• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,580 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 47: Winner Take All

Author's Note:

Well this is it, this is the second to last chapter of this particular 'story arc'. Comparing this to the other chapters that I've already written and are waiting to be published, this is the second longest. Anyways hope you enjoy it. Also here's a little something for you guys, I was listening to this when I was editing the chapter and I thought to you'll would like it.

Once Luna had made the announcement, everybody all left to get some fresh air. Both teams then all made their way into their respective locker rooms as they each began to finalize who would be the selected duelist to compete. Right now Isaac was sitting on the bench with the girls all surrounding him as they were discussing their plan.

"First off, before we start, I just want to say that you'll did an amazing job out there. No matter what the result was, you all gave it your damndest and I couldn't be more proud to be the captain of a team as good as this. Thanks girls." The girls all were touched by Isaac's speech that they pulled him into a giant group hug. Isaac just let them do their thing as they eventually let go and got back to making an important decision. "Alright, the time has come. After a sort of rocky start, we managed to make a comeback and tie with Crystal Prep. Now the pressure is on us to win this last duel and name Canterlot High the victors."

"Aw yeah, we're this close to winning that I can practically taste." exclaimed Dash.

"Ohh. what does it taste like? Chocolate, cream-flavored, cherrychanga, I'm hungry." Pinkie started licking her lips to which the others just rolled their eyes.

"Like I said, we're tied. And it all comes down to one final duel. Going into this event, Crystal Prep had an edge; they all showed some powerful decks and did some research on us, so they implemented the proper counters. Thankfully, I had a little plan of my own and it was successful."

"You're telling me, did you see the expression on all of their faces when we showed them the new cards we added to our decks."

"Granted, it worked Rainbow. But now they know, which makes it that much harder and they still have an advantage." said Isaac.

“But what do we do now?” Fluttershy asked.

“Easy!” Rainbow pumped her fist. “We pick one of us to kick butt one more time!”

“And who do you suggest we put forth?” Rarity replied, folding her arms together.

“Not it!” Pinkie called. The group looked at her with various states of surprise. She held up her hands. “Eh, I had fun, but if you guys wanna win this, Toons probably aren’t the way to go.” She then made sure to face Isaac. "Also sorry again for screwing this up, big bro."

“Not me,” Fluttershy whispered. "I'm sorry I failed, Isaac."

Applejack rubbed the back of her neck. “Ah gave it mah best, but ah gotta admit, ah had a lot of trouble keepin’ up with Sugarcoat. Ah dunno how ah’d fare against the rest. Sorry for letting you down, sugarcube.”

Isaac then addressed the three girls. "Look I'm not mad at any one of you. You all did your best and that's what's matters. I could care less if you guys won, all that matters is you tried instead of losing all hope. The only real mistake you can make is giving up." That last statement real resonated with the girls as they all gave him a cheerful smile.

“So it’s between us four.” Rainbow looked between Rarity, Sunset, and Isaac. She put a hand on her chest and smiled. “And I would have no problem going out there and being awesome one more time.”

Rarity waited until Rainbow finished, watching her, and then shook her head. “Rainbow, darling, I’ve no doubt you would be capable of winning this final duel, and I’d like to think I could as well. But we both know it can’t be either of us.”

The group then looked at Sunset and Isaac who just looked at each other before turning back to the others. Neither said anything as they didn't know what to say.

"Alright, now that we've figured out who's going to compete. We just need to know who we're selecting: is it Sunset or Isaac?" asked Pinkie.

"Well my vote is Sunset. Between the two of us, she actually won her match and got Canterlot High back on track in terms of points."

Sunset was pleased with Isaac's choice. "I'd appreciate it, but I want you to compete in the last duel. If we're going off skill, then you're our best bet."

"Look, Sunset I...."

"But nothing! I may have gotten the first point for CHS, but you did something even more amazing. You actually got Crystal Prep to believe in us; the way you dueled against their very best showed that they have weakness. And their scared to admit it; you exploited them and they're thinking twice about who they want to send. We still don't know what's happening with the sudden magical bursts we've been seeing, but I know that even without magic, you're the right choice to win. If they complain about us cheating using magic, then let's beat them at their own game by winning fair and square!" Sunset had now given a fired up speech as it worked. The other girls rallied behind Sunset as they all agreed that Isaac was the one who should end it all.

Isaac was still a bit hesitant at the girls selecting him to be their representative. After his encounter with Shining Armor, he was still a bit afraid of dueling as he feared he couldn't get the job done and he would let down everybody counting on him. But the way they were looking at him showed they all trusted him and that he wouldn't let them down. Isaac then let out a sigh, "Alright, if that's the decision you're all comfortable with, then I'll take the responsibility of taking part in the tie-breaker duel."

"Wouldn't have it any other way, partner."

"A fine decision, it is." Celestia and Luna had just arrived into the room as the team had just selected their choice.

"Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna!" they all acknowledge.

"At ease, everybody. My sister and I just wanted to check up on all of you; and to see if you've made your choice on who'll be competing."

"We did, Celestia. The girls have decided on me to be the duelist to compete in the tie-breaker duel."

"What an excellent choice. Regardless, of what the outcome may be, know that each one of you standing here should be proud of how far you've come. You've all lived up to CHS's name and have uphold its reputation. I couldn't be more proud of all your efforts put into this event; I'm glad to be the principal of such an amazing talented group of individuals, especially you, Isaac. You've taken this team and transformed it into something amazing; not to mention that it was quite funny seeing Principal Sombra's expression when he was a bit angry at how Canterlot High had 'amatuers' that were giving his team a hard time."

Everybody just laughed at how Sombra was angry at how much trouble they were giving him and Crystal Prep. Isaac then spoke up. "Well then, if Principal Sombra has been enjoying the show so far, then I say let's make sure we give him an ending that he'll really like. What do you guys say, lets finish this!" The girls all nodded as well as Celestia and Luna, with that they all started to make their way back to the duel field.

"Mind telling me how the hell you lost that last round!?" screamed Sugarcoat.

"Don't give that kind of shit! I played my absolute best and at least I have the decently to acknowledge and show my respect for my opponent, unlike the rest of you!" shouted Indigo Zap as she got in Sugarcoat's face.

"Please, that silly hillbilly girl may be a good duelist, but I proved that I'm superior than her in every shape and form." Sugarcoat then pushed her glasses up.

"Besides, there's one thing we can all agree on whether we won or lost. And that Canterlot High's champion!" said Indigo Zap.

That got the attention of every single Shadowbolts as they all thought back on their individual duels and how each of their opponents had managed to surprise each one of them. They thought they had all the proper countermeasures to defeat them, but somehow Isaac had managed to come up with a plan of his own and succeed. The worst part was that they had lots of information/data to prepare and study, while Isaac just made adjustments to his teammate's decks on the fly and it worked.

"I'll admit that dude is pretty cool. From what I heard from the pink girl, he's really the best that Canterlot High has to offer. I can totally vibe with someone of that skill cap, maybe I can have him look at my deck and make some tuneups." said Lemon Zest.

"I hate losing, but what I hate even more is acknowledge someone else. Still, Isaac showed how incredible his dueling is. Not to mention that he made us all look like fools; from what I saw with my battle with Rarity, I see he's someone who everybody looks up to." Sunny Flare was checking herself in her small hand mirror when she made that statement.

"I'll admit, the way he took on Shining Armor and nearly beat him, impressed me. We've all faced him in the past, but that kid came the closest that either one of us has or ever will come to beating Shining Armor. He's good, I shudder at the idea if he enrolled at Crystal Prep. I doubt anyone of us would be standing here; we would all be just third-rate duelists compared to him." Sugarcoat put her head down as she had being right, especially about her opponent.

"I knew he would make a tasty meal. Still that fact that he had to make me work for it, I don't appreciate it. But it was in a way, a bit fun to have someone who gave me a challenge. Even if he wasn't the one I was physically dueling." Sour Sweet had said her piece.

"I'd totally battle that guy if I was given the chance. I would do it over and over; he knows how to throw down and that's what I like in real duelist." Indigo Zap pumped a fist bump as she kept thinking of challenging Isaac.

"Well that we've got our intimate moment out of the way, the question is: Who's dueling?" said Sugarcoat.

