• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Fighting the Illness?/ Origins of the First Alicorns

*Applejack’s POV*

We got to Appleloosa when we saw Braeburn with a bison, while mah cousin looked worried about something.

Sonic asks "Is everything okay?"

Braeburn spoke "Ah don’t know, I just hope the others are okay."

Then Honeystar got back here.

Honeystar spoke "<Alicorn, fox and cat have gone with fairy to check something out.>"

But then the three somehow appeared from dust devils with a chakat in a Chaos Barrier and a strange hippogriff.

Danyelle checks to make sure Rani was okay.

Rani was definitely fine.

Danyelle sighs with relief before she's tackled by her other seven children though Irene was clinging to Bluestar's back.

"What happened?" I asked.

Rei spoke "Nothing much."

Danyelle giggles "Gallus, Bluestar, Ravenpaw, Dart, Ruff, Pouncer, Irene... You seven are little troublemakers."

"Anyway, I know about the disease, and so Teermakus here." Rei said, introducing the hippogriff. Teermakus? That's an odd name.

Danyelle spoke "Aside from Twilight fainting.... then throwing up...."

Tails asks "Is Nurse Redheart around?"

Zoey spoke "Uh, Redheart is not certified to handle Cyniclon or Mobian pregnancies... If that were the case..."

Danyelle asks "Wait, you can tell?"

Dren spoke "I know Deep Blue though. Despite being born a Cyniclon, he takes on the form of a Mobian cat in Equestria. It's kind of a zone rule."

Sonic spoke "And going off that, there exists a zone where everyone is the opposite... Basically... Since I'm a good guy, my opposite is a bad guy."

Rei spoke "Let's just stop at that."

Being the eldest of the group of kids that were adopted by Danyelle, Gallus and Bluestar were both growling as a unidentified warp ring opens up.

Danyelle growls as well, knowing full well that Twilight was in no state to fight.

But then Raptor came out of it as it closed. "Hey guys, what's goin' on?"

Danyelle spoke "It's a long story."

But then a dark dust devil blew in as it came together, revealin'... a green Sonic?

Sonata was snarling since she knew the hedgehog wasn't Manic.

The green Sonic darkly smirked with green energy surging around him.

Sonic growls "What do you want Scourge?"

Scourge spoke "Hehehe, just being nice and letting you off with a warning."

Scourge suddenly vanished, having gone back to his world.

Danyelle asks "Any idea what he meant by that Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "Heck if I know."

Rei spoke "Anyway, I need to explain the disease."

Danyelle spoke "We're all listening."

Rei asks "Sure thi-*Stammers* Didn’t Teermakus and I already explain to you, Danyelle?"

Danyelle spoke "I forgot.... Side effect of having ADHD... Plus Twilight passed out because of info overload."

Rei spoke "Oh, but that was from the other thing, not the disease."

Suddenly, the fiery orange chakat woke up and was trying to get out of the bubble.

Teermakus spoke "The bloodlust is controlling hir."

Twilight spoke "Uh dude, all chakats and their subspecies are hermaphrodites... Meaning they're both male and female."

Rei spoke "Hey, Teermakus is new to it, so don't blame him for getting confused."

Twilight spoke "He has never seen a chakat before either."

"Anyway, what's this about the disease?" I asked.

Twilight spoke "I think Rei and Teermakus should explain."

Gallus spoke "Agreed before someone else gets infected."

Rei spoke "Don't worry, we'll be fine, as long as no one touches anyone who's infected. The disease is known as Tarkat and long story short, turns the infected into carnivorous beasts with spikes and retractable blades on their front legs or arms. And before you ask, it can be fatal."

Teermakus spoke "Miraculously, the progression of Tarkat varies on the infected. But there is no cure for it."

Danyelle asks "Would a vaccine slow the progress?"

Rei spoke "Probably, but we don't know for sure."

The fiery orange chakat growls "OI! LET ME OUT!!!"

Danyelle spoke "And infect one of us? Not a chance!"

Rei spoke "*Sigh* We might have to risk it. Teermakus can help both hir and Braeburn control their bloodlust."

