• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

  • ...

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Chapter 156: Movie Magic

It was another day in Canterlot as the students were going about their days. The weather outside was starting to get a bit colder, but the leaves were still green on trees outside. Nevertheless, it allowed everybody in the city to feel a cool breeze while the sun was high in the sky. The girls were in their own separate rooms as they continued with their tutor sessions with their students. After the event of the Fall Formal itself, it allowed everybody the time they needed to recharge and start over with their training. Especially, cause Halloween was soon coming in about 3 weeks, and knowing how Vice-Principal Luna loved that holiday, it meant that the school was going to put on a special festival for the students and their family. And if last year's festival was any indication of what sort of trouble may occur, they it was going to be a long night for everybody.

Rainbow Dash was currently in the skate park as she was pulling off some new tricks she wanted to show off. Seeing as how there was a small crowd of kids there who were amazed by her, she made sure to show off as much as possible. Eventually she landed a backside 180 kickflip as she screeched to a halt and did a signature pose as the kids cheered her applause. After that fun activity in the park, she was currently heading towards the Sweet Shoppe for a quick snack when she passed by the local theatre. She noticed a poster of the new Daring Do movie that was coming out sometime within the next few months as she couldn't help but let out a smile. Soon she noticed someone in the booth handing out flyers to people who were walking by the theatre.

"Excuse me, what are those?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, didn't you hear the news. Apparently, the director of the new Daring Do movie, Canter Zoom is coming here to film some scenes for his new movie." said the person running the booth.

"You're kidding!" exclaimed Rainbow.

"No joke. In fact, there's a little contest that's being held in that one lucky person can win the chance to be on the set of the movie and see how they make the film. Care to try your luck?" asked the person as they gave Rainbow Dash a flyer. "Just simply scan the code at the bottom of the flyer and enter your name. And if you're picked, you and some friends could have the chance to go behind the scenes on the next film before it even hits the theatres in a few months.

"What have I got to lose?" said Rainbow with a shrug as she took a flyer and was on her way. Sometime later she scanned the code with her phone and inputted her name as it would serve as her entry into the raffle. It was about an hour later, that she received an email detailing her entry. And apparently, she had won.

"Guess, you can win them all." said Rainbow.

The next day at school, she had gathered the girls as she informed them of the details of the contest. As the winner, she was allowed to invite her friends on the set of the new Daring Do movie. Especially cause, this film would be vastly different than the others as this time the film was going to incorporate Duel Monsters, something that hadn't been done yet. The girls were all ecstatic as they too were huge fans of the film, especially Twilight who was just as, if not bigger fan than Rainbow Dash when it came to the Daring Do books and films. So safe to say that all the girls were on board, but there was still one person who hadn't given their response.

Isaac was on the rooftop of the school as he was lying down looking up at the sky as he had his hands behind his head and his cap was lowered to cover his eyes.

"The peace, the quiet, just need to slow down every now and then." said Isaac. "With no threats, or any magical mishaps, or some dueling problem. Just peace and quiet."

"Figured you'd be here." said Rainbow as her shadow loomed over Isaac as he lifted his cap up a bit to see the chromatic girl bending over looking down at him.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted." snickered Isaac. "If you want to challenge me, Rainbow. Then I'll gladly fulfill your request, though now that Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna had implemented that new Duel Request forms system so that people can see who challenges them. It might be easier if you fill out a form, so that way I get respond quicker."

"Yeah, that's not what I'm here for." said Rainbow as she got in a sitting kneel position which was easy for her since she did a bit of yoga to improve her flexibility and keep her in athletic condition. "I wanted to inform you of something. Hear of the new Daring Do movie that's in production?"

"Heard a murmur of it. Haven't had time to look into it." said Isaac.

"Well, the latest movie will include Duel Monsters in it. Something that hasn't been done before. And it'll sort of be a retelling of how Duel Monsters came to be, you know stuff about ancient mystical items."

"Why does that sound familiar?" said Isaac to not only Rainbow but also to the fourth wall.

"Regardless, yesterday after showing off my awesomeness to my young fans. I happened to pass by the theatre and they were handing out flyers with some info on it. Seems the director wants to film some shots here in this town. Also there was a small contest in which one lucky person would be picked from a raffle and they could earn the right to be on the set of the new movie. And yours truly got the winning draw." boated Rainbow.

"Whoopie." said Isaac in an unenthusiastic tone.

"Come on, at least try to sound proud for me." pouted Rainbow.

"Your cocky and brash attitude kind of gets in the way of that." smiled Isaac with a smug smile.

"Look, I asked the girls about this and they're on board to coming. So... do you want to come or not?"

"What's in it for me?" asked Isaac.

"I dunno know, what do you want?" asked Rainbow.

"Give me 15% of your secret apple cider stash and you got a deal." said Isaac.

"15%?! Oh, hell no!" shouted Rainbow.

"I'm being generous with that amount. Take it or leave it!" yelled Isaac.

"God, you're a pain in my ass." groaned Rainbow.

"True, but that's one of the things that you love about me."

"I don't love you!" shouted Rainbow as she bent down her face to Isaac's as they looked at each other. Rainbow had a bit of red on her face as Isaac smiled at her. Her body acted on its own as she connected her lips with Isaac's as they shared an upside down kiss. After a few moments, Rainbow pulled away as she still had some red on her face.

"So, do we have a deal?" asked Isaac.

"Fine, deal." said Rainbow as she was about to get up from her position, until Isaac extended his arm upwards and grabbed Rainbow's hand.

"Remember." reminded Isaac.

"I'll tell Twilight about this." said Rainbow as she promised to keep her word.

"Thank you." said Isaac as he now sat up and turned to face Rainbow. "So... what's the plot of the movie?"

A few days later the entire crew of the movie had arrived to the town of Canterlot as they were preparing to shoot for the film. The film was being headed by well renowned film director, Canter Zoom, who had done similar projects in the past. Especially cause he had the wonderful talent of telling an amazing story and making sure that he put in the work to make his vision become a reality so that everybody could enjoy it. When it came to following a script and being a director, he was in his element. But since the new movie was going to include Duel Monsters, safe to say despite being older it was something that he wasn't fully knowledgeable on. So he had done a bit of research on the subject and even then, he didn't fully grasp the concept. But he did have a basic understanding with how the game worked, so he decided to use that knowledge to the best of his ability.

Rainbow had been given the location of where she could meet the director and the location of the studio as she gathered everybody and they all headed over. Upon arriving, it turned out that Canter Zoom had heard about the group saving Camp Everfree from their crazy adventure and said thanks to the group. With that they all entered the studio as they prepared to shoot some shots that would be a part of the movie; due to avoid any form of recording, security gathered everybody's phones, but allowed them to keep their duel disks just that they avoid any unnecessary dueling. So the group was now taking in the sights that lay before them as they were amazed by what they saw. Everything from the setting, to the stage designs and the props, to even the lightning itself was top notch. It turns out that the basic plot of the film was going to have Daring Do stop the villain from using the Millennium items to take over the world. And safe to say that the items themselves appeared real, almost too real.

A person was seen entering the shot as they wore a dark robe that covered their face as they looked at a prop volcano. They then pulled down the hoodie as it displayed the villain of the story. "It is almost time. Once I have all seven Millennium items, no one will be able to stop me, and Marapore will fall! For I am Stalwart Stallion—!" said the actor playing the character as they let out an evil laugh as lightning went off in the back.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" shouted Rainbow as it interrupted the scene.

"Ugh! Cut!" shouted Canter Zoom as he was annoyed that Rainbow ruined the filming... again.

"Sorry. But at this point in the story, Stalwart Stallion would be known as Mojo." clarified Rainbow as she was doing her job to point out any continuity errors with the lore of the story. She looked around and the others gave her a dirty look. "What? You think he wants Daring Do fans to call him out for making a mistake like that?"

"Let's go again. [through megaphone] And this time, say 'Mojo' instead of 'Stalwart Stallion', 'kay? And action!" instructed Canter Zoom as everybody began to run the scene again all the while Rainbow had a big, fangirl smile on her face.

"How many times has she done this?" asked Sunset.

"Too many times!" stated Isaac.

"765 times." said Twilight as she offered the proper number.

"Quiet on set!" shouted the camera man as it caused everybody to silence up as they watched the filming.


After the shooting and a few more outbursts by Rainbow Dash, the group was now walking with Canter Zoom as they were backstage as Fluttershy was caring Spike in her arms.

"I can't believe we're really here!" said Rainbow as she was still acting like a little girl who had been told by her parents that they were going to Disney Land.

"Thank you so much for letting us come, Mr. Zoom." said Twilight.

"We promise we won't get in the way. Again." stated Sunset as she shot a glance at Rainbow who let out a nervous laugh.

"Well, I dunno about Rainbow." said Isaac as she gave the boy an angry look to which he shot his tongue out at her.

"As a fellow Camp Everfree alum, I was more than happy to afford the individuals who helped save it, the chance to visit the set of our little film." said Canter Zoom.

"Eh-heh! Little? This is Daring Do we're talking about! This movie is gonna be huge!" exclaimed Rainbow.

"Yeah, once we start shooting the scenes with dueling, then this film will really be out of this world!!" shouted Pinkie in her hyperactive voice.

"With all those 4k cameras, it'll make it seem like the monsters are real. Well, realer." said Twilight.

