• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 161: The Hangout

"Any updates?" asked Isaac as he was currently at work as he was at the front counter of the store. Mr. Johnson and his nephew Dominick were currently in the back taking care of some inventory. They left the young boy to handle things in the front. Isaac was also on the phone with someone.

"Sorry, bud. Still no word." said the voice on the other line.

"I see. And hey, thanks for the gift you and him sent me. They're going to make a big difference, and not just for me." stated Isaac as he looked at his watch and then at his necklace around his neck.

"Hey, what are friends for?" chuckled the person on the other line. "Take care, bud."

"See ya, bud." said Isaac as he hung up his phone and let out a sigh.

He then noticed the small business card as it was from Shining Armor and his dueling agent, Roland. The thought still plagued on Isaac's mind as he looked at it.

"If that is your wish, then we will make time for you to have with your friends. We'll inform all promotions and interviews that you're busy doing other things. Whatever you want, we will see to it." said Roland. "You want cards, we will make sure the best are flown overnight and arrive to you in the morning. You want more money to appear at live events, we will make sure that places pay you more. We make sure you get whatever you want out of this business and career path. You won't have to go and make phone calls and beg and plead to be on the cup of 7-Eleven; 7-Eleven will call us and demand that you're on it." stated Roland.

Isaac was remembering that moment as he was set to take on the world champion, Shining Armor as both put on an exhibition match for thousands of people as they competed in one final duel against one another. He grabbed the card and looked it over as his mind as he was still wondering if he should sign with the agency that Shining Armor was a part of. On one hand, it would mean that he wouldn't have to forget about not seeing his friends, since he could see them whenever. He would have everything, money, fame, fortune, but most of all he would get to compete while keeping the thing that mattered most to him close to his heart. So why? Why did he not jump on to be signed immediately? For some reason, as good as it sounded, Isaac just couldn't bring himself to say yes.

"He said, I have until I graduate to make my decision. I just wonder if that's enough time." said Isaac as he put the business card back in his pocket and tried to get his mind distracted by work.

After a hard day, it was now closing time as Isaac was busying mopping the floor as Mr. Johnson was going over some paperwork while his nephew was counting the cash.

"Isaac, did you make sure to place the orders for next month?" asked Mr. Johnson as he had a calculator in his hand and writing stuff done.

"Yes, Mr. Johnson. Trust me, the holidays are coming up rather quickly, which means we'll get lots of parents coming in trying to buy gifts for their kids, and I'm not just talking about the cards. All the other board games and plastic toys."

"Then I guess we'll be really busy. With that amount we'll be raking in, we might have to order extras for the extras just to avoid running out." said Dominick as he closed the register and put the cash into a safe they had.

"Well, it means that I can give you a nice bonus this year." said Mr. Johnson.

"Being co-owner is enough of a bonus." smiled Isaac to his boss. "Though I won't deny free money."

"Don't you still have like a ton of cash in the bank from the small Blackjack dealings you made in Las Pegasus during your trip?" asked Dominick.

"Yeah, so. Couldn't hurt to have more." stated Isaac as it got a chuckle from all three of them.

Isaac then made his way back to the house as he entered the living room as both Spike and Tigre were watching the TV. Isaac could hear music coming from Rainbow Dash's room, as Sunset was in her room as she was currently streaming. He then made his way to Pinkie's room on the ground floor as he knocked on the door.

"What's the password?" asked Pinkie as she answered from the other side.

"Pinkie!!" shouted Isaac as he had his older sibling voice on.

"Opening the door now!" said Pinkie in a frantic voice as he knew that when Isaac put on his big brother voice, it meant he wasn't playing around. "Isaac." smiled the girl as she tried to act innocent.

"I wanted to know if you're all set for tomorrow." said Isaac with his arms crossed.

"I got everything I need." Pinkie then pulled Isaac into her room. She quickly spun him and her around really fast as soon they found themselves covered in black body suits with hoods.

"Pinkie, we're not trying to be freaking Mission Impossible here!" shouted Isaac. "Though I do admit, it is skin-tight."

"Alright, we'll do things your way." said Pinkie as she spun the two of them again as they were back in their normal clothes. "You don't let me have fun." pouted the puffy-haired girl.

"Your idea of fun is going to kill us." said Isaac. "Just... follow my lead, okay."

"Fine." said Pinkie as she pulled out a cupcake from her hair as she tossed one to Isaac and pulled out another for her. Both smiled as they began to eat the sweet treat.

Meanwhile, there was another person who was contacting someone else about tomorrow's "hangout".

"Why did I agree to this?" asked Luna as she was currently outside of a huge building. She then thought back to the conversation she had with Isaac in the hallway.


"On one condition." said Luna as she told Isaac her request.

"What?" asked Isaac.

