• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Escaping DuBois Part 3

*Danyelle's POV*

I sensed that something was bothering Vitaly so I go to check on him.

I fling a knife at him, missing him on purpose.

Vitaly spoke "You missed."

I spoke "What's the matter with you? The circus needs you."

But then Alex showed up behind me since we were already at London. “You’re leaving? You’re just gonna walk out on everybody?”

Vitaly spoke "*Packing up* They have good show without me."

Alex spoke "Look, I got a good left foot, but without my right foot, I can’t walk."

Vitaly spoke "You get fake foot, then you walk."

Alex asks "I don’t want fake foot, okay? *As Vitaly sighed* What happened to “Circus stick together”, huh? “Show must go on”?"

Vitaly spoke "Cliches."

Alex spoke "Come on, man. Stop being this guy. Be the other guy."

Vitaly asks "What other guy?

Alex asks "The guy who was all circus! The guy who jumped through hoops! The guy everybody looked up to! Come on, where’s that Vitaly?

Vitaly spoke "That Vitaly… is no more."

Alex spoke "Listen, man, you may have given up on yourself, but your friends haven’t given up on you."

I growl "So you're gonna turn your back on your friends, and just eat Borscht for the rest of your life? Or are you going to get out there and jump through that tiny hoop?"

Vitaly spoke "…It is impossible."

Alex spoke "*Sigh* It was always impossible, Vitaly. That’s why the people loved it."

Alex started leaving, much to my confusion before…

Vitaly chuckles "…That is why I loved it. Because I did… the impossible. *Turns towards us both* I was once a brave tiger. And if go down in flames, hehehe, so be it!"

That helped me smile.

Alex spoke "You know, I think we might have an idea for you."

I pulled out a bottle of hair conditioner and gave it to Vitaly.

I spoke "Try using this stuff instead of olive oil."

Later, at the show, Vitaly opened the bottle of hair conditioner and applied some while rubbing it in. “Light the hoop on fire!”

Stefano nervously lit a match and ignited the ring as Vitaly readied himself.

I spoke "You got this Vitaly."

Vitaly growled before he ran forward, before downing cartwheels and backflips before jumping towards the burning ring. Stefano was praying in Italian as Vitaly popped a claw out and started spinning clockwise.

Alex spoke "*As the spinning got faster* Come on, you got it."

Vitaly went right for the ring as a pop was heard. Silence in the audience with a single gasp, followed by wild cheering as Vitaly found himself having landed through the ring, back in shape and unscathed, much to his surprise.

Stefano spoke "*Laughs* Yes!"

Vitaly smiled and took a bow before grabbing the hoop pole, blowing the flame off the ring.

Song: Firework (Madagascar version)

Twilight spoke "Alright! What’re we waitin’ for? We got a show to put on! Let’s go! Go go go go go!"

Nazuna and Michiru were up on the tightrope with Gloria and Melman while I was preparing to perform on the trapeze with Alex and Gia.

Rouge, Jaytwo and Narancia were keeping watch since DuBois could strike any moment.

After the performance, the promoter met up with Twilight before bringing out a American Tour Contract as his pet bald eagle brought out a pen before Twilight grabbed the pen and signed the contract.

Jaytwo senses a red aura before alerting Narancia.

Jaytwo whispers to Nara "Crazy woman approaching. Alert Danyelle now."

Narancia spoke "Right."

Back with us, we were celebrating the acceptance of the American Tour.

Twlight spoke "We're going to America!"

Alex spoke "Whoo! Today!"

Marty spoke "Now that's what I call crack-a-lackin' to the max-a-lackin'!

Stefano spoke "*Flips to Alex before they hugged* Hoo! We did it, Alice! Maybe I am average intelligence after all.

Alex spoke "Perhaps even slightly above.

Stefano spoke "...No, I don't think so.

"Humble much?" I giggled before Vitaly hugged me and Alex with a hearty laugh.

Vitaly chuckles "Ha! Hair conditioner, great idea, my friends! Feel! Ha! Go ahead! *As Stefano felt Vitaly's fur* Soft like kitten, no?"

Alex spoke "*As Stefano took a smell* Slippery, but not flammable."

Stefano spoke "Ah. You smell like-a peaches and herb!"

Gia rushed at Alex as the two hugged and spun.

Gia: spoke "Gia and Alex, the trapeze cats-a!"

Alex spoke "We did pretty good!"

Gia spoke "You will flip, and I will catch! And sometimes I will flip, and you will catch. And then we will both flip and travel the whole-a world!"

