• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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What happened?/ Getting used to it

*Raptor’s POV*

Wow, I’m still surprised that happened.

Ein had his head stuck in a pipe.

Jasmine spoke "No kidding. Especially after that prank he managed to pull on Sonic and his nine wives."

“The number went up again?” I gasped.

Rainbowtwo spoke "Yeah and know what I heard? Asuna's got another babytwo on the way."

“Wow.” I gasped in surprise. “But how’d all that happen?”

Danyelle spoke "*Showing up* I can help answer that."

Kazuto was heard howling at the moon.

Danyelle giggles "Kazuto certainly is happy."

Renee spoke "You forget though Danyelle, wolves tend to howl at the moon."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah. Like you."

Renee spoke "Oh, go cough up a hairball Danyelle."

Danyelle asks "Anyway, wanna know how that happened?"

A loud draconic yelp was heard since a Mewtwo-Charizard hybrid male had crashed head first into a wall, getting his head stuck.

Zoey spoke "Someone better go get Clarity..."

Renee spoke "I’ll go."

Zoey spoke "Renee, you don't have wings or magic."

Zoey teleports to Canterlot before reappearing with Clarity.

Renee spoke "Sorry. I forgot."

Seto chuckles "You may be a dumb wolf but you're my dumb wolf."

Renee whines "*Blush* Stop it, Seto!"

Zoey snickers "Sounds like some wolf's gonna need some aloe for that BURN!!!"

Clarity spoke "What is going o-Ifrit!"

Renee spoke "He got his head stuck."

Zoey coughs up a hairball all of a sudden.

Zoey spoke "Sorry."

Clarity flew over and got Ifrit unstuck.

Danyelle spoke "Ew."

An injured female cockatrice with purple body feathers, lilac neck feathers and white head feathers alone with a red crest of feathers landed on Zoey's head.

Zoey asks "Huh?"

Renee immediately shielded her eyes with sunglasses.

Danyelle spoke "TWILIGHT!!!"

Zoey spoke "Wait! Stop! This cockatrice is hurt!"

Twilight suddenly pops up.

Twilight asks "What's going on?"

Zoey explains everything to Twilight.

Twilight asks "Whoa. Maybe Fluttershy can help?"

Elsa darts over.

Elsa spoke "Looks like the poor thing has several burns..."

Twilight asks "Got any Rawst berries?"

Elsa spoke "Ice type remember? I can create blocks of ice."

Twilight asks "So that'll help?"

Elsa spoke "A bit since cockatrices have snake-like sensitivity to cold."

Twilight spoke "kay, so not too much."

Elsa spoke "Yeah."

*Some time later*

The cockatrice was sitting on Zoey's head while chirping happily.

Zoey spoke "I'm glad you're all better."

Danyelle asks "Now, before I actually explain what happened, is there anything else?"

Twilight asks "What is it Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "I was going to explain to Raptor on how all that happened to Sonic and his eight, no, NINE wives."

Twilight spoke "Oooooohhhhhh, yeah. That."

Sonic spoke "Stars above Dany! I haven't even asked Moltry that yet!"

Danyelle teases "But you've been thinking about it, haven't ya?"

That got Sonic there.

Sonic spoke "You're a dead Mew once I get my hands on you Danyelle!"

Danyelle asks "Since when did you turn into Shadow, Sonic?"

Twilight spoke "He was just joking."

Sonic chuckles "Or am I?"

Danyelle flew off fast with Sonic flying after her.

“Seriously though, how did that happen?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "I’m no Danyelle, but I’ll explain the best I can."

Aleena spoke "It's best if I explain it since I am Sonic's mother."

Twilight asks "Need a memory spell to help explain?"

Aleena spoke "Not really."

*One explanation later*

Aleena spoke "So yeah... Sonic, Manic and Sonia are half immortal since my husband is immortal."

Jasmine spoke "Yeah, but we should really explain what happened after rescuing Moltry and her sisters."

Danyelle had transformed into an anthro gryphon.

Danyelle gasps "What the?"

"Transform move on the fritz?" I asked.

Danyelle squawks "WHAT DO YOU THINK??"

The full brunt of Danyelle's Roar had sent me flying into a nearby lake.

I resurfaced and got out of the water, no problem.

Danyelle asks "You're not scared of water?"

"Why would I be?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "But ground type Poké-Mobians hate water."

"That's stereotyping, Danyelle. Not all ground-type Poké-Mobians are like that." I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "I may be a Psychic type but I can't swim."

Twilight spoke "I didn't know that."

Danyelle asks "Anyway, now that I managed to get Sonic off my tails, ready to learn how all that happened?"

"Yeah!" I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "Cool."

Danyelle’s Dimensional Scream went off, showing me what happened.

