• Published 8th Sep 2022
  • 950 Views, 37 Comments

Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Manehattan Mayhem/ Canterlot Chaos

*Roll’s POV*

Welp, we’re in Manehattan.

Fluttershy spoke "I've never been to Manehattan before..."

“Really? Why?” I asked.

Fluttershy spoke "It's just too much for me."

“Oh.” I noted before I sensed one of our friends showing up.

Renee asks "Let me guess, Seto?"

“Whoa!” I yelped. “When did you get here?”

Renee giggles "Werewolf remember? I tagged along since Flutters isn't much of a fighter unless provoked."

“Oh. Guess that’s who I was sensing, you.” I noted.

Renee giggles "Even though I was downwind of you?"

“Guess so.” I giggled in agreement as Fluttershy giggled as well, feeling more calm now.

Renee spoke "I heard that Zoey had gone to Canterlot with Twilight and Danyelle."

Fluttershy asks "Really?"

Renee spoke "Yeah but I'd hate to be in Shirou's location right now... He, Applejack and Corina are dealing with the Tartarus Gaia temple..."

Fluttershy asks "Wh-What?"

Renee spoke "Yeah... but at least Bridget's group has it easy."

Fluttershy asks "How?"

Renee spoke "Bridget's element is water though so she went with Rarity and Maria to Mount Aris since there's a temple there."

Renee's ears flatten as she growls.

Renee spoke "Fluttershy, get behind me now."

Fluttershy spoke "O-Okay."

Renee wallops a few Dark Gaia minions, defeating them.

Renee spoke "All clear for now."

I spoke "Not bad Renee."

Renee spoke Heh, thanks. *Blushing madly* But Seto’s pretty good too…"

I giggle "I'm no Cadence but even I can see you have it bad for the tiger. And I'm no Danyelle but I can sense that you've got a tigerwolf pup on the way."

Renee gasps "Wha-Really?"

I giggle "Yeah."

We kept moving forward in Manehatten.

Renee spoke "The sooner we put Equis back to normal, the sooner we can stop Dark Gaia. And the sooner we can stop the merging of the two worlds, the safer everycreature will be."

“And the sooner we can get back to our vacation.” I added in agreement.

Renee spoke "For sure! and the gaia temple is just up ahead."

Fluttershy asks "Um… Anyone else think it’s too easy?"

A voice laughs "The shy one couldn't be more right!"

Renee growls as she pushes Fluttershy behind her.

Renee growls "This mess is all your fault Brad!"

But then Brad’s voice rang out, sounding different. “Please! Help! I don’t know how, but it took control of me way before the planet started splitting up!”

Renee growls "You caused this to happen!"

The voice spoke "I never meant for any of this to happen! That thing controlling me made me do it!"

Renee snarls "LIAR!!!"

“Renee! Calm down!” I told my friend.

Fluttershy spoke "Her anger is out of control..."

“Dark Gaia’s influence, no doubt.” I noted as I mentally spoke with Fluttershy. "{Do you think he’s telling the truth?}"

Fluttershy spoke "{Absolutely. I believe him.}"

"{Strangely enough, so do I.}" I mentally admitted to Fluttershy.

A tailslap sent the bratty Shaymin flying.

Orion spoke "{I hardly tolerate that little shit though, he made Pigment cry a while ago.}"

"{That wasn’t his fault! Dark Gaia was controlling him!}" I pointed out before I saw the real Brad on the ground. Fluttershy and I ran over to him. “You alright?”

Fluttershy spoke "Please be okay…"

Brad groans "Ugh… Roll? Fluttershy? Is… Is that really you?"

Orion ignores the Shaymin Poké-Mobian.

Brad spoke "I know you don’t like me, Orion, and I don’t blame you. I don’t like myself either, after all I did, even though I was controlled by Dark Gaia. I know I helped heal Giratina, *Voice breaking* b-but that doesn’t make up for what I did. I was angry at myself for being small and weak, letting Dark Gaia control me. So when this is over, Orion, you can walk away, knowing you were right, all along. I really am just a dumb Shaymin."

Fluttershy spoke "There's nothing wrong with being weak, I'm not much of a fighter either."

Brad spoke "*Hugs Fluttershy and I back while sniffling* Th-Thank you… I’ll-I’ll try to start over."

A sudden Rainboom had shot across the sky, knocking a few Dark Gaia minions out.

Rainbowtwo asks "Can someone explain why Equis is such a mess?"

Fluttershy asks "R-Rainbow Dash?"

Orion spoke "No, that's Rainbowtwo. She's a clone of the original... *quietly* And my mate..."

Fluttershy asks "*Blush* What?!"

Orion spoke "I knew I couldn't go after the original Rainbow since she has a crush on someone else..."

Rainbowtwo spoke "Hence why I was created."

A Dark Gaia minion tried to attack Renee with fire, but she destroyed the minion before she smelled something.

