• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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*Danyelle's POV*

We fell away from Nine as we landed in front of a rail as Maurice, Deep Lilac, Shira, Ravenpaw, Flintfur and I saw the Paradox Prism before Nine flew up and let out a battle cry while firing at us before Maurice shielded us with the lasers pushing us. But then we crashed against a wall behind us before we fell to the ground as we then got up and turned around, seeing a hammock attached to two palm trees, surprising us.

Maurice asks "You planned this for me?"

Nine let out another battle cry as he leapt at us.

Maurice spoke "Nine, *As Nine started attacking us while we were dodging* listen! I didn't understand what you were doing. *Still dodging* Whoa!"

Nine spoke "Stop talking!"

Maurice spoke "*As we kept dodging* You just wanted a better life! Like Green Hill, but for both of us!"

Nine spoke "Stand still and fight me!"

But then the wall to our right exploded, sending us flying a bit before the dust cleared.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "It's over, Nine."

The Chaos Council, all of our friends and family showed up.

Nine spoke "*Gasps as he got up while the rest of us got up* Get back! Don't make me destroy you all!"

Maurice spoke "Is that what you want? More destruction? Look outside!"

Nine saw what was going on as his expression started to soften.

Maurice spoke "I'm sorry for everything, Nine. I missed my home so much and was so focused on getting it back that I didn't listen to what you wanted or appreciate what you were trying to do. I never meant to hurt you."

Nine spoke "But you did."

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* I lost my home and all my friends and family. But friends and families talk it out. They don't turn their backs on each other and fight to the death."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Enough talk! Light this fox up, full volley!"

Mr. Dr. Eggman in his mech fired at Nine before Maurice and Shira shielded him form the Chaos Council's attacks.

Maurice spoke "Stop! Everyone stop! This isn't the solution!"

The attacks stopped.

Rust asks "You two would protect him?"

Shira spoke "Yes."

Maurice spoke "I would."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "This blue rodent and white vixen have finally lost it. Very well: destroy the three of them!"

Maurice spoke "Stop, all of you! In a few minutes, there won't be anything left to fight over."

Dr. Deep spoke "The hedgehog makes a good point."

Maurice asks "*To Nine, who was nervously holding his left arm* I need you to understand. Their worlds have been shattered, their homes destroyed. The same thing is happening here. How do we stop this?"

Nine looked around and then looked and felt extremely guilty. "I pushed it too far. This wasn't supposed to happen. I... I'm sorry, Sonic. Without a great sacrifice, reality as we know it will be over."

Mangey whimpered and whines as Gnarly consoled him.

Rust spoke "*Grabbing Thorn and Black Rose's hands* It has been an honor, sisters."

Dr. Don't sniffled a bit while Dr. Done-It was snoring before Dr. Deep hugged them both while sobbing as Dr. Babbles giggled while clapping. But then Maurice, Deep Lilac, Shira and I realized something.

Maurice spoke "Not yet."

The four of us got onto what looked like an energy transferrer.

Nine asks "Sonic, what are you, Deep Lilac, Danyelle and Shira doing?"

"Giving you some sacrifices." The four of us answered.

Nine spoke "You four would do that after everything I..."

Maurice asks "What are friends for?"

Both Shadows nodded at what we were doing, agreeing that it was the only way.

I spoke "A wise friend once said... The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

Gilda spoke "I was hurting on the inside since I thought I had lost my best friend and I reacted the wrong way."

Chrysalis spoke "Try being hungry all the time and not understanding the true meaning of friendship."

Adagio spoke "My sisters and I were banished a long time ago but Danyelle gave us a second chance. Heck, she even calmed a raging elder siren down."

Deep Lilac spoke "I killed two bad guys."

Midnight spoke "Outcast for being what I am. Winter Frost killed a mare."

Zoey spoke "Inadvertedly resurrected a powerful demon dog with a bit of blue aqua."

Renee spoke "I blew Pierce up with TNT one time when he pranked my husband."

Sunset spoke "Human turned unicorn against my will by a stupid platypus but I strangled said platypus with my own hands."