Teermakus nodded in agreement with that.

Danyelle spoke "So age has no effect as far as that virus is concerned."

Sonic growls "Rei... this mess is YOUR fault! You brought the virus into Equestria!"

Rei spoke "Calm yourself, Sonic. I wasn't aware that Teermakus was somehow trapped in Equestria. But there are possibilities that some creatures could be immune, but that hasn't been proven. Even though I encountered those with Tarkat before, I haven't had symptoms of it."

Danyelle spoke "Wait a minute... Immune... THAT'S IT!! Folks like Arcee and Dialga have stronger immune systems so it's not likely they'd get infected!"

Rei spoke "Mythical and Legendary Pokemon and Poke-Mobians, I can see being immune. But I don't think that'll help."

Danyelle spoke "Arcee rarely comes down sick though."

"...I think Rei's right, we have to risk it." I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "But babies, children and pregnant females have a high risk though..."

The barrier suddenly shatters as the fiery chakat launches hirself at Danyelle, only for Arcee to block the bite with an arm.

Arcee spoke "Rei is right though. If we just leave those infected in barriers like this, then we're no better than the ones who shunned and banished them to the Wastes."

That truth hit Danyelle like a ton o' bricks.

Danyelle spoke "But I refuse to kill a child though..."

Arcee spoke "Then we can use a spell to make sure anyone else doesn't get Tarkat."

Danyelle asks "Would Chaos Reversal reverse the damage that was already inflicted?"

Arcee spoke "I'm afraid not."

Danyelle spoke "Oh cuss..."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "Uh guys... gals... We're surrounded..."

Suddenly, Heartless were all around us while having sharp fangs and blades coming out of their arms.

Rei spoke "Oh great, this is the last thing we needed. The Heartless have weaponized Tarkat."

Arcee spoke "Hmm... Fortunately, those Heartless cannot inflict Tarkat."

A black blur slams into a Heartless, causing it to vanish.


The black furred Mobian she-cat was holding a keyblade in each hand as she sliced up the Heartless.

A Heartless attacked Braeburn, knocking him back.

Danyelle yowls "TACHIGAMI! SLICE 'EM UP!!"

A white rat with red markings goes hogwild on the Heartless, ripping them to shreds.

Braeburn seemed to be in pain fer some reason. "Y'all right, Braeburn?"

Braeburn groans "Effects... wearing off... Must... stay in... control...!"

The fiery orange chakat turned hir attention on the heartless before savagely ripping them apart.

Braeburn's mouth suddenly got bigger as his teeth got a whole lot sharper. "Grr... You mess with mah family and friends, y'all won't like what happens next." Braeburn growled at the Heartless before fightin' them.

Zoey spoke "Huh, I had no idea the virus could be used as a strength boost to fight!"

Teermakus spoke "*As his symptoms started showing again* Battle also brings out Tarkat's symptoms, as well as increase their bloodlust."

Braeburn then bit off the head of a Heartless, much to our surprise except Rei and Teermakus.

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps we've only been looking at the negative side of the virus..."

Braeburn suddenly grew blades on his front legs and he sliced a group of Heartless to shreds.

Teermakus spoke "Now you see how those with Tarkat fight so fiercely."

Teermakus joined the battle, fighting with his wrist blades as he somehow fired one of 'em at a Heartless as that blade grew back.

The fiery orange chakat grabs a heartless by the neck with hir mouth, using the sabers to stop it from escaping as shi shook it senseless like a ragdoll.

Rei spoke "*Brings out a chain spear* Good thing I have a weapon with me just in case. And now a pinch of Flamethrower. *Breaths fire on the weapon, increasing its strength* Let's go!"

Rei held the chains as he threw the spear at a Heartless before gripping the chains hard.

Rei spoke "GET OVER HERE!!!"

Rei yanked the chains with one pull as the Heartless flew towards him.

Rei spoke "Night Slash!"

Rei then slashed the Heartless with his claws as it vanished in defeat.

Danyelle yowls "FLAME CLAW SLASH!!!"

