's magician stopped his attack. "Now by discarding every card in my hand... I can draw one from my deck! And if it's a spell card, I can use it right away! Since my hand's empty... I have nothing to discard."

The card I'm about to draw will determine the outcome of this duel. Twilight then put her hand on top of her deck and drew her card.

"Now I activate this! Card of Sanctity! So, we both have to draw until we're each holding six cards in our hand! That's not all!" said Twilight as both drew their hand. "Next, I activate my magician's special effect! With every card you draw, my Silent Magician's attack strength increases by 500 points!"

"And I just picked up 5 new cards!" said Isaac as he realized the situation.

"Exactly! So my Silent Magician now has 3500 attack points! Now, back to the duel. I believe your Dark Magician was about to attack?" said Twilight as Isaac's magician resumed his course as he headed straight for Twilight's stronger monster.

"Isaac's only got 700 life points, so as soon as his magician attacks, Isaac loses!" said Mr. William. With that Isaac couldn't stop his magician from attacking.

"Isaac." said Mana as she looked at her master to play the card in his hand.

"Are you sure?" asked Isaac to his female magician girl to which she nodded. "All right then. Now I activate my magic card! Magicians Unite! This allows me to join my two magicians together as one spellcaster with 3000 points!" With that both of Isaac's magician worked together as they used their powers to reduced the amount of damage that their master would take. They were now fulfilling their duty on making sure to keep him safe as both attacked Twilight's monster only for them to be defeated and disappear.
Isaac's Life Points: 200-

"Mana, Mahad!" shouted Isaac as his two loyal monsters sacrificed themselves to allow their master a chance. Still it brought a tear to Isaac's eye at how much they were willing to keep him safe. "Thank you, you two."

"I can't believe it, Twilight beat both of Isaac's top magicians." said Sombra.

"She did it." smiled Shining Armor.

"Twily!" cheered Flurry Heart for her aunt.

"Now we each have 200 life points left. So the end is near." said Isaac to Twilight. "This will be my final turn. You have fought bravely. But, unfortunately, this duel will conclude with my victory. Thank you, Twilight. I activate this. Monster Reborn! And, now... I shall resurrect Slifer the Sky Dragon!" stated the boy as he had brought back one of his Egyptian God cards.

"Oh no!" said the girls.

"Slifer's attack points are determined by the number of cards in my hand. And since I'm holding 4, he now has 4000 points!"

If I were you, I would have summoned an Egyptian God also, Isaac. And that's why I was prepared for this very moment! Soon Twilight's Gold Sarcophagus now started to shine with an aura as it began to slowly open its lid.

"What?" said Isaac.

"The card I hid inside that box is the same card you just played! The card I buried was Monster Reborn!" said Twilight as the card revealed was in fact the one she declared. "And since the card you just played is the same one that I placed in my Gold Sarcophagus, the effect of your card is negated! Which means your Egyptian God goes back to the graveyard! So, this duel is still on!" stated the girl as Isaac's monster was gone.

"No way! She just defeated Slifer for the second time!" said all the girls.

"Of all the cards to put in that box, how did Twilight know which one to pick?!" wondered Cadance.

"She must've had this planned from the beginning. I guess after spending so much time with Isaac, Twilight knew exactly what he would play." stated Shining Armor.

Isaac now had his eyes closed as he realized the situation in front of him. He then looked at Twilight as he smiled but the girl had her head down as nobody could see her eyes as she started to have tears forming.

"Go on. You're move." said Isaac to Twilight in a calm voice. He could hear some soft sobbing coming from the girl. It's all right, Twilight. Proceed.

Turn 26: Twilight

"All right, Silent Magician! Attack his life points directly!" shouted Twilight with some water in her eyes. Her monster then heard her command and leaped into the air as it pointed its wand at Isaac and fired a spell as it hit the boy dead on as a huge shining light caused everybody to not see what was happening.

"Wait! So, did Twilight win the duel?" asked Spike.

"If this attack is successful, then, yes." said Rarity.

The light kept on shining for just a bit longer as soon it died down as Isaac covered himself up. He then stood there as his duel disk registered the result.
Isaac's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Twilight

"Holy Shit! Twilight beat Isaac clean!" said the girls as even everybody in attendance let out gasps.

At that moment, Twilight fell to both of her knees as her hands were on the ground in front of her as the tears in her eyes started to fall and hit the ground. Water coming down her eyes as the thing that just happened registered in her brain.

"Congratulations. Well done." said Isaac as he walked over to the girl crying as he stopped in front of her. "Twilight..." He now bent down to Twilight's level.

"I was focusing so hard on playing the game... that I forgot... what winning this duel would actually mean." cried Twilight as she looked at the boy whose face was just a few feet from hers. "I'm sorry... for defeating you."

"Twilight, I'm not mad. I'm happy you won. You gave me a feeling that I haven't experienced in a long time and I thought I never would. The feeling of losing to a better duelist." said the boy as he wiped some tears from her eyes and looked at her. "I told you that the reason why I chose you to be my girlfriend was cause you can duel your ass off. And you showed it when you took Starlight to the limit and you beat me fair and square. That's something to not take lightly. Be proud of that fact."

Twilight understood what Isaac was saying as she lunged at him and wrapped her arms around him. She buried her face into his shoulder as Isaac stood their with a stunned look before wrapping his arms around Twilight as he rubbed her back and put his head in her hair as he smelled that familiar lavender scent as inside of Isaac's heart it started to beat faster as if it was telling him something. Soon they both pulled apart as Isaac helped Twilight to her feet.

"You know, this isn't over. You won the first duel, you need to win one more to be the official winner. But that also means I need to get back into the game if I want to win." chuckled Isaac as he began to walk back to his side.

"Right." smiled the girl.

"Time for the second duel to begin." said Luna. "If both duelist want to make changes to their desks, now is the time."

Both Isaac and Twilight took out their decks as Isaac now began to make adjustments to his deck. For Twilight, she took the deck she made and put it away as she pulled out her Spellbook deck. Her plan to catch Isaac offguard worked, but now that deck had served its purpose. So she switched back to her updated deck as she had some more surprised for Isaac with her Spellbook cards.

After two minutes, both Isaac and Twilight were back in position as they activated their duel disks. Luna stood up from her chair as she looked at the two as they were prepared to go another round of dueling. To think that the first duel had everybody on the edge of their seat. Now they were ready to put on another performance.

"Begin!!" shouted Luna.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

Twilight's Life Points: 4000-

"You can go first this time." Isaac said graciously, gesturing her forward with a wave of his hand.

Turn 1: Twilight

"Twilight smiled as she drew. “I hope you don’t come to regret that. I’ll start by summoning, the Royal Magical Library(0/2000)!” Wooden shelves burst up from the stone pier, once again encasing Twilight in its comfortable confines. The library was wide enough to stretch from one end of the pier to the other, but also transparent so that the others could still watch everything.

"Now what’s a library without any books?” Twilight asked, selecting a fresh card from her hand. "I play the Spellbook Library of the Crescent, and it will pull three other books straight out from my deck!” Three cards popped out from her disk and a trio of blank card holograms grew out from them as they started revolving around the girl. She smiled as she watched their hidden sides and flicked her eyes at her opponent. “Unfortunately I’m only allowed to keep one of these, but which one is up to you.” Twilight said, flicking her wrist and causing the cards to snap to a standstill in a row before her, “Pick any one you like.”

Isaac grinned and pointed dead center. “I choose the one in the middle.”

"Nice choice,” Twilight complemented as she pick up the card, placing the other two on her deck. The automatic shuffler kicked in as the holograms faded. “You’ve given me the field spell, Grand Spellbook Tower! And don’t forget that for each spell card I activate, my Library gains one spell counter!” A circle of light expanded from around her feet, changing not much aside from causing an emerald-twilight glow to emanate from below. The wave continued out to sea where a tall tower of swirling metal and light appeared. Meanwhile, a pair of green orbs began to float lazily around the library at Twilight’s back.

"I’ll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 2: Isaac

"It's my move, I draw! I'll start by summoning my Queen's Knight(1500/1600) in defense mode. Then place two cards facedown." A female knight wearing red armor appeared on his field, locking its sword and shield in a ready position as it knelt down. Behind it two facedown cards phased into play, and Isaac crossed his arms as he ended his turn.

Turn 3: Twilight

"Then it's back to me." Twilight then drew her card as her eyes widen at what she picked up; she looked over at Isaac as she then looked at the girls. The time is now.

"Don't think I'm just going to play defense. Cause now I play this card, Spirit of the Shelves(0/2000)!"

"The what?" said Isaac and their friends as they never heard of such a card.

A flicker of white caught Isaac’s eye from behind the bookshelves, but it was gone by the time he’d focused on the spot. It happened a second time, and a third, and each time there was no trace when he’d swiveled to the spot. Then all of a sudden there was a waft of cold air on the back of his neck and he shivered despite himself. He spun around and saw a transparent woman floating barely a foot behind him, clutching a book in its limp hands.

"What... is that?" asked Isaac.

"This... is a new card. Because well... I created it." said Twilight.

"You what?!" said Isaac and the girls.

"You remember when I was gone this past summer and how I interned at Mr. William and at Industrial Illusions. Well, I got the chance to create some cards, and well... Mr. William was pleased by what I created that... he helped me to make them official." explained Twilight.

"You made your own cards?" said Isaac as he couldn't believe Twilight did that and was now using them in a duel.

"They're ready to be reproduced and released, but I wanted to give them one final test. To see how well they perform and what better way than to use them in a duel against you. Someone who's a master at all known summoning methods and is someone who I know can give me valuable results." smiled Twilight.

"I... don't know what to say..." Isaac just kept smiling at how Twilight was choosing him to be the one to give the final test of cards she created from scratch. His heart was now beating louder again as this time Twilight could hear it.

It's working.

"Twilight worked hard when she was interning at Industrial Illusions, that I gave her the chance to make her own official cards and I legalized them. Now she gets to show them in action, plus the other cards she made outside for her deck are also about to released to the general public in just a few months." stated Mr. William as Sombra, Luna, and Celestia were amazed by what Twilight did as she did have a bright future as a card designer.

"So, care to show me how your new cards work? You caught me offguard a second time, man Twilight." smiled the boy as he looked at the girl who blushed.

"Back to the duel, and to show off my monster's effect. My spirit gains two thousand attack points when a 'library' monster is on the field, but first I'll activate Spellbook of Secrets so that I can add any 'Spellbook' that I want to my hand." A card popped free of her deck, and Twilight slid it free with a grin. “This will come in handy later. For now, I’ll have my Spirit attack!” The spirit suddenly grew animate, swooping forward silently upon Isaac’s monster. The knight quickly raised its shield, but the spirit passed right through it as smoke. It lifted a finger to its ghostly lips in the universal sigh for shush and reached out with its other arm. It did… something, and the knight exploded into shards with a silent scream.

“That ghost makes me uncomfortable…” Pinkie said in a low voice, rubbing the goosebumps off her forearms.

"Not bad, but I'm activating my facedown. Soul Rope! This allows me to summon my Alpha the Magnet Warrior(1400/1700) from my deck by paying 1000 life points." His trap card flared into light, a new figure growing into place from its center. This creature had a body of slate grey metal decorated with large magnets, one of which served as its head. It also wielded a sword and shield, which it levied before it in almost the same fashion as the knight before.
Isaac's Life Points: 3000-

"Traded one knight for another then,” Twilight said thoughtfully, “Well that’s not all my spirit’s got. I now receive an extra one hundred life points for each spell counter on the field!”
Twilight's Life Points: 4300-

"I see now, that Royal Library works well with your Spellbook deck. And with that new card you created, it gives you the ability to not only play your regular Spellbooks, but gain life points because you play spells." said Isaac with a smile on his face as he impressed by Twilight. "That new card, it works for you."

"Thanks." blushed the girl as it seemed her message of telling Isaac was happening.

"Atta girl!” Applejack cheered, “Way to take the early lead!”

"I’ll activate my Royal Library’s special ability,” Twilight said, putting a hand to her deck, “And draw another card at the cost of all three counters, clearing it so that I can keep generating more. Then I’ll set one card face down and end my turn.”

"Any more surprised you got planned for me?" asked Isaac like a little kid on Christmas.

'Maybe." said Twilight as she flashed a wink at the boy. "But you need to take your turn, first."

Turn 4: Isaac

"Right then, stand back." said Isaac as he drew his card. Man, Twilight got my attention again. Now I'm dealing with her usual deck, but this time she's using cards that she created herself. And man do they work well with her deck. Which means this is going to be tough, well Twilight wanted to test her cards against an experienced duelist. Time to see how if they sink or swim.

“You’ve set your field up very nicely. But are you prepared for my counter attack?”

Twilight leaned forward expectantly and held up her duel disk. “Bring it on!”

"With pleasure!” Isaac returned, “I’ll start by summoning Gamma the Magnet Warrior(1500/1800) to the field in attack mode. And next I’ll send one card from my hand to the graveyard to special summon The Tricky(2000/1200) as well!” To the right of his Alpha appeared a creature very similar to it, though so round that it was more a pink parody of a human shape. Its arms and legs were stubbly and it didn’t have its partner’s armaments, but it sported a pair of enormous metal wings. A much larger creature appeared on their opposite side in a rush of air. This newcomer was dressed up in a jester’s outfit, and wore a bright blue cape over that. Its face was completely covered by a red question mark.

Isaac gestured to his remaining facedown. "Unfortunately, the Tricky will not be staying long. I’ll use Soul Barter to exchange the Tricky for the monster I sent to the graveyard when I summoned it, Beta the Magnet Warrior(1700/1600)!” The jester vanished in a blink of light and Isaac’s trap went florescent, a yellow figure shooting out of its fading surface. This one had a body about halfway between its fellows, much slimmer than Gamma but still kinda cartoony in appearance. "Now I'll combine them all to summon, Valkyrion the Magna Warrior(3500/3850)!" All three of his warriors burst apart into pieces which revolved around each other in a mini tornado. They started snapping together, and true to form there was soon a giant combination robot on the field. It stood taller than the shelves of Twilight’s library, causing everyone to crane back their necks as it floated on two wide wings. Bits of Beta and Gamma had augmented Alpha’s sword as well, and Valkyrion wielded the blade as if it weighed no more than a feather.

"Valkyrion, cut down that Spirit of the Shelves with Magnet Saber!” shouted Isaac.

An eye of plasma burst dramatically into existence in Valkyrion’s previously empty visor and the robot leapt forward, raising its sword high. The ghost only gave its approaching doom moderate interest until it looked around at the shelves it floated amongst. Apparently realizing that the books might get damaged if it remained where it was, it floated boldly forward to meet the attack. The robot sliced the ghost diagonally from shoulder to hip, the blade cackling with electricity as it rent it in two.
Twilight's Life Points: 2800-

"I now end my turn."

Turn 5: Twilight

"Then it's my move, here goes." Twilight smiled and drew. "Time to show off another one of my creations, so I'll start by sacrificing my Library for even grander one. Let me introduce you to the Imperial Spellbinding Library(0/3000)! And everytime a spell is activated it gains 2 Spell Counters.” Her shelves creaked and groaned as the swelled in size. Now twice as tall and more uniform in shape, they glittered with high class filigree and metallic bindings. The books shone like new, almost dazzling to look at.

"Why should I not be surprised that Twilight created 'Library' monsters." stated Shining Armor as Cadance laughed at her husband's remark.

"Not bad, but it's still weaker against my Valkyrion." stated Isaac.

"Isaac, you should know that it’s not how strong my monsters are,” Twilight said, picking a card from her hand, “It’s how much better they become with a little magic! First, I’ll play this card facedown, and then I’ll activate my Pitch-Black Power Stone! This trap instantly generates three spell counters, one of which I’ll add directly to my Imperial Library!” A trio of glowing orbs bled out of the center of her trap, revolving around it like planets around a dark sun. One of the green balls separated from the others and drifted up to the books where it hovered, waiting.

"I now end my turn."

Turn 6: Isaac

"My draw, now Valkyrion cut her monster down to size." commanded Isaac. His monster leapt to obey, but Twilight was waiting for it.

“It’s not going to be that easy! I activate my facedown, The Reliable Guardian! So now my monster gains 700 more defense points until the end of the turn." A green glow surrounded her library as it gained an extra seven hundred defense points. Valkyrion brought its sword down in an overhead chop and sank it into the aura with the sound of a thunderclap. For a moment it strained against the magic, but it eventually succumbed and retreated with a defeated whir. There was a large chip in the sword from where it broke in the clash.
Isaac's Life Points: 2800-

“Not bad,” Isaac said, crossing his arms, “Not only did you stop my attack, but you’ve powered up your monster at the same time.”

"Hey, I just thought of something, why hasn't Isaac been playing any of his spell cards?" asked Spike.