I spoke "Celestia and Newlestia both scared the cuss out of Neighsay."

Pinkie spoke "We're a really forgiving group."

Maurice spoke "If we do this, you must all promise to leave Nine alone! Let him live peacefully in his new home in the Grim.

Mr. Dr. Eggman asks "Sure, certainly. Invade? Us? *Chuckles* What do you mean?"

Maurice spoke "Same goes for you, Nine. Promise that you won't cause any more trouble in the other Shatterspaces."

Renegade asks "How can we trust him?"

Nine spoke "You can trust me."

Rebel spoke "We have no choice. It all ends here if we don't."

Nine spoke "You have my word."

Dr. Done-It spoke "Hurry up already!"

Nine spoke "If I can extract the remaining Prism energy and shards inside of them and Deep Lilac's sword, I can fully reform the Paradox Prism."

Dr. Deep spoke "And then? Spit it out!"

Nine spoke "And then the Prism will finally be fully stable. I can save everything."

Maurice spoke "You heard him. We have a plan. Let's move this along."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "For once, I agree with the blue rat. Do it already!"

Nine spoke "There's a risk. Even though Danyelle and Shira are guaranteed to be perfectly fine after the extraction, if I remove the energy from Sonic and Deep Lilac's sword, they might fall apart."

Rebel asks "What about Shadow and the others?"

Maurice spoke "Those of the Redux-Verse weren't there for the Shatter Event. They blipped into this reality. But I shattered the Prism while Deep Lilac had that shard in her sword for who knows how long.

Nine spoke "And without the Prism energy binding him, I'm not sure if Sonic and the sword will make it."

Maurice spoke "We're ready."

Deep Lilac placed her sword down as she then got off before she, Shira and I nodded in agreement with Maurice.

Maurice spoke "It's the only way, Nine."

Nine started up the machine, ready to activate it.

Maurice spoke "Do it."

Nine activated the machine as it started extracting the Prism energy and shards from Maurice, Shira, myself and Deep Lilac's sword. The regulators on Maurice's gloves and shoes vanished as a bright light erupted from the Paradox Prism, covering the room. When the light faded, Shira and I were okay before Maurice fell to the floor on the extractor.

Nine asks "Sonic, are you and the sword...""

Maurice slowly got up with Deep Lilac's sword in his hand. "Me? Never better."

Rebel spoke "He's still alive. He and the sword didn't shatter!"

Maurice got up and tossed the sword to Deep Lilac before energy crackled with him and the weapon glitching a bit.

Maurice spoke "Whoa..."

Maurice fell off the extractor before Renegade caught him as we noticed the blue hedgehog and the sword's dimmed colors.

Nine spoke "Their Prismatic energies and shards have been extracted. The Prism is whole. Sonic's body and the sword are holding together, but I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before..."

Maurice and the sword glitched again.

Renegade spoke "Easy, blue. I got ya."

Deep Lilac was glitching back and forth between full alicorn form and hybrid form due to how unstable her weapon was.

I spoke "I can't use Frenzy Plant anymore!"

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "And we've got this!"

The Chaos Council and some Eggforcers covered the Paradox Prism. Why am I not surprised? Nine tried to get to the computer before Dr. Babble grabbed the fox away from it before Dr. Deep pointed his katana at Shatterverse Shadow, stopping him.

Dr. Deep spoke "Stand down, Edge Lord. I don't trust one hedgehog, let alone four. Especially one that has wings."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Dr. Don't! Triangulate whatever is left of New Yoke City."

Dr. Don't spoke "Once I calibrate to New Yoke City, we're outta here."

Nine readied to fight the Chaos Council as Dr. Done-It aimed his weapon at the fox.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Ah-ah-ah! Careful! Look at two of your friends. They're in no shape to fight."

Deep Lilac/Twilight spoke "With me glitching?! Of course not!"

Maurice spoke "He's right. I'm gassed. But if Nine could barely handle the power of the Prism, you clowns have no hope."

