• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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No Escape

*Tails' POV*

Maurice came back with more civilians as more Birdie Grimions appeared, attacking the dome.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "The dome will only hold so long. And given the rate we're burning through our reserves of Shard power, that won't be long at all."

Rebel spoke "Bogies at 11:00."

Renegade spoke "Another flock of robo roosters."

Rebel spoke "Nine's watching."

Renegade asks "Ain't that a treat?"

Black Rose spoke "Batten down the hatches, buckos. Soon as that thar shield gives, we're as good as gull food."

Thorn spoke "Speak for yourself."

Rust spoke "The last batch was overwhelmed by the three of us. We will handle them."

Dr. Done-It spoke "Balderdash! Nobody will be handling anything if we're all disintegrated."

Prim sarcastically asks "Should we thank you for destroying our homes, too?"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Ungrateful little pest. First, we invite you into the safety of our citadel, then you track mud all over our clean floors, now this!"

Renegade asks "Hey, ain't you the ones that caused this mess in the first place? Huh? Opening the portals in the sky?"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Oh, that tears it!"

The old man was about to fire before Maurice came in, stopping them.

Maurice spoke "We're all friends here, mostly. And there's more than enough mutually assured destruction to go around. No need to double down now, given all the sweat and tears we put into saving each other's skins. Speaking of which, this way, folks. Despite what it looks like, you're safe here."

Four civilians were escorted inside and to another room.

Maurice asks "Wait a minute. Black Rose, where's the rest of your crew? Batten? Sails? Catfish?"

Black Rose was confused as well. "Figured they were somewhere in this cursed place. Has no one seen them? Dread?"

Dread only shrugged.

Maurice spoke "They're still in No Place."

Dr. Don't spoke "Not for long. That place is shattering at the seams. If your friends are there, it's game over."

Danyelle, Deep Lilac and New Yoke Twilight were overworking their magic to keep the others safe.

Danyelle spoke "*throwing a Chaos Barrier up* The two Twilights and I are doing all we can to keep this place stable!"

Shira spoke "I have to talk to Nine..."

Maurice spoke "I have to try."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "There's no time."

Maurice spoke "I'm not leaving anyone behind. I can't."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "You have no choice."

Dr. Done-It spoke "*Shoves Mr. Dr. Eggman away with cane* We all know what'll happen if the fox gets his paws on you two. And I'll be double dog darned if I sit back and twiddle my thumbs while you both give away the store."

Dr. Don't spoke "Samesies."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "*Pushes Dr. Done-It away* Agreed. And let the record show that this has nothing to do with our concern for your wellbeings."

Maurice spoke "Noted. Now that we've got that cleared up, back in a jiff."

Rebel spoke "*Stops Maurice* Sonic, I hate to admit it, but they've got a point. It's too dangerous. You can't risk yourselves."

Maurice spoke "I'm sorry, Rebel, but I can't risk the lives of my friends."

Rebel spoke "You're risking them either way."

Renegade spoke "You and Shira can't let Nine get a hold on you both, Blue."

Maurice spoke "But I'd do the same for any of you. Besides, what part of "back in a jiff" do you guys not get? I'm fast. It's my thing."

Maurice was about to run off before Black Rose's scabbard got into the door in front of him.

Maurice asks "You, too?"

Black Rose asks "I'm afraid you've mistaken our intentions. You'll be needing a ship to bring him back in, won't 'che?"

That helped us smile that Black Rose was willing to help.

Luna spoke "But we can't be reckless either. If that fox get his hands on the rest of the prism energy, it's game over for ALL of us."

New Yoke Danyelle whistles loud before her entire pack of direhowls arrive with the other civilians that had gotten missed by Maurice.

New Yoke Danyelle spoke "Like the two-tailed cat said, we're stronger together."

Black Rose spoke "Ah'll be your captain, former captain."

Maurice asks "How about it, Dread? Care to hit the high seas again?"

Dread asks "If there be no treasure, what's in it for me?"

Black Rose spoke "Some legend ye are. *Brings back out her scabbard* Come on. Time's a wasting."

Deep Lilac spoke "*bringing out her sword* Let's do it to it everyone! Let's stop Nine and save the world!"

Midnight and the direhowls howl loud.

New Yoke Danyelle spoke "YEAH!!!"

The slower of the fighters were on the backs of the direhowls as Deep Lilac leads the group aboard the Shattercraft since I had repaired the damages.

Those of us who volunteered went after Maurice and the Amys and Boscage Birdie as we took off into the blue portal, going into No Place.

Black Rose spoke "I've sailed these seas my whole life, seen weather fair and foul, tides high and low. But cross me heart, ain't never seen nothing like this."

Rust Rose scanned the city ahead before lowering back down. "I have detected multiple heat signatures. 800 meters south-southwest."