"That you watch from afar, I'm not sure what to do about Shadow's fascination with me. So in case it comes to that while we're talking, I want you there to help ease over the situation. Like I said, I've got other things in my life that make it hard for me to deal with the boy and his feelings. So promise me that you'll step in if anything bad happens. Plus, I don't want my sister to find out." stated Luna.

"Alright then." stated Isaac as he acknowledged Luna's request.

(End of Flashback)

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” said Luna as she prepared herself for this supposed ‘hangout’. She then made her way inside of the arcade.

Once inside, Luna was in her element as she had been to this exact location of entertainment so many times in the past. Immediately she wanted to go try to beat her high score at Space Invaders, but quickly realized why she was here. So she made it past the old machines as she ventured into the new section of the place as it was home to many of the famous consoles that were sold by the many video game companies. Everything was here from Dark Souls, to Skyrim, Mario Kart, all the versions. Even classic fighting games like Street Fighter, Tekken, Fate of Fury, and even Luna’s personal favorite Super Smash Bros. Of course the arcade was home to single player games like Jump King, GTA, Assassin’s Creed, etc. Even multiplayer games were present. Heck the arcade even had a kids section for the more light hearted games like Animal Crossing, Tetris, Pokémon, etc.…

“Heaven.” said Luna as she took in the scent of the place as it brought her inner peace. The nighttime girl then began to make her way to the sound of the arcade machine going off as she figured that her target would be there. Safe to say, her instincts proved right as there was the boy as he was currently engaged with a game.

“Focus. Focus.” said Shadow as he was observing the movements of the screen as his eyes shifted. He then saw some movement out of the corner of his eyes as he shifted his weapon into the direction as he blasted the enemy. “Nice.”

“Decent shot.” said Luna as she made her presence known.

“Vice-Principal Luna?” said Shadow as he was surprised that he was actually seeing his vice-principal standing in a place like this in normal attire.

“Please, Shadow. We’re outside of school. I give you permission to call me by my regular name.” informed the women.

“Right. Just feels kind of weird to see your principal in someplace other than school.”

“What? You think teachers and principals live at the school?” asked Luna.

“Maybe.” smiled the boy sheepishly to which Luna rolled her eyes.

“Anyways, your depth perception lacks. Not to mention I could easily beat that score of yours.” said Luna as she saw Shadow’s points.

“I’d like to see you try.” mocked the boy.

“Hand me the blaster.” stated Luna as Shadow handed the weapon to Luna as she grabbed it with both hands and pressed start as the game began.

Luna took off as all the time she played shooter gamers and her natural ability when it came to video games was on full display for the young boy as his jaw literally dropped as he watched the women who he had a fascination with, be a natural gamer. Meanwhile, far from another section of the video games was another pair that was watching this.

“This place is huge.” said Pinkie as she had her head looking upwards as she took in the sight of the many games.

“Pinkie, focus.” said Isaac as he tried to get the girl to not get too distracted.

“And behind the barricade.” said Luna as she had the blaster in one single hand as she fired the final shot as her score came up and gave a sass look.

“Woah!” said Shadow as he was impressed by his vice-principal.

“Indeed.” stated Luna as she still had a smug smile. “Now then, what’s next?”

After that the two of them began to try out a few more games as Shadow wanted to see just what else Luna could do. So the two began to explore all of the arcade as Isaac and Pinkie followed behind and watched the pair. While Luna wasn’t fully for the idea, just the competitive side that Shadow had as he was trying to show off his own skills at video games was enough to temporarily put that thought out of her mind. When they made their way to the fighter’s section; Shadow was trying his best to impress the women as he hoped to finally one up her. Yet, Luna still showed off how versatile she was as she oftentime gave the young boy a handicap and still managed to win. But while the little competition was going on between the two individuals, the expression on Luna and Shadow was genuine as the pair was having legit fun.

Isaac and Pinkie were on standby as per Luna’s request as they too blended into the background as they took part in some video games of their own. Granted Pinkie did her best as she wasn’t a huge fan of the video games, but Isaac did allow some pointers to his friend. And so it went for the next few hours as Shadow and Luna were enjoying their little “hangout”. After they had run through all the games possible, even Frogger. Luna was able to show off a side that she rarely showed off, especially with her sister, as Shadow was even more impressed and fascinated with the women he was hanging out with. Luna then made the offer of taking the boy to eat as both exited the place with Isaac and Pinkie following them behind undetected. The pair made their way to the diner that Pinkie worked at as they entered the establishment. They found a seat as Isaac and Pinkie were seated two booths from them as it kept them hidden but allowed them a chance to see and hear the pair. It especially helped that they were at Pinkie’s work as she used her special privileges to treat her big bro to all the kind of food they had to offer. As Isaac munched on his food, he was currently listening to the conversion that was taking place with the pair.

“So, you’re a game girl?” asked Shadow as he sat across from Luna.

“What? Surprised to see that your Vice-principal has a life outside of school.” mocked Luna.

