• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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12 years later/ Friendship is Magic Part 1

*Lillian's POV*

It's been 12 years since me and my friends have been accidently ripped from our world. During that time, Shadow and Maria had one daughter named Ruby while Tails and Inari had their first child, a boy named Rusty. Zoey and Dren had a girl named Anzu. Thanks to tanuki magic, Michiru and Nazuna had a boy named Alto. Sonic and Roll had triplets, two boys and a girl.

A female Mobian Arctic fox came up to Twilight as she was reading a book and greeted her. "Hey Sparkles!"

"Hey Korra." Twilight says greeting the vixen known as Korra while she kept reading her book.

Korra asks "What book are you reading?"

"She's reading about Equestria history about the two royal sisters." I answered as I was sitting under a tree that Twilight was sitting by.

Korra asks "But isn't the Summer Sun Celebration coming up?"

"Yeah but you know Twilight and her studies." I say with a shrug.

Using her waterbending, Korra drenches Twilight.

"Ahh! hey what was that for?!" Twilight asks looking up from her book and looking at Korra with an unhappy look.

Korra giggles "You forgot that Moondancer's having a party today."

"I'm sorry Korra but I don't have time for parties, I found something very important in this book that I need to look up back at home." Twilight says before using her magic to dry herself off before getting up and heading back to her place.

Korra asks "Who put salt in her coffee?"

Before I can answer, I heard Sonic crash into the tree I was under.

Sonic spoke "Oww...."

"Um you okay there buddy?" Korra asked Sonic looking up at him from the tree branch he landed on.

"Yeah I'm fine, just accidentally pissed Shadow off a bit." Sonic groans.

"What did you do this time?" I asked and before he could answer we heard Roll come over as she tells us what happened.

Tempest followed Roll as the others followed.

Danyelle had crashed into a tree.

Danyelle spoke "That hurt...."

"What happened with you Dany?" I asked the nekomata who also seemed to crash into the same tree I'm under too.

Danyelle groans "Shadow happened..."

"You pissed him off too?" I asked.

Danyelle groans "Caught him off guard..."

"You know not to do that to him because he'll do what he just did to you." I say as I shake my head in disappointment. "Anyways I have to check on Twilight, it looked like she might've found out about something in the book she was reading." I tell Dany before heading off to Twilight's home leaving Dany and Sonic to in the tree as they called out for me to help them get down.

Danyelle airlifted Sonic down from the tree since she had wings now.

Sonic spoke "Not my fault his left ear is sensitive..."

*At Twilight's tower*

After arriving back at Twilight's home, I heard Twilight ask Spike to help her look for a book.

Sonic, Danyelle, Tempest and the others follow after me.

I silently told my friends to keep quiet as they nodded, complying with my request.

Michiru whispers "Lillian, I have a feeling that something bad is about to happen. Even Shirou senses it too."

“I have that gut feeling too, ya know.” I quietly responded.

Korra whispers "My guess would be that Nightmare Moon is close to breaking free..."

“How do you know?” I asked in confusion.

Korra whispers "I read it in a book that... I had accidentally set on fire..."

Danyelle whacks Korra on the back of the head.

Korra yelps "OW! What was that for?"

Danyelle spoke "You know how Twilight is about books."

Korra spoke "Plus I heard rumors that a certain guard has a major crush on Twilight."


A brilliant gamboge Pegasus had sneezed.

The stallion sighs "I'm so gonna shave that arctic fox's tail for that later..."

*Back with the group*

Zoey spoke "Real smooth Korra, plus I heard rumors that you have a crush on a guy named Mako."

Inner Korra was freaking out.

Korra looked flustered. “Uh… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Zoey spoke "It's written on your face Korra, you have it bad for Mako. It's as obvious as Shining's crush on Cadence."

Anzu spoke "Like you're to talk mom, you and dad bicker a lot though."

Alto spoke "Good thing my mothers aren't like that."

Shirou was pacing about.

“Is something wrong?” I asked.

Michiru spoke "Shirou said that the last few nights, he’s been seeing an alicorn mare in his dreams, calling out for help, warning him about a monster."

Alto asks "You mean the Mare in the Moon?"

Michiru spoke "That’s what it sounds like."

Danyelle spoke "As things are now, we've only got three alicorns."

Danyelle soon got a scroll to the face since it was from Celestia.

Danyelle spoke "Ouch."

Twilight asks "Danyelle?"

Danyelle lies "I'm fine."

A feathered dragoness spoke "Looks like Celestia tasked the lot of us with preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration."

Danyelle and Shadow teleported with the other Mobians to outside a town called Ponyville though Michiru and Nazuna stayed behind with Alto.

Alto spoke "*manifesting a pair of wings on his back since he was a tanuki Mobian as he spotted a certain Pegasus approaching* Good luck Sparkle Butt."

Alto took flight with his mothers.

Michiru had the legs of a bird while airlifting Shirou since he had no idea how to fly yet.

Nazuna was carrying Korra.

Flash spoke "H-hey there."

Twilight asks "Huh?"

Twilight turned around to see Flash Sentry, turning into a stammering mess.