"Cause if Isaac does that, he helps Twilight because he'll generate Spell Counters for Twilight to use." said Rainbow.

"So, Twilight in a way is sort of restricting Isaac from using his spells?" asked Pinkie.

"Not intentionally, Isaac is just being cautious. He's already lost the first duel, so any mistake could cost him the second one." said Sunset.

Turn 7: Twilight

"My draw, I activate Spell Power Grasp! In addition to my Imperial Library creating two new spell counters, this spell adds a third one of its own and then adds another copy of itself to my hand from my deck! This gives my Library six counters, which means I can use its ability twice and summon two other libraries from my graveyard!” The six green orbs floating around her monster shot down into the ground and for a moment all was still. Then the pier burst open as the well-worn shelves of the Royal Magical Library rose up, looking lonely next to the impressive Imperial ones. Between them floated a familiar spectral form, silently trailing a finger across the spines of some interesting books.

"Wait..." asked Isaac.

Twilight caught Isaac’s question before he could ask it. “My Spirit of the Shelves counts as a 'Library' monster, fortunately for me. But what’s important here is that I’ve got three monsters for a sacrifice. And now I will sacrifice them all to summon Yunae, the Crescent(2000/2000)!” Her three monsters turned into forms of light, stretching up into the sky where they collected together in a shining orb. The sphere unfolded and rained rays of light all around the awed spectators as the goddess of the night descended slowly to the field. The Spellbook Tower and the Power Stone slowly set as Yunae floated to a stop, turning back into face down cards.

"Woah, is that?"

"Yup, its another new one that I created. When she's summoned, all faceup spell/trap cards are turned facedown, so that included my field spell and trap card, Power Stone." smiled Twilight. "But look closely, does it look familiar?"

Isaac took a good look at Twilight's new monster as he was trying to figure out what she meant. He soon looked to the side as he saw someone and then back at the monster. He then did some double takes as soon a lightbulb went off in his brain.

"Wait, that looks like, Luna?" said Isaac.

"Yeah. See, I also made some cards that were based on some important people in my life. So as you can see, I had this one named after Vice-Principal Luna." said Twilight as she looked at the woman who couldn't believe her own student made a card after her.

"So, does that mean?"

"That I made some cards based on our friends? You'll have to wait and see like everybody else." smiled Twilight. "Now then, time to show off my Yunae. She gains one hundred attack points for every facedown card on the field. And by setting these two cards here, I will have five facedown cards. Plus the one on your field, and this gives her a power of twenty-six hundred!” stated Twilight as she showed off the power of her monster.

"Impressive ability, but still too short to take out my Valkyrion." said Isaac.

"Twilight smiled and held up the last card in her hand. “Ah, but this is what I’ve been building towards all duel. I play Spellbook of Power!" The book appeared in midair above her goddess and swung open, its pages rifling through as if the tome were endless. Bright shining power flowed like mist from the book and fell across Yunae’s shoulders like a mantel. The goddess stretched itself in pleasure as magical power surged through it.

Luna clapped at the move. “Masterfully done!" Seems she enjoyed the card Twilight created after her.

"Hmph." said Celestia as she was bit jealous of her sister having a card based on her from their student.

"Shatter Valkyrion with Moon Pulse!”

Yunae held its hands up into the air and a pale orb seemed to come into view far above. This moon started to shine, directing a shaft of moonlight over the whole field. The spotlight shrank, growing in intensity as it focused specifically on his monster and became too bright to look at directly. For a time Valkyrion was just a black shape inside the bright whiteness, but then the robot dissolved away into stark nothingness.
Isaac's Life Points: 2700-

"And I’ll end my turn by using the last ability of the Spellbook of Power,” Twilight continued, “And add a fresh spellbook from my deck to my hand, which I’ll immediately set.”

Turn 8: Isaac

Isaac laughed as he drew his card. “Amazing! But I must admit that I’m surprised you would risk such a close battle. What if my facedown card had been a trap?”

It was Twilight’s turn to smile as she put her hands on her hips jovially. “That’s the true power of Yunae, for after she’s summoned she prevents my opponent from activating any facedown cards for two whole turns!”

Isaac let out a wolf-whistle as Twilight couldn't help but blush as it seemed she kept on capturing the boy's heart which seemed to be working.

"So I have no choice but to fight openly, huh? Very well, I suppose I should meet your best with my own." said Isaac. "I start by activating Monster Reborn to bring Valkyrion back to life!” A magic circle appeared on his field and his giant robot rose up out of its center. It raised its sword and emitted a metallic cry, clearly ready to enact its revenge.

“An impressive draw,” Twilight said, crouching down in preparation of its attack. The Spellbook of Power only gives a temporary boost in power, so my monster is currently weaker. Fortunately, among all my facedowns is a card just perfect for taking it down a second time…

"Now I'll use its special ability and return it to its separate parts!” Valkyrion shuddered and every joint in it body popped apart like a poorly constructed erector set. The pieces tumbled to the ground into a large pile, but quickly started pulling themselves back together with magnetism. Soon the three weaker monsters were fully assembled and ready for action once again.

Isaac smiled and held up the last card in his hand. “Let us see how your Goddess stands up to a God! I sacrifice Alpha, Beta, and Gamma to summon Obelisk the Tormentor(4000/4000)!” The few clouds in the sky erupted with flashes of lightning and a strong wind picked up out of nowhere. One particularly large streak of lightning crashed onto the stone behind Isaac, and when they could see again a large figure stood ominously behind him. Each flash of lightning revealed more of its towering features, from its craggy blue skin to skull-like face.

"Oh boy, Gods versus Goddesses, where I can I place my bets." asked Rainbow as she and everybody else were excited to see this battle occur.

Isaac held his hand up and shouted dramatically. “Obelisk, strike down Yunae with Fist of Fate!”

Obelisk held up one of its massive fists and a bolt of lightning struck it, encasing it in a wreath of cackling energy. The god reared back, preparing to deliver a haymaker guaranteed to shake the earth. Yunae held up its hand palm out and a shimmering wall of light formed before it in a desperate attempt at defense. But then the god attacked, and it was all over in an instant. Obelisk’s fist punched through the barrier as if it were made of mist and slammed through Yunae in much the same way, generating a shock wave. Twilight fared the worst, as she was standing directly beneath her monster when it died. The force of it blew over her like wind from a hurricane, whipping her hair and clothes wildly about her. She crossed her arms in front of her face and strained against it, determined not to fall.
Twilight's Life Points: 1500-

Twilight lowered her arms, grinning at her own stamina, but then her legs failed her. She buckled, listing to the left with almost agonizing slowness. But then life came back into her glazed eyes and she slammed her hand onto her left leg, catching herself. She wobbled unsteadily for a few seconds as she centered her breathing. But she did not fall. Her friends shouted out cries of encouragement as she stood up and brushed some semblance of order back into her hair.

“That was… wow, that was a lot more than I was expecting!”

Turn 9: Twilight

Twilight drew her card as she looked at it. She then around at the six others spread out around her. She tilted her head, clearly running some fast calculations in her head, and then resumed the duel with renewed determination.

First, I need to thin out my deck.

I activate Spell Power Grasp,” she started, revealing one of her many cards, “And while I can’t put a spell counter on anything, I can at least draw the last copy out of my deck. Next I’ll reactivate Pitch-Black Power Stone, and while I’m at it, I activate another one of creations, Endless Shelves. Finally, I’ll summon Apprentice Magician(400/800) in defense position." A young man wearing a tight purple leather outfit appeared on her field. It spun a short staff in one hand a few times before tucking it under its arm and crouching down on one knee.

"I end my turn.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Is that all? Twilight, half of those moves didn’t do anything!”

“What did you expect of her, when her opponent is a God card?” Applejack said, lightly cuffing her friend in the back of the head.

The athlete glared at her, but then huffed and turned stubbornly back to the duel. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Twilight never does anything without a plan. She’s got this!”

Turn 10: Isaac

"Hmm…” Isaac said, as he drew. He considered the card and then pointed forward. “Obelisk, smash the Apprentice Magician!” His god reared back and slammed its fist down on the hapless spellcaster, not even bothering to gather energy this time. The boy was reduced to a pancake with that strike.

Twilight held up her deck as the duel shards of her monster froze in midair and started to reverse. “My Apprentice doesn’t die for nothing! When it’s destroyed in battle it allows me to search my deck for any level two or lower spellcaster and summon it facedown.”

"Well done, you survived by summoning more guard monsters. And with my spells and traps still locked, my own moves are still limited. I’ll simply end my turn by summoning Kuriboh(300/200) in defense mode.” A small puff of smoke heralded a tiny ball of fur appearing on his field. The puffball blinked its wide eyes and bobbed back and forth a few times before floating over to Isaac. It batted him a few times in the head with its stubbly paws and cooed happily.

"Good to see you too,” Isaac laughed, turning back to the game. “Well, this is the last turn for you to capitalize on Yunae’s ability. What will you do?”

"Why would Isaac summon Kuriboh to the field? Should he have kept it in the case that Twilight finds a way to take out his god and go for a direct attack?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well, Isaac also isn't one for making mistakes. He must have a plan, of course if Twilight does try to attack Kuriboh, her monster will be in attack mode and with Obelisk having so much power, if she were to do that given her current life point total, she could run the risk of losing this duel." said Rarity.

"So that's why, Isaac played Kuriboh, so that Twilight is now stuck with the dilemma of whether or not she should take out any monster that Isaac has in defense mode, but risk losing to Obelisk. Smart, big bro." stated Pinkie.

"I don't think Isaac is going for that plan. It just happens to be that the situation is as. There's another reason why he chose to summon Kuriboh instead of holding onto it. But what?" responded Sunset.

Turn 11: Twilight

Twilight looked down at her deck. I need two cards to turn this around. I can get one of them pretty easily, but the other I’ve got to draw, right now, or it’s all over. She took a deep breath and lay a hand on the top card. Betting everything, she drew. And smiled.

"I activate the hidden ability of Endless Shelves!” she said with renewed vigor, “And send it to the graveyard to summon any 'Library' monster from my deck. So I’ll bring out Secret Alchemical Library(0/2000)!” The familiar sight of bookshelves bursting from the ground was almost routine by this point. These ones were darker and more closely bound than the last, with dripping candles every here and there providing comfy light.

"So what does this one do?" asked Isaac as he saw another new card of Twilight's with a smile.

"Well, like all my other 'Library' monsters, everytime a spell is activated it produced a Spell Counter with 3 being the max. Then I can get rid of all those counters to search my deck for a card and put it on top of my deck." explained Twilight. "Now then, I’ll use my last Spell Power Grasp to add two spell counters to my Library,” Twilight continued, “And use the power of my Power Stone to transfer one of its counters to it as well. Now that my Library has three spell counters, I’ll can use its special ability." Twilight then used her duel disk screen as she selected the card she wanted as it slid out for her to grab as she placed it on top of her deck.

"We’ll get back to that card in a moment, but first let me introduce you to the monster my Apprentice brought me. I flip up Magical Plant Mandragola(500/200)!” Her face down monster burst into light and vines whipped out in all directions, gripping the stone pier like an octopus. Giant purple leaves sprouted and unfurled to reveal several yellow flowers that might have been pretty had they not opened any further. Inside the flowers were horrible misshapen faces made of slime and nightmares. The things opened their maws and shrieked a keening wail that could peel paint.

"It may not be much to look at, but it puts a new spell counter on the Power Stone and my Library. Next I’ll reactivate The Grand Spellbook Tower and use its ability!” The field once again took on the vaguely neon look of black light and a shimmering tower appeared.

A card popped out of Twilight’s grave slot and she held it aloft for emphasis. “Once per turn, the Tower lets me send any Spellbook to the bottom of my deck to draw a new card. So I’ll exchange the Spellbook of Secrets for the card my Library brought me, another one of my cards, Magical Incarnation Process!” Her new spell appeared on the field and burst into fiery green flames. "Then I'll activate my card's effect, by removing four spell counters I can summon a 'Magical Incarnation' token(1200/1200) to my field in attack mode." The various spell counters floating on the field were sucked into the flame, the Power Stone going so far as to explode into shards as it was sucked dry. The card consumed itself and the flames unfolded into a humanoid shape.

“Almost done,” Twilight said, holding out the last card in her hand, “I will admit, you make it look so easy. While it may take me more than one card to summon a God in one turn, like you did, I can pull off the trick! I sacrifice the Secret Alchemical Library, Magical Plant Mandragola, and the spell counter token to summon Solis Tia, the Heliosphere(2000/2000)!” High above the duelists, a second sun shone into existence. A glowing figure grew out of the center of it and descended slowly to the field. The goddess’s rainbow hair rippled gently as it spread its arms and began emitting a warm light all over the field. Every remaining facedown card on the field turned transparent in the glow, revealing that Isaac’s was a Card of Sanctity and Twilight’s were Pitch-Black Lode Stone and Spellbook of Mimic.

"So, is this another Goddess card that you created?" asked Isaac.

"Yup, I made three and like I said, they are based on important people in my life. Can you tell who this is reference to?" asked Twilight with a smile.

"Oh, I have a hunch." said Isaac as he looked at his principal.

"Well, well, Luna. Looks you're not so special anymore." stated Celestia as she mocked her younger sister as Twilight had indeed may a card after her as it caused Luna to give a pouting face as she crossed her arms like a kid. Both Sombra and William couldn't help but snicker at seeing the two sisters act like siblings.

"Most spell, trap, or monster effects don’t work at all against them, and even the most powerful ones can only work for one turn. Therefore, the only way to safely combat a God is to rely on sheer power!" shouted Twilight to Isaac. "Solis Tia has power in spades, cause upon her being summoned, she reveals all facedown cards on the field and in each player's hand. Then she gains an extra three hundred attack points from the three spells we have revealed. And that one trap card will drop Obelisk’s by an extra thousand points as well!”

“Excellent work!" said Celestia as she stood up with a resounding applause like Luna did. Luna continued to pout as her big sister kept on giving her a taste of her own medicine.

"So Yunae clears the way so that the opponent can’t react, while Solis Tia lands an overwhelming blow." said Sombra as he took in the two "Goddesses" cards that Twilight had created with an interested look.

"They match Lulu and Tia perfectly, wouldn't you agree Sombra?" asked William as both men saw the character traits of the two ladies be reflected in the monsters that Twilight created in honor of them.

Twilight held up her hands and practically beamed with joy. “It’s time to surpass the Gods! Daylight Radiance!”

The spell and trap cards shot beams of light up at the goddess, who collected them into the palms of its hands. The light grew brighter by the second, overflowing in front of it in a wave of blinding light. Obelisk roared its defiance, but even the will of gods bowed to certain rules. Its body began to crumble and break away, as of its whole body were a sand sculpture finally giving in to wind and rain. With terrible slowness the god collapsed in on itself.
Isaac's Life Points: 700-

"Twilight took out Obelisk again?" said Pinkie.

"Wow, seems Isaac and Twilight really can beat the Egyptian God cards." stated Fluttershy as she and the girls were stunned by how their two friends go actually go toe to toe with some of the most powerful cards in Duel Monsters.

"Amazing!” Isaac said, staring behind him as the last of his god card faded away, “You actually able to defeat Obelisk again!”

“You don’t seem too upset about it,” Twilight said, trying to sound disappointed but unable to suppress her elation.

Isaac shrugged. “Honestly, I’m having too much fun! It’s rare for me to cut loose like this without any heavy stakes weighing in the balance. And I trust my cards not to let the duel end like this.”

Twilight nodded and dropped into a ready position. “Then let’s continue!”

Turn 12: Isaac

"Gladly! I begin with Pot of Greed to draw 2 cards!” Isaac said, playing his card the moment he drew it. He placed his hand on top of his deck and sent a small prayer to the heart of the cards, then drew. “And next I’ll activate, Multiply! This allows me to create as many copies of Kuriboh as I want, but this time I think I only need to create two.” His fur ball cooed and held up its paws as the spell card took effect. For a few seconds it seemed to blur, and then two more Kuribohs phased apart from it on either side. The three fur balls bounced a little dance in midair before settling down and facing forward.

“No way…” Rarity said in a low, awed voice.

“He isn’t…” Applejack breathed.

“He is!” Pinkie practically bubbled, ecstatic.

Isaac held up his remaining card. “I sacrifice my three Kuriboh to summon Slifer the Sky Dragon(X000/X000)!” As his three monsters vanished the sky began to darken a bit. The sky’s surface broke over the head of a colossal red dragon that tore its way. Its body just keep on going as the dragon rose higher and higher into the air, circling in on itself high above the duel. After what seemed like a mile of dragon its tail finally came free and it coiled in on itself, seeming to straddle the whole horizon.

“Th-that’s impossible!” Twilight stuttered, and then caught herself and pointed desperately. “But Slifer only has attack points if you have cards in your hand, and yours is completely empty!”

