• Published 8th Sep 2022
  • 950 Views, 37 Comments

Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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The Show Must go On Part 1

*Vaggie's POV*

Cherri Bomb came around and helped all of us with our training for the last month while Danyelle went back to her lab temporarily during the that time as it wasn't long now.

Charlie spoke "*Sigh* Oh, I wish my mom was here to see this."

"The cannibals seem ready to fight. Are we?" I asked.

Sir Pentious spoke "*Bursts out of the door while wearing a napoleon-like outfit* Fear not, damsels. *As Charlie's eyes sparkled* I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!

"What in the hell are you supposed to be?" I deadpanned.

Sir Pentious spoke "*Salutes* General Pentious, reporting for duty. I'll turn those rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all."

Charlie spoke "Thank you, Pen."

Niffty asks "*Holding two dead demon rats* What can I do to help?"

Sir Pentious spoke "I'm glad you asked, soldier. The base needs fortifications. Reinforce the southern wall. Create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assault."

Yep, Niffty was lost at that.

Charlie spoke "How about this? If you see an angel, *Gives angelic knife* stab it."

Niffty spoke "Oooohh... *Evil chuckle while eyeing Angel Dust* Stab! Stab! Stab!"

Angel spoke "8As Niffty charged towards him* Hey, hey, hey, hey. *Jumps onto pole*"

Charlie spoke "Not him!"

Niffty giggled as she charged in a different direction.

"*In a drill sergeant manner* Listen up, sinners! We got twenty four hours before the extermination begins. Let's get to work."

We got to work and trained before it was soon night.

Charlie spoke "*Into Alastor's mic staff* Hello? I want to thank everyone for coming. Even people who aren't staying here yet... Cherri."

Cherri spoke "Look, I can't resist a fight, okay? *Refers to Angel before side-hugging him* Especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead."

Charlie spoke "Tomorrow, the exorcist angels will face a Hell reaedy to defend itself and win."

"Yeah! Yeah, we will! Tell 'em, baby!" I cheered.

Charlie spoke "Yes. And we are-we are going to win! But in case we don't, I want you all to know... that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means, I know you all tried. I have seen the good in all of you. And it's... I-I'm just...*Gushes* I love you all... so much, and-and live tonight however you want because-"

Niffty spoke "We're all gonna die! Hahahah!"

"Alright, let's give it up for not dying! Love not dying!" I said while clapping before I cleared my throat. "Drinks?"

Later, we were back in the hotel, having quite a party.

"I mean, personally, I'm excited. It's been a long time since I stabbed anyone and really meant it, you know what I mean?" I admitted.

Cherri spoke "Cheers. bitches!"

Husk spoke "Yeah!"

Angel spoke "Here's to us!"

Sir Pentious spoke "Here's to being alive today and not dying tomorrow."

All of us at the bar clinked our glasses.

Cherri spoke "Chug, chug, chug!"

Danyelle soon arrived with a few Mewtwos, one of which was Zeus since Mnemosyne was busy transferring her memories to her new body.

Meau, Myth, Adagio, Aria, Nazuna, Shirou, Michiru, Shadow, Sonic and Bayonetta were with Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "I called in Bayonetta since we might need her help again."

*Danyelle's POV*

My keen ears heard Alastor talking to Niffty. "Ah, the celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh Niffty?"

Niffty spoke "I really like them, Alastor. they let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!"

Alastor spoke "Ahh, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed."

Niffty spoke "*Puts a roach crown on Alastor* I dub thee King Roach."

Alastor spoke "Oh, to understand your twisted little mind. Hahaha."

Alastor and Niffty laughed.

Husk asks "Last day of afterlife, and you're not snorting a line off some hunk's abs?"

Angel spoke "Ehh, you fucked one cannibal pool boy, you fucked 'em all."

Husk spoke "I guess you have changed."

Angel spoke "Hey, Charlie said live tonight however we wanted, so pour me a fresh one and let's get to living. *Chuckles*

I really gotta find Angel a chakat.

Honeystar spots a demonic chakat sitting by hirself.

