• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Visiting Amiya’s World

*Sonic’s POV*

Wow, I have a HUGE family!

Roll giggles "And in time, we'll have a family as big as Applejack's family!"

Blaze giggles "That might happen faster if Sonic gets any more wives."

Swiftrunner spoke "Not to mention, I'm the only chakat in this messed up family."

Michelle spoke "And we have unbound and restraint forms."

Swiftrunner spoke "True enough."

Nightshade had gotten thrown by Haku, causing the female Umbreon Poké-Mobian to crash into me.

Nightshade stammers "*Blush* S-Sorry!"

I ask "Let me guess, Haku threw you?"

Nightshade spoke "Yeah, and I'll get him back for that."

I whisper in Nightshade's ear "Why not prank him with an eel?"

Nightshade spoke "Ooh! Nice!"

Danyelle pops up with Aurora on her head and Akoya on her back while one of her tails was wrapped around Rani's tail.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that! I had to give Rani a bath earlier."

"No biggie, I shrugged.

Rarity and Blizzardstar were having a talk about Ein.

Rarity spoke "Would you slap Ein-"

Blizzardstar spoke "Yes."

Rarity spoke "I didn't even finish!"

Blizzardstar spoke "Sorry, continue."

Rarity asks "Would you slap Ein for 10 bits?"

Blizzardstar spoke "I would do it for free and at any time."

*Back with my family,*

Danyelle spoke "That reminds me, I was going to go check up on Amiya and I need a babysitter... Preferably someone who doesn't have an unbound form yet."

Tails spoke "I can help with that."

Danyelle spoke "Thanks Tails."

Tails spoke "No prob."

Danyelle giggles "That makes what, 14 now?"

Nightshade blushed at the idea.

Spittfire spoke "I can't imagine what Dren is planning with that dynamite. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal."

But then Pandora appeared next to Discord. “Dissy, save your crazy bet proposal for when Sonic’s kids have more control over their powers.”

Discord spoke "But-"

Pandora spoke "Next time."

Pandora snapped her fingers, causing her and Discord to vanish.

Danyelle spoke "Anyways... I was just about to go check up on Amiya. She's been quiet for some time."

Pinkie spoke "Ooh! Maybe she’s planning a surprise party!"

Danyelle and Blaze were both up on the ceiling in surprise.

Danyelle spoke "For the love of StarClan... QUIT DOING THAT PINKIE!"

Pinkie spoke "Oops, sorry."

Danyelle spoke "Great StarClan... You're as bad as Ein is when it comes to pranks..."

After leaving the mittens in Tails' care, Danyelle heads off through a warp ring to Amiya's world.

*Danyelle’s POV*

Okay, now to find Amiya. I looked around, but I couldn’t find her. Soon I was at a location that was dark, I was starting to get worried when suddenly…

An excitable voice spoke "SURPRISE!!!"

Lights flashed on as the place was revealed to be a party zone, hosted by Amiya.

I was up on the ceiling yet again.

I groan "Twice in one day..."

Amiya spoke "Oh, sorry about that. We just wanted to through a surprise party as thanks for helping this world."

I spoke "It wasn't my doing though, Nine and Shatterverse Sonic were the ones who purified the Originium and got rid of Oripathy."

Nearl spoke "Amiya, you're an idiot."

Amiya spoke "Well, they weren't exactly alone in helping us."

Zoey and Dren soon pop up with Pigment and Anzu. Zoey was in Mobini form, Dren was back in Cyniclon form and Anzu was in Mobini-Cyniclon form.

Zoey spoke "Hey Danyelle."

I spoke "Hey guys."

Dren spoke "I just hope you don't have anything banana related here, I'm allergic to bananas."

"I'll be sure to let DK and Diddy know." I responded.

Zoey spoke "Danyelle, you're an idiot. Those two didn't help you deal with the Originium cleansing."

"I was talking to Dren, Zoey." I pointed out.

Dren spoke "I just hope I'm not picked to be a Smasher, I'd rather not get yelled at by Sardon."

As dumb luck would have it, I burped up a scroll from Master Hand.

I spoke "Uh Dren, you just jinxed yourself."

