• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Visiting Blobtopia Part 3

*Rainbow’s POV*

Whew! We beat the bad guys, rescued the others, and soon, we were back on our tour in Blobtopia.

Danyelle, Ash, Indigo and their families were absent since they had things to do in the Ransei region.

Michelle asks "Everyone ready to continue the tour?"

Sonic spoke "We're missing two families."

“Dany said she, Ash and some of the others are visiting an old home.” I pointed out.

Surprisingly enough, Peach was absent as well.

Haru spoke "I think it was something about the Ransei region."

Michelle spoke "Oh. Still, everyone ready? They’ll be souvenir pics."

Blaze and Roll giggle "Good luck keeping Sonic still for five minutes."

Michelle spoke "Well, everyone ready for sun, sand and fun? ‘Cause Super-Sized Beach is our next stop!"

Sonic bolted.

Aqua was carrying her surfboard.

Aqua spoke "Aw yeah! I can't wait to surf those wild waves!"

But then Blaze carried Sonic back.

Blaze spoke "You don’t have to go in the water, Sonic."

Michelle spoke "Heehee! And be sure to expect cannonballs."

Sonic screams before teleporting away.

Pixie spoke "I'm not going near the water since it's my weakness."

Michelle spoke "He needs to get over it."

Aleena spoke "I've tried hundreds of times over the past 30 years but I can never get Sonic to take a bath."

That grossed out Sonic’s wives a bit.

Aleena spoke "Least he takes showers though since he knows that he won't drown."

Sonic’s wives sighed in relief at that.

“What about the kiddie pool?” I quipped.

Pixie spoke "Moltry and I don't take normal baths either, we're weak to water."

Tails spoke "Given my typing, I can't swim in oceans or I'd electrocute others nearby."

Blizzardstar spoke "Guess fire types and electric types have it hard."

Korra spoke "Rock and ground types don't like water either."

Spitfire giggles "No offense to May though but Sonic's a total Torchic when it comes to water."

Michelle asks "Heehee, yeah. Everyone ready?"

Aqua was already out on the water as her nine tails whirled while surfing on the waves she made.

Aqua laughs "Cowabunga!"

We noticed all of the beachgoers here was at least 1,000 pounds or above, and they were having a ton of fun on the sand and on the water, with them doing cannonballs, which was making a lot of waves.

And Aqua made use of the giant waves as she surfed.

But then she noticed a lifeguard, a male Floatzel Poké-Mobian, making her blush before she slipped and fell into the water.

Due to her typing, Aqua swam back up to the surface and grabbing her surfboard.

Aqua thinks "{Woah... What a hottie...}"

Aqua sighed in bliss and practically melted while hanging onto her surfboard with a smitten smile.

Since he and Misty were near the Floatzel, Hydro laughs "Dude! She likes you!"

The Floatzel asks "Hmm? What happened?"

Misty giggles "You see that water-type Ninetales?"

The Floatzel asks "Hmm? *Looks through binoculars* That Ninetails suddenly looking at my direction?"

Misty spoke "That's Aqua Prower, cousin to one Tails Prower. And she's a great surfer too."

The Floatzel spoke "Huh, not bad."

Hydro chuckles "And she's single!"

That made the Floatzel accidentally inflate his float sac, sending Misty and Hydro flying.

Deep Lilac catches the two Vaporeons with her magic before setting them down safely.

Holding an Eevee egg in her arms, Nightshade spoke "Nice save there Twilight."

Deep Lilac spoke "Thanks."

Nightshade giggles "Too bad Cadence isn't here."

Deep Lilac gets an idea so she grabs the Floatzel with magic before throwing him at Aqua.

Misty giggles "Was that really necessary?"

Deep Lilac snickers "Consider it payback for when he sent you and Hydro flying. And I'd rather not get an earful from your sisters if your son got hurt."

Misty spoke "Heehee! Thanks."

Tsunami was digging in the sand when he found a Water Stone.

A bright light engulfed the young Eevee, causing him to evolve into a Vaporeon like his parents.

Much to the horrors of those on the beach, the Floatzel was freaking out as a childhood trauma had kicked in.

Deep Lilac spoke "Someone do something!!!"

Right after the Floatzel had gone under, Aqua dove underwater to grab the guy.

Carrying the Floatzel by the scruff, Aqua swam to shore.

Aqua spoke "*muffled* Hang in there, big guy! I gotcha!"

A male Serperior was among the crowd but he hated the Floatzel.

The Serperior spoke "A runt like him will never be as good as his parents."

Aqua’s ears twitched at that as she growled in anger.

