• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Magical Mystery Cure

*Twilight’s POV*

Wow, there’s actually hidden ninja villages?

Danyelle spoke "Now you've done it Sparklebutt, you got the attention of the Turtles."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion before I heard something.

Mikey gasps "WHAT?! How’d she find us?!"

Danyelle spoke "Nothing can escape my sense of smell. Plus I heard the bush you four were hiding in rustle."

Donnie asks "Ya didn’t smell any sewer?"

Danyelle spoke "Not really and..."

Danyelle was suddenly clinging to me since Rarity had screamed due to the fact her cutie mark was actually Rainbow's cutie mark.

“What the?” I gasped.

Danyelle asks "Twilight, did you get any odd books last night?"

“It was Starswirl’s book.” I answered. “There was an unfinished spell, which is odd.”

Sonata asks "Did you say Starswirl?"

“Yeah.” I confirmed.

Danyelle spoke "I have a bad feeling about this."

Adagio asks "*Deadpan* You think?"

Danyelle spoke "Go cough up a hairball Adagio."

“We should check Fluttershy’s cottage.” I noted.

*At Fluttershy's Cottage*

To my surprise, Rainbow was in the cottage as she tried to deal with the various critters.

A reddish pink Mew spoke "Oh boy…"

Rainbow spoke "Guys, I think something’s wrong with me."

It was obvious that Rainbow had Fluttershy's cutie mark.

Maylu spoke "I think it could be happening to the others."

“You mean they’re all mixed up?” I asked in shock.

Maylu spoke "And to make it worse, I'm stuck in Mew form!"

I tried my best not to laugh.

Maylu spoke "Don't you dare laugh at me. And the same goes for you as well Spike!"

Rainbow spoke "I need some serious help here."

Maylu asks "But what can an alicorn and a pregnant Mew do?"

“Help others find their true purpose.” I answered.

Maylu spoke "But we don't know who has the blue-gray cat's mark and uh... Twilight, you might want to look at your mark..."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion before I looked at my flank, and…

It was a pale blue star and pink music note instead of my usual one.

“Oh no…” I dreaded.

A white furred male Mew Poké-Mobian with blue eyes and black markings was heard yelling at someone.

Maylu spoke "*sweatdrop* Sounds like Chaud blew a a gasket again..."

“Him too?” I asked.

Maylu spoke "Him and Lan tend to argue a lot..."

And speak of the devil, Chaud was arguing with Lan.

A blue colored Energy Ball hits Chaud in the back.

Megaman spoke "Take a chill pill will you Chaud? Now isn't the time to pick on Lan!"

“This is getting too weird for me.” I noted.

Blazell spoke "Agreed..."

A pinkish lavender female Mew Poké-Mobian with jade green eyes, a green ribbon on the tail and a simple white dress was floating in the air beside Maylu.

Maylu asks "But how can we fix this mess?"

A male spoke "Sorry if I’m late for my first visit, but I heard Chameleo came around here as of late."

We turned around, seeing a male Crawdaunt Poke-Mobian with spiky silver hair that had a ninja mask over his mouth and nose along a headband that covered his left eye with a symbol on the metal plate suddenly appears out of nowhere while reading a book.

The two Mews were hiding behind me.

I spoke "You're Crawkashi right? I heard of you from Chameleo."

I whistle loud, getting Chameleo and Swampsuke's attention.

Chameleo asks "Huh?! Crawkashi Sensei?!"

I spoke "He just got here."

Swampsuke asks "*Sigh* Why am I not surprised?"

But then a huge dust cloud erupted, followed by a familiar scream.

Then we saw Ein with a HUGE steaming lump on his head.

A female spoke "CHA!!! Ever pull a stunt like that again and you're really gonna get it!"

I sigh "Wow Primakura, you're madder than a cat in a hissy fit."

Primakura asks "Huh? How do you know about me?"

I spoke "I heard of you from Chameleo. *giggle* Especially your little crush on Swampsuke."