Dr. Deep spoke "Now, now. We must all accept when our time is over. But who knows? Perhaps when I wield the power of the Prism, I'll create a version of you that's more agreeable."

Dr. Don't spoke "When you wield it? *Scoff* Wait until you see the VR world I've been planning. I'll call it the "Egg-a-verse."

Dr. Done-It spoke "In your dreams, you no good whippersnapper!"

Dr. Don't asks "What's a whippersnapper?"

Dr. Babble muttered.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Oh, cram it with walnuts, ya big baby, or I'll give you a permanent timeout!"

Mr. Dr. Eggman asks "Enough, you fools! *Pops head out of the top of his mech's head* We stand at the precipice of a new world, and you would ruin my moment?"

Dr. Deep spoke "Your moment? Why, you sanctimonious-"

Dr. Babble yelled while slamming down his rattler club before the Chaos Council started fighting each other. Shatterverse Shadow was about to intervene before Rebel stopped him.

Rebel spoke "Hold on, Shadow. Let's see how this plays out."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Stop! Stop, you morons!"

Dread asks "Argh! Should we do something?"

Renegade spoke "Not yet. This is like candy to me."

Maurice then winked at Nine, signaling him to do some work before he glitched again. Nine nodded with a smile as he went to his computer and opened a portal into the Void. Dr. Babbles soon whacked Dr. Deep away, sending him crashing into Dr. Done-It as both flew into the Void.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Babble, no! Bad baby! Bad!"

Dr. Babble muttered something, making Mr. Dr. Eggman gasp.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "That is it. You're getting a timeout!"

Mr. Dr. Eggman started firing at Dr. Babble as the baby in mech blocked the attacks while New Yoke Big dodged one.

Shatterverse Shadow asks "How about now?"

Rebel spoke "Knock yourself out."

Shatterverse Shadow jumped and performed a spin attack, knocking Dr. Babble into the Void as the baby yelled while Rusty, Rebel and Renegade stepped forward.

Dr. Don't spoke "Okay, that's it. I'm out!"

Dr. Don't flew into the Void before he started playing a video game.

Renegade spoke "Now we do something."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Now! This belongs to me! *As Rust, Rebel, Renegade, Shira and Nine approached him* I'll defeat all of you! I'll-"

The five attacked Mr. Dr. Eggman, sending him into the Void with the rest of the Chaos Council.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "You haven't heard the last of us! You just wait! We will amass an even greater army and destroy-"

Nine then closed the portal. "Good riddance."

Miyuki hugs Nine in a gentle embrace, causing the Mobian fox to cry freely.

Inari spoke "*looking at Shira* I wonder what it's like to have a sister."

Shira spoke "*As Nine hugged Miyuki back* A bit awkward."

But then Maurice and the sword glitched again.

Nine asks "S-Sonic?"

Maurice spoke "You were right, buddy. *Grunt* Guess without the Prism energy… *Grunt* the sword and I can’t exist in the Shatterspaces."

Nine spoke "*Wipes eyes before going back on his computer* With the Prism whole again, if I start the reformation process, theoretically, there’s still a chance I can bring back Green Hill! And it may also positively affect other places as well!"

Maurice asks "*Grunt* Green Hill?"

Nine spoke "Here goes."

Energy whirred in the Paradox Prism before it sent out a blinding burst of energy. When it faded, the Paradox Prism…

Rebel asks "Huh?"

…was gone.

Batten spoke "The Prism! It be-"

Rusty spoke "Gone. And nothing has changed. Our attempt has failed."

Nine spoke "*Points outside* Look!"

We went outside and looked, seeing the Void and three Gateways reforming themselves.

Maurice spoke "The gateways are reforming."

Black Rose spoke "No Place!"

Prim spoke "The Boscage Maze!"

But then Amiya called me. “*Speaking loudly and real quickly in pure excitement* DANY!DANY!DANY!IT’SAMIYA!!!”

I yelp "StarClan's sake Amiya! Give a Mew a freaking heart-attack why don't you? Calm down and speak slowly!"

Midnight spoke "Hey look!! The portal back to Equis is restored!"