"Well it can't be any of the losers, that much is obvious. They would squander their opportunity not to mention embrass us all." Sour Sweet then pointed to her teammates that lost.

"Mind saying that again to my face! Or if you want, we can settle things right now with a duel!" Indigo Zap was offended by Sour Sweet's comment.

"Please, she's just stating the obvious. We need someone who can actually get the job done!"

"What're are you suggesting, dearie?" said Sunny Flare as she closed her hand mirror.

"I'm talking about me, I clearly had the most dominant performance out of all of us, therefore I'm the only choice to be the one to battle." stated Sugarcoat.

"Oh, that makes sense. Cause all we need to do is rely on someone being a total bitch to win."

Sugarcoat then got in Sour Sweet's space. "At least, I know I can win. Besides, didn't you face their champ and lost so convincing?"

"That was for the plan, I could have beaten that little sucker. I had him in the palm of my hand; the only reason why I lost to begin with, is because I had to the plan we came up with."

"Really, cause from where we were standing, it seemed like he was the one who was in control. You may have not noticed it, but that kid was just toying with you, if he wanted to, he could have ended you on his third turn and there was nothing you could have done about it." This really pissed of Sour Sweet as she was getting ready to get physically with Sugarcoat.

Just as both girls were about to start throwing punches until the door opened. "That's enough!" shouted Shining Armor who was followed behind by his sister.

"If you all insist on acting like this, then none of you will be representing this school in the final school. Am I understood!!!!" When Shining Armor raised his voice, it seemed to cause all the Shadowbolts to back down as they tried to avoid looking directly at him.

Sugarcoat then cleared her throat before speaking to her captain. "With all due respect, Shining Armor, after careful consideration. I think our best bet on making sure Crystal Prep wins is to have you be the duelist to compete in the tie-breaker duel." That was the first statement that all the other girls agreed on.

“No!” Twilight yelped.

Shining frowned and looked down at her. “Twily?”

Twilight’s eyes snapped up to his. “I just mean… uh…” She took a breath. “You know that thing I’ve kinda been obsessed over? It wasn’t nothing.”

Shining groaned. “Twilight…”

“She’s not lying!” Sunny Flare cut in. “I hate to agree with her, but she does have a point. Those girls and Isaac have magic, and they’re using it to cheat!”

“You’ve gotta be joking.”

Indigo shook her head. “I wish she was. Sunny and I have no memories of our duels, and the recordings of them aren’t showing up on our duel disks. Whatever is going on with those guys, we can’t remember how they beat us or look it up.”

Twilight waited for Indigo to finish before speaking, drawing Shining’s attention back to her. “I know it sounds crazy, but believe me. I feel crazy for just thinking it’s even plausible. But I can’t find any other explanation for what’s going on.”

“And you just jumped on the idea they have magic?”

Shining let out a breath. “You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?” Twilight nodded.

Sugarcoat stepped forward. “Twilight knows the most about this. And somehow her memories aren’t affected.”

Sunny nodded. “Indeed. If we must pick a duelist to face them, we need one who could somehow counter their abilities.”

Twilight gaped. “What? I-I can’t do anything like that!”

“But you do understand this more than us,” Lemon replied. “And you can remember the stuff they do with their magic, so you know what to expect.”

“The point is that I don’t know. They can change their decks any time!”

“But at least you’ll be able to take notice of when they do,” Sunny said. “And that’s an advantage we can’t have, meagre though it may be.”

“Yes, but—”

“She’s right; if they’ve got some freaky powers, you’re the only one who would know,” Indigo said. “So we really don’t have a choice then, do we?”

Before Twilight could respond, Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet saw something past her and raised their heads. The group parted and turned as Dean Cadance approached them.

“Girls, I’m sorry for interrupting,” Cadance looked among them and then down at Twilight. “Principal Sombra would like to speak to you, Twilight.”

Twilight blinked, and then scowled. “Now he wants to talk to me?”

“Yes. He says it’s urgent.” Cadance gestured a hand. “We shouldn’t keep him waiting.”

Twilight looked up at Shining Armor. He looked back and put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, Twily.”

Twilight nodded at Cadance, and she walked past the group and up the steps to the parking lot. Twilight followed her to the parked limousine, where Cadance pulled open the back door for her. Twilight climbed into the back seat, the door shutting behind her. Shining Armor was a few feet away when Cadance made her way back to him.

"I just hope that everything will be okay." Shining Armor was concerned on why Sombra suddenly called to talk with his sister.

"I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about. But still, I have a feeling that something evil is about to happen and I'm afraid Twilight is caught in the middle of it. I just hope she'll be safe." Cadance then put her head on Shining's shoulder as he put his arm around her and they walked back together with the rest of the Shadowbolts.


Sitting with his hands clasped in his lap, staring forward, Sombra whispered her name in the darkness of the limo.

“You’ve been avoiding me,” Twilight said, trying to put an edge to her voice.

“I have been letting things play out,” Sombra said softly. “They played out in ways I was not expecting.”

“Play out…” Twilight stared at him, her eyes slowly widening. She raised a shaking hand to point at him. “You know. Wait, no. You’ve known.


“How much?” she demanded.

“At least as much as you do, perhaps more.” Sombra murmured in his throat, his fingers tapping. “But not nearly as much as I would prefer.”

“Then explain it to me.” Twilight shook her head furiously. “This is impossible. Magic is impossible. Impossible. If you know what’s going on, tell me the truth.”

“That is the truth, Twilight,” Sombra said simply. “Sunset Shimmer and her friends possess magic that augments their decks. It is no lie, I assure you.”

“This…” Twilight slapped a hand to her face and grimaced, her fingers clutching her head. She let out a frustrated groan.“I can’t believe you’re saying this. What about me? I seem to be the only one who knows. How do I fit into things?”

“You have been my valuable aide in this investigation. And now the time has come to bring it to a close.” Sombra turned his head, green eyes flickering brightly in the darkness. “Twilight, listen to me very carefully. I was content to watch things unfold and see what developed, but the situation has changed. The duel you are about to face Isaac in, is of greater importance to me than this tournament’s outcome.”

“They haven’t—”

“You know they will choose him,” Sombra interrupted, “as I know your teammates have chosen you. Am I wrong on that?” Twilight shook her head. “Good. It is of great importance to me that you prevail in this final duel. There is too much at stake for us to falter.”

“And how do you suggest I do that?” Twilight looked away. “Isaac is a duelist of a cabiler that only the elite can dream of, how can I prepare for that kind of opponent? You saw what he was able to do in the duel against my brother."

“Yes.” Sombra leaned forward. “But this will not be the same as that duel. I suggest evening the playing field.”

Twilight felt a chill go down her back. “How?”

“The obvious way.” Sombra smiled slightly. “You’ve been a great help to me thus far, Twilight. I feel it is only fair that I repay your assistance. And you do wish to defeat Isaac and eventually Sunset, don’t you?”

Twilight’s mouth felt dry as she opened her mouth. “I…”

“The honor of your school, your team, and yourself, have been damaged. They must be redeemed. And Isaac must be made to understand he cannot do as he pleases without retribution finding him, one way or the other.” Sombra’s eyes bored into Twilight’s as he spoke. “I need to know you are capable of this, Twilight. I need you to defeat Isaac for me. Will you do this for me?”

As Sombra’s words seeped in, Twilight started to think back on her first encounter with Isaac. She remembered all the data she had collected on him; from every little detail to how he commanded his monsters on the dueling field. He had a presence that made Twilight become fascinated with him, not to mention that he wielded the Dark Magician. So why, why did she have a sudden fascination for Isaac? When they first met, it was just a normal encounter, but after that everytime she would see him, she would become even more interested in Isaac to the point were it become a sort of obsession with male duelist. Eventually she nodded. "Yes."

“Wonderful.” Sombra’s smile widened and he reached up to pat Twilight on the shoulder. “I knew I could count on you.”

Twilight’s head felt faint as Sombra smiled at her, eyes gleaming green.

“Yes… Principal Sombra…”

Soon both teams had made it back to the dueling field as the students were filling back into their seats. Luna and Cadance were running one last test with the cameras as they wanted to make sure that the folks watching at home caught every little second of this last duel. Once everything was checked, Luna gave her sister a thumbs up to signal they were about to start. Isaac was just standing there waiting for whoever duelist Crystal Prep chose; it didn't take long as the person battling for Crystal Prep was none other than Twilight as she was starting to descend onto the field. Isaac looked up at Celestia and the other adults and they gave him the signal to start. With that Isaac gave one final look and thumbs up to his friends. He took a deep breath before turning his cap backwards and then starting to make his way towards Twilight.