Renee spoke "Why do I smell roasted…"

Renee looked behind her, only to see that her butt was on fire.

Renee yelps ""What!? Oh no no no! *Running around* Gah! No no no! This are the only clothes I brought! Yeowch! Gotta find some water! And fast!"

Seto chuckles "Talk about hot tail..."

Seto tackles his wife into the water.

Renee spoke "*Pant!* This is embarrassing…!"

Seto spoke "Good thing neither Danyelle or Shirou aren't here, they'd probably faint since the smell of wet wolf is similar to rotten milk..."

Renee covered her mouth, feeling squeamish at that while keeping her meal down.

Seto asks "You okay babe?"

Fluttershy had thrown up.

Renee groans "Yeah, it just… rotten milk… Yuck!"

I spoke "Let's never speak of this again..."

Fluttershy spoke "We're at the temple now."

Chip suddenly appeared. “You’ll need my help for this part.”

Renee swam to shore before shaking the water off her fur and clothes, causing the fur to floof up.

I puffed out my cheeks, holding my laughter in.

Renee grabs me and throws me into the water.

I splutter "Not cool wolf bitch!"

Seto sighed with a facepalm as Renee and I growled in each other's faces.

The two of us burst into giggles.

Some time after the elements of kindness and generosity were restored, two pieces of the planet were restored back to normal.

I spoke "Two down, four to go!"

*Zoey's POV*


I spoke "Least we have it easier since we know the temple guardians."

Werelight suddenly shivered for some reason.

Pigment was growling, as was Danyelle.

Danyelle shot fire from her mouth at an ice-type Dark Gaia minion, causing it to faint.

Werelight asks "Okay, but what if we have to fight a Dark Gaia Fusion of them known as Eclipse?

Danyelle spoke "Chip's pretty much a counterpart of Celestia anyway so it's not likely that...."

Danyelle's ears pick up the sound of clashing horns.

Newlestia flew over with Asuna and a few Mewtwo hybrids following.

Newlestia asks "Let me guess, Moonbutt's fallen to darkness again?"

*Inside the castle*

Celestia spoke "SNAP OUT OF IT SISTER!!!"

Dark Gaia Luna was silent as she clashed with Celestia.

Danyelle yowls loud "CHAOS SNARE!!!"

Chains of chaos energy restrain Dark Gaia Luna, stopping her from moving.

Celestia gasps "What is going on?!"

Asuna spoke "Dark Gaia's broken free and is now causing Mobius to gravitate towards Equis. The other bearers have gone to the shrines to restore the elements and put Equis back together.... And Sonic warned that if we don't do something to stop it, both worlds will fuse together and cause time to freeze permanently."

Haru spoke "Exactly since the Mobians that came here by accident are what's causing the problem to happen... But since Sonic and his two siblings are children of two worlds, the three of them are likely to be erased..."

"...We'll definitely need Shenron's help, which means we gotta find the Dragon Balls after beating Dark Gaia." I noted.

Carrying his baby sister on his back, Lightning spoke "Same for Moonlight and I, we're also children of two worlds. But first..."

Lightning slaps his mother across the face, snapping her back to her senses.

Luna then went back to normal except something seemed different, like she was somewhat furrier.

Lightning chuckles "You're as fluffy as dad's other form is."

"Hold on, it's almost if... *GASP!* Luna became a were-alicorn!" I realized.

Lightning removed the hoofwear off his front legs, revealing wolf paws.

Luna definitely became a were-alicorn.

Danyelle spoke "She looks more like a MAREWOLF!"

Luna asks "What the?"

Lightning chuckled. "Wait until dad gets a look of you now. I bet he'll howl with a wolf whistle."

Lightning howls loud just as a third piece of Equis had gone back into place.

Shirou soon pops up after dropping Applejack and Crosswind off at the Chuddle Hotel.

Shirou spoke "Lulu, I'm back!"

But Shirou froze stiff at the sight of Luna.

Lightning chuckles "You okay dad?"

Shirou howled lustfully with a wolf whistle after that.

Lightning teleported his parents straight to the Chuddle Hotel.

Lightning spoke "Auntie, I think we should get the element of magic restored pronto."

Celestia spoke "Right."

Chip suddenly appeared. “I’ll help.”

Werelight asks "Half the planet's restored already?"

Chip spoke "Yep."

I spoke "That means we've got laughter and loyalty left before taking on Dark Gaia!"

Werelight spoke "I just got a telepathic message from Sardon, the Element of Laughter was just restored!"

“Nice!” I cheered.

Werelight spoke "And Pinkie got a new wereform."

Danyelle spoke "Uh Twilight, the dark gaia curse doesn't work that way. Pinkie didn't get infected."

Werelight spoke "Not by Dark Gaia, by something else."

Haru tosses a book to Werelight, shutting the mare up.


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