Honeystar grabs Angel and throws him at the chakat, causing the two to kiss.

The chakat spoke "Oi! What the fuck? Get offa me!"

Angel did that and glared at Honeystar. I earlier heard Sir Pentious telling Charlie his feelings about Cherri, surprising the princess in excitement.

Sir Pentious asks "*Takes off hat* Miss Bomb...? Cherri?"

Cherri asks "Yeah?"

Sir Pentious spoke "*As Charlie eagerly watched before Vaggie started pushing her* I want to tell you that I... I love... *Blush* I love to wish you good luck in the battle ahead."

Cherri spoke "*Shakes his hand* Okay."

Sir Pentious spoke "You are... Have always been a worthy opponent. With the most... *Short blush* brilliant explosive contraptions I've ever seen."

Cherri asks "*Confused* Uh... Thanks?"

Sir Pentious spoke "Anyway, I guess-*Blushes before speaking quickly while putting hat back on and slithering off* Please don't die tomorrow. Okay. Bye."

Hehe, shy snake.

Angel spoke "*Gives Cherri a shot while taking a seat next to her* Ya know, you could totally tap that.

Cherri spoke "*Clinks glass with Angel* Tss, don't be gross. *Slurps down drink with Angel drinking his*

Angel spoke "Cuz, ya know, I hear he's got two dicks."

Cherri spoke "*Squint* ...Huh! *Gains an interested smile*"

Hehe, that sly spider, being Pentious' wingman. I went upstairs, seeing Charlie at a door before she sobbed with tears.

Vaggie asks "Charlie?"

Charlie spoke "Um, I'm sorry... I'm... I'm just so scared. What if we lose.

But then I heard some kind of reprise playing in my head.

As the song ended, Charlie and Vaggie kissed, moaning softly as seeing it brought a tear to my eye.

Honeystar spoke "<We will help you out!>"

Zeus has a grossed out look on his face since he wasn't used to alcohol yet.

The next morning, all of us were ready for battle, with Charlie, Vaggie, Angel and Cherri wearing battle outfits as the princess of Hell had a shield.

I was holding a divine sword in my right hand and the divine reflector was floating by my left arm.

Then we all saw a portal from Heaven opening.

Vaggie spoke "Here they come. Get ready, everyone. We fight together!"

Cherri spoke "*As Niffty giggled* Come on, let’s go!"

Vaggie spoke "NOW! FOR YOUR SOULS!"

Everyone let out war cries as exorcist angels flew out of the portal.

Charlie spoke "Let’s fuck them up!"

We all started fighting exorcist angels.

Alastor spoke "*Menacingly* Let the slaughter begin."

Alastor then laughed while a barrier suddenly wrapped around the entire area with the hotel, trapping any angels fighting us while Adam and Lute were outside said barrier with outside exorcists crashing against it. Cherri jumped and threw a bomb at a trapped exorcist before it detonated, obliterating her while splattering the angel’s golden blood.

I sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G9CPZ8Zd7kas I flew into battle with Zoey and Deep Lilac, slicing the Exorcists to pieces.

Zoey grabs a spear from a dead exorcist before stabbing another with the weapon.

Adam gasps "The fuck?!"

Lute spoke "They appear to have some kind of shield, sir!"

Adam spoke "*Sarcastically* Oh, really? I didn't see this giant fucking shield in front of me, you dumb bitch. No shit!"

But then exorcists outside started getting killed by tentacles on the shield wielding their own weapons.

Adam spoke "That's how they can kill us?! With our own weapons!? Fucking weak, dude."

Lute roared as she charged.

Meanwhile, Angel was shooting down angels. "Come'n get some!"

Cherri spoke "*Throwing three bombs* Eat shrapnel, fuckers! *Laughs as the bombs exploded*"

Sir Pentious spoke "All angelic weapons fire at will!"

Husk spoke "*Fighting while cannons fired* Hey, yelling while fighting doesn't help."

Niffty was stabbing downed exorcist angels until they were fully dead.

Charlie spoke "Alastor's shield is working!"

Vaggie spoke "*Fighting* Trying to focus, sweetie!"

Charlie: We might actually have a chance."

