• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Ghost of a Chance

*Danyelle's POV*

Great, the Mothership, Yolkomotives and Chaos Council are here.

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* Don't you just hate this part? The buildup? Shadow and Sonic versus unbeatable odds, with the fate of the world at stake. Like, let's just get on with it already! *Stretching* Hey, I'm not gonna be the one who pulls a hammy."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "What about him? *As Nine was putting the blue Shard in place* We can't just leave alone with the Prism Shards."

Maurice asks "Uh, yes we can. Seeing as how he's the only one who can put them back together, and, y'know, fix reality? You and Dany really don't trust him, do you?"

"No." Shatterverse Shadow and I answered.

Maurice spoke "Of course you don't. Neither of you trust anyone. You wanna stay here and babysit? Fine. Knock yourself out. I'm gonna go buy us some time.

Maurice dashed off to fight the eggbots and ships. Grr...! FINE! I'm fighting too! But don't blame me if I'm right! Shatterverse Shadow, myself and the others jumped down to help Maurice out.

Maurice spoke "Well, look who couldn't resist a team-up."

Shatterverse Shadow scoffs "Hardly. Have you seen what happens when you go it alone?"

Maurice spoke "You mean landslide victory? Someone sounds jealous!"

We then started fighting the eggbots.

Deep Lilac slashes a robot in half with her sword since it wouldn't work for anyone else due to it being a part of her soul.

I trip up the robots with Frenzy Plant since I had absorbed a bit of the energy from the green shard.

I laugh "Oh they'll have to GLUE YOU BACK TOGETHER!!! IN HELL!!!"

As we faced more Eggbots, electricity crackled around them as their eyes turned orange before they fired as we dodged them, seeing that they powered up as they managed to stop our attacks and counterattack, knocking us down before we dodged missiles as Shatterverse Shadow saved Maurice.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Ugh. Probably gonna regret that."

Maurice chuckles "Heh. I heart you too, Shadow."

Shatterverse Shadow rolled his eyes at that in annoyance before we saw Yolkomotives coming at us.

Maurice spoke "Split up!"

We ran before splitting into two groups at a fork in the road. But soon, we saw smoke behind us.

Maurice spoke "Shadow!"

Moeru spoke "Not good!"

We then ran the other way, escaping from Dr. Deep and Dr. Done-It. We soon got onto a hill, finding a crated and a hole through a hill.

Maurice spoke "No… There’s no Shadow and the others would go down that easy…"

Ghost Tails spoke "As long as I’m around, you’ll always have a wing-man."

We looked left, seeing the Ghost versions before an energy blast pulsed from the mountain, reverting all of Ghost Hill back to Green Hill color.

Maurice spoke "It’s… Home!"

Shatterverse Amy asks "The forest is the most beautiful-Ugh! What’s happening?"

Maurice spoke "Amy. Knuckles. Tails! Guys!"

Maurice started running towards the group before another blast pulsed, reverting Green Hill back to Ghost Hill.

Maurice asks "They’re all ghostly again. Everything was back. Just for a second. This is gonna work! Nine? You okay?"

Nine spoke "Yeah, this is a little trickier than I thought."

Maurice spoke "What happened? Reality was flippin’ out over here!"

Nine spoke "Like I said, this is a challenge. You’re gonna have to buy me some more time."

Maurice spoke "No problem, buddy!"

We then noticed a Yolkomotive in the air as it shot at us before we dodged, running again. Eggbots were ahead of us as we dodged the plasma blasts, hitting the Eggbots instead, destroying them as we saw the other Yolkomotive.

Maurice spoke "Now your turn!"

Missiles flew at us as we ran with them chasing us before we tricked the missiles into the Yolkomotive Dr. Don’t and Dr. Babbles were in as it then crash-landed. We swung off palm trees, excited as we ran before seeing the other group fighting Eggbots.

Maurice spoke "See, I know Shadow and the others would be fine."

We helped the other group as we beat some Eggbots.

Maurice spoke "Hey, these things aren’t so tough when we work together."

Midnight shot blue fire from his mouth at several eggbots, melting them.

Deep Lilac, Tama, Toga, Sesshomaru, Clarity and Inuyasha fought back against the eggbots with swords.

But then we heard angry babbling as Dr. Babbles came out in his mech when Dr. Deep in his mech suit jumped out of the other airborne Yolkomotive and landed beside Dr. Babbles. But then the two started pulsating with electricity crackling around them. Something tells me that they just became supercharged!

Dr. Deep spoke "*Shades glowing yellow* Yes! Yes! *Draws katana* Now we’re talking!"

Dr. Babbles let out a battle cry as he and Dr. Deep came at us. Maurice and half of us were fighting Dr. Babbles before he punched us into a wall as we went back to them. Meanwhile, Shatterverse Shadow and the other half of us were fighting Dr. Deep as the black hedgehog kicked away a katana. Dr. Babbles tried to slam us, but we dodged before my ears and Maurice’s ears twitched as we looked left, seeing the Yolkomotive heading straight to the mountain.