Dren asks "*Pale* Huh?"

I give the scroll to Dren.

Dren read it as he then facepalmed.

Zoey spoke "Seems a new tag team was announced though Dren. And it's both of us!"

Dren asks "So we work together?"

Zoey spoke "Of course Dren dear, we're stronger together."

Dren asks "Nice. *Remembers something* Oh! What about Megan and Mimi?"

As if on cue, a pair of wolf Mobini pop up.

Megan asks "Did someone call?"

Zoey spoke "Megan! Mimi! *Hugs them both* It’s so good to see you again!"

Mimi giggles "And look at you Zoey, you're one third cat one third alicorn one third human!"

Zoey spoke "Dunno if the one-third cat’s either that, wolf, or quarter all four."

Dren spoke "Zoey, I think your mom's hiding a rather big secret."

Zoey asks "Hmm?"

Mimi spoke "Ya know, if I was a cat, I’d be a Bengal Tiger."

Megan spoke "And I’d be an African Lioness."

Zoey asks "Megan, Mimi, have either of you felt like something was missing in your life?"

Mimi asks "Huh?"

Megan asks "Wha?"

Anzu asks "Mom?"

Megan and Mimi were surprised at what the cat Mobini-Cyniclon hybrid had called Zoey.

Zoey contacts her mom via telepathy.

Zoey spoke "That's Anzu, she's one of my daughters. The Mewtwo is Pigment, she's also part alicorn and part wolf beastman."

Megan and Mimi spoke "*Big-eyed with smiles and droopy ears* AWW!!!"

Cherry soon arrives via magic, taking on her human form.

Cherry spoke "Hey Zoey."

Zoey spoke "Hi mom."

Both wolf Mobini spoke "There's something about you we just can't quite put our finger on..."

Zoey asks "Huh?"

Cherry spoke "Zoey, there's something I should have told you back when you were 8... You have two sisters..."

Zoey shouts "WHAT?!"

Mimi and Megan ask "*Excited about the gossip* Who?! Who?!"

Cherry spoke "Think about it Zoey sweetie. When I was about 988 years of age, I had three girls. You looked more like me though Zoey but the other two didn't and since I couldn't handle raising three children, I had erased your memories of your sisters... I'm sorry..."

That left Megan and Mimi confused.

Dren spoke "Oh for the love of.... Zoey, what your mom is trying to say that Megan and Mimi are your sisters."

Zoey, Mimi and Megan scream "...WHAAAAAAAAATTTTT?!?!?!?!?"

Dren plugs his ears.

Dren spoke "God... Kitten, watch the royal voice will you? I nearly went deaf."

"Yeah, be careful." I warned.

Zoey spoke "I keep forgetting that cat ears and Cyniclon ears are sensitive to loud noise."

Megan spoke "Wow... Just wow..."

Mimi spoke "I never saw that coming..."

I giggle "I did though."

Nearl laughs "Enough about that, let's party!!!"

And the party continued as we all had fun.

Due to a prank pulled by Lance, Volt had fallen out of a warp ring and landed on top of Amiya thus kissing her by accident.

Volt spoke "S-sorry!"

Amiya blushed madly at that as I giggled.

Nearl giggles "Well, this was unexpected."

Zoey teases "*Smirk* Hmm… Speaking of crushes, how’re your high school crushes, Mimi and Megan?"

Zoey’s sisters blushed at that.

Cherry giggles.

“Oh? What happened?” I asked, intrigued.

Zoey giggles "I'm picking on my sisters."

“Come on, tell me. I’m dying to know.” I insisted with a smirk.

Zoey spoke "Sorry Dany, I'm not telling!"

I then started playfully tussling with Zoey. “C’mon! Tell me!”

Zoey soon has me by the tails.

Zoey spoke "No Danyelle."

Mimi and Megan giggled at what Zoey and I were doing.

Dren spoke "Last thing Sonic needs is one of his cousins developing a crush on him since it's just wrong."

I spoke "Enough about that, I'm rather curious about the state of your world though Amiya."

Amiya spoke "*Smile* Without the Originium, it’s getting a whole lot better. Everything’s more peaceful now."