Black Rose spoke "*Looking through spyglass* It's the Angel's Voyage. She's in trouble."

Maurice spoke "Punch it!"

The Kraken accelerated before we dodged some plasma blasts, seeing Grimion Birdie before Boscage Birdie and Thorn attacked one while Rusty fired at another.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "Grim Birds, attack the pirates!"

The Grimion Birdies flew ahead as prism lightning struck ahead of us, causing a giant rock to rise out of the water to block the way.

Black Rose spoke "Hold steady."

The Kraken started going up and over the rock before it bumped into it a bit, causing Maurice to fall off before he landed on the water and started running on it while dodging prism lightning bolts before the hologram faded. We soon reached the Angel's Voyage as Maurice readied to help.

Maurice spoke "Chew on this!"

Maurice attacked a Grimion, sending it into the water before he dodged another.

Maurice spoke "Whoa, whoa! *Dodges another* Yikes! *As another Grimion appeared* Oh, no."

But then Maurice was grabbed by another Grimion and thrown onto deck before he was pinned down.

Maurice spoke "Whoa... that... tickles."

But then the Grimion pinning him was sent into the sea by a plasma blast.

Batten spoke "The Kraken!"

Maurice got into the Crow's Nest with the pirate crew members while Catfish hanged onto the mast as Batten and Sails were flying. The Kraken then turned around and lowered it's drawbridge on the back as Maurice, Sails and Batten got the other crewmates onto the Kraken as Batten was about to get Catfish before she was being chased by a Grimion.

Maurice spoke "Come on, Catfish, jump!"

Catfish was about to jump before Batten and the Grimion chasing her flew by. No Place Froggy jumped on as he turned back towards Catfish.

Maurice spoke "You got this Catfish, come on!"

Maurice soon attacked a Grimion heading for the mast as Catfish jumped into the Kracken. Maurice then dodged a blast.

Maurice spoke "Bad bird."

Then Boscage Birdie flew in with Thorn whacking the Grimion before another Grimion was behind Maurice with a screech as he turned around, seeing the enemy before jumping onto Boscage Birdie as the three dodged the Grimion and flew into the Kracken as it was heading straight for us.

Rust spoke "Target acquired."

Rust fired at the Grimion, hitting it multiple times before it exploded as Rust smiled at that before we started taking off.

Midnight leaps high before clamping his fangs into a Grimion Birdie, crushing it.

Maurice spoke "Boy, you guys sure pack a punch."

Midnight spoke "Just goes to show, you don't mess with a demon!"

A draconic roar that reminded me of a Night Fury was heard before a Grimion Rouge was shot down with a fire attack.

A purple dragon spoke "Sorry I'm late Tails, I had to get help from Dragon Lord Torch and the other dragons!"

"Wait... was that?" I gasped in surprise.

Natsu spoke "My other brother, Spyro."

Deep Lilac spoke "Wow, Spike is gonna lose it when he finds out about this."

Since he was on Spyro's back due to not having his wings yet, Spike spoke "I heard that Twilight!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Oh! Uh... *Embarrassed blush* Sorry about that."

Spyro chuckles "So, you're the alicorn that my brothers have been talking about."

Deep Lilac spoke "*Nervous giggle* That's me."

Black Rose spoke "Best start packing another."

We went outside onto deck as we saw more Birdie Grimions heading for us.

Maurice spoke "What's that old saying? Out of the frying pan..."

Batten spoke "And into your gullet."

Spyro chuckles "That's "and into the fire."

Batten spoke "Arr, pirates have their own sayings."

Maurice spoke "Hang on."

But then the leading Grimion was shot before it exploded.

Korra laughs "AND IT'S OUT OF HERE!!!!"

Several firebending Pegasi charge into battle, zapping the Grimions with lightning.

Lightning Dust was among the Pegasi as she fought back.

Adagio laughs "If ya can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!"

But then we heard laughter as we saw a Yolkomotive showed up, having destroyed that leading Grimion.

Batten asks "Is that?"

Maurice spoke "Yeah, still getting used to it myself."

Dr. Done-It spoke "Told you I wasn't going to twiddle my thumbs. If the blue and fox bothers go down, we all go down.

Dr. Deep spoke "Here, here."

Sonic and I spoke "We resent that remark!"

Jet spoke "The fate of the multiverse is on our shoulders. We DON'T have time to bicker with each other!"

Applejack spoke "He's right ya know? Everyone is countin' on us."

Rust started firing at more Grimions.

Black Rose spoke "Show them scallywags."

Thorn Rose and Boscage fought two Grimions as Thorn got onto one while the giant Birdie grabbed the other. Thorn then made the one she was on crash into the one Boscage Birdie held in her talons as the hedgehog hugged her.

