• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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The Nijimura Brothers Part 3

*Danyelle's POV*

We moved in as Josuke wrapped up the wound on his hand. If I didn't manage to swipe Koichi, that guy would've dragged him upstairs. So we started to quietly go up the stairs before...

Okuyasu spoke "I'm not finished asking questions, Josuke!"

That spooked me a bit.

Josuke spoke "Have you lost your goddamn mind? We're trying to-"

Okuyasu spoke "I wanna know why. Why didn't you use your Stand's healing power to patch up those holes in your hand? Instead of wrapping it like that, you could just make it all better, like you did my face."

Josuke spoke "Unfortunately, that's not how it works, Shining Diamond can't heal my own wounds. The fact of the matter is, life isn't always as easy as we want it to be. While we're on the subject, I can't bring back the dead, no matter how hard I try."

We continued moving up before stopping at a doorway.

Okuyasu spoke "I'm not the smartest guy in the world, and I think with my heart instead of my head. I'll find a way to repay you just this once. That'll be where my gratitude ends. I won't help you guys out, but I won't help my bro either. *Walks away*"

We couldn't help but smile at that as Okuyasu left.

Josuke spoke "Well that's great to hear, Okuyasu."

Corina spoke "Koichi! Stop!"

We suddenly found Koichi and Corina catching up with us. But then we heard footsteps as Josuke brought out a light as he and I saw something walked across a beam.

Koichi asks "Josuke. What's going on here?"

Josuke spoke "Koichi, I know you just woke up and none of this makes sense, but for now I need you and Corina to keep quiet and stay close to us."

Getting a look at the Stand was actually a relief. Then that something poked out.

Josuke spoke "*Sending Shining Diamond to attack* There you are. *But then more popped out* What? There's a ton of those things. They're in some kind of uniform...

The soldiers fired, hitting Josuke's hand and the lighter.

Koichi asks "What the?"

But then the soldiers jumped and parachuted down.

Josuke spoke "Looks like we're being ambushed by a bunch of toy paratroopers. This is the power of Okuyasu's brother's Stand."

But then a soldier fired, hitting Josuke a bit on the left.

Josuke spoke "Dammit. Son of a..."

Shining Diamond delivered a flurry of punches, killing two soldiers.

Josuke spoke "Got a few, but taking out two or three isn't gonna be enough. They leave tiny wounds, but the damage definitely packs a wallop. If we don't play this smart, we're gonna be in major trouble."

The soldiers lined up before marching forward.

The person spoke "Since Danyelle was clever enough to swipe Koichi to keep me from implementing my trap, my plan has gone off the rails somewhat. But in the grand scheme, it's of little consequence. You'll never escape this house, for the domination of my perfectly synchronized Stand, Worse Company!

Josuke asks "So his Stand is called Worse Company?"

Koichi asks "H-Hey Josuke, what's going on?"

Josuke spoke "Ask me later, I know it's crazy, but Danyelle and I need you, Ichigo, Zoey, Corina and Opaline to stay back. They're up to something.

Worse Company spoke "All units! Halt! Ready! Aim! Fire! *As we dodged while heading into a room* Left face! Fire!"

All of us burst into the room while dodging.

Josuke spoke "Head-on, these little bastards have the firepower to blow us to smithereens. Luckily, we got windows. I know we're on the second floor, but we've gotta break through the windows and jump to safety! *Runs but stops as we heard helicopters* So much for that idea."

Josuke and I then saw mini helicopters flying out of the shadows.

"Are you kidding me?!" I groaned.

Jsouke asks "That's just great... They've even got helicopters? But how's his Stand taking the form of US Army Apache Choppers?"

Koichi spoke "Watch you backs! They've got a tank!"

Koichi pulled us as Shining Diamond punched a tank shell ammo, making it exploded before he and my Stand attacked incoming shells and missiles, destroying them.

"Close one." I sighed in relief.

Josuke spoke "You're right, those are definitely tanks. Koichi, everyone else, carefu-"

Wait, tanks?

Josuke asks "Wait! Do you wanna run that by me one more time? Can you actually see the enemy? Soldiers, tanks, helicopters, all of 'em?"

Koichi spoke "*Somehow having a green aura* Mm-hmm. I don't understand what's going on, but I can see them."