Nearl spoke "If if weren't for you guys pulling off that freaking miracle, it would have been harder for us. *snicker* And Amiya wouldn't have gotten her first kiss either, if you know what I mean."

Amiya spoke "*Blush!* Nearl!"

Volt had curled into a ball from embarrassment.

But then an unknown person showed up.

Nearl spoke "Oh hey Doctor Asuma."

Doctor Asuma asks "What's going on here?"

Zoey explained to the Doctor that one of her cousins had kissed Amiya on accident.

Doctor Asuma asks "Oh?"

Volt whines "Zoey!"

Doctor Asuma giggled.

Nearl spoke "In the length of time I've known you Doctor Asuma, I've never heard you laugh once."

My nose twitches.

I spoke "Smells like fox..."

Doctor Asuma spoke "Aren't you intuitive."

I giggle "I've got keen ears, eyes and sense of smell."

Zoey spoke "Anyway, Mimi and Megan, you would not believe how big my family's getting."

I giggle "Sonic's got 14 wives, Manic's got 2 and Sonia has four since she's a lesbian."

Mimi and Megan ask "...Wait-what?"

Zoey spoke "Mom's mother is a Princess."

Zoey's sisters became more shocked.

Volt spoke "My dad's one third alicorn."

That last bit of info was too much for Mimi and Megan as they fainted.

Zoey laughs "Oh wow, I didn't see that one coming."

"Guess that was too much info to take in at once." I giggled.

Zoey spoke "At least there's no more Oripathy."

Doctor Asuma spoke "You're telling me."

Zoey spoke "It wasn't just the Harmony Guard that put a stop to it, three others helped out."

Doctor Asuma asks "Who?"

I spoke "There's myself, Sonic, Roll, Shirou, Michiru, Maria, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Asuna, Orion, Ash, Indigo, Akane and Haru. The eighteen of us along with Nine, Shira, Shatterverse Sonic and a few others, we were able to purify the crystals and get rid of the Oripathy."

Doctor Asuma spoke "…Wow."

Zoey giggles "I remember the one time where one of Sonic's in-laws got a mouth full of dirt!"

But then Dren realized something.

Anzu asks "Dad, you okay?"

Dren asks "If Zoey is a princess, wouldn’t that make me…?"

Zoey spoke "A prince."

My dimensional scream kicks in suddenly, revealing a vision from when Dren was 5 years old. And to my surprise, Zoey and the others had seen the vision as well.

*Cynnth, 25 years ago,*

A five year old Dren was playing with his most favorite toy when one of the guards had approached his parents.

The guard spoke "King Higashi, Queen Anzu, you two have to take Dren and run. there have been reports of rogue guards that were recruited by Deep Blue and they want you three dead."

Young Dren was confused on what was going on.

Higashi knelt down in front of his two children

Higashi spoke "Son, I want you and Naoko to run as fast as you both can to Hayako's place and don't look back."

Naoko spoke "No daddy!"

Higashi spoke "Go now!"

Naoko grabs her brother's wrist and started running as fast as her legs could handle to Hayako's house.

One of the rogue guards spoke "There they go! GET THOSE LITTLE ROYAL SHITS!!"

Naoko yelped as she tried to run faster with young Dren.

Since this was a vision of the past, I couldn't do anything to help.

Dren was taking this the worst.

Zoey places a hand on her husband's shoulder, causing him to bury his face in her chest as he cried.

Naoko spoke "Keep going brother! I'll try to hold them off somehow!"

Young Dren asks "N-Naoko...?"

Naoko spoke "GO!!!"

Young Dren was scared out of his mind as he ran like hell.

I soon snap back to my senses, ending the memory.

I spoke "I'm so sorry you had to relive that memory Dren."

Dren was silent.

Zoey teleports back to Mobius before reappearing with a Mobian she-cat that had black fur, brown eyes and a plain pink dress.

The she-cat looks up at Dren.

The cat asks "Do I know you?"

Dren asks "H-Huh...?"

But then the she-cat held her head in pain.

Zoey spoke "Her memories are returning..."

But then the she-cat gasped, looking up at Dren.

Dren gasps "N-Naoko?"


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