• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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The Truth about Danyelle

*Anzu's POV (still)*

*Some time later,*

The first wedding was underway.

Sonic, Danyelle and Rainbow were waiting impatiently.

Rei spoke "Oh calm down, you three."

Gilda spoke "Can you blame them? They don't like staying put long."

Rei spoke "I don’t think you do either."

Gilda spoke "I can handle it but Rainbow and Sonic can't."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before she started snarling.

Danyelle spoke "You might as well come out Eggman before I rip you apart."

Nothing happened.

Danyelle spoke "Coward..."

Rei spoke "Wow, talk about yellow-bellied."

Danyelle spoke "For sure."

Rei and Danyelle started laughing.

Danyelle spoke "Oh look, Cadence's about to throw the bouquet."

Rei spoke "Wonder who’s gonna catch it."

The bouquet lands in Iris' hands.

Twilight snickers "Guess that answers that. Oh and Iris, you know that if you catch a bouquet that was tossed by a newly married female, that means you're next in line to marry."

Iris gasps "*Shocked* W-What?!"

Serena spoke "She's right you know."

Cadence was holding back a snicker since it had been her idea to prank Iris.

Iris’s head was definitely red in anger.

Elsa and Miyuki glare at Iris, causing the Axew girl to freeze.

Cilan spoke "Iris, I'm sorry..."

Iris asks "Hmm?"

Cilan spoke "I really do like you but you don't feel the same way towards me."

Iris hugged Cilan as he hugged back.

Iris asks "Look, I’m glad you like me, but I just want us to stay as friends. Is that okay"

Cilan spoke "*With a genuine and understanding smile* Of course it is."

Brock spoke "Girl, that was a bit cold."

Brock was soon iced by Elsa and Miyuki.

Danyelle spoke "At least they respect each other and Cilan respects Iris’ decision gracefully."

Rarity spoke "I could say the same about Ash..."

Rei asks "So… What now?"

Luna spoke "By Mobian and by Equestrian laws, Iris has to marry within a year after catching a bouquet of flowers."

Iris asks "Huh?!"

Blaze spoke "Crap, I forgot about such a law.... But them's the rules dragon girl."

Now Iris was really mad, like she was about to go Outrage.

Elsa ices Iris, cooling the Axew's temper off.

Iris spoke "…Never thought I’d say this, but thanks."

Elsa spoke "No problem and besides, not all ice-types are coldhearted."

Elsa soon notices a male Drakeon Poké-Mobian behind Iris.

Anna giggles "Whatever you do Iris, don't turn around."

Iris asks "Huh?"

A pair of dragon wings wrap around Iris, causing her to blush.

The Drakeon chuckles "Well, what's a cute little Axew doing by herself?"

Iris stammers "U-Um… I-Uh…"

Diana and the other Eeveelution Poké-Mobians were on their backs while laughing.

Misty giggles "Oh dang!"

Iris spoke "*Blushing madly* Gotta go!"

Iris ran off somewhere to calm herself as the Drakeon chuckled.

Elsa snickers "Real smooth move there Haku."

Haku spoke "Eh, I try my best."

Elsa spoke "Go after her then you silly Drakeon before someone else does."

Haku spoke "Heh, alright then."

Iris was up in a tree.

Iris was definitely panting up a storm with her scales blushing red.

Diana spoke "Don't make me pull you down dragon girl."

Iris didn’t hear her as her mind was going a bit crazy with fantasies.

Diana spoke "She has it bad! Oh hey Haku."

Haku asks "Yeah?"

Diana spoke "The silly Axew's up in the tree and my ribbon-like feelers aren't long enough to pull her down."

Haku asks "Want me to get her down?"

Diana giggles "Yeah and it's so obvious that she likes you."

Haku spoke "Sure thing."

Iris was flustered.

Haku spoke "Hey beautiful."

Diana was laughing.

Iris stammers "H-hey..."

Haku asks "Busy with something?"

Iris spoke "N-no..."

*That night*

Sonic had transformed into his werehog form thus startling some of the ponies.

Sonic groans "Oh come on…!"

