• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Asuna Versus Celestia! Cake Competition!

*Asuna's POV*

I was up in Canterlot with Huey since Celestia had the gall to challenge me to a sweets competition.

Huey asks "You sure about this mom?"

“Absolutely. No holds barred, which means anything goes.” I smirked.

Huey spoke "Too bad Uncle Face doesn't like sweets."

I snicker "Yeah."

Orion spoke "*Teleports in* I heard that, Asuna."

Huey spoke "Uncle Face!"

I spoke "I still can't believe Twilight bit me back at Mount Aris..."

Orion spoke "I won’t say you did not deserve it."

I groan "Stuff a Tamato Berry in it brother."

Danytwo was at the local ramen shop since she was having her lunch.

Danytwo spoke "Tasty!"

I spoke "I swear, she reminds me of Danyelle..."

Danyelle pops up suddenly with Rani and Irene in tow.

Danyelle asks "Did some 'Two call me?"

I pointed to the ‘Two eating ramen.

Huey spoke "Oh... Uncle Face is in trouble now!"

After passing Irene and Rani over to me, Danyelle pounces on Orion before tickling him relentlessly.

Orion was trying his hardest to cover his mouth.

Danyelle tickles the bottom of Orion's feet.

Orion found himself struggling.

Danyelle aims the tips of her tails at Orion's armpits, tickling him there.

Orion was almost at the edge.

Danyelle uses her wings to tickle Orion's sides.

Orion now needed just one more little push.

Danyelle snickers "Don't make me call Rainbowtwo here~!"

Orion then burst out in laughter.

Danyelle giggles "Gotcha!"

Heehee, well, this is gonna be fun either way.

*Celestia's POV*

Asuna challenged me to a no holds barred anything goes sweets competition? Oh, this is gonna be fun!

Luna spoke "Calm yourself, sister."

I spoke "I'm not letting her get the better of me when it comes to cakes."

Luna spoke "But you might get carried away, and then again, so might Asuna, since this is all-out."

I spoke "Then there's Jasmine..."

Luna spoke "You accepted the challenge, which was no holds barred and anything goes."

*Sigh* My sister had a point, I can’t go back now.

Asuna spoke "Hey Sunbutt! I'm here for the challenge!"

Pyre spoke "I was rather shocked when Zoey's alicorn powers manifested."

Shirou spoke "That nekomata-Mewtwo hybrid's a total weirdo."

Luna asks "Danytwo?"

Shirou spoke "Yeah, she's been following Sonia around lately..."

“Now that would intrigue Cadence.” I smirked.

Shirou spoke "Yeah, given that mares rule the roost since there are more of them than stallions."

Pyre asks "Anyhow, are you ready, Celly?"

I spoke "Yeah."

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Wow! This contest is gonna be awesome to watch! Celestia and Asuna showed up.

Indigo spoke "Every 'Two was talking about it since they heard the news."

Pinkie asks "Hey, wanna know what I heard?"

Indigo's tail had fully fluffed up in surprise.

Indigo spoke "For the love of Arcee, DON'T sneak up on me like that pink one! AND QUIT LAUGHING AT ME ASH!!!"

Ash snickers "Sorry, it’s just too good."

Serena pulls Ash's right ear.

Serena spoke "You shouldn't be picking on your brother like that Ash."

Ash spoke "*right ear in pain* Okay! Okay! Calm down!"

Serena spoke "Scaredy Skitty or not, he's still your brother."

Sonia spoke "Grandma!"

Luna showed up.

To Luna's surprise, a pair of wings were growing out from Sonia's back.

Luna asks "Sonia? What happened?"

Sonia spoke "No idea, I woke up with them growing out of my back."

Jasmine showed up. “Alright! Both competitors ready?”

Asuna spoke "Ready!"

Celestia spoke "Same!"

Shirou howls to indicate the competition has begun.

Asuna chows down on several cakes.

Celestia was doing the same as both contestants were neck and neck, while totally unaware of their slowly growing barrels.

Twilight spoke "For such a kind 'Two, she's got a bottomless stomach..."

Luna spoke "I wouldn’t underestimate my sister, Twilight, since alicorns can have large appetite at times."

Sonia spoke "According to Sonic, Kirby's worse."