A loud scream was heard since Knuckles got turned into a Mew by accident.

Knuckles screams "*high pitched* I'M GONNA SKIN THAT SHEEP!!!!"

"...Please don't tell me the same's for Sonic and Tails." I hoped.

Danyelle spoke "Well, Tails hasn't been changed since he's still a Ninetales. Sonic zoomed off before the prank happened."

I couldn't help but sigh in relief.

Danyelle giggles "But the way Knuckles sounds right now, it's as though he ate helium!"

"Better keep him away from any helium balloons then." I snickered.

Danyelle laughs "Pinkie too!"

But that made me realize something. “We better check Sweet Apple Acres.”

Danyelle teleports with the two Mews, Spike and I to Sweet Apple Acres since I had the wrong cutie mark.

Danyelle asks "Pear Butter! What in High Goddess Faust's name is going on here?"

Pear Butter spoke "Applejack’s somehow not here, and Pinkie’s trying to help out. But she has Applejack’s Cutie Mark!"

Danyelle spoke "That can't be good.... Rarity's got Rainbow's cutie mark, Rainbow has Fluttershy's cutie mark, Twilight's got Bluestar's cutie mark, Pinkie's got Applejack's cutie mark... That would mean Applejack has Rarity's cutie mark while Fluttershy has Pinkie's cutie mark! But we don't know who has Twilight's cutie mark."

“Did you check Bluestar?” I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "I haven't seen her lately since she's been having magical sneezing fits thus teleporting all over the place."

“And why do you think that is?” I pointed out again.

Danyelle spoke "She might have teleported back to Mobius by accident."

Jet was carrying a blue-gray cat plushie in his arms.

Jet asks "Did someone lose a toy?"

I noticed my cutie mark on that plushie.

Danyelle spoke "We can't fix this unless we go back to Mobius and take back the stolen magic."

Blaze facepalmed. “I think I know who, since he’s from my dimension.”

Sonic spoke "As do I."

"Wait, shouldn't we gather the Dragon Balls and summon Shenron?" Danyelle asked.

Jet asks "Wasn't there a Stand that could turn inanimate objects into living beings?"

I spoke "Jet might be onto something here Dany!"

Danyelle spoke "I'll have to ask my OC-verse counterpart about that."

Jet spoke "You furbrain! I was talking about Giorno!"

"But he's only a high schooler right now, trying to make ends meet." Danyelle pointed out.

Jet spoke "We can't fully fix this cutie mark conundrum until Bluestar's back to normal!"

A voice spoke "Well, in Naples, vigilance is a prized virtue."

We turned around, seeing Giorno suddenly here.

Crawkashi chuckles "Hmm... Not bad."

Danyelle spoke "Stars above Giorno! you nearly gave me, Maylu and Blazell a heart attack."

Giorno spoke "Apologies for that."

It was clear to Giorno that Bluestar wasn't moving at all.

Giorno spoke "This plushie, I can sense life energy inside it."

Danyelle spoke "Blue's a pseudo-Mobian since she started out as a plushie."

Giorno spoke "My ability, Golden Wind, can give life to inanimate objects, turning them into living organisms. But turning a simple plushie into a Mobian won't be easy, even if it does sound easy."

Danyelle asks "Easier said than done right?"

Giorno spoke "Indeed. The most this could take is 24 hours once the life energy has been given."

Danyelle asks "I bet it could take less time if you had help right?"

Giorno asks "Is there anyone familiar with life energy?"

Danyelle spoke "Two actually! There's Meau and Xernea."

Giorno asks "Think they'll be able to help?"

Meau asks "Why wouldn't I help out?"

Giorno spoke "*Smile* True enough."

Much to Giorno's surprise, the Ancient Mew was holding a bowl of octopus salad in her Psychic thus causing him to drool.

Giorno noticed that and wiped the drool away. "Sorry about that, but how did you know?"

Meau giggles "I may look 17 but I'm a LOT older than I seem to be. Plus I've been to a lot of places over my long lifespan."