"I'll admit, having to incorporate Duel Monsters, a subject that I know little about, into a Daring Do film is quite a challenge. Especially, cause something like this hasn't been done before." stated Canter Zoom.

"You would think that's something almost every film here would do." said Isaac while shooting a quick glance at the audience.

"Well, regardless, I had some help on the subject to better understand the rules of the this game that you all play. And we're all hard at work on making sure this film is a success."

"It may just win an Academy Award." suggested Rarity to Canter Zoom's comment.

"I wouldn't go that far, Rarity." said Applejack.

Soon a P.A. came as they informed Canter Zoom of an issue. "Uh, there's a problem in wardrobe. They can't find the costume Daring Do is supposed to wear in the nightclub scene." said the girl.

"If we're ever able to finish it, it will be. If you'll excuse me." Canter Zoom then left to handle the issue, "Oh, and feel free to explore about, just try to not mess up anything before we resume." said the director as he left the group.

"According to our visitor schedules, they won't start shooting the next scene for a while, which means we have time to—" started Twilight.

"Get my picture taken with Chestnut Magnifico, the actress playing Daring Do!" said Rarity as she was now giddy like a little girl.

"And ask her to sign my petition to bring more bird feeders to Canterlot High!" said Fluttershy as she got some confused looks from the group. "Well, Chestnut Magnifico is an avid supporter of a foundation that helps build homes for animals in need." informed the shy girl as she nuzzled against Spike in her arms.

"Oh, okay. But I was thinking that we could—" once again Twilight didn't finish her sentence.

"Check out all the sets?" guessed Sunset as it was her turn to be excited.

"I'd sure like to get a closer look at that volcano." offered Applejack.

"Actually, I thought we'd—"

"Find the buffet!" stated Spike as he cut off Twilight as he wagged his tail at the thought of food.

"And the cupcake fountain!" shouted Pinkie as she took Spike from Fluttershy's arms as the two of them had their tongues sticking out as they licked their lips at the thought of food.

"I don't know what a cupcake fountain is, but I'm pretty sure they don't have one." said Rainbow Dash.

"Of course they do. I read it in my 100 Things You Didn't Know About This Movie Studio: Insider's Tour Guide." said Pinkie as she pulled out the pamphlet from her puffy hair.

"I don't even want to know where you got that little sis." said Isaac.

"Is the number-one thing we didn't know that the guy who founded this studio was an eccentric oddball with a sweet tooth?" asked Applejack.

"Oh! Yes!" said Pinkie as she checked her pamphlet and put on a smile.

"So we all have different ideas? What do you think, Isaac? What should we do?" said Rainbow as she wanted his input.

"What are you asking me for?! I'm not your leader!" exclaimed the boy.

"I guess we're splitting up?" asked Twilight to which all the girls agreed. Soon everybody disbursed as only Isaac, Twilight and Rainbow remained.

"I don't suppose you want to—"

"Check out the props that A. K. Yearling designed specially for the movie?" said Rainbow as she finished Twilight's train of thought.

"You read my mind!" said Twilight as she and Rainbow began to walk. "Do you want to come with us, Isaac?"

"Nah. You girls go, I'm just go wander around a bit." said Isaac.

"Okay, then. Be safe." said Twilight as she gave her boyfriend a kiss on the lips as it lasted for a few seconds.

"Come on, I didn't come all this way to see you two lip lock." said Rainbow as both of them gave their friend a look.

"Funny, you weren't like that a few days when we did it." snickered Isaac as it caused Twilight to let out a laugh as Rainbow turned her head in embarrassment. With that the two of them left as Isaac went off on his own.


Rarity and Fluttershy had happened to find Chestnut Magnifico's trailer as they were outside of it.

"Maybe we shouldn't bother her when she's in her trailer." suggested Fluttershy.

"Darling, please. Actresses love interacting with their fans." said Rarity. Soon the door opened it managed to hit Rarity in the face as her hair was now messed up. She quickly shook it off as she was back to normal as both girls looked at the actress. "Oh, Miss Magnifico! I—"

Rarity didn't get to finish her statement as standing there was a women who dark mulberry eyes, light tangelo skin, and had pale, light grayish olive with rose streaks. She let out a scream.

"Ugh! I don't care if I'm under contract! This is a joke, and I want this thing shut down! Do you hear me?!" screamed Chestnut Magnifico as she hung up her phone and stormed off steamed.

"She probably just didn't see us." giggled Rarity in a nervous tone.

Meanwhile Applejack and Sunset were checking out the set of one of the scenes as it had a volcano from earlier.

"Hmm. Wonder how long it takes to build somethin' like this." asked Applejack.

"Several weeks, I'd bet. I'm just surprised they were able to move it all here without destroying it." said Sunset as she and Aj were taking it all in.

"They sure do go all out makin' it look like the real deal, huh?"

Soon a crunch sound was heard as Sunset stepped on something with her boot.

"Though I don't think the rainforest is known for its... Bon Mot peanut butter praline crunch bars." said Sunset as she picked it up and read the label.

"Better pocket that. Wouldn't want it ruinin' the shot." suggested Applejack as Sunset just shrugged her shoulder before slipping it inside of her leather jacket.

Isaac was currently at another setup as he was watching several camera people at work as some P.A.'s were running around doing several tasks.

"This many people to make a something that we will see on the big screen. We often take it for granted just how much time and money goes into making a movie. I can only imagine how much one shot is to get right, and that's not including the many times they have to reshoot." said Isaac. He then noticed someone carrying somethings in their hand as it blocked their view.

"Almost there... woah... falling!" said the person as they fell down. "Ow, that hurt." said the person.

"You okay?" asked Isaac as he approached them. The person who fell down was a girl about his age. She had moderate azure eyes, pale light grayish olive skin, and had strong cerulean hair with moderate artic blue streaks done in a pigtail style as well as a pair of glasses on her face.

"I'm fine." said the girl as she saw who addressed her and wiped her glasses before putting them on and seeing Isaac.

"You took a nasty fall. Let me help you carry these things." said Isaac as he started to pick up the clutter.

"You don't have to do that." said the girl.

"Ehh, it's fine." said Isaac. "So, where do these go?"

"Over there." pointed the girl as she guided Isaac to a table. "Right here is fine."

"Alright." said Isaac as he put the stuff on the table as he wiped his forehead.

"Thanks for the help. Say, you're with that group that won that little contest, right?"

"Yup, my name is Isaac. What's yours?"

"It's Juniper Montage."

"Pleasure to meet you." said Isaac as he extended his hand out for her to shake.

"Likewise." said Juniper as she shook Isaac's hand. "Wow, such a strong grip." stated the girl as she was blushing on her face.

"Thanks?" said Isaac as he didn't know if what Juniper said was a compliment.

"So, how are you enjoying the visit?" asked Juniper as she played with her hair a bit while looking at Isaac.

"It's alright." said Isaac as he leaned back against the table with his hands on it. "I'm not big of a fan of Daring Do due to me not seeing most of these movies. But when Rainbow mentioned that this film was going to include Duel Monsters, I thought I check it out."

"Oh, you're a fan?" asked Juniper as she scooted closer to Isaac.

"Been my whole life, plus can't you tell." said Isaac as he showed off the rectangle device on his wrist above his watch as Juniper saw his duel disk.

"I must have missed that part." chuckled the girl while looking at Isaac's eyes.

"You play?" asked Isaac.

"Well, who else was able to inform Canter Zoom about the subject." stated Juniper with a proud smile on her face. "You won't believe how confused my uncle was when the pitch for the film was thrown."

"Uncle?" said Isaac as he raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah, Canter Zoom is my uncle. I'm his niece." said Juniper.

"I'll be. So, what's it like being related to a famous movie director?" asked Isaac. "I imagine you've seen tons of actors and actresses. Plus you get an inside look at the behind the scenes."

"Well, partly right. I'm a foyer so my job is to make sure that any requests that need to be carried out are fulfilled. It can be a bit tedious but it's worth it." said Juniper as she let out a smile. "Plus, I get access to some private areas. Would you like to see them?" Juniper had tucked her hair behind her ear as she was now really close to Isaac as she was about to put her hand on Isaac's without him noticing.

"Maybe some other time." said Isaac as he got up from leaning against the table as he removed his hands before Juniper could put hers on top of his. "I'm gonna go find my friends and my girlfriend."

"Oh, you... have a girlfriend." said Juniper as that statement caught her offguard and she looked to her side as she clutched her right arm.

"Yeah, anyways. I'll catch you later, Juniper." said Isaac as he tipped his cap and went on her way.

Sometime later, Twilight and Rainbow had managed to find the props they were using from the film.

"Wow! These are the seven Millennium items!" stated Dash as she was standing in front of them.

"The Millennium Puzzle!" said Twilight as she joined her friend in looking at the props.

"The Millennium Eye!" said Rainbow.

"Don't forget the Millennium Rod! You're from Canterlot High, right?" said a voice that belonged to Juniper.

"Uh-huh." nodded Twilight and Rainbow.

"I'm Juniper Montage, Canter the director's niece. What do you think?"

"They're awesome!" said Rainbow.

"A. K. Yearling is very hands-on when it comes to the sets and props for the movie." informed Juniper.

"Have you met her?" asked Twilight.

"Just once when she came to check out the relics. I did get her to sign a copy of the latest Daring Do book, though." Juniper let out a squee as her inner fangirl came out.

