• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Hurricane Fluttershy

*Michelle’s POV*

Well, my child in me from my late husband before joining Sonic’s herd should be due anytime now.

Danyelle was in her Mew form as she was working on her speed since it was needed.

Danyelle spoke "Oh hi Michelle."

“Hi, Danyelle.” I smiled as she noticed my large baby bump.

Danyelle's eyes glow with Psychic as she checked the gender of the child.

Danyelle spoke "Oh wow! It's a boy!"

“Heehee, thanks, Dany. And I can only imagine what a big family we’ll have.” I gladly said.

Danyelle spoke "And given that Sonic's half immortal..."

“Heehee, I know.” I giggled. “Call me crazy, but I wonder who else would join Sonic.”

Danyelle giggles "Well... He's got a siren, a hedgefox, a half Litten, a Pegasus and you so far..."

“What if it’s a certain chipmunk next?” I wondered.

Danyelle snickers "And maybe a mongoose as well."

“Who knows? Maybe even a Mewtwo-Regieleki hybrid. Regieleki are the fastest Pokémon known.” I added.

Danyelle spoke "But the only problem there is that Regieleki are genderless and of the undiscovered egg group, meaning that true Regieleki and any hybrid are not breedable. Even though I have a Mew form, I still identify as female."

“Sorry, I got carried away. Maybe a female Ninjask/Mewtwo hybrid? Ninjask speed is third place for Poke-mobians.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Unless you want to be dealing with a screaming wolf and a screaming Vaporeon, never mention bug-type Pokemon."

“Okay.” I shrugged as I felt my belly move.

Danyelle spoke "Seems like you're about to pop any moment."

I couldn’t help but giggle. “And I kept him safe the whole time.”

Danyelle senses a second child within my stomach, a girl.

Danyelle gasps "By Arcee's light! You're carrying twins! Both are Pegasi!"

And as if that was true, my belly was huge. “Heehee, you bet. Have any kids of your own?”

Danyelle spoke "Not counting the ones I adopted... There's Irene, Rani, Tikal, Akoya, Daria and Damien. Irene's full cat, Rani and Akoya are Mew, Tikal's the reincarnation of another Tikal from 4000 years ago, Daria's a hedgecat and Damien's a foxcat."

“Wow.” I awed in surprise as my belly started moving again.

Danyelle spoke "Oh stars... Seems they want out..."

“Heehee, they sure are hungry. I bet they’re be ravenous when they get out.” I smiled as my belly started moving more and more.

Danyelle spoke "Oh right! I told Rainbow that I'd be helping with tornado duty today!"

“Well, good luck and have fun.” I said as my belly was now moving and wiggling nonstop.

But as luck would have it, my water breaks.

Danyelle yowls "REDHEART!!!!"

I was soon on a bed with Redheart handling my deliveries.

Bluestar spoke "That was a close call."

Redheart asks "You think?"

Bluestar spoke "If my adopted mother hadn't yowled, it could have been much worse..."


Danyelle spoke "There are so many ways this could go wrong though Skittles..."

Rainbow asks "Whaddya mean?"

Danyelle spoke "Feather flu alone might put us eight Pegasi behind schedule... And Fluttershy's not exactly a strong flyer. If push comes to shove, we can ask Sonic and the Mewtwos to help out if need be."

Rainbow spoke "Look, we need every help we can get."

Danyelle spoke "From every Pegasus and Mewtwo in Ponyville. We're gonna need Tails' help too."

But then someone rushed by us, leaving behind a trail of electricity.

Since Danyelle was in Mew form, she got knocked back by the wind thus crashing into a tree.

Danyelle spoke "SON OF A MARE-BITCH!!!"

Rainbow spoke "Could’ve been Surge."

Danyelle groans "Or Tails.... Remember, he's an electric-flying type Ninetales now..."

Rainbow spoke "Would’ve been yellow or orange lightning, but that was lime-green or turquoise lightning."

Danyelle was floating funny since she was in pain from what had happened.

Rainbow asks "You good, Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "I think I smacked into that tree a bit hard..."

Rainbow asks "A headache?"

Danyelle spoke "Mews are among some of the smaller Pokemon though so their skulls aren't as sturdy as most..."