Even the hedgefox triplets were in their werebeast forms.

Roll and Blaze purr "You look fluffy!"

Sonic asks "Really?"

Roll spoke "For sure!"

Blaze spoke "Given that I was hatched from an egg since I had said that my mom's a Poké-Mobian, I'm not sure if I would or not."

Sonic soon has Celestia in a headlock while giving her a noogie.

Twilight, Luna and Cadence were laughing hysterically.

Rei laughs "HA! Wow! Now THAT is awesome!"

Danyelle giggles "It reminds me of the times I had my cousin in a headlock while giving him a noogie one Christmas. Oh, that's kind of like Hearth's Warming in case the ponies and gryphons don't know. He and I bicker a lot but that's what relatives tend to do and if I hadn't seen it for myself, I'd say that Sonic was related to Princess Luna. Plus I never knew my real parents"

That got us all confused.

Lillian asks "How come you never told us this Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "I couldn't find the right time to."

Danyelle opened a warp ring before a wolfish alicorn stallion along with a female hedgehog Mobian fall out of it.

Sonic spoke "Uh, hey mom and dad."

Ears flattening, Danyelle spoke "Freak out from Luna in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Luna screams "HUUUUUUUUUUH?!?!?!?!"

Several eardrums ended up popping due to the scream.

Lightning Flash wingslaps his mother on the back of the head.

Lightning Flash spoke "You could’ve made some creatures go deaf, mom."

Danyelle spoke "But that still doesn't explain why I look different than Sonic."

Sonic spoke "You've got some explaining to do mom."

Aleena spoke "Understandable."

Danyelle asks "Where did I come from?"

Aleena spoke "That however, is hard to explain."

Danyelle spoke "I don't care how hard it is to explain, I want to know..."

Lightning sighs "Maybe these goggles should explain..."

The wolfish alicorn passes the goggles to Danyelle, triggering her Dimensional Scream.

*Flashback to when Danyelle was a newborn*

*Danyelle's POV*

A drenched Mobian nekomata tomcat was running through the streets to Aleena's house while carrying a newborn in his arms as he tried to escape from some assassins since they wanted to get rid of the kitten because she had the Dimensional Scream.

The tom knocked on the door before he set his daughter down with a pair of goggles and a nametag that had the kitten's name on it.

The tom spoke "I'm sorry sweetie but I can't put you in danger because of your ability... I love you..."

The tom ran off into the night, leaving his daughter behind to draw the assassins away.

A burst of thunder scared the kitten to the point she started crying.

Inside the house, Aleena asks "Lightning, who was at the door?"

Lightning spoke "I’m not sure. I’ll go get it."

The sound of a crying two week old kitten was heard.

Lightning spoke "Oh no, it couldn’t be…!"

Aleena got up to check outside.

After opening the door, Aleena finds a damp kitten with a nametag and goggles.

Picking the kitten up, Aleena spoke "Oh you poor little thing... Lightning, get the kitten incubator ready. A kitten this age can't regulate its body heat that well."

Lightning spoke "Already on it!"

Though I had gone unnoticed by the two, I saw everything that had happened.

A nine month old Sonic had his head in the cookie jar.

Aleena asks "But who would leave a two week old kitten alone?"

Lightning spoke "I’m not sure, but I think whoever did that knew that she could be in trouble."

Aleena spoke "Whoever it was, they left a nametag and their goggles behind. Plus Sonic's stuck in the cookie jar again."

Lightning spoke "Hmm… Her name is Danyelle."

Young Danyelle's ears twitch in response to hearing her name.

Over the next 18 years, Young Danyelle grew into a fine young adult and she often pulled pranks with Sonic.

Teen Danyelle launched a water balloon at a 16 year old male echidna Mobian before zooming off with Sonic.

Teen Danyelle laughs "Oh man, we got him good though Sonic!"

Young Adult Sonic laughs "What was in that water?"

Teen Danyelle laughs "White hair dye! I borrowed it from Miyuki for the prank."

*end flashback*

I groan "Ugh... It still doesn't explain what happened to my real dad after he left me..."

A voice spoke "You don’t need an explanation."