"So what do you do here?" said Twilight.

"Mostly, I bring my uncle coffee and help get everything ready for shooting. I've been on the set for all the movies he's shot here. Pretty much know every inch of this place like the back of my hand." giggled the girl. "I tried to convince him to cast me as Daring Do, but... he really didn't go for that." said Juniper as that last part was said in a low, bitter tone. "Hey! Have you guys seen the set for Caballeron's secret lair? They usually lock the door to that set, but I've got keys that open just about every door in this place. Come on. I'll show you." With that the three girls left to check it out.

Pinkie was in a director's chair as Spike sat next to her as she still had her pamphlet in her hands. "Three lunch buffets, six different kinds of fondue, two rooms with nothing but candy, and still no cupcake fountain!" shouted Pinkie as it was soon followed by a sigh. "Oh, well. At least we found those peanut butter praline crunch bars! They weren't in my guidebook, but they sure were delicious!"

"I'll say." said Spike as he leaned back a bit in the chair as he slapped his belly as it was bigger due to him overstuff himself. "You think they got any more?" stated the dog as his tail wagged. Just as Pinkie was about to answer him, they overheard something in front of them.

"Ahh! One more month, Chestnut! That's all we need! I'm doing everything I can to keep us on schedule! But with all the setbacks we've had, I don't think we can do it! If you could just agree to stay on for one more month...!" pleaded Canter Zoom.

"Unacceptable!" shouted Chestnut.


"Where are my imported peanut butter praline crunch bars?!" demanded the actress.

Both Pinkie and Spike had uneasy looks on their faces when they heard that.

"Now would probably be a good time to resume the search for that cupcake fountain." whispered Spike as Pinkie nodded and the two sneak off to avoid being in trouble.

A bit while, everybody had all met up as they began to talk about what they saw. Just as Canter Zoom was about to begin shooting another P.A. came up as he told them of another problem that arose.

"Sorry, sir. But we've got another problem." said the P.A.

"What now!?!" asked the director.

"Apparently, the actor who plays one of henchman has come down. And they won't be able to make today's shooting." said the person.

"That's the last thing we need. We have enough problems on our hands and now this comes up." said Canter Zoom as he facepalmed himself. "And we don't have any backups. Now where are we going to find someone who can duel Daring Do in the third scene of the third act."

The whole group overheard this as they felt Canter Zoom's pain. Soon an idea was purposed.

"Hey, uncle." spoke Juniper. "I may have a solution. Why not ask Isaac to play the part?"

"Hold up, what?!" shouted Isaac.

"I mean, when I was talking with him, he told me that he's a duelist. And that he knows how to play the game." stated Juniper. "It might not be what we originally intended, but he could pass off as one of the henchman."

"Hang on! Don't I get a say in this!" said Isaac.

"Come on!" shouted Rainbow. "You're gonna throw away this chance to be in a Daring Do film. You could make your Applewood debut on the big screen."

"That's not what I want. I'm a duelist, not an actor. I don't know a thing of what they do." said Isaac.

"Well, we have no other options." said Canter Zoom. "Well, kid. Care to take part in this scene?"

"Seriously?" asked Isaac. "Twilight."

"You're always saying that you'll help those in need." said the bookworm girl.

"Yeah, but I didn't take into account that I would have to star in a film." said the boy as he looked at the girls for some backup, but they all encouraged him to do it. "This is why I hate being the only guy in the group. Fine." said Isaac with a groan. Twilight then gave her boyfriend a kiss on his cheek as Juniper saw this.

"Makeup!" snapped Canter Zoom as a team of people appeared. "Get him into wardrobe." They all nodded and in a quick session grabbed Isaac by his arms and zoomed over to the makeup trailer as they began to get Isaac into costume.

After a bit, the door opened and out came Isaac as he was dressed in his new outfit. He was wearing a fedora on his head as it had a high crown and a wide brim which gave him a very distinctive silhouette. He had a leather jacker that was a WWII-era bomber with a plain leather cuff and hem rather than elasticated jersey. His boots were Alden model 405s and the final pieces of his outfit was his shirt which was a take on a classic safari shirt —a button-up made from khaki twill with flap pockets and epaulets—while his trousers were WWII khaki wool twill army officer’s trousers. And lastly, he wore a satchel that was lung across his body.

"They really know how to make me look cool." said Isaac as he took in his new outfit.

"Well hot dag, sugarcube." said Applejack as she and the others all looked at their male friend in his new attire. "Ain't you lookin' mighty fine."

"Dashing, darling. I know I say clothes make the person, but I think you are the one that makes this outfit work."

"Thanks." said Isaac as he straightened his jacket.

"Oh, good. You're dressed." said Canter Zoom as he approached the group with Juniper beside him. "Now take this script, these are going to be your lines to read."

"Lines?" said Isaac.

"Of course, the duel is scripted. How else is this going to work?"

"By playing the game?" said Isaac with a raised eyebrow.

"This is a film, and the actors don't how to play the game." said Canter Zoom.

"Hold on!!" shouted Isaac. "You mean to tell me, that you hire people to play characters that play the game, but they themselves don't know how it works?!" said Isaac as he tried to understand this concept.

"Yes." said Juniper.

"That doesn't make any sense. There's no way that actually happens in real life, I mean, are people really acting like they know how to play the game?" said Isaac as he looked at the audience and the fourth wall.

"We don't have time for this!" shouted Sunset.

"Look, just look over these lines and you can improvise a bit." said Canter Zoom as he handed Isaac the script. "You'll also need this pre-made deck for the scene."

"Okay, that is where I draw the line. I'm using a deck that's made up of cards, that you just throw together for me so that I can follow the script. I'm content with using my own." stated Isaac as he stood his ground on that part of the agreement.

"It's fine, uncle. Let's let Isaac use his own cards." smiled Juniper as she looked at the boy who smiled back at her.

"Whatever gets us back on schedule. Places, people." shouted Canter Zoom.

"Good luck." said Twilight as she and the rest of the group all headed to behind the camera as everything was getting set up.

"Alright, everybody. Quiet on set. And.... action!" shouted Canter Zoom through his megaphone as a clapper board was clapped together in front of the camera as they began to roll.


Daring Do was currently shown running as she had a duel disk on her arm as she was dodging some bushes and trees. She soon came to a clearing as she stepped forward. Just as she was about to take another step, a whip starting to head towards her. Daring Do noticed this and quickly moved to the side as she landed on her feet and looked up to see who tried to hit her. The whip then retracted as it returned back to the person; it was none other than Isaac as he stepped from the shadows with his fedora tipped down to covered his face as he put the whip to his side as he let out an evil chuckle.

"We've been waiting for you, Daring Do." said Isaac as he acted his role.

"Back off! Those Millennium items hold great and terrible power! You don't know what they can do; and Stalwart Stallion is a fool if he thinks he can control their ancient magic." stated Daring Do.

"Why else do you think we stole them?" joked Isaac. "Imagine the entire world, crumbling before us. The power that is rivaled by the gods themselves! All of that in the palm of our hands. We would be unstoppable! All the world would bow down to its rightful rulers!" shouted Isaac.

"Isaac, really is getting into the part." said Juniper quietly to the others as they were impressed by Isaac's improvisation.

"Lift the camera up a bit." whisper Canter Zoom so that it could capture the faces of the actors.

"Stand down, those items will plunge this land into chaos and turmoil. Innocent lives will be lost, they'll be blood on your hands." stated Daring Do as she tried to reason with the henchman.

"Stuff happens, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Or in this case, to reshape the world into our image, thousands of lives must be lost so that millions can live on. I think that's a fair trade, don't you agree?" said Isaac nonchalantly.

"So you're willing to let people die, just to fulfill your desires?" asked Daring Do.

"Circle of Life. Everybody dies, just the question of how and when it comes? And I'd say that your time is up, Daring Do."

"I need to stop Stalwart Stallion. And if it means beating you to get to him, then so be it. I've already taken out your comrades." said Daring Do as she pulled out her deck from her belt as slotted it into her duel disk as it projected a card tray that matched her skin color.

"You'll find that I'm much more tougher than those two fools. I always thought they were dumber than a monkey and now I know." said Isaac as he pulled out his deck and slid it into his duel disk as it projected a card tray. I need to buy the boss time.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

"It's..." Wait, I'm the bad guy. I can't say that. Isaac knew that he had to remain in his role.

Daring Do's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Daring Do

"I'll start things off, I summon Shell Knight(0/2000) in defense mode. And when this monster is summoned, I can deal 500 points of damage." said Daring Do as she was sticking with the script and played the cards that she had to play. Out came a monster as it let out a cry, through the cameras, the monsters were so realistic that they appeared like they actually existed.
Isaac's Life Points: 7500-

"With that I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Want to die, step forward!" yelled out Isaac as he drew his card. "I summon Chocolate Magician Girl(1600/1000). And then I activate her ability, so by sending my Magician Boy to the graveyard, I can draw a card." Isaac then sent his monster to the graveyard as he drew another card. "Now, since I control a Level 4 or below monster, I can summon my Mage Annette(1300/1700) in defense mode. And her ability allows me to draw another card from my deck when she's summoned. With that, I'll lay a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Daring Do

"Then it's my draw." stated Daring Do. "I play the spell card, Fissure. This allows me to get rid of the lowest monster on your side of the field. So say goodbye to your Mage Annette." stated the woman as she took care of Isaac's tiny girl magician. "Next, up I'm summoning my Weather Soldier(2000/1200). Now time to take out that magician of his!" shouted Daring Do.