Michelle spoke "*Deadpan* Oh no, not this clown again."

The Serperior spoke "A weakling like him will never be any good for someone of the Prower clan!"

I can tell that deep inside that Floatzel, he was angry and sad about what was going on.


Snakethorn taunts "*Smirk* Oh? Did Macrochelle tell ya about me?"

Aria, Roll and Blaze restrain Michelle.

Aqua growls "No she didn't, my parents knew your parents."

Spitfire asks "Yeesh, is he always like this?"

Tails spoke "Afraid so... Snakethorn's been a jerk ever since I first met him. He was just a Snivy back then."

"Hold on, you've been to Blobtopia before?" I asked in surprise.

Tails spoke "No but my aunt and uncle have."

"Hold on, how did you meet him then if he somehow went to Mobius?" I asked in confusion.

Tails spoke "Long story short, my aunt Sunny was a traveler but she went missing 12 years ago."

Michelle asks "*Having calmed down* Search party after the tour's over?"

Amiya's voice was suddenly heard on Tails' wristwatch since it had a mic and speaker feature.

Amiya spoke "Sorry for cutting in like this but I overheard you talking about a vixen. I have bad news about her... She had contracted Oripathy 12 years ago but she didn't make it..."

Tails winced as Aqua froze at that.

Amiya spoke "I'm sorry for not mentioning this back when some of you came to get the four ponies."

Aqua’s tails and ears started drooping at that.

Amiya spoke "And I got a message from the one called Luna, it's about the four former ponies... I fear they've contracted Oripathy again..."

Tails spoke "OH COME ON!!!"

Gilda wingslaps Tails.

Gilda spoke "Don't make me shave you again."

But before Snakethorn could say anything, Aqua launched Hydro Pump right down his throat, making him bloat up like a water balloon. After a minute, Snakethorn was a giant living waterbed, weighing at least 2,000 pounds and immobilizing him.

Aqua growls "Not another word out of you, you glorified garden hose."

Gilda tries to hold back a laugh but couldn't.

Gilda laughs "He had it coming!"

Tails spoke "Heh. At least this makes it more satisfying."

Aqua then started doing CPR on the Floatzel.

Danyelle soon returned with her family.

Danyelle asks "What did I miss?"

Danyelle noticed Snakethorn and snickered.

Ben chuckles "Let me guess, he insulted Aqua?"

Tails spoke "He should consider himself lucky he's a citizen of Blobtopia."

Michelle spoke "Besides, we were gonna head to the next location after Aqua wakes Riptide up."

Danyelle uses her waterbending to pull the water out of Riptide's lungs.

Aqua spoke "Thanks, Danyelle."

Danyelle giggles "It pays to be one of the Avatars."

Korra spoke "With that out of the way, let's continue the tour!"

Soon, we arrived at a gym's entrance.

Michelle spoke "Welcome to the Fat Gym!"

Danyelle spoke "I heard rumors that one of my counterparts hates being overweight."

Michelle spoke "Well, better not play any weight gain, air or water inflation pranks on her then."

Danyelle sends a scroll off with her fire breath to someone in the OC-verse so that a certain nekomata isn't pranked.

Michelle asks "Good call. Now, shall we head inside?"

Orion spoke "Of course."

We went inside, see a lot of stuff happening with citizens being at least 1,000 pounds or above in the HUGE building, doing treadmills, climbing, weights, even sports and flight training, and a whole lot of other exercises while still being fat.

Michelle spoke "Here, others can do some fun here even while being overweight. There’s also a smoothie stand, a sauna and a wrestling/close combat training area."

Danyelle spoke "I've been meaning to work on my flight speed."

Michelle asks "Nice. Anyone care for a drink first?"

Gilda spoke "Pass! I got eggs on the way."

"You do realize she was only offering smoothies, right Gilda?" I pointed out.

Gilda giggles "That's Queen Gilda to you Skittles."

"Heh, I'll still call ya Gilda, Gilqueen." I quipped back.

Gilda grabs me before giving me a noogie.

Gilda spoke "Hehe, fine. Maybe one drink."

Ezekiel chuckles "Hey Gilda."

A silver crown was on Ezekiel's head as a gold colored cape rests on the Mobian gryphon's shoulders.

Gilda giggles "You seriously wearing that right now?"

Ezekiel spoke "I have to or Old Man Gruff would pluck my wings."

Gilda giggled again as we soon got to the smoothie stand.

Ezekiel chuckles "You're a silly gryphon G."

Michelle asks "How does mixed fruit smoothies sound?"

A pair of immortal Arctic wolf Beastman twins spoke "Count us in!!!"