To Rainbow's shock, 8 Pegasi were absent from tornado duty.

After using Recover to ease the pain and headache, Danyelle spoke "I hate it when I'm right... Thunderlane and seven other Pegasi are sick with feather flu..."

Rainbow groans "You have gotta be kidding me!"

Danyelle spoke "Blame my Dimensional Scream. But with eight Pegasi absent, we might have to call in Sonic and Tails."

Then that lime-green/turquoise electric blur rushed by again.

Danyelle spoke "Cool it Surge before you end up killing me by accident one of these days!"

Then the two heard a crash as Surge crashed against a wall face-first.

Danyelle floated over to Surge before using Recover on the tenrec to ease off the pain.

Danyelle spoke "That looked like it had hurt..."

Surge spoke "You’re telling me. Ugh… I wish Kit came along, he’d have helped."

Danyelle spoke "You're lucky I wasn't carrying a child or it would have ended bad."

Surge winced at that as Danyelle smirked at the mention of Kitsunami.

Danyelle laughs "Oh my StarClan! You have a crush on him!"

Surge stammers "*Blushing* W-What?! What’re you-Shut up!"

Danyelle laughs "It's as obvious as the blush on your face!"

Danyelle flew off to find Kit as Surge chased after the Mew.

Rainbow sighs "This is gonna take a while."

Tails skids to a stop.

Tails spoke "Hey Dash."

Rainbow spoke "Glad you’re here."

Ezekiel and Gilda soon arrive with a little gryphontaur girl named Grace.

Gilda spoke "Hey Dash!"

Rainbow spoke "Hey Gilda!"

Gilda spoke "I heard about the hurricane tryouts so I want to help."

A Pidgeot-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "Count me in too!"

Rainbow asks "Uh, who’s that?"

Tails spoke "No idea, Nova found her recently but she's currently nameless."

Gilda asks "Anyway, you ready, Dash?"

Rainbow spoke "You bet I am, Gilda! Just like flight camp!"

The Pidgeot-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "I could easily fly circles around you Skittles!"

Rainbow growls "...What was that?"

Gilda spoke "Oh geez..."

Tails spoke "Don't start Rainbow, you can't outfly Zephyr. Her speed is that of a true Pidgeot."

Gilda spoke "I wouldn't take Dash for granted, Tails."

A stray portal opened up before a gryphon chickub with the same gold eyes as Gilda along with Rainbow's rainbow colored mane fell out.

Zephyr spoke "Awkward..."

Jasmine popped up. "Again?"

Danyelle shouts "WRONG UNIVERSE!!!"

Ezekiel spoke "I'm lost."

Gilda spoke "Hey, I'm just as confused as you are."

Rainbow spoke "I got nothing."

Danyelle spoke "Either way, we can't leave a chickub that age alone long. I'll ask Redheart to run a DNA test on her to figure out who her parents are."

Ezekiel spoke "Well, I think we know it's not from this world."

Danyelle spoke "We won't know until I get back with the results of the DNA test."

After taking one of Gilda's feathers and one of Rainbow's feathers, Danyelle heads off to the hospital to get a DNA test done.

Surge came back with Kitsunami, both blushing out of embarrassment.

Zephyr snickers "Guess the crazy Mew was right!"

Surge spoke "Not. A. Word."

Zephyr snickers "Don't give me that look plus I saw that Jolteon staring at you not long ago!"

Surge asks "*Angrily* What now?"

Kit spoke "Surge... Please don't zap the bird..."

Surge spoke "Fine... but only for you, Kit."

Tails spoke "Good move Kit. Even though Zephyr's a Pidgeot-Mewtwo hybrid, she still has the same weaknesses as a true Pidgeot does."

Rainbow spoke "Anyway, we should get going."

Gilda asks "Just one question though... What happened to Tails?"

Surge gasps "Wait, THAT'S Tails?! Why does he have nine now?"

Tails spoke "I blame the stupid hyena for that mess. Plus I have Vulpix Poké-Mobian blood in my veins."

Surge's jaw dropped at that.

Tails spoke "But at least I'm faster now."

Aqua bops her electric type cousin on the head.