I spoke "N-no... It can't be... Lightning Flash told me you went missing when I was 6!"

I flew off somewhere to be alone with my thoughts as I seal myself inside a magic barrier.

I think "{That can't have been my real father... It just can't be!}"

The tom asks "Is something wrong, Danyelle?"


the tom spoke "And I’m sorry your mother and I couldn’t been there for you before we…"


I suddenly saw a spirit right in front of me.

I curl up into a ball since I wanted to be left alone.

The she-cat spoke "Please, calm down, Danyelle."

Ghostfeather spoke "She's having a crisis right now and wants to be left alone.... Plus that black cat is about to scream..."

The she-cat sighs sadly "Very well…"

Ghostfeather spoke "She was so young that she forgot where she came from. Oh! I have an idea! You could try singing that lullaby you used to sing to her!"

The she-cat spoke "*Smile* Very well."

I was silent up until I heard my old lullaby from when I was a week old.

I spoke "I'll deal with you two later, I owe Luna an apology for running off."

I flew back to the others.

I ask "did I miss anything?"

Sonic spoke "No, not much."

I spoke "Thank StarClan.... I'm sorry for running off like that Luna. I was just stressed out."

Luna spoke "It’s understandable."

I spoke "I got a lot on my mind..."

I soon spot a dark navy blue alicorn mare with the same mane colors as Celestia over by a buffet table since she was busy stuffing her face with carrots while a white alicorn stallion with a dark blue mane had facehoofed.

The stallion spoke "Dear, please stop."

Both Celestia and Luna froze in shock when they saw the two alicorns.

I spoke "everyone might want to plug their ears... Screaming in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

I stuff my ears full of cotton before the screaming started.

The Celestial Sisters both scream "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!"

Pixie whines "OW! MY EARS!"

Rei spoke "Saw that coming."

Tails had curled up into a ball.

Sonic groans "Watch the tone Grandma..."

Man, it was one surprise after another.

I spoke "My ears hurt..."

Dren spoke "Same..."

Rei spoke "Man, this is a lot."

I spoke "I'll say.... That double barreled scream busted quite a few eardrums..."

Miyuki spoke "We’ll need some help repairing them."

Maria spoke "Good thing I took up healing though."

One Chaos Heal later and everyone's ears had healed.

I sigh with relief "Much better."

Maria spoke "Thanks."

Korra spoke "My back feels funny."

Rei spoke "Look behind ya."

Miyuki cuffs her mate on the ears.

I spoke "I'll deal with this."

I drag Korra into a room before closing the door and locking it.

Korra removed her shirt.

I gasp "No freaking way..."

A pair of tiny wings was on Korra's back.

Korra asks "What is it?"

I snicker "You've got foal sized wings on your back."

Korra asks "Huh?"

I was on my back while laughing.

I laugh "Twilight's also got foal-sized wings."

Korra spoke "At least I’m not alone."

I spoke "And it's so obvious you have it bad for Mako."

Korra blushed at that.

I tease "You should tell him!"

Korra’s head had steam comically out of it with her head completely red.

I teleport out at the same time I had teleported Mako into the same room as Korra.

I think "{Best to leave them be for now.}"

I soon pick up on the smell of blood.

I spoke "Crap..."

I flew over to where the smell was coming from.

I spoke "Oh StarClan no...."

The body of an Axew was on the ground.

“What happened?” I asked in horror.

Haku was crying.

While comforting a crying Serena, Ash spoke "Someone killed Iris..."

Rei spoke "Hold on a sec. Let me see. *Places a hand on Iris* Hmm… Definitely a fighter. Her spirit’s still clinging onto her body."

I spoke "But she won't last much longer, I sense a dark spirit trying to pull her spirit away."

Rei spoke "We need a fairy-type attack since it’s a dark spirit."

I spoke "Normal and Fighting type attacks won't work on Ghost types."

Diana spoke "I don't even know any fairy type moves! I have Tackle, Swift, Tail Whip and Baby-Doll Eyes. Sadly, my fourth attack is useless in this case."

Miyuki spoke "I know Dazzling Gleam."

Ravenpaw was cowering underneath my tails.