Two Heartless catch on fire as they run around, causing other Heartless to catch on fire.

Danyelle laughs "HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Twilight spoke "JOSUKE! HELP!!!!"

A voice spoke "DORA!!!"

A Heartless was suddenly punched by the air.

All 19 pieces of Danyelle's Stand, Celestial Gods, suddenly appear before fighting the Heartless.

Soon enough, the Heartless all vanish.

Twilight asks "Is it over?"

Rei spoke "Yep."

Braeburn and the fiery orange chakat suddenly fell to the ground, exhausted.

Crosswind asks "Ya okay Braeburn?"

Braeburn groans "Ugh... So... Tired..."

Teermakus spoke "The first battle is always exhausting for the newly infected."

Maria used Chaos Heal to restore Braeburn's energy back to normal while minding her distance and not touching him directly.

Braeburn spoke "Hoowee, thanks."

Strongheart groans "Ugh..."

Danyelle spoke "That's the Mobian Element of Kindness for ya, she helps others in need."

Braeburn asks "Nice, but is Strongheart okay?"

Danyelle glances over at Strongheart as her eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "She's infected..."

Buffalo horn suddenly grew on Strongheart, but they looked more sharper as her mouth got bigger and her teeth became sharper with her eyes turning slitted and orange.

Maria spoke "Shit! Chaos HEAL!!!"

The virus suddenly recedes on Strongheart.

Strongheart groans "Ugh... What was that?"

Maria spoke "That was my divine skill, Chaos Heal. It was given to me by High Goddess Faust herself to aid those in battle or to heal people back to full strength."

Danyelle spoke "My Chaos Barrier restrains infected folks from lashing out. Plus I also have the strongest Stand in existence, Celestial Gods which is lead by the goddess of the sun Amaterasu."

Twilight spoke "I am rather curious about that Skyros place..."

Rei spoke "We'll have to ask Celestia and Luna about it."

Midnight spoke "Or you could just ask me and Opaline since we're from Skyros too."

Rei spoke "Oh, right. Forgot about that."

Midnight and Opaline combine their magic to show the others what Skyros had looked like long ago.

*Midnight's POV*

I spoke "I was the only oddball in Skyros since others were afraid of me because of who my parents were. Being the only eleven tailed foxpony in existence was hard for me, until I met the love of my life. I constantly followed Opaline around like the lovesick tod I was. *chuckle*"

Twilight giggles "Heehee! I bet Cadence would get a charge out of that."

Danyelle uses sight sharing so Cadence could see as well.

Danyelle spoke "*left eye was a lighter shade of blue* She's seeing the same thing as I'm seeing right now and I can tell that she's laughing."

I... really couldn't help but blush at that.

Opaline spoke "But Midnight and I were rather jealous of Celestia and Luna back then."

Twilight asks "What? Why?"

I spoke "Like I said, I'm not like other ponies... Many called me a demon due to my eleven tails.... And because my father was known as the Nine Tailed Terror..."

Opaline spoke "I was seen as weak."

I spoke "You're not weak Opal."

Opaline spoke "Thanks, sweetie."

I spoke "Being demon sucked though but I lived a long life."

Twilight asks "Where did your parents come from exactly?"

I spoke "My mom was from a village of nekomata-pony demons while my dad was from a village of nine-tailed foxpony demons. They weren't supposed to even meet... I'm the result of their forbidden romance... When I was 10 years old, they told me to run away and never return since the rest of their villages wanted me dead. So I ran as far as my legs could handle. Next then I knew, I had arrived in Skyros."

Rarity spoke "My word!"

I spoke "I kept to myself, disguising myself as a normal alicorn and suppressing my demonic aura as well... I missed my old home but it's no longer around."

Opaline spoke "Midnight was the only one that kept me from going too far down the path of evil. Demon or not, he's the only one for me."

The two soon cancel their magic, returning us all to Appleloosa.

Rei spoke "Yeesh."

Danyelle spoke "Oh cuss... I forgot to tell Mr Rich that his new wife is a demon..."


Author's Note:

End of Season 1

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