Josuke: spoke "The Arrow. Since it didn't kill you, it must've given you a Stand."

That took me by surprise.

Zoey hisses "A princess never backs down!"

A sudden energy blast destroyed all of the helicopters.

Twilight spoke "Thought you guys could use my help!"

It was clear that Deep Blue was furious at the guy.

The person spoke "Oh. So the shrimp has one as well."

We turned around, seeing the guy with his soldiers, tanks and more helicopters.

The person spoke "He's got the power to finally use a Stand. This certainly is a surprise."

Josuke spoke "It's the man of the hour, Okuyasu's bro. This is a pretty ballsy move. Showing off your Stand like that!"

Shining Diamond threw two nails at the guy, only for the soldiers to fire them to ashes.

The person asks "You can think of my Stand, Worse Company, as a cast-iron defense. It renders all attacks and intruders incapable of penetrating its protective shield. I must admit, that surprise attack was impressive. I know you're itching to put me out of commission, hehe, but sadly, it's a pipe dream that will never come to fruition, as you all and your Stands' attacks will never get anywhere close to me! Feast your eyes on this, the perfect symmetry of my army's formation is simply stunning, isn't it?"

Worse Company spoke "All units! Maintain battle formation! At ease!"

The attack stopped, going on standby now.

The person spoke "There's just nothing quite like having everything beautifully in place. Though you did destroy a few of my foot soldiers and obliterated my helicopters with your attacks, so my troops' formation is irritatingly asymmetrical now."

Josuke asks "Heh, well you did say you were meticulous. But did you really need to come out of your hiding spot to tell us all that?"

The person spoke "Now what on Mobius would give you that idea? I came out here to observe the little troublemaker."

Koichi asks "You mean me?"

The person spoke "Indeed I do. If I recall, Koichi was your name. Ironic that you appear to have the innate ability to utilize a Stand. Manifest your Stand right now, and show me the extent of its power. If today's my lucky day, you may just possess the ability I've spent so long trying to uncover. Show me your power, and I'll allow you to live."

Koichi spoke "But, I don't know."

Josuke spoke "And what ability would that be? It's about time you told us the endgame here."

The person spoke "I'll be asking the questions around here! Do I make myself clear, Josuke? Keep in mind, I still have you and Danyelle in my crosshairs. You should be thanking me for letting you as long as I have."

Josuke spoke "That's just great..."

The person spoke "Let's go. Get a move on. Manifest your Stand!"

Koichi spoke "What's a Stand? Sorry, I have no clue what you mean."

The person spoke "Huh? It's your first time? Well, I'll be. Very well, Josuke, Danyelle, be a sport and show him how to manifest his Stand."

"What?" Josuke and I asked in confusion.

The person spoke "The striking range of your Shining Diamond is only a measly one meter, while Danyelle's Stand varies on what part she uses. It's a long shot, but if this wimp's Stand can compensate for the weakness of Shining Diamond's, you might have a real chance at escaping my company."

At least he's giving us a fair chance.

Josuke spoke "Good point. A Stand that can kick your ass would be an awesome addition to the party."

Zoey growls "That is FAR ENOUGH KEICHO!"

All 18 pieces of my stand appear.

Tachigami was on my head since he was the smallest in size.

A fiery red aura was seen on Ichigo as a lionlike stand suddenly manifests.

Bast roars loud.

Zoey spoke "Talk about luck!"

Josuke spoke "Whoa! Pretty badass! *To Koichi* Okay, materializing your Stand is easy, Koichi. Ramp up the urge to protect yourself, or maybe think about pummeling this guy until he’s black and blue. The rest broils down to instinct. A Stand unique to your spiritual energy should reveal itself."

Koichi spoke "Hold on! Say what? You can’t just bring that on me and expect me to know what to do!"

Keicho spoke "You don’t know what to do? Then please allow me to help you out. Here’s some inspiration. *As a soldier with a green beret and a knife roped down onto Koichi’s left shoulder* Do it, Green Beret."

Green Beret attacked as Koichi yelled out in pain before he gained a green aura, followed by an egg appearing.

“What?/Nani?” Josuke, Ichigo, Twilight and I noticed in confusion.

Keicho asks "That’s it?"