*Michelle’s POV a bit before dinner on the same day as Strange Days Part 2*

I was making quite a meal for me, Sonic, his other seven wives, our kids and Moltry as the Moltres drank some water.

Moltry spoke "I hate being pregnant...."

Pixie spoke "At least the egg will turn out to be a Kantonian Moltres."

Blaze spoke "Or it could be a new breed of Moltres that we haven't discovered yet."

Roll asks "Remember what happened to Tails?"

Spitfire spoke "Yeah. No one saw that coming. Maybe it'll be a pure flying type."

Zephyr spoke "We could ask Danyelle to check when she's not busy."

A loud bang followed by Danyelle's scream was heard since Ein had the gall to prank her.


Ein was heard screaming outside.

Sonic spoke "There they go again."

"FOOD'S READY!!!" I called out as I brought out a huge meal as the stomachs of Sonic, me, his other seven wives and Moltry all growled ferociously.

Danyelle throws several shadow ball attacks at Ein, making him scream like a little girl.

Aria spoke "There's an idiot in every world..."

Moltry giggles "Definitely."

Then all of us dug in, eating our fill while I, Sonic, his other seven wives, and Moltry ate a lot. Later, we were all done as the babies wanted to be fed, especially Rekka and Bolo, my two little wrecking balls.

Blaze spoke "I heard a rumor that a counterpart of Danyelle hates being overweight."

"I'll be sure to let Jasmine know to not pull any pranks on her." I said while I was breastfeeding Rekka and Bolo.

Blaze asks "Don't you mean Jasmine's counterpart?"

"Yeah, but it's just in case she visits this universe." I added.

Later, all of the kids and babies were asleep as Sonic, I, his other seven wives and Moltry were still awake.

Moltry spoke "*Satisfied sigh* That meal definitely hit the spot."

Aria spoke "Better safe than sorry."

Sonic spoke "You said it."

Roll giggles "It just goes to show, you don't piss Danyelle off."

Sonic spoke "You’re both right about that."

Myself, Sonic, and his other seven wives were about 500 pounds before eating dinner, but after eating, it looked like we were now 1,000 pounds obese. Moltry looked like she was 1,000 pounds obese too, but none of us, even the Moltres had any problem with our situation whatsoever.

“Totally worth it.” The girls, Sonic and I smiled.

Aria was 2000 pounds obese since she was in her true form.

But then the ten of us felt strange, in a good way. This feeling was… familiar to me.

*Sonic’s POV*

So heavy…

*Roll’s POV*

So soft…

*Blaze’s POV*

So warm…

*Spitfire’s POV*

So squishy…

*Aria’s POV*

So big…

*Pixie’s POV*

So cozy…

*Sally’s POV*

So sexy…

*Zephyr’s POV*

So fulfilling…

*Moltry’s POV*

So hot…

*Michelle’s POV*

This is just like that time when I… Never mind that. I used a Warp Ring and took all ten of us to the Chuddle Hotel while booking the Infinite Suite as the feeling we had, along with our love, suddenly started to skyrocket.

*Sonic, Roll, Blaze, Spitfire, Aria, Pixie, Sally, Zephyr and Moltry’s POVs*


*The next morning, Jasmine’s POV, at 7:00 am*

Oh… my… I got a love level alert last night and kept an eye on the Infinite Suite and… I won’t go into details. I helped clean up a TON of stuff in the room as Sonic, his eight wives, excluding Aria, and Moltry were back to their 1,000 pound forms, while Aria was in her siren form, being back in her 2,000 pound form. After cleaning the room up, which helped preserve a TON of milk for all creatures, and preserve a TON of ingredients for my mom’s potions, I helped teleport the ten back to their home bed, and their grand master bed was holding up just fine. No doubt they’ll wake up, full of energy soon, as I went back to the Chuddle Hotel and investigated on what caused them to behave so lustfully like that, not to mention the love level of those ten was over 9,000, it was actually 10 Googols, which is a HUGE number. Soon, I found one of mom’s potions missing in the rarely used section of her potion cabinet. I then dusted for prints as I soon found out they there were dragon fingerprints that belonged to… “Ein.”

Now it all made sense. Yesterday morning, Ein slipped the potion into Sonic, Roll, Blaze, Spitfire, Aria, Michelle, Pixie, Sally and Zephyr’s drinks completely unnoticed before they had their drink and breakfast. And last night before dinner, Ein slipped the same potion into Moltry’s water that she drank. And it looked like that stupid dragon didn’t read the fine print, with one of the potion’s fine print features including that if at least one of the females of a harem is already pregnant, then the females of said harem that aren’t pregnant won’t get impregnated. I’m not gonna go into details about that potion. After all that, I certainly caught Ein and gave him quite a punishment, turning him into a big fat scaly boulder of an Ender Dragon that won’t be able to harm anyone for 10 full days straight.