Across the field, Twilight had her arms down beside her, her head low. “Twilight?”

At Isaac’s voice, Twilight slowly raised her head and opened her eyes. And for a second, they seemed to be normal when Isaac called out to her. She looked at him before they flickered and she had her eyes closed again.

“Students, we’ve had a Friendship Game like no other in recent memory!” Cadance said over the speakers. “With the final score being three victories for either school and one tie, Canterlot High’s Isaac will face Crystal Prep’s Twilight Sparkle in the deciding duel. Are both duelists ready?”

“Yes,” Isaac whispered, not taking her eyes off Twilight.

Twilight tilted her head. “No.”

Isaac blinked. “What?”

“This venue is inappropriate for a duel like this.” Twilight raised her arms, bringing her duel disk in front of her and putting a hand above her deck. “I will provide a more suitable environment.” Dark energy crackled between Twilight’s fingers and her cards, and a purple aura lit up over her.

Isaac’s heart skipped a beat as a pulse went through the air. He inhaled sharply. No…

Eyes glowing dark purple, Twilight thrust her hand out towards Isaac. In a rush, billowing clouds of darkness erupted from his feet and grew to surround the field. The stands of students, the table of principals, and Isaac's friends, were obscured by the clouds. When they reached behind Isaac they lit up in light and then faded, thunder roiling within them. Sunset and the rest of the girls were scared at what was happening, but Sunset then put her hand over her heart and she could still sense Isaac's presence. She didn't know what was going on, but she prayed that whatever Isaac was encountering he could be able to handle it.

Isaac looked around him, taking a step back. "What is this?"

Just then the spirit of his Dark Magician appeared. "This is a Shadow Game, master."

"Shadow Game?"

"Yes, long ago, ancient sorcerers and spellcasters engaged in high stakes games that involved monsters. In short, these Shadow Games were the first edition of Duel Monsters. However, these games were dangerous as the loser would suffer a terrible fate, such as losing one's soul."

"So you're telling me that if I lose this duel, then I'll lose my soul? Well that means I just got to win, no big deal. You with me, Mahad?"

"I would listen to your monster, if I were you!" said Twilight as she still had her eyes glowing. "And yes, I can see him quite clearly. Unlike everybody else, I know about your special connection with your deck and the fact that you hold some magic of your own and you don't even know it."

"And you do!?"

"Believe, thanks to Principal Sombra, my eyes haven't been more open than they are right now."

"I knew I couldn't trust Sombra. Well don't worry, Twilight. I'm going to save you from whatever magic he's got you under, then it'll be his turn to pay for messing with people."

“You’re right,” Twilight said coolly. She slowly smiled. “I didn’t understand magic before. But I do now. And soon I’ll understand it a lot more. And so will you. That’s what we both want, isn’t it? To understand our powers and what they can do? What better way than a duel?”

“Not like this.” Isaac shook his head. “This is dangerous.”

"So what, that didn't stop you and your friends when you'll used it? Well now it's my turn to have some fun!" laughed Twilight sinisterly. "What matters is that one way or the other, we’re not leaving this field until a duel is held.” She pressed her hand to her disk and the card tray ejected in an array of jagged, purple light.

Isaac reached to his own disk and projected a card tray made up of bright gold. “If this is what it’ll take to snap you out of it, fine.”

Twilight slowly chuckled. “This is a whole new evolution of dueling we’re about to witness here. I admit, everything else aside, this is kind of exciting.” Her aura shone brighter, eyes gleaming. “Now, Isaac, let’s see what our magic can really do! Time to finish the duel that we started when we first met each other!”

“Be careful what you wish for.” Isaac leaned forward, his hoodie and body started to light up with a colorful aura. “It’s time to duel, Twilight!”

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. initiating. Commencing duel." said the voice of both of their duel disks.

Twilight Sparkle's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Twilight

"Ladies first." Twilight drew her hand at the same time as Isaac and they both did a double take at what they were holding.

"No way, these cards I drew are..."

"... the same ones I used when Isaac and me first dueled."

Sure enough both duelists were holding an identical hand to the one they had when they first encountered each other. Meanwhile on the outside, their was still a blanket of shadows that was covering the entire duel field. However a part of the magic that was encompassing Isaac made its way to a camera and fused with it to which it started to project what was happening inside as it played for everybody to see on the many screens for all the other students to see. Isaac's friends were thankful they could see that he was alright, but they still were worried about his safety. Regardless, there was nothing they could do but sit and watch; they just prayed that Isaac would be victorious and would come back to them. Up above in the sky box, Celestia and Luna had concerned looks on their faces, as they prayed that both Isaac and Twilight would be okay. Cadance felt frightened to see Twilight in such a state that it broke her heart. Eventually she muttered some words that said, 'Save her, Isaac' as she looked on.

Crystal Prep on the other had couldn't believe their eyes at what they were seeing. They knew they wanted to win and humiliate Canterlot High, but even they knew this was too far. The rest of the Shadowbolts all took a step back they tried to wrap their heads around what they were seeing. When the titantron came up, they were surprised to see both Isaac and Twilight be surrounded by strange amounts of energy. Shining Armor was the one person freaking out the most; he knew he shouldn't have let Twilight meet with Sombra alone. And now he was forced to watch his little sister be filled with some evil magic and being nothing more than a puppet for Sombra's intentions. He thought about finding Principal Sombra and beating the shit out of him, but knew it would be pointless.

Nevertheless, as much as he hated it, Shining Armor would have to rely on one person who can save his sister. Someone who had a deeper connection with Twilight than him. "Please, Isaac. Save my little sister for me, bring Twilight back home."

Back with Twilight and Isaac, they were still looking over their cards as they tried to wrap their heads around what was happening. Both knew their duel disks had shuffled their decks and there wasn't any possibility that magic played a role in them drawing the same card, so what was it.

"It's as if fate has stepped in." said Isaac.

I don't understand. How can this be? The cards I drew, they're the same as what I drew in my first match with Isaac. Twilight was still in shock as what was happening.

It can only mean one thing. Not only do Twilight and I want this settled, but a force bigger than us wants it settled as well.

"Enough wasting time, my draw." Twilight drew he card and sure enough it was the exact one she drew when she first battled Isaac. The card Twilight picked up was none other than her Magician Valkyria which really caused her eyes to widen. It's the same again. Then there's no doubt, we're being thrust into the same duel situation we were the last time. To see what should have really happened. So let's get to it. "I'll play Magician Valkyria in defense mode."

"Magician Valkyria? So it's not just me." said Isaac.

"Then I'll set a card facedown and end my turn. It's your move now, Isaac. Everything's the same as before. So let's see if you really have what it takes to win or if you're just all talk."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Very well then, now to set things right. It's my draw." Isaac then drew his card and looked at his hand, but he knew exactly what he was going to do. "I summon Breaker the Magical Warrior in attack mode. You know about Breaker's ability, once he's summoned he gains a counter that boost his attack by 300." Like before out came a warrior that wielded both a sword and shield.

Shining Armor was looking on and he too was stunned. Compared to everybody else, this was the first time they were seeing Isaac battle against Twilight. But Shining Armor knew about his sister's first encounter with Isaac as she had recorded the video of their battle on her duel disk and showed it to him. And to see it play out like their first duel was enough to cause him to gasp. "This first face-off, it's the same as before. Whoa, I guess history really does repeat itself."

The other Shadowbolts over heard his comment and were intrigued by it.

"Shining, what do you mean, 'history repeats itself'?" asked Indigo Zap.

"You see, before the Friendship Games, Twilight actually faced off against Isaac in a duel. And it started out just like the one that's going on right now."

"Impossible." shouted Sour Sweet.

"If that's true, then we know who wins, right?" said Sugarcoat with a hint of worry/confusion in her voice.

"Unfortunately, we don't. Before they could finish their duel, Twilight ran off." This really concerned the other Shadowbolts as they were scared on what the result of this Shadow Game would be. "Let's just hope that Isaac can win for all our sakes."