Twilight snickers "Yeah, that guy's a literal black hole when it comes to food."

Rei asks "And can ya believe that Dedede tries to match him?"

Adagio spoke "Some folks just don't have limits though..."

Celestia and Asuna kept eating, not even caring that they’re 1,000 pounds now.

Danyelle spoke "Let's just hope Newlestia doesn't enter..."

Twilight and I facehoofed at that.

Huey spoke "Go mama!"

The two contestants kept ravenously eating as they were now 10,000 pounds as Asuna's clothing stretched along with her body without damage, which was definitely a relief.

Jasmine spoke "Just a precaution since there’s kids and males here."

Twilight spoke "Chakats too."

Jasmine spoke "I think Chakats are okay."

Twilight spoke "Rarity had a fit trying to make clothes for the Black Arm refugees."

I winced at that as Celestia and Asuna kept eating, now at 100,000 pounds!

Shirou howls once more, indicating the contest was done.

Suddenly, the floor under Celestia cracks thus causing her to fall.

But then the floor under Asuna cracked too, causing her to fall as well.

Jasmine spoke "*Facepalm!* The floor! Oh, I knew I forgot to modify something!"

Asuna over exerts her Psychic to hold herself up.

Danyelle wingslaps Jasmine on the back of the head.

Celestia was over exerting her levitation spell to hold herself up too.

Asuna spoke "I can *urp* hold out longer than you can Sunbutt..."

Celestia spoke "No way, *belch* I'll stay up longer than you without my wings Catflank..."

Celestia's wings were definitely bigger now, definitely able to lift her, but now it was to see who's brain can hold out longer. After a minute, we could definitely see a bead of sweat on both Celestia and Asuna's heads.

Celestia taunts "What's wrong Asuna? Feeling winded?"

Asuna spoke "Not a chance! Plus I know for a fact that a smack to the horn can cancel out your magic."

Neither of them could notice or hear it, but Asuna and Celestia's stomachs started rumbling as the alicorn winced at that, knowing that was true.

Celestia counters "Oh yeah? The same can be said for a smack to the head being able to cancel out psychic-type moves, especially Psychic!"

Asuna winced, knowing Celestia had a point at that.

Twilight spoke "*sweatdrop* Celestia, you do realize you insulted Danyelle and all of the Mewtwos with what you said."

Suddenly, Indigo was bloated as he was about the same weight as Asuna.

Indigo spoke "JASMINE!!! YOU *****!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME??? I CAN'T MOVE!!!"

Jasmine spoke "*Genuinely surprised* What the?! This wasn’t supposed to happen. What’s going on? Wait a second…"

Celestia and Asuna didn’t hear them, but we heard the two competitors’ stomachs rumble louder.

Twilight roars "HIT THE DECK!!!"

The other 'Twos all scatter before Celestia and Asuna let out a loud belch.

Celestia asks "Heh, still going?"

Asuna asks "Not done either, huh?"

Now an hour passed with Celestia and Asuna's whole bodies sweating up a storm.

Jasmine spoke "Whoa, I didn't expect the contest to go on this long."

Shirou whacks Jasmine.

Shirou spoke "Did you not hear my howl? That was a signal to end the competition."

Jasmine spoke "I know, but Celestia and Asuna clearly don't wanna stop until one of them runs out. And no one interferes. I just wanna make sure this ends fairly."

But then Celestia and Asuna started blushing red before their entire bodies started blushing as their stomachs started gurgling incredibly loudly while their bellies actually jiggled a ton from the inside growling.

Jasmine spoke "Uh... And I think it'll end soon."

Jasmine snapped her fingers, which I think did something to the castle, but none of us could see anything that changed.

Jasmine spoke "I think everyone in the castle should evacuate."

That made most of us confused.

Danyelle spoke "The 'Twos minus Indigo already bolted... Which caused all the castle staff to flee as well."

Jasmine spoke "Well, I figured out what's going on now. The effort the two are putting into keeping themselves are building up something inside them, and if it bursts out an exit, my magic might go a bit bonkers, which explains why Indigo is like that now. I modified the entire castle to hold that energy in and neutralize it when all of that energy bursts out, but with how Celestia and Asuna are looking, all that energy building up in them might burst out of all exits. Fortunately, it won't make any new exits, but we should get outta here."