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

*Yawn!* Well, time to get up.

Later, after me and my family ate, I headed out to see Sonic and his family before I saw Jasmine walking by while carrying a giant black boulder that somehow had scales, and she was heading to Danyelle's house.

Danyelle was in wolf form while nursing her little ones.

Danyelle spoke "Mind getting the door Ben? I kinda can't move right now since all six of our little ones are nursing."

Ben spoke "Sure thing."

Ben opened the door as he saw Jasmine. "Can I talk to Danyelle?"

Danyelle lifted her head.

Danyelle asks "Yeah Jasmine?"

Jasmine snapped her fingers as she teleported herself and the giant boulder into the same room Danyelle as the she-wolf noticed who it was.

Danyelle sighs "Ein?"

Jasmine spoke "I already called the Ultima and told her to come here to pick up the package."

Danyelle spoke "What did he do this time? *Jasmine whispered into Danyelle's ear, making her eyes widen in surprise* Well, that explains a lot from yesterday."

Bluestar spoke "He had it coming."

Gallus was on a beanbag while reading a book.

Jasmine spoke "Yeah, I basically had to fatten Ein up into a living boulder, and don't worry, I'm making she he doesn't roll away."

Danyelle spoke "*facepaw* did you forget something? Ender dragons have poison breath."

Jasmine pointed to Ein, whose maw was clamped shut.

Danyelle spoke "And strong jaws that can break iron..."

Bluestar pulled Gallus back since the 12 year old Mobian cat heard hissing.

Danyelle shields herself and the kids with Chaos Barrier.

Bluestar spoke "HE'S GONNA BLOW!!!"

Jasmine turned Ein’s muzzle into steel before he let out a large belch while none of the poison breath leaked from the muzzle.

But a loud fart was heard from Ein's rear.

Jasmine spoke "Whew. Stale air. Smelly, smelly air."

Danyelle spoke "Good thing Chaos Barrier doubles as a scentproof barrier, I don't even smell a thing."

Jasmine asks "*Wearing a gas mask* Do I need to call in a fumigation squad?"

Danyelle spoke "Airbender remember? I can remove the gas easy."

With a whirl of her tails, Danyelle blows away all of the stink with gusts of wind.

Jasmine took off her gas mask before taking in a deep breath, comically inflating her chest before letting out a relieved breath. “Fresh air. Sweet, sweet air.”

A knock on the door was then heard.

Danyelle spoke "That must be Aphmau now."

And while Aphmau came in and took care of Ein, I arrived at Sonic’s house, when to my complete surprise, Sonic, Roll, Blaze, Spitfire, Aria in her Mobian form, Michelle, Pixie, Sally, Zephyr and Moltry were each 1,000 pounds obese, and they couldn’t even care less. And if I didn’t know any better, I’d think those ten enjoy being like that.

*end flashback*

*Raptor's POV*

Danyelle pokes her head through a warp ring to the Chuddle Hotel.

Danyelle spoke "Jasmine! Ein pulled a prank on me with one of those anti-magic collars, I'm kinda stuck in gryphon form since the key for it was thrown in lava."

Jasmine spoke "Hmm… I see. Well, it’ll take some time to make your collar’s key. In the meantime..."

Jasmine snapped her fingers as Ein was suddenly an obese immobile blob yet again.

Tails thrashing, Danyelle spoke "That stupid gold-loving dragon is dead meat once I get my claws on him."

Jasmine spoke "He won’t be hard to find now."

Danyelle spoke "that fart bomb he used caused Gallus to faint..."

Jasmine spoke "Bertha ain’t gonna be happy."

Danyelle used a warp ring to send Ein straight into the End dimension.

Danyelle spoke "Might as well let her deal with him. We might put up with Ein's bullshit but Bertha won't."

Jasmine spoke "Yep."

*Meanwhile in the End Dimension*

Ein groans "I hate that cat...."

Bertha growls "...Ein...!!!"

Ein spoke "W-w-w-w-w-wait! You got the wrong guy!"

Bertha spoke "You can’t get anywhere since you’re a blob of fat now, Ein!"

Ein spoke "I don't even know how to fly!"

Bertha spoke "*Smirk* Still, be glad that your flab will null the punches I’m gonna give you."

Ein asks "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses right?"

Bertha spoke "That trick’s not gonna work on me."

Bertha started her flurry of attacks on Ein as he screamed.

Meanwhile, I was with my two wives.

Zap was sneaking up on Manic from behind.

Danyelle was shivering in fear since she sensed a huge comet approaching Equis and no ghost type Poké-Mobian could touch it.

Manic asks "Huh?"

Sonata giggles "Don't turn around."

Manic asks "Why?"

Manic soon gets pinned by Zap.


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