Alex noticed his Zooster friends celebrating, making him a bit sad. "Uh, you know, the thing is... I-I may not always... be around."

Gia asks "Where are you going?"

Alex spoke "Well, I'm-I'm-I'm... I'm..."

But then Narancia arrived heading for me.

Twilight was growling for some reason.

I ask "Nara, what's the matter?"

Narancia spoke "Jaytwo found someone heading here! I think it's-"

But then we heard beeping as DuBois rode in on her motorbike with her henchmen.

DuBois spoke "*To Twilight* Bravo, bravo. What a heartwarming performance, madame circusmaster. It brought tears to my eyes. Hehe, no, not really."

Alex secretly pressed a button on the phone, contacting the Piplups.

DuBois spoke "*Through phone* Madame, we both know ze Pyroar and Kobold do not belong to you."

Private spoke "*Gasp!* It's that horrid woman!"

DuBois spoke "*Shows Twilight a newspaper page* They are fugitives from justice. You will turn ze Pyroar and Kobold to me, so that I may put them where they belong. *Drives forward, catching Alex and Sicily with leash poles, making them yelp* On my wall."

Rouge, Kowalski, Rico and Private slipped down before delivering a swift karate chop to the back of her henchmen's necks.

DuBois asks "What? *Looks behind her*"

Skipper spoke "Incoming!

Skipper swung in on a 100 KG bag of weight, knocking DuBois back as Twilight grabbed the page and stuffed it into the back of the cannon while DuBois was knocked into said cannon that had been filled with dynamite before the Piplups tied her leg while attaching the rope to her henchmen as Rico put a stick of dynamite in DuBois' mouth.

Skipper spoke "*As Twilight took a deep breath* Outgoing!"

DuBois spoke "*Spits out dynamite* Wait!"

Twilight spoke "FIRE ALICORN ROAR!!!"

The attack fired the cannon, sending DuBois and her henchmen blasting off while burning the page until not even ashes remained.

Skipper spoke "*As the Piplups did a secret high-five* Up-high! Hoo-ha! Down low! Too slow! *Slaps Private in the face* Well done, Private."

Private asks "Did I do good?"

Skipper spoke "*High fives Rico* Eh, not really."

Melman spoke "Phew, man. That was close."

Twilight spoke "Least that's one secret that will remain hidden."

The next day, we were at New York, not far from the Central Park Zoo.

Sicily spoke "I'll keep an eye on that Julien and the Zoosters."

Spottedleaf blurted out "You know what? I have a crush on Vitaly!"

*Giggle!* Good thing for Spottedleaf that only Twilight, Sicily and I heard that as us three girls giggled.

Spottedleaf spoke "I'm serious here!"

"We know." I assured.

Twilight spoke "You should tell him though Spots."

Spottedleaf was definitely nervous as Sicily headed out.

I push Spottedleaf over to where Vitaly was with my magic, causing the dark tortoiseshell Abyssinian to trip over Jaytwo's tail and falling into Vitaly's strong arms.

*Sicily's POV*

I kept downwind of the five so they didn't see me as I followed them to the zoo gate.

Gloria spoke "Well… We’re here."

Marty spoke "Home."

Alex spoke "Huh, that rock looks smaller than I remember it."

Marty asks "Look at the mural. Ha. Doesn’t actually capture the real thing, does it?"

Gloria spoke "Wow. I forget about that wall in between us, Melman."

Melman spoke "Mm-hmm."

Gloria asks "Was that always there?"

Marty spoke "Guys… I’m sorry I ever left the zoo in the first place."

Alex asks "What do you mean?"

Marty spoke "I mean, if I had just stayed put, we wouldn’t have anything to be sad about right now."

Alex spoke "…Leaving the zoo, was the best thing that ever happened to us."

Marty asks "Really?

Alex spoke "Yeah, out there, in the world, we were really living."

Julian spoke "Yeah."

Alex spoke "It was exciting!"

Gloria spoke "*As Julien laughed in agreement* It was romantic."

Melman spoke "It was dangerous."

Marty spoke "I’ve never felt so alive!"

Alex spoke "When we were with the circus, we were already home. I wish we’d realized that sooner."

My left ear perked up before I dodge a tranq dart as it hits Alex in the forehead, making him woozy.

But then tranq darts hit Marty, Gloria and Melman as one hit Julien at the tip of his tail.

Melman asks "*Dazedly* Is my neck getting longer?"

Alex spoke "*Dazedly* Feel at my fur, it’s so soft."

Gloria spoke "*Dazedly* It is soft."