"Hold on, I activate my Chocolate Magician Girl's special ability, now whenever she's the target of an attack, I can special summon one spellcaster from my graveyard and then not only do you have to attack it, but your monster's attack points are cut in half. So welcome back, Mage Annette in attack mode." said Isaac as his kid magician appeared. Mage Annette then saw the big rock monster coming her way as she opened up her book to look for a spell as she found it and point her tiny wand as the monster as she blasted it off the field.
Daring Do's Life Points: 7700-

"That can't be." said Daring Do as her monster was destroyed. "I'll lay another card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Isaac

"My turn, and now I play Dark Magic Veil, so by paying 1000 life points I can summon a Dark spellcaster from my hand or graveyard, so arise the monster of your destruction! Dark Magician!!" yelled out Isaac in an evil tone. Out came his monster as he took an intimidating pose.
Isaac's Life Points: 7000-

"Are you okay, master?" asked Mahad as he watched Isaac acting not like himself.

"It's called acting, Mahad. I'll tell you about it later, right now just follow my lead." said Isaac to his monster.

"As you wish." said Mahad as he got back to character.

"Gaze upon the monster that will tear you to shreds!" stated Isaac. "Now I summon my Melody of Enchantress(900/1800)!"

Soon a beautiful young girl with crimson-colored eyes, an determined and gentle look and mid-length dark brown hair tied into two twin-tails to a ribbon that laid on her shoulders. She wore black robes and a cloak, she wielded a silver staff and kept a short sword sheathed around her waist. Underneath the cloak, she wore a low-cut blouse, ultra-short pink miniskirts, and wore burgundy boots that stopped before her knee caps She also wore some leggings that stopped halfway to her thighs as she still showed off her fair smooth skin. Enchantress of Melody opened her eyes as she gave a wink and smile as she struck a pose for all to see.

"Hey, when did Isaac get that card?" asked Rarity as neither she nor the others knew Isaac had that monster in his deck. Since the only other instance of Isaac using that monster was during the gauntlet match against the students.

"My Melody of Enchantress is more than just a pretty face, cause she's a tuner monster. But before that, I'll activate her ability, once per turn I roll a die. And whatever number it lands on I can either increase or decrease a monster on my field. So Melody, let's get to rolling." said Isaac as his teen magician appeared next to him as she snapped her fingers and made a six-sided die appear in his hands as it had the numbers 1-3 on it.

"Go Dice Roll!" shouted Isaac as he tossed the die into the air as it spun really fast. Soon it dropped to the floor as it bounced a bit before it landed on the number 1.

"With that number one, I'll increase the level of my Chocolate Magician so now she's Level 5. And with that the stage is set, now Level 3 Melody of Enchantress tune with my Level 5 Chocolate Magician Girl." Melody of Enchantress then used her magic as she turned herself into three giant green rings as they circled Chocolate Magician Girl. "I Synchro Summon, Dark Sorcerer Magician(2500/2100)!" Isaac now had his Synchro magician on the field as it had its staff and runes floating nearby in stardust. "Now my monster's effect activates, when it's synchro summoned, I can destroy one spell or trap card on the field. So say goodbye to the facedown on the left." Isaac's monster then blasted Daring Do's card off the field.

"Now I'll play Mystic Box." A box then appeared on Isaac's field as encased him. Soon tons of swords then appeared as they slotted into the tiny slots as soon they all pierced the wooden structure.

"You barbarian. You're willing to sacrifice the lives of not only innocent people, but your own monsters!" said Daring Do.

"My monsters know that they are willing to sacrifice themselves to gain my victory. Besides, they a mere servants and I'm the master. And who says he's gone." Isaac then pointed at Daring Do's field as another box surrounded her monster.

"What's this?!" asked Daring Do. Soon she saw the box open on Isaac's field as his magician wasn't there, but rather her Skull Knight in card form as it was sliced and diced by the swords. Then the box on her field opened up and there was Isaac's monster unharmed.

"My Mystic Box switched places with your monster, and remained unharmed." smiled Isaac. "Now I'll play Rune Inheritance, so by sending another monster in my hand to the graveyard, I can transfer their attack points to a monster on my field until the end of the turn. So I'll send my Buster Blader to the graveyard, so that my Mage Annette gains its attack points." said Isaac as he slotted his card to the grave as his tiny magician had her stats go up to 3900. "Now to finish this, go my monsters!!" shouted Isaac.

"I reveal my facedown, Sakuretsu Armor! Now I'll target your Mage Annette and destroy her!" shouted Daring Do.

"Ha! You've triggered my trap card, Dark Illusion. So now your pathetic card is null and void!" shouted Isaac.

"No! If that happens..." said Daring Do as she saw the barrage coming towards her.

"I will break you!!!" yelled out Isaac in an evil and angry tone. Soon his monsters all made contact with her as she was flung back.

"Ahhh!" shouted Daring Do.
Daring Do's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"I win." said Isaac.

"Cut!!!" shouted Canter Zoom.

(End of the Scene)

"What was that?!" shouted the older man.

"Isaac?!!!" shouted the girls.

"What?!" yelled back the boy.

"That's not in the script. You're suppose to lose." said the director as he rubbed his forehead with his hands as he felt his veins popping out.

"I'm not going to throw a duel!" said Isaac.

"ISAAC!!!" shouted the girls.

"This wasn't how it was suppose to go!" shouted Chestnut Magnifico.

"Perhaps, we can all use a break?" suggested Juniper.

"Everybody take 5, or 10. I don't know!" stated Canter Zoom as he let out a stressed sigh. The bell rang and everybody stopped filming.

"I'll be in my dressing room, once they get somebody who follows the script." said Chestnut as she left to her trailer.

"Sorry." said Isaac as he took off his hat. "If I'm not putting my heart in whenever I duel, then it doesn't come off naturally."

"For once, can you just not focus on winning?!" asked Rainbow.

"It's not like I do it on purpose, Dash! It just happens." said the boy.

"Alright, y'all. Let's take a deep breath and relax." suggested Applejack as it got everybody to relive their stress. "There we go."

"By the way, darling. The way you got into character of playing the bad guy, my was that something." said Rarity.

"It's not easy playing the bad guy." said Isaac.

"Well, sometimes the girls like the 'bad boy'." flirted Rarity as she batted her eyelashes as Isaac.

"Oh, yeah. Of course. But they also say that the greatest heroes sometimes make the greatest villains." said Isaac.

"Who says that?!" said Twilight. "That doesn't make any sense."

"By the way, where did you get that card?" asked Rainbow as she was referring to Isaac's Enchantress of Melody.

"Let's say... that a certain Turbo duelist gave it to me." was all Isaac said as the girls and Spike were confused by their friend's answer.

After that break, everybody got back to filming. Seeing as how they were on a tight schedule, they decided to film some of the other scenes besides the duel between Daring Do and the henchman. So Canter Zoom was back in his director's chair as everybody else prepared for the scene.

"You guys should've seen the relics." whispered Rainbow to Applejack. "They were amazing!" Rainbow's volume was a bit too loud on that last part.

"Ugh! Quiet on set, please!" stated Canter Zoom as he turned around to address the chromatic haired girl.

"Sorry! Maybe I'll just go take one more peek at them." whisper Rainbow as she snuck off to see the items.

"And action!" shouted Canter Zoom through his megaphone.

The scene was now playing for everybody as it had Stalwart Stallion dressed in his robe as he approached the volcano to initiate his plan. Soon a piece of the set started to crack as it toppled over and fell over as everybody let out a gasp as the actor barely got out of the way.

"Cut! Cut! Cut! What is going on around here? We just filmed on this volcano, and it was fine! This could set us back weeks!" stated Canter Zoom as he had another problem on his hand. Just when things couldn't get any worst, it did.

"They're gone! They're all gone!" shouted Rainbow as she now appeared in front of everybody.

"What's gone?" asked Canter Zoom.

"The relics!" stated Juniper as she too appeared next to Dash as everybody let out a gasp.

"I wanted to check them out again up close, and they weren't there!" said Rainbow as she led the group to where the items were suppose to be.

"This can't be happening! What are we gonna do?!"

"Couldn't you just get the prop department to make new ones?" asked Sunset.

"The missing Millennium items were personally approved by A. K. Yearling! We could have new ones made, but we can't use them until Miss Yearling has given them her official stamp of approval! You think it'd be easy to reach someone who is always holed up in her office writing, but Miss Yearling is a very difficult woman to track down." stated Canter Zoom.

"I-It'll be okay, though, right?" asked Rainbow.

"Chestnut's contract with us is almost up, and with Mount Vehoovius collapsing, the duel scene not going according to script and now this, I fear we'll have to stop production altogether!"

"But-but you have to finish this movie! Think of all the Daring Do fans who'll be so disappointed if you don't!" commented Dash.

"Are you sure there's nothing you can do to—" started Twilight until they heard another sound that meant another problem had occurred.

"I'm so sorry. Please excuse me." said Canter Zoom as he was stressed and left the group with Juniper following behind him.


"What you thinking, Twi?" asked Isaac as he saw his girlfriend had her hand to her chin.