“I mean, given what you do. I kind of believed that.”

“Well, I’m more than just a vice-principal. I’m a regular human.” said Luna as she had a bit of fun.

“Remind me to remember that. Also, I hope all those gifts that I sent you didn’t bother you too much.” said Shadow as he put his hand on his neck while looking to the side.

“Granted, they were admirable. Though I do wonder how you could afford it, but then again your adopted parents are loaded.”

“Yeah, by the way what have you done with the gifts? I imagine you probably ran out of office space.”

“Yes… well… I found a way to deal with that.” smiled Luna sheepishly as she didn’t want to tell the boy that she had been giving her gifts to Isaac to give for Twilight.

“No shit!” shouted Isaac to which Pinkie immediately clocked the boy in the head to remain quiet. Thankfully, Shadow didn’t hear that outburst.

“Anyways, tell me a bit about your interest, young Shadow?” asked Luna. “Seems you possess some skills as your own in terms of video games. Perhaps you can tell me your likes?”

“Well, I do practice in my spare time. I tend to mostly play on my Nintendo Switch, plus I can’t get enough of my favorite game Pokémon, especially Diamond and Moon.” informed the boy. “But what about you, surely you have some games that you can’t seem to put down?”

“Yes, I do tend to find myself being occupied with games like Call of Duty. Master rank, of course.” said Luna with a smug look on her face.

“Wow!” said Shadow.

“But enough of that, I want to talk about something. Tell me, your parents. Do they love you?” asked Luna.

“They do. It gives me a sense of belonging; it almost makes me forget about my past.” said the boy as his food was brought and he looked at it.


“What?” said Shadow as he looked at Luna.

“Isaac. You think he’s got it good.” stated Luna. “Tell me, when you saw Cadance’s daughter, it reminded you of your own past, correct?”

“I… I… yes.” said Shadow as he thought back on seeing the tiny baby and how she was smiling at the people around her.

“I see. Tell me, what do you think of Isaac?” asked Luna.

“He’s dedicated. Despite his decision to put me with the crazy one of the group, I think he's a good teacher. Plus, I’ll admit, he’s probably got a ton on his plate, both in his personal life and professionally.” admitted the boy. “But I sometimes wonder, why did he get so lucky? Why out of all the people, was he handed that good life?”

Isaac was overhearing this as he had a serious look on his face.

“What makes you think he had it good?” asked Luna as she had a stern look on her face. “Are you a bit jealous of Isaac? Cause you think he had a better life growing up than you, well you’re wrong.”


“Isaac wasn’t handed the good life, he was like you. He struggled from a place similar to yours. Full of violence, full of depression, full of anger and despair. And his parents may have been around for him, but they couldn’t fully protect him from what the world truly looks like. So instead of falling into the same state as others would of his city, he beat the streets. He saw Duel Monsters as a way to live a better life. Did you know that his mother saved up her own rent money, just to buy him a tin box of cards. A tin box? Do you know how much they’re worth?” asked Luna.

“Well, no. I mean all the cards I’ve gotten were from my…”

“From your adopted father. Who works for the premiere card game that produced Duel Monsters.” informed Luna. “So you don’t know how much it really costs to buy something like that. Do you know how much money that is to a person, let alone a parent trying to feed their child and pay off their utilities? You said so yourself, your parents are rich. They could afford whatever you wanted and you didn’t even question it.”

Shadow let Luna’s words sink in as he was hearing this.

“Isaac’s mother made a gamble with her money, because she wanted her son to get out and live a better life than she and her husband could provide for him. And so Isaac took that to heart, he trained days on end, even past his bedtime, trying to learn the game of Duel Monsters. Trying to improve his skills, improving his deck, improving his cards, he even went out of his way to look at old footage of the legends of this game and try to understand why they were so successful.” said Luna. “He pushed himself to be the best that he can be, and he’s done a hell of a job. Look at him now, he’s nearly on the cusp of realizing his dream, he’s made friends that will forever be remembered in his heart. He’s made his parents proud, and he’s helping the future generation even when he’s leaving in just a few months from now. That is why I’m glad to have had my last duel with him on the pro circuit; it’s why I’m glad Isaac retired me.”

“He retired you?” asked Shadow as he didn’t know that fact.

“He doesn’t like to mention it, cause it does bring a bit of pain to him. But he did the job.” said Luna. Soon the scene was now changing as everything around Luna was frozen as it was only her as she looked at the audience as she had something to say.

