• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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*Maurice's POV*

Ugh... can't see... ears ringing...

Squad Commander Red spoke "Hold your positions."

Renegade asks "What is happening?"

Squad Commander Red spoke "Reinforcements are coming."

Dr. Deep spoke "Im getting destroyed out here."

Rebel, Moeru, Deep Lilac and Shira spoke "Get up, Sonic! Get up!"

I woke up and was instantly on my feet, gasping and panting before seeing Grim Big. "Oh, no. No, no, no." I dreaded before Grim Big fired dozens of missiles at all of us. "Scatter!"

We started running to avoid the Froggy Missiles.

Squad Commander Red spoke "Coming in hot. Take cover!"

But then Grim Big's head opened up again, this time with his upper chest as hundreds of Froggy Missiles headed for us.

Torch and several hundred adult dragons ram into the giant robot, knocking it down.

But then it got back up instantly before firing dozens of missiles at the Mothership as they hit it dead on, wrecking its cannons.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "The Mothership cannons are down. I need some assistance."

Birdie Grimions started heading straight for the Mothership.

Dr. Done-It spoke "One bucket of fried robo-chicken coming up."

The Yolkomotive fired at three Grimions, shooting them down.

Rust spoke "We too are on our way."

Nine spoke "Stop the ships!"

Rouge and Birdie Grimions came out, heading right for the Kracken and Yolkomotive as Rusty was shooting plasma at the enemies.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Huh? *Notices a Grimion Birdie on the left back engine* Wah!"

Spyro spoke "Dragons!"

Ember tackles the Grimion off the engine and into the water.

Wendy shouts "SIS!!!"

Meanwhile, Dr. Babbles in his mech and Dr. Deep in his mech suit were flying towards Grim Big as Dr. Babbles babbled.

Dr. Deep spoke "Indeed. And like all kitty cats, it's evil to the core. Prepare to flank on my mark."

But then the two were sent flying by the swipe of Grim Big's tail.

A crewmate spoke "Flee! Flee for your lives!"

Deep Lilac, Shira and I were fighting Grimions, not knowing that Grim Big was closing in on us.

A rebel spoke "it's focused on Sonic, Deep Lilac and Shira."

Dr. Don't spoke "Which means it won't see me coming. *Glasses light up* Boss battle."

A controlled Eggforcer took off with a few other eggbots as they flew at Grim Big before the bots were soon wrecked as Dr. Don't's glasses went back to normal. The giant Grim-bot then turned at the teen doc.

Dr. Don't asks "Can I get a restart? *Runs away on his floating chair while throwing away his controllers* What the?"

Grim Big then fired more Froggy missiles as Dr. Don't was sent flying into the air with a yell as Batten flew up, allowing a Amy Grimion to get sent flying by Grim Big's tail. We ran before the giant bot thrashed its tail against the ground, sending us flying forward.

"That's it, your nine evil robo-lives just ran out." I declared as Deep Lilac, Shira and I ran towards it.

Rebel spoke "Sonic wait, hang back. Stick to the plan!"

Nine spoke "Predictable."

We got past some Grimions before we were sent flying by Grim Big's tail as we crashed on the ground.

Nine spoke "After them."

Then more Sonic, Twilight and Inari Grimions appeared, surrounding the three of us.

"Right, stick to the plan." I remembered as we started fighting our Grimion counterparts.

Danyelle flew past as a Nekomata Grimion crashes into a Twilight Grimion, causing both to explode.

"Nine!" I called out. "You want us?" I noted while knocking away some Sonic Grimions. "Come catch us."

Deep Lilac, Danyelle, Shira and I ran as our Grimion counterparts chased after us while the Scavengers were still climbing.

Prim spoke "They're buying us time. Let's use it. Keep moving."

Nine kept his eyes on me, Deep Lilac, Danyelle and Shira as we kept running.

Nine asks "Where are you going?"

Nine started absorbing Prism Energy again as Grim Big powered down while the shield glitched again.

Rebel spoke "Its power is draining."

Renegade spoke "Now's our chance! *Punched right above Grim Big's tail, leaving a dent* Ha, that's more like it. Finally making a dent in this thing."

Nine finished charging before he fired a green beam in front of us, creating a chasm as we tried to stop ourselves.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." I yelped before we stopped right at the edge. "Whoa."

But then our Grimion counterparts tackled us into the chasm as they attacked us and threw us into junk piles. Nine powered Grim Big back up as Dr. Babbles was knocked away by its tail as the bot spun around. Renegade was sent flying off the tail before Thorn, riding on Boscage Birdie, caught him as Grim Big fired more Froggy missiles at the army.

A Crewmate spoke "Run!"

Rebel spoke "Look out!"

Rebel grabbed the crewmate as they dodged a missile before it exploded.

Dr. Deep spoke "Ugh! Enough of this. I'm no one's sacrificial lamb. Mr. Doctor, we need the Mothership!"