"There was trouble with one of the costumes when we first arrived. A set that was fine yesterday just collapsed. You winning the duel, when it's not what the script says. And now, the most important props in the movie have been stolen. I don't think these are just coincidences. Well, apart from you winning." said Twilight.

"Like I said, I didn't intend for me to win, it just happens." said the boy.

"All the things that have gone wrong on set have put production on hold. It seems to me like someone is going to a lot of trouble to make sure this movie doesn't get made." commented Sunset.

"Who would want to—?" started Spike as he was in Fluttershy's arms before he was cut off by the shy girl herself.

"Oh, dear! You don't think..."

"Oh, no-no-no-no. Certainly not!" said Rarity as the others looked at them with confused look as Sunset rolled her hand to get them to explain.

"What is it, girls?" asked Isaac.

"When Rarity and I followed Chestnut Magnifico to her trailer, we overheard her saying something about shutting down the movie..."

"Yes, but she said she wanted something shut down. We don't know that she was talking about the movie."

"Well, actors and actresses do tend to have a side that they don't show in pubic so that they can maintain a certain image for others and society." said Isaac.

"Maybe she's just really mad that they're always running out of her imported butter praline crunch bars." suggested Pinkie.

"Bon Mot butter praline crunch bars?" asked Sunset as she pulled the wrapper from the inside pocket of her leather jacket.

"Those are the ones!" confirmed the pink puffy haired girl with a smile.

"We, uh... may have tried a few ourselves. Heh." chuckled Spike nervously.

"I expect Pinkie to have bottomless stomach, but not you, Spike." said Isaac.

"We found this on the Mount Vehoovius set right before it collapsed." stated Sunset.

"It sure seems like all signs are pointing to Chestnut Magnifico as the one causing all the problems around here." stated Twilight.

"Isn't that too obvious?" asked Isaac. "I'm no mystery expert, but I don't think the culprit is the first person you think of."

"I don't know who's behind this or what's going on, but the first thing we need to do is find those relics." stated Dash.

"I agree. The relics were here earlier, and if Chestnut is behind this, then they must still be around here somewhere." said Twilight.

"Chestnut Magnifico is an acclaimed actress! She'd never do something so dramatic!" said Rarity.

"An actress? Dramatic? Never!" said Sunset in a sarcastic tone with a smug look on her face.

"The pot calling the kettle black, Rares." said Isaac with his own smug expression.

"Well, she might do somethin' like this if she was tryin' to get out of workin' on a movie she didn't want to do." suggested Aj.

"Why don't Fluttershy, Pinkie, Spike, and I follow Chestnut Magnifico and see if we can find anything out?" said Sunset as she began to walk.

"Let's do it!" cheered Pinkie as she and the others all began to follow Sunset.

"In the meantime, we should look for the relics." stated Twilight.

"Well, you girls can do that." said Isaac. "I need to go over and talk with the writers about this script." Isaac then left as he wanted to talk about the duel scene he was in and see if he could convince them to actually write a good duel.

"Where do we even start? It's not like there's some mysterious, thievin', cloaked figure we can chase after and say, 'Hey, tell us where you're keepin' the relics'!"

"You mean like that one?" pointed Rarity as there was a person that matched Applejack's description behind them.

"Hey! Stop right there!" shouted Rainbow as she began to chase after the mysterious figure. The rest of the girls soon followed after her.

Rainbow kept chasing the figure as she lead the chromatic girl on a wild goose chase. Soon they kept zooming in and out of the many places as Rainbow was having a tough time trying to catch up to the person. She eventually arrived at a backdrop as the other girls had managed to catch up with her as both Rarity and Twilight were out of breath from running.

"I can't believe I lost them! I guess being awesomely fast doesn't help when the person you're chasing knows their way around better than you do." stated the rainbow-haired girl.

"Hey, guys." said Sunset as she made turned the corner with Fluttershy and Spike in Pinkie's arms.

"Any luck findin' Chestnut?" asked Applejack.

"We couldn't find her." said Sunset.

"But we did find a cupcake fountain!" exclaimed Pinkie as she chomped on a cupcake that she pulled from her hair.

"That thing actually exist?!" said Isaac as he returned from the writers as he was still wearing his outfit for the movie.

"Then we got lost and somehow ended up here. What have you guys been doing?" explained Sunset.

"We spotted this super-suspicious cloaked figure, but they got away." Rainbow let out a sigh of frustration. "They're here somewhere."

"There you are! W-Where are your costumes? We've got to hurry! I-I-I'm so gonna be fired if you aren't ready. The director wants to shoot in three minutes!" said a nervous P.A. as he grabbed the group and put them into a backdrop as they were all in costume, even Isaac and Spike.

"Uh, I think there's been some kind of mistake." stated Aj.

"Wait, wait. Who are they?" asked another director who was also trying to film a movie.

"They're the Power Ponies!" said the nervous P.A. who the director just let out a groan. "I'm fired, aren't I?"

"So fired." said the director with a shake of his head.

"Wait, I know who you all are? But who am I?" said Isaac as he looked at his costume. He was wearing a yellow and black suit that had a golden lining on it resembling spider webs, black boots that had star prints on them, and a black and yellow mask that had black eye patches where his eyes should be.

"Oh, I remember." said Spike as he was in Fluttershy's arms as he was in his outfit. "You're Web-Stallion! You have a sixth sense that detects danger, you can also shoot webs using the special web shooters from your hands and walk on walls. Also you're known as the sass of the team."

"Ooo-hoo-hoo, so that means I get to use sarcastic quips while we battle, huh?" said Isaac excitedly while the others rolled their eyes.

"Don't get carried away." warned Twilight.

"The only thing I'm gonna carry away is you, beautiful," Isaac remarked, making the purple girl blush and roll her eyes.

"Hey! There she is!" shouted Applejack as he caught the attention of everybody as they looked to where she pointed.

Soon the chase was on as the entire group was trying to catch the person. It was like something out of a Scooby Doo cartoon; Isaac and Rainbow were at the front as they had a bit more stamina than the others. They managed to also past several different types of movie genres setting and callbacks to famous films like an old detective set in black and white noir, a medieval set, and a couple of cars that seemed to be used in a racing film as Pinkie tried to slid over the hood of the car only to set the alarm off.

"Running here's a bitch!" shouted Isaac as he and Rainbow were still hot on the tail of the culprit as the others were slowing down and were exhausted. Isaac then leapt over some obstacles in his way using parkour.

"How are you able to do that?" asked Rainbow as she just ran around the objects.

"Something you learn you growing up on the streets." said Isaac as he kept using his parkour moves as he dodged the objects and propelled him to gain momentum.

Soon the whole group burst through the door the person entered as they found themselves on another set for a movie.

"Uh, what's this place supposed to be?" asked Applejack as she finally had a chance to collect her breath.

"And where did she go?" stated Rainbow.

"She must be around here somewhere. Wherever here is." said Twilight as she looked around them.

"Are you kidding?! This is the set of Stormy with a Side of Pudding!" said Pinkie as she let out a gasp.

"NO!!!!!" shouted Isaac as he knew what that meant.

"Stormy with a side of what, now?" asked the cowgirl.

"It's only my all-time favorite movie!" stated Pinkie as the others were confused, except for Isaac. "I've tried to get you all to watch it, like, a kazillion-billion times!"

"And it's a pain in my ass!!!" shouted Isaac. "You forced me to watch that movie with you so many times, that I couldn't stop thinking about food in my dreams!!! That was a nightmare!" yelled out the boy to his little sister.

"I've heard they use real pudding! Oh, they do!" slurped Pinkie as she took a taste of the set and licked her lips.

"Ugh! We're running out of time! We're supposed to be hunting down the missing relics and catching the bad guy, not eating pudding!" complained Rainbow.

"We're trying. Maybe we should make our way back to the Daring Do set. There might have been some clues we missed." suggested Twilight. All the while, the person they had been tracking was behind them as they tossed a net high into the air.

"Hey, was that red 'X' always there?" asked Isaac as he pointed to the spot they were all standing on. Soon they saw the net coming down as Twilight was able to push Isaac out of the way at the last second as only he and Dash weren't the ones caught.

"Hold on, girls!" said Isaac as they saw the figure leave the room. 'Rainbow, go after them." said Isaac as he began to get the net off of his friends.

"Don't worry! I've got this!" stated the girl as she ran after the person. "I saw you come in here. Where are you?" said Rainbow as she noticed movement coming out of the corner of her eye as the figure entered the room. She was a bit scared of entering by herself but she knew she had to catch the thief. She then approached the door and ventured inside.

Rainbow entered a storage room as it was filled with tons of props. She slowly moved in case of any surprises, she got frightened by a few things but shook them off as she approached a locker and opened it. "Hey! This is just like the outfit Daring Do wears in the nightclub scene. What's it doing in here?" asked the girl, soon the door behind her creak as the person closed the door and locked her inside.

"Hey!" shouted Rainbow as she tried to open the door, but it was to no avail. "Hello? Anybody out there?" Rainbow let out a sigh as she snapped her fingers as an idea popped in her head. "No problem! I'll just call my friends and let them know— Except I can't because security took all our phones when we got here. Not to mention I forgot to get my duel disk when we started to chase the thief." groaned the girl. "Help! I'm trapped in here!" Rainbow kept pounding the door hoping for someone to find her.