Moeru was supporting Maurice.

Moeru spoke "Where you go, I go too since I love you Maurice."

Amiya spoke "Sorry! It’s just, the entire planet! The disasters and catastrophes suddenly stopped all together, all Originium in existence are turning pure white and aren’t hazardous anymore, and every being infected of Oripathy is somehow 100% cured! *Voice breaking with tears of joy* I don’t know if what’s happening is a dream or reality, but… it’s finally over!"

I spoke "It's no dream Amiya, it's really real."

Amiya started bawling freely through the call from pure joy.

Nearl spoke "*voice in background* Sorry about Amiya, she's overly excited that everyone's been cured... Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals has been trying to find a cure for years but to no avail and then you guys pull off a freaking miracle, we can't thank you enough."

“You should thank Maurice, AKA Shatterverse Sonic.” I said before Boscage Birdie and Thorn noticed something.

Thorn spoke "I don’t know what that is, Birdie."

We looked up and saw a white light in the distance.

Maurice spoke "It’s Green Hill. You did it, Nine. *Grunt* I’m not sure I’m gonna be able to outrun this."

Deep Lilac/Twilight spoke "Oh geez, that’s where the portal to Equis is too."

Nine spoke "Yes, you both can, if you leave now."

Rebel spoke "Nine’s right. You get to your home, we’ll get to ours."

Maurice spoke "Even if I wanted to, I can’t. I’m outta juice."

Renegade spoke "You’re not doing it alone. Not when you got friends here to help."

Nine then hugged Maurice as the hedgehog hugged him back.

Nine spoke "Now hurry. *Sniffles while wiping an eye* That Gateway and portal won’t be there forever."

Maurice nodded as Thorn jumped onto Boscage Birdie.

Thorn asks "Need a ride?"

Maurice tried to walk over, but glitched and nearly fell before Dread caught him.

Dread spoke "Easy there, lad. I got ya."

Rust spoke "Let me give you both a… hand."

Rusty grabbed Maurice and Deep Lilac/Twilight before putting them on Boscage Birdie.

Maurice spoke "Well, my friends, I just wanna say-"

Dread spoke "You got no time for speeches, boyo. Fly! And know we’ll be rooting for ya."

Maurice asks "Right. Take care of each other, okay?"

Thorn spoke "Hold tight, friends. Let’s go, Birdie. Fly!"

Dread spoke "*As Boscage Birdie took flight* Goodbye, Sonic and Deep Lilac!"

Black Rose spoke "Farewell!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "*Ahem!*"

Black Rose asks "*Notices Shatterverse Shadow, Moeru and the rest of us from the Redux-Verse* Oh, I suppose you all need a ride too?"

Thorn spoke "You got this, Birdie!"

Boscage Birdie was flying great through the debris of crystals before she clipped a wing on one of them.

Thorn spoke "Birdie, your wing!"

Maurice spoke "It doesn’t look good. We’re not gonna make it."

Thorn spoke "*As Boscage Birdie started falling* No!"

But they landed on the remains of the Yolkomotive as it was still flying with Rust Rose, Black Rose, Moeru, Shatterverse Shadow and the rest of us from the Redux-Verse on board.

Maurice asks "Black Rose?"

Black Rose spoke "Happy to lend a hand! Now hold on to your backsides. We’re gonna pick up the pace!"

The Yolkomotive started going faster through the crystal debris as Maurice started looking black and white and a bit see-through, same with Deep Lilac/Twilight’s sword.

Thorn spoke "Hurry! They’re not gonna make it!"

Black Rose spoke "*Groan* I’m doing me best! But this bucket of bolts is barely holding together!"

Rust spoke "Keep it steady. I will clear a path."

Rust got onto a cannon and started firing at crystals before one of the crystals took out the front right propeller.

Black Rose spoke "I’m losing speed!"

Shatterverse Shadow threw and kicked some crystals away as the Yolkomotive came to a stop.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Black Rose, you’ve brought us far enough. We’ll take it from here."