"Next I'll play two cards facedown and then I'll have Breaker attack your Magician Valkyria. Slice and dice, Breaker." Isaac's warrior then leaped into the air and brought its sword down on the mysterious duelist's monster. "I'll then end my turn. It's your move, Twilight."

Turn 3: Twilight

Indeed it is. Twilight then drew her card. "And this turn, will be a powerful one. I summon my Berry Magician Girl(400/400) in attack mode. Then her special ability activates which lets me add 1 'Magician Girl' from my deck to my hand. Next I'll activate this card Spellbook Library of the Crescent; if I have no 'Spellbook' spell cards in my graveyard then I can reveal 3 'Spellbook' spell cards from my deck. Then you randomly choose one to add to my hand and the rest are shuffled in my deck. These should look familiar to you, Isaac. I reveal Spellbook of Eternity, Spellbook of Secrets, and Spellbook of Wisdom." The three cards were then projected in front of Isaac as they were flipped over and spun around in a circle before they stopped.

"Guess everything has been the same, we're doing every single move we made right up to the point where you called off the match. Seems like even destiny wants to see how it would have ended. Well then, I'll stick with the same choice as last time. I choose the card on the right." Isaac pointed his finger at his choice and it was added to the Twilight's hand while the rest went into her deck.

Twilight just looked at the card Isaac selected and gave a huff. "Then before I end my turn, I'll play the field spell The Grand Spellbook Tower." Twilight played her card and out came a giant watchtower that even the adults in the sky box could see.

Turn 4: Isaac

"Time for me to come up with a plan and save Twilight." Isaac drew his card and looked at Twilight's field and her monster. "I know about your monster's effect, but if things are playing out like last time, then I know what's coming. Now Breaker attack Berry Magician Girl!"

"Like you said, this has happened before. So I'll activate my monster's ability; when she becomes the target of an attack I can switch her from attack to defense mode. Then I'll summon one 'Magician Girl' from my deck, so say hello once more to my Chocolate Magician Girl(1600/1000)."

"Then you should know what I'm about to do. I'll play the spell Ricochet and bounce one your monster back to your hand and add one card from my deck to my hand." Isaac took the card he wanted from his duel disk. "I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 5: Twilight

"To start, I'll summon back my Chocolate Magician Girl in attack mode. Then I'll play the continuous spell card Spellbook Star Hall. Now whenever a 'Spellbook' card is activated I can put a counter on this card. I'll then play the spell card, Spellbook of Secrets."(Counter: 1) Twilight's Star Hall then light up as a counter was gained. "This allows me to add 1 'Spellbook' card from my deck to my hand" Twilight took the card she wanted. "My Star Hall also gives my spellcasters an extra 100 points for every counter on it. I'll also give her some more attack with the spell, Spellbook of Power. Now she gains an extra 1000 points; she now has 2700 attack points. So take out Isaac's Breaker!" Chocolate Magician Girl then raised her wand as it had no problem getting rid of Isaac's warrior.
Isaac's Life Points: 7200-

"As you know, the other effect of my Spellbook of Power will now take effect. I can now add another 'Spellbook' from my deck to my hand, since my monster was successful in destroying yours. I'll then end my turn with a facedown." (Counter: 2).

Turn 6: Isaac

"Alright then, my turn." Isaac drew his card. "I'll activate the spell card, Fissure. With it your Chocolate Magician Girl is now gone." Isaac played his spell and out came a giant hand that grabbed Twilight's monster and dragged it down into the hole it came from as the ground closed up behind it. "Then I'll play Graceful Charity, so I'll add 3 more cards to my hand and discard two." Isaac picked up his cards and then sent the ones he wanted to the grave. "Since one of the cards I just drew was my Watapon, I can special summon him to the field." Isaac played his card and out came a fluffy white little monster.

Maybe this will help Twilight snap out of it. "I said I was going to save you Twilight and this monster is going to help me out. Now I'll sacrifice my Watapon and summon out my Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac played his female spellcaster who appeared in a flash of light as she did her signature pose and wink. She then floated over to Isaac as she stared at what was happening.

"Isaac, is this a Shadow Game?"

"Indeed it is, Mana. Right now we're in for the fight of our lives; more importantly, Twilight has been corrupted by magic and is the one in control of all this. We need to beat her in order to escape this place, care to lend me a hand in waking her up."

"You've got it!" Mana gave Isaac a thumbs up and then stared back at Twilight.

"Twilight, do you remember this? This a monster that you have as well, think back. Think back on all the times you used her, fight it!"

For a second nothing changed as Twilight just simply didn't care. However, on the inside, there was a part of Twilight's subconscious that noticed the monster and was trying to break free from the grip of the darkness. "Please, why would I remember such a weak monster? She's useless and serves no purpose to me!"

"Well maybe this will change your mind! I'll play the Magic Formula card and with it my Dark Magician Girl gains an 700 attack points. Now Mana, lets see this attack is enough to snap Twilight out of it. Ready? Go Dark Burning Attack!!" Dark Magician Girl then powered up her wand. "Wake up, Twilight!!!" She then released her spell as it collided with Twilight for the full impact. The attack caused smoke to appeared as Twilight put her arms up.
Twilight's Life Points: 5300-

Everybody watching the screens at home and on the outside of the shadow wall witness what had happened. They were shocked to see Isaac deal a massive amount of damage to Twilight. Once the smoke cleared there stood Twilight as she put her arms down and she had opened her eyes. Isaac saw this and they were back to their normal self.

Isaac popped a smile when he saw this. "There she is, there's the eyes of the beautiful girl I met. Come home Twilight, come back to us. Your friends and your family, cease this Twilight. Come home!"

"Isaac?" Then her eyes returned back to glowing purple as it cause Isaac to take a step back. "Did you honestly think that would work? I told you before the girl you're trying rescue has been replaced, meet the new, better version of her. As now it's time I repay the favor for that attack and I think I'll start with Dark Magician Girl!"

Turn 7: Twilight

Twilight drew her card with such vigor. "I'll play the Spellbook Organization card. Now I'll look at the 3 top cards of my deck and I can rearrange them in any order I choose." Another light lit up for Twilight's star hall. (Counter: 3) "Next I'll play my Spellbook Magician of Prophecy(500/400), now when he's summoned I can add 1 'Spellbook' from my deck to my hand." Twilight had a smile on her face as she picked up her card. "Now time to get reacquainted with an old friend, I reveal 3 'Spellbooks' from my hand: Spellbook of Life, Spellbook of Fate, and Spellbook of Judgement. By doing-so, I summon out my High Priestess of Prophecy(2500/2100)!" Twilight had managed to play her monster as it arrived with vibrant colors and majestic robes. "Last time, you said she was stunning. Do still think that?" snickered Twilight.

"She still is because she reminds me of her owner." Isaac looked at Twilight to try to reason with her once again. "Your Priestess is a lot like you Twilight; you're both beautiful and you're loved by thousands of people. Stop this madness! Before innocent people get hurt!"

"It's kind of cute to see you flirt with me, even if you're trying to save someone who's long gone!" Twilight's aura started to grow as she let out a scream. "But I've told once and I'll tell you again, Twilight Sparkle is dead!! Now my Priestess activate your special ability, by banishing a 'Spellbook' from my hand, I can destroy one card on the field. So say goodbye to that Dark Magician Girl of yours!!" High Priestess casted a spell as it fired it at Isaac's magician who was helpless.

"No Mana!" Isaac was trying to help his Dark Magician Girl when she stopped him.

"It's alright, master. I'll be okay, you focus on rescuing that girl of yours. She needs help and right now you're the only one who can reach her. Save her, Isaac!" With that she disappeared as she was sent to the grave.

"Not that she's gone, there's nothing getting in the way of my monsters laying waste to your pathetic life points. Don't forget due to my star hall, all spellcasters gain an extra 100 points for every counter." Twilight then held up 4 fingers. "I count four, so that means they all get an extra 400 attack points." Both Twilight's monsters felt the surge of power flowing through them, but unlike the last time it infused them with some dark magic as they felt the darkness taking control.

Isaac saw this and he was appalled at what he was seeing. "Stop this, Twilight. Can't you see that you're hurting their monsters! I understand being angry at everybody else, but your monsters shouldn't have to suffer your anger."