"We have to find Rainbow Dash." stated Applejack as Isaac had managed to free the girls and Spike from the net.

"I don't see how. She moves so fast, she could be anywhere on the lot by now." stated Rarity.

"I know how to find Rainbow Dash! Follow the pudding! See?" said Pinkie as she took a taste and pointed at the trail of footprints.

"Follow me!" said Spike as he had the scent.

"Lead the way, Spike." said Isaac as he began to chase after the small mutt.

"You're a genius, Pinkie Pie!" complimented Twilight.

"I know!" said the pink girl.

"C'mon, this way!" shouted Sunset as she and the others all followed the boys.

"Eh, for the road!" said Pinkie as she picked up a bucket of pudding and put it in her hair as Twilight was unfazed by this as the two chased after their friends.

Soon the trail ended as Spike couldn't track its scent anymore.

"There's no more pudding. Which means she must be here somewhere." said Pinkie as the whole group was now searching the area.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" said Twilight.

"Rainbow Dash? Where are ya?" called out Aj.

Rainbow heard some noises as she began to pound the door to let everybody know where she was. "Help! Somebody! I'm trapped in here!" said Rainbow as her voice was muffled from the other side.

"Hello? Rainbow Dash? Are you in there?" asked Fluttershy as she pressed her ear to the door.

"Yes! Help! I'm locked in!"

"It's okay, Dashie. We're here." said the shy girl as she tried to open the door from her side, but it was locked tight.

"I'll go find somebody with a key." said Sunset as she was about to go for help.

"Wait." said Twilight as she approached the door. She then pulled out something from her pocket as she began to pick the lock of the door as it soon turned.

"Boy, am I happy to see you!" said Rainbow as she tackled Twilight to the floor in a giant hug.

"Remind me, to double check the door locks on our rooms. I don't want you trying to sneak into my room when I'm doing something private." said Isaac as he was both impressed and fearful that his girlfriend could pick the lock of the door.

"How did you find me? I gave up banging on the door five minutes ago." asked the chromatic girl.

"Pudding never lies." said Pinkie as she pulled the bucket from her hair and began to gulp it down.

"Hey, is that the costume that went missing when we first got here?" asked Sunset.

"Yeah. But I didn't see the person who locked me in, and there's still no sign of the relics."

"Huh. I say we head back to the scene of the crime. Maybe there's somethin' there that could lead us to the relics." suggested Aj.

"Or... we could let the culprit lead us to them!" said Twilight.

"Go on." said Isaac as he too was in the same line of thinking as his girlfriend.

"How? I just told you I didn't see who locked me in here."

"I've got a pretty good idea who our thief is. But we're gonna need Canter Zoom's help to catch her." said Twilight.

The group was now with the director, Juniper Montage, and Chestnut Magnifico as they were out of their costumes and Isaac was back in his signature outfit.

"You found this in a supply closet?" said Canter Zoom as he held it in his hands.

"We didn't find the relics. But we don't think the thief has had a chance to take them off the lot yet. We wanted your permission to search the Tricorners Village set from top to bottom. Maybe we'll find a clue that would lead us to where they're hidden." said Twilight all the while Pinkie was zooming in and out of the frame as she had a magnifying glass in her hand as she was looking for clues.

"Of course. Chestnut, I need you to get into hair and makeup. As soon as we get the relics, we're gonna start shooting again."

"Hmph. We'll see." said Chestnut as she didn't fully believe Canter Zoom.

"Juniper, can you do a smoothie run? I'm sure all this sleuthing is gonna make everyone thirsty." asked Canter Zoom.

"Absolutely!" said Juniper in an over the top voice.

The mysterious figure now had returned as they slowly made their way to a crate. Once then reached behind it, they then pulled up the seven Millennium items as they looked at them. At that moment, the hood went down and the person's face was shown to be Juniper.

"Well, well, well." said a voice as there was slow clapping that echoed.

"Who's there?" said Juniper as she turned around to see who made that noise but there was no one there. "Show yourself."

Soon a whip was shown as it knocked the items out of Juniper's hands as it was reeled back as it got a hold of the Millennium Puzzle. Juniper then scrambled to gather the rest of the items as she noticed the person in front of her was Isaac as he has the puzzle in his hand.

"Isaac?! What are you doing here?!" asked the girl as she wasn't expecting him.

"I think the bigger question is: What are you doing with those Millennium items?" asked the boy, though he already had an answer.

"Well... I.... I... okay. I can't lie to you. I took them, but I need them to carry out my plan." said Juniper.

"And what plan is that?" asked Isaac.

"I can't say, but maybe I'll tell you... if... you become my boyfriend?" said Juniper with a soft smile and a blush on her face.

"Excuse me? I already have a girlfriend. And I'm not going to cheat on her." said Isaac.

"She doesn't have to know." said Juniper as she tried to put her hands on Isaac who stepped back.

"I'm not a cheater!" said Isaac. "Plus, I'm contagious free and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Then you leave me no choice. I tried to be nice, I'd tried everything I can to make you mine, but if you can't see it. Then I'm going to have to make sure you never leave this room." said Juniper as the ring that was around her neck was starting to glow a bit as she took off her cloak and showed off a duel disk as it projected a card tray that was the color of her skin.

"Now, give me that puzzle!!" demanded Juniper.

Isaac looked at it for a moment as it seemed to be calling out to him for some strange reason. "If you want it, come and get it!" said Isaac as he slipped the chain around his neck as he was now wearing the Millennium puzzle as it dangled from his neck along with his necklace. He then slotted in his deck as his duel disk came online and shot out a gold card tray.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Juniper Montage's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

"It's time to duel!" shouted Isaac as wearing the puzzle seemed to make him even more powerful.

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start." said Isaac as he drew his card. "I summon Magician's Valkyria(1600/1800) in defense mode. Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Juniper

"I didn't want it to come to this Isaac. Just forget this ever happened and let me be your girlfriend. You're a phenomenal duelist and I see your talent. You have the skills that could make you a pro with ease, and being my uncle's niece, I've had the opportunity to meet some professional duelists. Just let me go and I promise to repay you. I'll do whatever I can to help you get into the pro scene, I'll get you to meet some famous people. Let you live your dream, and maybe the two of us can start a life together. We could grow up, get married and have kids." said Juniper as she had a smile and some redness on her face as she looked at the boy in front of her.

"I can give you everything you want, even my love."

"Sorry, you stole something that doesn't belong to you. So Juniper, understand this? How can I love someone who tries to hurt their own family? That's not who I want to associated myself with, plus I told you. I already have something I love." said Isaac.

"Then I need to show you why I'm a better choice than your girlfriend." said Juniper as she drew her card. "I now summon Cameraclops(1400/1600) in attack mode." said the girl as her monster appeared and it had a human body with its head being a camera. "Now Cameraclops attack his monster. Cameraclops has a special ability, when it attacks a monster with higher defense points than its attack points, that monster is automatically destroyed." Just like that Juniper's monster took a snapshot of Isaac's magician as she disappeared.

"Isaac, please. Don't me do this, I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to." stated Juniper as she ended her turn.

Turn 3: Isaac

"My draw, and now I'll play my Berry Magician Girl(400/400) in attack mode. Then Berry Magician Girl's effect activates, so now I can add a 'Magician Girl' from my hand so I'll add my Lemon Magician Girl." Isaac's duel disk then slotted out his card for him to grab as he added it to his hand. "Now since I control a Level 4 or below monster, I can summon my Mage Annette. And when she's summoned, I get to draw an extra card." Isaac then picked up his card from his deck. "I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 4: Juniper

"Please, Isaac. Stop this and just let me be with you." pleaded juniper.

"I told you, no!" said Isaac.

"Then I guess it's fruitless. Time to hurt you!" stated Juniper as the ring around her neck was starting to glow even more. "Now stand back, I draw. I now summon Film Magician(0/0)." said Juniper as she had her own spellcaster come out on her field. "Next up is the spell card, Establishing Shot. So now I can summon a Level 4 or below monster from my deck, so I choose to summon my Paparazzi Pest(1000/0). Then I activate my Paparazzi Pest's ability, so by tributing it, I can now raise the level of one of my monsters by two. So I'll raise Cameraclops to Level 6." said Juniper as her monster was now gone and raised the level of her other monster.

"Now Cameraclops attack his Mage Annette. Like before when Cameraclops battles a monster with higher defense points than his attack points, then that monster is automatically destroyed." stated Juniper as she took out another monster of Isaac's.

"I'll then lay a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll summon my Queen's Knight(1500/1600) in attack mode." said Isaac as he had a female knight appear on his field. "Now Queen's Knight attack her Cameraclops!" shouted Isaac as his female monster then leaped into the air as she looked to bring down her sword on the monster.

"I reveal my facedown, Reaction Shot. Thanks to this trap, I can be able to switch your attack to another one of my monsters on the field. So now you're attacking my Film Magician." said Juniper as her other monster was now in the way of Isaac's monster as she brought her sword down on the monster only for her photo to be taken and disappeared.

"What gives, where's my Queen's Knight?" asked Isaac.

"My Film Magician has a unique ability, it can't be destroyed in battle, and whenever it's attack by your monster it gains the attack and defense points of the monster it's battling until the end of the turn. So your Queen bit the dust while my Film Magician survived." informed Juniper.

"Not good, I'll end my turn."