Maurice spoke "Nine!"

We were then hit far by Dr. Babbles’ rattler club.

Nine spoke "Sonic!"

Maurice asks "Nine! You okay?"

Nine spoke "No! The Eggforcers have breached the temple."

Maurice spoke "Hang on, I’m coming."

We dodged Dr. Babbles before Shatterverse Shadow kicked his mech.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Go! Protect the Prism!"

Sonic spoke "We need to run there fast!"

I spoke "CHAOS CONTROL!!!"

I teleport with Maurice straight to Nine's location fast.

Deep Lilac shouts "NOW JASMINE!!!!"

But before Jasmine could do it, something hit the entrance of the cave, sending me and Maurice flying as we saw Nine fighting the Eggbots as he beat them.

Maurice asks "You okay?"

Nine spoke "I’m fine."

Maurice spoke "You’re nearly done! Nine, I saw it. Green Hill was back! So were my friends! Can you-"

Nine spoke "The Prism is only partially complete. I need you to buy me more time."

But then the blocked-off entrance was being bombarded by plasma blasts and missiles before Jasmine went into her 5,000 pound form, tanking the blasts while some bounced off her.

Maurice spoke "Nine… we’re losing. The Chaos Council is using Shard energy to make themselves tougher than ever. Maybe I can do the same."

That gave me an idea before I teleported to Deep Lilac, then teleported both of us to Nine and Maurice.

Nine spoke "Uh…"

Maurice spoke "You said it before, I’m full of Shard energy. Just gimme a boost!"

“Deep Lilac! You’re gonna need a boost too!” I added.

Nine spoke "In theory, it’s possible. But given the myriad configurations and the commensurate spectrum of transmutational possibilities-"

Maurice spoke "*As Jasmine was starting to feel the pain* Uh. Same stuff less words!"

Nine spoke "It’s dangerous. Too little energy, you’ll lose. Too much-"

Maurice spoke "And I pop off like a firework. I get it, but this is it. It’s the only option. ‘Cause unless I can be more, y’know, me, we lose."

Nine nodded at that before his robo tails started absorbing Shard energy.

Maurice spoke "*As Jasmine was sent flying into other eggbots* Uhh, any time now!"

Nine spoke "Almost there. Whatever you do, just don’t move."

Maurice asks "Don’t move?!"

Nine then shot the energy at Maurice and Deep Lilac’s sword, supercharging them as they and I dodged the plasma blasts before taking out the eggbots with Maurice doing it faster than my Sonic and Deep Lilac slashing right through a large group in one slice!

Maurice spoke "Whoa. Now this is speed! Nine, you’ve really outdone yourself.

More Eggbots came in before Maurice and Deep Lilac took them out with ease.

Maurice spoke "We should probably check on Shadow. Great idea!

Wow, he’s so fast, it’s like he can be in two places at once. The three of us then headed out, easily beating eggbots.

Maurice taunts "Ha-ha! Now that’s how it’s done! Meh. Not bad. Oh, like you could do better?"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Dodge this, marmot."

We dodged plasma blasts.

Maurice spoke "Rude."

Maurice ran up a twister, sending eggbots onto the Yolkomotive’s windshield, making Dr. Done-It lose sight and the vehicle go down.

Maurice laughs "Ha! I knew that would work. No, you didn’t. Did so! Whatever. Race you to Shadow and the others? Way ahead of you-Me-Us?!"

We then took off to get to the others as we saw them about to lose against Dr. Babbles and Dr. Deep.

Maurice spoke "Hey, Shadow! Sorry to keep you waiting!"

We attacked the two doctors rapidly as Maurice high-fived himself before we sent Dr. Babbles flying.

Dr. Deep spoke "Ugh. Don’t you know it’s rude to-Agh!"

We then sent Dr. Deep flying.

Shatterverse Shadow asks "How-"

Maurice spoke "Deep Lilac’s sword and I got a power up to save yer butt and the others. You’re welcome.

“Now that… WAS AWESOME!!!” I cheered in excitement.

Though I was in my Mew form, I had a big sword in my tiny hands.

I shout at the same time as Inuyasha spoke "WIND SCAR!!!"

A double barreled Wind Scar rips through many eggbots while shredding the mechs.

But then we saw the Mothership's weapons pointing upwards.

Maurice spoke "It's aiming away from us?! That doesn't make any sense. Maybe they know when they're beat. These guys? Please. If you believe that you're dumber than you look."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Finally a Sonic I can agree with."

The weapons fired before what formed was... A GIANT EGGMAN?!

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Behold, the pinnacle of all creation!"

Maurice and Sonic spoke "It's official. I've seen it all."

The titan Eggman landed before walking.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "It's heading for the Temple!"

We ran towards the titan.

Maurice spoke "Hey! Bring it on, big, tall, and ugly!"

Maurice jumped towards the titan before he was swatted away as the titan destroyed the loop de loop.

Maurice spoke "No!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Sonic, don't! You can't save anything unless you protect the shards!"

Maurice and Deep Lilac ran before jumping up and attacking the titan, but they had no effect.