Aqua spoke "And remember when that nekomata beat the tar out of Maxie and Archie? That was hilarious!"

A mare asks "U-Um... Hello?"

Fluttershy showed up.

Indigo and the other Mewtwo arrive.

Huey spoke "Bad news, other Pegasi sick now."

Rainbow groans "*Facehoof* Oh come on!"

Asuna conks Rainbow on the head.

Asuna spoke "You forget, we Mewtwo can fly quite quick."

Rainbow spoke "I know, but still, we need all the help we can get."

Zephyr spoke "My top speed is Mach 2."

Rainbow spoke "HA! Same here!"

Gilda snickers "I don't know Dash, I've seen how you get whenever Daring Do is mentioned."

Rainbow spoke "Hey!"

Zephyr snickers "You want some cheese with that whine?"

Tails laughs "OH BURN!!!"

Rainbow asks "Can we just get going?!?"

Sonic spoke "Right!"

Danyelle soon arrived with Twilight.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry bout that! Twilight needed my help."

Rainbow spoke "No biggie."

Tank was on Twilight's back.

Tank spoke "*sleepily* Mama rocks."

Rainbow spoke "*Smiles* Thanks, Tank."

Twilight spoke "Uh Rainbow, he called you mama."

Rainbow spoke "I know. And I’m happy about that."

Danyelle spoke "Uh Rainbow, we have to get that water up to Cloudsdale NOW!"

Rainbow spoke "*Nod* Right, so there's no time to waste."

Much to Rainbow's shock and Twilight's amusement, Danyelle looked like a Mobian version of the speedy Pegasus.

Rainbow Dash spoke "*Stammers before growling* No fair..."

Dany-Dash spoke "You don't have Mew blood in your veins."

Dany-Dash stuck her tongue out at Rainbow in a cocky manner.

Rainbow growls "Why you...! We're having an eating contest after this!"

Twilight spoke "Sounds like someone's jealous."

Dany-Dash spoke "I'm so gonna enjoy knocking you down a peg or two!"

*After the water had been successfully delivered to Cloudsdale*

Dany-Dash spoke "It's going to be a pie eating contest!"

Rainbow Dash froze at that before shaking her head, snapping herself out of it.

Dany-Dash taunts "What's the matter Skittles? Too much of a scaredy Skitty to admit you don't like pies?"

Rainbow spoke "Grr... No way I'm backing out now!"

Dany-Dash spoke "If only a certain alicorn-Cyniclon hybrid could overcome her fears of quesadillas..."

Twilight spoke "Hey!"

Asuna laughs "Sounds like Sparkles is gonna need some Rawst berries for that BURN!!!"

Orion and the other Mewtwos were laughing.

Dany-Dash spoke "And to make sure you really don't back out... Jasmine."

Jasmine popped up. "Yeah?"

Dany-Dash spoke "Serve the both of us your best pies, and don't worry, there aren't any restrictions."

Jasmine spoke "Cool, but just to make sure... *Snaps fingers, making Dany-Dash's clothes elastic* Better safe than sorry."

Dany-Dash spoke "I don't want Rarity screaming at me to put some clothes on."

Jasmine asks "How about 15 minutes?"

Dany-Dash spoke "Sounds good. And thanks for the improvement on my clothes."

Jasmine spoke "No problem."

Soon, there was a crowd outside of Ponyville, eager to watch the contest as Rainbow Dash and Dany-Dash faced off.

Jasmine asks "Both contestants ready?"

To the surprise of the two Pegasi, Danytwo and Rainbowtwo had entered as well.

Dany-Dash asks "Uh… Why are you joining?"

Danytwo and Rainbowtwo spoke "Triple Diamond Dog dare... We blame Sonic."

Dany-Dash giggles "*Smiles* Why am I not surprised?"

Twilight spoke "Nobody can back out of a triple Diamond Dog dare."

Jasmine asks "Are you two certain about this?"

Both Danytwo and Rainbowtwo spoke "We can't back out though."

Jasmine spoke "Okay."

Jasmine snapped her fingers, making any clothes that Danytwo and Rainbow are wearing elastic.

Jasmine asks "Then are all four contestants ready?"