I spoke "Will you cut that out? It's embarrassing."

I used my magic to scan Miyuki's moves.

I spoke "You've got Ice Beam, Safeguard, Ice Shard and Confusion..."

Miyuki spoke "Dang! Must’ve forgotten that move."

I spoke "In the length of time I've known you, I never seen you as a Vulpix."

Miyuki spoke "Yeah, I evolved with an ice stone when Tails was born."

I spoke "I think my mom's half Eevee but I don't remember much since I was 2 weeks old when I lost her and my dad."

I sneeze a bit, shooting out a bit of plasma.

“What the?!” I gasped.

Tails asks "Did you come in contact with both a thunder stone and a fire stone at one point?"

“I-I guess.” I answered in confusion.

Tails spoke "That probably explains it. Your Eevee gene didn't become a Jolteon gene or a Flareon gene, it's a mix of the two Pokemon I just mentioned."

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

Tails scans me with a Pokedex.

"Undiscovered Pokemon, no info available." the mechanical voice said.

Tails spoke "Thought so."

Ash was starry eyed.

Ash spoke "Unknown Pokemon huh? Hey Danyelle, I challenge you to a battle!"

I spoke "Sure! We can have it later on."

Rei spoke "Down boy."

Serena spoke "This is normal for Ash."

Rei asks "Oh, guess he hasn't seen Hisuian, Galarian, Paldean or Paradox Pokemon, huh?"

Ash spoke "I've seen a few Galarian pokemon though."

I spoke "I'm classed as a Paradox since I'm one of a kind."

Rei spoke "Well, Hisuian pokemon are like ancient Sinnoh pokemon."

Kai spoke "That reminds me! I met a female Sprigatito Poké-Mobian and a male Fuecoco Poké-Mobian when I was in the Paldea region."

Rei asks "Really? Who?"

Kai spoke "I didn't get their names since I was busy chasing off a Skarmory."

Rei spoke "Dang."

Kai yawns just as he crashed into a female shiny Lugia Poké-Mobian.

Kai spoke "Sorry!"

Serena nudges Ash.

Serena giggles "Seems like the goofball's got a girlfriend."

Kai shot an Aeroblast at Serena who had ducked, causing the attack to hit Ein instead thus sending him flying.

Rei chuckles "Ooh! Nice one!"

Kai growls "Want an Aeroblast to the face baka Zoroark?"

Rei spoke "Nah, I'm good."

Kai spoke "I'd rather not get an Ice Beam to the face."

Rei spoke "Good call."

Haku whimpers "She's gone...."

Rei spoke "*Gasps before laying a hand on Iris* Not yet, but her spirit's hanging by a thread here! We need to hurry!"

Hydro howls loud while crying, setting off the other Poké-Mobians as they cry.

The ponies, chakats and gryphons were crying as well.

I yowl while crying.

Rei spoke "Grr… Guess I have no other choice since her spirit’s on her last thread. This is gonna hurt."

Rei suddenly clawed one of his palms, causing it to bleed before he placed his bleeding palm onto Iris before flames engulfed her. When the flames faded, Iris’ wounds were all fully healed as Rei was suddenly silent with his palm still on her.

But sadly, the last thread had snapped just before Rei could do anything.

Rei spoke "Tch… Guess it’ll take some time. But I ain’t giving up."

Bolin spoke "It's no use dude... Once someone dies, they can't be brought back."

Dren whacks Bolin on the head.

Dren asks "What about the blue aqua?"

Zoey spoke "That stuff is powerful enough to bring someone back."

Rei asks "Same with the Chaos Emeralds. But tell me, have any of you heard of resuscitate?"

Various murmurs were heard.

I spoke "It's basically CPR but it's not enough in this case..."

Rei spoke "It’s not as simply as that. It can also happen from hearing voices. But it most or least, we got one full day."

Twilight asks "What if we put her body into stasis, would that buy us more time?"

Rei spoke "At the least, it could double it to two days."

Dren spoke "Plus we need someone with a connection to the spirit world."

Rei asks "Korra, right?"

Korra spoke "I heard that!"


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