The egg landed without an injury.

Josuke spoke "Hey, Koichi. You have to try moving it."

Koichi asks "What are you talking about?

Josuke spoke "The Stand, now open your eyes."

Koichi asks "What Stand? *Notices egg* Are you saying I made this thing?"

Josuke spoke "Yeah, we’ll congratulate you later. First, we need to find out what this egg-shaped thing can do."

Koichi spoke "What it can do? I don’t know what you think is supposed to happen, but I don’t have any energy left. That was the best I could do."

Josuke asks "You’re kidding. That’s it?"

I heard a crack as Keicho and I saw a tiny hole on the egg with small cracks from it with them getting slightly bigger.

Keicho spoke "Enough! I’ve seen everything that I need to. All units! Get in battle formation!"

Josuke spoke "Koichi, withdraw your Stand. If they destroy this egg, you’ll die too."

Koichi spoke "What do you mean? I don’t know how to do that."

Keicho spoke "Light ‘em up, men!"

Shining Diamond knocked the egg away, sending Koichi flying as the rest of us got the non-Stand Users away from the spot we’re at before Worse Company fired, with our Stands attacking the projectiles, making them shatter the wall behind us as we Stand-Users were blown into the room behind us.

Koichi spoke "J-Josuke!"

Josuke spoke "Word to the wise, sergeant bro, if you’re trying to bring the roof of this dump down on our heads in a fiery inferno, then do it and stop playing around."

Keicho spoke "Hmm. *Steps forward*"

“Ready yourself, Keicho Nijimura.” I warned.

Josuke spoke "This is great. Yeah, I’m in the mood for a brawl."

Keicho asks "Josuke Higashikata. Is it true that you strongly disapprove of disparaging remarks related to your hair?"

Josuke spoke "Why don’t you find out for yourself? Go on, I dare you."

Keicho spoke "Thanks, but I don’t think that’ll be necessary. Instead, I’ll blow your head right off from underneath that prized hair of yours. Consider yourself forewarned. But, first, Worse Company will fired bullets into your legs. That will keep you from running away. Next, we’ll focus on taking out your arms. Once that’s done, you’ll have no means of defending yourselves, giving me cart blanche to blow your brains and hair into oblivion."

Josuke chuckles "Well, that sounds like a bullet-proof plan if I ever heard one. If you overlook the fact that it’s completely impossible."

Keicho spoke "I’ve already told you how meticulous I am. When I declare something, I stick to it, thus, the warning."

But then Koichi gained a green aura before Keicho turned back at him.

Keicho spoke "Remember the only reason I’m letting you draw breath is because your Stand intrigues me. *Back-hand punches Koichi away*

Josuke spoke "Bastard!"

Us Stand-Users charged forward.

Keicho spoke "All units aim! Fire at will!"

Our Stands attacked. The projectiles, causing an explosion at a window.

Josuke spoke "Hey, sergeant bro, have you ever heard the story where Moses parts the waters of the Red Sea right down the middle? Because that’s what we’re about to do to your pathetic army, then we’re gonna beat you down!"

Keicho spoke "My plan is proceeding exactly as I forewarned, but you and your friends are all too big of fools to see it! Josuke Higashikata."

But then we heard four clicks before something exploded beneath our feet. That looked like… a mini landmine!

Keicho spoke "First, your legs will go. Now, Apaches, release your firepower and disable them!"

Missiles were fired as Shining Diamond knocked away two, shattering them but the rest of them got past our Stands and hit us at least one of our arms each.

Josuke groans "He got our arms."

Keicho spoke "*Chuckle* First the legs, then the arms, exactly as I predicted. Hellfire is going to rain down on you with a flurry of bullets! Can those wounded arms of yours save all of you? Or will Worse Company tear you all apart? Let’s find out as they fire every missile, shell and round!"

Us Stand-Users were now surrounded.

Keicho spoke "You and your friends lose, Josuke Higashikata! All units! Ready… aim…"

But to our surprise, Josuke just sat up.

Keicho spoke "Hmm? And what exactly do you think you’re doing? Could it be that you’re accepting your fate? *Chuckles* Or is it that you’re asking me to show you and your friends mercy? Hmph. Well, no can do. All units, take them out!"

All of Worse Company fired at us.