Marty spoke "*Dazedly* Hehe, I look like a candy cane, *Hugs Melman and Gloria* in a black and white movie and…"

The three fell asleep on their backs as Alex dazedly took the dart off his forehead. “Oh no… DuBois… *Falls asleep*”

That revelation shocked me before I felt something prick the top of my head as I pulled something out, revealed to be a tranq dart, making me sleepy. “Oh come on…! You have gotta be… kidding… me…”

I was about to fall asleep as I saw Julien dazedly walking off.

Julien spoke "Sonya, I miss ya baby! I miss my stinky bear! Kisses. I miss my fishy kisses."

I managed to stay awake long enough to escape.

*Twilight’s POV*

We were with a concerned Sonya.

A male voice spoke "Sonya, where are you? Sonya! *Bumps into a crate* Excuse me."

I looked and saw Julien, and he was sleepy for some reason.

Julien chuckles "*Runs towards Sonya* Sonya, baby! *Throws crown away* I don’t to be king anymore! I was so hung up with who I was, what you was, what you smelled like. When all that really matters is what we smell like, together. Baby, forgive me. *Head placed in Sonya’s mouth* Oh, hello?"

Kowalski spoke "*Grabs something off Julien’s tail* Gasp! It’s DuBois!"

That something was a tranq dart!

Skipper asks "Mama pooey! *Grabs Julien* Where did you get this?"

Julien spoke "Got it from the zoo."

Skipper spoke "*Puts Julien back* The hippies got ambushed!"

Gia spoke "What?! We have to help them!"

Sonic spoke "We NEVER leave our friends behind!"

Danyelle spoke "Till Mobius and Equis end..."

The rest of the Mobian Guard spoke "Mobian Guard defend!"

Twilight spoke "Now let's go save our friends!"

But then we heard a thud.

I spoke "Oh no! Sicily!"

Sicily spoke "*Sleeptalking* Managed to… slip past…"

Featherwhisker uses a smelling salt underneath Sicily's nose, jolting her back awake.

Sicily spoke "Thanks. *Whew!* Still, we better get ready."

Orchid spoke "We need a plan though."

Sonic spoke "We don't have the time Orchid."

I spoke "*Smile* I think it’s time for a one-time only special performance like no other tonight from Afro Circus at the Central Park Zoo."

Sonia spoke "I'm pretty good at dancing though! I want to help!"

Danyelle spoke "Let's do it to it y'all!"

Later, during the night, we were on a giant hot air balloon, approaching Central Park Zoo.

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "I see them! They're locked up in cages and DuBois has a gun pointed at Alex!"

Spottedleaf's nose twitched. "That isn't sedative, it's poison!"

Gia jumped onto a trapeze, hanging by her legs as DuBois fired before the Liepard grabbed Alex, helping him dodge the poison dart as it crashed into a lamp.

Alex asks "Gia?"

Gia spoke "Circus stick together."

We then made ourselves known as about half of us were wearing rainbow afros.

A random girl spoke "Look! A flying circus!"

DuBois spoke "No!"

Skipper spoke "Operation Afro Circus Rescue, engage!"

Private spoke "Aye aye, Skipper!"

The two elephant mobians breathed out fire through their trunks, pushing the hot air balloon.

Skipper spoke "Unleash the Seel!"

Stefano spoke "I am a Popplio."

Skipper spoke "Whatever."

Sonia played a note on the keytar, firing the cannon and launched Stefano while shooting a green line before it tightened, creating a tightrope.

Skipper spoke "Two-tons of fun! Dive! Dive! Dive!"

The elephant couple jumped off, attached to ribbons as Manu tackled a henchman while Maya tackled another before DuBois growled while dodging.

Melman spoke "Let’s rock."

Gloria spoke "You and me, baby!"

Melman jumped onto the tightrope and spun by his neck, picking Gloria up before they landed on the tightrope. Meanwhile, Sonya came rolling in on her motorcycle while Julien ran on top. They then rode forward as Sonya drifted before DuBois jumped, dodging the attack as Sonya whacked one of the henchmen with a backwheel swing and sent the last one flying with a spinning backwheel before the two elephant mobians whammies DuBois with a double butt smash, dazing her a bit as she dropped her pistol.

Vitaly landed not far from Marty’s gate before he jumped and spun through the keyhole.

Marty spoke "Wow."

DuBois snapped herself out of her daze before Sonya roared in her face before slapping her with back tires before delivering a smack with it, sending the woman into a wall.

Vitaly spoke "*Carrying Marty* Suck in that gut.