“As for the people that are still bitching about what Isaac did, get over it!!!” shouted Luna. “I made my choice, I made my decision!!! If it was the other way around and Isaac was in my position, I would make sure that he had one final match that he could go out on his back! I used my final moments of my career to put over Isaac, to put over someone who I believe is the god damn future!!! You want to know why I picked Isaac to be the other man standing across from me on that dueling field? I’ll tell you why! I wanted to have someone to have the nerve! One person I could trust to do the unthinkable! One person with the character to carry the burden with him the rest of his life!!! And you’re looking at him, that’s the reason why me and my sister picked Isaac to put us in our resting place!!! And despite what you all think, those two moments were the hardest that Isaac had to go through. Everybody else has already come to terms with it, so respect my decision!!!” shouted Luna as she finished saying all that she had to say.

The scene now changed back to how it was before as if nothing happened. Of course, the only person to have heard Luna’s message to the audience was Isaac himself as he took a deep breath and said a soft ‘thank you’.

“Wow, I always thought that Isaac had a good life. But he has a similar story as well.” said Shadow.

“Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn’t make you who you are. It’s the rest of your story. Who you choose to be.” said Luna as she reached over and grabbed Shadow’s hand as she looked at the boy. “Isaac did it, and I believe you can too.”

Shadow just had his head down even as Luna reached over to grab his hands. He was now thinking of all the fun times he had with his parents as he began to recall them and for the first time in a long time he smiled a bit. He saw all the happiness that his life now had, and even up to this point. From him getting his deck, to competing in his local neighborhood tournaments, being selected by Isaac for his program and being assigned to Pinkie as her student, to even the Fall Formal tournament itself where he was able to show everybody what he could do. All of it was making the young boy be filled with emotions.

“So, who are you, Shadow?” asked Luna.

“I am Shadow Moonrise.” said the boy as he looked at the older woman with a determined look on his face.

“I thought so, now come on.” said Luna as she told the boy to follow her to which he did.

“It’s time.” said Isaac as he informed Pinkie who was eating her pie that they needed to leave.

Unbeknownst to them, there was another pair who was also trailing Luna and Shadow as one of them was smiling while the other was seething through her teeth.

Luna now brought the boy to the park as the sun was starting to slowly go down as they were near a small pond as the stars above them were slowly coming out as it offered the perfect light to see each other.

"Beautiful." said Shadow as he took in their surroundings.

"Indeed. The nighttime offers a sense of relaxation." stated Luna. "Now then," Luna then pulled out her duel disk as it projected a moderate sapphire card tray.

"You're serious?" asked Shadow.

"Put your duel disk on, now!" stated Luna.

"Alright." said Shadow as he took out his duel disk as it projected a dark blue card tray.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Luna's Life Points: 8000-

Shadow's Life Points: 8000-

"Well, this should be interesting." said Pinkie as she was in some nearby bushed as she was peaking from the shrubbery.

"Indeed." said Cadance. "Hello, Pinkie."

"Hello, Cadance." said the girl nonchalantly as she expected her to be there. "So how has your spying been?"

"Interesting. I can sense the feelings Shadow has towards Luna." said the older woman as she began to also watch the duel unfold.

"Ohh, is it like when you saw it between Isaac and Twilight?" asked Pinkie.

"Hard to say." said Cadance.

"Where's Luna?!!" shouted Celestia as she was seething through her teeth.

"She not happy." asked Pinkie.

"Yup." chuckled Cadance as all they turned their attention back to the duel.

Turn 1: Luna

"I'll start things off." said Luna as she drew her card. "I'll start by activating my spell card, Phantom Knights' Spear."

"Phantom Knights?" said Shadow. "Now I know what Isaac meant by what deck, Vice-Principal Luna uses."

"Now as long as my spell card is in play, everytime you activate a card or effect that targets my 'Phantom Knights' you take 500 points of damage." informed the vice-principal. "I'll now lay two cards facedown and end my turn."

"What?" shouted Shadow as he was shocked by Luna's move.

"Something the matter, young Shadow?" asked Luna as she flipped her hair for a bit.

"Uh, nothing." said the boy as he had a bit of red from seeing Luna flip her hair.

Turn 2: Shadow

"It's my draw, and I'll start by summoning my Raidraptor - Napalm Dragonius(1000/1000)." Shadow summoned his mechanical bird as it appeared and let out a screech as it opened its mouth and out shot a pillar of fire as it headed towards Luna who just stood there not flinching.
Luna's Life Points: 7400-

"Once per turn, my Napalm Dragonius can deal you 600 points of damage. Now to attack, go my monster!" shouted Shadow as his bird started to fly over towards Luna.

"Seems you forget Isaac and Pinkie's lessons, never attack with just a monster on your field. I reveal my two facedowns, The Phantom Knights of Lost Vambrace, thanks to these your monster loses 600 attack points and my 'Phantom Knights' can't be destroyed in battle. Then both of these traps transform into Level 2 monsters on the field with 600 attack points." Luna's facedowns then started to glow as her traps cards changed into monsters as they lowered Shadow's monster as it now had no attack points.

"My raptor!" said Shadow.

"Such a rookie." said Luna as she was displeased. "Are you still going to attack?"

"No." said Shadow as he put his head down. "I'll just lay a facedown."