Josuke spoke "You think you’ve got us cornered, but I’ve already implemented my tactics."

The two missiles Shining Diamond wrecked repaired themselves.

Keicho gasps "What?! *As the two missiles launched at him* I’m sure those are two of the missiles I shot at Josuke’s arm. He turned them against me!"

KABOOM!!! Keicho was hit by his own missiles as every projectile shot at us vanished without a trace, leaving us Stand-Users completely unharmed.

Josuke spoke "What, did you forget? My Shining Diamond’s special ability is to repair almost anything that’s been broken. Really, if you’re that forgetful, you might wanna take some notes. Make sure you’re meticulous."

The battle was won as Keicho was knocked out cold for sure this time with wounds, blood and smoke.

Zoey uses her magic to pull the bullets out of Josuke's legs before using a healing spell to seal the wounds shut.

Zoey asks "What should we do with the guy?"

Josuke spoke "*Stands up and sighs while healing the other Stand-Users* I really hate to say this, but Okuyasu’s brother just about took us out for good. Guys, I think it’s high-time we got the hell outta here."

Koichi asks "Huh? But… what about the Bow and Arrow he had? Where did it go?"

None of us saw it on him, and we all know none of us have it.

Josuke spoke "Good memory. Bastard must’ve hid it somewhere after he went up the stairs. Don’t tell me you wanna…"

Koichi spoke "Yeah."

Josuke spoke "Hold off on looking for it. If their dad bought this place, he may still be around. Plus, we’ve done enough damage for today. Let’s just leave it be for now."

Koichi asks "No, we can’t just do nothing. Look, the only reason I’m alive right now is because Corina healed my wounds with that weird stone. But think about it, if somebody else gets shot with that bow and arrow, let’s face it, they’re probably gonna die. Is that what you want? You guys can stay here and rest up, don’t worry about me. I’ll find it by myself. *Approaches stairs* And, truth be told, I’m not so sure if their dad even lives in this house anymore. I mean, if he was living here, he would’ve come out by now, right?"

Koichi went up the stairs. That Chespin may not look like much, but he sure is brave when push comes to shove.

Getting a crazy idea, Zoey punts Ichigo in the rear, causing the cherry red furred Mobian cat to crash into Josuke thus kissing him.

Twilight giggles "Real smooth Zoey."

Zoey giggles "Nyeh. I try."

A few seconds later, the two split up with blushes before we went upstairs as Josuke went up to Koichi. “Hey.”

Koichi asks "Oh! It’s you guys. What? You trying to stop me?"

Josuke spoke "Not a chance. *Smile* We’re gonna snap that bow and arrow in two, then say goodbye to this hellhole. Together."

Koichi smiled as we soon reached a door.

Koichi spoke "There’s an attic. The Bow and Arrow’s probably up here. *Approaches a door before seeing the Bow and Arrow hung up through an opening* There it is. The Bow and Arrow, and it’s just hanging on the wall."

But then we heard inhumane growls, sending chills down our spines.

Josuke spoke "That doesn’t sound good. Something must be in there."

We then heard chains rattling.

Josuke spoke "Well, at least it’s chained up, whatever it is."

Koichi spoke "Y-you think it could be a dog? ‘Cause it’s definitely not a person. But if it is, it sure isn’t happy."

Koichi slowly opened the door as we saw chains before they were pulled into the shadows.

Koichi spoke "What are we supposed to do? I’m too scared to think."

Josuke spoke "You asking me? I voted to leave this house of horrors."

Koichi spoke "I know, but…"

Josuke asks "We can’t just turn back now. Alright Koichi, on the count of three, I want you to bust the door open with everything you’ve got. That should scare it, then I’ll run over as fast as I can and break that Bow and Arrow in half. Got it?"

Koichi spoke "Yeah."

Josuke spoke "Let’s go. One. Two. Three."

Koichi was about to kick the door open, when a green arm suddenly emerged behind the door and grabbed the Chespin by the right ankle, making him panic.

Josuke gasps "What the hell?!"

The arm then pulled in as we dived and grabbed Koichi.

Josuke spoke "Koichi!"

Koichi cries "Help me!"

Josuke spoke "Wait a minute, that thing is no Stand, it’s a real hand attached to a real funky-looking arm."