Isaac waggled a finger. “Ah, have you already forgotten what your Goddess revealed I had?”

Twilight’s face palmed. “Card of Sanctity!”

"Exactly!” Isaac declared, activating it, “This card lets us both draw until our hands are full, bringing Slifer’s attack points to six thousand! Now go, Slifer! Destroy Solis Tia with Thunder Blast!” His god dragon roared and the lower of its two mouths opened wider that should be possible. Lightning collected in the maw in a tight ball, compressing it tighter and tighter as it packed as much power into the attack as it could.

“Gnnh!” Twilight grunted, “I have no choice! I activate the Spellbook of Mimic! This copies the abilities of any spellbook in my graveyard or deck, such as the Spellbook of Power! This will bring Solis Tia’s attack power to six thousand as well!” Her card flared into light and a book shot out of it to float just behind her goddess. It flipped open to the middle and virtually exploded into magical power, pouring it into Solis Tia’s waiting arms. It collected the new power and added it to its own aura, causing the mass of energy to erupt with vibrant colors.

It thrust its arms out, releasing the energy in a stream of power at the same time as Slifer shot its collected lightning all at once. The two beams slammed into each other midway and fused, creating a glowing ball of destruction that grew and grew as neither monster let up in their attacks. Soon the ball filled the sky, no longer restrained by either god. In fact, both gods were soon engulfed completely by the expanding sphere, disappearing into the light. It was so bright that everyone had to shield their eyes and look away lest they go blind. Then it was over. Blinking, everyone stared up into the sky to see who the victor was, but the sky was empty. Both Slifer and Solis Tia were gone, destroyed by each other’s combined strength. All was stunned silence for a few seconds before the inevitable broke the peace.

“That. Was. AMAZING!!!!” Pinkie screamed, jumping up and down and waving her arms like a madwoman.

“I can’t believe it!” Rainbow exclaimed, “Two of Isaac’s God cards blown ta bits, just like that!”

"And Twilight did it again." said Shining Armor as he was shocked to see his little sister had no problem in taking down a god card so many times at this point.

"This is far more than I could have hoped for!" said Mr. William as he was grinning from ear to ear. He was enjoying himself on the boy he gave the Slifer to and the girl who he helped to make all of her cards that she created official.

Isaac smiled. “We’re pretty evenly matched right now. So I gotta ask, do you have a third Goddess that you created to battle my third Egyptian God card?”

Surprisingly Twilight shook her head, but she was smiling as she did. “I do… but it’s not in my deck. See that's one of the cards that I've yet to figure out all the bugs. So... it's not ready for me to use. Which sucks, cause it held a very special place in my heart because of a special person it portrays.” said Twilight as she looked at Cadance when she said that.

Cadance seemed to have heard what Twilight as she couldn't help but smile at the girl she once babysitted, so many times in her younger years. To think that she made a card after her, was enough to put a smile on both girl's faces as they were reminded of some wonderful memories they used to have.

"Sorry." said Twilight to Isaac.

Isaac nodded and put a fist to his duel disk. “I see. Then how about I refrain from using my last God card as well. Let the rest of this duel play out fairly.”

Twilight grinned. “Sounds like a plan!”

Isaac matched her grin and looked down at his refreshed hand. “Well, let’s continue! I clearly can’t leave myself this wide open, so I’ll end my turn by activating the Swords of Revealing Light! This card will prevent you from attacking me for three turns!” A dozen bright swords made of white light fell out of the sky and impaled the ground all around Twilight. They formed an uneven fence blocking the young girl away from her opponent, but it didn’t seem like it was bothering her much. In fact she was quite happy as she started her own turn.

“Wait, you’re just going to move on, just like that?” Rarity exclaimed, putting a hand to her breast lightly. “Aren’t either of you a little tired after that exchange? Wouldn’t you rather take a little break to get your breath back…”

"Forget it, Rarity. They're having too much fun to care." said Sunset.

Turn 13: Twilight

“Since we’re starting again with basically a fresh slate, I’ll go easy this turn” Twilight said, “One face down card, and I’ll summon Rune, Research Librarian(1500/1000) to the field!” A woman appeared on her field, seeming very unimpressive after the last few cards to grace the field. Still, it ran a hand through its hair disdainfully and glared at Isaac as if he were making far too much noise.

(Turn Counter: 1)

Turn 14: Isaac

"Another new card." chuckled Isaac at Twilight's monster. He drew and considered his options. “I could take some time in the safety of my swords and build back up my defenses, but I don’t think either of us want that. So instead I’ll use Polymerization to fuse Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts and Berfomet together to form Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast(2100/1800)!” he spell card appeared on his field, along with the two beasts he mentioned. The two beasts were pulled unceremoniously into the spell, which spun around like a wheel on a game show. The spinning slowed down, revealing the card had become a fearsome furred creature. It lifted both its heads and let out a mighty roar, flapping its great wings a few times before settling on the ground.

“Go Chimera,” Isaac commanded, “Attack Rune!”

His monster leapt at his words, pouncing upon the poor woman in an instant. There was a flash of something crystalline at the woman’s neck for a second, but it disappeared from view as the beast buried its heads in a savage bite. Rune shattered with a scream.

Twilight sighed and wiped a hand across the sweat on her brow. “Just in time. I used Pitch-Black Phylactery to absorb the damage from that attack, and it created four spell counters to boot since my monsters was Level 4!” stated the girl as she played another one of her new cards.

Isaac nodded. “I knew you’d have some way to survive that. Where did those spell counters go?

"Right here, on my Pitch-Black Lode Stone!” Twilight explained, gesturing to her other active trap which was another card she created. This one apparently was going to remain on the field, and four green orbs were revolving around it in various orbits.

Turn 15: Twilight

"Now how shall I strike back?” Twilight mused as she started her turn, “Well first, I need a new monster. Let me introduce you to the Ancient Haunted Library(0/2000)!” More wooden shelves groaned as they heaved themselves out of the ground, but these were starkly different from the ones before. These creaked with age and neglect, thick with spider webs and dust. Books randomly floated from one shelf to another by their own violation. The shelves themselves were arranged differently than usual as well, turned on their axis so that they appeared as neat rows from Isaac’s perspective.

"Kind of a bit odd. Did you actually sleep in the library of Industrial Illusions when you made these cards?" asked Isaac with a sly smile.

"Shut up!" barked out Twilight with some red on her face as she pouted.

"Wait, why did Twilight leave her monster in attack mode?" asked Spike.

"Sit back and watch!” Twilight exclaimed, pulling out a card from her hand dramatically. “I use the spell card Shield & Sword to swap the attack and defense of our monsters!”

"An impressive turnaround, but you still can’t attack through my Swords of Revealing Light!”

“You should wait until my turn is over to judge!” Twilight said, “I’ll use this second copy of Spellbook of Secrets to get just the card I need to overcome it, the Spellbook of Wisdom! This card gives my Library immunity to all spell cards for the turn. Now there’s nothing protecting your Chimera!” Every surface of her library shone a bright green as it gained the power to push back the swords. Dozens of books floated free of the shelves and shot across the field in a great cloud. The chimera tried to flee, but the books caught up to it and pummeled it mercilessly until it detonated in a cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared there was nothing left save for the books slowly floating back to their homes and a much smaller beast, crouched over to protect itself.
Isaac's Life Points: 500-

"You can’t get rid of Chimera that easily,” Isaac said calmly, “For when he’s destroyed by battle, I can bring Gazelle(1500/1200) back to the field in its place.”

Twilight shrugged. “I recall that ability, so I’m not too concerned. I’ll end my turn with a facedown card, and Pitch-Black Lode Stone will leech away the three spell counters my Library generated, bringing its total up to seven.”

“That’s it, build up those spell counters, sugarcube!” cheered Applejack.

(Turn Counter: 2)

Turn 16: Isaac

Isaac nodded as he drew. “I’m familiar with Shield & Sword, so I know that it only lasts for one turn. While I doubt you left your library defenseless, there’s only one way to find out. But first I’ll sacrifice Gazelle to summon the Dark Magician Girl!” His beast vanished, leaving a magical circle in its place. The circle flared and a young girl twirled up out of its, pulling a pirouette in midair. It gave a cute wink to the crowd of onlookers as it floated over to Isaac’s side as she gave the boy a kiss on the cheek.

Isaac gave his magician a nod and pointed across the field. “Attack her monster with Dark Burning Attack!” The magician gave a happy cry and spun its wand in one hand like a baton. Dark magic collected on the end of the wand in a compact ball, and it launched the ball with a flick of its wrist. As the crackling energy sped through the air, the shelves suddenly snapped together in a united front. The ball slammed into the shelves and tried to bore through, but some trick caused the magic to bleed harmlessly away along the wood.

“Ah well, you caught me,” Twilight sighed, gesturing to her trap, “Desert Sunlight switches all monsters on my field to defense position. Usually I can catch my opponent unaware with that trick, but the Dark Magician Girl has the same attack points as the Library’s defense points, so you didn’t take any damage.”

“Clever,” Isaac complemented, “Then I’ll place these two cards facedown and end my turn.”

Turn 17: Twilight

"Twilight nodded. “Now that I finally have five spellbooks in my graveyard, I’m able to activate my Spellbook Library of the Heliosphere! With this I can look at the top two cards of my deck and add any Spellbooks right to my hand. So let’s see what I get.” She picked up the top two cards of her deck and looked at them, breaking into a smile as she separated one of them.

“Excellent! It’s the Spellbook of Life and Spellbook of Eternity! I’ve no use for the second one right now, but Spellbook of Life can bring any of my fallen spellcasters back from the grave, so long as I leave my other spellbook in my hand this turn. So welcome back the Imperial Spellbinding Library!” A large book floated into the air behind the young duelist and flipped open to its middle. Bright shining energy poured out of its pages and the ghostly outline of her most powerful library shimmered into existence. The outline filled in and soon the library stood in all its glory, its opulence putting the old shelves of her other library to shame.

“Unfortunately, those two spell prevent me from making any other moves this turn,” Twilight went on, “So I’ll end my turn by playing these two cards facedown and letting my Lode Stone absorb these two new spell counters. That also ends the effect of your Swords of Revealing Light, meaning I will be able to attack next turn."

(Turn Counter: 3)

“But fair warning, my Imperial Library has another ability I haven’t showcased yet. I can use it to return not just libraries back from my graveyard, but spell cards as well! And you know what that means, don’t you?”

"You can bring Shield & Sword back as well,” Isaac said with a grunt, “And that would be enough attack power to put an end to this duel once and for all.”

Twilight threw her arm out wide. “Which means you need to overcome my Imperial Library’s three thousand defense points this turn or else it’s all over!”

Turn 18: Isaac

"Then I better make this turn count," said Isaac as he drew his card, "I use the spell card Spell Shattering Arrow! This card instantly wipes away all active spell cards on the field, and inflicts five hundred points of damage to you for each one!” His spell card appeared on his field and an arrow shot out of the card’s face with little ceremony. It flew unerringly across the field and lodged itself in Twilight’s chest, where it detonated in a wave of clear light.
Twilight's Life Points: 500-

The wave of light passed over her great library and the book floating above it, dissolving away the tome like sand in water. Without the spellbook to support it, the Library faded away into nothingness once more. The wave of his spell didn’t stop there, clearing away her long overlooked field spell as well. When the wave finally hit the tower it too crumbled as if hit by a wave of acid. But something strange happened. Swirling lights appeared from within the collapsing tower, resolving into a great many glowing books which were flying wildly around each other. The collection of magic books shot towards the pier at great speed and came apart in a flurry of glowing pages as they arrived. A figure stepped out from the fluttering pages and glared at Isaac, leveling a long hooked staff in his direction. This monster wore robes of the darkest red and a large golden headpiece that hid its eyes from view, masking its expression.

"Yes!” Rainbow Dash shouted excitedly, “This is it, Twilight’s ace in the hole, Dark Red Enchanter(1700/2000)!”

Twilight placed a hand to her chest and laughed with relief. “I hoped you would do something like that! When my Spellbook Tower is destroyed by my opponent, I can summon any monster from my deck, provided its level is less than the number of spellbooks in my graveyard!”

“I was wondering why you weren’t using its ability to draw cards,” Isaac said, regarding this new threat cautiously, “Still your monster doesn’t even have enough attack points to stand up to my Dark Magician Girl.”

"Dark Red Enchanter has been winning duels since I was a kid and long before I got my Spellbook deck,” Twilight said, looking upon the spellcaster fondly. “It’s only fitting my old friend brings me victory here now! As you know, he generates spell counters just like my Libraries and he gains three hundred attack points for each one he’s got! And fortunately for me I’ve got a ready supply of spell counters all ready for him! I’ll use my face down Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy my Pitch-Dark Lode Stone!” One of her face downs flipped up and transformed into a miniature cyclone which immediately homed in on her trap card. The Lode Stone was borne up into the sky where it shattered, scattering its nine glowing spheres every which way. As one by one the orbs homed in on the red wizard’s staff, joining with the one it had created when she used her spell. The wizard practically floated off the ground as its power rose to incredible levels, its robes flapped about as if caught in a rising air current.

“Forty-seven hundred attack points!” Pinkie exclaimed, “That is as powerful as any of Isaac’s God cards!”

“There’s no way even Isaac can do anything about that!” Applejack said confidently, crossing her arms and waiting for her friend to land the finishing blow.

"Well?” Twilight asked, leaning in expectantly, “It’s still your turn. What are you going to do?"

Isaac looked down at the card in his hand, the ones on his field, and lastly at his spellcaster. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I will do nothing. I end my turn.”

“Yes!” Rainbow Dash shouted, “I can’t believe this is happening! Twilight is one attack away from beating Isaac! This is amazing!”

Turn 19: Twilight

"No, something is wrong…” Twilight said slowly, drawing her card for the turn and frowning as she puzzled this turn of events. “You didn’t even switch the Dark Magician Girl to defense position. I… can’t attack like this. You must have some kind of trap waiting for me. I activate Reading Glasses! Since I control a 'Library' monster, I can look at all of your facedown cards!" Her last trap card flipped up and thrummed with unseen power. The facedown cards on Isaac’s field suddenly became transparent, revealing their hidden faces for all to see. Twilight looked at the first one and felt the bottom drop out of her stomach.

“No…” she said in a low voice, “Magic Cylinder…”

Isaac nodded as his magician gave the young girl a cheeky wave. “This card will send any attack upon my Dark Magician Girl right back at your own life points. I’m afraid you won’t be able to win like that.”

Twilight heaved a deep sigh and grimaced as she plucked a card from her hand. “I didn’t want to use this card against you, but it looks like I have no other way to win. At the cost of every spell counter on my Dark Red Enchanter, I’ll use the Mega Ton Magical Cannon to eradicate every card on your field!” Her wizard’s staff glowed bright emerald as her spell card appeared on her field, and the magic was pulled from the staff in a steady stream. The card absorbed the flow hungrily, finally turning into a rectangle of light as the last of it was taken. It unleashed the magic all at once in a giant beam of light that completely engulfed Isaac’s entire field. When it passed there was nothing left but a hunched over Isaac and some still smoking patches.

Heaving a breath she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding, Twilight straightened and looked her opponent right in the eye. “Dark Red Enchanter retains one spell counter from that move, bringing his attack points to two thousand. Less than I was hoping for our final exchange, but there’s nothing left to stop this attack. I’ll attack you directly with Crimson Blast, for the win!”

Alternating cheers and groans filled the air as her wizard raised its staff and prepared to fire upon its helpless enemy. But then, for seemingly no reason, a holographic card floated out of Isaac’s graveyard and imposed itself between Isaac and the growing attack.

“What’s that?!” Twilight shouted, eyes wide. “You shouldn’t have had any cards left?!”

Isaac smirked and held up the last card in his hand. “You were so focused on my Magic Cylinder that you failed to notice the other card I had in play. Cross Counter Trap activates when my opponent sends it to the graveyard, much likes your Spellbook Tower, and lets me use any trap card in my hand as if it were on the field. So now I’ll trap your monster in the Spellbinding Circle! So now your monster not stops from attacking but loses 700 attack points!” The card in his hand flared as he spun in around and thrust it towards her wizard. A glowing magic circle surrounded the wizard and it found itself pinned, its arms locked in place. The attack it had been preparing died away to nothing.

“Impossible… I had this duel in the bag…” Twilight said, disbelief etching across her face. “I didn’t think anyone could have stopped that combo."

"Isaac played Twilight hard." said Rainbow as she and the girls had to admit, that if there was one thing that Isaac did the best at when it came to the duel. It was how to catch his opponent when they least expect it.

"GG, girls. That's it." said Sunset as they knew Twilight had nothing to counter Isaac's move that he just made.