A loud thump was heard since Shirou had fainted.

"What just happened?" I asked.

The male of the two wolf beastmen spoke "Seems like Dad freaked out at seeing us."

"Say what now?" I said in confusion.

The female of the two wolf beastmen spoke "Don't mind Kita, he can be a jerk at times."

Kita whines "NOT COOL YUU!"

Yuu spoke "Can it bro."

Kita growls but chose to stop talking.

Pinkie gasps "Ooh! Twinsies?"

Yuu spoke "Yeah but I'm three minutes older than Kita yet a year younger than my other brother who I never heard of."

Kita spoke "Heh, bet I can drink more Smoothies than you, sis."

Yuu spoke "Go cough up a furball bro, all the contests we had always ended in ties."

Kita spoke "It'll be different this time, unless you're a scared little puppy."

Yuu's ears perked up at that.

Looking at the twin wolves, Lightning asks "Do I know you?"

Yuu spoke "You're on, Kita!"

But then Yuu and Kita noticed Lightning.

Yuu and Kita gasp "BIG BRO!"

Lightning yelps "Watch it! You nearly squished Moonlight!"

The twins ask "Who?"

Lightning chuckles "My... No, our baby sister."

That made the wolf beastman twins' eyes sparkle at that.

Lightning spoke "I'm also a father of three. The green hedgehog is Manic, the purple is Sonia and the blue is Sonic. From Sonic alone, I have eleven grandkids. I got one granddaughter from Manic and no grandkids from Sonia yet since her spouses are female."

Kita asks "Hehe, know how to celebrate finding out about this?"

Yuu spoke "Heehee, yeah. Smoothie drinking contest!"

Lightning spoke "Mom doesn't know about you two."

Yuu spoke "Oh right!"

Lightning lets out a howl just before Luna pops up.

Luna asks "Yes, Lightning?- *Gasps at seeing Yuu and Kita*"

Plugging her ears, Danyelle spoke "Scream alert in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

But then suddenly, Luna gave Yuu and Kita both a bear hug.

Shirou groans "Ugh... Lulu?"

Luna spoke "*Tearfully and happily* Yuu… Kita… I thought I lost you two…"

Sonia asks "You okay grandma?"

Luna spoke "I’m just glad that your uncle and auntie are back after all this time."

Sonia asks "wait..... WHAT??????"

Manic spoke "Yeesh Sonia, calm down."

Danyelle groans "Sensed that one coming.... Ow..."

Korra asks "Can we continue the tour?"

Danyelle spoke "Wait! I didn’t get to stretch my wings!"

Sonia spoke "We don't have time for that Danyelle!"

Sonic spoke "Whoa, calm down, Sonia!"

Sonia spoke "I... *urp* don't feel too good...."

Michelle spoke "Something's odd here."

Eyes glowing blue since she was using aura, Danyelle spoke "I sense something developing inside Sonia."

Sonia asks "S-Say what?"

Ash spoke "Auras don't lie."

Sonia asks "B-But how?"

Danytwo spoke "That might have been either my fault, Adagio's fault or Sasha's fault."

The unicorn-Mew hybrid that was now known as Sasha spoke "Don't pin the blame on me ya two-tailed twerp!"

Danytwo spoke "Don't call me a twerp! You're a twerp!"

The two kept bickering.

Adagio spoke "Ugh... Not again."

Danytwo spoke "Little runt."

Sasha counters "Ramen addict!"

Sonia grabbed Danytwo and Sasha's heads before forcing their lips to touch other, much to their shock and embarrassment as they blushed.

Sonia spoke "Girls, you two, Dagi, Icy and I are all girls here. We should all love each other EQUALLY."

Adagio whispers in Sonia's ear.

Adagio whispers "Hey Sonia, should we try to add another siren to our little group?"

The sound of a siren was heard but it was far more powerful than a common siren's song.

Adagio spoke "That's no NORMAL siren! That's an ELDER Siren's song!"

Michelle spoke "Sounded like it was from SSB, Super-Sized Beach."

Aria spoke "Elder sirens are far more dangerous than normal sirens."

We held the tour on hold again, but Michelle didn't seem frustrated this time since where we were needed was still in Blobtopia.

Sonata and Operetta were both shaking.

Sonia spoke "Come on, let’s move."

Adagio spoke "Sonia, I don't think it's a good idea..."

Aria spoke "Elder sirens are known to kill common sirens..."

Michelle spoke "Hmm… Probably without meaning to during fits of rage."

Alto spoke "*ears flatten* Quit scaring Melody!"

Kita spoke "Let’s go!"