Dr. Done-It spoke "*As two Grimions were pecking on the windshield* Get these blasted pigeons out of my way!"

Blasters came out and destroyed the two Grimions.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Finally."

The Yolkomotive then dodged the Kracken.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Go, dang nabbit! We'll cover ya!"

Black Rose spoke "Hold fast!"

The Kracken then went super fast as we were sent a bit back while the two ships headed right for the portal.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "I'll never let you escape, Sonic. I need you and the rest of the Prism Energy to finish the Grim."

Then prism lightning struck, taking out the Kracken's front right propeller as a crewmate was about to fall overboard.

Maurice spoke "Hey! *Grabs crewmate before bringing him back on board* Got you, little buddy."

The Kracken grinded against a building, taking out its front left propeller as Catfish fell on Rust and Sails.

Sails spoke "Hold on to something."

Clinging to the side of the airship, Maurice spoke "If I didn't hate water, this would make a great amusement park ride!"

Black Rose spoke "We're going down!"

Maurice spoke "No!"

But then the Kracken stopped falling.

Midnight grabs Maurice with one of his tails and pulling the blue hedgehog up onto the boat.

Shira shouts "Looks like I'm going to have to punish you for all of this mess once we stop you!"

Nine was unfazed by that threat as we noticed the Yolkomotive below the Kracken, lifting it up.

Dr. Done-It: What are you waiting for? Get moving. *Sigh* Youths these days.

Black Rose: Arr!

All four of the Kracken's propellers were back online as we took off again.

Maurice: We're almost home free!

But then prism lightning struck again, making the Kracken tilt as Maurice almost fell off despite the fact that Midnight had a tail wrapped around the hedgehog's waist.

Maurice: Why do I keep saying stuff like that?

A Grimion tried to pull Maurice off.

Maurice spoke "Hey, *Kicks Grimion off him* watch the kicks!"

The Grimion was still on as it was about to fire before a scabbard stabbed into its head, causing the Grimion's head to spark as it fell off the Kracken and back into the water with Batten chuckling as she did the deed before the ladder pulled Maurice back up.

Black Rose spoke "Fair thee well, sweet salty seas of yesteryear."

We went into the red portal, getting back to New Yoke as we went back into the dome before the shields went up.

Shira spoke "Ugh, I'm starting to hate that fox's attitude. He doesn't give a damn about what happens to us all!"

Shira started shouting profanities that even a pirate would be ashamed to say.

Soon, we went inside the Yoke as Maurice shook off any water on him.

Dr. Deep spoke "Hey, watch it! This is my last pressed jacket."

Maurice spoke "Sorry. Nice moves back there. You know, for an evil egg-o-maniac. I guess thanks are in order."

Rebel asks "*Confused* What are you, buddies now?"

Maurice spoke "What do you want me to say? They helped us."

Dr. Deep spoke "We did more than help. If it weren't for us, you'd be six fathoms under by now."

Rust spoke "Do not forget who piloted the getaway vehicle."

Dr. Done-It asks "You mean the one you almost sunk?"

Renegade scoffs "Awful quick to brag about a bad idea, ain't ya?"

Dr. Deep spoke "Easy for you to say, coward."

Renegade spoke "Come say that to my face, egghead."

Maurice spoke "Guys, please. This was a win for all of us."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Was it? Your little friends are safe, but at what cost? The fox can conjure up more minions with the snap of his fingers."

Rebel spoke "Says the guy who built Eggforcers by the dozens."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Whereas our fleet is damaged, our troops are spent, and we're almost out of time! Should have let them go down with their ship and their world."

Maurice spoke "Sorry, but losing anyone is not an option. *Sees more buildings turning to crystals and shattering* Nine is the only one who can stop this. The only way he'll do that is if Shira and I give ourselves up."

That shocked all of us as we gasped at that.

Deep Lilac spoke "Hold on a minute Maurice, Nine thinks that my sword still has the prism energy."

Dagio spoke "Arr, the hybrid be right Blue. That there backstabber don' know that the white vixen has the prism energy. We be able ta use that ta our advantage."

Maurice spoke "No. Nine clearly knows about Shira having prism energy, he’s not stupid."

Danyelle spoke "Stars above! Can you two not argue? There's still a bit of prism energy left in Twilight's sword. But it's not enough to get her captured."

Shira had a faint blush on her face.

Renegade asks "How about instead of letting Blue and the other two take the fall, we take the fight to Nine?"

Dagio spoke "Aye, I was thinkin' the same thing meself."

Danyelle asks "What do you think Black?"

The others cheered, ready to do that.

Dr. Deep spoke "I’ll say this much. In the Fox’s position, we’d double cross you without a second thought."

Maurice spoke "Nine isn’t like you."