Vaggie spoke "*Throws her spear, killing an exorcist behind Charlie* Love the optimism. *Pulls out spear* Still trying to focus."

Vaggie then decapitated another exorcist.

A few Chaos Spears strike some exorcists down.

Shadow spoke "EAT LEAD YA DAMN FREAKS!!"

A lot of gunfire was heard since Shadow was shooting down dozens of exorcists.

Adam spoke "*Glare* I’m fucking over this."

Adam dove down and punched the shield, cracking and disintegrating it.

Angel Dust spoke "*Gasp!* Fuck!"

Charlie spoke "Oh no!"

Adam panted and coughed before giving a satisfied laugh as he saw Alastor before approaching him.

Alastor spoke "Adam. First man, next to die."

Adam asks "Who the fuck are you?"

Alastor spoke "Alastor. Pleasure to be meeting you. Quite a pleasure. I’m about to end *Stabs staff on the roof, summoning eldritch tentacles* your fucking life."

Adam scoffs "Nice voice. *Summons guitar axe* Don’t you know jazz is for pussies?"

The tentacles lunged as Adam dodged and shredded them before he was about to attack Alastor.

Alastor spoke "*Wags finger* Nah ah ah!"

Alastor dodged the attack effortlessly before making more tentacle lunge at Adam.

Adam spoke "*Slicing tentacle* You really think you can take me on? *Dodges and slices more tentacles* A mortal soul is no match for me, edge-lord."

Alastor spoke "You should know better than anyone what a soul can accomplish *As his shadow crept forward* when they take charge of their own fate."

Adam asks "*Attacked by something* Arrgh! *As that something was revealed as a shadow minion before it ran at him* Ohohoho, you think you’re tough shit, huh? *Slashes minion*"

Alastor spoke "*To Adam’s right* Tougher than you! *Dodges attacks* Hahahaha! You lack discipline, control, and worst, *Menacingly in partial demon form with tentacles more minions* you’re sloppy!"

Adam spoke "And you’re… *As minions jumped on him with Adam slashing them* fuck-*Flies up with them still on him* fuck you… you red piece of f-too much fucking red.. fuck… *Throws them off* Shut up!"

Alastor spoke "*Grabs Adam with a tentacle before swinging and throwing him into the Hazbin Hotel sign* Hahaha! Poetry."

Adam spoke "Grr, I’m gonna wipe that shit eating grin off your face ‘cause radio is *Enlarges guitar axe* fuckin’ dead!"

Adam sent out an energy slash as Alastor blocked it.

Alastor spoke "*Without radio effects in his voice* What just happened? *Sees his mic cane snapped in half* Ffffuck. *Slashed by Adam, sent flying into a ledge* Arrgh! *Slowly gets up while holding his staff’s halves, sitting against the ledge* Have to disagree with you there. Radio’s not dead, but it is ending this broadcast."

Alastor melted into shadows as he retreated while Adam laughed.

Adam spoke "Bye, bitch. *Withdraws guitar axe*"

Sir Pentious spoke "Right flank advance! Left flank, watch your six. Ladies! There are more coming up on your right. Get ready for them Vagatha and Danyelle!"

Vaggie spoke "Not my name! But, got it."

Deep LIlac roars as she launches herself at Adam, slashing him on the back.

But Adam dodged the attack and punched Deep Lilac, sending her flying to the ground.

Charlie spoke "*Whacks an exorcist with her shield* Sorry! *Throws dust at another* Sorry. *Blocks another with her shield, knocking it down* Sorry-Sorry, *Blocks weapons* sorry!"

Vaggie spoke "*Clashes with an exorcist* Now’s not the time for that babe!"

Charlie spoke "Oh, right. *Launching fireworks at an airborne group of exorcists flying in* Die motherfuckers!"

Husk spoke "*Fighting* These fuckin’ angels won’t stop comin’."

Angel spoke "Hah!"

Husk spoke "Okay, I walked right into that one."

Angel spoke "*Notices something* Hold that thought."

Frank whimpered as an exorcist was about to kill him before Angel jumped in, blocking with one of his firearms and grew two more arms, filling the exorcist with holes, killing her while laughing.