Eggforcers tried to lift one of the Mothership's cannons, but were knocked away by plasma shots from Grimion Birdies as Rusty was firing at the airborne enemies while Black Rose fought a Rouge Grimion before two Birdie Grimions latched onto the Yolkomotive's windshields.

Dr. Done-It spoke "One order of extra crispy wings coming up."

Dr. Done-It shot the two Grimions, shattering them as Eggforcers tried to lift the cannon again, but where attacked by Rouge Grimions. The four of us were really struggling against our Grimion counterparts before they we destroyed by... Shadow and Redux Shadow!

"Shadow, you're both alive!" I cheered. "Help a brother and some friends up?"

Shatterverse Shadow: *Lifts me up while the other Shadow helped the girls up* We are not related.

"*Sigh* Never mind. You okay?" I asked.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "My counterpart and I survived. Nine's Alphas deployed a massive army to keep us down here."

"Alphas? You mean the ones that can duplicate themselves?" I noticed.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "If I still had that Chaos Emerald, I could have teleported the both of us out of here, but it's lost to the void and my counterpart doesn't have one either. And, smashing hoards of Sonics isn't the worst thing in the world."

We then saw some pebbles come down as we looked up, seeing more Grimion counterparts of us.

"Up for smashing a few more mes?" I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "Chaos Control!"

The Mew teleports with the three hedgehogs, Shira and Deep Lilac out of the chasm before reappearing next to Rust.

Meanwhile, the Scavengers were still sneaking as they stayed out of Alpha Grim Birdie's sight.

Prim asks "We're gonna need to sneak past that thing if we wanna cut off Nine from the Prism, ideas?"

Gnarly spoke "I've got one, but I'll need four rocks, 80 feet of vine and a time machine."

Prim's ears drooped, deadpanning at that as the Scavengers continued sneaking and climbing. Meanwhile, we kept fighting the Sonic Grimions as Shadow soon knocked a Grimion Sonic into the chasm as I soon did the same to another before we then knocked plenty of Grimion counterparts down there.

"*Chuckle* Hello teamwork!" I smiled. "Up top."

Danyelle had two chaos emeralds floating around her neck.

Danyelle spoke "Look what I found!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Perfect!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "*As he and his Redux counterpart grabbed the Chaos Emeralds* These troopers are one thing, but the Alphas can generate an endless army. They are the real threat."

I sighed as I high-fived myself. "Rebel's plan is working. The Scavengers are through to the Citadel. They're gonna cut Nine off from the Prism."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Which is in Nine's lab, guarded by the Alphas. They'll never reach it."

"So how do we destroy them?" I asked.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "We don't. We're going after Nine."

I stopped the Shadows. "No, we're not. You said it yourself. If we don't go after the Alphas, we're cooked. And the only way we win this thing is if we work together. We need the others."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "It's the end of the universe, and you're still thinking about your friends."

"Of course I am. They're all here, fighting, sacrificing themselves for me." I pointed out.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "All the more reason to go after Nine while he's distracted."

"And let my friends get pummeled when Nine only wants me, Deep Lilac, Shira and maybe Danyelle? *Sighs before gasping* Nine only wants us. I have an idea." I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "My piece of the prism is much too small to be bothered with."

Meanwhile, Birdie Grimions took out the Kracken's propellers.

Black Rose spoke "Get those flying beasts off of us!

Rust spoke "*Fires before going back to Black Rose* There are too many. Ship damage is critical.

Black Rose spoke "I hate to say it, but we're going down. Abandon ship!

The two Amys jumped off the Kraken as it went down before Rust got grabbed by a Grimion Birdie as Black Rose jumped off flying Grimions, attempting to get Rusty, but failed and started falling.

Rust spoke "No!

Rust punched the Grimion, freeing herself as she dived after Black Rose before she was attacked by a Grimion Birdie. She grabbed said Grimion and spun it around before crashing it against another while Black Rose was attacked by a Grimion Rouge when Rusty grabbed on and retracted up before punching the Grimion, releasing Black Rose as Rusty grabbed onto her before they were attacked by another Grimion Birdie. The two flew the Grimion into the line of fire of another Grimion Birdie, causing it to blow up as Rust and Black Rose started falling again before Thorn saw them.

Thorn spoke "Birdie, fly!

Boscage Birdie started flying towards the two.

Black Rose spoke "It's been an honor to know you, friend.

Rust spoke "The honor has been all mine, friend.

Boscage Birdie caught the two at the last second.

Thorn spoke "Got you!

The Kraken then crashed and exploded.

Black Rose spoke "Ha! By Poseidon's soggy beard! *Chuckles*

Boscage Birdie then landed as the three Amys got off.

Rust spoke "Thank you, Thorn. We owe you our lives.

Thorn spoke "You would do the same for me, *Wink!* sisters.

Rust spoke "Sister. I have never had a sister.

Black Rose spoke "Now you got two.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "In case you've forgotten, we're under attack. Get up here!