Jasmine snapped her fingers as all of us were outside the castle while Celestia and Asuna were still in the castle before Jasmine made a one-way window to show us what was going on.

Celestia groans "Ooh... Why do I feel so good...?"

Asuna spoke "Aah... For some reason, I do too..."

The two contestants were moaning up a storm before they simultaneously let out planet-rumbling burps and farts all at once, cracking the window, making it go static and silent before Jasmine keep sensing before we felt the ground shake.

Jasmine spoke "Well, time to help clean up."

Jasmine teleported into the castle before teleporting back with a couple dozens of gallon containers.

Jasmine spoke "I wore a hazmat suit while in there, and I made sure that everything's back under control."

Jasmine snapped her fingers, reverting Indigo back to normal, much to his relief.

Jasmine spoke "But Celestia and Asuna are a different story."

Jasmine snapped her fingers, teleporting us to Celestia and Asuna, who were on their backs and both still 100,000 pounds, but they didn't seem to mind at all.

Celestia and Asuna ask "Who... *Pant* won...?"

Jasmine spoke "When I looked back, I thought it would be a straight tie at first, but it turned out by the SMALLEST millimeter higher, Asuna won the competition."

The two of them definitely looked surprised before they started laughing without a care as their whole bodies jiggled.

Danyelle spoke "I'm planning to host a Nightmare Night party here in the castle on the 31st."

Luna asks "Really?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Luna spoke "Yes!"

Jasmine snapped her fingers, but nothing happened. "*Sigh* I was afraid this would happen."

Amaterasu appears suddenly before growling.

Danyelle spoke "Something's not right...."

But then Amaterasu stopped growling before shaking her head in confusion, leaving Danyelle confused before turning towards Jasmine.

Danyelle growls "What gives Jas?"

Jasmine spoke "Why does this happen when my magic goes beyond control at the most inopportune times? I should be glad for all of existence lucky that it's only temporary."

Danyelle spoke "I've been exposed to magic since I was a month old, perhaps that's why I became the Mobian Element of Magic..."

Jasmine spoke "Yeah, but thanks to my magic going bonkers, nothing can be done about Celestia and Asuna for a week."

That left us shocked.

Jasmine spoke "But once a week has passed by, I'll get those two back to normal."

Asuna asks "Stuck like this for a week, huh?"

Celestia spoke "That isn't much of a problem at all."

Asuna asks "We could do this contest again sometime, Celly. Next month?"

Celestia giggles "I don't see why not, and maybe we could have some friends join us as well."

The two giggled at that before they fist-bumped/hoof-bumped.

Danyelle sneezes loudly, restoring Asuna and Celestia back to normal.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry Jas... Dust allergy."

Jasmine's jaw literally dropped to the floor in total confusion. "I don't know how you did that, but as much as I want to, I'm not gonna question it. And that's a lot coming from a draconequus."

Danyelle spoke "Side effect of my Mew blood and my magic, weird things can happen."

Danyelle gave out a light fiery burp before Celestia and Asuna were back to how they were before her sneeze.

Danyelle spoke "*Bead of sweat* Oops."

Jasmine comically fell onto her back at that. "Guess it really is for a week then."

Danyelle spoke "*Apologetic smile with closed eyes* Yeah, sorry about that. I had ramen earlier, and I guess I still have a little gas from."

Celestia and Asuna spoke "*Calmly smiling* No problem."

Huey was hiding behind a vase.

A scroll had appeared due to the burp.

Danyelle asks "Hmm?"

Danyelle's eyes shrink in shock.

Danyelle spoke "Oh sugar honey iced tea! All Mewtwos! FOLLOW ME!!!"

Danyelle immediately took flight after using her magic to transfer Asuna's extra weight to Jasmine.

Asuna and the other 'Twos follow Danyelle.

Much to the shock of the group, all of Ponyville was missing.

Twilight calls out Spike's name but got no response.

"What the hay is going on?!" I growled.

Danyelle spoke "I don't know what just..."

Danyelle's eyes flash white as she got a vision from StarClan.

Danyelle spoke "I hate to say this but we have to go to Edolas..."


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