"Please, as they could feel pain and emotions! They're just simply puppets and I'm their master. What I say goes, they just carry out my orders. That's the role of monsters; I'm the master, they're the servants. They follow my command without a hesitation and if they disobey my orders then they simply get left behind and I replace them with better versions!"

"That's not true! To me, my monsters have always been my friends! They've been with me for every single step of my journey; at every bump in the road, every single time I thought I should just give up they were their for me. To me I respect my cards with love and trust cause I know they feel the same about me. I've put my faith in my cards and they returned the same ideal; we fight as one! Cause to them I'm not just their master, I'm so much more, to them I'm their friend!"

"Then it's your very trust in your monsters that will seal your fate!" Twilight raised her hand as she pointed at Isaac. "Now my servants teach him a lesson for disrespecting your master! Attack him directly!!" Both monsters leaped as they took flight to strike Isaac.

"I'll reveal my facedown Spellbinding Circle, so now your monster can't attack and loses 700 attack points."

"Just like last time, I'll play the Spellbook of Wisdom. With it, I'll make my High Priestess immune to your trap, and also that's another spell which means I gain another counter and they get stronger!" (Counter: 4).

With that Isaac's trap was rendered useless as both of Twilight's monsters dealt some fatal damage to Isaac as it knocked him off his feet and onto his back. The pain was so life like that Isaac let out a blood shrilling scream as he was thrown on his back. The scream could be heard by everybody as they it penetrated the walls and both schools heard it as they started to clutch themselves. Sunset and the rest of the girls all felt Isaac's pain as they all dropped to their knees, each clutching their hearts. Celestia and Luna just held each other's hands as they couldn't bear to witness their student go through so much pain. All of Crystal Prep were watching with horror in their eyes as they were feeling compassion for Isaac.

Eventually Isaac had to will himself to get up as he struggled to stand on his feet. That one attack was enough to give him bruises and cover his outfit in dirt; Twilight just stood there as she had a sick smile on her face as she appreciated her work.
Isaac's Life Points: 4400-

"Is that... all... you've.." Isaac was trying to stand up as well as catch his breath.

"I'd spare the witty remark. You're going to need to save your strength for what's about to happen. I end my turn!"

As soon as Twilight ended her turn, Isaac couldn't help but to laugh. In fact, he laughed so hard that everybody watching were confused on what he was doing. Twilight was the most pissed off as the person she was dueling just was laugh. "What the hell is so funny? Are you actually laughing through the pain? Well get it all out because I'm going to make sure that what happens next, I'll wipe that smile off your face and then it'll be me who gets the last laugh!"

Turn 8: Isaac

Isaac's duel disk slotted out his next card for him to pick up. "I'm laughing because despite all that has occurred this duel has been pretty fun."

"Fun!? What's so fun about you losing!?" screamed Twilight.

"The fun is that I get to experience a duel like no other with a person I didn't know existed. You're amazing, Twilight. I've faced lots of opponents, and this is not me bashing on everybody else I've faced, but when I face you I feel a sort of happiness. Knowing that there's someone who can calculate their moves compared to me who just goes with the flow of a duel; that alone makes this duel worthwhile. As for me losing, sorry not gonna happen!" Isaac then drew his card as it had a streak of light following behind it. "First, since my Magic Formula was sent to the grave, I gained an extra 1000 life points. Then I'll play the spell Chaos Form, with it I can perform a ritual summon! I ritual summon, appear Magician of Chaos(2500/2100)!" Out came Isaac's spellcaster as it twirled its weapon before striking an intimidating pose. "But I'm not done, next I'll play the spell Dark Magic Veil. So by paying 1000 life points, I'll summon by Dark Magician of Chaos!" The crowd was in awe as they got to see Isaac's spellcasters stand side-by-side.
Isaac's Life Points: 3400-

"Since I summoned my Dark Magician of Chaos, his effect kicks in. I can return a spell card from my graveyard." Isaac tapped his duel disk and took the card he wanted. "Now time to attack!"

"My Spellbook of Denial will put your assault on hold! Thus my Star Hall gains another counter and increases my monsters' attack." (Counter: 5)

"Then thanks for activating my Magician of Chaos' ability. Since you played a spell, his effect activates and destroys one card on the field, so your Star Hall goes bye-bye! And as for your Spellbook of Denial, I'll negate it by banishing my Magician Navigation from the grave to null its effect."

"Before my Star Hall goes to the grave, I'll play one final spell, my Spellbook of Damage. Now I'll reduce any battle damage this turn by half!"

"You're gonna need every single life points you can get! Magicians, knock some sense into Twilight! Attack!" With that Magician of Chaos had gotten rid of the opponent's Star Hall. Then both monsters lost their extra power up as their points were returned to normal. "So Dark Magician of Chaos will attack your High Priestess, instead of it being sent to the graveyard it now gets banished. Then my Magician of Chaos will take out your Spellbook Magician of Prophecy." With that both of Isaac's magicians took out and cleared the field of the opponent's monsters.
Twilight's Life Points: 4150-

"I'll end my turn, you're up Twilight!"

Turn 9: Twilight

"This is the beginning of the end for you!" Twilight drew her card. "Now I'll activate the effect of my Star Hall, since it had six counters on it when you sent it to the grave, I can now add a spellcaster whose level is less than or equal to the number of counters it had." Twilight's duel disk ejected the card she wanted as she added it to her hand. "Now the effect of my field spell, once during my Standby Phase, if I have a spellcaster on my field or in my grave then I can return a 'Spellbook' from my grave to the bottom of my deck and draw a card." Twilight touched her duel disk and took the card she wanted; she then drew her card. "Time show everybody what happens when you mess with me! I'll also play Dark Magic Veil, so by giving up 1000 life points as payment, I'll summon my Reaper of Prophecy(2000/1600)."
Twilight's Life Points: 3150-

"Now whenever my Reaper is summoned, I can activate his ability which triggers his many effects based on how many 'Spellbook' cards with different names in my graveyard." Twilight then began to run down her monster's many effects. "You know that since there's at least three, he'll gain 600 attack points. Then 4 or more, he'll I can add a 'Spellbook' from my deck to my hand" Twilight then took the card she wanted and turned back to Isaac as she held up 5 fingers. "And lastly, 5 or more, I can special summon a level 5 or higher Dark spellcaster-type from my deck. Come on out, Magician of Dark Illusion!" Now Twilight had two monsters on her field as she looked at Isaac with the same stare as him. "You know what comes next."


"Then I'll play my Temperance of Prophecy(1000/1000). Now his ability kicks in, since I activated a 'Spellbook' card before he was on the field. I can tribute him to special summon 1 level 5 or higher Light or Dark spellcaster-type monster from my deck. So I'll play another Magician of Dark Illusion. Then I'll take things up a notch, by performing an Xyz summon! I overlay my two Magician of Dark Illusion to build the overlay network. I Xyz Summon, Hierophant of Prophecy(2800/2600, OLU: 2)!" Just like that both duelist now had two powerful spellcasters at they all looked at each; everybody watching the screen were in awe as they saw two duelist of the highest caliber wield powerful magicians, the question now was: who's magic was better? "I'll then activate the effect of my Hierophant of Prophecy, by using 1 overlay unit I can destroy your spell/traps cards up to the number of 'Spellbooks' in my grave. So now you have no facedowns to save you."

"Oh, no. Now Isaac is defenseless." shouted Sunset as she watched the screen.

"Now Hierophant take out his Magician of Chaos!"

"I'll play the ability of my Electromagnetic Turtle from the grave; by banishing it I can immediately end your battle phase!" Isaac's turtle then appeared as it released thousands of little electricity as it created a static field that stopped Twilight's advanced.

"Err, I'll end my turn."

Turn 10: Isaac

"My turn." Isaac drew his card. "I'll play the spell card Book of Effect; I know you love books Twilight, so maybe you'll like this piece of literature. Now I'll remove a special ability from one of your monsters; I choose to negate the effect of your Hierophant of Prophecy." The spell card then created a book that fired a magical beam as it took away Hierophant's power. "I'll then have my Dark Magician of Chaos attack your Reaper."

"From my grave, I'll activate the effect of my Magic Protection spell. By banishing it, I can end your battle phase."

"Then you just also triggered the effect of my Magician of Chaos; now I can destroy one card on the field and I choose your Hierophant."