The trio of Mobians laugh as they flew off with Shirou and Korra.

Alto laughs "Oh my god, that was priceless!"

Alto spots a unicorn mare with a broken horn before divebombing her, pinning her down.

The mare spoke "Get off me you stupid raccoon!"

Alto spoke "I'm not a raccoon! I'm a tanuki!"

Michiru asks "*sweatdrop* Was I like that once Shirou?"

Shirou spoke "Yeah."

Nazuna giggles "Michiru, you may be a tanuki but you're my stupid raccoon."

Michiru spoke "Silly kitsune."

*Back with Twilight*

Spike asks "Why do I have the feeling that Alto got called a stupid raccoon?"

Wendy spoke "Beats me, Spike."

Spike was a blushing mess.

Wendy asks "Huh? You okay?"

Twilight spoke "He's got a crush on you Wendy."

Wendy asks "W-Wha?!"

Spike spoke "Sh-she's right...."

A roar was heard but it wasn't from Spike or Wendy.

Twilight gasps "Wh-what is that doing here?!?"

Wendy asks "Wait, why does she feel familiar?"

A red dragon male spoke "She's not the only one. OI NATSU! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!"

A smaller red dragon with a salmon pink mane along with a yellow dragoness show up.

Natsu spoke "Keep your scales on old man."

Wendy was definitely surprised.

The feathered dragon spoke "Hello daughter."

Wendy was shocked before she fainted from it.

A blue dragon teen spoke "Wow mother, you went and done it."

The larger feathered dragon spoke "I couldn't help it Ember."

Ember facepalms.

*After Twilight, Flash and the dragons arrived in Ponyville*

I ask "What took you so long Twilight?"

Twilight spoke "Unexpected family reunion."

The blonde dragoness was carrying an earth pony mare on her back.

The blonde dragoness asks "Where should we go first?"

Twilight spoke "The list said to check on the food for the festival."

The mare spoke "That would be Sweet Apple Acres."

Spike spoke "But Twilight, we don't know how the others will react to 26 Mobians and five dragons... One of which is carrying a pony on her back."

Twilight asks "So?"

Korra spoke "He's got a point Twilight, there might be a pony that might not take well to larger dragons... Let alone Mobians."

Flash spoke "Plus that pink pony freaked out."

Sonic spoke "Looks like she was planning something fun."

Jazz asks "You sure dad?"

Rusty spoke "None of the folks here know what we are though."

Roll spoke "I was thinking that we split into five groups to cover all the areas faster."

The blonde dragoness spoke "The hedgefox has a good point Twilight."

Twilight spoke "I don't know..."

Zoey spoke "I agree with Roll on that, it'll save you less time."

“One takes the weather check, one goes to Sweet Apple Acres, one goes to Town Hall, one goes to check on the animal chorus, and uh…” I noted before thinking about the fifth task.

Bridget spoke "Before Sardon has a conniption from trying to figure that pink pony out..."

The blonde dragoness spoke "I'll go with the two hawks, the two tanukis and the fox to check on the food prep."

Rusty spoke "My dad and I will handle the weather."

Roll spoke "Lance, Jazz, Volt and I will check on the song progress."

Danyelle spoke "Sonic and I will try to find a place large enough to support 26 Mobians and six dragons."

Miyuki spoke "Inari and I will handle Town Hall."

I spoke "Let's meet up at the library later."

With that, the group splits up into smaller groups.

*Lucy's POV*

I was heading to Sweet Apple Acres with Lillian, Tempest, the earth pony and the Kagetashis.

The earth mare spoke "It's been a while since Ah was here."

The seven of us soon hear the voice of another earth mare.

The mare asks "Who’s there?!"

An orange furred chakat with leaf green eyes and brown paws spoke "Applejack! Ah believe that's part o' the group that came ta check up on the preparations fer the Summer Sun Celebration that's tomorrow and..."

The chakat takes notice of the mare on my back.

The chakat asks "Say Applejack, didn' ya say yer ma was dead?"

Applejack spoke "Ah did, but when Ah heard that voice, Ah thought someone was tryin’ ta-"

The earth mare asks "Ya callin' me a liar Jay-Jay?"

Applejack spoke "…Jay-Jay? Only one pony called me that, and that was…"

I sat down on my rear, causing the cream colored mare to slide off my back.

Pear spoke "It's been too long Jay-Jay."

The earth pony mare suddenly had tears in her eyes before she fainted from the shock.

I spoke "I think we overdid it..."

I picked Applejack up and shook her awake.

The chakat whistles loud thus calling in the rest of the Apple Family.

“WHOA! Just how big is this family?!” I asked in complete shock and awe.

Pear spoke "Mah family was 'bout the same size but Ah cut ties with them before Ah had Big MacIntosh."

“Huh? Why?” I asked in confusion.

Pear spoke "Ah don' wanna talk 'bout it."

Pear was soon on her back since a yellow earth filly had tackled her.

Pear spoke "Calm down Bloomy."

But the filly cried while tightly hugging her.