Luna spoke "Kita, SIT BOY!"

Kita immediately tensed up at his mother's tone of voice.

Yuu giggles "Good one mother."

Luna giggled back.

Shirou asks "Luna?"

Luna asks "Yes?"

Shirou asks "Who are those two wolf beastmen?"

Danyelle spoke "Freaked out wolf in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Luna spoke "These are two of our children, Yuu and Kita."

Shirou screams "WHAT???????"

Danyelle whines "OW! That was loud...."

Luna spoke "Shiry, calm down."

Danyelle roundhouse kicks Shirou in the back of the head.

Danyelle giggles "For an old guy with a stick up the ass, you are far more dense than Ash is!"

Ash spoke "I heard that Danyelle!"

Danyelle spoke "No wonder Jessie and James call you a twerp so much Ash, you do get into trouble a lot."

Ash spoke "Hey!"

Danyelle taunts "You want some cheese with that whine?"

Sonia spoke "*AHEM!* Angry rampaging elder siren at Super-Sized Beach."

Danyelle spoke "I'll battle you later Ash, once we calm that siren down."

Adagio spoke "Just watch out for whirlpools."

Danyelle was in her Mew form.

Danyelle spoke "As long as I stay out of the water, I should be fine. I can't swim anyway."

Danyelle floated out over the water before throwing an Aura Sphere down into the water, angering the elder siren to the point thus causing it to appear.

The Dazzlings fearfully spoke "CHARYBDIS!!!"

Operetta was cowering behind Manic while Melody tried to hide behind Alto.

Sonia asks "You know about her?"

Sonata spoke "All common sirens do."

Michelle spoke "Hm..."

Danyelle spoke "Everyone, stay back! We don't know how Charybdis will react to five common sirens!"

Danyelle looks at Charybdis.

Danyelle asks "You're mad because of what happened to Scylla correct?"

Charybdis suddenly constricted Danyelle by coiling around her. “And how do you know about my little sister?!”

After teleporting out of the constrict attack, Danyelle spoke "I can see past and future because of my dimensional scream and unless that dumb assed dragon wants to gets iced, he BETTER get that TNT away from Luna RIGHT NOW!"

Michelle suddenly force fed Ein limes before he somehow started inflating like a balloon, becoming filled with air and floating while becoming immobile as Michelle tied his tail to a rope tied to the ground.

Aphmau spoke "Uh Miche, Ein is allergic to limes."

Michelle spoke "*Deadpan* Shoulda said that sooner."

Ein spoke "*Starting to inflate bigger and bigger* Water! WATER!!!"

Danyelle waterbends the salt water at high speed into Ein's mouth, causing him to blow up more.

Soon enough, Ein was a giant black scaly immobile waterbed as there wasn’t any air inflating him anymore.

Operetta giggles "He had that one coming!"

But then roaring laughter was heard as we saw Charybdis flailing on the water with laughter, causing waves.

Adagio, Aria, Sonata and Operetta laugh as well.

Danyelle smiled at Charybdis lightening up.

Danyelle snickers "Too bad Zane's too much of a Torchic to confess his feelings to Moeka!"

Zane gasps "You take that back!"

Danyelle giggles "I don't know Zane, you tend to torchic out when you're near Moeka."

Ash asks "Did Principal Oak teach you his jokes?"

Danyelle giggles "I got a Poké-TON more where that came from!"

Ash spoke "*Bead of sweat with jaw dropping* Please tell me you didn't run into him."

Danyelle spoke "I might have heard one of his Poké-puns on the flyby once."

Ash comically fell onto his back at that.

Hotaru got squished by accident.

Hotaru spoke "Da, you're squishing me..."

Ash spoke "Oops! Sorry."

The little Fire-Psychic type Fennekin-Mewtwo pounces on his dad before tickling him.

Ash laughs "Stop!"

Serena giggles "Ash, you can be dense at times but I wouldn't want you any other way."

Danyelle spoke "Now, let me talk to her, then we'll be able to head back onto the tour and into that gym."

Sonic spoke "I hate to cut the tour short but we have to go back to Ponyville."

Michelle spoke "*Deep breath in, deep breath out, calming herself* If it’s for you, Sonic, we can finish the tour another time, again."

Deep Lilac spoke "He's right Michelle, there's still bad guys out there."

Michelle asks "*Lifts up Ein, carrying him* What about Charybdis?"

Danyelle spoke "With her raw power, she'd make a great guard for Mr Rich's mansion."

Michelle asks "Ya sure? Is there enough water for, ya know?"

Winter spoke "A pool might suffice."


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