Meau moves the bowl about as Giorno's eyes follow it.

Giorno asks "*Soft chuckle* Are you trying to lure me in with that meal?"

Danyelle whispers in Giorno's ear "She's extremely antsy from not getting any special cuddles if you know what I mean."

Giorno spoke "Hmm? That time already? But I’m not exactly of age yet."

Danyelle spoke "I'm twice your age yet I have kids of my own."

But then Danyelle's eyes when white before they went back to normal, surprised by what her Dimensional Scream showed her.

Danyelle spoke "Oh stars... I had no idea you had such a troubled childhood..."

Gallus spoke "You know dude, I'm the same way. I lost my parents in a rock slide."

After popping up, Anzu spoke "Same with my dad, he was only six when his parents died."

Giorno spoke "Hmm... Interessante. It seems I'm not really alone."

Danyelle spoke "I was only two weeks old when my real parents died. It took me 30 freaking years to find them again."

But then a frog jumped onto Giorno's leg.

Giorno asks "Oh? It came back?"

Danyelle's eyes flash white, causing a dimensional scream of the future to happen.

Danyelle thinks "{Oh StarClan no! Not them again!}"

What Danyelle had seen was also seen by Giorno, Maylu, Blazell and I.

Danyelle immediately took on her Mobian fox form thus hiding her wings.

Dany-Tails spoke "Th-that's the same mafia that killed my mother 30 years ago... They're still after me..."

But then the frog jumps into Giorno's hands before it turned into a toad-shaped wallet.

Giorno spoke "*Tosses wallet to Chameleo* I believe this is yours."

Chameleo spoke "*Catches wallet* Froggy!"

I ask "Can we focus on restoring Bluestar?"

Giorno spoke "Of course."

Giorno laid his right hand on the plushie before it gained a golden aura as it started shifting and transforming slowly.

Bluestar groans "Ugh... What happened meow?"

Meau spoke "Hold still, Bluestar. It's not done yet."

Dany-Tails spoke "I hope this works."

A female Xerneas Poké-Mobian appeared.

Dany-Tails spoke "Good timing Xernea."

Xernea asks "Did I miss anything?"

I explained everything to the fairy deer.

Xernea spoke "I see. *Goes into her Active Mode* Geomancy."

Dany-Tails spoke "Chaos Heal!"

A steady stream of chaos energy flows from Dany-Tails' hands into Bluestar's body.

Dany-Tails flings a blade of air at a tree behind her with one of her tails, forcing someone out of hiding.

A voice yelps "Gyah!"

Dany-Tails growls "Who are you?"

The goon spoke "To think you're still alive and able to shapeshift, just wait until the boss hears about this!"

Dany-Tails slices the goon's head clean off with Chaos Blade, killing the guy.

Dany-Tails groans "Just BUCKING great!! I've brought trouble into Equestria!"

Giorno spoke "He was only a scout. I could tell, but once his cohorts and boss find out he's been offed, they'll be coming here."

Dany-Tails spoke "But I've been off their hitlist for 30 years since my real dad left me with Sonic's parents."

Giorno spoke "Something tells me they didn't exactly give up looking."

Dany-Tails spoke "And now... I've dragged all of Equestria into my problems..."

Giorno spoke "You don't have to do this alone though."

Dany-Tails spoke "It's me they're after though!"

A warp ring opens up before a lone nekomata-gryphon hybrid steps out.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Perhaps I can help."

Dany-Tails asks "Huh?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "You mentioned me a few times before."

Dany-Tails spoke "Oh, right."

OC-verse Danyelle asks "*noticing Tails* Is that Tails?"

Tails spoke "Yep. Tails the Ninetales."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "The Tails I know is a two-tailed fox."

Knuckles was heard screaming in a high pitched tone at Pierce.

OC-verse Danyelle was on her back while laughing.

OC-verse Danyelle laughs "Tell me that's not Knuckles!"

Dany-Tails giggles "That’s Knuckles alright."