"Don't think so, from my hand I'll play Spellbook Barrier card. Now I can select one card on the field and protect it from being targeted by special effects till the end of the turn."

Back and forth the interaction went as in the end both duelist weren't giving an inch as they each wanted to cement their dominance.

"I'll end my turn with a card facedown."

Turn 11: Twilight

"Playtime is over!" Twilight drew her card. I'll play Strength of Prophecy(1500/1400) and then activate its ability. Once per turn, I can shuffle 1 'Spellbook' from my graveyard back into my deck. Furthermore I can target one spellcaster on my field and not only does its level increase by one but it gains 500 attack. I select my Reaper of Prophecy, now he has a total of 3100. Let's bring this game to a close, go my monsters eliminate his magicians."

"Isaac!" shouted everybody watching.

"I'll activate my facedown Magic Cylinder! Now not only does your attack get canceled out but I can redirect it so that your life points take the hit." With that two cylinders popped out with one of them absorbing the attack and the other firing back at the mysterious duelist.

"I'll reveal my facedown Spellbook of Equivalence. Now you're also going to take the same amount of damage as me. In addition, we both summon one spellcaster whose attack is equal to or less than the amount of damage we took."

The attack was so powerful that it flung both duelist on their back; Isaac was thrown with so much force that his cap went flying. Everybody watching covered their eyes as the light was so bright; the ground surrounding them began to rumble. Once the light show died down, both Isaac and Twilight were on the grass as they weren't moving. Every single person had their eyes glued to the titration as they were waiting to see what each one of them would do. Then both Isaac and Twilight then started to get to their feet, Twilight's glasses had fallen and were right beside her, but she didn't care as she just stared Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 300-
Twilight's Life Points: 350-

"So we're finally back to where we were the first time."

"Correct, except this time, there's no running away. This time, I've run all the calculations and I have magic on my side. That is an unstoppable combo that nobody can beat!"

"They got to this point." said Shining Armor.

"So this is where they last left off?" said Lemon Zest.

"Correct, now we're about to see who's going to be the victor."

Sunset and the rest of the girls all looked at Isaac and saw that he was pretty banged up. After that last card, both Isaac and Twilight were about equal in terms of life points and this was the final duel. The atmosphere was tense as both duelist just needed an opening to deliver the final blow; however, even though there were almost out of life points, everybody knew the real battle was just beginning.

Isaac let out a sigh of exhaustion which was met by Twilight herself. "You getting tired, yet?"

"Please, I could do this all day."

"Good, cause I was just catching my breath." Isaac then put his hand to his side as he felt some pain course through his body. Thankfully, the magic protecting him was able to minimize the damage or else he would have suffered from severly broken bones. "Here we go."

"Now I summon my Dark Magician!/ Now I summon my Dark Magician Girl!" they both shouted. Out came two magicians that each took their positions by their respective masters.

"This is where things left off. Now time to see how things will play out, I'll set a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 12: Isaac

"Back to me." Isaac drew his card and then at his Dark Magician.

"Ready, Mahad? Everybody is counting on us."

"I'm with to the very end, master. Lets wake up, Miss Sparkle."

"Alright, to start I'll play the spell Pot of Greed" Isaac picked up two more cards and added them to his hand. "Everyone is counting on us to win, so lets not disappoint. I set two cards facedown, then I'll play the spell Thousand Knives and with it I'll destroy your Reaper of Prophecy."

"I'll reveal my facedown, Dimension Barrier. Now for the rest of this turn, neither player can play a monster type of the one I choose. I select Ritual monsters; furthermore all monsters currently on the field that fall into that category have their effects negated."

"So what's the point of activating that, it won't save your monster from being destroyed?"

"Your right, it doesn't but it does allow me to get rid of that magician of yours. As for my monster, well I'll activate a card from my grave. Now by banishing my Book of Literature, I can repel your spell card and give it a new target. So Thousand Knives takes out your Magician of Chaos." A giant book then appeared as it opened up and created a wall that bounced the magical knives in the direction of Isaac's Magician of Chaos.

"I'll just set a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 13: Twilight

"So close and yet so far." Twilight picked up her card. "Time to erase you from existence, once you're out of my way. Sunset is next! Now I'll play Dark Burning Attack with my Dark Magician Girl can wipe out the rest of your monsters! Let him have it!" Twilight's Dark Magician Girl felt the dark magic infuse her as her eyes glowed evil and then raised her wand which decimated Isaac's entire field. "All alone and you no monsters to protect you, how fitting. Now my magician, attack him directly!"

"Not going to be that easy, Twilight. I'll activate the effect of Kuriboh; by sending him to the grave all battle damage I'll receive this turn becomes zero! Kuriboh, help me out little buddy!" Kuriboh then came out as it started to power up as it did everything in its power to protect Isaac from Twilight's attack. It took everything it had, but eventually Kuriboh was able to protect Isaac from harm. Once the attack ceased, Kuriboh then let out a sigh as it had a bead of sweat on its head. It then turned to look at Isaac. "Thanks for everything, Kuriboh. You may be small, but your damn powerful." Kuriboh was happy with its master giving him praise that he nuzzled up against Isaac's face and then disappeared.

"To think that you would use that little pathetic monster to save you. You'll pay for that! I end my turn."

Turn 14: Isaac

"My turn." Isaac drew his card. "I'll activate my facedown Eternal Soul and with I'll bring back my Dark Magician. Next I'll play Bond Between Teacher and Student, so now from my graveyard I revive my Dark Magician Girl." Isaac now had his most two loyal monsters at his side.

"It looks like it's going to be a real trick for us to come out on top here and save Twilight." Said Mana.

"Well, perhaps, but remember, as magicians, there is no trick that we can't pull off." said Mahad.

"Right." nodded Mana.

"Alright, now I'll play the spell Dark Burning Magic and with it I'll destroy every single card on your field!" shouted Isaac.

"What!?" shouted Twilight as her entire field was about to be nuked.

"Mahad, Mana, do it!" Isaac gave his magicians their command.

"For the master!"

"Here we go!"

"Dark Burning Magic!!" all three of them shouted. The attack was successful in that there was nothing left on Twilight's field. All that stood in the way from Isaac winning is he just had to declare his attack.

"Let's end this, attack Twilight directly!!" Isaac magicians then took flight as they were ready to deal the final blow.

Twilight just had a sick smile on her face as her planned worked. "That would work if it wasn't for this, I'll activate the effect of my Goddess of Sweet Revenge. Now when she's the only card in my hand, I can discard her and then I destroy as many cards as you control, so now everything on your side of the field is gone!"

"No!!!" screamed Isaac. True enough both Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl were caught in a blast as it took them out. Isaac covered his eyes as the light engulfed the entire field and when it died down there was Isaac with nothing on his field.

Twilight was just laughing as she had managed to not only rid Isaac of his field, but she had made him send his own monsters to their deaths. "What kind of master are you? You would send your monsters to meet their demise? That almost makes my heart, that is if I even had one left. Now then the other effect of my Goddess of Sweet Revenge activates and now I can summon one monster from my deck." Just then Twilight's aura started to grow and then it traveled to her deck as she started to lift a few inches off the ground and her hair was starting to float as her eyes shined the brightest. "Behold, a creature that will bring the end for you and all of my enemies. Appear a monster so powerful, that she can bend magic to her very will. I summon Midnight Sparkle(4000/4000)!" Out came a demon that had purple hair with a pink streak in it, its eyes were dark purple as well as its skin. It also had a pair of wings on its back and had a horn coming out of its forehead as well as having a tail and had a mask made of fire. Twilight then started to ascend as she began to fuse with her new monster till they were one.

"Finally, I didn't know what power was before, but now I do!!" Midnight Sparkle then directed its attention to Isaac. "Look at you, so helpless. Not a single one of your friends are here; none of them can save you. It's all over!" echoed Midnight's voice.

Isaac just looked at his hand and there wasn't much he could do. "I'll set a card facedown, and then I'll activate Monster Reincarnation, so I'll send my last card in my hand to add a different one." Isaac just had his head down as he didn't want to see what was about to happen. "I... I... end my turn."