Turn 3: Luna

"To think I expected something. Seems Isaac was right." stated Luna as that comment caused Shadow to look at the women he had a fascination on and get an angry look at hearing Isaac's name come out of Luna's mouth.

"Now then, I'll now overlay my two monsters to build the Overlay Network." Luna's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs as a portal opened up in the ground as they entered and a pillar of light appeared as her monster was being summoned. "Presenting a warrior who's bad to the bone, I Xyz Summon, The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin(1600/0, OLU: 2)!" Out came a warrior that was all skeleton as it had flames coming out of its shoulders and had a shield in one hand with a javelin in the other.

"Not good." said Shadow as his monster was defenseless.

"Now Cursed Javelin attack his monster." stated Luna as her knight heard its command and then raised its javelin as it tossed it over as it took out the boy's monster.

"Ahh." said Shadow as he put his arms up to protect himself.
Shadow's Life Points: 6400-

"Is that really enough to make you crumble? No wonder, Isaac is the only other than my sister that can hang with me." stated Luna as she shook her head. "I end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 4: Shadow

"My turn." said Shadow. If I have to hear Luna mention Isaac's name one more time, I'll show her that I can give her a good time. "Now I summon my Raidraptor - Rudder Strix(0/1600) in defense mode. And when I summon my Rudder Strix, you take another 600 points of damage." stated Shadow as he chipped away some more of Luna's life points.
Luna's Life Points: 6800-

"I'll then end my turn." said Shadow.

Turn 5: Luna

"My turn then, and I'll just lay two more cards facedown."

Turn 6: Shadow

Two more cards facedown. What is Luna up to?

Come on, Shadow. I thought you were fascinated by me, Isaac certainly would picked up my plan already.

"My turn, and I summon my Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius. Then since I control another 'Raidraptor', I can special summon my Raidraptor - Fuzzy Lanius(500/1500) in defense mode." Shadow now summoned another one of his monsters as he looked to initiate his plan. "I'd like to see Isaac do this, now I play Raidraptor - Sanctuary, since I control 3 'Raidraptor' monsters I can draw 2 cards. I now overlay my three Raidraptors to build the Overlay Network!" Shadow's monsters then transformed into dark orbs as they hovered in the air. Soon a portal opened up as they disappeared inside as a pillar of light emerged. "From the shadows, the falcon soars on wings of courage, talons ready for the rebellion! I Xyz Summon! Witness the ascent of Raidraptor - Rise Falcon(100/2000, OLU: 2)!" Shadow's new monster appeared as it let out a screech.

"Hmm." was all Luna said.

"Oh, what happens next?" said Pinkie as she ate some cotton candy.

"Pass the popcorn, Pinkie." asked Cadance as she too was watching.

"Now I activate my Cursed Javelin's effect, by using one overlay unit, I can zap away all the attack points and special abilities of your monster until the end phase." informed Luna as her monster absorbed an Xyz material and caused Shadow's plan to be put on halt.

"No!" shouted Shadow as he was both amazed and shocked that Luna was able to counter him with ease.

"Tisk, tisk. Seems you need to pay attention to Pinkie Pie's lessons more closely." said Luna.

"All her lessons are about random shit! At this rate, I'm going to wind up in an insane asylum." stated the boy. "Besides, what could I learn from her?"

"Isaac was right." said Luna.

"Why do you keep saying Isaac's name?" stated Shadow. "What does he have that makes you always mention him? What does he have that I don't?"

"How about he can actually give me a fun time and make me smile? He's not blinded by anger." said Luna with such conviction. "Now get on with your damn turn."

"Grr! I now play the equip spell card, Raidraptor - Iron Heart to give my monster 500 attack points. I then lay one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Luna

"My turn, and now I'll have my Cursed Javelin attack your Raidraptor - Rise Falcon!" shouted Luna as her monster looked to take out Shadow's monster.

"I activate my facedown, Adversity. Since my Rise Falcon has less attack points than your monster, not only do I not take damage, but my monster is safe. Then it gains 1000 attack points." said Shadow as his falcon managed to dodge out of the way as it got stronger.

"Hmm. In that case, I'll use the last ability of my Cursed Javelin to drop all of your monster's attack points to 0." stated Luna as her monster used its last overlay unit to strip Shadow's falcon once more of his attack strength.

"With that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 8: Shadow

"My turn, I draw! And now I play my continuous spell card, Raptor's Intercept Formation." said Shadow. Then I reveal my facedown, Raidraptor - Readiness. Now with this trap card, all my 'Raidraptor' monsters can't be destroyed this turn. So now I used my Rise Falcon's special ability, so by using one overlay unit, my monster now gains your monster's attack points ." Rise Falcon then absorbed one of its Xyz materials as its stats rose up.