“*AHEM!* Cutie Mark emergency, remember?” I pointed out.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Given that this happened in my universe already, you could try helping your friends remember who they really are."

“I clearly remember who I am, but…” I said, pointing to my flank.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "*facepalm* For the love of... I was talking about Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity and Fluttershy."

“I know that!” I responded.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Oh shut up and sit..."

OC-verse Twilight was heard shouting in OC-verse Danyelle's mind.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "{Oh my god Sparkles! Shut up!}"

I snicker a bit.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that, my universe's Twilight was yelling at me."

"I can tell. Shall we start with Rainbow Dash first?" I asked.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "We need Fluttershy's help for that though since only she can calm animals down."

Giorno spoke "I can help calm the animals though."

Dany-Tails teleports before reappearing with Fluttershy.

Dany-Tails spoke "No Gio, Fluttershy has to do this since she's not who she's meant to be."

Giorno spoke "If you're certain."

Dany-Tails spoke "I know so."

Right after I got Fluttershy back to her true self, I exclaim "It worked! It worked! Oh, I'm so happy you're back to normal! Now we need your help!"

*No POV*

Twilight, Dany-tails, Maylu and Blazell: A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see

Twilight, Dany-tails, Maylu, Blazell and Fluttershy: A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend

Rainbow asks "Um, hello? Friend trapped inside, remember?"

Twilight: Rarity needs your help
She's trying hard, doing what she can

Fluttershy: Would you try, just give it a chance
You might find that you'll start to understand

Twilight, Dany-tails, Maylu, Blazell and Fluttershy: A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help you see
A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend

Rainbow asks "Uh, what just happened?"

Twilight spoke "There's no time to explain, but we need your help. Applejack's trying to make dresses!"

Rainbow: Say no more! Applejack needs your help
She's trying hard, doing what she can
Would you try, just give it a chance
You might find that you'll start to understand

Twilight, Fluttershy, Dany-tails, Maylu, Blazell and Rainbow Dash: A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend

Rarity gasps "Oh my, what a terrible dream I had. Or, maybe I'm still having it."

Twilight spoke "Rarity, Pinkie Pie is about to lose the apple farm. We need Applejack's help!"

Rarity: Lose the apple farm? Well we can't let that happen, now can we?
Pinkie Pie is in trouble
We need to get there by her side
We can try to do what we can now
For together we can be her guide

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Dany-tails, Maylu, Blazell and Rarity: A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend

Applejack asks "Yee-haw! Now that's more like it! What's next?"

Twilight spoke "The townspeople are furious. We need the old Pinkie Pie back."

Applejack: Ah'm on it. Ah know just the thing. The townspeople need you
They've been sad for a while
They march around, face a-frown
And never seem to smile
And if you feel like helpin'
We'd appreciate a lot
If you'd get up there and spread some cheer
From here to Canterlot

Pinkie exclaims "Come on everyone, I wanna see you SMILE!"

The crowd cheers "PINKIE!"

[Main cast and crowd]

A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light! (To see the light!)
That shines! (That shines!)
From a true, true friend!

*Twilight's POV*

I gasp "My cutie mark! It's back to what it should be!"

Bluestar spoke "Same for mine, thank StarClan!"

I spoke "*gasp* I know how to fix the spell! Come on!"

*At the library*

While writing the completed spell into the book, I spoke "From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!"

As soon as I finish the spell, all three sets of the Elements of Harmony lit up as strands of raw magic engulf Rainbow thus causing her to disappear into thin air.

Asuna asks "Where did she go?"

Haru and Akane ask "What happened?"

Dany-Tails spoke "I think I know where she went and what happened, since Twi's still here."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I didn't see this one coming."

*In an unknown location*

*Rainbow's POV*

I groan "This better not be one of Ein's stupid pranks..."

A calm voice spoke "Don't worry, this is not a prank from anyone."

I spoke "Oh hey Princess Celestia."

Princess Celestia asks "*Giggle* Since when are you so aware of your surroundings?"

I spoke "Hang around Danyelle long enough and you get used to it."