Turn 6: Juniper

"My draw, and I'll start by playing the spell card, Two Shot. Thanks to this, it allows me to take a snapshot of a monster on the field and create a copy of it onto my field. So I'll take a photo of my Level 6 Cameraclops." said Juniper as her monster had its picture taken and transformed into a copy on her field with the same stats.

"Now she's got two monsters? This can't be good." said Isaac.

"Now Cameraclops attack his Berry Magician!" shouted Juniper.

"I activate Berry Magician Girl's effect, now I can change her into defense mode and then I can choose a 'Magician Girl' to summon to my field from my deck. So come out, Dark Magician Girl!" shouted Isaac as he now had his top female magician arrive.

"Well, I'll still attack your Berry Magician Girl." said Juniper as her monster took out Isaac's. "Next from my hand, I'm activating the spell card, Point-of-view Shot. So I can tribute my Film Magician so that I can take out one of your monsters, so say goodbye to your Dark Magician Girl!" Now Isaac's other monster was gone as he had nothing left to protect himself.

"Now my copy of Cameraclops attack Isaac directly!" shouted the girl as her monster delivered a hard punch to Isaac as he fell onto his back.
Isaac's Life Points: 6600-

"Please, Isaac. Just listen to what I say and we could have a happen life."

Isaac wiped the scuff on the side of his mouth as he still held a defiant scowl. "Like I said, how could I ever love a thief? Besides, I already have a love in my life." And it's not who you think it is.

"Then so be it!" shouted Juniper as the ring glowed even more around her neck. "I end my turn with a facedown. You're up!"

As the ring glowing on Juniper's neck started to glow, the puzzle around Isaac's neck was also glowing as he looked at it. For some strange reason, Isaac could feel its power.

Turn 7: Isaac

"My draw, so here goes. I summon Imperial Bower(1500/1500)." Out came one of the new cards that Isaac had managed to add to his deck as it was making its grand debut for all to see. "And check this guy out, when I have no other monsters on my field, I can tribute him to summon 2 monsters from my deck be they 'Queen's Knight,' 'King's Knight,' or 'Jack's Knight' and either add them to my hand or summon them to the field." Isaac's duel disk then slotted out his chosen cards as he grabbed them and showed them to Juniper. "And I'll think I'll summon them, so arise, King's Knight(1600/1400) and Jack's Knight(1900/1000)." Just like that, Isaac had two of his royal knights appear on his field.

"Next I reveal my facedown, Court of Cards!" shouted Isaac as he had another new card in his deck. "See if I control no monsters, or if the only monsters I control are my royal knights, then I can summon one of them from my hand or graveyard. So welcome back, Queen's Knight." said Isaac as he had his face cards all back in play in this high-stakes poker duel.

"So what? I don't doubt your skills and smarts, it's why you caught my interest." said Juniper as she turned her head with some red on her face.

"Then watch this, cause now by sending one my royal knights to the graveyard, I can special summon this monster. So King's Knight time to move over so that I can summon, Arcana Triumph Joker(?/2500)!" said Isaac as he held his card in the air. Soon King's Knight disappeared as in his place was replaced by a female knight as she wore a suit of armor that allowed her flexibility and movement as she had a sword and shield.

"So, it doesn't seem to have any attack points." stated Juniper.

"It will once I activate my Arcana Triumph Joker's effect, but first, I'll play the spell Card of Sanctity, so now we draw till we're holding six cards in our hand." said Isaac as both him and Juniper had a fresh hand.

"Why do that?"

"Why, cause now I activate my monster's effect! Arcana Triumph Joker gains 500 attack points for the combined number of cards in both player's hands. So since we're currently holding 6 cards each, the total is 12 which gives her a grand total of..."

"6000 attack points!?" shouted Juniper as she was surprised that Isaac had managed to summon a monster that was drew its power based on how many cards both players had.

"So now, Arcana Triumph Joker attack the copy of the Cameraclops!" shouted Isaac as his female knight raised her sword and then leaped into the air as it looked to bring it down on Juniper's monster.

"I reveal my facedown, Extreme close-up. With this, my monsters can't be destroyed this turn." stated the girl as Isaac's monster made contact with her as she took some massive amounts of damage.
Juniper's Life Points: 3400-

"Now my two other knights will attack also." said Isaac as both Jack's and Queen's Knight took their own slash at Juniper's monsters.
Juniper's Life Points: 2800

"Now then, I'll end my turn."

Turn 8: Juniper

"My turn." said Juniper as she drew her card.

"Remember for every card that you draw, my Arcana Triumph Joker gains 500 more attack points." informed Isaac as his monster gain more attack points.

"Not for long she won't, cause I'm about to take her out. Especially, cause you helped me with your Card of Sanctity. First, I play the spell card, Reverse Angle Shot. So now I can negate all other spell and trap cards on the field and destroy them." said Juniper as she got rid of Isaac's trap card. "Then I'll overlay my two Level 6 Cameraclops to build the Overlay Network!" Juniper's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of her. Soon the orbs then entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Number 25: Force Focus(2800/2400, OLU: 2)!" shouted Juniper as the monster that came out was a large cinema movie camera.

"Now I play the spell card, Tight Framing. Now all monster on your side of the field now become 0 until the end phase." said Juniper as she managed to strip Isaac's monsters of all of their powers. "Next I'll play Three-Shot and as the name suggest, I can be able to have my monster attack 3 times, but first I have to give up an Xyz material to activate it. Small price, especially cause I'm about to deal triple the damage!" Force Focus then absorbed an overlay unit into its lens. "Now time to end this duel!!"

"I'll send Kuriboh from my hand so that I can turn of those damage to 0!" said Isaac as he managed to reduce the amount of damage he would take and still be in the duel as he covered up from Juniper's attack.
Isaac's Life Points: 1000-

"You may have survived, but you've got no monsters left on your field." said Juniper. "Isaac, for the last time. Just be with me."

Turn 9: Isaac

"And like I told you, I can't!"

"Can't or won't!!!" shouted Juniper.

"Does it matter." said Isaac. "My draw! And now I'll set the Pendulum Scale with the Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and Scale 8 Mirage Magician. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them. "I'm allowed to summon monsters from Level 2 through 7, all at the same time. Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hand into the air as three lights came out of the giant portal above him. "I pendulum summon a pair of Magician of Dark Illusions and give a warm welcome to the star monster of our show, Dark Magician!" said Isaac as he had 3 spellcasters on his field

"And now I'll overlay my three monsters to build the Overlay Network!" Isaac's monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air as a portal opened up in front of him. The orbs then disappeared into the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Chaos Mageía(3000/2500, OLU: 3)!" Isaac now had a female magician appear as she showed off her beauty.

"Now since I used 'Dark Magician' to summon her, I can negate all other card effects on the field. I now activate Chaos Mageía's effect, by using one Overlay unit, I can send all other Xyz materials from all other monsters on the field to the graveyard and then she gains 500 extra attack points for each of those materials and it gains an extra attack." said Isaac. Soon his magician worked her magic as it sent away the Xyz material away from Juniper's Force Focus as it allowed her to gain 500 more attack points as she rose to 3500. "Now Chaos Mageía end this duel. Divinity Arrow!" Chaos Mageía heard Isaac's command as her wand turned into a bow and an arrow appeared as she pulled back the string and then fired. It traveled through the air in a golden light as it took out its target.

"Ahh!" shouted Juniper as she was thrown onto her back. Both the ring and the puzzle around the teen's neck now lost their glow.
Juniper's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel was over as the other items were next to Juniper who laid on the floor as she was just coming to.

"No." said the girl as she picked up her glasses and put them on.

"You okay?" asked Isaac as he approached her.

Juniper then saw Isaac in front of her as it was now a similar scene to how they both first met. He then extended his hand out for her as she looked at the boy for a second with hesitation. Soon she put her hand in his as Isaac helped her to her feet. She looked at the teen in front of her as the lights came on around them.

"I told you, I have something else in my life that I love. And it's not what you think." said the boy.

"I told you all it wasn't Chestnut!" said Rarity as she and everybody else came out of hiding.

"Look! I found the missing relics!" said Juniper coyly as she tried to act innocent.

"Because you're the one who stole them!" said Sunset.

"She... She wouldn't." said Canter Zoom.

"She would. And she did. What she didn't expect was for Rainbow Dash to come to the Tricorners set before she was able to sneak them off to a safer hiding place. So she was forced to hide them in the first place she could find." said Twilight as the flashback began to play as she voiced over it. "But she knew she couldn't leave them there. So the first chance she got, she tried to sneak them away. Unfortunately for her, we spotted her! But Juniper knows 'every inch of this place like the back of her hand'... and was able to trap us and lose Rainbow Dash. For a while. But when Rainbow Dash managed to figure out where she'd run off to, she locked her in a closet with a set of keys that gives her access to 'just about every door in this place'... which gave her the time she needed to hide the relics here."

"When did you figure out it was her?" scoffed Rainbow.

"I started to piece things together when I unlocked the door to get you out of the supply closet. But I knew Juniper would never admit she was the one who had taken the relics."

"Unless, of course, she was caught in the act of trying to move them again!" said Sunset.

"Which is why I told you to send her on that smoothie run. So she'd think she had the opportunity to get the relics off the lot where we'd never find them." said Twilight as she turned towards Canter Zoom.

"But instead of searching the Tricorners set, you all were secretly following me here." said Juniper. "And you... you were told to confront me by yourself so that you could potentially change my mind." said the girl as she looked at Isaac.