All four spoke "READY!!!"

The contest started as the four started digging right in. After each of them ate one pie, there was already noticeable bulges on their bellies.

Jasmine asks "Looks like all four ate them without a problem! Ready for more?"

But Rainbow soon threw up since she was not feeling well.

Dany-Dash spoke "Jas, I think we should call off the competition... I think Rainbow's got a foal on the way."

Jasmine spoke "Hmm… I think it’s for the best. Sorry folks, but the contest is canceled."

Various Mewtwos spoke "Bummer..."

Danytwo spoke "*As Jasmine snapped her fingers, returning the four contestants bellies back to normal* Well, at least we didn’t back out."

Rainbowtwo spoke "Yep."

Dany-Dash spoke "Sorry about that, Dash."

Rainbow spoke "It’s cool…"

Dany-Dash spoke "Guess your dreams of being a Wonderbolt are on hold..."

Jasmine asks "By the way, how's Michelle doing?"

Dany-Dash spoke "Oh! Right! I should check on her!"

Dany-Dash switches back to nekomata form before zooming off to the hospital.

She then saw me in my bed, holding my two newborn son and daughter. "Hi Dany, just in time."

Rani and Akoya were on Danyelle's head.

Danyelle spoke "These two are Rani and Akoya. It was just dumb luck that Akoya was born shiny."

"*Giggle* They're adorable. My daughter was born a second before my son. My daughter's name is Rekka, and my son's name is Bolo, and they're my little wrecking balls." I smiled as my two children cooed, starting to show how hungry they were.

Danyelle giggles "I've got 12 kids in total. Six are adopted, five are blood related and one was a reincarnation of another."

"Yeah. And I don't think I can feed them while in my Restraint Form, because I think they'll drink me dry." I giggled back. "But don't worry, Jasmine helped make this bed really sturdy, and I can handle them."

Danyelle spoke "I have to use a non-Mobian wolf form to nurse my children since six of them are rather young. Gallus, Bluestar and Ravenpaw can handle their meals with my supervision. Dart, Ruff and Pouncer are on a fish diet but they react negatively if I try to give them eel."

“Oh.” I noted as I went into my 1,000 pound obese form, and the bed wasn’t affected in the least before I started breastfeeding my little wrecking balls. “So what happened out there?”

Danyelle spoke "Long story short, Rainbow and I tried to do a pie eating challenge but it backfired when she threw up..."

“Heehee, guess memories about the two of us having eating contests came back to you, huh?” I asked as Rekka and Bolo were drinking my milk.

Danyelle spoke "It's not that Miche, Rainbow's got a foal on the way."

“Oh.” I noted as my children started getting bigger and fatter while they were still drinking.

Rani mewls.

“Maybe we could arrange a play date sometime.” I said as my two children were close to being full.

Danyelle spoke "Baby Mews and babytwos can't control their psychic powers that good."

“My kids are pretty tough. Besides, they can’t control shifting between their Restraint and Unbound forms right now.” I added as Rekka and Bolo finished drinking, now each being 200 pounds obese and each of them as big as one of my breasts in my 1,000 pound obese form. My two little wrecking balls then got tired before soon going to sleep in my arms. “Don’t they look adorable?”

Danyelle giggles "Sonic was just as bad when he was little, he couldn't control his magic surges that well."

“Heehee, oh I just can’t wait for him to meet Rekka and Bolo.” I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "But uh, you don't have any connection to Jasmine though."

“I never said that. I spent most of my life in Jasmine’s dimension after my parents…” I pointed out before trailing off, feeling a bit sad.

Danyelle spoke "I'm the same way... But Sonic's parents took me in."

“In all honesty, Jasmine’s a big sister to me.” I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "I've dropkicked Manic through a wall twice when I was growing up. First time, he pulled my tails. Second time, he and I were having a tickle fight and he made the stupid mistake of touching my feet..."

I couldn’t help but wince at that.

Danyelle spoke "I don't mind if Ben touches my feet though."

"He's your one and only, isn't he?" I smirked.

Danyelle sighs with a happy purr.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah... It doesn't matter if I'm a Mew or nekomata, I'm still me."


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