Turn 20: Isaac

"Time to end this," said Isaac as he drew his card, "Few duelists have ever pushed me this far before, but this is the end. I pay half my life points to activate Dark Magic Curtain!”
Isaac's Life Points: 250-

A floating skeleton appeared high on his side of the field, wearing a long cloak over its lower body that stretched all the way to the ground. It flipped the cloak open and revealed that there was nothing but a swirling chaotic mass of color underneath it. From out of that stepped a figure wearing a purple full-body suit, clutching a long green staff in one hand. The cloaked skeleton vanished, having accomplished its goal.

Isaac thrust his hand out decisively. “The only way to properly end this duel is with my ace monster. Dark Magician, attack!” His favorite monster nodded its understanding and thrust its palm out at Twilight’s bound wizard. Even with the three spell counters it had generated since the blast that had decimated Isaac’s field, the Dark Red Enchanter only had nineteen hundred attack points. The colors of everything on the field inverted as the Dark Magician let loose with its unique brand of magic, and the Dark Red Enchanter trembled and exploded.
Twilight's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Twilight fell to her knees as the adrenaline left her system, leaving her weak. She looked up at the clear blue sky above her and realized that she didn’t feel bad at all. Instead she was happy, realizing that she may have just played another fun duel and with Isaac, no less.

“Oh, that was so close! But it was awesome! Good going!” shouted Rainbow to Twilight.

“That was one the best darn duels ah’ve ever witnessed!” Applejack shouted, hurting her hands, she was clapping so hard.

“Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked, concerned with her well being.

“Simply astounding!” Rarity put in.

“I’M SO PUMPED!!!!” Pinkie shrieked, practically vibrating with energy.

"Looks like we're getting a third battle." stated Sunset as she too was excited. "Way a go, you two!" shouted the girl to her friends on the field.

"That got my heart racing." said Cadance while holding Flurry who also clapped for the performance that Twilight and Isaac put on.

"I thought Twilight had won." said Shining Armor as he was amazed by what his little sister had done up to this point. He then leaned over to plant a kiss to his daughter's cheek and on Cadance's lips as the woman smiled.

"They really are the best." said Celestia as she saw Isaac and Twilight put on a show. She was like a proud mother watching her kids show everybody why they were the best.

Isaac approached Twilight as he offered her his hand to help her up. Twilight accepted Isaac's help as he got her to her feet as their hands shook a firm handshake while having identical smiles.

"Good job, those new cards that you made. They're the real deal, they threw me for a bit of loop for a while, but still."

"Glad you enjoyed them, I got more cards that are going to get released soon that don't just revolve around my deck." said Twilight while looking at Isaac.

Soon they both realized that they never stopped shaking hands as they were still intertwined with the other. Isaac and Twilight looked at the other as some red formed on their faces as they were still holding hands. Each of their hearts was beating faster as the other could hear it, it was telling them both something. Both teens looked at each other as they held their gaze. They got their faces closer and were about to say something to the other when...

"The third duel will now occur, you have two minutes to make any changes you see fit to your deck." said Luna.

"I should... get ready..." said Isaac as he broke free from Twilight's grip.

"Y-Yeah... me too..." said Twilight as she let go of Isaac's hand and watched the boy go back to his side and prep for the final round.

Twilight now took out all her new cards she made as for this last one, she was going to use the secret project she'd been working on for so long. She knew this was the final thing she needed to get Isaac to know the true feelings she harbored for the boy.

After a quick two minutes, both duelist were ready. For Isaac he had decided to give his god cards along with some of his other cards some rest. As for Twilight, her new cards had been put to the test and passed with flying colors when they went up against a duelist like Isaac as she was proud of what she created. But she still had the secret project to unveil, so she took out those new cards she made and replace them with what the secret project was. Both stood on the field for one final time as Luna gave the signal for both to start.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Twilight's Life Points: 8000-

"Let's duel!" shouted both individuals.

"I'm gonna come at you with every monster in my deck, Twilight."

"Same here, Isaac."

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start, so stand back!" said Isaac as he drew his card. "Now, I'll place my Black Arts Trickster in pendulum zone. Then activate her ability which allows me to place another pendulum monster from my deck into the other zone and I choose... my Sorcerer Swordsman!" stated Isaac as he placed both of his pendulum cards on the far ends of his color card tray as the word pendulum spelled out in rainbow coloring to signal that it worked. His monsters then rose up in columns of light with their respective numbers in front of them. "And then since I have a magician or spellcaster in my other pendulum zone, I can raise the scale of my Black Arts Trickster from 3 to 10." Once more Isaac's female worked her magic and trickery as the number in front of her moved up. "Now I can summon as many monsters as I want from Levels 2 through 9. Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory. My monster's are ready to swing into action!" shouted Isaac as he had two lights come out. "Prepare to have your fortune told, it's my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300, Level 4, Scale 7). She's the shining light in the darkness, Magician's Valkyria(1600/1800)!"

Isaac now had two female spellcasters on his field as he meant business if he was pendulum summoning right off the bat. For the boy, his two females just quickly hovered to his side and planted a kiss on his cheek as they and the rest of Isaac's monsters in his deck knew this was going to be the final battle with Twilight.

"Really you?" said Isaac to his mentalist as he didn't expect her to show this kind of affection to him given her nature.

"Like I said, so many times over. You're cute." said the goth girl.

"He sure is." said Magician's Valkyria as she gave a hug to nuzzle her master.

"I'll take it." smiled Isaac as he had his girls get back into position to continue his move.

"Now, I'll activate my Black Robe Mentalist's ability, since I control 2 monsters, I can look at the top 2 cards of my deck and add one of them to my hand." Isaac's duel disk then showed him his options as he selected the one he wanted as it slid out for him to grab. "Then I'll play my Magician Boy(1500/1200)!" Isaac now had his kid magician as he appeared with his new look as it surprised the girls.

"So, your monster upgraded?" asked Twilight.

"Not really, let's say that his best friend made him a cooler outfit." stated Isaac with a wink.

"I'll now end my turn."

Turn 2: Twilight

"Then it's my draw!" said Twilight as she drew her card and then looked at it as she gasped. Just wait, it has the perfect moment to tell Isaac.

What's going to be your plan this time, Twilight? In the first duel, you surprised me by building a whole new deck from scratch with so little time that it worked. Then in our second duel, you used cards that you made that help to further add firepower to your Spellbook deck. So what do you have in mind for our last bout? While Isaac was wondering about this in his mind, his heart was sending a message to his brain as it got the boy to also think about Twilight and her cards.

"I'll start off by summoning my Amores of Prophecy(600/2000). Then activate its effect so by revealing my Spellbook of the Library Crescent, I can special summon one Level 4 or lower spellcaster from my hand. So I choose my Charioteer of Prophecy(1800/300)." Another monster appeared as it rode on the back of a horse and wielded a sword as pointed it up at the sky. "Then I'll play Spellbook of the Library Crescent so since I currently control no 'Spellbooks' in my graveyard, I can select 3 'Spellbooks' from my graveyard and then you select one to add to may hand. So reveal Spellbook of Power, Spellbook of Magic, and Spellbook of Wisdom." Twilight's choices then projected for Isaac to see as they flipped over and randomized themselves.

"So which one?"

"This time I'll take the card on the right." pointed Isaac.

"Very well." said Twilight as she added the card to her hand and put the other two on top of her deck as the auto shuffler kicked in. "With that I'll end my turn."

Turn 3: Isaac

"Seems we're both feeling each other out, can't blame her, this is the final round. So you can expect us to go for our other monsters. My turn, and I'll begin by summoning my completing my kid duo, by summoning my Mage Annette(1300/1700). And when I summon her, I can draw one more card." Isaac now had another monster kid magician as the girl appeared next to her best friend as both smiled.

"Aww, aren't they cute." said Magician's Valkyria as she saw the kids smiling at each other as she could sense the hidden feelings between the two.

"Ugg, love." said Black Robe Mentalist in her goth tone.

"Now, I'll activate my Black Robe Mentalist's special ability once more, this time I can look at the top 4 cards of my deck and add one of them to my hand." Once more Isaac's screen showed his options as he made his selection as it slid out for him to grab. "Now I'll summon my Breaker the Magical Warrior(1600/1000) and when he's summoned, he gains a spell counter to give him 300 more attack strength." said Isaac as he now had five monsters on his field.

Isaac has a full field of monsters. But none of them are tuners or fuse, could he Xyz Summon? That new Xyz-pendulum hybrid of his only needs two Level 4 monsters, but would he do that?

"I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 4: Twilight

Why didn't he attack?

"My move, and I'll start by playing my Spellbook of Law. The first thing it does is that it allows me to add a Level 5 Spellcaster to my hand. Then for the rest of the duel, if we control a spellcaster in our graveyard or on the field, we get to draw 2 cards during our Draw Phase." said Twilight. "Now, I'll summon Yellow Gadget(1200/1200) in defense mode and then his ability allows me to add Green Gadget to my hand." said the girl as she grabbed another one of her beloved gadget monsters.

"Now, I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"My turn, and thanks to your Spellbook of Law, I can draw 2 cards instead. Then I'll use the special ability of my Black Robe Mentalist so now I can look at the top five cards if my deck and add one of them to my hand." said Isaac as he got another card to his hand.

"Why isn't Twilight attacking Isaac's mentalist, she's giving Isaac too much value." said Rainbow.

"Remember Magician's Valkyria special ability, Twilight can't attack any of Isaac's monsters without going through her." said Sunset.

"Now, I'll use the ability of my Breaker so by getting rid of his spell counter, I can now get rid of your facedown." said Isaac. Breaker then pointed his sword at Twilight's field as he took out her spell.

"Thanks cause that was my Spellbook of Divinity, so since it was sent to the graveyard by a card effect, I can now remove one card in my deck for three turns and then after that, I can bring it to the field." said the girl as she selected the card she wanted.

Normally, Twilight combines that card with her Dark Red Enchanter, but did she do something else?

"In that case, I'll now overlay both my Level 4 Breaker and Mage Annette to build the Overlay Network!" shouted Isaac as both of his monsters now turned into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the boy. Soon both lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, ride the wind, Ventus Oraculum(3500/2900, Rank 4, Scale 3, OLU: 2)!!" Isaac now summoned his monster as he held a javelin-like spear as it too was infused with magic, he then brought his fingers to mouth as he let out a whistle as his pet wyvern appeared from the sky as he jumped on it and raised his weapon as it let out a roar. The kid had a small red cape, wore a kid magician hat colored purple as he wore a magician outfit with shades of dark red with green outlines and shade as there was hints of yellow.

"Isaac really isn't messing around if he's already using one of his Pendulum-hybrid cards." said Pinkie.

"Now Ventus Oraculum attack her Charioteer of Prophecy!" shouted Isaac. His monster then soared into the sky and flew over to Twilight's side as it clashed its weapon with her monster as the sound of metal was heard. Soon a slash attack happened as her monster was gone as Twilight covered up.
Twilight's Life Points: 6300-

"With that, I'll set two cards."

Turn 6: Twilight

"My turn, and with my spell, I draw two cards." stated the girl. She drew her card as her eyes widen at what she saw. Almost time.

"I'll start by summoning my Green Gadget(1400/600) also in defense mode. Then his ability lets me retrieve Red Gadget from my deck." said the girl as she got another one of her Gadget monsters. "Now, I'll play my field spell, The Grand Spellbook Tower." said Twilight as once again the field changed to show a tall building standing behind her.

"I'll end with a facedown."

Turn 7: Isaac

"Very well then, my draw." said the boy as he picked up two cards. "I'll summon my Enchantress of Melody(900/1800)." stated Isaac as he played one of his tuner monsters.

Out came a beautiful young girl with crimson-colored eyes, an determined and gentle look and mid-length dark brown hair tied into two twin-tails to a ribbon that laid on her shoulders. She wore black robes and a cloak, she wielded a silver staff and kept a short sword sheathed around her waist. Underneath the cloak, she wore a low-cut blouse, ultra-short pink miniskirts, and wore burgundy boots that stopped before her knee caps She also wore some leggings that stopped halfway to her thighs as she still showed off her fair smooth skin.

"I didn't realize how many girls Isaac has in his deck." said Twilight as she saw the female teen spellcaster by the boy.

"I now activate her special ability, so now I can roll a die and then whatever number it lands on I can either increase or decrease a monster's level by that amount. Dice Roll!" shouted Isaac as a die appeared in his hand with the numbers 1-3 on it, as he tossed it into the air. It hung in the air for a while as soon it came down and rolled around on the ground as soon it landed on the number 2. "I'll now increase my Enchantress' level so now she's Level 5. And then I'll have her tune with my Level 3 Magician Boy!" Isaac's Enchantress then played her lyra as she turned into five green giant rings that circled around Magician Boy. "I Synchro Summon, Dark Sorcerer Magician(2500/2100)!" Isaac now had his synchro monster as out came a spellcaster that had white hair and had garments that were dressed in an indigo/purple color scheme. It wielded a staff and was surrounded by bits of stardust and magical symbols.

"And when my monster is synchro summoned, he can destroy one spell or trap card on the field, so I choose your facedown." said Isaac as his monster got rid of Twilight's set card.

"I knew you would do that, cause that was my Textbook Protocol. Now I can activate it when its sent from the field to the graveyard so now all my monsters can't be destroyed this turn." said Twilight.

"Clever, since I can't destroy your monsters, there's no point in me to attacking. So, I'll end my turn."

Turn 8: Twilight

"My draw, and now I draw two cards. To start, since I control a spellcaster and reveal my Spellbook Organization, I can activate my Spellbook of the Masters to copy the effect of my Spellbook of Secrets in my graveyard, so now I can add any 'Spellbook' I want to my hand." said Twilight as she grabbed her card. "Now, I'll play my Temperance of Prophecy(1000/1000). And then activate her ability, so since I played a 'Spellbook' previously I can now tribute her to summon a Level 5 or higher Light or Dark spellcaster from my deck." Twilight's monster then started to chant some words as some smoke began to fill her cups as it started to overflow and then surrounded the female sorcerer. Soon the smoke cleared as there was Twilight's new monster.

"Meet my World of Prophecy(2900/2400)!" shouted Twilight. "Then I'll activate its special ability, since it was summoned by the effect of a spellcaster, I can target 2 'Spellbooks' in my graveyard and add them to my hand, so I'll take my Spellbook of Secrets and Spellbook of the Masters. Then I reveal those two along with my Spellbook Organization and Spellbook of Wisdom so that I can activate the other effect of my World of Prophecy, so now I can destroy all other cards on the field!" Twilight's monster then began to glow as it put its four hands together as a huge light began to gather around and was set to nuke the entire field.

"I may lose my monsters, but I'm gonna activate the other effect of my Ventus Oraculum. So I use one overlay unit to protect one card on my field from being destroyed, and I choose my Black Arts Trickster!" said Isaac as his monster lifted up his javelin as he pointed it at its friend and then soon the entire field was nuked. "My Sorcerer Swordsman now goes to my Extra Deck, but that's not all. See when you destroyed my Ventus Oraculum, instead of sending him to my Extra Deck, I can place him in an empty Pendulum Zone."

"Isaac placed an Xyz Pendulum Hybrid in his pendulum zone?" said Rarity with a confused look.

"Is that legal?" asked Spike.

"Apparently it is." said Sunset as she pulled out her phone to check the rules as it turns out Isaac's hybrid monsters could do that.

"Learn something new everyday." stated Applejack.

"Even so, you're wide open. World of Prophecy attack him directly!" shouted Twilight as her monster then blasted Isaac as he covered up.
Isaac's Life Points: 5100-

"I'll now end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 9: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll draw two cards." said Isaac. "Now, first thing is I'm gonna activate my Ventus Oraculum's pendulum ability, now he gains the ability of another pendulum monster in my Extra Deck, so I choose to give him my Sorcerer Swordsman's pendulum ability. Then I'll pendulum summon once more!" stated Isaac as a portal opened above him as two lights came out. "Batten down the hatches and drop anchor, it's my Sorcerer Swordsman(1500/1500, Scale 1, Level 4). And making an encore is my Black Robe Mentalist." Out emerged the boy's monster as he tip his feathered pirate hat as she pulled out his silver sword as it shined brightly.

"First off, when my Sorcerer Swordsman is pendulum summoned, he can zap away the attack points of a monster on your side."

"In that case, I'll reveal my Spellbook of Immortality, so now my monster is unaffected by your monster's effect." stated Twilight.