Angel asks "You alright squirt?"

Frank spoke "I nearly scrambled myself."

Angel spoke "Get somewhere safe. *As a beam of light hit a wall, causing an explosion that pushed him away* Arrgh!"

Adam spoke "*Firing light beams* Suck my holy light, fuckers! Yeah!"

The rain of beams knocked us off our feet.

Charlie spoke "What? Alastor was supposed to handle him. Oh, no, he must be-"

Vaggie suddenly tackled Charlie as they both dodged incoming blasts.

Vaggie spoke "We aren’t going to last long unless we do something about him."

Sir Pentious looked up, seeing his ship, getting an idea. “Of course.”

He then saw Cherri heading up before grabbing her.

Cherri growls "*Holding a lit bomb* I’m trying to fight here! You out of your fucking mind?"

Sir Pentious spoke "Yes. *Kisses Cherri right on the lips, shocking her as she dropped the bomb before it fell and exploded on the battlefield* Miss Cherri Bomb, I love you. *Slithers off* Remember meeee!"

Cherri sighs "*Blushes a bit* That was kind of hot."

I saw that with a smirk.

Deep Lilac spits out a tooth before flying at supersonic speed, slashing Adam's left wing clean off.

Deep Lilac spoke "DIE MOTHERFUCKER!!"

I threw up Chaos Barrier around the entire hotel, trapping Adam inside it thus cutting him off from the other exorcists.


Ryota killed an Exorcist as Loona did it too while protecting each other.

Ryōta spoke "Thanks, Zoey!"

Sir Pentious spoke "*Arrives in his ship with Egg Bois, excluding Frank, awaiting orders while Layla and Snowy took to the skies* Eggs, activate thrusters, and charge the death ray."

Egg Boi spoke "Yes, sir!"

Charlie asks "*Notices ship moving* Pentious? Layla? Snowy?"

Angel spoke "Those crazy motherfuckers."

Egg Boi spoke "*As Layla charged up her breath blast with Snowflake pulling her fist back* Target in range."

Sir Pentious spoke "Fire."

Adam spoke "*Notices the ship, Layla and Snowy coming his way* Oh, whoop! *Blasts them, completely wiping them out in one shot before chuckling* That coulda been ugly."

He… He DID NOT just do that!

Charlie screams "Noooo!"

Cherri spoke "No!"

Angel spoke "Fuck…"

Charlie spoke "*Sobs* No."

Angel spoke "You did good, buddies."

Charlie spoke "No, no, no. *Falls to her knees while covering her eyes with her hands*"

Vaggie spoke "Charlie, I’m so sorry."

Charlie growled in anger. “Razzle! Dazzle!”

The two bodyguards showed up and flew around Charlie as the three of them became engulfed in a fire vortex before it faded, with her eyes red, hair unfurled, having horns and wielding a trident as Razzle and Dazzle were suddenly dragons with them roaring.

A loud roar was heard from Lucy as she screamed.

Lucy screams "MOM!!!!! NO!!!!!"

Charlie got onto Razzle with Vaggie getting onto Dazzle.

Charlie spoke "Let’s ride."

Charlie, Razzle, Vaggie, Dazzle, Lucy, Deep Lilac and I took flight while charging towards Adam and Lute.

Husk spoke "Yeah! Get ‘em!

Charlie spoke "Forward! Go, Razzle, go!"

Adam spoke "*Notices us* Oh, look who thinks they’re badass now.

Lute spoke "*Chuckles* The traitor came to die.

Lute was about to slash Dazzle before I blocked it, taking the hit as it sent me flying down while pushing Dazzle and Vaggie down with me.

Vaggie spoke "No!!"

Lute then dived as she knocked us crashing into the hotel with Dazzle knocked unconscious fortunately as Lute’s attention was on me and Vaggie.

Lute spoke "Before I take your life, I’m going to tear that other eye out of your face."

Vaggie spoke "*As she and I got up* Try it, bitch."

Vaggie and I started fighting Lute before she started getting the edge over us.

To be Continued

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