"Now the effect of my spell activates, since you target my monster, you lose 500 life points." informed Luna as her spell took effect.
Shadow's Life Points: 5900-

"That's a small price to pay, cause I'm going to take out your monster. Go Ravaging Rebellion!!!" shouted Shadow with such fury in his voice. His monster then soared high into the sky as it was encased in flames and then swooped down as it made contact with Luna's monster as it was destroyed and Shadow's monster was still on the field.
Luna's Life Points: 5200-

"With that, I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 9: Luna

"My turn, and now I play the spell card, The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic-Burial." said Luna. "This spell allows me to summon a 'Phantom Knight' Xyz monster from my graveyard. Rise from the ashes, The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin." Once more Luna had her monster back as it had terror in its eyes. "Then Rank-Up-Magic-Burial lets me to tribute The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin to summon a monster that's two ranks higher from my Extra Deck and it also attaches to that new monster as an Xyz material."

"This can't be good."

"Go Rank-Up Xyz Evolution!" shouted Luna as both her spell and monster were turned into dark orbs as a portal opened up in the ground as her new beast was arriving. "I Xyz Summon! Raider's Knight(2000/0, OLU: 2)!" Luna was now showing off a new monster as it was a horsemen who was dressed all in black from head to toe as well as the horse it rode on. It wielded a lance as it had flames surround it.

"Never seen that monster before." said Shadow.

"Now I reveal my facedown, Phantom Knight's Wing. So now my monster gains 500 extra attack points. So now attack his Rise Falcon!" shouted Luna.

"I reveal my facedown, Overlay Armor, now by detaching one Xyz material from my Rise Falcon, it can't be destroyed in battle." said Shadow. "Furthermore, the effect of my Raptor's Ultimate Formation activates, so now my Rise Falcon's attack and defense points switch places when you attack it!" Shadow's bird then managed to fly away but not before Luna's monster was able to make a dent in its armor as it made contact.
Shadow's Life Points: 5400-

"So you minimized the damage, very well. I'll now play Mirage of Nightmares and end my turn."

Turn 10: Shadow

"Then it's my turn." said Shadow as he drew his card.

"Now the effect of my Mirage of Nightmare activates, so now I draw till I have four cards in my hand, but come my turn, I must send four cards to the graveyard."

"So why play that spell?" asked the boy.

"This is why, I reveal Emergency Provisions, so now I send my Mirage of Nightmare along with my Phantom Knights' Sword and gain 1000 life points for each spell or trap card I send to the graveyard." informed Luna as she sent her two cards away and got a boost to her health.
Luna's Life Points: 7200-

"Damn, she's good. If I thought I liked her before, woah boy." smiled the boy.

"Keep your mind on the game and not me. Isaac certainly did that." stated Luna.

"Again." gritted Shadow. "Now I play the spell, Rank-Up-Magic Raid Force. So now I can summon a monster that's one rank higher!" Shadow's falcon then turned into an orb of light as it still had its remaining material as both were now dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air. Soon a portal opened up in front of him as the orbs disappeared inside of the portal and a pillar of light emerged. "Terror of the skies! Predator of blazing force! With wings that slash and talons that tear! Go, Rank-Up Xyz Evolution! Rise up, Raidraptor - Blaze Falcon(1000/2000, OLU: 2)!" Shadow's new falcon emerged as it too let out a similar screech.

"Hope those extra life points were worth it, cause my Blaze Falcon can attack you directly!" shouted the boy as his monster now bypassed Luna's monster as she just put her duel disk up to cover herself with minimal effort.
Luna's Life Points: 6200-

"Now since my Blaze Falcon was able to deal you damage, it now has the power to destroy one monster on your field, so say goodbye to your knight." stated Shadow as he got rid of Luna's only creature. "Then since I control a 'Raidraptor', I can special summon my Raidraptor - Heel Eagle(700/700) in defense mode. With that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 11: Luna

"My draw, and now I'm bring out my Phantom Knight of Ancient Cloak(800/1000) in defense mode. And I think a pair of boots will go lovely with that, don't you think. I now also summon The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots(200/1200) also in defense mode." Luna now had her two ghostly creatures appear as they stayed very close to her side as they showed their undead loyalty for their beloved 'Phantom Princess'.

"Those definitely creep me out a bit." said Shadow as he was looking at the eyes of Luna's monster as they looked like they were staring into his young soul.

"My phantom knights, don't like when someone gets too close to their princess." smirked Luna. "Perhaps you should listen to them, cause now I overlay them both to construct the Overlay Network once more." Luna's monsters then transformed into purple orbs of light as they entered a vortex as out came a brand new monster. "I Xyz Summon, The Phantom Knights of Break Sword(2000/1000, OLU: 2)! Rise my mighty beast!" Out came what looked to be a headless horse man as it had flames on where its head and upper parts of its body were suppose to be.