Thorn spoke "Let's show them what these sisters can do.

The three Amys flew up with Boscage Birdie as Rust and Black Rose landed aboard and started fighting Rouge Grimions as Thorn and Boscage Birdie fought Birdie Grimions. The three and Boscage Birdie soon left the Mothership as the Yolkomotive shot the last airborne Grimions.

Dr. Done-It spoke "You're all clear, Mr. Doctor.

Eggforcers started lifting a cannon as Grim Big sent some crystals flying with his tail, trapping a crewmate underneath the pile as the rebel member tried to help him get out.

Dr. Deep spoke "We're getting destroyed out here.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Keep your mustache on, Doctor. The cannons are almost repaired.

The Mothership's cannons were back online as they powered up.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "At last!

A pair of cannons charged up as the rebel member got the crewmate out.

Nine spoke "The Mothership! Take out the Mothership!

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "So long, you colossal waste.

The cannons fired at Grim Big, hitting it dead-on as that caused an explosion. When it faded, the upper chest was open with its head open, but the visors were definitely broken as it started shutting down.

Nine spoke "No, no, no!

The upper chest and head closed as it crashed onto the ground as we noticed that while heading to the others as the others cheered, Dr. Deep and Dr. Don't chuckled.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Hoo-hoo-hoo!

We then got to the others. "You did it, you took out that behemoth!"

Rebel spoke "Sonic, you and the others are okay!

"Gang, this is Shadow. Shadow, meet, well, everyone, I guess." I introduced.

Danyelle spoke "If things backfire on us, I have a backup plan just in case."

Deep Lilac spoke "Good idea Danyelle, it never hurts to have a second plan if the first one fails."

But then we heard a crazed and angered roar from Nine as he was in the air, absorbing more prism energy.

“Well, that’s terrifying.” I nervously said before Nine fired a beam at the Mothership, hitting it dead-on as explosions started going off with it going down.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Oh, my egg!"

Mr. Dr. Eggman flew out of it in his mech before the Mothership completely exploded, totally destroyed.

Dr. Babbles cries.

Dr. Done-It spoke "My butterscotch candies!"

Dr. Don’t spoke "My video games!"

Dr. Deep spoke "My essential oils!"

Mr. Dr. Eggman in his mech bounced on and off the ground before stopping after his mech slid on its face.

Dr. Deep spoke "Mr. Doctor, are you alive? Say something."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "*Pokes his head out the top of his mech’s head* Mark my words, we’re going to melt that fox.

Nine soon held his head in pain on the tower as the prism shield started decaying while closing in.

“Every time he diverts power, the dome shrinks. He needs our energy to stabilize it.” I noticed as Nine saw the Scavengers as he sent the three flying into the air.

Rebel spoke "Prim!"

Prim soon caught Gnarly, Hangry and Boscage Froggy as they came back to us.

Rebel spoke "The plan, it failed."

“We’re running out of time. I need you, all of you, to listen to me.” I requested.

Dr. Deep asks "Why should anyone listen to you?"

“Because I know how we can win.” I answered as Nine started absorbing more prism energy with his robo-tails.

Nine spoke "No, the dome… *Finishes absorbing*"

“You’ll never catch us, Nine. We’re too fast. Hit us with everything you’ve got!” I challenged.

Nine spoke "No more waiting."

The Alphas started heading for us.

“Rebel.” I said before the Alphas landed before Nine made more Grimions as they charged at us. “Here they come.” I pointed out as we started fighting the army before I noticed my friends in danger. “No!”

I threw Alpha Grim Sonic away before running to my friends before Alpha Grim Sonic got up when it was punched by Shadow.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Finally. Prove your worth, machine."

I tried getting to my friends, but tackled by an Alpha Grim Birdie as the Pirates were getting beaten badly.

A crewmate spoke "It’s hopeless, run!"

The crewmate and rebel member started to run before they were knocked into the air as I was knocked onto the ground by the Alpha Grim Birdie.

A rebel member spoke "Back, back I say."

The rebel member was knocked back before falling unconscious as the Yolkomotive’s propellers were torn off.

Dr. Done-It spoke "I’m going down!"

The Yolkomotive crashed, destroying some outer walls as Dr. Babbles was sent flying onto Dr. Deep. The Shadows were getting pummeled.

Shatterverse Shadow asks "Is that all you got?"

Then the Sonic Grimions all attacked both Shadows at once making a huge dust cloud come up.

“Shadow!” I yelled as everyone was getting beaten unconscious. We were losing, again!

Nine spoke "*Flying into the air* Come to me, Sonic."

That tears it, no more running!

“Nine!” Danyelle, Deep Lilac, Shira and I growled as we ran, breaking through the army.

Nine spoke "Finally."

We went up the Citadel as we got onto the tower top before jumping at Nine with him flying at us.


Danyelle's shout had reached Dr. Don't's ears.


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