"Fine, I'll activate my Mentalist's effect, so now I can look at the top two cards of my deck and then add one to my hand." said Isaac as he saw his options and selected the one he wanted. "Now I'll play the card I got, Dark Magic Veil. So I pay 1000 life points so that I can special summon, my Dark Magician from my hand!" shouted Isaac as he now had his ace monster on the field.
Isaac's Life Points: 4100-

"But I'm not done there, cause next I'll play Polymerization so that I can fuse together my two pendulum monsters." Isaac's two monsters now appeared before a vortex as they were sucked in as orange and purple swirls emerged. "I Fusion Summon, Lychinus Enchanter(2800/2500, Level 8, Scale 1)!" Isaac now had a pendulum fusion monster on his field as out came a male adult magician who wore a bycocket(robin hood hat) on his head as he wore a black cape and a magician's robe with the sleeves cut off as in his left hand was a staff that was the same height as him and in his belt there was a small dagger as his outfit consisted of yellow, red, and black, with a hit of silver as he wore boots.

"Now I activate my Lychinus Enchanter's special ability, with it once per turn, I can deal you damage equal to a spellcaster's attack points in my graveyard, so I choose my Magician's Valkyria!" stated Isaac as his monster now fired his staff at Twilight as she took the damage while covering up.
Twilight's Life Points: 4700-

"With that, I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 10: Twilight

"Then it's my draw!" said Twilight as she drew her two cards for her turn. She looked at her hand and saw that it was time. Here I go, Isaac... time to tell you how I feel. Soon Twilight's magic began to activate as it surrounded the girl which in turn activated Isaac's as he could sense that Twilight was about to do something.

"Now, I'll use these two cards, my Scale 2 Element Guardian Risus and Scale 5 Element Guardian Magia, I set the Pendulum Scale!" She swung her hand and placed the cards on the far ends of her duel disk as the word pendulum in rainbow coloring appeared in between to show it worked. Soon Twilight's monsters rose up in columns of light with their respective numbers in front of them. Two columns of light, one pale pink and one lavender, rose on either side of Twilight. In the pink column rose a warrior woman in rounded pink armor, a pair of crossbows hanging from her waist. In the purple column was a warrior in smooth purple armor with a gnarled wooden staff strapped to her back.

"Where did you get those?" asked Isaac. "Don't tell me..."

"Time to come clean..." said Twilight. "Truth is, for a while now, almost since last summer when I did my summer internship with Mr. William at Industrial Illusions. I didn't just make my own cards. His team of scientists were also trying to figure out the secrets behind your pendulum cards. It proved to be tough, so tough that Mr. William asked me to help his team to unlocking the secrets of your cards. And so I got to get a hands on experience, and well, at first we made some progress. But my time was coming to an end, so Mr. William allowed me to continue working on them when I finished my internship. And so this became my secret project."

"Secret project?" said the girls and Isaac.

"I couldn't tell anybody, because it wasn't ready. It was missing so much data, but overtime I figured out the bugs and made sure to uncorrupt the data. I sent it to Mr. William and with that data, they've already produced pendulum cards that are going to be released for our side of the world, next month. But I also took that data to create some of my own. And now I get a chance to show it off to the world, and more importantly, to my friends." smiled the girl. "Take a closer look at my two pendulum cards."

Isaac did as Twilight told him to as did the girls. At first glance they seemed just like monsters, but upon closer inspection, they looked to be resemble some individuals.

"Wait a minute... is that suppose to be me?" said Pinkie as she looked at the monster in the pink column of light.

"And the monster in the purple column is... you..." said Isaac as he looked at Twilight.

"My Element Guardian monsters, they're after you and the girls, my friends." said Twilight.

"Twilight made cards based on us?" said the girls as they were shocked by what their friend said as it brought a smile to their faces.

"So... if you made a card after each one of us... does that mean... you made... me..."

"I'll show you." said Twilight as she prepared to continue with her next move. "First off, I activate one of my Element Guardian Magia's pendulum ability, now she forces us to return our hands by putting all the cards we have back into our decks and then drawing 6 new cards." said Twilight as she and Isaac put all of their cards they held on top of their decks as the autoshuffler kicked in as the pair drew a new hand.

"Using the cards in my Pendulum Scales, I can now summon monsters from my hand as long as their levels fall within the Scales!” Sunset announced. She held up her cards. In the pillars of light above, Risus and Magia held their hands out and sent out beams of light that swirled together to form a portal in the air. She brought her hand down and placed the cards on her disk. “I Pendulum Summon, Element Guardian Honestas(1800/300, Level 4, Scale 3) and Element Guardian Compassio(900/1800, Level 3, Scale 1).” The portal above Twilight flashed and two streaks of light shot out and impacted her field. From one came a warrior in green armor carved in the shape of forest plants, pink hair streaming down her back. She took hold of a whip coiled at her waist and let it unfurl to hang from her hand. The other light faded to reveal a warrior in bulky orange armor, kneeling behind a large broadsword embedded in the ground. She stood up and lifted up the sword, dirt flying as she swung it twice and then rested it on her shoulder.

"Is that suppose to be us?" said Fluttershy and Applejack as they looked at the monsters that Twilight named after them.

"Now I'll activate the second effect of my Element Guardian Magia, once per turn when I have two 'Element Guardian' monsters in my Pendulum Zones, I can retrieve a spell card in my graveyard to my hand, but I can’t activate it for the rest of the turn. So I'll choose my field spell, The Grand Spellbook Tower." said Twilight as her duel disk ejected her card for her to grab. “Then, I use Element Guardian Risus’ pendulum effect, letting me return a card on my side of the field to the hand. I’ll take back Element Guardian Magia.” The pillar of purple light faded as Magia turned into an orb of light and swirled into the ground.

"I'll then set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 11: Isaac

Nice that Twilight created her pendulum cards after us, but her whole turn, she didn't do much.

"My draw," said Isaac as he drew two cards from his deck. "I'll play Magic Formula so that I can give my Dark Magician an extra 700 attack points. Then I'll use Lychinus' ability, so you take another dose of damage equal to my Magician's Valkyria." said Isaac as his magicians blasted away some more life points from Twilight.
Twilight's Life Points: 3100-

"Then play Thousand Knives to get rid of your World of Prophecy!" said Isaac as tiny daggers appeared and got rid of Twilight's monster. "Now, I'll have my Dark Magician attack your Element Guardian Honestas!" shouted Isaac.

"I reveal my facedown, Element Shock! This is a special card I made in addition to the pendulum cards. So by sending my Element Guardian Honestas, I can destroy a card on the field, so I choose your Lychinus Enchanter!" stated Twilight. Honestas faded away, leaving an orb of electricity behind. The orb shot into Lychinus Enchanter, making him convulse and collapse, shattering as he hit the ground.

"Nice move, in that case I'll take out your Element Guardian Compassio!" said Isaac as Mahad changed targets and took out Twilight's other pendulum monster.

"I'll now end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 12: Twilight

"My turn," said Twilight as the ground in front of her now opened up. "Three turns have passed, so now I can play the card that I banished with my Spellbook of Divinity. So arise, my Reaper of Prophecy(2000/1600)!" The monster that came out was a sorcerer who wore a dark cloak as he carried a scythe and the only part shown was his face as it was half human and half skeleton. "Then my Reaper's ability activates, when he's summoned. And based on how many Spellbooks I have in my graveyard determines how many of his effects I can activate. So since I have 3 'Spellbooks' in my graveyard, my Reaper gains 600 more attack points. And since I have 4 'Spellbooks', I can add one 'Spellbook' from my deck to my hand." stated Twilight as she drew her card.

"I now play Spellbook of Secrets so that I can get any Spellbook, and I choose this one, Spellbook Journal!" said Twilight as she activated her cards. "With this, I now select two 'Element Guardian' monsters from my deck. You choose one of them to add to my hand, and the other goes face-up in my Extra Deck.” Twilight tapped her duel disk’s screen. “I pick Element Guardian Magnanimity and Element Guardian Pietas.” The journal’s pages flipped open to display images of the two monsters.

"That's us!" said Rainbow and Rarity.

"So which one?" asked Twilight.

"I guess I'll choose Element Guardian Pietas." said Isaac.

"Very well, then. I now play my Spellbook of Exchange, so by destroying my Element Guardian Magia, I can draw an extra card." Twilight withdrew Magia's card from her disk and slid it into the Extra Deck slot, then reached to her deck and drew. "I then place Element Guardian Pietas in my other Pendulum Zone." said Twilight as she placed her monster on the far end of her card tray as a column of light rose beside Twilight again. In it hovered a warrior in pale blue armor, its plates designed in swirling curves. A long spear with a jagged blade hung over her back.

"I like my card. It totally captures my awesomeness." bragged Rainbow as the other girls glared her their alethic friend.

"I now activate the pendulum effect of Pietas. Once per turn with another 'Element Guardian' in my other Pendulum Zone, Pietas can target and destroy one face-down spell or trap card on the field.” Twilight pointed. “So say goodbye to your facedown!” The card flipped over and rose up, revealing Isaac's facedown to be Magic Cylinder. Pietas held out its hands and fired a blast of lightning into the card, shattering it.

"Were you really banking on your facedown, Isaac?"

"Yes." said the boy as he answered honestly.

"My god." said Twilight as she shook her hand as to how predictable Isaac was for setting that as a trap. Still, it was something she loved about the boy and in just a few more moments, she would tell him the truth. “I now summon Element Guardian Magia(1500/1300, Level 4, Scale 5).” In front of Twilight materialized the purple-skinned warrior, her armor forming a six-pointed crest of spikes on her back. She reached back to take hold of the staff on her back and brought it forward, a pink crystal on the tip glowing.

"That's the card that resembles Twilight." said Spike.

"And now, I call on the power of my Pendulum Scales!” Sunset extended a hand into the air. “Using the Scale 3 Risus and the Scale 5 Pietas, I Pendulum Summon!” A swirling portal opened between the two columns of light. “From the Extra Deck, I Pendulum Summon Honestas, Magnanimity(1200/800, Level 4, Scale 2), and Compassio!” Three streaks of light shot out of the portal and struck the ground before Twilight, fading to reveal her three monsters. One of them was the that resembled Rarity as it was a pale-skinned warrior woman in jagged, crystalline blue armor. She spun on one foot and reached to her waist to draw a rapier, brandishing it twice and then planting the tip on the ground

"Now to show their other effects, first up is Element Guardian Magia's special ability, once per turn, I can add a random spell card from my deck to my hand. Then I'll activate Element Guardian Magnanimity's special ability and she allows me to draw an extra card." Twilight then used her duel disk as she selected the card she wanted as it slid out for her to grab as the autoshuffler kicked in as she then drew the top card of her deck and added it to her hand. "Then time for my other monsters to show their special powers, let introduce you to Honestas' special ability, by tributing a monster on my field, she can destroy all monsters on your side of the field."

"What?" said Isaac.

Honestas then cracked her knuckles as she grabbed her weapon and plunged it into the ground as it created cracks that made their way to Isaac's field as they took out his monster as Compassio used her life force to give her friend power as she then disappeared.

"Element Guardian Compassio returns to my Extra Deck." said Twilight.

"I like mah card, she's tough and ready to fight." said Applejack. "Sorry for using yer monster, Fluttershy."

"It's alright, I'm always willing to help my friends in any way I can." said the buttercup girl as she knew she offered support to her pals when they needed it the most.

"Of course, since I activate Honestas' ability, she can't attack." said Twilight as she looked at Aj who threw her hat on the ground as she wasn't pleased that was the cost of nuking Isaac's entire field, but Twilight needed to balance the card in some way and to help function working with the other Element Guardian cards she created.

"I may be defenseless, but since my Magic Formula was sent to the graveyard, I gain 1000 life points." stated Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 5100-

"You're gonna need them, cause I'll have my Reaper of Prophecy take a swing at you!" shouted Twilight as she sent her monster towards Isaac who brought down its scythe on the boy as he blocked the sharp weapon with his duel disk as the monster backed off.
Isaac's Life Points: 2500-

"It ain't over, cause my Element Guardian Magnanimity will take her shot at you!" commanded Twilight as she sent the monster that looked like Rarity to attack Isaac as she pulled out her rapier and brought it down on Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 1300-

"One last attack, and how fitting is it that I end you with the card that looks like me. Element Guardian Magia, finish Isaac off!"

"Like that's going to happen, I discard Kuriboh from my hand to avoid taking damage!" said Isaac as he sent his tiny monster to the graveyard as he appeared before the boy and protected him from Twilight's attack.

"I knew you wouldn't let this duel end, which is why I attacked." smiled Twilight. Alright, you take it from here Isaac, cause the next move you make, I'll going to let it all out.

"I end my turn with two facedowns."

Turn 13: Isaac

"My turn, I draw!" said Isaac as he drew his two cards. "I plan to turn this duel around, and to start, I'll activate the effect of my Ventus Oraculum in my Pendulum Zone, I gave him the ability of my Sorcerer Swordsman, so now I can add monsters from my graveyard whose levels fall between 4 and 9 back to my hand." stated the boy as he got back his Dark Magician. "And now to pendulum summon once again! Make way for the lady of the hour, Dark Magician Girl. And please give a warm welcome to the star monster of our show, Dark Magician!" Isaac now had his two star magicians appear on his field as he looked to not only get back in the game but win.

"I now play Book of Secrets Arts so that I can give my Dark Magician an extra 300 attack points. But that's not all, I play Wonder Wand to give my Dark Magician Girl an extra 500 points." Isaac now powered up his monsters as he was in prime position to take out Twilight's monster.

"I now reveal my facedown, Element Guardian Council!" shouted Twilight as her card flipped up and shined brightly.

'What's going on?" asked Isaac as he saw the light.

"By discarding one card in my hand, neither of our monsters currently on the field can declare an attack." stated Twilight.

Guess I need to change up my plan. Isaac now looked at his hand as he pulled out another card.

"You may have stopped my monsters, from attacking, but I can still take them out, I play Dark Burning Attack! So now all of your monsters are now gone!" said Isaac.

"I now activate the pendulum effect of my Element Guardian Pietas, when you activated a spell, I can summon it from the Pendulum Zone. So rise up, Element Guardian Pietas(1600/800, Level 4, Scale 7)!" shouted Twilight as the monster that resembled Rainbow Dash appeared. "And now Pietas' special ability activates, so I can negate the effect of your spell card." said the lavender girl as she managed to stop Isaac in his tracks again.

"Damn." stated Isaac as Twilight saved herself yet again.

"And I'm not done, cause now I'll activate Element Guardian Risus' pendulum ability, which allows me to return one card on my field back to the hand, so I choose Risus herself." said Twilight as she took back her other pendulum card as she had no scale left.

"What are you doing Twilight?" asked Isaac.

"Telling you how I feel." answered Twilight. "Now I activate the card I sent away, which was my Spellbook Guardian Manual! By simply banishing this card, if I have no monsters in my Pendulum Zone, then I can replace some from my deck into them. And I choose the last of them, meet my Scale 1 Element Guardian Empathus and Scale 8 Guardian Valor!" Twilight's duel disk then ejected her cards she grabbed them and place them on the far ends of the duel disk. Soon two colorful pillars of light emerged.

In the red column was an orange-skinned woman warrior that wore red, crystal armor. She arrived as the emblem of her had the streak of the sun setting as it had some red, orange, and yellow. It appeared and pulled out a bow as soon a quiver of arrows appeared on her back. And the other monster rose in a golden column as this one was a male warrior as he wore a short-sleeved jacket with white lining. The top half of the jacket was black, while the bottom half was red, and there were two yellow straps dangling in front of it. His pants were red and sported a zipper going down the front of each leg. Each leg also had a yellow pouch with a black strap that partially cover the zipper, as well as a blue strap on the outer side of each pant leg. For this monster held a shield as on it had the symbols of the other Element Guardians on it.

"Woah." said Sunset as she looked at the monster that was suppose to be her.

As for Twilight, she looked at Isaac to see what his reaction was on the card she designed for the boy. The moment, Isaac saw the card that was suppose to resemble him. He didn't say anything, all he could do was stare at it as it wore a similar outfit to what he was wearing. While it may have been a monster, to Isaac it looked like he was seeing a reflection of himself in the card that Twilight made.

"So... is that..."

"Yes... this card... is you." said Twilight with a smile and a blush on her face. "Isaac, now you know."

At that moment, Twilight said what she wanted to say to the boy. And as for Isaac his heart started to beat the loudest it had been as soon he looked at the girl. It was right then and there, that the message that Twilight had been trying to tell throughout all these three duels was now speaking to him loud and clear. Isaac couldn't help but smile as he saw the girl as it seemed she knew that Isaac found out what she wanted to say. Isaac then took a deep breath as he prepared to say something to Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight."


"Do you..."

"YES!" said Twilight as she answered Isaac's question immediately. At that moment, Isaac smiled as he looked at the girl as both realized the sparkle in each other's eyes that Cadance told them about so long ago. "Though, it's kind of ironic. You asking me on the dueling field, while we're in the middle of a duel." stated Twilight.

"Would you have expected anything less?" asked Isaac with a smile.