Dr. Done-It spoke "There are only two kinds of folks in this world, those who’ve got power, and those who want it. Face it. Your fox has changed."

Tails growls "I'd never double cross my friends though."

Danyelle spoke "*looking at Dr. Done-It* You might want to choose your words carefully sir, there is a Tails with us."

Maurice sighs "First the shards, then Shadow, now this. I gotta admit, this whole losing thing is not my cup of chili. How do you do it?"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Ha. We never lose.

Dr. Deep spoke "We learn from our setback.

Dr. Don’t spoke "We make tweaks.

Dr. Babbles spoke gibberish.

Mr. Dr. Eggman sTpoke "hen take the next step towards our inevitable victory.

Renegade spoke "Real inspirational stuff coming from the likes of them.

Maurice spoke "Actually, it kind of is. Say what you will about these guys, but they never quit. I’ve had my share of setbacks, I’ve made some tweaks, and I think I’m ready to take that next step. *Sigh* This is my mess, and I’m going to fix it. Whatever happens, it’s been an honor."

I spoke "It may have been your mess Maurice but it's a mess you dragged the rest of us into. So don't you DARE think for a moment you have to do this alone."

Danyelle and the others all nod in agreement.

Sonic spoke "Exactly other me, we got involved when you ended up in Equestria. And by my great aunt's mane, we're seeing this through to the end!"

But Maurice ran while grabbing me and Shira, heading outside.

Maurice spoke "Nine!"

Nine *Hologram* asks "So, you three finally come to your senses?"

Maurice spoke "Hardly. But we’re ready to give ourselves up."

Nine *Hologram* spoke "Finally."

Maurice spoke "But, we want some assurances first."

Nine *Hologram* asks "Like what?"

Maurice spoke "You’ll agree to spare our friends."

Nine *Hologram* spoke " Agreed."

Maurice spoke "And you’ll promise to rebuild their worlds back to the way they were."

Nine *Hologram* spoke "Deal."

Maurice spoke "Alright, then. Let’s go."

The hologram vanished as a portal to the Grim appeared before Maurice grabbed me and Shira and started running.

Rebel spoke "Sonic, stop!"

Renegade spoke "Get back here with the others, Blue."

Black Rose spoke "Don’t be a fool."

The three of us broke out of the dome and went right into the portal while I signaled Danyelle to initiate plan B.

The three of us landed in the Grim as we walked forward before encountering the Grim Alphas, seeing robo versions of me, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

Nine spoke "Don’t worry. *Walks past the Grim Alphas* Beneath the surface, my new friends are far simpler than the flawed creatures you knew and loved. And all the more loyal for it."

Maurice asks "Ever wonder where we’d be if things had gone differently between us?"

Nine spoke "*Crosses arms* Not anymore."

Maurice spoke "I do. All the time."

Nine spoke "You and those two had their chance."

Maurice asks "Right back at you, bud. *Sigh* Should we get this over with?"

Nine spoke "*Smirk* You know, after all this time, I think I finally understand you, Sonic."

Maurice asks "I’m fast, funny, and love a good chili dog. What’s not to get?"

Nine spoke "*Stands on his robo tails* You want to save everyone. Friends, foes, total strangers. You say it’s because you’re a hero, and that’s what heroes do, but deep down, after what you did, destroying your own home, it’s the only way you can ever live with yourself. Even if that means you won’t live at all."

Maurice spoke "There’s a good chance none of us walks away from this."

Nine spoke "*Stands back on his feet* I’m aware of the risks, thank you."

Maurice asks "If we don’t make it and you do, how do we know you’ll keep your promise?"

Nine spoke "Don’t worry. Your “friends” are safe. Once I add your energies, I can restore everything. They can have their silly lives and their silly spaces as long as they leave me alone."

Maurice spoke "Fair enough. *Nine aims his robo tails at us* And for what it’s worth, we, especially I, would have done the same for you."

Nine spoke "Don’t lie to me."

Maurice spoke "We’re not-"

Nine spoke "Don’t."

Maurice spoke "Think whatever you want. But it’s true. Even after everything you’ve done, everything we’ve been through, together, against each other, you’re still my friend, Nine."

That caught Nine off guard as he withdrew his robo tails before my sword, Shira’s tail and Maurice’s shoes started pulsating.

Nine asks "What’s happening?"

Maurice spoke "Wha-I don’t know."

Nine asks "What are you three doing?"

Maurice spoke "We’re not doing anything."

But then energy from my sword, Shira’s tail and Maurice’s shoes shot out into a spot in the sky, opening a portal as the Yolkomotives and Mothership came out.

Dr. Deep spoke "Holding frequency… the dome is breached."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Egg-cellent! Now don’t land on the hedgehog, vixen and hybrid!"

Nine was shocked and even a bit scared, but the shock and fear turned into angry and fury.


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