Turn 15: Twilight/Midnight

"HA! HA! My how I've dreamed of this moment. Sunset I hope you can hear me; because after I'm done with my 'boyfriend' I'm coming for your ass!" Twilight then readied her hands as she started to power them up. Everybody watching saw the scene playing in front of them as they were surprised to see that Isaac was about to lose. "Now with nothing to protect you, I'll attack directly." Midnight Sparkle then put her hands together and shot a beam of powerful energy that collided with Isaac as it threw him onto his back.

At that moment, everything moved in slow motion as time slowed down. Isaac's friends just screamed his name while Celestia, Luna, and even Cadance all fell to their knees as they witness Isaac be defeated. Nobody was more in shock than Shining Armor who also fell to his knees as he watched his own sister become happy on defeating Isaac. The attack soon died down as the light died down and there was Isaac on the grass; he was on his back as his duel disk registered the attack and his life points started to drop until it reached zero.
Isaac's Life Points: 0-

At that moment, the rest of the girls felt their special connection with Isaac disappeared. One moment it was there and the next it was like the connection was severed. They look at the screen and saw that Isaac wasn't moving, nor was he breathing. With that they feared the worst, as they all collapsed on the grass and began to shed some tears.

"Don't tell me, Isaac is gone?" said Fluttershy as cried into Applejack's shoulder.

"This can't be." Applejack had taken off her hat in respect.

"Don't leave us, big bro." Pinkie was the saddest she had ever been.

"Come back to us, my darling!" Rarity's mascara was starting to run as she shed some tears.

"Isaac, you better come back to us damn it!" Rainbow pounded her fist into the ground as she let out her emotions.

"This is all my fault! I should have been the one to pay, not Isaac!" Sunset just fell on all fours as she looked at the ground and tears started to fall. Sunset then looked at her hands as they shook and then she put them to her eyes. Soon all the girls had a group hug as they all tried to comfort each other. Just then something on the screen appeared that caught their attention.

Back to what was happening with the duel, Midnight Sparkle had just descended back onto the ground. She was impressed with what she had done; that she almost failed to notice her duel disk. "One down, and now to make everybody suffer my wrath. Remember for all that face me, will bow down...." Her duel disk flashed an important message, Midnight thought to just ignore it but she felt it couldn't hurt to read what it said. She touched her screen and the moment she did her eyes widen the biggest it had ever been. She then looked across from her and couldn't believe it. "How!? How can you still in this!?"

Isaac at that point had mustered up the courage to stand as he had somehow managed to get back up on his feet. He still had tons of scratches and bruises on him, but he still held a smile and thumbs up as he showed the camera that everybody was watching. The crowd were ecstatic as they cheered for Isaac being okay and still managing to fight back. The girls all leapt up as the tears of sadness were now tears of joy. Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were delighted to see that Isaac was okay; Shining Armor saw Isaac still standing and he too let a smile form.

Isaac then turned to address Twilight. "Did you miss me, Twily?"

"How can you still be in this duel!? Your life points reached zero, you had no monsters to protect you! So how is this duel still continuing!?" screamed Midnight.

"You're right that my life points are zero. But I'm not out of this duel just yet, before I ended my turn I placed one card facedown that allowed me to stay in this duel."

"That can't be, once your life points reach zero the duel automatically ends!"

"You're correct, however there are certain cards that allow a duel to continue even when a duelist's life points are depleted. Like this, I reveal my Relay Soul trap card. Now I can special summon 1 monster from my hand, and as long as that monster is on the field I take no battle damage. However should it leave the field, then I lose the duel and you're declared the winner." Isaac then looked at the only card left in his hand. "So now I put all my fate in this one monster, I summon Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac played his card and out came his ultimate female spellcaster as it gave Isaac one final kiss before taking her position. "Know why I choose this card, Twilight. Because she reminds of you: you're smart, beautiful, and even brave. And I figured you needed something to help remind you of who you were and to help you break from magical prison. Are you listening to me, Twilight!? I'm going to save you! Even if it means I sacrifice myself, know that I'm willing to go all out for you why cause you're my friend!! And I never leave my friends behind!!" Isaac's body then started to grow as the magic protecting/surrounding him started fuse with him. Isaac's eyes started to glow bright white as he put his hand on his deck.

Turn 16: Isaac

"This is one is for Twilight, draw!" Isaac drew his card which created a rainbow arch as it shined brightly with some particle trailing behind as an aftereffect. "Nice, I'll play the spell Card of Sanctity, now we draw till we're holding six cards in our hand!" Isaac then put his hand on his deck and at that moment the aura from each of the girls left as they witnessed it leaving their bodies and traveling to Isaac as it infused with his deck. Isaac felt the presence of his friends as the spirits of them all had their hands on top of his as they were going to draw with him. Isaac gave them a nod and together they all drew. "Now I'll play the spell card Eye of Timaeus and with I'll perform a fusion summon using my Dark Magician Girl, the effect of my Relay Soul is then getting passed on to my new creature. I Fusion Summon Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight!" Out came a ferocious dragon as it descended down from the sky, and there was Dark Magician Girl as it was the rider and wielded a large sword.

"Next, I'll play my Magicians Rollcall spell card. With it I'll add up to 5 magicians from my deck and/or graveyard with selecting two of them to summon to my field. From my graveyard, I'll bring back my Dark Magician of Chaos, Magician of Chaos, and I'll summon my Dark Magician and Magician of Chaos." In a flash of light, Isaac's star monster now appeared as bowed its head in front of his master before turning back to Twilight. "Then I'll activate this card Harmonious Friendship!"

"What kind of card is that!?" screamed Midnight as it created a bright light as tons of rainbow beams started to come out and swirl around Isaac and Twilight.

"This is the card that will set you free! Now I'll combine all the magicians I have in my hand to call upon an even more powerful monster." Isaac's entire hand then light up as they shot upwards in streams of colorful lights as they combined when then disappeared into a vortex. Soon out came a new monster, a paladin warrior who had a shield with 7 studded geodes that were each a different color of the rainbow; it wielded a sword that shined brightly as it had one side full of light and the other side full of darkness. "Make way for Chromatic Paladin(3000/3000)! My Chromatic Paladin has a special ability that allows him to absorb every single attack points of all your monsters when he's summoned. So now his attack rises to 7000!"

Midnight took a step back as Isaac's Chromatic Paladin raised its sword up which caused a giant rainboom to explode in the sky as it traveled in a huge wave as it struck Midnight and she felt her power getting zapped away. Then the eyes of Midnight flashed for a moment to match the eyes of Twilight. "Isaac?" she let out.

"This is it! Now time for an all out attack!" Isaac then fused his spirit with his Dark Magician as he and Mahad had formed their bond synchronicity. Now Isaac could see and feel everything his Dark Magician was seeing as well as vice versa. "Let's do this guys, Ultimate Dark Magic Attack!!!" Then all the monsters on Isaac's field raised their weapons as they manifest a powerful energy ball and then shot it towards Midnight. Isaac's spirit was shot in with the attack as it struck through Twilight and pierced the darkness in her heart. "Come back to us, Twilight!!" The attack resulted in a giant explosion as it blurred the entire screen and eventually it shattered as everybody covered their eyes to avoid being blind.

Inside the blinding light, Isaac was standing in front of Twilight who was still in her Midnight Sparkle form. However, her eyes were that of her own as it was the last part of her that remained before either the magic corrupted her and made her disappear or she could be given a second chance. Isaac just looked at her and then put his hand out to offer her a choice.

"Take my hand, Twilight. Let me show you that there's another way. Let me show that you can have people care about you; no matter what you'll never be alone."

Twilight was hesitant as she looked at Isaac. Eventually she realized her mistake and was ready to repent for her sins. So with a heavy heart, she grabbed Isaac's hand as the magic coursing from Isaac then started to flow into Twilight as it erased the corrupt magic that was controlling her and she was free of its curse. The light then died down.
Twilight's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Back outside, the pillar of light was starting to fade as Isaac had descend down from the heavens with Twilight in his arms. She still had her eyes closed and her hair had become undone from the bun she was wearing, as Isaac just looked at her with a smile on his face. Eventually Twilight opened her eyes and saw that Isaac was carrying her. "Isaac?" she said softly.