"Honestly... no." smiled Twilight as she was the happiest she'd been.

"Did he just ask her..."

"Don't ruin the moment, Dash." said Sunset nonchalantly as she put her hand over her friend's mouth. She and the others all smiled at what transpired between their friends.

As for the adults, Celestia, Luna, Sombra, and Mr. William all smiled at what Isaac and Twilight just committed to. Even both of their parents smiled as they knew what to expect. For Cadance she couldn't stop smiling as the spark she saw in the two from way back when had finally taken full bloom, even Shining Armor understood what happened between his sister and the boy she loved as he wished them the best.

"Seal it with a card?" said Isaac as he grabbed one card from his hand and tossed it over to Twilight as she looked at it and smiled.

"Seal it with a card." responded Twilight as it was official.

"Good, cause now by giving you that card, I can activate Magical Contract Door! It lets me draw a new monster and I'll summon it right now!" shouted Isaac as he continued on with the duel as he sacrifice his two magicians to bring out a new monster. "Break free from your iron prison! Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition(0/0)!" Once the seal had been broken off the door, out came a new monster for everyone to see. It was a dragon that had tons of light red lights all over its body and led out a mighty roar as it stormed the field.

"Now Gandora-X's ability activates! It can destroys all your monsters and you take damage equal to one with the highest attack points! Then Gandora-X gains those attack points. So now my dragon will have 2600 attack points due to your Reaper of Prophecy." Isaac's dragon then began to light up with the spots on its body and unleashed multiple lasers that went all over the place as they zeroed in on Twilight's field.

"I'm not the only one whose going to lose everything, cause when I'm activating the pendulum ability of my Guardian Valor. Since an 'Element Guardian' is about to be destroyed, I can return the favor by taking out one of your monsters. So Gandora is also going down!" shouted Twilight as soon the entire field was covered in a huge explosion as Twilight's pendulum monster powered up his shield as the seven symbols of its allies shined with all the colors of the rainbow as it then shot a rainbow laser at Isaac's monster as a bright white light caused everybody but Isaac and Twilight to look away as soon there was nothing left but sparkles the floated and fell through the air.
Twilight's Life Points: 500-

"I now reveal my last facedown, High Speed Aria! So now I discard a Normal Spell from my hand so that I can activate it. However, I can't activate any spells on my next turn." said Twilight. "And the one I choose is the card you gave me, Card of Sanctity. So now we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hand."

"So be it, this duel continues. I'm having too much fun and I'm happy."

"Me too." smiled Twilight as both drew their hands while staring at each other's eyes with a lovesick expression. "It's still your turn, and if you summon a monster, you can attack and win the duel since my Element Guardian Council only works for monsters that were currently on the field when I activated it."

"True, so I'll play Premature Burial to pay 800 life points so that I can bring back my Dark Magician." stated Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 500-

"After that, I'll end my turn with a facedown."

"What?!" shouted the girls as Isaac had the chance to win, but he didn't take it. And with that spell card he activated, both him and Twilight had the same amount of life points as the next big attack would win.

"I'm giving you a chance. Come on, show me." smiled Isaac.

Turn 14: Twilight

"Very well, but you're gonna regret giving not finishing me off." smiled the girl at the boy. "I draw! I'll summon my Gold Gadget(1700/800). And his special ability allows me to summon my Silver Gadget(1500/1000) from my hand." Twilight now had two more of her gadget monsters.

"I end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 15: Isaac

"My turn, I draw." said Isaac as he drew 2 cards. "I'll place one card facedown, then I'll play Dark Magic Attack! So now my Dark Magician can destroy all your spell and trap cards on the field. Including your Pendulum cards!" stated Isaac as his monster then blasted away Twilight's set card as her pendulum cards as she grabbed them and slotted them back into her Extra Deck as she was now out of her new created cards.

"Now Mahad, attack her Gold Gadget!" shouted Isaac as his magician did that and took out Twilight's monster.

"Now my Gold Gadget's effect activates, it can replace itself with another 'Gadget' monster in my deck, and I choose the last one I have, Ancient Gear Gadget(500/2000)!" stated Twilight as she had another monster appear in defense mode.

"I now end my turn."

Turn 16: Twilight

"It's my move, I draw!" said the girl as she drew her two cards. "Now, I'll sacrifice both of my monsters so that I can summon my High Priestess of Prophecy(2500/2100)!" shouted Twilight as she had her partner by her side as she looked to end this duel with her ace monster against Isaac's.

"Lady Priestess." spoke Mahad to the women.

"Master Mahad." said the woman back as she had her legs crossed and a book in her lap.

"How unfortunate is that we find ourselves as the final stand for of our masters." said Mahad.

"Indeed, but fate has brought us to this moment. Now, we shall see which one of our masters is the best." said Priestess.

"Good luck, Lady Priestess. Whatever happens."

"You too, Mahad. Whatever happens."

"Here we go, I activate my High Priestess of Prophecy's special ability, by banishing my Spellbook of Eternity from my hand, she can destroy your Dark Magician!" stated Twilight as her monster opened her book and fired a spell as it collided with Isaac's monster as he was taken out.

"Time to end this, I'll play Pot of Greed!" said Twilight.

"What does it do?!" shouted everybody as she and Isaac just let out a laugh.

"This card lets me draw 2 cards from my deck." said Twilight as she played along with the joke. "With that done, I'll now summon my Fool of Prophecy(1600/900)." Out came a boy magician on Twilight's field as he had his staff over his shoulder as he had a carefree attitude on his face. "Then I'll activate his ability, so I send a 'Spellbook' from my deck to the graveyard. Now, Priestess attack Isaac directly and end this duel!"

"I reveal my facedown, Spellbinding Circle! So now your monster loses 700 points and can't attack!"

"Not quite, from my hand, I play Spellbook of Wisdom! So my High Priestess of Prophecy is unaffected by your trap." stated Twilight.

"In that case, I'll activate my other facedown, Negate Attack!" said Isaac as he managed to avoid Twilight's attack as her monster's attack ceased.

"So this is it." said Twilight as she put her arms down. "Now that we've reached the end of the turn, my Fool of Prophecy's other effect activates, since I sent a 'Spellbook' earlier to the graveyard, I can tribute him to summon my Dark Red Enchanter(1700/2000)!" The monster emerged as it wore robes of the darkest red and a large golden headpiece that hid its eyes from view, masking its expression.

"Go on, Isaac. Do what you do best." smiled Twilight.

Turn 17: Isaac

"You fought a valiant duel, Twilight, and this is the hardest move I've ever had to make." smiled Isaac with tears in his eyes. "But this ends now. I play Monster Reborn so that I can bring back my Dark Magician. Then play Bond Between Teacher and Student, so I can also summon my Dark Magician Girl." Isaac now had his ace monsters going up against Twilight's as it seemed both masters had their most loyal magicians by their side ready for the final result.

"Twilight, I'm glad you told me how you feel."

"Same here."

"Mahad, attack her Priestess!" shouted Isaac as his magician raised his wand as Twilight's magician raised her hand as her book opened up. Both of them gave each other a smile due to their masters being happy as they traded blows with each other and were gone. "Now my Dark Magician Girl gains 300 extra attack points since my Dark Magician is in the graveyard. So Mana, finish this duel by attacking Twilight's Dark Red Enchanter."

"Yes, Isaac." smiled his female magician giving one last kiss as she pointed her wand at her target and with a wink to the male magician fired her spell as it made contact with Twilight's monster as she stood there as her hair came undone and fluttered in the breeze as the attack ceased.
Twilight's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"Ladies and gentleman, give a round of applause to both Isaac and Twilight." said Luna as she and the entire students and parents in the stands stood up and clapped as did the girls. Along with their parents and the adults of both CHS and Crystal Prep were giving their praises and respect to both teens for putting on some of the best duels of not just their life but for everybody to see.

Isaac approached Twilight who fell to her knees. She looked up and saw Isaac standing there, before she could say anything, Isaac got on his knees in front of Twilight and immediately grabbed both sides of her face as he brought her in for a deep and passionate kiss. Both of them just closed their eyes and wrapped their hands around the other's neck. They enjoyed it as they finally confessed their true feelings to the other as the applause was going even louder for what it meant between the two.

While the pair was kissing, the necklaces they were wearing began to glow as the magic inside of them was starting to come out. And not just from them, but the girls and everything else that was infused with magic. It then started to surround the pair as it soon shot into the sky as it did some fireworks effect.

"What's happening?" asked Rainbow.

"The magic is going back to where it came from." said Sunset. "It's served its purpose, we don't need it anymore." stated the bacon-haired girl as she petted Spike who let out a normal bark.

Isaac and Twilight pulled apart as they had a small trail of salvia connecting their lips. They both looked up and saw the magic going off as they both knew what it meant. With their time coming to an end and each going on their separate paths, the magic knew that it no longer needed them and their friends. So it then did one final explosion as the last batch of magical particles exploded in the sky to create a beautiful light show. Isaac leaned in as he said something that only Twilight heard as she responded, but only Isaac heard it. The boy then let go of Twilight's face as he stood up and made his way to Luna, Celestia, Sombra, and Mr. William. He then pulled out his deck as he took out some cards.

"Mr. William, thanks for trusting me with this." said Isaac as he gave back the copy of Slifer the Sky Dragon to the current owner of Industrial Illusions.

"Thank you, Isaac boy." said the man as he grabbed the card.

"Sombra, don't try anything chaotic." said Isaac as he handed him Obelisk back.

"I'll keep my word." said the man as he took the god card from Isaac.

"Luna and Celestia." said Isaac as he held out the Winged Dragon of Ra.

"Isaac." said Celestia as she grabbed the card from her student.

"I'm not gonna need them. I got plenty of firepower for the pro circuit. I'm keeping my word, that I would return them when all was said and done. And I relinquish my rank as champion." stated Isaac.

"Undefeated till graduation, a feat that shall not be repeated ever again." smiled Celestia.

"We hope that whoever is the next champion, remembers what it means to hold this rank." smiled Luna.

"One more thing, here." Isaac now pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to Luna as she looked at the object as it was a check. "The Board is giving you guys funds to remodel the school and to give it a proper teaching system for CHS and will implement Duel Monsters as part of the school curriculum. How much they were willing to give, well they simply matched the amount of money that I was gonna donate to the school."

"The amount of money is..." Luna widen at what the number was for Isaac's portion of the funds.

"The rest that I have in savings account. All the money I made during my Blackjack dealings in Las Pegasus, I'm giving it all to you girls to help the program and to get the school of your dreams." said Isaac.

"Isaac... thank you." cried the two women as they brought their student in as they hugged him tightly.

"Good luck." said Luna.

"We know you'll do much better than we could have done in our careers. It's why we picked you to be the one to retire us." smiled Celestia.

"Goodbye, ladies." said Isaac as he began to walk away from his two principals.

"Mami, papi, I'll be fine." said Isaac as he was saying goodbye to his parents.

"Make sure you call us." said Isaac's mom.

"And let us know when you're coming home from your busy schedule." said Isaac's dad.

"I will, thank you... for being the best parents I could ever ask for." cried the boy as he hugged them one last time.

"Isac." said Flurry Heart.

"Be a good girl. Okay?" asked Isaac to which Flurry nodded as he kissed her cheek and said goodbye to the small baby. "She's going to grow up well, Cadance."

"Good luck, Isaac."

"I will. And I'll see you very soon, Shining Armor. Just don't lose the title of World Champion, before I get a crack at you."

"I'll be waiting for you, Isaac." said the young man as he did a fist bump to his rival.

"Isaac, time to leave." said Juniper.

"Right, let's go Juniper." Isaac now began to follow the girl as they were heading towards the exit as once Isaac stepped through it meant the start of his career as a pro duelist. He was then stopped in his tracks by voices.

"Isaac, don't go!" shouted the girls as got up out of their seats. Fluttershy handed Spike to Shining Armor as all seven of them stood behind Isaac as he had his back turned towards them.

"So that's how it ends, huh? Nice, you think can just show up and change everybody's life... and then just leave?!" said Rainbow as she had some tears in her eyes.

"What a shitty move, big bro." cried Pinkie as well as both girls tried hard to wipe their tears.

"What Rainbow and Pinkie mean, darling is... we don't want to say goodbye." stated Rarity as she too was crying.

"Exactly. Isaac..." said Fluttershy letting tears roll down her cheek.

"We know walking through that door means you get realize your destiny and you get to live your dream... and it's all for the best... but it doesn't seem fair!" shouted Twilight as she was the one crying the most of the group. "I mean, I feel like we were all just getting to know you. And now you're being taken away from us! I know we should be happy for you... but it's really hard to do that when you're losing your best friend and you just don't understand why it has to be that way!" While the girls were crying, Isaac too had his head down as tears were sliding down his cheek as he heard the girls.

"I guess there are some things that we're not supposed to understand." said Sunset as she placed her hand on Twilight's shoulder. "But we know that true friends may be hard to leave... but they're impossible to forget. And even though his stay wasn't as long as we would have liked... we're lucky we knew him at all." said the girl as the others all had tears as they looked at the boy standing in front of them.

Thank you, girls. I'm gonna miss you all, I hope that you all live your lives to fullest, even if I never see you all again. Isaac was crying hard as he keep his head down and back turned.

"Hey, sugar! I hate to break the terrible news to ya... but you're not goin' anywhere!" said Aj as she took off her hat and sniffled a bit. "Cause everything you've given us stays right here in our hearts! And that will never makes us forget about you. Not now, not ever!" said the country girl as the others all nodded.

"Right!" said Isaac as he turned his head to the group. The message from Aj now helped to ease Isaac's fear as a huge weight was finally lifted off his soul and shoulders.

"Like we always say... it's your move!" shouted the girls in unison while each one gave a thumbs up to the boy.

Isaac simply responded by extending his arm out to his side and gave a thumbs up as he walked towards the door. The girls saw their friend as he was about to move on with his life. Isaac was now walking to the door as the final vision that his Black Robe Mentalist saw so long ago now occurred. To Isaac he was walking towards the door, and on the other side were the spirits of the Big 5 as they were waiting for the boy to join them. With that Isaac finally realized his destiny as he disappeared behind the door and it closed with a thud as the girls stood there looking at it.

"Well, Isaac... good bye." said Twilight with tears still flowing down her face as everything faded to black as there was nothing but darkness.



"You there?" spoke a light shining through the darkness.

"I'm Isaac... and this... is my story." said the voice as soon everything changed as a montage was playing as music was heard.


Isaac had arrived at CHS with his parents as they were meeting with Principal Celestia to complete his enrollment.

"Now that the paperwork is taken care of, I would like to ask Isaac a question? I heard from your parents that you seem fond of Duel Monsters, is that correct?" she asked. "But if I may be so bold as to say: What do you duel for?"

It now showed Isaac's first duel on his first day at transferring to Canterlot High. Where he showed off his Dark Magician as he showed off the skills he had. From afar was Rainbow as she was spying on the new student as she looked to scout him out. Isaac's next few duels, he showed off his ability to do all known summoning methods as Rainbow continued to watch from afar. Isaac then was shown finding a lost card as he then bumped into Fluttershy as it was their first meeting.

"Hi, my name is Isaac. What's your name?"

"Oh... my name is Fluttershy." the girl said in a soft, low voice that Isaac could barely hear her.

"Wait, maybe you can help" Isaac called out. "I'm looking for the owner of this card they seem to have dropped it the other day, know anybody who might have recently lost a card?" asked Isaac hoping for an answer. "It looks like this." Isaac pulled the card out of his pocket and showed it to her.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe it. Where did you find this? I thought I lost this forever. Thank you!" she then lunged at him with open arms and embraced him.

Then it showed Isaac helping Fluttershy at the animal rescue center as she wanted to reward him for returning the card. It was there he adopted Tigre as Isaac thanked the girl for helping him to give the cat a home. The days after was Isaac helping to rebuild Fluttershy's deck from the ground up and taking on Trixie in one of his first big time duels as at the end he applauded the girl for a good fight and then Rainbow made her presence known.

"Dash. Rainbow Dash" she said with such conviction in her voice. "I've been watching you for a while now; I've liked what I've seen so far. That's why we need to talk!"

With that Isaac met the girls and began to tell him about the Fall Formal.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie."

"Howdy, I'm Applejack. But you can call me AJ."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, darling. My name is Rarity."

"Greetings, I'm Isaac."

After that they begun to hang out with each other and during that time, word got out to a certain someone about Isaac. And then one day she had caught her in the hallways as she made herself known.

“What do you want?” Isaac said with a commanding voice.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Sunset Shimmer." said the girl. "Heed my advice ditch the girls so you tune all of your focus on surviving in the tournament. Or don’t it’s up to you. Still know that this is my place and I run it; meaning I decide who lives and who suffers my wrath. If you play your cards right kid I might let you slide, are we clear?”