Shatterverse Shadow helped carry Maurice as those of us from the Redux-Verse helped carry Deep Lilac/Twilight.

Maurice spoke "Goodbye, Roses."

We then took off, jumping, flying and running towards the Gateway and portal while Sonic used a speed spell on all of us that aren’t speedsters.

Maurice spoke "I never knew you were a hugger."

Shatterverse Shadow asks "Do you want me to save you or not?"

Maurice started going limp as we leapt and flew toward the portal before we somehow simultaneously pulled off a triple sonic boom, rocketing right for the Gateway and portal.

Shatterverse Shadow and Moeru spoke "Hang on, Sonic!"

Shatterverse Shadow, Moeru and Maurice went right into the gateway as those of us from the Redux-Verse went right into the portal, landing in Equestria as Twilight stopped twitching and her sword was fully colored and not see-through anymore.

Miyuki asks "But what about Nine and Shira?"

“Knowing them, especially Nine, they’ll find a way here. But for now, how about we see what Maurice is up to through a window?” I suggested.

Sonic snaps his fingers thus opening a communications window to Maurice's world.

Sonic spoke "Hey other me, glad to see you made it back safely!"

Maurice opened his eyes and groaned as he was somehow already standing up. “Oh, other me? Where am I? *Gasp!*”

We saw the cave with Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Rouge fight Dr. Eggman’s mech minions while the doctor in his giant mech suit was reaching for the Paradox Prism, but everything seemed to be going south speed.

Maurice spoke "It worked! *Runs to Knuckles* Knuckles! *Fistbumps Knuckles before running and jumped to Rouge* Fly high, Rouge! *Runs to Amy* Nobody protects nature better than you, sweet Amy. *Runs up to Tails* Hi, buddy. I can’t tell you how much I missed you… or how much I can’t wait for you to say, “Sonic, wait!” In less than 20 seconds."

Maurice started running as the world speed went back to normal as Shatterverse Eggman grabbed the Paradox Prism while laughing as he was trying to pull it out.

Maurice spoke "Step away from the rock, egghead!"

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "Not this time, you fool!"

Maurice soon jumped into a spin attack, flying at Shatterverse Eggman.

Shatterverse Tails spoke "Sonic, wait!"

Uh-oh! It might happen all over again!

Shatterverse Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails spoke "Sonic, no!"

But then Maurice hugged the glass of Shatterverse Eggman’s egg capsule.

Shatterverse Eggman asks "Whuh?

Shatterverse Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails ask "Huh?"

Shatterverse Eggman asks "What do you think you’re doing?"

Maurice spoke "I’m just happy to see everyone. Even you, Eggy."

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "What? *Opens glass and punches Maurice away* Stop that! *Mech punches Maurice into the air* I can’t stand you, *Mech suit kicks Maurice away* you blue buffoon!"

Maurice landed, sliding back on the ground as he cracked his neck. “Okay, crew. There are two things that are gonna happen here. One, we protect that big shiny rock. And two, we stick together no matter what it takes! Now let’s go crack that rotten egg.”

Shatterverse Amy spoke "Huh! *Spins piko hammer* I guess he finally heard the “stick together” part."

The five started fighting the bots as they beat them.

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "Say goodbye to your trees and beaches! My time has finally come! *Grabs Paradox Prism*"

Maurice spoke "Take the shot, Tails!"

Shatterverse Tails pressed a button on a switch of his, causing a flying drone of his to fire at Shatterverse Eggman’s mech suit while Shatterverse Amy was behind him and whacked him with her hammer as Shatterverse Rouge delivered a good kick.

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "Why, you little…"

Shatterverse Tails lifted Maurice and flew him up as he jumped and spin dropped, attacking Shatterverse Eggman before Shatterverse Knuckles punched him, sending the bad guy flying back before getting back up.

Shatterverse Amy spoke "Gotta admit, Sonic, *Spins hammer again* this “stick together” plan might be our best one yet."

Maurice spoke "If I’ve learned anything, it’s that we are a team, and together, we’re unstoppable!"