Maurice asks "Why won't you go down?!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Huh? Look out!"

Maurice and Deep Lilac were both flicked away as the rest of us jumped into the air and charged.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Get to the Shards, now!"

But then the titan shot a mouth beam at us, sending the others flying far while I dodged.

Maurice spoke "Shadow!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Guys!"

Maurice spoke "Nine!"

The three of us moved towards the cave as we got to Nine.

Maurice spoke "Nine! Our power-ups, they're not enough! There's a giant-"

The place started rumbling as the titan was climbing the mountain before it started reaching in.

Nine spoke "A prismatic Titan..."

The titan was pulling out rocks to make a bigger opening.

Maurice asks "How do we beat it?"

Nine spoke "Uh... *Scans titan* You, Deep Lilac's sword and the Titan should operate within the same spectral frequency. If I offset both your frequencies-"

Maurice asks "Nine! What do we do? What do we do?"

Nine spoke "I don't know exactly! But, if you hit him where it hurts, I think we can make him go boom!"

Maurice asks "And if he doesn't?"

Nine spoke "Well, it's been a slice. A slice of reality, that is."

Nine absorbed more energy with his robo tails before using them to power up Maurice and Deep Lilac's sword more as Maurice's gloves and shoes glowed sky-blue flames with his head having purple highlights and Deep Lilac's sword having lilac flames before Maurice opened his eyes, now being magenta. We turned towards the titan as it made a big enough opening with his eye-glasses glowing sky-blue as he prepared another mouth beam while we readied to attack.

Nine spoke "*As the titan charged up a beam* Now!"

The three of us then charged forward, dodging the mouth beam before we jumped and simultaneously attacked the titan's glowing mouth and went down his gullet while making the titan fall off the mountain. The three of us were really pushing ourselves as Nine came outside before the titan crashed on the ground, causing an energy pulse shockwave as it was then gone, as only Maurice, Deep Lilac and I were left. My two friends' power-ups faded as the three of us smiled before Shatterverse Shadow and the others showed up.

Sonic spoke "Wow, now THAT was amazing."

I laugh "The bigger they are, the harder they fall!"

Maurice, Deep Lilac and I went back up, meeting with Nine.

Nine spoke "Sonic! You guys did it!"

Maurice asks "We did it. Did you complete the Prism?"

We looked around, only for nothing to have changed.

Maurice asks "Then why hasn't it worked?"

We went inside the cave with Nine.

Maurice spoke "I don't get it. I thought this would work!"

Nine spoke "There's still one Shard missing."

Maurice asks "What?"

Nine spoke "Of course. The last Shard would've been in the Grim, but after a while, it ended up somewhere else."

Maurice spoke "Okay... Probably could've mentioned that earlier and saved us the trip there and back."

Nine spoke "And back? The only we're here at all is because I needed to use the Prism's impression as a blueprint. To see which pieces went where. Now that all but that last one is in place, we can rebuild it to make the grim into what we've always wanted."

Maurice spoke "Yeah... to rebuild Green Hill."

Nine spoke "Green Hill? We're not remaking your old world. We're building a better one. The perfect world in Grim. Our clean slate."

Maurice spoke "Why does the slate have to be clean? I liked the old one! It was our home!"

Nine spoke "It was never my home. Plus, it's gone."

Maurice spoke "I think you can get it back."

Nine spoke "You're wrong about that. We need to build a new home."

Maurice spoke "Come on, little buddy-"

Nine snaps "*Swats hand away* Stop calling me that! *Standing on his robo tails* You just assumed I'd go along with you no matter what. Did you even consider what I wanted?!"

Maurice spoke "I assumed that after everything we've been through, you'd see things the way I do. Just like the real Tails would."

Nine snaps "I am real! *Stands back on his legs before turning away* Just not your real friend. What did you think would happen to me when you brought your friends back?"

Maurice spoke "We're all in this together, and I really think you'd grow to love them as much as I do!"

Nine spoke "*Turns back to us* And that's exactly your problem! You just jump into situations with no idea about the outcome. And don't think I didn't know about this!"

Nine brought out a purple shard.

Deep Lilac gasps "What the?! How did you-"

Nine spoke "While I powered your sword up, I found the Shard and brought it back out before hiding it in my two real tails. And thanks to how long it's been infused with your sword, your weapon still has prism energy."

Nine aimed his seven robo tails at the other Prism Shards.

Maurice spoke "Wait!"

Nine fired, causing another energy burst shockwave, knocking us back before we soon got up, seeing Nine carrying all the Shards towards a purple portal before looking at us as Shatterverse Shadow and the others showed up.

Maurice spoke "*Coughs* We can make this work Nine. Trust me!"

Nine spoke "*Scoff* Trust you? The only person I can trust is myself."

Nine walked into the portal with all the Shards before it closed, leaving all of us behind in Ghost Hill.

After slapping Maurice on the head, I spoke "I hate to say I told you so but I TOLD YOU SO!!"


Author's Note:

End of Season 2

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