Marty took a deep breath, doing that before Vitaly leapt through the keyhole again, now with the afro on Marty’s head.

Marty spoke "I’m impressed.

After nearly everyone was back on the hot air balloon, Danyelle spoke "Now let's get out of here!"

Danyelle's ears perk up when she heard Stefano's voice.

Stefano spoke "Wait-a! Wait-a for me!"

Alex spoke "Stefano!"

Stefano spoke "*Running on all fours* Don't-a leave without-a me!"

We saw snakes coming out of the hole in the brick wall before DuBois got up, grabbing one while through another away before punching it, knocking the snake out cold.

Alex spoke "Oh no!"

Stefano yelped as DuBois ran before jumping across a hot dog stand and kid's head while grabbing an umbrella before Stefano fell on his back when a knife stabbed the wall, piercing his afro wig. "Whoa-a!"

Gia spoke "*As Vitaly threw more daggers, making a path* Go, Stefano! Climb!"

DuBois pole-vaulted with the umbrella before opening it mid-air, flying forward as Stefano swung across the dagger handles before DuBois brought out her leash pole.

Vitaly spoke "*Reaching out when Stefano jumped off the last one* Come on, my friend! *Stefano suddenly yanked down* Stefano!"

DuBois caught Stefano with her leash pole.

Stefano spoke "HELP ME!"

DuBois spoke "*Noticing her pistol behind her before going back while pulling the pole* I will have your head for this!"

Stefano spoke "*Grabs onto a lamppost* Oh no! Help me!"

Gia spoke "Alex!"

Danyelle calls forth Tachigami to slice the pole, freeing Stefano.

Danyelle throws a warp ring under Stefano, saving his hide from DuBois.

I spoke "Nice save there Danyelle!"

Danyelle spoke "I never go anywhere without at least one warp ring."

Alex looked around before grabbing a trapeze bar, making Danyelle, Sicily and I gasp at what Alex was about to do. "Marty! Shoot me a line!"

Marty spoke "You got it! *Flips into cannon as it aimed* Afro, don't fail me now! *As Phil played a note on his keytar, firing the cannon* VOLT TACKLE!!! WHOO!!!"

Marty flew like a lightning bolt through the giant hoop with two yellow lines attached to his feet/hooves.

Gia asks "What are you doing?"

Alex spoke "We are doing Trapeze Americano."

Gia spoke "Let's do it-a!"

Sicily spoke "Purple pony! Shoot me a line as well!"

I spoke "Frankie, Jonesy, be ready!"

Jonesy spoke "You got it boss!"

Alex and Gia jumped as Gia caught the bar and Alex while they swung down. Mort swiped the pistol as Alex grabbed DuBois while swinging into the air.

Danyelle and Sicily followed suit.

Sicily and Alex fight with DuBois.

Gia spoke "Alex!"

Sicily, Alex and DuBois started falling down, heading right for a pool of cobras.

Stefano spoke "*Gasp!* Aquatic-a cobras! *drops onto the balloon with Vitaly catching him as the Popplio yelped*

DuBois spoke "If I am going down, *Brings out saw* your heads are coming with me!"

Alex spoke "*As Sicily grabbed DuBois' arms* We don't think so! *Whistles!*

Jonesy spoke "'Aight, let's go!"

The two dogs blasted off for the two.

Danyelle dove after the two dogs.

Alex spoke "*As Sicily threw the saw away* You're going down, but not with our heads."

The two dogs grabbed Alex while Danyelle grabbed Sicily with the two grabbing DuBois as they pulled up at the last second, dodging the cobras.

Stefano spoke "Jetpack! He pull-a up-a!"

Danyelle growls "Your days of chasing us Mobians and Poké-Mobians is over DuBois because you just messed with the Nekomata of Redemption and the King of New York!"

Sicily and Alex thros DuBois into the pen.

Wings flapping as she carried Sicily, Danyelle spoke "This is where animals like you belong! Now sit!"

DuBois was forced to her knees due to the tranq dart in her butt.

Mort giggles "Naughty me!"

Alex spoke "Lie down."

DuBois did just that.

Sicily spoke "Now, roll over."

DuBois rolls off the rock.

Alex spoke "Good DuBois, now stay."

Danyelle flew off while airlifting Sicily as she followed Alex and Gia, knocking the balloons to the ground below much to the excitement of the children.

Gia spoke "Oh, we did it-a! *Laughs*"

Stefano spoke "Balloons-a to the children of the world! *Grabs balloon* Trapeze Americano!"

Vitaly spoke "*Smile* It is real."