"Next, I reveal my facedown, Phantom Knight's Sword. So now my Break Sword gains 800 more attack points." stated Luna as her monster's weapon glowed in a blue flame as it was hotter and charged forward as it looked to make contact with Shadow's monster.

"My spell card, Raptor's Intercept Formation is still in play, so now my Blaze Falcon switches its attack and defense points. Also my Overlay Armor trap card is also in effect, so I'll remove an Xyz material so that my monster won't be destroyed in battle." stated Shadow as he got rid of another overlay unit as his falcon was tossed around by Luna monster as it driven into the ground in front of the boy.
Shadow's Life Points: 4600-

"And since the overlay unit that I removed was my Fuzzy Lanius, I can now add another one from my deck to my hand." stated Shadow as his duel disk ejected the card for him to grab.

"Still hanging on, admirable. But it won't save you. Now I end my turn."

Turn 12: Shadow

"My turn, and I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Then I play the spell card, Raidraptor - Call. So now since I control my Raidraptor - Heel Eagle, I can now summon another one from my deck. Then I'll overlay both of my Level 3 Heel Eagles in order to build the Overlay Network." Shadow's two monsters then turned into orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit. Soon a portal opened up in front of him as the orbs disappeared into it as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Raidraptor - Fiend Eagle(1000/0, OLU: 2)!" A smaller bird now appeared as it joined its comrade on the front lines.

"Now I activate my Fiend Eagle's special ability, by using one overlay unit, I can target one face-up monster you control and you take damage equal to its attack points." said Shadow as his eagle absorbed an Xyz material as it targeted Luna's monster and dealt her damage.
Luna's Life Points: 3400-

"Now I'll activate my the ability of my Blaze Falcon, by using one overlay unit, I can destroy your Break Sword and then you take 500 points of damage." stated Shadow.

"Sorry, not gonna happen. See I can protect my monster from your special ability, simply by sending my Phantom Knights' Sword to the graveyard." said Luna as her Break Sword then put its own sword up as the lasers bounced off of it as it lost the extra power.

"Then about this. My Blaze Falcon can attack you directly!" said Shadow as his monster made contact with Luna.
Luna's Life Points: 2400-

"And when my Blaze Falcon does damage to you, it can destroy one monster on your side of the field. So now you have nothing to protect your monster." informed the boy as he got rid of Luna's monster.

"Thanks for that cause now the monsters I used to summon it come back, but this time their level increases by one." said Luna as both her Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak and Silent Boots rose up in defense mode.

"My Fiend Eagle can't take down her monsters with his attack points." said Shadow to himself. "In that case, I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 13: Luna

"My turn, and now time to show off my monster. I overlay my Level 4 Phantom Knight of Silent Boots and Ancient Cloak in order to build the Overlay Network!" Luna's monsters once again turned into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air. Soon a portal opened up in front of the woman as they disappeared inside and a pillar of light emerged. "Cloaked in shadows and relentless in its objective, I call upon the most dangerous of dragons. I Xyz Summon! Show yourself my pet, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon(2500/2000, OLU: 2)!" shouted Luna as she now had her most powerful creature on the field.

"I activate my dragon's special ability, by using one overlay unit, Dark Rebellion dragon cuts your monster's attack points in half, and then it gains those attack points." Dark Rebellion then used one of its Xyz materials as it weakened Blaze Falcon to 500 attack points. "Then, I'll play Mystical Space Typhoon to take out your Raidraptor Intercept Formation. Now time for me to attack, go my pet. Attack his Blaze Falcon! Mauling Mandible Charge!!" shouted Luna as her dragon rushed forward and used its chin to attack as it took out Shadow's monster.
Shadow's Life Points: 2100-

"I now reveal my Rank-Up-Magic Raptor's Force! Now I can bring back my Blaze Falcon and then I can be able to Xyz summon a monster that's one rank higher!" Shadow's monster then appeared as it turned into an orb of light as a portal opened and was sucked into it as a pillar of light emerged. "Fiercest falcon, set your wings ablaze and lock your gaze on our ill-fated foe! Now, make it so! Go, Rank-Up Xyz Evolution! Emerge, Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon(2000/3000, OLU: 1)!" Now Shadow had a powerful falcon as it let out a cry.

"Woah!" said Cadance and Pinkie as they watched with some snacks.

You may have Rank Up cards, but you've yet to use them to their full potential, another thing that Isaac was right about.

"I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 14: Shadow

"It's my turn." said the boy as he drew his card. "Now I activate my Fiend Eagle's ability, so I use the last overlay unit so that you take damage equal to your monster's attack points." stated Shadow as he dealt another blow to Luna's health.
Luna's Life Points: 2500-

"Now I'll use my Revolution Falcon's special ability, by using one overlay unit, it drops your dragon's attack points to zero. Go, Blitz Bombardment!!!!" shouted Shadow as his falcon then soared above Luna's dragon as it opened its compartments as it dropped downs of little bombs as it began to rain down on Luna's field.