Shatterverse Knuckles asks "What’s the matter with you, Sonic? Did you eat another one of those truck stop chili dogs on your way over?"

Maurice laughs "Something like that."

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "You and your furry friends are adorable when you try this hard, hedgehog! But the result is inevitable."

We and Maurice saw Shatterverse Shadow at the mouth of the cave as he brought out the green Chaos Emerald.

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "This world is mine!"

Shatterverse Shadow then teleported onto the Paradox Prism as everyone in the cave noticed him.

Shatterverse Eggman asks "Huh? Shadow? What the heck are you doing here?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "I am the ultimate life form. I go wherever I want."

Shatterverse Eggman asks "Whuh?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Chaos Control!"

Shatterverse Shadow then teleported away with the Paradox Prism.

Shatterverse Eggman asks "No! What have you done?

Maurice spoke "*Jumps to where the Prism used to be* Sorry, Eggman. But when you’ve got a crew like mine, there’s nothing that can stop you."

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "You haven’t heard the last of me, Sonic!"

Maurice spoke "You will pay for this in ways you’d never imagine. Yeah, yeah, I heard it a million times, Eggy. And I can’t wait for a million and one."

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "*Grabs Shatterverse Orbot and Shatterverse Cubot* Cubot! Orbot! We’re gonna need a bigger fleet!"

Shatterverse Orbot spoke "Sir, yes, sir!"

Shatterverse Cubot spoke "Oh, I’ve always wanted a bigger fleet!"

The mad scientist fled in his mech and with his two henchmen as the five in the cave cheered with Shatterverse Tails high-fiving Maurice.

Sonic chuckles "Guess the Baldy McNosehair of your world still hasn't changed a bit."

The other four saw the window and got greatly confused as Maurice smiled.

Shatterverse Knuckles spoke "Okay, maybe I got one too many punches to the head."

Knuckles spoke "That's my line!"

Maurice spoke "Don't worry, I'll tell 'em about you guys later."

Sitting on Thorax's back since her stomach was swollen, Amy asks "So, that pink hedgehog is my counterpart huh?"

Shatterverse Amy stammers "Huh?! But that's-How would-Why am-*Groans faintly before fainting*"

Sonic chuckles "Thorax's a Changeling, meaning he can take on other forms."

Tails chuckles "Too bad my counterpart hasn't noticed the fact I have seven extra tails."

Shatterverse Tails asks "Wait, what?"

Tails spoke "Long story short, I was pranked by a spotted hyena."

Shatterverse Rouge spoke "This is quite a surprise."

I giggle "Whatever you do Maurice, don't look behind you."

Maurice was soon pounced on by Shatterverse Blaze.

Maurice spoke "Moeru? Should've seen that coming.

Blaze was snickering since her counterpart was being silly.

Sonic chuckles "Just be lucky you only have one girlfriend Maurice, I've got nine wives."

But then Blaze snickered again, having quite the surprise for Sonic.

Sonic asks "Uh Blaze, you okay?"

Blaze spoke "Oh, nothing wrong. *Giggle*"

Applejack spoke "Even Orion, Shirou and Ah can tell that was a lie."

Blaze spoke "You haven't been to the sleepover, AJ, so of course you don't know."

Applejack spoke "Ah heard about it from Twilight."

Blaze asks "*Whispers to Applejack* And did she tell you about what happened and what we talked about?"

Applejack spoke "Only the part about Zacia havin' a crush on Sonic. Though Ah think the blue blur oughta run. Ah think Zenta's in a pissy mood."

I spoke "*Looks in the distance* He's in his Crowned Form and is charging with Behemoth Bash."

Zacia spoke "SIT BOY!!!!"

Zenta was soon face down on the ground as he skidded across the soil thus getting a mouthful of dirt.

Inuyasha spoke "You kinda had that one coming."

Sonic asks "*Surprised* How'd that happen?"

Kagome spoke "She asked me about the beads that Inuyasha has."

Blaze giggles "Couldn't resist, huh?"

Zacia spoke "He's got to learn by now that I'm not a helpless little pup anymore."


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