Stefano spoke "*With tears of joy* It's-a real!"

Those flying soon landed on the hot air balloon.

Maurice spoke "That's how you do it! Haha! *As he and Mort were lifted into the air by Frankie and Jonesy* Whoa!"

Mort spoke "Yippee!"

Stefano asks "So you-a want to run away with the circus-a?"

Alex asks "Live a life of adventure?"

Gloria asks "Full of romance?"

Melman asks "And danger?"

Marty spoke "Really livin'!"

Stefano asks "Whaddya say?"

I spoke "But the Mobian Guard and I can't stay though, we have families back home."

Danyelle spoke "Come on, Twi. Don't tell me you forgot."

I spoke "I'd have to talk to Celestia and Luna about it first... Then Mayor Mare..."

Marty breaks into song as the others sang along.

I ask "Hey Skipper, what did you end up doing with the crazy lady anyway?"

A tied up DuBois was in a box crate headed to Madagascar.

Julien spoke "Don't worry, if she is going where I think she's going, well... Let's just say Amelia won't be the only skeleton anymore."

Alex chuckles "Not if the fossas have anything to say about it."

I spoke "Danyelle, Sonic, if you both please."

The two open warp rings to Ponyville as they help the circus animals carry the boxes and other things to Ponyville.

With a flick of a finger and some magic, Sonic had flung Spottedleaf at Vitaly again.

Spottedleaf asks "*Embarrassed* Really?!"

Featherwhisker chuckles "Don't be such a chicken though Spottedleaf, you aren't bound by medicine cat law anymore."

Then Discord popped up, laughing and wheezing in a strange poster with the word "Wheeze" over his head.

Sicily yelped a bit in surprise.

"Discord..." I sighed.

Danyelle and Ben were dogpiled by all 15 of their kids.

Sonic chuckles "Hehe, that's a lot."

Sonia giggles "So says the hedgewolf that has 13 wives!"

Sonic spoke "You're one to talk sis! You're a lesbian!"

Sonia spoke "*gasp* You DID NOT just say that!"

The two hedgewolf-alicorn hybrids were soon in a fight cloud, dragging Manic into it.

Manic spoke "Oh come on!"

Sonic chuckles "You're just jealous that I have more wives than you do bro."

Manic spoke "Oh, that's it!"

Manic joined in as the fight cloud got bigger.

Michelle asks "*Sigh* Should any of us stop them?"

Sonata spoke "Sonia started it though."

Danytwo asks "Think the spouses should finish it though?"

Roll giggles "You have to admit that it is a little bit funny."

Adagio asks "So we'll only intervene if it gets too far?"

Charybdis snickers "Yeah but only if it gets out of control."

Blaze spoke "Well, those of us who are Sonic's wives know how to stop it."

Quicktalon spoke "You set me on fire one time though Blaze and you just can't leave well enough alone!"

Roll and Michelle spoke "Ladies, please don't start fighting too."

Swiftrunner spoke "And Michelle, take your spawn back or they're going outside."

Both of Michelle's kids were chewing on Swiftrunner's tail.

Michelle asks "Oh, *Picks up Rekka and Bolo* are my little wrecking balls hungry?"

Swiftrunner spoke "Hungry? More like teething!"

Michelle spoke "*carrying Rekka and Bolo, even while they're each 200 pounds obese easily* Still, I love my little babies."

"...How are you able to carry them without breaking a sweat?" I asked.

Michelle spoke "Oh you know, Jasmine helped me get better."

Bluestar used a spirit summon spell, getting Parker's spirit on the first try thus surprising Michelle.

Michelle gasps "P-Parker?"

Parker's spirit spoke "Michelle, I'm so sorry for leaving you alone like that..."

Michelle started whimpering with her belly starting to gurgle and tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Parker's spirit spoke "I'm happy that you found love again after I had died. That alone makes me happy."

Rekka and Bolo noticed Parker's spirit and started reaching out toward him as Michelle's whimpering increased with her entire body starting to shake.

Roll and three of Sonic's other wives comfort Michelle.

Bluestar spoke "Gah... I can't hold this spell long!"

Parker's Spirit spoke "Michelle... Just know that I love you, our little wrecking balls, and all of our families."

That broke the emotional dam for Michelle as she fell onto her butt while going into her 1,000 pound unbound form, bawling waterfalls while the sudden rebound sent Roll and three of Sonic's other wives sliding back a bit. Rekka and Bolo, who were still in their mother's arms, hugged Michelle.

Swiftrunner shook the water off, causing hir fur to go all poofy.


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