Princess Celestia spoke "Well, Twilight has already proven herself, and now you have proven that you are ready."

I spoke "No offense Princess but Twilight got her wings by accident."

Princess Celestia spoke "Maybe, but solving the spell has proved herself."

I spoke "Right and Danyelle... Oh, this universe's Danyelle, that is... well, she killed a mafia goon."

Princess Celestia spoke "I saw."

I ask "But what do you mean that I'm ready?"

Celestia: You've come such a long, long way
And I've watched you all from that very first day
To see how you might grow
To see what you might do
To see what you've been through
And all the ways you've made me proud of you

It's time now for a new change to come
You've grown up and your new live has begun
To go where you will go
To see what you will see
To find what you will be
For it's time for you to fulfill your destiny

A swirl of flames engulf me as I float in the air, causing incredible changes to both me and my unborn foal.

*Back in Ponyville*

Lan spoke "Look guys!"

I float down to the ground.

To everyone's surprise, I had a horn on my head.

Jaytwo asks "What just happened?"

"You didn't notice my awesome rainbow-colored lightning bolt entrance?" I asked.

Jaytwo growls "Hello? I'm blind!"

Dany-Tails giggles "Wow, Jaytwo's kinda like Toph."

Twilight giggles "Talk about moody."

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" I squeaked in excitement, unable to believe I became a FREAKIN' ALICORN!

A kick from inside my stomach snaps me back to my senses.

Dany-Tails spoke "You know Rainbow, your parents are going to freak out when they hear that you're an alicorn now."

"Heehee, yeah..." I responded, kinda nervous about that.

But all of a sudden, a sharp pain shot up my back.

Twilight spoke "Oh jeeze, talk about bad timing."

"Wow, talking about a real go-getter." I weakly laughed before I screamed in pain again.

Spottedleaf pulls me inside the library before focusing on the delivery.

Bluestar spoke "Talk about timing, guess the little one wanted out."

It wasn’t long before Soarin and Fleetfoot showed up.

Honeystar asks "<What's going on in there?>"

Spottedleaf spoke "Dash’s water broke."

As if on cue, Fleetfoot's water also breaks.

Fleetfoot spoke "Speaking of..."

Soarin spoke "Oh boy..."

OC-verse Danyelle carried Fleetfoot into the library to handle the delivery.

Dany-Tails spoke "I sense that Celestia will be arriving soon."

Twilight asks "*GASP!* Really?"

Dany-Tails spoke "Cool it Sparkles before I ice your flanks."

A loud BOOM was heard near Trixie's caravan.

Trixie spoke "*cough* That's the last time Trixie mixes fireworks together!"

Twilight snickers "*Smirk* Are you sure about that?"

Dany-Tails pinches Twilight's left ear, causing the alicorn to yelp.

Dany-Tails spoke "That wasn't very nice Twilight."

Pinkie giggles "Wow! Twily found a friend/rival already?"

Dany-Tails spoke "Uh Pinkie? You're still a Pegasus..."

Pinkie spoke "Oh! Right!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Good news everyone! Princess Rainbow has a healthy baby colt! And Fleetfoot's got a little Pegasus ponykat!"

Honeystar spoke "<Well, this is a surprise...>"

Celestia spoke "Indeed it is, never before we've had an alicorn colt born in Equestria."

Then my colt suddenly started flying in the air.

I spoke "Wow, not even an hour old and he's already flying."

A nearby mirror shimmers before a familiar fox with seven robo-tails steps out.

Twilight spoke "Hey Nine!"

Nine spoke "Looks like it works."

Tails chuckles "I'll say."

Nine was soon bowled over by Shira.

Nine asks "Ugh... What are my tails and I, bowling pins?"

Knuckles chuckles "*high pitched tone* Don't look at me dude."

Nine snickers "*Smirk* Don't tell me, you've been transformed into something else, making your voice pitch higher."

Maylu spoke "It happened to me, Lan, Chaud, Blazell, Megaman and Protoman too."