Not a single dry eye was seen among the rest of the Apple Family just as Maria pops up with an elderly stallion.

Noticing the stallion, Pear Butter spoke "Daddy..."

The stallion looked away in an apologetic expression.

Ears flatten, Maria spoke "It's time to put the past behind you, for everyone's sake."

*Meanwhile at town hall*

*Miyuki's POV*

I spoke "This place is coming along nicely kyu."

Inari notices a unicorn mare and a white chakat with green eyes.

I spoke "Hello there kyu."

The mare asks "Hmm?"

It was clear to the unicorn that Inari's fur was a total mess.

Rarity gasps "My goodness! What happened to your coiffure?!"

Inari asks "You mean my fur?"

I spoke "It's a long story kyu."

Unknown to the unicorn and I, a mysterious black stallion with a white mane and ghostly green eyes was watching while invisible.

Rarity asks "Kyu?"

I spoke "It's a verbal tic of mine."

Rarity spoke "Oh."

I ask "Is it just me or there someone hiding?"

But then I felt a chill shoot down my spine.

A stallion was heard yelping in fright since he had been pounced on by his Pegasus marefriend.

The stallion groans "Why do you keep pouncing on me like that Violet Glow?"

Violet giggles "Pinned ya!"

The stallion spoke "You forget Vio, I can phase through things."

The stallion disappears before reappearing, pinning Violet down.

Violet spoke "No fair Phantom!"

Phantom chuckles "All's fair in love Vio, you know that."

Violet giggles *Smirk* Really? Then how about this?"

Violet grabbed Phantom’s face and kissed him on the lips.

Phantom chuckles "Cheeky mare."

Violet giggled “Tricky stallion.”

Rarity spoke "Aww!"

The white chakat chuckles "That is adorable, right Rares?"

Rarity spoke "Indeed!"

I spoke "I agree kyu."

*Meanwhile with Tails and Rusty*

*Tails' POV*

I spoke "Seems someone's not doing her job of keeping the sky clear."

Rusty spoke "That or someone’s waiting 'til the last minute."

I spoke "Well, Danyelle did tell me that her favorite candy was skittles so if I use that as an insult..."

I look about for anything.

I call out "SKITTLES!!!"

Next thing I knew, I was sent flying into a building.

Rusty glares at the rainbow maned Pegasus.

Rusty growls "You hit my dad!"

The 8 year old tri-tailed fox Mobian slugs the mare in the face.

But the Pegasus was unfazed. “He insulted my mane and tail!”

Rusty glares even more at the mare, making her cower.


“Nah, Rusty, it’s alright. That was fair for me calling her that.” I responded, calming Rusty down.

Rusty spoke "But dad, you know that aunt Miyuki would've snapped if she found out that you got hurt! And it doesn't help that the mare has a rainbow mane. If Danyelle had used the skittles term, she would have gotten hurt."

A blast of ice had hit the rainbow maned mare's rear, freezing it solid.

Miyuki spoke "Damn right I would have snapped! You're my brother though Miles."

The Pegasus snickers "Miles... Seriously?"

I growl "Watch it Skittles, only my sisters and my wife can call me that!"

The mare asks "Then I won’t call you that, if you don’t call me Skittles. Deal?"

I spoke "Deal."

I curl my left hand into a fist before giving the mare a fistbump.

I spoke "And I do apologize for my son's temper."

Maria flew past me while carrying a wounded male jackal in her arms.

“Wait, isn’t that…!” I gasped in shock as I was about to ready myself to fight Infinite!

Rusty spoke "Cool it dad! He's in no shape to fight anyone."

“But that’s-!” I tried to explain.

Miyuki spoke "Miles...."

Yipe! That sister of mine, she’s real scary like that!

Even the rainbow maned Pegasus was shivering.

Rainbow Dash asks "Wait, I just noticed, why so some of you have more than one tail?"

Miyuki spoke "I'm a nine tailed fox, my brother's a two-tailed fox and my nephew's a three tailed fox. Oh, we never introduced ourselves either. I'm Miyuki Prower."

I spoke "My name is Miles Prower but I usually go by Tails most of the time."

Rusty spoke "And I'm Rusty Prower."

*Meanwhile with Roll's group*

*Lillian's POV*

Roll spoke "I hear singing."

“Definitely. And it’s pretty sweet too.” I agreed.

Tempest spoke "But we should be careful, we might be dealing with a skittish pony and taur."

“What makes you say that?” I asked in confusion.

Tempest spoke "One of my cousins is just as skittish."

Jazz slowly approaches the butter yellow Pegasus mare and the baby blue chakat.

Jazz spoke "Sorry for spooking you but that was a lovely song your birds were working on."

The baby blue chakat spoke "Shy, she's talking to you..."

The shy mare asks "O-Oh. Really?"

The chakat spoke "Yeah, there's a young foxgirl looking at you."

Jazz spoke "Um… I’m a hedgefox."

The shy mare asks "A what?"

The chakat spoke "A half-hedgehog, half-fox."

Jazz spoke "My brothers and I are two thirds hedgehog one third fox since our dad is full hedgehog."

To be continued

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