Koichi spoke "Help me please!"

Shining Diamond punched the arm at the wrist, severing the hand while it sprayed moss-green goop as Koichi was freed.

Koichi spoke "Yuck…"

Josuke spoke "I wasn’t trying to sever it."

The severed hand let go of Koichi’s ankle as something scurried in the shadows as it groaned in pain before its right arm somehow regenerated, much to our shock. The creature looked at us before it came into the light, revealing its face and really creeping us out.

“What are we looking at?!” I yelped as it grabbed its hand and scurried away before eating its severed hand.

Josuke spoke "Hey Koichi, what the hell is that thing? I can’t believe something like that was living right under our noses."

Koichi groans "Ugh… gross…"

I yowl "Chaos Heal!"

Purifying flames wash over the mutated male, turning him back to a normal human.

I spoke "That explains everything! There have been reports of people going missing but there have been no ransoms."

But the Bearded Dragon Mobian mutated back into the creep from before.

A voice spoke "So you’ve found him. That was never supposed to happen.

We looked left, seeing Keicho at another door to the room, panting.

Josuke spoke "You again.

Keicho spoke "It’s a long story, but… *Walking against the wall* he’s our father, if you can believe it. Right now, he needs these more than you. *Grabs Bow and Arrow*

Koichi: Why is he grabbing the Bow and Arrow?

Keicho spoke "It’s imperative that I find more Stand Users for my father, so no one is getting these. Come at me with all your might if you must, I’ll protect them until the bitter end."

Josuke: So did a disease do this to your dad?"

Keicho spoke "A disease? You’re joking. Dad is in excellent health, minus the warts. He even has a hearty appetite, even all he does is moan. It’s safe to say he has no idea I’m his son."

Josuke spoke "So you’ve been searching for a Stand-user with the power to cure your father."

Keicho spoke "To cure him? *Chuckles* What? Are you offering? ‘Cause you and Danyelle are not needed. *Keeps chuckling until he starts whimpering with a tear or two falling onto his right hand* You’re wrong, I’ve been searching for a Stand-User who can kill my father. But at this point, I doubt it’ll ever happen. No matter what I do, dad won’t die. I could bash his head in, chop his body into a million tiny pieces, even slicing him into ribbons won’t kill him. I even trained myself in Chaos abilities, and they were useless against him. *As his father clawed at a closed chest* I just want to end his suffering. As a kid, I swore to do everything in my power to make that happen. But I need the Bow and Arrow to make good on my promise to him. If I hand these over to you, dad will be a freak for all eternity. Suffering, all because some bastard named DIO decided to implant cells in his skull and make my dad a monster!"

That caught those of us who heard the name before completely off guard.

Josuke spoke "Hold on! Did you say DIO? The guy from Midnight’s story."

I spoke "My Chaos Heal is rather powerful in its own right. I can help you Keicho."

Zoey spoke "But I thought Midnight ripped DIO to shreds long ago!"

Twilight spoke "He did, ten years ago.

Keicho spoke "*Opens the chest and searches* Indulge me, by listening how things used to be. Josuke Higashikata, although what I’m about to tell you is related to your life as well. Everything began eleven years ago, the beginning of the end. I was seven back then, and my brother, Okuyasu, was just four. We were living in Tokyo during that time. It was in the middle of bubble economy and spirits were high. Well, the spirits of everyone, except my father. Mom fell sick and died, and dad’s business went under. He was buried under a mountain of debt. He’d often beat us for no reason. He was the walking definition of a loser. That’s when everything changed. Out of the blue, a seemingly endless supply of cash started rolling in. And on top of that, there were jewels and precious metals. And dad didn’t have a job to speak of. After some research, I found out the truth. My father had made a dark deal, he sold his own soul to a Mobian by the name of DIO. He became DIO’s lackey for monetary gain. Based on what I found out, DIO’s goal was to scour the globe in search of potential Stand-Users. And somehow, he discovered my dad had the capacity to manifest a Stand. However to this day, I have no idea what the nature of his Stand is. And then things changed again. It’s been ten years, but I remember it like yesterday. It was two in in the afternoon, I’d just come home from a long day at school."

My Dimensional Scream suddenly activated, showing me what happened.

To be concluded

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