"Yup." nodded Isaac.

"Why would you do this?" asked Canter Zoom to his niece.

"I'm sorry! Okay? I'm sorry. I just can't stand Chestnut! She's always eating all the peanut butter praline crunch bars, which are the only candy bars I like." exclaimed Juniper.

Pinkie had managed to secretly pull on of those bars from her hair as she munched on it which didn't go unnoticed by Isaac.

"Not helping, little sis!"


"That's hardly a reason to go—" said Canter Zoom.

"And I was mad at you for casting her as Daring Do! I mean, I have told you over and over again how badly I wanted to play Daring Do, and you just ignored me!" said Juniper as she interrupted her uncle with an angry tone.

"But, Juniper, you're too young! You don't have any experience."

"I know! But I thought if enough things went wrong, Chestnut would maybe back out of the movie and then... you would give me a chance." said Juniper. "Especially, once Isaac filled in for the role of the scene, I thought this could be my chance to have the two of us shared the big screen moment. Together." said the girl as she looked at the boy who still had a stern look on his face.

"Not only did you jeopardize the production, endanger the safety of the actors and the film crew, but you also lied to me and took advantage of my trust!" shouted her uncle.

"I know. A-And I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone, and I was going to return all the props, just as soon as Chestnut quit. I hope you can forgive me." said Juniper with a sad look on her face.

"You're my niece, Juniper, so, of course, I can forgive you. But I'm sorry to say you're no longer welcome on the set." Canter Zoom then snapped his fingers as a security guard appeared to escort her out. "And it'll be a long time before I consider allowing you back here! Keys!" demanded the old man as she did handed her set of keys to her family member.

She then looked at the crew as she had an angry look on her face. "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids and your dog!" shouted Juniper.

"Wrong show!" shouted Pinkie and Isaac.

Juniper then put her head down as she was being to leave as Twilight put her hand on her arm.

"Before you go..." Twilight then brought her hand up and slapped Juniper in the face. "That's for trying to hit on my boyfriend, bitch!" stated Twilight as the others were shocked by what she did while Isaac had a smile on his face for how his girlfriend acted.

With that insult to injury, Juniper was taken off the premise and through the doors. Once she was outside, she was now angry. Soon she heard the sound of the door opening as there was Isaac looking at her.

"What?!" shouted the girl. "Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend!" said the girl with poison in her voice.

Isaac then approached her as he stood in front of her as his expression soften a bit. "Just wanted to give you something to remember me by." Isaac then grabbed Juniper's face with both of his hands as he pressed his lips to hers as she widen her eyes at what was happening. The kiss lasted for about 6 seconds as Isaac retracted and pushed Juniper's glasses to her face; he gave a quick wink as he returned back to the studio as she left the girl standing there flustered and full of red.

Isaac made it back inside as the others had returned the Millennium items to Canter Zoom.

"I'll admit those effects you added really made it seem like they were real." said Rainbow.

"Wait a minute, you mean to tell me the light that I kept seeing from the puzzle and the ring were all special effects." said Isaac.

"Of course, what you'd think they were real?" asked Twilight.

"It felt like it." said Isaac as he was still wearing the puzzle around his neck as he looked at it. For Isaac he certainly saw the glow, but for a second it really did feel like it had powers. He then took it off as he handed it back to the director.

"Canter, there you are! So sorry I'm not in makeup, but I've just gotten a call from my agent. I no longer have to work on that ridiculous documentary about nests next month. Ha-ha! I swear, when they approached me, I thought they wanted to do a documentary about my organization for homeless animals, not on various "nests" around the world! Completely misleading! But no matter! That's all behind us!" giggled Chestnut as she arrived.

"Does this mean...?" said Canter Zoom with a hint of hope.

"No more scheduling conflict! I can extend my contract and continue filming Daring Do. Hey, are those the missing relics?"

"Yes! And I don't think we'll have to worry about them disappearing again. And it's all thanks to our visitors from Canterlot High. First you save Camp Everfree, now the Daring Do movie. Y'all are certainly on a roll." said Canter Zoom.

"Heh, heh. Uh, speaking of roles... Don't suppose you've got any extra parts my friends and I could play? You know, heh, as a reward for saving the day?" said Rainbow as she hinted at something.

"I think we could figure something out." said Canter Zoom as he got an idea for the girls and Spike.

[action music]

"You will give me the Millennium Puzzle!"

"I don't think so, Stalwart!" said Daring Do as she pulled out her duel disk.

"Have it your way!" Stalwart then snapped his fingers as one of his henchman then forward which was Isaac as he raised his duel disk and projected his card tray. "Give up, Daring Do! That puzzle shall be mine!" said Stalwart as he let out an evil laugh.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Daring Do's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"This shall be your burial ground, draw!" shouted Isaac. "I summon King's Knight to the field. And then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Daring Do

"My turn, and to start, I'll play Weathering Soldier(2000/1200). And now my Weathering Soldier attacks your King's Knight." said Daring Do as her monster then threw a rock as Isaac's knight as she managed to take out his monster with ease.
Isaac's Life Points: 7600-

"Now I'll play the spell card, Specimen Inspection. So now I send one monster from my hand to graveyard so that I can declare a 1 type and 1 Level that you have to send from your graveyard from your hand or deck. Let's see you match a Level 4 Earth type monster." said Daring Do as she sent her Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo to her grave.

"Fine then!" said Isaac as his duel disk screen showed his options. "Beta the Magnet Warrior I have no use for you!"

"With that, I'll lay a facedown and end my turn. And now my Weathering Soldier loses 600 attack points."

Turn 3: Isaac

"My turn, and now I summon Magician's Valkyria in attack mode. And then since I already have a monster on my field, I'll special summon my Mage Annette in defense mode. And when she's summoned, I can draw an extra card." said Isaac as he had his two magicians appear on his field as he drew a card. "Now Magician's Valkyria pummel that oversized pebble!" shouted Isaac in an evil tone as his monster took it out.
Daring Do's Life Points: 7800-

"When my Weathering Knight is destroyed, I can add a 'Fossil Fusion' from my deck to my hand." said Daring Do as she grabbed her card.

"Not much it will do you, I end my turn."

Turn 4: Daring Do

"It's my turn!" said Daring Do as she drew. "I play Pot of Greed to draw two more cards. And I'll now play the spell card, Fossil Fusion. So I'll combined the Weathering Knight in my graveyard, with your Beta the Magnet Warrior in yours in order to make this monstrosity. Fossil Warrior Skull Bone(2000/800)!" Out emerged an old fossil as it wore rocks for armor and wielded a lance made up of its bones and rock. "Now I play the spell Time Stream. By paying half my life points, I can change a monster from the Cenozoic Era to the Mesozoic Era. So I'll devolve my Fossil Warrior!"
Daring Do's Life Points: 3900-

"Devolve? Into what?!" shouted Isaac.

"Into something stronger!" shouted Daring Do. "Like Fossil Warrior Skull Knight(2400/1100)!" The new monster was now a skeleton as it had a crown and wielded a sword and shield. "Then I further devolve it!" said Daring Do as she played another Time Stream.
Daring Do's Life Points: 1950-

"And your life points. You're almost out!" stated Isaac.

"It's worth every point to bring out my Fossil Warrior Skull King(2800/1300)!" shouted Daring Do as her new monster was now a warrior dressed in skeleton armor. "Now time to strike, Fossil Warrior Skull King can attack twice during each battle and it can deal piercing damage even if your monster's in defense mode! Now I'll play the spell card, Rush Recklessly to give my Skull King 700 more attack points till the end of the turn." Skull King then had its stats rise to 3500 as it leaped into the air as it took out both of Isaac's monsters and dealt him some major damage.
Isaac's Life Points: 3900-

"With that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"My turn, and now I'll play the spell card Dark Magic Veil, so I pay 1000 life points to summon my Dark Magician from my hand."
Isaac's Life Points: 2900-

"Then I'll reveal my facedown Bond Between Teacher and Student so that I can summon my Dark Magician Girl as well." Isaac now had his team of monsters as they were on the field. "Now the effect of my spell allows me to set my Dark Burning Magic, which I'll immediately use to nuke your entire field!"

"No way!" shouted Daring Do.

"Do it, my servants!" shouted Isaac as he commanded his monster to obey his will as they did and put their staffs together as they took out Daring Do's entire field. "Watch how weak you are!!" shouted Isaac as he gave a battle cry as his monster hovered into the air as they combined their weapons and shot a massive ball of magic to Daring Do who put her arms up as she was tossed onto her back.

"Ahh!" shouted Daring Do.
Daring Do's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"Must be awful to lose to me." said Isaac with a sinister smile.

"Cut! Again?!" shouted Canter Zoom as he shook his head at Isaac winning the scripted duel.

"ISAAC!!!!" shouted the girls as they were background characters in the shot of the duel taking place. They just yelled at their male companion for not following directions.

"I'm trying!!!!" shouted the boy.

Author's Note:

Wanted to try my hand at one of the specials, I think it turned out well. Also congrats for anybody that gets the joke that Isaac made about how the voice actors who play Yugioh characters don't actually know how to play the game. I've seen so many interviews where they're asked that question and they say we just act like we know what we're saying or doing, when even they think it's a lot of information to understand how to play the game. Anyways, I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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