Sonic laughs "By my grandmother's mane! Maurice and his friends have GOT TO SEE THIS!!!"

Sonic uses his magic to open a communication window to Maurice's world.

Sonic snickers "Hey Maurice, could you get your world's Knuckles? I got a little surprise for him!"

Knuckles spoke "*high pitched tone* DON'T YOU DARE SONIC!!!!"

Sonic smirked.

Knuckles spoke "*high pitched tone* I WILL HIT YOU!!!"

Sonic chuckles "How? You're tiny."

Shade grabs Knuckles by the tail.

Knuckles spoke "*high pitched tone* LET ME AT HIM! LET ME AT HIM!!"

Then we heard an amused giggled.

Dany-Tails spoke "Not you too Rouge..."

To the surprise of the others, Rouge looked like a Mew yet her wings remained.

Rouge spoke "Eh, I can get used to it. Besides, I think we know who can help."

Maylu spoke "Easy for you to say batgirl, I've got a kitten on the way... And it's all Lan's fault."

Lan spoke "MY fault?! You went crazy hormonal!"

Rouge spoke "Then again, there is that transform move."

Rouge glowed before she was back to normal.

Maylu snaps "I told you I wasn't ready for a kitten! PLUS YOUR MOM IS GONNA KILL YOU IF SHE FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS MESS!"

Lan counters "YOU kept urging me to do it!"

Maylu grabs Lan by the chest fur before kissing him to shut him up.

*The next day in Canterlot,*

Keeping Bold in a foal harness, I spoke "I'm kinda nervous about this guys."

Twilight spoke "Believe me, I know how you feel, Dash."

I spoke "You had it easier Sparkle Butt, you got your wings earlier than normal because of Deep Blue."

Soarin spoke "Don't forget we're ALL with you, Dash."

Sonic spoke "It's enough I get to boss the 'Bolts about since none of the other Pegasi can keep up with me."

I ask "Wait... What do you mean Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "Remember? The Wonderbolts are the only ones who can keep up with me."

"Oh. Wanna split?" I asked.

Twilight spoke "Oh no you don't Rainbow Dash! You're a princess now."

"You didn't get what I meant by that, do ya?" I deadpanned.

Sonic spoke "Yeah, maybe I can take the male Wonderbolts while you take the female Wonderbolts, Dash."

"Right." I agreed.

Fleetfoot asks "But what about Spitfire?"

That question caught me and Sonic off guard.

I spoke "I hadn't thought about that."

Soarin spoke "Don’t worry, I’m stay with Dash."

Spitfire spoke "And I’ll stay with Sonic."

I giggle "Oh Clipper, you are such a tease!"

Sonic spoke "The others are waiting for us Skittles."

“Got it.” I nodded.

*After the coronation,*

Twilight was carrying Coal and Tank on her back.

Twilight asks "Guess we're both princesses now huh Rainbow?"

“Yeah. I wonder if anyone else is next.” I noted.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "It's bad enough I stopped aging..."

Twilight asks "...What?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I was over in the Warrior-verse when that Twilight pulled off a mass ascension, causing half of MeadowClan to become immortal. Some became alicorns, some didn't."

Twilight asks "...How?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Same spell but different outcome."

Twilight's jaw dropped before she fainted.

Coal spoke "Twi-mama, you're squishing me..."

That woke Twilight right up as she got off Coal. "Oh! Sorry, Coal! I'm so sorry!"

The young Mewtwo pounces on Twilight, tickling her.

Tank rubs his head against my chest.

Twilight and I both spoke "Yes! Everything is just gonna be fine!"

Dany-Tails soon pops up while restraining a unicorn mare with Psychic.

Dany-Tails asks "Celestia, what should we do with this one?"

But before Celestia could answer, Twi and I noticed something around Sunset's neck before she suddenly vanished, using a teleportation spell and reappeared as she swiped Twilight's crown.

Sunset spoke "Heh, better luck next time."

Sunset vanished in a red flash with the crown.


Author's Note:

End of Season 3

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