Isaac answered with a bit of bitterness. “Crystal.”

“Good, see you around boy toy."

"Isaac, the reason why Rainbow wanted to meet with you was because of Sunset.” said Applejack.

“So I can do your dirty work, huh Dash? The only reason why you became friends with me is so Sunset Shimmer can fall? That’s the only reason why you need me, isn’t it!?” Isaac expressed how angry he was with them. “Here I was thinking that it’s impossible to become fast friends with people you just met. I actually believed that there are some people who even if you haven’t met, you can share a special connection with them. But I can throw that out the window because I found out you're just using me for your selfish needs. Let me ask you all, did any of you ever feel like we were friends?”

“Of course we did darling. I’ll admit while our initial reasons for wanting to meet you were malicious, you must believe that we really did want to become friends with you."

“But why me? What could I possibly have that would require you guys to seek me out?”

“There’s one thing that you have that Sunset doesn’t have: it’s heart. Compared to Sunset you don’t rely on power to help you win your duels; you put your trust in your cards/deck.” Rainbow put her hand on Isaac's shoulder. “Listen Isaac, I’m so sorry for betraying your trust. I know it wasn’t the best way to meet but believe me when I say: we need you."

Then the crew began to work on their plan for the Fall Formal tournament as they were dead set on taking down Sunset. The tournament getting underway as soon the final 8 were announced and that the last matchup of the quarterfinal round pitted Isaac against Fluttershy. For the two it pained them to be facing off but they knew they had to do it to stop Sunset. And so the two battled as both gave each other all they could handle as in the end Isaac was able to defeat the shy girl and move on to the next round. Then the semi-final round, pitted Isaac against another one of his friends in Applejack. Both city boy and country gal showed just how much they were willing to take a hit and get back up. Eventually it came to an end as Isaac beat Aj to go to the finals. And on the other side, Sunset disposed of Rainbow and kept on hurting the girl after the duel, until Isaac came to put a stop to it and the two looked at each other as the clash for the finals would take place.

"They boo you because first of all you suck!" Everybody started to cheer for Isaac when he said that; Sunset was getting furious for the crowd turning on her. "And second of all it's because they see right through, you're phony. You're just somebody who's throwing their power around, picking on others because she's too scared of her own insecurities. So you turn your attention towards others and try to make their life miserable, so that you can feel better about yourself. So if you wrap up everything I said about you, then you're just a fake ass bitch!"

"You're about to see how mean I can get!"

"Then do something about it!"

Isaac and Sunset then jumped out of their seats and began to get in each other's faces. Their foreheads were pressed against each other as they started to bad mouth each other with curses and slang.

"I feel like everytime I walk into this building its been 'this is the biggest duel of my life'. Guys, next week, it's the biggest match of my career." said Isaac with a mocking tone. "This Friday, it's not just the biggest duel of my career, it's the biggest moment of my life, Sunset."

Sunset had a smirk on her face. "The whoop is understanding the difference between a main event that last for one night. And a main event that's life altering."

Now the two faced off against each other as it was a fight for survival. Isaac was facing off against Sunset as both were trying their best defeat the other.

"Stay down!! Just stay down!!! Everytime I've beaten you to a pulp, you still find some way to get back up! I kick your ass and you get back up. I kick your ass again and you still try to get back up!! Maybe your parents told you that if you face a bully and he's beating you down then you should just get back up. Well let me tell you, the next time that bully is not going to let you get up. They're going to keep beating you till they make sure that you don't get up! I said that you were going to be in for the beating of a lifetime but you still are trying to fight. So tell me!! What do I have to do!? What do I have to do to get you out of my life!? I! HATE! YOU!!!!"

"Now you know, Sunset. You said it yourself, that I'm going to be in for the beating of a lifetime. Well that's like saying that the sun will come up tomorrow. Of course I know that, I know that. But I also know what it takes to beat you! But what separates me from you Sunset is heart. And when the chips are down, you may beat the hell out of me but you're going to have beat every last breath out of this body!!" said Isaac. "Well I duel out of love!"

Sunset had a disgusted look on her face like that was most stupidest answer she ever heard from someone.

"Oh no, don't get me wrong I see you, I see the look on your face. Because we don't use/say the word love around here, especially if your a guy because when we say that we don't look tough. Please I'm a grown ass man, I could do/say what the hell I want and I don't give a damn on what anybody else thinks! I love this game, I love the fact that I can make people happy, I love every little aspect that Duel Monsters brings to me and my life! I love the look on these people's faces; I love the smiles that I put on for the people not just in here but also for the fine folks at home watching and to the readers who're reading this story. It warms my heart when I'm pulled to the side and people say 'thank you'. I am here out of love, what the hell are you doing here!! Cause I'm not just fighting for me, Sunset. I'm fighting for everybody whose dream was to be here, whose dream was to stand here on the grandest stage of them and say they've made it. Know that because this is my life! This is my passion! This is all that I got!!!"

"Nothing is impossible, Sunset! Now Chromatic Paladin, attack Sunset's Demon Inferno. Rainbow Slash!!"

Isaac then fused his spirit with his monster as it lifted its weapon and then jumped into the air and with a mighty swing of its sword brought it down on Sunset's monster and struck the final blow to Sunset as it brought her to her knees. Isaac saw that Sunset was starting to feel sorry for herself and was ready to atone for her sins. Isaac then extended his hand for Sunset to accept; she saw what Isaac was doing and was hesitant in accepting his forgiveness. Eventually she grabbed Isaac's hand as the rainbow that surrounded Isaac was then transferred to Sunset as it washed away the remaining darkness in her heart.

The day after saw the group approaching Sunset as she was looking to reinvent herself by getting a new deck. Isaac offered his support as he gave Sunset a special card. Sunset looked at it and was surprised with what Isaac was giving her. She had to do a double take as she looked at the card; she then looked at Isaac.

"You sure about this?"

"Of course, unfortunately, I don't have all the proper cards to support it. That is going to be a challenge on your part. You need to be willing to put in the effort, do you think you can do that?"

"You have my word, Isaac. I promise to not let you down and to show this card the proper respect." Sunset then showed off as she summoned the card in the practice duel against the boy.

"I summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Sunset then played the card that Isaac had given her; out came a dragon that was black from head to toe. It's eyes had a shade of red and when it opened its mouth the scent of molten lava covered the entire field as it let out a growl and a roar.

Isaac meeting the CMC after Applebloom said to the others that she knew Isaac. He saw the three and how they wanted to live up to their role models. So he decided to teach them what he knew and to help improve their skills. He walked Sweetie Belle home as Rarity was grateful for her friend in looking after her little sister.

"Well it's going to be dark soon, so I better get home."

"Wait, Isaac. I just wanted to say once again that I'm grateful that you brought my sister home. Not to mention that you helped her with her deck. She really wants to be good at the game, but I hardly have the time to practice with her. So I'm glad she has someone she can train with; not to mention that she can learn from the best. Anyways, I'm hoping that I can repay you in some way."

"You don't have to repay me, Rarity. I helped her because it was the right thing to do." Isaac tried to assure Rarity that she didn't need to do anything.

"But I must do something to show my generosity." Just then an idea popped into Rarity's head which caused her to crack a small smile as well as a bit of a blush. "Perhaps, if you don't have plans this weekend. Maybe you and I could go somewhere, just the two of us."

"You mean like a date? Are you asking me out?" It took awhile for Isaac to figure out what Rarity was trying to say. When he said it, it caused both of them to show a shade of red as they looked away from each other for a few seconds.

And then showed the date that both Isaac and Rarity had with each other. The look in both teen's eyes showed they had a fun time as in the end. Isaac bought the fashionista a gift which was a sapphire hairpin as it resulted in the girl giving a kiss to Isaac on the lips as she enjoyed their date. The days after that, Isaac was assigned by Celestia to be Cheerilee's student aid in helping the CMC and their class understand the basics of Duel Monsters. Then Fluttershy worked up the courage to ask Isaac out as the two took a trip to an aviary center and after the trip, the boy gave the buttercup girl a gift as it caused Fluttershy to gasp and press her lips to the boy as she expressed her happiness. Then they took a trip to Everton High as they learned about Mr. Turner creating a new method to play called, Dimension Summoning.

"What's this? I can summon my high level monsters without sacrificing?"

"That's correct, see we're not dueling normally in here we'll be Dimension Summoning."

"Dimension Summoning?" asked Isaac.

"That's right, in this duel you can summon your high level monsters without tributing. All you have to do is select the card you want and summon it. However there's somethings you need to know like you won't be taking damage like normal; in fact how much damage you take is completely up to you and how powerful you make your monsters. You'll still be able to attack your opponent's life points if they have no monsters to defend themselves." explained Mr. Turner.

The duel ended as Mr. Turner gave Isaac his first synchro monster, Dark Sorcerer Magician as a way to say thank you. From there, it was then the Winter Ball as this time around Isaac's opponent was none other than Rainbow Dash. In the days leading up, Rainbow asked Isaac to tutor her to help her improve her math score to compete in the tournament to face Isaac. She even went so far as to get on her hands and knees in front of Isaac and begged the boy to reconsider. So he agreed as Rainbow improved her score and then won the mini tournament as was scheduled to face Isaac at the Winter Ball before the semester came to an end. The day came as before the Winter Ball, Rainbow wanted to pay back Isaac as she took them both to see a movie to which Isaac rewarded the girl with a dance just moments before their duel. The battle came as Rainbow showed how see could see all the angles from her tutoring sessions with Isaac as he pulled out a last minute clutch to win.

Then came the Friendship Games. And it was there that Isaac met the person who he would come to care for the most. It showed the boy as he was taking on a hooded person who was sneaking around CHS. The duel ended abruptly as the hooded person got away. Then came when Celestia called Isaac in to her office as she wanted him to be the team captain for CHS in the event. Isaac was hesitant, but soon agreed to accepting the woman's offer. Then the time arrived as the party for the two schools to meet occurred and Isaac saw the identity of the hooded person who he faced weeks before.

"Hey! I just want to talk." Isaac then got closer to Twilight as he now got a pretty good look at her. "What's your name?"

"It's Twilight. Twilight Sparkle."

"Nice to meet you Twilight. I'm Isaac."

Then the battle came as it was Team CHS versus Team CPA. Both sides didn't give an inch as all duels had both pair of duelist going all out, especially in Isaac and Shining Armor's duel which blew everybody away, literally. With the score tied, the tiebreaker had Isaac going against Twilight who was corrupted with evil magic by Sombra. He managed to save Twilight and bring the girl back, then Sombra finally made his intentions known as he took on Isaac along with Sunset and Twilight. In the end, the trio was able to beat Sombra and remove him from his evil magic. Then came the time Isaac accompanied Applejack and her family to Appleloosa where he spent a nice moment with the country girl as she expressed herself to the city boy.

Applejack just gave Isaac a soft smile and a kiss on the cheek, making his heart melt a bit. "To be honest, I guess I started to like you when we first faced each other in the Fall Formal. You showed just how tough you were and weren't afraid to hold back. I'd admire that about you. I just couldn't bear the thought of losing you as a friend, which is why I had a tough time confessing my feelings." Applejack smiles and gets off of Isaac. She sits beside him and takes his hand as he sits up.

“I understand. You're are important to me too,” Isaac said.

“Really?” she asked.

Isaac then squeezed her hand and smiled at Applejack. Applejack was blushing from Isaac holding her hand. He then did something bold and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Isaac then gazed into Applejack's eyes and they never looked so beautiful. He lift his hand to brush the hair out of her face, making her shudder.

Now Isaac had to stop a thief who stole a copy of Slifer the Sky Dragon. The person was a former employee of Mr. William as he wanted to get back at his boss. Isaac was able to preserve and defeat the Egyptian God, as the thief was caught and the card was returned back to Mr. William. The Spring Fling then was next as that event, Isaac made his decision one who he wanted to face as he chose none other than Sunset as his challenger who came very close to beating him. Then there was Shining Armor's gradation duel at Crystal Prep as he selected Isaac to be his opponent. The two gave a barn burner of a duel as they showed just how much they were willing to go. The next scenes were the trip to Camp Everfree, as one of the things that happened was Twilight taking over for Isaac in a duel while he was sick. The other major thing was stopping Gloriosa Daisy who turned into Gaia Everfree and Isaac managed to defeat her and free the entire camp from magic. After that, was Isaac finding his job working for Mr. Johnson and then overtime he would soon become owner of the store along with his boss.

The next thing was the concert duel he participated in with none other than musical superstar, Countess Coloratura or Rara. It did provide Isaac with a memorable experience as he got to see that the pop star was just as good at singing as she dueled. Then came the sleepover with the girls, which then lead to his 18th birthday in which the girls all gave him meaningful gifts. With Twilight giving Isaac his watch as a way to show she cared for the boy and it got him to realized his feelings for the nerdy girl. And it came to fruition during Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding.

"It's true, I've developed feelings for you. I don't know how it happened but when I'm with you, I feel happy. Like when you're in a thrilling duel and every second makes your heart race. I feel that exact emotion when I'm with you." Isaac then did something bold as he grabbed Twilight's hand which she didn't resist. "From the moment, I laid eyes on you. I saw that you were a strong, smart, beautiful girl. Overtime, we got to know each other and well I guess all that bonding turned into something more, at least for me." Isaac realized that he was going on a tangent. "What I'm trying to say is that well, I like you, Twilight. And I want to always be by side no matter what." Isaac finally had expressed what he was feeling to his best friend and now he was waiting to see what she would say.

"I too have feelings for you." That response brought a smile to Isaac's face as Twilight gripped his hand more tightly. "For a while, I've too seen you in a different light. You've been my best friend since I enrolled at CHS and we will always be best friends. But I sometimes wished that maybe we could be more. When I first saw you, I didn't think much of it. But looking back, I couldn't get you off my mind. What started out as wanting to see who you were from a scientific standpoint turned into something of a personal project." Twilight then brought Isaac's hand up as she leaned into it and closed her eyes. She then opened them as she stared at Isaac, "You're brave, mature, very cunny and talented. Not to mention quite charming/handsome. You don't blur the lines, you say what's on your mind. But most importantly, you're always willing to help out others no matter who they may be. That to me shows you're an incredible individual and an even better duelist."

"Isaac, I want you to love me; because I love you."

From that statement, the pair became boyfriend and girlfriend. Soon the couple went with their friends on a summer trip as all of them got to tour the country as they show cased their skills for many schools and kids. And along the trip they got to experience things like the battle simulation in Horsolulu, the situation in Las Pegasus, the duel in front of Isaac's hometown of Chicoltgo as the final stop. Then came the Duos Cup where Isaac and Twilight were selected and their final opponents were Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer as it was the first time they meet.

"You got something right there Twilight, I am agitated. I'm angry, but most of all, I'm confused. We dedicate our entire lives to people who are aren't around anymore, dedicate dueling to old has-beens! You wanna call them legends, call them whatever, they've had their time! A night like tonight is exactly what's wrong with dueling. All day, every single dueling event that has ever been held has in some way shape or form been about the past. The past, not the present and most certainly not the future!!" Starlight was starting to sound off as Twilight could hear the fury in her voice. "And what sickens me even more is people who look to these icons and say that they want to be just like them!"

"It's called respect." said Twilight.

"Oh, respect. Is that what it's called? Please it's called sucking up and kissing somebody's ass! Listen, listen. I'm not bewildered I know exactly that the generation before me paved the way, but when the hell are you gonna let me walk on that path!?" screamed Starlight as she grabbed the pamphlet out of Twilight's hands and stared at it with angry. The sight of all the famous icons to introduce their own style of dueling/summoning method standing side by side was enough to make Starlight sick to her stomach. "Guys like me, or Sunburst not getting the time of day or the respect that we deserve, why? Because we need to hear about the duelists that everybody remembers or some stupid catchphrases that we've heard time and time again for the seventh million time!"

"You! You are just like everybody else, prancing and singing the praises of people who are no longer here. Who were considered legends in the dueling world and yet you still try to uphold everything they stood for. It's foolish, and I'll be it a bit stupid!! Correction: Really stupid. You put people on pedestals because you see them as some sort of god; in reality it's pitiful. They are legends who take away all the spotlight from the current generation!" shouted Starlight as it caused Sunburst to take a few steps back.

"It's called paying respect for the those that allowed us to be here!" replied Isaac. "With these great individuals, Duel Monsters wouldn't be where it is now."

"You sing the praises of these legends yet you're blind by their mist that you can't see the bigger picture. You're just like everybody, all blinded by nostalgia, just clinging on the days of yesteryear! It makes me sick! They paved the way, they carved the path, but when the hell do I walk on that path!!!" shouted Starlight.

The finals of the Duos Cup saw Twilight and Isaac defeating Sunburst and Starlight, but they both knew they would see each other again. And from there things took a turn for the worst when it came to starting the gang's junior year at CHS.