Luna just had her eyes closed as he didn't even bother addressing the attack, "I activate my facedown, Adversity! And I think you know what it does." smiled Luna smugly as she dodged the attack with ease.

"No." said Shadow as he failed to take down Luna's dragon. "I end my turn and now your monster gains back the attack points it lost."

Turn 15: Luna

"I expect more, perhaps if you weren't distracted, you would have done better." said Luna as he drew her card. "I play Graceful Charity so that I can draw three cards and then discard 2." Luna drew her cards and then selected the ones she wanted to get rid of as she was set to end this duel. "Now I banish my Phantom Knight of Stained Greaves from my graveyard so that I can special summon my Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor(1000/2000) in defense mode, but it gains a level." Luna now had a monster that wore torn up pieces of clothing appear as it had flames where its limbs were suppose to be as it was now Level 5.

"Then I play the spell, The Phantom Knights' Possession. Thanks to this I can target 1 Xyz Monster on my field and treat it as having the same Level as another monster on my field. So now my Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon is now a Level 5 monster." Luna's dragon then had its stats change from rank to level.

"No way! Is that even a thing?" asked Shadow.

"This is why you need to study and pay attention to Isaac's lessons." stated Luna. "Now I overlay my Level 5 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with my Level 5 Phantom Knight of Fragile Armor to build the Overlay Network!!" shouted Luna as both of her monsters were turned into orbs as they were sucked into a portal into the ground as her most powerful and devasting monster was being summoned. "Dragon from the bleak, black pit! Fierce, fearless, ferocious fighter! Rise and master the skies! I Xyz Summon! Arise, Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon(3000/2500, OLU: 2)!" Out came Luna's new more powerful monster as it let out a cry.

"Now I banish my Phantom Knights' Wing so that I can revive a 'Phantom Knight' from my graveyard. Rise up Break Sword!" shouted Luna as she now had another monster to help her. "Now Break Sword attack his Fiend Eagle!" shouted Luna as her monster took out Shadow's bird as he took damage. "And to end this duel, Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon attack! Dark Destruction!!!" Luna's dragon the powered up as it unleashed a powerful attack that took out Shadow's monster and the rest of his points.
Shadow's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Luna

"Ahh!" said Shadow as the boy was flung onto the grass as he closed his eyes.

"Shadow. Shadow, you okay?" called a voice.

"Hmm." Shadow slowly opened his eyes as he saw pink. It was puffy and smell like cotton candy. "Oh no." groaned the boy as he knew who was trying to wake him up.

"Maybe this will help." Pinkie then pulled out a bucket of cold water and poured it on the boy as he immediately sat up.

"JESUS!!!" yelled out the kid as the cold water caused his systems to go into shock.

"He's alive." smiled Pinkie.

"What is your problem?!"

"I wanted to make you were okay, can't have my student dying on me." said Pinkie.

"I wish was dead, so that I didn't have to experience that." said the boy.

"You don't meant that silly." said Pinkie as she brought the boy into a tight hug as she ruffled his hair.

"Get your hands off of me!" shouted Shadow as he broke from Pinkie's embrace and waved off her hand from his hair.

"Ohh, Isaac. You made an interesting choice putting young Shadow with Pinkie." said Cadance to herself as she was near the students as Shadow was started to groan as Pinkie rambled on.

Shadow then looked across from him as he saw Luna standing there with a straight look on her face. She then straighten out her shirt as she looked at the boy.

"Thank you, for a nice hangout." said Luna with that same straight look. "I expect you both at school on Monday." With that Luna then began to turn her back and leave. As she was walking, she noticed someone behind her.

"So, you actually had fun?" said Isaac as he was leaning against the back of a tree with his arms crossed and his cap covering his eyes.

"I'll admit, I did. But like I said, the boy can his fascinations with me as long as he wants, but I have a duty to my job and to the school." stated Luna.

"Well, he at least has someone who can he trust and reside in." smiled Isaac.

"Lulu!!!" shouted Celestia as she appeared and looked at her sister.

"Don't start, Tia!" said Luna as she knew what her sister was going to talk about. "Now come along, Isaac."

Isaac then got off from the back of the tree as he began to follow his Vice-Principal; he then turned his head to look back at where Pinkie, Candance, and Shadow were. Shadow at that moment, saw his professor as he was going off with Luna. He now looked at Isaac with a straight face to which gave a stern tip of his cap as he vanished into the sunset.

Author's Note:

Once more the idea for this hangout was Vakama95096. We came together and brainstormed the idea for Shadow's backstory and the hangout. He gave me some details and I used my writing and storytelling skills to produce two chapters that turned out really good. The duel, of course, I added in cause why not. But regardless, thanks to him for working with me to come up with some quality content to read. Anyway hope you all enjoyed this and the last chapter and I'll see you in the next one.

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