Isaac then reached into his pocket and pulled out Twilight's glasses as he put them on for her. "Welcome back, Twilight." He then put her down as they looked at each other one more time before the noise of the crowd got their attention. Everybody was on their feet as they cheered for Isaac on rescuing Twilight and saving them. Isaac then saw the spirits of his monsters as they all gave him smiles. Then the images of Isaac’s monsters faded. “It’s over. My friends…” He grabbed his cards and fanned them out, smiling at them and the images of each the girls appeared as he looked at his deck. You really were with me all along. Thank you… He clutched the cards to his chest and took a deep breath.

"Isaac!" Sunset had called out to both of them as she made her way to the duel field. Thankfully, the walls of the Shadow Game had disappeared. "Are you alright?"

Isaac just smiled at her. "Yeah." Isaac let out a breath. “At least it’s over. We’re both safe now.” He looked up at Twilight who had a slight blush on her face. Just then the shadows reappeared and began to form around them as Isaac turned his head from side to side.

Sunset was frowning as see too saw what was happening. “Wait a minute…” As she turned in place, the dark clouds of the Shadow Game continued to rumble and flash, filling her field of view with deep purple and black. “Why hasn’t the Shadow Game dispersed? The duel is over.”

Everybody on the outside saw what was happening as they too were confused. The rest of the girls tried to get past the barrier but this time it was reinforced as they had no means of getting through. On the other side were Isaac, Sunset, and Twilight who all looked around trying to figure out what was going on. Soon their prayers were answered as a crackling sound reached their ears. The hair on the back of Sunset’s and Twilight's neck tingled, and they spun around to face the same direction as Isaac. A glowing green line appeared in the middle of the air and split into a circular portal. Hands clasped behind his back, hair gently fluttering over his shoulders, eyes glowing bright green, Sombra stepped out and stood still as the portal closed behind him.

“You,” Sunset hissed.

The glow in his eyes faded and Sombra looked over at Twilight. “Disappointing. But, I must admit, not surprising.” He raised his eyes to Isaac. “I granted her the benefit of the doubt, that with my aid her magic may surpass yours. A mistake on my part.”

“You did that to her?” Sunset asked. “You corrupted her mind with dark magic?!”

"You're going to pay for hurting Twilight, you son of bitch!!" screamed Isaac as he put both his arms in front of Twilight and Sunset to protect.

“I shared with her a sample of my power to awaken her own.” His other arm still behind his back, Sombra gestured a hand at Twilight. “That it so easily overwhelmed and consumed her thoughts is proof of her inadequacies. I overestimated her capabilities and underestimated yours. My sincere apologies for that.” Sombra lowered his arm and chuckled. “You are indeed something special, Isaac. A duelist with abilities like nothing I’ve ever seen.” Sombra then pointed to Sunset. "Of course, I'm not forgetting about you, Sunset Shimmer. You also possess a power that I've only seen a handful of times throughout my life."

“Here to try and recruit me again?” Sunset spat. “Forget it. If this is what you do to make a duelist meet your expectations, then I want no part of it.”

"You already know my answer!" said Isaac.

“I did expect as much.” He tilted his head forward. “I regret that it has come to this. I had very high hopes for the both of you. But, if that is your decision, I will honor it. Even so, I cannot allow things to end this way.”

“Too late. She lost, this tournament is over.” shouted Sunset.

Sombra smirked. “Did I not explain before that this tournament’s results are of no consequence to me? My interest is in acquiring duelists with magic to serve at Crystal Prep.” His smirk faded, his eyes glowing green again. “But, if I must, I will settle for just the latter.”

He drew his arms forward and brought one up to his chest.

Sunset lowered her eyes from his face.

A Crystal Prep duel disk was strapped to Sombra’s forearm.

“This Shadow Game shall continue, under new stipulations.” Sombra’s duel disk lit up and projected a green card tray as he spoke. “The rules are simple – the loser shall forfeit their magic to the winner.”

“No way.” Sunset clenched her fist and stepped back. “I refuse.”

“Look around you, you have no choice,” Sombra replied. “I am sincere in saying your magic is unlike any other I have encountered. And I cannot allow such a gift to stagnate at Canterlot. I will explore the limits of its potential on my own. And perhaps it shall be gifted to another of my students, one with ambition enough to use it properly.”

Sunset was about to answer when Isaac stopped her. "No, he's mine."

"But Isaac?"

"Sombra needs to pay for what he has done, endangering the lives of his own students, corrupting them with magic, willing to sacrifice innocents just to fulfill his own selfish desires. I can't let someone like that continue to run rampant. Plus, I'm not going to risk losing either you or Twilight. My friends have already suffered enough. Isaac then stepped forward as he activated his duel disk and out shot a gold light tray. "If it's fight you want, then it's fight you'll get. You'll be dueling me, Sombra."

Sunset looked at the clouds around her, and her gaze fell on Twilight. She snapped her head back to glare at Sombra. "Too bad that's not gonna happen." She walked a few steps away from Twilight and raised her duel disk. She pressed a button on her duel disk, and her cards in the other slots retracted and emerged on her deck, which reshuffled. Then her duel disk ejected a red card tray. “You want to see what my magic can do? I’ll show you more than you ever wanted to know.”

“Good. It will be helpful to know the full extent of its capabilities for when it is mine.” said Sombra with such evil in his voice.

"Hang on, Sunset? I..."

"Don't try to talk me out of it, Isaac. You know me well enough to know that I also care for our friends; and I'll do whatever it takes to make things right. After all this whole thing started because of me, therefore it's my duty/responsibility to make things right. Besides, I can't let my favorite boy toy get hurt, who else would I have to keep me entertained." Sunset had a sly smirk as she looked at Isaac.

Sunset’s duel disk beeped and she looked at the prompt to begin the duel, the button flashing beneath portraits of her and Sombra. Raising her head to look back at him, she lifted her hand and extended a finger. Sombra frowned and turned his head away. Sunset heard movement and looked at what he was watching.

“Twilight!” Sunset called out. This caused Isaac to also turn his head.

Sunset saw her hands shaking at her sides. She raised her head and looked across the field at Sombra. “You... that was your magic?” she whispered. “You did that to me?”

“Yes.” Sombra looked back at her without flinching.

“Why?" Twilight swallowed and tried to catch her breath. “I told you everything I knew, did everything you wanted. I would have dueled Isaac or Sunset on my own.”

“And you would have lost even worse than you have now,” Sombra said. “Know your limits, Twilight. This duel has reached a point beyond what you are able to grasp. I gave you a push to see if you could handle it, to allow you a chance to redeem yourself, but you were still not capable enough. There was no choice but for me to intervene.”

Twilight’s eyes darted between the two. “You’re dueling them?”

“I will finish what you could not. Power like theirs will be mine to control one way or the other.”

“Their power?” Twilight asked bitterly. “Is that all you care about? Was I just a pawn you could use to get to them?” Twilight lowered her head, her hands shaking and gripping the cards in them tighter.

“Yes, and now you have reached the end of the board and can go no further.” Sombra turned his attention back to Sunset. “We will discuss your future at Crystal Prep later. For the moment, you may watch and observe a further demonstration of what magic can achieve in the hands of those able to wield it properly.”

Sunset growled and looked at Sombra. “Stop it, you’ve done enough to her today. I’m ready when you are.”

"So am I!" said Isaac.

“No…” Twilight raised her arms in front of her, folded up her cards, and slid them into her duel disk. “We’re ready.” She reached to the screen of her duel disk and pressed her finger onto an icon.

Sunset’s and Isaac's duel disks beeped and a digital voice came from it.

“Tag duel invitation detected!” Sunset’s eyes snapped down to the screen. On their display, Sombra’s and their portraits shifted and Twilight’s slit in next to theirs. “Other duelists not detected. Initiating handicap duel, awaiting opponent confirmation.” Again the portraits shifted, positioning Sombra on one side of the screen and Sunset, Isaac, and Twilight on the other.

Sombra’s eyebrows lifted. “You would betray me to aid them in this endeavor?”

“You said it yourself,” Twilight whispered. “You gave me a chance to redeem myself…” She glanced at Sunset. “I may as well try.”

Holding her gaze, Sunset nodded. Isaac did the same as well.

“As you wish.” Sombra chuckled and put his hand over his duel disk, his eyes lighting up green. “You shall all bear witness to power unparalleled!”

“Bring it on!” Sunset shouted back.

“It’s time to duel, Sombra!” exclaimed Isaac as he took center position.

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