Celestia then cleared her throat as she continued to speak. "This undoubtedly is a highlight of my career. A magical weekend that will come. And there's only one thing, there's only one thing that can make that weekend more magical, only one thing in the world that could make Celestia's career even bigger, and that would be to duel against the man whose name is synonymous with Duel Monsters." Everybody was in silence at what they heard, even Isaac began to shake his heard as soon as he heard it.

"I am not gonna be known as the guy that ended Celestia's career." said Isaac.

"If I can't compete with the best, then I don't want my career to continue."

"I wanna remind you of a little story. Remember the story of Old Yeller? Come Friday, the Showstopper is gonna take you, Old Yeller, behind the woodshed and put you out of your misery." Isaac used his fingers to make the shape of a gun as he pointed it at Celestia's head and pretended to fire it off.

"Old Yeller, are you kidding me!!!" Celestia then slapped Isaac in the face with so much force that it knocked his cap off of his head as his head turned from the impact.

"Like I said, I'm putting you out of your misery."

And put Celestia out of her misery did he as the duel at the Fall Formal saw Isaac looking at Celestia who was on her knees as Isaac stood over her with the Winged Dragon of Ra on his side. With a merciful requested by the girl, Isaac muttered the words "I love you" so that only Celestia could hear it as he brought the axe down on her and officially ended her career. After that duel, Celestia bestowed Isaac the Winged Dragon of Ra along with a letter she had written the day when she appointed Isaac as the team captain of CHS during the Friendship Games.

Dear Isaac,

If you are reading this then I will have already been retired. But you should know that as you're the one who did it. Regardless, I wanted to tell you just how much you've contributed to this school. When you first enrolled in Canterlot High, I saw that you destined for great things. You may not have known it at the time, but I knew that you were someone to keep my eye on. And I was right, since you first came here, you've shown that you have a passion for Duel Monsters that only a few have ever shown in my lifetime. And you proved my suspicions when you participated in the Fall Formal and became Duel Champion. Since then you've shown what it means to be a fighting champion, you've battled countless opponents and challenges. All while upholding the ideals of Duel Monsters and having a smile on your face.

As principal it's my job to provide a safe and comfortable environment for students, however I was unable to do that, but then you came along and brought back what it means to have fun. What it means to love the game that brings you joy. And for that, I thank you again. I know you always talk about the great legends of the past and how people looked to them for inspiration; well as a duelist who's competed on the pro league and has had a chance to meet with each one of them. Let me say that you definitely have what it takes to be the next legend. The road ahead will be tough, especially once your journey here at CHS ends. But always remember the friendships you've made along the way. The memories that you make here will significantly help you later in your life. I truly believe that you will go a long way, so much so that you for sure will accomplish so much more than I did in my career. In fact, I believe that in due time there'll be a new legend that people will talk about. And that legend will be you. Nevertheless, I look forward to what you will continue to do; I'm happy to have faced someone who was able to grant my request. Now I can live the rest of my days in peace and it's all thanks to you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart; you've made me proud to be not only be your principal, but as a friend and more importantly as a mother.


Principal Celestia.

After that was the Christmas album they put together with Rara and the special gifts they all exchanged to each other. The next major thing that happened changed Isaac's live as he got his set of pendulum cards and was introduced to his pendulum crew. Showing once again, he was taking his game to the next level. Then Flurry Heart was born as Twilight invited Isaac to go with her and her family to spend some time and meet her parents. Right after that, the crew found themselves trapped in Cyberspace with the person in charge of it all called the Gamemaster. The rules including surviving or risk having them being trapped forever, but in the end the crew was able to beat the Gamemaster at their own game and escaped. Then the next adventure for Isaac was the start of a bigger chain reaction, in which Isaac along with Rainbow and Sunset went to New Domino City to learn about Turbo Dueling. And it was there that Isaac met with none other than Satellite's Shooting Star, Yusei Fudo and the two engaged in a Turbo Duel.

The next thing to occur was Sunset bringing Isaac to Equestria as she needed his help in taking out some evil spirits trying to take over the land. And meeting the pony versions of their friends proved to be something of a strange and wonderful experience.

"Discord, I've listened to you go on long enough. You do terrible things, then you say it's all just destiny's will. Well, I've got some very bad news for you, Discord-- There is no such thing as destiny!!!!" shouted Isaac. "There's only what you do and what you don't do!!! But listen, I understand that life is a long series of chain reactions. If I didn't discover Duel Monsters, then I probably wouldn't be here right now. I probably would never have met some incredible people in my life. Hell, I probably end up in the streets with the gangs running around. Making my parents worry that one day that their son wouldn't come home and that he'd be found dead in the streets!!!!" yelled out Isaac as he had a couple of tears in his eyes. "But I am who I am, I'm not some cosmic chess piece. And as for my friends and all the bad stuff they've had to go through, don't tell me that's fate!! Don't tell me everything happened 'cause it was meant to!!"

"Isaac." said both groups as they heard him.

"That's bullshit!!!! It happened because of you and the choices you made!"

"If only you knew how wrong you are." stated Discord.

"You're kidding yourself. There's no way we could know what happens. Look at it this way-- if I never discovered Duel Monsters, I never would have came to CHS. I might have not met with the others and become best friends. Good things lead to bad things leading to more good things, and that's just life!!" said Isaac. "And at the end of the day-- we all have choices. We aren't 'destined' to make them."

"Tough talk from the thing that's lived too long. Allow me to fix that!" said Isaac as he gave a witty remark. Isaac then soared ahead with as he dodged each of the Tantabus' attack.

"You'll pathetic weaklings! You lack the courage to challenge me in lone combat!"

"Yet we have the strength to scale the walls between us. To reach out our hands in friendship... so that we can open our true hearts to one another! That's how we win!" said Isaac as he took out the thing.

But in the end, they managed to rid Equestria of the ones causing havoc, and during that trip, Isaac also got to face off against Yuma where he managed to score a win against the master duelist himself.

Then after coming back, Isaac then celebrated his one-year anniversary with Twilight and showed off the house he bought for her and their friends to have a place to hang out.

"Money will come and go, you all know that. But the most important thing in life will always be the people here in this room. Right here, right now." said Isaac as he looked at each one of the girls as they all smiled.

Soon he was met with a task as it involved taking on Luna in her last duel of her professional career as she went out on her back and put over the boy.

"Stay down, Luna! Just let it go, if I wanted to I would have ended this duel already. I've out paced you in every aspect of this duel!" said Isaac. "Stay down!!!!"

"You... can kiss... my ass!!!!" yelled out Luna to Isaac's face. She then propped herself up as Isaac looked at her in disarray. Then with the last bit of strength she could muster, Luna gave her final act of defiant as she brought her hand and as hard as she could, she slapped Isaac in the face as it caused his head to turn as she fell to her knees.

Isaac saw this and he turned back to look at her with fury and anger in his eyes. "Chaos Mageía, put her down! Finish Luna off!!!" shouted Isaac as he brought his thumb and slid it over his throat as he gave his monster the signal to put Luna out of her misery.

"Rest in peace, Luna." said the boy as he placed the girl on her back and put both of her hands on her chest.

Once the duel ended, Luna said her goodbye and as a parting gift, introduced Isaac to none other than the pioneer and master of pendulum summoning, Yuya Sakaki. The two boys got along as they talked about each of their adventures and resulted in them having an Action Duel as Yuya was impressed by Isaac's pendulum skills. Then came Isaac's senior year as he introduced a program and told the Board of Education about his idea as they gave him a test. So he recruited the girls and appointed them as tutors while assigning each one of them a student to mentor for the coming year. During this final year, Isaac took on Shining Armor in one final grand duel to end their rivalry as he was given Obelisk by the man himself. The first big challenge was the tournament involving the girls and the students in which the winner would earn the right to challenge Isaac at the Fall Formal for the rank of champion, through all that, Lucky Star emerged as the girl got the chance to challenge Isaac as the boy did his job in making her shine.

Luna was then contacted by the Dueling Committee as they informed her about being selected for the Duel Monsters Hall of Fame like Celestia did before her. As a reward, she was offered the chance to bring the older teens with her to the place where they got to learn the whole history of Duel Monsters and how it came to be. And it was there that Isaac got to meet Jaden Yuki as it was his turn to see what skills and talents the boys possessed. Then there was the movie incident involving Juniper Montage, baby sitting Flurry Heart with Twilight for New Years Eve. And then taking everybody and the students to the training facility that the Big 5 allowed Isaac to use to help motivate the student's skills. The circus they all took part in, then Isaac's adventure with meeting Shane and Aqua who were from the future as he helped them to defeat Malum.

Then their cruise trip for Spring Break as it resulted in them having to make a quick pass by through Equestria. Soon a blast from Isaac's past came back into the fold when Starlight Glimmer made her presence known.

"I am the 'best' duelist in the world!" said Starlight as she corrected the boy's statement.

"Congratulations, for thinking that. I hate to tip my ace to you, there was a lot of people who thought that. A lot of people. Names like Yuya Sakaki, Jaden Yuki, Yuma Tsukumo, even Satellite's Shooting Star, Yusei Fudo! Every single one of them, thought the kid couldn't hang with me. Thought there's no way that he can duel with me on this dueling field! Every single one was disappointed!"

"He somehow chose you to be the one to hand the keys to the kingdom. After that meeting, well unfortunately, the story doesn't have a happy ending because why would it. See, that was the first time I grabbed that imaginary brass ring, and went absolutely nowhere with it. See, Isaac, I don't play games. What you see with me, is what you get. And I would much rather be hated for who I am, than loved for something that I'm not."

"You will ask these folks if they want to see an apology, you will ask these folks to be the voice of the voiceless. My point is, your strongest attribute is also your biggest flaw. You are Starlight Glimmer, you beat to your own drum and I admire that. But in the path of doing things you wanna do, you've lost sight of everything."

"Oh, hold on, I'm gonna stop you right there, I'm not gonna have you stand here and belittle me and say I've lost sight of everything. I've lost sight of things, Isaac?! The reason I say all this is I don't fit a certain mold and because I am the underdog and that's exactly what you've lost sight of. Earlier you told me how you 'supposedly' had met some of these duelists, Yuya Sakaki, Yuma Tsukumo, Jaden Yuki, and Satellite's Shooting Star, Yusei Fudo and you said that they used to look at you and think that the kid couldn't hang and now you stand here and look at me as the kid that can't hang!!" shouted Starlight.

"If I hated this game, I wouldn't be sitting here right now. I'd be at home a lot happier. You would be rid of the evil Starlight Glimmer and you'd be a lot happier. Want I want is change! I recognize when things suck and I speak my mind!! I want things to be different. I want things to be better! I want things to be better not just for me but for everybody!!!" stated the girl. "I am dying for a change. We are dying for a change. I want to be the catalyst for that change."

"Oh, save me!!!" yelled Isaac. "You want to be the catalyst as long as it benefits you!! I am sick to death of listening to you talk at how you're doing all of this for them!! Yeah, there are a lot of people out there and reading this story, maybe half of them agree with what you're saying, the other half, they don't give a damn! You know what, Starlight? Some of these people and readers actually like this story. Some of these people dig it, they tune in every single chapter. They love what they see, they come here to have a good time. They like it the way it is. But when you talk about being the catalyst for change, really what you mean is, you will only accept change if it means Starlight Glimmer is on top, because unless Starlight Glimmer is the gal, the man, that's not enough change for you. That's not really what you want. See, you're no different than anybody else that's ever been in this business, including me. We're a lot alike. We did what we had to do to get on top. The difference is? I looked everybody in the eye and told you, I'm gonna step on you, I'm gonna walk through you to get to the top. You, you don't have the balls to do it! What you did is you backdoor your way around. You tried to do it being a martyr."

"You became champion, I immediately started testing you, trial by fire, call it, and guess what, you failed. You're just like everybody else, you're just like Celestia and Luna, you're just like the Big 5. You know, I thought maybe since me and you, yeah, we are a lot alike, I thought maybe we wanted the same things, I thought we were on the same page, we wanted the same goals, but it turns out, you're egotistical, you're vindictive. It's the same old thing I've seen before, I mean, you hire your buddies to do your dirty work because you can't get your hands dirty." said Starlight as she pointed and looked at the girls.

All of their banter and personal feelings boiled over as both couldn't take it anymore as they engaged in unsanctioned match as the brutality between the two was off the charts as they literally wanted to kill the other. And in the end, Starlight managed to just barely survive and walk out as she defeated the hero. Isaac then lost the ability to see his cards as his bond and connection with his monsters was severed. He then disappeared as Starlight began her reign of terror as she took out each of the girls as they tried to take her down. While that was happening, Isaac found himself in the Spirit World as he rediscovered his passion for dueling and then arrived in time to see Twilight still standing from Starlight's grand attack, but collapsed before she could declare her attack to win.

Isaac then began to get Starlight's attention taking out Trixie, Sunburst, and even taking both of them out as he tagged with Yuya Sakaki who gave Isaac some final cards and pendulum hybrid monsters.

"My goal not being, okay, a certain amount of dollars and I'm done. No! No, I wanna leave Duel Monsters a better place than when I walked in through that door the first time. That's what I want as my legacy. This is what I believe in. You work hard, you show up on time, you stay loyal to those who support you, you respect enemies and friends. That's my stance. By the way, I don't ever give up. Either you're in or you're out." said Isaac. "But what I fear most is, all the sacrifices I've made to try to not win anybody over, but just to try to... get people to believe, yes this is what he stands for. So many times, people say, 'Ahh, I-- I hate your character, but I totally respect you'. That is-- that's it. That's my legacy. That's what I want. I don't agree with you, but I respect you."

"You know, you remind me of one of those championship thoroughbred horses. One that's been running for a long, long time and it races and it wins. And it wins and the people, they just cheer for him! But one day, this championship horse, he starts to slow down. And that is when reality sets in. And now he finds himself not just looking for the next finish line. He is now sitting somewhere in the back of a barn laid out on a slab." said Starlight.

"You want to talk about what ifs? Let's talk about it. What if Starlight Glimmer would've been here 16 years ago? Hell, 3 years ago even. I'll tell you, you wouldn't have been a champion. You've wouldn't have been blessed by your idol. You wouldn't have retired Celestia and Luna. You wouldn't be on magazine covers; you wouldn't be in a shitty movie! If the powers that be hadn't had kept me out of Duel Monsters and CHS for so long, I would have all those accolades, and I, Starlight Glimmer, would be the face that runs this place!!" shouted the girl.

"SHUT UP!!!!" shouted Isaac as he slammed his fists on the table. "Enough, man! Your club isn't full of bullets, it's just full of bullshit!! Every single thing you've done, and I sit here and give you respect, and you waltz out, and whine, and bitch, and complain like every other single person before you entitled, thinking, 'It should've been me. It could've been me. I deserved that'. You didn't do it, chipmunk cheeks, but you're too stupid to see that you got a chance right in front of your face, to man up, knuckle up, and do it now!! So, you sign that and you prove me wrong. Or you sign that," Isaac then pointed at the right contract, "And you're not gonna need me to bury you, homes. Everybody here knows you're gonna bury yourself. We're gonna put your ass on a bullet train back to Sire's Hollow, cause apparently, you left your balls over there!!!"

And soon the final confrontation between Isaac and Starlight was upon the two teens as they engaged in a one hour ironman match with Isaac fighting against all odds that Starlight had against the boy as he came out the winner. And finally was the student's exams and the CMC's final mark of mastery as they all passed with flying colors; and then both prom night and graduation occurred as Isaac not only said goodbye to his friends, but his fear, his big fear that he was worried since he made the decision of going pro was finally taken off his shoulder.

"Just... don't ever forget wherever you go, I'm always there with you." said Twilight.

The girls assured him that they would never forget the boy and all he did for them, as it gave Isaac hope that maybe, just maybe, he would see them again. And so it came to end.

"Like we always say... it's your move!" said the whole group in unison.

The final image was of Isaac and Twilight on the field kneeling down together as they looked at one another. Isaac leaned in as it was reveal on what was said between the two.



"Twilight, remember what you said before? I'm always with you, too. I'll come back to you. I promise!" smiled the boy.

"I know you will!" said the girl.

Isaac then got up as his hand slipped out of Twilight's as she saw him walking away. Both were smiling as they couldn't wait to see the other and keep their promise to each other.

Author's Note:

(Sniff) I'm not crying, you're crying. Oh man, what a chapter. Talk about an emotional wreck, the feels are there. And as good as it would be to end it right here, there's still one last epilogue to do, and more importantly, there's one final thing that needs to be taken care of for this story. And it's the one thing that's been building up since the story started. So, prepare yourselves for that.

Anyways, I'll let you guys explain how you felt with everything that went down.

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